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Show TORNADO PROTECTION. made for the express purpoaa FARM AND HOUSEHOLD . apt out this covering is usual temperature of A claatla Davie ta Dative? the Fee letting the first man and vomaa ill at the depth required is very down from beaven, tha man aecurely eel steps Clee. on aveiage of sixty degrees. MRS. DINAH'S VISION OP THE fastened to ooa and of tha great THE IMPORTANT MATTER Ol Tha or tornado Is warm in the winter, but destroyer. Is the name of a machine A WATER SUPPLY. KILLING OP DR. CRONIN. variegated band, tha woman at the in the summer, and this is very or contrivance which may well take other. The end of time, according for the water. The tur-ov- rank as one of the. most ambitious tatmrm II W That tea DiTw to the Kurds, will be inhered In by Pars Water fur Mark aa Wall a Faainy the stone is covered by a inventions of the age. The power of Ha Baaa AhimIi-ir- t, tha appearance of four rainbows, a Xaeaaaltir Iraaist Kalaraa Why tlMU aa of duiable planks laid on four this new weapon against a terrific furIk. Ha a Xliklaar. la Whlak which will eroM at the zenith, God Qaaaea Are llallaA Agricaltaral Hlala fra and well spiked down. The enemy has not len tested yet First, aa Heaaahul Malpa, tka Vleties Appeal. nishing eight passageways for and his hosta jiasses through this, and tha because it has been scarce a month puidp is screwed on to this pipe. It slnoe the brain of its inventor deWater eappip ml Ska Cara. The white horse of Patrick Dinaa WHAT IS A GENTLEMAN? is d sairable to have a small bole signed it and. second, because there One of the most important parts of dril led into the will forever be famous not in roa Xebla CeaveiaMleaalCkarw Heaeart, pipe just under the have been no tornadoes available in the management of the farm, as well mance or traditional story, but in and to put a petcock In it hie locality to destroy. Hears aa Sana JaSgmeat. is the water covering, as farm the the criminal annals of Chicago and household, It is an easy question to ask, but a supply. There is far too much igno- to tat the water down to a safe point It is the invention of Eugene TurNo imaginary horse of the century. to avoid freezing of it in the one to answer. difficult What is rance or pin, a man recently released from a is be, for ho is still alive and active neglect in this regard, th As boon as the water is drawn pipe. valuef from French prison. He says Lieutenant honor? is is What What of which are always costly thel results tha dumb witness of and unconscious pump, the water runs down to Findlay, of the Inited States weather Though most people can and sometimes disastrous Water actor in a tragedy so brutal and sen- poetry? level o( that in the cistern, and bureau, confirms Fare, or at least few can define any of these th( feel, most aliment is and in the sational its accomplishments important really thus this danger is avoided. A few he declares that nearly all tornadoes answer to the and short the things; of all animals. incidents that the pictured horrors of holes are also drilled in the pipe, are formed in the upper layers of A first question is simply this: (ho stage fade before iL Its enEvery person should know that the four inches shove the bottom, so that is a gentleman. atmosphere. fatal fevers of fall and winter are ail the vironments 01 personal hate and gentleman Let me try to define him by a few caused dregs of the cistern are not The records of the United States the in soolal and political discord carry on e water, by impurities with drawn botwater. the The First- and well up as as torbureau chow weather negatives positives to baok, for a parallel, to the weird especially tom of the pipe is, of course, plug- nadoes in America that the not be that in regardwater cows, infect always travel the atrocities of the dark ages, says the ly, of his costumeor lie must in may Impure bis milk so as to tight Tills is quite an import- from the southwost to the northeast slovenly dirty, negligent disease to the ged Chicago Herald. ant matter that is often lost sight of. This jelng established, it is commust neither bo meanly consumers of carry a certain On the second night after the person, lie it while, by The capacity of a cistern of this dressed. easy to face the enemy, murder of Dr. Cronin, Monday, May norHemagnificently physiological influence by which the shape is, for one eight feet in diam- paratively inand wear must because you know from just what not gaudy 6 milk will carry off from a cow the eter, about 20) more than two weeks before the gallons to the foot in direction he will coma colors, or affront the eye mutilated corpse of the doctor was congruous germs of disease or other poisonous depth; ten feet in diameter, find galor onlookers with of The dangerous extent is only an finery. jewelry but animal Mrs. Dinan retired to a discovered the escapes, lons to the foot, and twolve feet, 470 eighth of the points of the compass, must not affect eccentricity or matters, who use the milk will receive bedroom adjoining one in which her He those gallons. Tlius a cistern ten feet says the Kansas City