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Show 'as Donl forget the theatre, Friday A Oraal SoryriM Fatty, waa a grand birthday and in night. Thera LagUatiaa Tkat vU latnlaati iariaf tha prise party last Friday at tba raaldem Lilies. Tlure will he a dancing school yf Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Egbert In bom IoNriast Htaanuai Tht Biota! of Mr, Williams' h Saturday birth night seventy-sixtdu, Hall, Egberts Tkm March 24. lsM. Everybody invited Tha vlaitora met at the residence of J Ilarawlth la gtvas a Hat of tbs Tlckea 5u i.te. II. Lrklnssnd cams to tha heme of t a Important bills that wars passed, lust ana retosd during tbs session. Bsldra veteran an masse. They were bent n thssa tbers war Eetiaa. many e laased ae making tha old gentleman feel aa yy J law, intended to amend tbr and happr aa In days of. yore and t p "lawyer's lima come. Spring of la not Kotlea wars wbleb hereby given to the atorki prnrednre eodea, ate. certainly succeeded In tha hlgnaat at j twldera of the Kysvllla Creamery Com general publia Interest. 8k rairickt day next Saturday, Tim r jiliwing bills originating In tbe of tha word, as this la said to have be b pany that there will be a meeting of the stocktuililara of tha company held on the one of tha grandest events of this eha J. R. Barnes ss in Salt Laxe, Tues- Connell, hcraa lsw; Id, day April. IHM, at ilia Creamery at boura a day's .work on actor whieh baa taken v Making eight In thaLak plaea day. 8 p in., tha porpuaa of rbanglng all public works, Ibat is work mild for a fin and bear tbe ml.tre!a ping, at witefanypnhHe treasury, whether tar-- ri slrta elty this sea eon If r, Egbert ia oi the first two linos of artlela (VI, six tor nd, ruuuielnalor school district. A of tba pioneers and tbe goeata snrt! f of tbs Articles of tha loeorp oration WilfUmc' Hall. That tha amount of Miso. Minnie Barnra took a trip to contractor iuu agree with his employee crowded him with all appnipriated ho' whieh, now rends, aato tbe nnmber of hours they will ora. A'l tha naoal amusements warel, rapltol of said corporation shall bo three Salt Lake, Monday. tbirasrnd five hundred dullnr: devidrd work, but in tbs absence of aucb eo1 dnlged In and an excellent repast w into one hundred and forty ( 140) aharea. There will be a lecture at the meet- trart, eight boura shall be dbinitd served. Tba table was actually grear The proposed ehan ge Is that the said ing house next Sunday evening, cn day's work. tha new county of Carbon, lnes shall read a follows, That rearing lug under n load of all Uia laxurlts sc two titled Why 1 ain a Muriuou-- " tha amount of capital stock of said and m ni her daslgiiatlng U s maurr In deLehs which tbs marketoafford. l ro poratlon shall bs five thanund Tliere will be a dance at Wihxur' which t seats surt offlr of neweoon-UMr. 8 lver wood and Mr. CoMrkll baloi lars; davldtd into two hundred (200, hill'll flrau bseliosuu at 21. Paviliion on Wednesday. Man'll UsguUtlng the prae.ies of denlstry, tbs mnsleal attractors of tha day rend shares. Young Bros. Orchestra. TiekeU&cta. Beth C. Joses. prnvidinv for a board of examlnars, ered several choice eelct1ou. Kotlea given March 15, itoerotary aud requiting all dtntista' to procures There will be a general Palent-buo- d those wno bad tha exqulslto Among liesiue. we affair meeting at tlie tabernacle next Satof wiuiaaslug tie To protect the dairy Intoreat by m Pleasure urday at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. By striding lbs sals of imitotlun butter m ignt mention: TURKEY, TURKEY, TURKEY. order ofTrei. Hess. and ehnwc, and pucDblng tba sals of Joseph Egtiert, Robert Egbert, of those articles ae tiiegenulns. K. I can use all the chickens aud turThe Home Dramatic of Kaysvllle To tn olec; persona and thins in tbe Lewiston. t.iClie Valley, K.Mary Lay aud Hubert Andrew you nave to aeb. ton, key me Kgljert,D. will pn ient tbe drama Driven to oaof a trad mark, or labs) or Davis and family of Sail II. J. Sheffield. Wall," at the Opera House on Friday of peeullar design, adopted by family,!