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Show Vi V -- i V . ,- V- 1 V v , v.'- - ' -- A' W-i- i brink of a well that dropped 191 vertically into he abyss, grope ita mouth along a frail bridge UTAH KATSY1LLX. FRANCE'S MARVELOUS CAVE poles without handrail, then aaa a shaft eighty feet, creep along AND ITS OCCUPANTS. W. E. BMITH, FnbUsbsr paasago with another frightful p fall la it; tha opening into tha ce Twelve Ke4e Bede Me le Depth elite Lyiku about ita weather will not leal chamber. Tho thing would Xartk-W- illi Heme la ef the Crystal be so eaij hereafter aa it haa been ef MrleSi el Bats, KpMeri, ee4 Impossible. The mere thought Some la the peat Ingenious peraon such a risk makes the blood cordl Fltae Tarsi vs aheleleea. MYSTERY OF THE PAST, THE EAGLE. - n ?..,vAixj" TO THE SOUTH POLE THE COOK EXPEDITION START IN SEPTEMBER. TO Mb What Ha Fxpsets la the Vast las Caatlasata f tSa Aataratla Hegleea lalareetlag Tfcs Cm V W.JJ tenant Wilkes, and th French an ex- die begia. The length of this Antpedition under tha command of Ad- arctic night will of course, . depend miral Dumont dL'rvelln. Shortly after upon the latitude that we will be able these had been fitted oat the English to reach. After my experience in the fitted out na expedition on n grand Arctic regions thie phenomenon tesla ander Captain James Rosa. no terror to me-- I feel confident The meager results of these expedi- that if a proper system of exercise he tion end tho Intensely bitter contro- enforced, end by the aid of modern versy which they excited, I presume, foods; wo need not fear the cures of ere familiar toalL earlier explorers scurvy. An expedition to tho South Polar rrgiona la an enterprise far more difficult of conception in nil ite bearings than the one to the opposite hemisphere, n climate perhaps vastly mors severe, a navigation infinitely more Intricate and dangerous In character, sad so far removed from any base of operations, with no known harbor for the security of the ship aa winter quarters. Tha right or Greenland whale la rappro-ea- ts Espaclat haa invented a But who were tho men who occ which makea a mechanical these twelve beds? It la poi plod The causses, or high limestone alble Just possible that the que record every day of the extreme HE NORTH POLE height and depth of the thermometer table lands la the department of Lot, tlon may ha answered by a disco ve and the regions surr In each courae twenty-fouof in the France, are pierced with grottoes mado In 18301 In that year Mr. Uel-po- n rounding it have and swallow-pits- , hour a. and have in them of Livarnon. a groat explorer of long end often been at tho depth of several hundreds of tha megallthlc monuments in Lot brought before the No onk auppoees that the Cana- foot subterranean rivers that be may and Dordogne, having observed a notice of the public. dian Tory preae will atop rejoicing followed In courses for eume two or largo flat block of limestone In the While the geoover the dull tlmea in the ate tea three miles middle of a field near the roadside on aocount of the terrible deetltutloa graphical pole has One of tho Crouzatte, between Kellhae end Gramat, and, grottoes not been reached, In Manltolm, but thoae etates will near Ksllhae haa been partially believing it to be the capstone of a of tha scien- idly becoming extincL Whale oil haa doubtless be given an opportunity to many In the last two years, but hurled dolmen or cromlech, erected sxplored in- become less desirable since the introa tific oi on Are head of the eoale questions heap haa a triangular chain ovar it and raised volved in these duction of other oils to take its place, eume of the aubjecta of the queen by nf quite recently revealed features extraordinary and mysterious in- 1L He found that there wns no klst frozen northern region are now end whaling, in general haa besoms contributing to the relief of tho af- to reat The entrance to tho cave of stones beneath, but that the huge known. The north polar regions have very unprofitable within recent yean. flicted in and about Winnipeg. Ilea dose to tho high road from flat slab covered twelve skeleton visited so often by navigators, This has thrown several excellent vesto Retlhae. It opens out of lying with their feet Inward In a cir- been A flak la on foot to convert the llramat and recently by scientific sels, built for Aretie service, on the e hollow In tho surface of cle all bound together with ae Iron adventnram, a t cup-likfludaon into a aalraon river. the geography of their market, where they can be bought at that explorers, causae, caused by the felling in chain, apparently the bodies of twelve nn, r. a. cook. is it can be done, but if done it tho urroundinga fairly well charted, lowI figures. sf the roof of a cava. Aa soon ss the sun returns our ac- ' malefactor! executed sod buried and 1 feel confident ere the lapse propose to buy ono of these steam that will be contrary to the popular idea U. Raymond Ions, a young and there. will again begin. five years the north polo will be whaling vessels of about 300 tons, and tions in the field that the ealmon dellghte In clear adventurous at more sonthern exresident for The stone inland The covered was them that gentleman She service. party refit her for Antarctic be coma to haa of the lludaon idea and n The