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Show at Sea ELL ye whet, mate a, they uy to hsvs a person aboard lasnough to sink e ship, but this here chap ea were got for e passenger now 'ud sink e whole fleet ell by hie own self, he would! Why, he dont believe in nothin', he don't not even the 'Flyin' Dutchmen,' thourh every h ue Jacket as ever handled a sheet knows that that'a as true aa yeapel." "And he says there's no aich thing as ghoata blow me if he didn't! Why, It etanda to reason aa there must be. for if there weren't none how eould they have been seen?" "And Ive heard him say myself." added a third man, lowering his voice to an whisper, aa more appropriate to a terrifie announcement, that if there was a ship ready to take him hed go to aea on a Friday! Now, wot can yer expect from a man arter that? At this last climax of daring impiety, the sturdy seamen shuddered, one and awe-atricke- n all. "Well, he aint much of a parson, that'a aar tain,'' said the eldest man of the group, summing up the evidence; for wot on earths the good of his tailin' us to have faith aa hes always when he ain't got none himself? But in sptie of the fearful heresies laid to his charge. Kev. Augustine St John who, having been ordered off upon a long voyage in the tropical seas for the good of his health, had taken passage aboard the Britannia, a stout bark commanded by an old acquaintance of his own gradually won his way into the good graces of the whole crew. Ilia inexhaustible kindness and good humor, hia never-failin- g taut and the strength and courage which he more than once displayed as his formrr health began to return, carried in his favor the votes of the entire forecastle; and all the hands unanimously agreed that it was a thousand pities such a fine fellow shonld be "aa unbeiievin' aa any heathen darker in Turkey. The clergyman might have told them, had he chosen, that belief and crequality are two widely different things and that the high faith which is strong enough to soar up to heaven has nothing in common with the childish superstition which grovels upon the earth. But circumstances themselves had in reserve for these honest tars a practical sermon of a more convincing kind than any that Mr. St John had ever preached, eloquent and gifted though he waa in you, who are not dogs, but reasoning men, ought to have known better, I think. The sailors appeared to think so too, for they all looked extremely foolish, and old Ben subsequently declared that he liad felt at that moment aa mean as if he had been steal-l- a baccy" that worst of all Crimea In a sailor's eyes. But he consoled himself with the c ha racier iatio reflection that 'twas no wonder if Mr. St John couldn't see no ghosts, for aeeln aa how ha didn't b'lieve in 'em, it wouldn' be no sort o' use for em to appear to him. But another and even more striking lesson upon the subject of apparitions waa still in store for the Britannia's superstitious crew. The vessel had come within a days sail of the cape, and despite the collapse of their last ghost story, the superstitions terrors of the seamen began to revive aa they neared what all naval traditions agreed in presenting aa the appointed cruising ground of the redoubtable Flying Dutchman" himself. And in truth, it really seemed as if the same ill fortune which had so persistently haunted poor Captain Vanderdecken at thla unlucky place were destined te overtake them likewise; for now the weather, which had beau magnificent up to that point, underwent a sudden and formidable change, and for several days they had to beat against a furious gala from the southeast, which blew right in their teeth, hurling aea after aea thundering over the deck, bending the strong rnasta like whips and smashing nearly all the glass and crockary on board. On the morning of the third day matters looked so threatening that tha officers began to hint at the advisability of running for Cape Town, and lying snug in harbor until the gale had blown itself out But the captain of the Britannia, though happily less obstinate than his terrible Dutch predecessor, had