-night Marcli 23. i hmt forget the date. them. Lake, W. L. Wnlie and wife of Sait for the appointment of one Lake, CL L. Lay Ion, MIsa.Lauia It. The Deseret Dental On. of Salt Lake or Providing more frnit tree Inspectors In eaeh &Iiss.Aiinlu Egbert, Mrs. Samuel have town. nur If are in any you and forth disinfection of etli that needs extracting nr llllfng eoanty. and of aneh torn-o- Boyd, of Salt Lake, Annie 0. Egbert., dlutrnethm tha you all ,uld give inem a call, Office at Inseet and vegetable Ufa aa are in Mrs. R.W. Barnes, J. R. Barnes and the Mansell House. They guarantee iuileel to tha frail industry. EVERYTHING IS THX SEED I IKE. wife, Mrs. Sarah Barnes Layton, Levi ul work. Our Nseli'lac. Oslo Seed mud bt'UiAJ.mifm. Rcdnetng rhsenata In cases of tax Mis, Kmltr Charles wife. LuvUio, aud mad Jerurmleui Cnrn; 1 Taybir Ser( for aurarrlrm ot real salats. a sales The annual meeting of the ud UuLmr e'miirA ii4rt ou m lini.trd iuii,l) uf dreCa and other rweorded Elizabeth Taiytou, Mrs. Sarah Layton (mythrnu Validating Sllnmirii dsa Fra sew Futams Flaot (Flat Mil & F.ievator evidences ot title to of the Layton ral estate, not John Bartonund wie, John lion tmort aw Calalam ra'.ie ftn HUllfla. Co. waa held at Layton no Monday withstanding defects In tha form or aud wife, J. II. Larkin and wife. James . W. 6ARTELCES 4 CO. Liwrme, Ida. Mar. 12, when tbe following board of execution Uwrsof. Mrs. Julia Silver-woo- d as larceny tha aurraptli Cottrell aud wife, Punishing dlrecton were elected for the ennui ng tlnua Mrs. Dorn Weasels, of Salt Lake, nsa of elcetrleity for tba purposes year, E. P. Ellison, IT. E. Oiliaon, J. II of lighting, power, ate. Mrs. Annie U. Jones, Miss. Vlnnie Bonnemoft, J. R. Iiarnea lud John W, Authorising tha Worlds Fair Larkina. WEBSTER'S to dlsposa of the Utah exhibit. Tbornley. A memorial asking Congress to give INTERNATIONAL Last Tuesday evening aisiiit. IS nrlork tha Womans Industrial noma In this Territorial Betrdi. three IJitiecheldren tif W. C. Crilch city for u woman's hospital, DICTIONARY Tbe billowing nominations by the A memorial asking Coo grass to res tors low. wim resides on Thirty third mm A CfdwJfArdftr, Governor for Dental Examiner were Bvectttnraflht ai root, got possession of a iUtntii.v of tha suffrage to tha women of Utah. of Utah W. Christenson cunllrmed: J. "I'nmbrldge d." A memorial asking Congress to grant Rough im iUta," which had been put on pisceaof bread and placed in a pa farther time In which to prove up on nmntv for two years, 11. A. Whitney Everybody tor three countv Lake of years. Sail hnuld owa tola itlon to attract tlie attention of desert lauds, of Cache countv for OSctloaary. It mdrnta, and partook freely of the A memurirl to Congress asking to J. W. Thatcher all queationa simon. It waa Nome time before tbe have land grants for tbs University and three years, S. Clawson of Salt Lake cnasetniiut the parents learned what the children had Agricultural Collet reserved out of county for three yearn. and dotieand more thau three liours before lauds In the Uintah Indian reservation. Tha Flaaeer Crulwn af Vaartablea and Flawera. n leaning or words. Trustees of the Agricultural College Dr. (1 ravel rear bed the h use and ad Caattiai US pagM 8 x IS S lsahat, with deacrip-UsFollowing are a fsw of tbs mars top of Utah Aaron F. Farr of Cache A Library in minister'd antidotes. The little girls, portent bills Introdneed tn the Council Uatuaeriba,ast nlilaadi illutrstisu BOrMLTIES. county, W. S. McCornick of Salt Like that iutnet, sot axiggarata. a gee 8 and 2 fears, were anon got out which fulled. Itaelf. it also of Burlier (1. dlater, (iachecountv, county, gives the often Tha cow la charatag In haraaon Iona bbvllif af Braachlag nt danger. The little boy.