water. topogfair reached, has start on their excursions will made several then and to lies In Reilhae, this Its be three must replaced, for plorations day years. of ita immediate surrounding provisioned ao much of an open newer for Troy, In exploration of this old position, half a mile from tho raphy across the inland ice. The underground steamers built While two journey dozen of a command be will and at strongly the geographPoughkeepele Albany, va, and recently it haa been ex- entrance to tha cave of La Crouzatte. ers. of this kind would be perhaps most scientific observations will be conother cities along Ita banka aa to amined Mr. George Young, but its where something over sixty years by excitee While chronie this of state desirable, their nse would so increase tinued along the coast and as much of Ice ita from harveated make the ex.nterest is the of skeletons after those yet perhaps discovery hardly has the expense aa to render the enter- - the coast explored on sledges and in with ment, epidemic enthusiasm, a conatant menace to health. la After a rapid descent of tho twelve mysterious beds have been boats aa the time before our retreat it the idea to tranaform the salmon hausted. tome 150 foot Into tha aldo of tho found. will permit into a aort of marine scavenger? After the return of the inland party, mountain, tho passage has Its floor Singularly enough tradition le abwhich will be about March 1, we will No gift should be made without broken first by a depression and then solutely silent relative to the intera funnel-Uk- a at once begin our retreat We shall opening, descent ment and also relative to tha cave as previous inveatlgation of the recipi- by nse every endeavor to protect our veshaving boon a haunt of bandits. It ent, and money ought never to be into which reveals a chamber about small Is, therefore, certain that tha rea feet with sel from ice pressure and try to keep deep, on eighteen to unidentified ar beggar given lower level opening mains under the stone and in the her from being jammed or detained in the street Gifts, ao far aa possible, chamber at When explored, poles ceve are of very remote date the ice packs. If we should be so unshould be given In the form of op- but of it across the opening admitted aa to lose onr vessel our refortunate placed for To worlt to provide portunities f further advantage, but another treat is so planned that by the use of a Anil I IWnliia I'israL numerous exceptions to this rule oraollow ensued, which was descended The officials of tho lrussian state combination of small boats which can ganization la neceasary. To the enladder. be drawn over ice, and sledges, we will railways have for soveral years been tirely deserving and destitute in the into by a on an be able to reach onr life-bowinter lessons often the boat gift la Thon the horizontal passage came making use of petroleum In order to island off Louis Philippe Land, and in Where Lo an abrupt termination in a tre- remove tha lnerustations in the coaL Next to that, rent this cross over to the Falkland islands. fond la to be given, to be given un- mendous chSMin descending about boilers of locomotives and fixed After we have crossed the Antarctie cooked and conveyed to the home of lighty feet into tha bowels of tho machinery. These trials have been Circle, if the time and weather conrth. By means of a rope M. Pons so satisfactory that petroleum is now the recipient Then tho family can ditions will permit, we shall endeavor eat it tugether, and no one member and Mr. Young reached tho bottom, used In every case where tho into study the mainland and islands in find that they had reached a crustations are not too hard and imuse It fur himaelf alone. tho region of Terra Louis 1'hilippe. terrace or lodge above another well, permeable. Petroleum Is used after shallow-holOn the first washing the boiler and after the Leaving here we shall probably reach Winf.K Uukat Uuitaiu la extendM. Puns descended this also compartments of the latter are comthe Falkland islands about May 1; ing Ita rule in Central Africa there from there, after stopping at one or are significant indications that ita slghty foot without reaching the pletely drlod; the petroleum la aptwo South American ports, we shall plied with the aid of brushes or ln- -, colonial in the aouthern pert of that bottom, ected by moans of a pump On teem direct for New York. feet I found It imAt ninety-fiv- e continent are getting ready to aet up I do not believe that anything ia to on thulr own aocount Mr. Cecil possible to get further without a rope some occasions an attempt has boon behe gained by a large party on polar Rhodes, who la premier of the South ladder. The walls of the gulf were made to make use of petroleum African colony, glvoe plain warning perfectly vertical, but several frag- fore the water In the boiler has been expeditions. My party will not numremoved. In this case, tho Journal ber more than twelve or fourteen, inthat the victories gained recently ments were liable to fall at tho least of the Society of Chemical Industries must be uaed for the benefit of the touch. I put my foot against It and cluding the ship's crew. (South African colony. If Mr. Khodoa it went down, filling tho abyss with says, the petroleum spread uniformly My scientific corps will not be more over