Journal, that or dress himself in such husband was sleeping. the infection. They then singularity, the height la, if you protect a town on its southvulgar to Thus the importance of securing a wide at one-thilived over the livery stable on the a manner as to cause the from the bottom and ten feet In west boundary for one eighth of Its as he to or stare the judicious grieve farm for the east side of North Clark street, a mpply of pure water will hold about 100 barrels of circumference it will ha tornado by. itook is as great as that of the pro- depth little north of Chicago avenue and passes to the of ten water, not at Folonius as must He dress In marly a diagonal line from the for tha family. And at the cows forequal three supply with- prooL vision nearly months, It is a well knowu fact that a waterEast Chicago avenue police station. all a fool, though every actor who tame time there are some considera- out addition to it If the water spout at sea collapses instantly if a any him to make endeavors the plays part be She fell asleep with nothing unusual tions of convenience to thought Is filtered as it falls from the roofs heavy gun la fired. This is so well in her thoughts, but about midnight so advised his son Laertes to dress oL a box of beech shavings or understood that nearly all wisdom. of true words in golden ships in is the dry time in the through winter The felt a horror creep into her eyes and coarse sand and gravel, it will be tropical latitudes carry a cannon But dress, though it be the first North, while the summer is the for soul Startled by the dread virion, dry clear of sediment, and will make fre- thia purpose. A tornado on land, time in the South. And what will into which unutterable pity mingled, and most obvious, is the least characIn his be cleaning of the cistern unnec- which is a phenomenon of the samo of the gentleman. here suggested may be equally quent the thought she awoke, and there by teristic essary. think himself uaturo, ch'i be dissipated in the same South th and the to her bedside stood l)r. Oonin, with mannors he must not in the world, spplieable way. reKrtura. will seasons be tha blood streaming down his face like the principal person Franpt only but North, His plan in a nutshell, then, is to Mr. IL C Adams says that when versed. And it is a curious proof of little rivulets, as if water had been the kingdom or ofthe company,which humility, this reversal of condition that the a man goes into the dairy business, establish aerial torjiedocs, fixed on thrown upon his head, and beside without parade him was the white horse which she is in itself an offense, he must think fevtr season Is rife during the sum- he is going to get a return for bis high towers, and, like the electric hours light towers used in some American knew so well and which had borne himself the least or, at all events, mer in the South, but in the winter investment before twenty-fou- r if he thought so. are over, the cow declares a dividend cities, and so placed that thu exploIn the North. the doctor in the direction of I.alee he must act as fail in deferential poHe must not View. On one side of the forehead The purest water that can be pro- before night You dont have to sion can only take place by autoof the doctor she saw a hole, from liteness, either to man or woman. cured is that which is distilled from wait twelve months; a farmer In the matic action of the tornado itself. as which the life blood was flowing, and He must not take the first place He the clouds, writes Henry Stewart in dairy business, running it in an in- "The apparatus which I have deInalienable his were if it right the New York Time. In natures telligent way, is in a business which signed, and patented a few days ago, the white horse stood there trembmust at table or elsewhere, is made pure. brings him in money every day in is so constructed that a wind of torling and dejected, with head bowed coinmlttnot,acts laboratory which, though they It is only everything the year; that is above the ordinary nado intensity will by simple mewhen it is contaminated down and nointing in a dl ect line are in harmless mav be themselves, of toward the East Chicago avenue pocontingencies of the weather, which chanical means discharge the powerny the dead and decaying matter ful explosive with which the magaoontrary to the prevalent notions of the earth that the water or the air may affect your grain crops. lice station. The farmer who is a dairyman is zine is loaded. becomes defiled. And this is preBenumbed with horror and over- his time and country. I am A hundred years ago a man might with explosives cisely what is the matter with most stimulated by this quick return and 1 doacquainted mastering pity she essayed to speak, dinner without nut exaggerate when 1 say after drunk losing which get comes Df his from springs and many each day into water but could not She attempted to the pocket as1 have in wella It washes the soil, the most in the year; he becomes more of a that the apparatus which arise to stanch the wounds of the his social position, but to any one mind will keep in perfect working in our day to