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Show .y j KAYSVILLE, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, VOL. II. The MAH. 15, 9 NO. 7 1894, cause 1 have seen, and grieved to, that Fsr Bale. .Bays Toll Bask. book luted fur a flowsr prase, a chair ' Two Lota and a house ChiuneeyM. Depew ones iwnirte bnilicr. a stop ladder, and ones I taw that nf un he regarded hie eneoasd la life aa with pant nr, three-quartea man sworn on It, .by mistake, ina due. In a great measure, to his firm- acre in orchard, large and small fruit stead of on the Good Book. Therefore ness In breaking rfl the habit ot f amok-lu- g, the rest in Inceru. A good brick froel the term le need advisedly. For inforsays the X.w York Timet. He proof cellar, on premises Have yon ever chased words" with enjoyed his cigars as mneta asdid any mation .inquire nf James A. Cottrell. your pnplls? llave you found the play ardent lover of the weed, but when he Kavsville, Pavla County. CO-OJ- P d.l'.gl.tful.and haro you .ot bvru sur- lutiudihal smoking interfered with his Donl forget the theatre, Friday prised at thsvarloos mesLlagf of some ibluklttg apparatus he promptly stopped Els QnuSa Wasters Tims Table. night. that are common f It. South bound train arrives al 7:26 a. I shell never forge ttbe eurprlse which R. C. Jamison wan a visitor to Salt Luther Prescott Hnbbard Is another m. and north bound at 2:4rt p. in. aceuupanisd my learning that trans- Now Yorker who attributes not . only Lake, Sunday. K. E. Buowm. nwaus to sweat or perspire! And ills financial slice l but bbqloug and Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Jamison went pire when I found, not oily that Istliled" coniebkd ills hi hia total abstinence UNION PAUFIC TIME TABLE. to Salt Lake, Sunday. might bereed fnr insnlated" and vice from tbs tobacco habit. When a mare Mrs. Stewart went down to t he cap- versa I had another shock. Then came ladberhewed and emokedbnt waa ital of Utah, Sunday. a time when I waa reading a will in an d to abaudo o both the quid and the Sec the report nf the ltaines Batik old l iweaee, where ilia testator gave to eigar by tha reasoning of a dear .friend. one Us house aud furniture, to another For ,T3 log Co, in this issue. many years Mr. Hnbbard had heir hie bonds and mortgagee, and been in buainew on Wall Street, and Private ftarllck returned to Fort to a third his barn, including his horse ast after ha had passed his eighty-fift- h Douglas last Tuesday. snd chair plait ly, the lsat word waa a year he printed and cirenlated a little Win. Lowe and family started fur misprint, unices he had a chair that treatise on "How a Smoker Got a waa pot already bequeathed as included Home. Si st London, Africa, yesterday. in the "furniture which went to Noi 1; Mr. Hubbard says: "My smoking 'was David Day is unite sick with a severe before actually committing myself moderate com bnt pared with that of many, attack of tonsil etus. to the f'lish imprudence of esylng cents TD OS. II. six cigars a day at 6 only Miss Minnie Barnes is suffering "Thats wrong snd I know It" as I used each, equal to f 136.60 par annum, .whleh "w ith a sttark of neuralgia. to a hundred years ago, I consulted at 7 per cent Interest for 61 years waa amounts to the small fortuna of $118, Ncah and found that "chair The directors of the Kavsviilc Don't fall to soour year tieketo reading another name for carriage. for 94.20. This bsa afforded msana Public. Creamery met last Monday night. What is included In the term"CattleH tha education ot my children, with an Dnnt forget the theatre Friday n ight, waa another eye .opener to me. Utah. Mujsville, appropriate allc wanes .for benevolent hy the Home Dramatic of larminglon Have you tried in vain to interest yonr objects. supported by Mat Thomas. pnpilsin myth ology? Bead from tbs This contented octogenarian begin The donations for the henef it Of the dictionary tha story of Pegasu and earing hia cigar money by depositing it r.rane family who were so kind to our show his picture (always supposing In the Seamens Bank for savings. In n deceased missionary Walter ftaftOn. that of sonree American teachers In few years ha had accumulated enough American sehoo la nse tha American to boy a comfortable home, near the FACTORY, amounted tot 103.50. v standard published at Springfield, Maas, Island and Long overlooking There will be a dancing school at by Merriam) and trees tha origin of city Sound. Daring the long period of his Mrs M Tha only lliie funding Pullnud Sleuplug ears betwera Ogdon, Bolt Labs City sad Proudfoot Williams' Hall, Saturday night, the constellation called by that name, patient economy be hoe been in the ChliMgo without Change March 24, 1884. Everybody invited. and also of the fish, to ris ui mUftettoi tuniM gm giving the reasons. receipt of bat a moderate Income. Irilw Tickets 60 Us. MUlteiitoliluiL What If that does also Dad to special InIn eky study andflahlngyon nerd terest The ore bins at the plant in Salt ieaiitisA the If if Report YAR H FOR SAIF CHEAP, Lake City are being rapidly tilled with uot faint because you have "bnildcd hoteloud" yon BARNES BANKING CO, copper ore and evervthlng la being ter than yen knew.'XUnder Your Patronage Solicited. made ready for ths commencement of may glva them further incentive to At Kayavllle, Utah, at the cluae of buslnem look aloft.) Other mythologactive operations. The huildingaare sometimes February M, 1HM. Train leave gin Qrtnde Tfeetera Balt Like City, att:IS p, m. ucarly completed and the machinery ical personasea will furnleh abundant Tlnkei OBloe, No. IB W. Beemid Buulh Blivet is fast grin; into place. A large force material for language lesson, morale, BRSOURCB. of men an at work In and about the ancient history and other snbjeeta clow-l- y Loans and PieeonnM. linked. I3 plant and he works are a vertible hive iT. M Dooly Building. Dus from Depoaitma, General Agent Passenger Department Of eonrse yon nse tha Dictionary for Doe from Other of industry, Banks. 