whole surface of the the water, terrible crashing roar. continues to maintain this stand an than four or five, end the other memRather more than half way down and when the latter is allowed to Influential party In England will fabers of the party shell be intelligent, out slowly tho petroleum fixes vor letting the colony have ite indeeducated volunteers. managed to find a ledge on which It hae never been of could seat myself, so aa to rest tho itself regularly in the porous inThe long and pleasant voyage from pendence. much commercial advantage, and ita hands and arms ol thoae who held crustations, which absorb it New York to the Falkland islands will defonae haa always been very expen- the ropei During my rest there I give me an excellent opportunity to National lJff la station. I saw made a singular observatlan. sive. drill every member of my party for tho g 244 There are stations, that In the casing of carbonate of 182 work which they an to undertake in forty-nin- e on tha Atlantia, being Nor long ago a man wai arrested lima there were little holes about the the South Polar regions ANTARCTIC REGIONS. o OF on THE Pucifle on the twelve MAP tha lakes, on tho eharge of eteallng from aChl-ceg- size of walnuts, and in these holes Much of the detail equipment will Show ln( routes ef prevhma explorers. 1 house a atovs in whloh there were email rod spiders, with head coast and one at the Falls of tho he left to occupy the minds of the memwas a fire and on which tho evening larger then thoir bodies They had Ohio During the last fiscal yean the expedition until the long of disasters to vessels been constantly directed northward, prise almost impracticable. I think bers of meal was cooking. The whole outtheir weba over these holes, and the number field so equipped as winter night I believe that by allowpun vessel be can one been have that negsouth the regions waa service of within polar tho the fit fire included, was lifted Into a in them caught ghastly files, aa white and very little la known of the to render retreat safe and certain if ing each man to work out and perfect wagon and carted away. Following a enow, with wings out of all pro- 527. There were on board those ves- lected, hia own equipment their minds will be the vessel is lost. in the wake of thie unique theft camo portion to their bodies, which were, sels 3,505 persons, of whom 3,542 Antarctic zone. On the decks of the steamer we shall beat and most effectively employed. be should this that seems natural It e were twenty-threand savod lost had the arrest of another man who however, larger than those of tha we consider the re- carry two lifeboat. One of these shall This being done, the greatest obstacle . stolen a load of hay standing In tho spiders. I tried to catch some of Value of property imperiled was the case when the nervous depression during the relative positions of the two be large enough to cross the rough Now come tho taking these moths, or flics, but found them 18,098, 075, and the amount saved waa spective streets to the more densely waters between the South Shetland period of constant darkness will be with regard number The of vessels points men 96,442.505, two of into o delicate that they seemed to discustody The Inhabited portions of the earth. The islands and South America. The other, happily overcome. totally lost was elghty-olgh- L charged with eteallng forty miles solve between ones fingers Our food will consist of a vast variety of the service one is situated almost in the center of a smaller one, will be built for ice If this deof telephone wire. We come now to tho most curious cost of maintenance of canned and dried foods, meats, vegethe lend hemisphere; the other occu- navigation. tire to take what does not belong to particulars connected with the cave during Ah&jrear waa 91,331.8331 Since the seasons ere reversed in the tables and fruits enough for three pies a corresponding position in the ono le not checked it will ho neces- of La Crouzatte. Above tho mouth southern a surrounded hemisphere, the months for years. Coal and coal oil will be onr Criticism. water by hemisphere, sary not only to closely guard the of this well, which is nearly ISO feet will he December, Janu- fuel, with an additional thouand wild of exploration Look waste .. said of seas, a the editor lying supply of seal telephone polos but to keep etrict deep, a bridge of poles waa dis- New Mexico j," hie reporter, sands of miles away from any inhab- ary, February and 31 arch. Therefore, oil to fall back on. to paper watch over the post holes. covered. This was most perplexing. the expedition should leave New York Onr outside garments will be made you refer to a 'Twelfth Night scene, ited land. Who could have found their way from about Sept. 1, next la south isolated the Bo pole of Arctic reindeer, Esquimau dog and Shake res pea utterly play. Ox of the United States consul over tha first chasm and down tho The conns will be New York to the wolf skin; underclothing of Arctic bird end the regions surrounding it, so Yes, sir." in Helglum In hie report comments second to lay those oak poles across cold is It in ite solitude, Falkland Islands, there replenish our skins. This, I believe, after having and be it man, Well, lonely may young just counA that the third abyss? On tha first two as well