-f- t years old. To abolish emiaty tax collectors, and W. 1. Kebt'lrcr of Salt Lake county, W. aired Infunnatiun (Oftn aold tbrChry. water solar peril la green and whila, with a goM waa in, ire seriously poisoned and In a aotbeonim.) eoncarning emlnaat penuiu ; facia eunorro-In- g Weber dieam of beamy. Impose their dutlss upon the county McMutt and K. Perrin of tog af Korelllea tba eountriea, eltiea, tuwna, and nat-wverv cnUcul condition. Dr. (I raves treasurer. Hlbtaraa, Swnwl, priatad In S dlBermt colora. All lbs leading movefiles sounty.D. C. Hibbard of Ilox Eid?r feat urea of tbs shihe; partScolara SWEET PEA now thinks that bla life will be These hard (Imae yan Dahlia, Ethel Vlrk, and tile beet of the aid varieties. To req-ilrso ea'ltd notea to be county. noted flctitluui penona and plaoes; tills eanaat aOnid ts ran any rWt. Bov XOMIIT SOODI Lam laratag tibria, aired. Press. Vick's trandatlon of fontgn quota tiona. ft if recorded. when you will rervlve you MCAIUBI. It to not Doable iarawas, In the home, uttive, etudy, and Reform Territorial Vlrk-- mnle gmw, thlo le of tha Trustees To regnlate volantary assignments vUooiniom. News, news, news, news: It is enworld ever, and ales tba& thtbarraN pays. A veiy Charoor Pea, the M. A. Breeden School John Watson, and the of eaee prohibit preferred little event fur pnifirr ered wlll making pncei1. aad S The Ope Great Standard Aattmritsr. Bagfla IsrpRy Floral GuUle the ough to fives fellow tlie blues! No- creditors. and P.Thornhurn of Weber county, tart trills. ManycmwrdrVfckl other Potstoes. If yna love a Snr nrrien Hen. D. J. Brewer, Jeaure of V. K. Mapmue L ealalogaa fur MB. countv. Laxe of Salt II. J. body married, nobody , notsidy Moyle and 1 Bend addeaea now, with rente, whtcb may he ded acted Defining prohibiting nanry. The Imanuuioael ISrlwaary a i wrtire Couif, K8Gtt T. F. K. Cache feuteee. Nr Vnaea of Cash 1 older. SH flat Martineau Oca the U hllla to of dMimaiM. to FMlenHue emuemd county, broke an arm or a boud; no one came chauga the present aa the one gnat aiaailanl aaihewy.' Bnucche Davis couty. law. in to talk of the crop, noo.ie got bonxv exemption KT Kecommmded by To provide for the malntelnanee ROCHESTER, N.Y. JAMES VICKS SONS, of and Varied a scrap; nobody buried: llleglilmato children. Beery State Superintendeat of Schools Now im UtBea, 8 veral hllla amending tha present Bnffrag Msstiag- nobody born; oh, Tor racket, a not, a j TFA aavlng of (Area cmJj per day tore fuse, some oue to come In aud glee ua lifyior license. The local womans suffrage associayaar will provide nun than CDoogh Blooey ratatoa of decedent. n share; aomchoJy thumped within an to porebaao a copy of tha Interna Gooal. tion met at the resldense of K. A. Wilfor Hen. an 1rovldlng attorneys Cha yon afford to ba without Uf fol TO SUBSCRIBERS. Every person sending n tits tbe when Inch of his life; someone run j IT with liams last night, Mooday Toloaatotha seat of goverment at Hare yoarBookaeller shew Itto yon. lowing program waa very nicely another mans wife; some one to run Provo. of subscription price This Eagle, either as a renewal or new subscription, will be carrlnl out In to pay up Ida dues; anything, any Several bills relating to schools. C. Jt C. Merrlaa i Co. .... Civil Government, presented with a copvjrf The (Vo uld Almanac bv the publishers of The Eagle iWMm, IN TBI HOtHX. thing, Just so It is news." Bring us .. Mr. S. A. Sheffield. Springy rid. Afgaa. Almanac may be had at tbia office IbriScts Tlie WEBSIEITS In The bill the following , originating some later, some cutter, some rorn, Mary Jarman IVTSOUDCNALJ Ilonas beeamaiawslaedid msuy others Song, of anamt erngMenSSSalB It Is sweeter and better than to much of Iimh tmimrtsnee. Eoiuy. Wliat we are all working tor. .nemunri Saran Da tier. giMhrfWstonha To provide for tha disposal of eatray Jawbone. A fnt stoer. a porker, a metanilnanrriaien Flora, Williams. Minnie Se'ect Kradeng and for diatree and damage, tu'kry, k goosfe. to work on wlihiut It animal, Tha next meeting will be held at To provide for a mechanic's lien, ate. ot Ilyruin Stewart on you know Its no use- - The hoys In tbe residence the Creating a Territorial board of