a pretty firm will of nis own; and, confident as he was in the power of his stout bark to weather the storm, he determined mot to lose time by running into port, feeling certain that the gale would not last much longer. Sure enough, about noon on tha fifth day the violence of the storm began to abate and by evening the wind was falling so rapidly that they thought the danger over and got some aail on her once more. But they soon found that they were rejoicing too soon. During the night, indeed, all went well, but early on the following morning the wind all at once shifted round to the northeast, and a heavy squall from that quarter struck the vessel with a suddenness which hardly gave the crew time to prepare for it For a few momenta all waa confusion. The shin heeled over, the aea swept the deck, everything wee let go ou the run; and the howl end scream of the wind, the roar of the waveathe fierce hiss end patter of the blinding rain, the orders hoarsely bawled by the officer of the watch, the shrill pipe of the boatewsina whistle, the trampling of many feet to and fro acroea the planks of the deck, the ceaseless rattle of chains and blocks, and the harsh creaking and complaining of strained timbers made a maddening din. ' But fortunately no one waa seriously hurt, and after ewhHe the disorder abated, and everything was got to rights again. Toward evening, however, fresh eigne of mischief began to show themselves to windward, and, just about nightfall, the first officer (who happened to be on duty at the time) thought he saw tokens of another squall at hand, and ordered a couple of men aloft to take in the maintop gallant sail. The foremost of the two hands a Geordie" from bold, active young the good old north country, who wee one of the smartest seamen aboard-h- ad jnat awnng himself up by the futr on the maintops when he suddenly uttered a loud ery of terror, and came scrambling back again in such frantic haste aa almost to knock down his comrade, who waa eloae at hia lieels. Hullo, Jim! whatever are yenp to, you young fool?" growled the old man. "Dye want to knock me overboard?" But poor Jiia was la no mood for talking, lie could only manage to gasp out, in tones tremulous with horror The devil hiinsel's up In the maintop! 1 seed him with my own eyes!" Such an announcement, mode in the ghostly twilight, with a look and tone of overwhelming terror, by one of the bravest and most reckless men in the whole ships company, was qnlte enough for Jim's companion, who, catching the infection of his messmate's panic, went down again faster than he had come up, the two men almost tumbling over each other In their hurry to escapn. "What's this, noo? roared the first old Scotsman. officer, a Ye loons, did I no send yer to tak' in sail? Boo daur ye shirk yer work like tock-shrou- ds THE DEVIL tlH SAW. The Britannia had gotten well down into the trades" and was slipping easily along under a full pressure of nail, at a fair thirteen knots an hour day and night, when, just after dark one evening, the captain's dog who waa a great favorite with the men, went forward, as he often did, to have a run upon the forecastle But scarcely had poor Neptune got there when he was suddenly heard to aet up a most fearful howl of terror, and in another moment he came tearhair of hia ing aft again, with everywhole frame coat bristling and his shaking with fright aa thoroughly scared, indeed, as any dog could be. This mysterious panic, as may easily be supposed, sent a thrill of excitement and diamav through every man of the superstitions crew. They all cried out with one voice that the dog must have seen a ghost and old Ben Bohstay gravely remarked, with the emphasis of a man who knew what he waa talking about that them dumb hanimala, dye see? has more sense in one way nor what we has, for if there's a ghost anywhere on the ofilng, they're bound to know it afore any man aliva" But all at once, in the verr midst of the universal panic from which even the captain himself, who had hurried to the spot on the first alarm, was aet wholly exempt everyone waastartled to bear a loud, hearty, cheery laugh, proceeding from the unmistakably lips of the unbelievin' parson. 