for the credit of this upon the fact that From the tried almost that one would hardly feel astonished coal and provision supply. other variety of try no dog la allowed to bo Idle, be- visits mado by M. Puna ho concluded end for your future comfort, paper islands we shall steam clothing, to he every Falkland the failed to attract reif had it to cariosity best way to fortify the of for beasts uaed In aa done had been that it regularly by persons ing directly for Terra Louis Philippe. On the body against extremes of tempermember that there were only 'Ten of mankind. draught as horses are here. It la es- quest of water, and that they had lot Nights in n Bar Room, and the one of the islands off this coast we ature. wee to that It that curiosity F. A. Cook. satisfy ten timated in Belgium that dogs down bucketa from these poles into first expedition to the south frigid zone shall deposit one of our lifeboats, with will acoompllsh aa muoh work as one the well. When, however, he found Shakospeare didn't write tba play was undertaken. to reach the FalkOld geographer en- provisions enough MIS8 JULIA ORANT. hone, and they are even more pow- that there was no water in the abyss anyhow. And he stalked hsughtly forth. tertained the quaint idea that in the land islands from here. to In the was horse bo aa erful than far could proportion reached, he From Terra Louie Philippe our course The Graaddsaghtor ef the Lete Fresl- southern seas great continents existed, their weight, as they compute till further perplexed, and resolved A Neighbor's Hlstaks. daat ef the Velted States. will depend much upon the movements as a necessary condition of terrestrial the load for tho average horse at to make a third exploration of the Mias Jnlia Grant, daughter of CoL of those vast packs of ice drifting Miss Freckles Your sister Little four tlmea hie weight, and for the cave, to determine If possible the Is around the polar ares at the mercy of Frederick DentGrant,and granddaughtaking muslo lessons, ain't sha? Ingle dog or pair of doga at six tlmea lurpose of this bridge over the gulf, Miss Mugg Yes, shes going the prevailing winds and currents, ter of the late Gen. Ulysses 8. Grant, Little la his or their weight It estimated iltherto he had not ventured over to learn to and aing. leaving temporary openings in the will probably receive more attention play that tha dogs in the United States it, not knowing how old and rotten direction of the continent or the Pole. than any debutante Is that wot Its for?-- ' ought to earn for tho country jat the wood might be. On the second We shall here take advantage of the of the season, aaya Of course. to and ladder across least 9150,000,000 annually, expedition he placed a Then my papa made a mistake, first opportunity to enter the ice bar- tho New York addo so would bo greatly to their the month of tho gulf, with a rojie How? and proceed in a southerly direc- World. She is exrier vantage, as their vieioueneea would around hia waist held by men to sua He said he guessed your papa tion to the moat southern point at tremely pretty, disappear, and the danger from tain him In the event of the bridge wanted to buy th' next door neighwhich we will he able to reach land. having perfectly rabies be greatly lessened. Hitch poles giving way under hla feet. There search for some nook or harbor regular features j bors' houses at a sacrifice.' them up Beyond it he discovered a slight for our vessel establish our headquarand masses of fluffy ascent, up which he scrambled and Ills Tkncr IllsstrsisO. ters, beginning systematic observa- light hair. 8he U? Thi reason that oonfldenoo men penetrated Into a cavern, or chamber, A tcachor who was engaged in extions at once. tall and slender! and swindlers usually aim to give that waa nearly circular and which the Darwinian theory to hie What remains in store for ns to face and holds herself the farmer the benefit of their bland- had a lateral chamber opening out of plaining class observed that they were not on this froxen continent during the in very stately ishments la that ao many farmers do li Here M. Pons lighted his magproper attention. Boys long, gloomy Antarctic night, one can fashion for a young juua giant. not keep themselves posted as to tho nesium lamp In a moment the paying said the professor, when 7 am endo little more than conjecture. We girl She wu presented at conrt at those of and gentry. dolnge Illumingoing! whole cave was brilliantly to explain to you tho shall be so fortified against the ele- Vienna last year, when CoL Grant was The victims of the threadbare and ated, and. to hla unspeakable aston- deavoring ments that if the storms ere worse and United States minister to Austria. CoL peculiarities of the monkey 1 wish d green goods game are ishment. he found himself standing you would look at me. the temperature lower than in the and Mrs Grant have just located themKivixn ASTsrr. ninety-si- x per cent farmers There in a vault with twelve rude beds Atlanta Journal. straight to counterbalance northern! regions it would not materi- selves for the winter at 243 West eonstmction.in order le but little sympathy deserved by a ranged around him against the walls, those in the north, end maintain the ally affect our existence. We shall be Seventy-fourt- h man who le silly enough to go