that high and effective means of business man than of the other the farmers, doctor, whose face was sad and un- piring disposing attention for about a illustrious rank, the slightest ten- lead matter, tha wastes of nature he is a manufacturer and ha acquires order without complaining as a martyr's, but her 1 should or table use about 20J drunkenness at to dency end of mankind, and in the ordinary business sense and makes that study century. efforts were in vain. She wished to where else is fatal to his prepounds of the most powerful exploof nature the water would of the market which all manufacoperations wipe away the blood which was any tension. all this waste to the ocean, turers must have to make them suc- sive in each tower, or pylone. The trickling into and blinding the eyes To be loud in talk is almost carry of the doctor, but she could not where it becomes changed into food cessful. He becomes sharpened and explosion would dcvclope an immense amount of gas under enormous presfrom (or marine animals, as great a derogation move. upon which the brightened by contact with men in Helpless to assist, while the desire to do so filled her soul and the ideal of the character as to be fishes feed, and thus it returns once other lines of business, he becomes sure, quite capable of destroying tornado in its vicinity. At the loud" in costume I know that the more freed from all was breaking her hearL sho gased impurities into in short more of a business man. An- any exsame time the explosion taking place but it is word a word, slang of other But life. when we is when round and suffered in agony. another important thing here; be reached this course of nature with- the dairyman tells 9100 worth of pro- 120 foot or higher iu the air would The white horse's head kept bowed, presses a meaning not to interrupt never changing its direction from even by a periphrasis, and may, for out due care and precaution we vio- ducts from his farm, be is not rob- do no damage to buildings or other the police station, and the sad face that reason, be looked upon leniently. late a natural law, and whether it is bing that farm of its fertility. When property lower down. The number of these towers or To hear one man's voice overriding lone or in ignorance, the farmer sells $100 worth of crops, and blood bestreamed body of the others and one mans opinion naturedeliberately necessary would declaims the unavoidable pen. be takes $25 worth of fertility out of doctor was motionless. Suddenly every pend upon the area or importance of the soil. Farmers Voice. but calmly he lifted his right hand, thundered into the ears of too timid, tlty and we suffer the consequences the town or buildings to be protected. The cistern must be underground, and extending it pointed the index too Indolent or too cuorteoifs to do Ar Halls. to is Whr with To furnish absolute protection it fatal a Qeaaa Stentor, battle, as well an for convenience and safety finger toward her, while expres- Stentors claims to be considered a Mra Atchley tells a correspondent would be necessary to place them from frost as for the preservation of sion of sorrow came over his face. 10-yards apart the a desirable temperature of the water, that tha reason bees from her own from fifty to Then in tones calm, but sur- gentleman. And quite as essential as manners in this balled their queen when he re- minimum width of the path of a torhive in with sadness water cool and the South, way. charged pleading, he spoke three times distinctly and to the perfection of the character is may be had in the hot summer, and turned her, was on account of the nado within the dangerous octant A man dress in tha conversation. with deliberation the words: "Mrs. in the North warm water may bn ating poison tha bees bad saturated Take, for instance, a town three miles Dinan! Mra Dinan! Mra Dinan!" and with the manners of a gentleman had in the cold winter. The right her with. Bees will ball thalr own in diameter. The dangerous octant along its There was a brief pause between must not talk vulgarly, indecently, form of the cistern, both for strength queen just as quickly as a strange would he about a mile 1 would place each call. As she heard the pleading obscenely, irreverently, or even ig- and room, is a section of an egg with one, when she has sting poison on southwest border. in four rows ber. The next time a queen takes sixty . words she tried to answer "Yea doc- norantly if the Ignorance be very the top cut off. gross without forfeiture of the rank A strong man can only with diffi- wing, shake a frsme of bees right along that soction of the circumfertor!" but speech was denied her. Near the head of her bed was a to which his dress and his manners culty crush an egg in his hands by down in front of the entrance, and ence. That would represent an exsofa on which was a piece of white would seem to entitle him. the ends of it The close the hive quickly, step back out pense of about $30,0UU But granting all these three essen- pressing only cloth. She tried to reach it to wipe shell resists great of the way and she will return all fragile leemingly would-b- e would