1 can find your ghoat for you, my men," cried he, still laughing, while the sailors, oneandall, stood agbaatfat this profane levity. Layton, will you come and stand here for a moment? Tom Layton, one of the look-omen" at the bow, stepped forward and placed himself, in hia panoply of wet oilskin for a heavy aquallof rain had just broken over the vessel at the red spot indicated, just where the langlare of one of the ship's signal terns fell right athwart the forecastle. Scarcely had he come within the circle of light, when hia transformed figure started out against the gloomy background before the very eyes of his startled comrades, as a fiery spectre. wrapped from head to foot in a quivering sheet of red flame, beneath the unearthly glare of which his dark, bearded face looked unutterably grim and ghastly. "Yon see now. lad" said Mr. St John qnietly, as be looked round upon the crestfallen seamen, that the ghost was only one of yourselves, after all. The dog must have como past just a Layton crossed that line of light, and I daresay it did take horrible, poor him for something 'ireausn it knew no better; bnt ut t'-.n- t, that native daring which had made him foremost in every peril when at school and college, Mr. St John waa already springing upward from ratline to ratline and in another moment had disappeared into the shadow of tha maintop. And scarcely bad he reached it when there started np in front of him with a hoarse, unearthly ery, amid the deepening gloom, a horned, black, shaggy head, with two glittering eyes! It would be rsab to affirm that Mr. 6t John was not startled for a moment by this grim apnaritlon, bnt in another instant he hsd recovered hia coolness and had guessed tha real truth. URING hard times consumers cannot afford to experiment with inferior, cheap brands of bakIt is NOW that the ing powder. great strength and purity of the ROYAL stand out as a friend in need to those wl)o desire to practise Econ-i- n the Kitchen. Each spoonful does its Its increasing sale bears witness that a necessity to the prudent it goes further. he called out extending Billy! hia hand; and he inatantly felt it caressed by the warm, moist tongue of the ship's goat which (as waa afterwards discovered) most have been lying fast asleep where the topsail halyards were coiled, and when the yard had been lowered in haste, aa the squall struck tha vessel, a coil of the goat's halyards hsd got caught in the horns, and the weight of the descending yard had hoisted it up, and landed the poor brute in the maintop, where being half stunned and wholly frightened it had remained ever since. "Well, my lads, there's another good ghoat story spoiled," said Rev. Augustine, eyeing with a quiet smile the blank faces of the discomfited seamen aa they carefully lowered the bleating demon from Its perch. "Taka my word for it, the devils not ao silly aa to waste time In going about frightening people. His game is to keep them from being frightened of him till its too late to draw back; and you may be pretty certain of one thing, that yon'rs not likely ever to fall In with any worse ghosts or demons than those which men make for themselves. WAS A MUSCULAR per-wor- k. N R vested in Royal Baking Powder is worth a dollar the world over, that it does not consume their capital in dead stock, because it is the great favorite, and sells through all times and seasons. PERSON. Aa Ksgllsh Dlvlno Vko Pat aa Bad aa Ortxiaal Swindle. A curious case waa discussed in ROVAL to an English court reoently, sayi tha Jewelers' Weekly. It Involved a question whether intentional deception was practiced In labeling a watch and chain aa "Gold Watch and Chain." The obvious meaning of the wording, and one to which no exception can be (taken, waa that both the articles were of gold. clergyman passing the store in tha window of which they were displayed aw tha sign: "Gold Watoh and Chain, price l,lls,Gd" (about $7.50). Considering the bargain uncommonly cheap, he opened overtures for a purchase. Before, however, putting upon it the final clinch, he demanded a written guarantee that the quality at Tho Bata Salaids la Fraaoa. IntSKSttnx sUllstlos hxvs base compiled telling of tbs rale ef tale Ids Is Francs. Dealing with tbo figures for Ibc year 1X9U, It Is retbst no fewer tbsu A, .17ft males and ports! i.CKM femsleo committed suicide, sicking a total of 8,410. The report goes bark tblrly shows so Increasing prevslrast of sad years suicide In that country. Thus from 1MI to 1305 tbs number was 4,fiM, or 1ft per 100,000 Inhabitants; from DM --70. 