into like herrings In a barrel street, in rather a l'nhspir Uhii of Franca. earth in stable equilibrium. From time thoroughly prepared to meet the worst mall house. They will do a great that trap Then signing contracts n sixty-seveOf of of sticks and wore bods France to time search for these imaginary The queens The immediate surronndinga will deal of entertaining in a very informal with strangers, and afterwards learn laid across them. poles Not being pro- only thirteen have died without lands was made. receive a detailed geological and fashion, and needless to say, will he first note a for have that signed ing they vided with a ladder. Mr. Young, on leaving their histories a record of Previous to the beginning of this survey. Meteorological constantly entertained themselves. a largo amount, la another old gamo, tho occasion of his visit, was unable misery. Eleven were divorced, two century many attempts had been made topographical observations, which will begin on our of which tha farmer is almost tho nine died seven to enter the ice barrier and discover arrival will be continued to verify this singular account lie executed, A l.SOO H. F. Tarbios for Niagara, young, right along only victim. Tho farmer himself however, made the interesting dis- were soon widowed, throe cruelly the continent Another immense water wheel has to but one year. exist, for supposed scoundrels unremittingly fur those tha gate opens of an ingenious apparatus, treated, throe exiled; tho poisoned tlieir only success had been the dixcov' A party will be kept constantly in lately been shipped to Niagara Falls to get at him by being always buy covery The wheel ia of the new type on horiby moans of which tho dwellers in and broken hearted wnke up tho rry of a few barren islands. As a re- the field in search of animal and vegeing of strangers because tho latter this cavo must have baulod thorn rest sult of this the old geographers were table life in the sea and on land. This zontal shaft, and ia known as the promise goods a little choapor than selves up and been let down by cords Tha lira KIhiL n disgusted that nature should have party shall also search diligently for Leffel donble discharge turbine, the reliable dealer In of twisted clematis, which also were tho entire weight being thirty tons. The I sweet. am neglected to constmet an Antarctic fossil remains of earlier life. leave to My compelled tba neighborhood. found. The inland ice, if it exists, will be water will be conducted to the wheel but Ill write to you. never fear.'' continent, and scratched from off their you, Who could have occupied this "Will you promise to remoinber? mpa tlie great mainland of the south- examined with a view to utilizing it as from a canal near the top of the cliff Ir yon want any illustration of cave? At what period? We seem to Of course, Shall 1 write to you ern seas, which had figured so long on a highway for mure southern exploraby sn eight-foo- t pipe, extending downmeans of ethical as a machinery an Incident in ono of ltlder by post or by boon If ward nntil it reaches the mill, located we tions. find their it for chart. practicable of demeanur the telegraph?" culture observe conwe shall establish an ad' near the foot of the cliff. The water Haggard's stories. It Is hard to If Early (n this century a few import- this largo wagon in front of a grip car ceive who could have durei to live mo it is all tho same to you, write ant discoveries were made, and about vancepurpose will enter the cylinder casing of the station. by postal order. "Hondo Umor and tha eame wagon leading a pro- in such a access to It is sur- ixticu. 1835 the American and several European From this advance station of pro- wheel from below, passing place; with a horse of full upward e cession profanity rounded by dangers, egress from it governments began to take an Interest visions we will begin operation the few feet, filling the ease, and thna obcar in the rear. of ArhlrTamaaL in the event of tlie extinction in these regions. As a result of this following spring, when the sun re- taining the head Ill(k The heed How's your boy doing in the city, international interest, which waa per- turns, for an extended southern sledge will be about 130 pressure. light so Impossible. What If the feet; the wheel beA given much light had gone out in tho cave while IVncon Smith? Getting along woll? haps international pride, intermingled journey across the continent. ing some 07 inches in diameter, a speed maundering and catalepsy has gone the occupants of those twelve bods Woll, I should say so; As the sun disappear explorations of sS3 revolutions will be obtained, Hu's with curiosity, the I'nited Nates govof to England to sound the montality of were asleep? Their only means porter in une of the bijgest house ernment elaborately fitted out an ex-d- c In the field must crave and s systematic and almost or quite 1,200 h. p. Mrs. Msybrlck. Irobahly he Jit ion under the command of Lieu- - routine of mental und physical exer- escape to the light of day would be in New York. His linn dues iilllioni hat he but much, not accomplish ir. to descend a steep Incline to the of business iu a oar; million. is there this in and really gone, ray of cnmfc rt tber-momete- r, I- -s Per-hap- sue-fac- e. -- life-savin- bald-heade- well-know- |