tials the gentleman FINANCIAL ARBITRATION. blood from his would but that the face, crush a per- right In soma instances It may be away pressure, could not move. As the sounds of not be a gentleman if his heart be fectly round body quite easily, al- better to keep the queens caged a White Asseres e Hee The He the words Mra Dinan! were fading wrong. Dross is an ornament man- though a globular form has much few days in the hive before giving1 DeddpI hot Thee e Hook. access bees a to conversation the ners a the but charm; more strength than a square or a candy, grace away for the third time she awoke An angry discussion wss taking never do; 1 always see that they in cube. with the worda Yea doctor!" on but these three may be possessed enough to completely fill place between two colored men on her lips, and jumping out of bed she all possible perfection by a scounThe material of which a cistern is have candy food combined But as when a queen Bates street says the Detroit Free the three drel. these up reached for the piece of white cloth best made is hard brick laid end- has come a hole, and sound noble a with a heart judglong way the candy may lress, and one of them was about to on the sofa But the dream was ways for a large cistern, or sideways In auch eases there lay hands on the other when Daddy be one ment the other the nearly gone; balancing had vision and the vanished, over, (or one of moderate else. The brick White came down Cadillac square more be to form true a to combine gentleman. ought candy put In. the d oo tor with his open wounds should be laid in water lime, with seldom lose a and stopped to ask what the row the queen by candy two parts of sand added. The joints pouring out his lifes blood, and the was about. AT PLAY. NAPOLEON of Agriculture. Journal plan. bowed with horse white as narrow should as be will give a trembling Dat man owes me half a dollar! head passed away into the night Boesperte A Supra sal? SalHah aa perfect adhesion between the bricks; Agrtoaltarel Mela. one of the disputants. replied Mao. , little less than a quarter of an inch Partlaelarlp Vulgar Little The South is buying hay of the Frightened and astounded, it was 1 dont deny it said the other. The diary describing the journey will be sufficient 'Ihe digging should North. some moments before Mra Dinan The South is capable of Den why don't you pay me?" could realize that the horrible and of Napoleon to 8t Helena appears in be made from the top to the middle of producing its own Kaw its too soon." hay, if It wilL pitiful picture that she bad seen the Century. It gives more or lets the bulge straight down and then be If you have a piece of low land, If you doan )iay dat half a dollar was but the fabrio of a vision. But significant details of Bonapartes finished in the shape desired. 'The marsh and will drain l'ze perhaps, it, gwlne ter smash yer finer' you dream though it was, it was none conversations, and presenting the reason for this is that it is not easy make It the best laud on Hold on. Mister Simpkins hole your farm. the less a realistic picture of a mon- exile, says the New York Tribune, as to work in it if the top overhanga is not best to begin to husk corn on!" said Daddy, as he stepped strous crime. Scores of witnesses a supremely selfish and particularly A flat stone is first bedded in the as Itsoon Let's see how between the pair. as It is shocked. uw might traoe every step of the white vulgar little man. During the first cement at the bottom, on which lug to the weather. It willOften, stands. How long has com dis If mold yore horse the night of May 4, 1889, but two months of his detention in the the workman stands while building husked too soon. din gemlan owed yo' half a dollar?" all their conclusions could not carry island he lived in a small detached the walL The joints of the bricks Bout fo' weeks." Millet seed affects of the Mr. of a kidneys as much moral weight and effect to building near the cottage with this must be closed, and it Is Has yo' dun axed him for It bcfoT' If Is animala too the millet cut the mind of Mra Dinan as did that Balcombe, who had two young Indispensable that the brick should sail." No, late, it must be fed very carefully on startling dream. And those who daughters in their early teena be laid tight against the solid earth account Den yo halnt got no case and of the seod. These young ladies, noted every fact and incident in the says Mr. aa the work proceeds, so that better stop yo'r noise. Keep the dog from barking at pass-- Doan he owe me dat money? tragedy regarded it at the time as a Glover, in a few days oecame per- the pressure of the water inside not out crush the ing teams It frightens horses and providential proof of their theory fectly familiar, and the general may Of cose he docs; but am yo' a seemed highly pleased with their walL and belief. Quite contrary to common may cause runaways The place for man dan a savin's bank? If bigger Is fences of inside a with the the that dog ideas, the greatest pressure in a cis The dream had produced such an naivete, particularly wants dst money yo gin him yo' most tern is from within, and