4,000 roars wars reported, s proportion of 1ft to the 100.000; from 1871-- 75 Liters were fi.STft esses, or s proportion of fifteen: from 1870-8- 0 tbo lumber a ns 0,250, or 17 lu proportion to the 100,000. them were 7.880 curt, a proI rom 1881-8- 5 8.FJ0 esses portion of 19; and from 1880-9- 0, oecurred or a proportion of 31 to tbs 100,000. It Is asserted that m Increase In tbs rate of Is the Inevltnbls result of tbo high pilch of modern civilization, with its attendant exeltemesL, worry, sod with tho tho Inorsnsed slruggls for existence there ie held to be a greater hopelessness of life to the of both watoh and chain was exactly as represented. Thrust into an ngly ussy. position the dealer was .forced to confess that tho sign's phresaology lisa's lahaawalty to HlmselL waa deceptive; the chain wee not Tbs siost Inhsmss outrages, Mirages which perpetrates spos gold. The admission in thla laatanca woald disgrace the savage, mss drastic his own system by swallowing psrgstive waa frank. The indignant clergyeoBvnlsw Me stomach, stoats his Inteswhich man made some strongly perti- tines end weskea his system. Ussy people nent remarka Angered at being do this ander ths Impreeatos that medicaentrapped and remonstrated with, ments only which ore violent la their action, and y the store-keep- er hia Inquisitor. Grocers say that every dollar in threatened to eject But he made a sad WALL T., Washing Ms Haaoko, They have Jibl been trying In Birmingham, England, as sxerrdlngly smoky bat not tho Invention for ws-blfoggy oily- amoks and malting It clrsn brfors turning It Into ths sir. The ides Is not s new ooo. but lu ibis application of It there art soma suvsl features. As lbs amoks prooeeda from tho furesce to tba chimney shaft it Is drawn sway near the point of connection with ths stack by mesne of n powerful fan revolving at great speed. It Is than forced through a Denver Directory. DK.NVUI TJCNT AMD AWMlHtt Heavy plaid shawls and fur Jackets are ing used everywhere by moths. 0D-- MH Mtate Mb E. E. BURLINGAME'S ASSAY OFFICE And Chamleal Laboratory, (Estisusmd IMS. Jswalan aad Phosagraphan, rad year waits sad sweeps containing gold and silver far liwatmrnL Promt Mania and highest rsah eyllsdrr making 380 revolutions a minute1 pries paid for gold and silver billion. Address lulo a tank filled with water. The water liflSssd IT.sl Lawrence St , Baarar. Colorado. agitated liy perforated brsters. and this process has ilia rficet of washing the smoke, which I then alluwrd to escape perfectly perilled Into the simospbrre direct, or I conducted back to the chimney. The car bus ts prselpi-tale- d to the bottom of the tank. and Is brought out in a thick, bubbling block froth, forming a deposit, lbs worth of which Is pot at about of an $50 a tan, along with UMr extremely valuable character. This device may bo applied to factory furnace locomotive steamboat sngtne and. In fact, to all A company baa been formed large furnace to work It, and there is a loud call for lla trial In U4w.