eqnali March 2(1, 18W. office are asking for pie; the reason 'cation and Monday.evcnln for raili assessing providing tell we du cannot It landa. road They why. grant tbey BUsk Bsrlal- arecertalnly not uat d to It. ran tell bv To prevent snub and other disease In l heir looks, n dire in the soup tub by sheep. n Bra AND ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR 1894. board of and Creating I will herd cattle or horse at 12.00 polios REDUCED permit of the cooks the only way out commission In ettleai per bead per m;asun and should any of Hus ugly fray, lodo without eat Creating a Territorial militia. of them be loat I will replace them The Best Reference Bock Prime! Requiring railroads to port notices of with a steer or heifer of the same log Is all In your eye. Avalanche. stock killed by trains. age and sex aa the animal that is To prevent tha sals of unwholesome lost, whether it be of tbe cattle or A level beaded California farmer FX)R THE Everything up to Date and Complete. li irsRs. Should a person wish to set comet to the front wn b a statement meats In eitle. For the protection of flab and game. bis own valuation nn hut horses be lit regard to conditions In riul a'jite. To regolata and Inspect tlie sale ot must du an when animal ia put Into which will lit the people ot Utah equal lllumlDatlngolls, the herd and par 10 percent of said OVER To regnlate i he practice medicine. We let. our llm valuation for herd bilL ly as well, lie says: MIDWINTER . L. 8. aud uuiuorou Making Coni, We rot important throw kt, Slid ler buy fencing. amendment to th school low. Kaysvilie, Utxh. ENDORSED BY STATESMEN, EDUCATORS, AND away nr ashes and grease and buy the lines of the Theft I lowing Hone Mile failed to and raise Ve STUDENTS EVERYWHERE. visit. buy hogs, b eome Una dogs XT. To tax debts secur'd hr morgegea etc: We b.t our iiinnur go to wash and Creating the nlUce of precinct water SYSTEMS AND T11E buy gunn i. We grow weeds and buy master, tlf : Hit Reached Such State of Perfecvegetables and ttnauns. We catch 5 Toregn'stwthanseefartrstsn w'l: SOUTHERN PACIFIC tion That It Is Veritable EncycloWe with four dollar rtl. To provtile free employment oinei's; paedia of Feets and Events, build srbiMilhouses mid send our rlill vetoed bv ihe fiovernor: COMPANY. To restore the euutrole of elections to 1mn off to he educated- Ar.d, last ly, Brought Down to January we send our boys out with a torty.dol tha eoanty eonrt: Flrot, 1894. To unite the University and Agrli lar gun and a ten dollar dog to bunt That is what Is rnltnral College; fur ten cent bints, TRIP TICKETS. To regulate the locating and record being dune all over tlie HE Edition of 1894 has been prepared of claim: mlntug t he cii Ice we feed sliueui ikera log ! DAYS GOOD FOR 30 the lime wltlitn to which out of a Job and buy Isots and shoes Tochtpg We send wool to redeem al pnqwrty eold nt freed sale: of Jf.ivi'ivliiiM'ts., have a novel and attractive cover, wide mar-IgiTo prevent attorneys KAYSVILLE to same aud work nearly reht-- d the busy buy shop new and improved binding; is printed yard of riot h we weals Some to a judge from practicing before him; SAN FRANCISCO Ihw we have forty dollars tor a gun vetoed: on good To paper, and contains more and better establish free Is libraries: and ten duller for a dug, but It the public AND UBTITKK information than an y book of a limilar nature published. It ic hadei't thing In the worid tn vet nmn vetoed: General revenue bill: ey fur a new iudu-tnenterprise' To prevent public officers from lsli The Eagle SPECIAL SALE NOW ON AT P18SK0 AID LOST. id i r ir d-- wt adver-ileins- nt W, Kg-be- rt Kansas Seed House. f stock-luilder- eom-mb'si- ' ra Vicks Floral Guide, 1894, 1-- aa -a il r e n et dr-ad- M 11 t PRES WORM) GREATLY eJtiiRIWK RATES nilLIFTIHNIH FAIR 1300 Via ROW OR F. - ROim) T r-- n, wy al Tlie most valuable paber that rotnes to this otH ' is The New York World' Foarlp and Independaht, Working at ull times for the best Interests of tbe people, and