this is often There is often plenty of time and notis an' do bizness in a impression on Mra Dinan that all of younger (a pretty girl, and a days' sixty out of the sight Ignored and the wall is pressed out good weather in winter to put up that Tuesday she could neither eat complete romp when bizness way. Humph! De ideah of a nor drink, and tears kept continually of her father). He occasionally so by the weight of the water, and, hav- fencing. Digging through the frozen white-washiculld man sottln' his-se- ir his imperial ing no solid backing of earth the ground may be a little hard, but what he bigger'n a baok wld a to welling up into her eyea Neither completely laid aside up So that else have you to do? In cities the could she rest until all that could be dignity as to romp with these young cistern is apt to give way. inillyon dollars in it!" told about the trip of the white ladles, who during suun diversions when the cistern begins to narrow ground is broken up for buildings called mans blind in buff, is aa etc., ' it absolutely necessary to pack when it is frozen pretty doepi horse Saturday night was made he intlr Collseeeb known. She insisted that ber him by the familiar appellation of the loose earth tight against the to expert calculations According noaaahol Help. Boney; indeed the younger, who ap- wall outside. And to aid in this it husband should tell it to all interestof Homo seated 87,000 Coliseum the The custom of brushing a tableed, and, as it appeared to do no good peared his favorite, said anything Is well to pour water on the packed spectators, while 00.000 more could to tell it to the police, she urged and everything to him her lively earth to make it quite solid, in cloth instead of shaking it as former- have found standing room. The two good points It does not him to give it to the state's attorney Imagination dictated, asking every this way the wall is carried to the ly hss of the circumferences the crumbo abroad, but col- external as it stands y is 1,728 and those active in finding out the possible question, and ho answered top, leaving only an opening suff- scslterthem Coliseum tidily. And it does not murderer. This was done, and bad without the slightest apparent re- iciently large for the admission of a lects diameter C15 feet, its its long fret, wss which the not of much trace cloth, man to the inside when it may be crumple ssdiy it not boea probably the white horse serve." There is diameter 510 feet The arena mussed at the old time method of short would never have figured as a feature the grand, gloomy, and peculiar cap- necessary. 27 9x298 feet and the height of is It Is a wise precaution in laying eldaringthe table. in the trial. That white horse of tive about this picture. the building 150 feet There ia still We do many careless things which to plaster the outside all ovor. bricks Dinan" is still alive and doing daily standing four stories of the original Daelilad Ilia. What This is done by spreading some of often involve sorious consequences was in all probability duty in a Western state. to said the poet the the cement on the earth at the lower it is s very common thing to light s structure. It Its no use, of auditorium building the largest barber, I will have to got my hair part and pressing the bricks close match when hunting in dark rooms A Qnaar Kali) bow Kaparatitloa. ever known. arrangement The Kurds and Armenians, whose cut it, and whon the wall is nr closets for some articles wanted. All right Want it pretty short? against in plastering the outside. This Is what a suburban young lady drswn many folklore stories and tales of 9uil(lnf from Kspertoaciw Close up. I want the job attended This prevents leakago from the out- did the other night She needed superstitious fancies far exceed those who has met an old friend Brown, to In room a closet some of the gypsies, have rainbow thoroughly." side into the cistern, which has the something spare I suppose your son is quite a young in aint hair style any effect of loosening the inside cover and struck a match to look for it, man now? Long beliefs which are, perhaps, not duplicated in the popular notions of any more. ventured the barber, in an ef- ing of cement forgetting a tulle evening drear Smite O. yes, hes arrived at others among the i aces of mankind. fort to be goniaL The stone covering the mouth of I skirt which hung there and which of discratlon. Indeed, bea I Just years for. care Forthe a in It isnt style the cistern should be two feet under blazed up They hoot at the idea of its being a fjry lively way. lm married. to I going introduced was witness to (Sods covenant with man a few minutes ago ground, wherever the freezing of the innately there was little harm done, call that Brown Io that the earth will no more undergo to a man, and he said Which do you soil might penetrate so far, and I but iuadeHoisello had to go about lion? Truth. you the or boll foot for week. a piano? hand a with declare that. the ordeal of flood, and buidaged play, equally where the summers heat is HER DREAM OF MURDER. itof ill THEY WORE MANTILLAS ad-T- be COSTUMES OP THE LADIES OF OLD