-ls- sl (Iwssiirrlsl. Strange to soy. civil suite are not leslltu-Uon- s of polite society. Kansan's Hagla Cars Helve." WamurtaS ts nr or mease rsfamtsA M gone drugglsl tor It PrtssBcsnla Greatest review la the world. Lort algbt restored. . IrreppsAleslarly cathartics, sia ef arable injury to health Is wresgbl nsder this mistaken Ides. The lautlvs which most nearly approaches the beneScisnt action ofIsnature is Sse Celcbsster tpedlsg Basis adv. la other return Hosti-tleStomach Hitlers, which painless Tbs king whoso rula embraces the most bnt I borough. sad Invigorates ins Intestinal canal 11m subjects smoking hgrtcadof weakening snd Irritating IL Tbs Insuand stum sc b share In tbs benign discipline lated by this comprehensive medicine, whose hcathfal influence I felt throuybual lbs system. Malarious, rheumatic, kidney and nervous complaints succumb to IL error in enraging the clerical. customer, who, it appears, had passed the university with flying colors as a finished athlete. Look here, said the old gymnast, I don't want to take advantage of you, but if you ley a finger cm me Ill trim you round the shop You may Light blue milk with fly Insertion Is much take some persons to be old women, In vogue at afternoon hotel teas. but you are in the wrong box thin The human system needs continuous usd time." careful attention to rid Itself of Its ImpuriBeach am's Pills act like magic. 85 eta Further the would-b- e ejector did ties. not venture. A policemen wee sum- a box. It hurts a men just about ts musk to burn moned and the dealer arrested. The In effigy a to have his shadow on ths magistrate fined him. after which he him wsU butted by s cost. coursed his way home, a sadder and BhlMss Oamsaaipf flam fl'ara . a much wiser man. Sflmsinnnalm It runs fsnptent lWommss MnmKmths boss tmwh Cum. eu,mcto, A sua Vast Property la BsealvmP Hands, Mora than $1, 800,000,000 of railway SAKIKO POWDER CO., 10 W. N. V. Itowvar, Val. XL No, SSd-- B. When writing la advwtann plsaas say that row aw ihsadvarilssBini In this popsr. Sura Cura for Sprain, Braise or Hurl ! rST.JACOBSOIL Youll life H Alnays for a Like Uishap. .Atzefc'5 NortherniGrown'Seeo' ijaesSwimsraiistiwsaC SI UatThsra Ejr' gains, ga, forua ta sl$j4' ILdSj a lil . W- - be- ohn'A property in this country is estimated to be in the hands of receivera It AWAY. THROW is an imposing total well calculated no loses need o I to give some notion of the vastness clumsy, of the transportation intarasta Five Truest rsllaf which under receivers only partial systems giro placed great at brat, never euro, but wften the Union Paolfia, Northern Pacific, InSlot great injury, tndnalng fnflammatkm, etiangulsUoa Philadelphia and Beading, Erie and and death. Richmond Terminal represent close HERNIA to 25.0J0 miles of road, with an agmatter of bow long standing, gregate . capitalization $415,725,-71or of what star, is promptly and sod permanently cured without tbo knife asupts of $1,174,512,871, funded debts of $517,028,556. On sod without polo. Another la Csnswrvatiww Isrpry stock exchange valuation of the Triumph Is tbs euro, of stocks of these roads are worth about Fbrot"d otb" TUMORS 0rariaa varietta without tha perils twelve per cent on the dollar, or say Of nutting operations. a total of about $54000,00(1 Rail- IT SaTzer Sf.ED ( LCr55eiW f Poors! l,WiS 1, way Time PILE TUMORS, &SKJSS - diseases of tho lower bowel, promptly eursd Familiarity Broads Contempt. When Mr. rets Amsterdam returned to hia house in Harlem a few eon evenings ago hie that? Ax yer pardon air we aint a Tommy rushed into his arms and exshirkin of our work nohow, an- pressed greet joy at seeing him, swered the elder culprit, dtung by the while Willie, an older brother, kept reproach; but you can't expect ua to on playing and paid no attention to face old Sick; he's up there in the his father. "How la ft. Willie, maintop; Jim here seed him hisself. said Mr. Pete I did indeed, sir; I seed him as that little brother Amsterdam, your plain as I see yon now," added Jim is so glad to see me, while you don't forgetting that aur.h a comparison eay a word?" waa by no means flattering to bis "I guess it's because he hasn't had superior officer. Mr. MscXalt looked nonplussed. you as long as I have," replied The terror of the two men waa evi- Willie. Texas Siftings. dently genuine, and with all the courage and shrewdness of hia race, the lla Hod Not lead It- old Scot bad not a little of its superThe of the clock were pointbends stition likewise. He cast a piercing to twelve. glance up to the maintop; but amid ing"Have you noticed the clock? the the fast falling shadows