never mr the Mulish ends of any ring nr individual, support inn tlie right and condemning thewiong wberever tounl, It becomes a greet power for good tlinughout ibe In oil Its polllev I defined hy It welhknown melt i: Filial Bights to All, Mpertal Tbe reputation of Favors to Rohe. IbaWeeklcy World as an incompar able new simper Is fully established, It rearhes for the very best aud fullest uewsoftbe entire country, and gets It. Tlie Celebrated Tariff Mule" articles are again running In their weekly and are creating widespread at ten-lio'll miscellaneous pace are reand In plete with article of valuable wresting Information to every uuo. It H column is a large pu)er tor only 81.00 a year. We have succeeded iu making special arrangements tty which we can furnish Tn K aolk and The Weekly World one year both for Address. Bugle Publishing Co, J2.75 UUb. vetoed: for tnltlnn toss U the University and Agrlrulnral Colleve; Tbs fiovernor vetoed tha hllla part Ing bounties on silk, sagar beets and . eanatgre roots, and tha memorials to K. H WlllUmn, Congress asking that tha bounty ha rei Chief JVSU; Brunt liailey, talned on shear aud tba duty on lead Justle ot the Ienee. A. timer. . and wool New. Roedsuperrleor. foha t.lnfurd, s. H. Linford, John Cslleji From Marcli 0, the Rio Grande Cwcsi'lU'Ms-JsA. H. Hlhsp, nhC. Jones, WCU Onlhnilh. Western will make round trip rates CHURCHES. from ull main points. Including Spun sh Fork, us follows: UTTER DAT SAINTS. To Missouri Rivet points and re Peter Anrtna, ' To provide Coiu-etor- turn to St Louis and ttV.V) return IGjo Josuneeltori beerier erery Pnndsy St It s. ant t the meew To Chicago and return hmrit--. Tlicse tickets s.ionld c lidHu--gwy) to (ns fiktjr da.vs front date of iMitcwlth AabSsOiMifl.'iriwl st IS a m. n' MutunlKrj TsesdriVenlng cmutniios piowage transit limit m V.HieS f : in the Vestry. hoi h riirci'tfons. All bratich line udnta will odd bo Ycnns lull 's Mutual every Prldsy at ('DO per wilt of dmhle local to uearesi w. In the Kultct Hsll. main lino Junction. d K. E. Bkown, agent f St RESBTTKRUN. lie a aeoeral These Rerrlren ewry usdsy nt II a m. meeting at the Tabertacle next Sato Snbtanth sebool nl I p. m. urday at 10 a. in. and S p. m, By order Evening services st T p m. Prnyer aeeUng Thundny svr'ilng nt t p. IS' of Pm. He. 111 H.U Knox, Pastor, p. $35.65 AMERICAS Including FIVE gate tickets to the FAIR. $Xsasto EXCURSION TRIPS STAMRD YEAR BOOK. 25 CENT& Postpaid by mail tlddfcal THE U'OrtLD, alVw IVrft City. PRICE' From San Franrlsc ) to other tmints in California will he allowed purchasers of Midwinter Fair tli'koto nt the rates. following round-trip Tn stations under 130 milt'S from San Ftanciscot une aud enu For the off.ndrtn rf Ihe Locomotive way fare. nt Sait bail and To stations 13o miles or more from Firemens Lake MrifCli 14, lire Khi (irafrdi San I'rancisco, one and dine tuird one will makes rmewf one fire r t Ik round trip froiaall Mdthns fare. Del ween Ogden and Tuistlo inrlitrivp. Fbr exact, rates and full intorma-o- n Ticket may be sold on March to March W. No ticket will U . 1. inquire nf P. Tliom:t.-e- a lie sold under B11 authority evrop' Agen, or R. k. Brown. B. G. W to persons pri'Hcnllng ball tirkntJ. S Agent. Kaysviilc, Utah. have arranged with the Ur address the undersigned. have the nam of the purchaser nt hall ticket plneed nn the Richd Gray, T. H. Goobman no tint presentation of a Gen. Traffic Man. Gem IVs. A. Ninio m that ticket ire than once can bo preven-ed- Southern Faclflc Company, R. E. Bkown, Agent. Sau Franclro, Ua. one-thir- d cini-mltlee- tn Pom put Ing Fair rate from Kaysnlle rtatien to San K ft nt co and return good thirty daya will urea the Rio Grande Wester rato f SV.no Ogden in pan Francisco anb return and one fare for the round trip from Kaysviile tot Ogle and return. Tne rate from Kaysviilc in Ogden i (V con ts witch added to the 35.UO from Ogden makes tne round trip rate Kuyriiic to San Francisco and return 835.65. it. K. Brown, AgonL Mid-YTim- er |