CALIFORNIA. para-tornado- ! nrMu as Haagalp a -- para-tornado- es para-tornado- n' to-da- I They Ha Mope Wert Beee la palaHeaaalMI Feral! are Breaghl Free the Mather Ceaetrr. - rd ef the recta Tea UMalgoe er The costume of the Spanish and Mexican ladies during the first half of tha present century will, no doubt, be a matter of interest and even curiosity to the American ladles of this, the latter ball There were no dressmakers nor milliners ia California, yet the ladles of this province dressed more stylishly and prettily than they do at present Th daughters of th hidalgos and tha dona understood both plain and fin and th sewing i art of dress-fittin- g. Some of their prettiest gowns were the handiwork of the senontas, who prided themselves upon their artistic work and originality of design. The evening dress was of green, blue or yellow silk or a white lawn skirt over a red flannel petticoat, a beautiful combination, contrasting very prettily with the dark olive tint complexion of the Spaniah beauty. The aleeves were very short, if they may be styled sleeves, and the shajiely arms were covered with transparent lac, but more frequently they were bare, if full rounded. The waiata were loose, corset being unknown to them. A sash of red, blue, green or a combination of colors, extended from the right shoulder across the bust to the loft waist, where it was loojied in a double or lovers kuoL Some wore the sash around the waist as a belt Their shoes were white satin, and sometimes of other colors. A thin gold band, surmounted with a star in front or other design, wss worn around the head of luxuriant black hair that hung in wild confusion over the neck, or dona up in long braids, d tied with ribbon. The senorss or married ladies wore the hair rolled up in masses over silver combs, studded with crosses or stare Tha ordinary costume was. of course, of plainer material and tho shoes were of deerskin, tanned and made to order by some of the Indian slaves attached to the grun case. They did not use cosmetics, but the Californian or Mexican ladles sparingly used a powder of rice in order to rival the pure white or olive-tinte- d of the complexion To heighten the Spanish ladiea complexion they wore a short white lace veil of the richest texture, gossamer-like- , through which could be teen tho fire of passion flashing In their dark, lustrous eyes They tabooed bonnets, but protected the complexion with a mantle, phiirituhij. large enough to do away with a sunshade. The mantle was part of tho costume and harmonized In color and texture. For home wear a small scarf or large neckerchief, was thrown over the head or about the shouldcrsk They formed an exclusive set, from which even the children of the Siianiard who had intermarried with the Mexican was excluded, according to tho Philadelphia 'J'imos. It was not in good form for members of the upper class, the pure Spanish, to intermarry with the lower or Mexican class, Mexican society was also divided into several grades the rich and poor, ofiielaL etc. Only a few families of the original Spanish dons now remain in California. They are as exelusive as were their proud and wealthy hidalgo ancestors. The wealthy grandees who came over from Spain in colonies to settle In New Spain" brought with their customs their household goods and elastic charters or grants for lands. The wealthy brought along their old fashioned bedsteads of highly polished brass, which were curtained with bright colored satin. Some of these cost $500 and some $1,000. They were handed down to their descendants of the present, who treasure these heirlooms beyond price. There remain a few specimens of pillow-slip- s, counterpanes, eta, of the days of the grandees The pillowslips are masses of embroidery of many designs the work of the Maori tas, who; wearied of the paseo le eampo (picnic j, baile or horseback riding, would ply the needle as a pastime. The needlework In these articles Is exquisite, and showa to tho greatest advantage when placed over a lining of pink or blue cambrla The toilet towels were marvels of beauty they were embroidered at each end about a foot In depth and fringed. In the morning an Indian slave served coffee, or chocolate, at about vari-oolore- bine-bloode- d o'clock; at 10 breakfast was served; 2; luncheon; at 5, dinner, and at 9 p. ni., tea. After dinner, or after luncheon, it was the custom for the senoras to indulge In a smoke not very quiet, but seasoned with a little gossip. Each lady would have in front, within easy reach, a small silver vase filled with coals, from which to light her cigarette, which was invariably highly jierfumod. Unmarried ladies were not permitted to join in these siestas, except In rare cases when they were unusually chic, or were, perhaps relegated to tho shelf as old maids. They sat on ottomans in the Oriental stylo After the siesta, horseback riding. Ia the evening tho guitar some of the family playing, the others dancing. 9 at Ilantiag Ilaau Nimrod That, air, ia one of the finest trained dogs in tho United States. Fanner Well, by the way be pants be looks as if be bad become a strained dog Texas Siftings. |