of night nothing could be distinctly made out asked, yawning. it's the same Yes, he replied, Prudently refraining from making any comment on the sailor's story, one you've always had, ain't it? tbu mate ordered two other hands Yea" aloft upon the same duty. They went I noticed it the firet night I came up manfully enough, bnt scarcely had to call on you. It's a very nice one. they reached tho maintop when bock they rame again in hot haste, with Clrcaontsasos Alter Coast. faces ss pale as death, loudly declarSura the gentleman of the Biddy wue no and devil there, the that ing house ie not at home, eor. mistake. Caller I'm sorry; for I wanted to By this time the alarm hsd become l.ttlo bill 1 owe him. general, and mi manifest was the pay him a In that case, sor. Ill ask Biddy unwillingness of the boldest men him agin. Texas Siftings. among the rrew to make a third to the dreaded spot that there Illlssfal Ignorance, seemed to be nothing left but for Mac-Na- b to go up himself, when a murmur I don't believe that aunt of mine arose among the senmen. knows she has a moustache, soliloSend the parson aloft! It's his busiquized young Spoonamore, and It'i ness to tackle the devil, you know!" under her nose for lh Bnt there was no need to send him. been right 3 re years." Partly from curiosity and unrtlv from lest twenty-hard-beade- two-year-o- mart to tho knits. lD tbo no matter bow RTAfJlS! D1 VilJ!l huge, IsBladder, crushed, pulverised, without pain ar sad washed out, thus avoiding cutting. STRICTURE rSSSWfrSCJJ Pampb-lrta.u- a cutting. Abundant Reference and above disease sect scaled, In plain enW ct Would iliac (atom pet velop manica Association, BuSsJo, M. Y. av l DR. GUNN'S ONION for Farmers, Miners, R. R. Hands end others. Double sols exdown to heel, EXTRA- WEARING QUALITY. tending Thousands of Rubber Root wearer testify this is ths best they ever hsd. Ask yOttf dwlfif for Ihtn Ml don't be persuaded into an inferior Article. v Ear- - smup FOR COUGHS, IUMMCR IN0W for M year tt sneharily pearh; enmealnirfmm nrw hsrdl-es- COLDS AMD CROUP. seed GRANDMOTHERS ADVICE. bibb afetUrM. ar nlf iSnMfltfstaBvffif Owflu, Oo&da lad m OnrapvMwI0aifTvp.il telMt aa atootlva h forty ywra Mint mr ptaiWilldm tiki Dr. OwnOnionljni 1$ ay err ptownl to tl 00 omt tmrrvNMB Urvi 8$ rabatHat for It. Thn) ioOKf IM)IGUN 13 RHOR iiifciiifn work, cnating Iron 4 tn (ij, ImM value lor tlic mnurr in ihe world. Name and pric Umprd on the bHtnm. Ever. Mir warranted, lake ba aufati Ie. See Inral papers lor fi,! fleM'nptinti nf our contptci ft r w and jrf . - 'vlhowrt or amd ftr J, W'LPOUbi IntiraUd t'alaloff1 rhlA isBold $lftr and 7r - towiAWTIirur t derhemail. fire. bargain id dealers who push I atlll Mti b tow 1 4 NtPIM hmrlr You cm get Die i" our fchnes. Hlfti flrart FARffi WAGONS run KALB CHEAP. LLOYD .gBEBHAWT. Joliet, III i,V2C I Thomjsssn'i .11 v Eye Wate r - L seeming pearlies In deg. morw euld Htaud trees itill xyrr.-oM- l WME bcnr-BE- AR OTNEil MIL. Fruit If Interested Hose Ornamentals vriM If ssk.EsIfls.srlcsi -- will wve you money, ami MORE: mistake iKi.amdes iw. APsliifsr-VVliai02; XV'. H pities nufnna Sjf w jiU. iLD OAK noCEII Whole Kort trees nrw carefully jintpOBOted r w one knows gartUessnfnet liyll fruitful, lump method that gives 8ml trees. They "llslsngsr and hsr8sttsr."-N- e. irfuH.lliey BROW -- one dirt outer planted IS.fO0WltkMt Lasing aTrto. You nor cuiif get ltd :il any pile ours enually good for Ie money; PRICED Nurseries are the LOWEST sent worldIn If. H. fttrgiKfl ! wide during If VEERS. Head the (nuHeowbi of letters from customers who order year afdo not aa a rale vend teryear. Men the second. Uielhlrd. and even tha If order. md Mh fairly dealt with. V0UR ORDER -- we want if .whethone million, or one tree er for wo have flic slock to fill It -Vested. and Nnrserle Hut acres hardy, tsf Choice sorts -- Alisu V In Htnte il seres Orchards shin everywhere, ship all Wlslsr l.trnol dtntnge cellars. Pros Peeking. Free EXTR5 COUNT (II for 10.) SURE BRO'I NbRSERIE fi ORCHARD! GO., U K, Louisiana, Ms., or fisekpert, M. FREE FREISHI. than Others; Inlre. it |