256-2tfel. Cask . od 102, LAKE CITY, UTAH Street Hand, SALT bnt did ate., yon synonyms, homonyms Kaal Eatatr and nature, Uunfldencj Is again beginning to be Utah Ogden, Paid established throughout the east, north- ever go to li for quotations? Why the Expense Total , 7T,wT' book Just cracks and bnlgca with, apt Dealer for rlter ;,aJat Rsertagtca Type v west and west. Our eastern business r. UAB1L1TIK8. , Northern Utah, earrleo a full l!i . work stand lr on fur your quotations exchanges tell ns that orders from the of auppUeo for oil nuchlnea, I not snrer bnt Capital Brock west and north-wesren W.macomee and Mils Pa spring goods, nearly every pngs Pm Jw W. Barnet, Goahl tr Fund, John ft, Barnes, President. Surplus safe, with a oo easy terms. an coming In to tne manufacturers, "every wonld beair Deposit (Ueneral), Irresist ms to is that Manufactures epolU faaTlnH), which gives a cheerful outlook for Vtshler'a Cheek Surplus $10,000. Qapital $25,000. rubber stamps, seals, stencil, ibis. Let me givs yon first a few that CrrUScate ) of Deposit, business this spring. and oflee supplies. Profits Undivided badges as me hare etrnck especially pat Dividends Unpaid rlta or salt and see him The Railroad street from the D& Forone on content look nndir a General BANKING BUSINESS Total 1"! for the Herrlng-HalM- f arris Co., Agsnl K. ft. depst east, is the most deplorI On Manliness or Integrity Tmmtort or Utsh, "range. A ork. bos and Vault fire i tfca proof trong In Ihe 1 braftlB able street we have observed for some look nnder "doctrine for the qnutullou Cocktt or DAVIS, Payabla tod for catsluguss R. Barnes President of the above dwelling., ir.U i jokn alwould tout of ruddles Water time, from Goldsmith. As Illustrating Ood'a aaaied bank, do solemnly swear that the above Mexico. Our accommodations Is true to the beat ot my knowledge most swim a critter exists there at the providences, aee "Cater and "Caterer. statement and belief. will present, saying nothing what it John ILBaroea. for Concerning the progress in education, be wuen the spring thaw gets in its seethe President quotation from Watts, nuder Subscribed sad sworn to before mo this It, can be a good best work. For one at rammer systematical. doy of March IBM. W. BAMM. B, I Bldb then Do you know that an editor hr a re- stillneH look under "aspen, found In Utah, Notary Public. Call porter in Lis rounds Can stop and ask read the description just above (asp) ntei-ce- t Wd pay 6 Is almply perfect) savings a a hundred persons What is the and your Effective March lsi, the first claas Is book of and the such. full Just feewa? and nlne'y outof the hundred fionllnuoua pouuge me way from all i deposits Will reply. ''Bottling special. and yet Palbly you. are inUrestt-- in poll main line stations (including panigli below Bead or history, or both. titty out of that number know some- ilea, one dollar n p. Deposit. oi Fork) u all KlMntiri River nonwon thing. wblcn if not fodnd in the uext such worda as "aristocrat "eauctu points will be 620.00, and round trip feme" and doSens tanre. fate WEWENT YOUR BUSINESS GIVE U3 H pacer ill astonish them greatly and gerryunander from and to Bam points limited If you live In a country whsre coal is to cuntinuuua MEATS CLASS dlsapuint them more, and perhaps FIRST For direcpassage in both make them madder than hornets. used for fuellyuta may b uaibgamugatid tions with final limit, slaty days front stove. And Seo inventions ".tgand. )ont be afraid to let the newspaper L sue, will he 635.00. dale of Highest Cash Prices Paid fbt are not the only things of practical man know ot every ite- m- hx. Ratos to intLrmedlaie main line every daylnterest. Kvety subject pays should not be higher than from these points tribute to its pages-a- nd BEEF, MUTTON and PORK Hew to Kill City. above figures. into windows you may get glimpses The proper way to build up s city is everything, Drum which you may txpsml Under Inis authority the Chicago to eitner run It with arms of else to and develop to broader views and more rate from main line pniuis, first clast Robert Prop, Sellout and leave. Men who arc al enchanting visions It yon will only continuous passage, will be $32.50; 127. 0. Louis St nr do uevdr business s Way as getting nut I you adjure study your dictionary, R. E. Brown, Agent. help to build np a city, KltheF run a to, (If you choose) with tha steam thing fur all It is worth) get np alphabet itself for its his tory as there and keep It up, of quit 'hd whole given is of Itself A volume Hone into a Effective March second the first thing: slide nut and let nature take its nutshell, and not leaving It nntll you class continuous passage rate Ogden to Sacramento, San Ffancisco, Los course. If business is to emu to you are ready to mu to it not only to dispel speak a good word and.cncouragC those your mistiness or doubt, Hit bemuse you Angeles and all intermediate main line polntsun the Southern Vaelfic Ry who do not come. If you want a pros love its very raggsatlveueas. Teach the pernus city, to Which people can Come, dictionary t prescribe it; refer to f i ; Will be 620.00, round tiip 635.00, limitwho propose to make homes with you. sound It morning, noon and night, ed to sixty days from date of issue then do away with and burr from sight and dont let one student pane from with continuous passage transit lim- GILT EDGE Dll Jealousies aod spite, all growling under yonr influence nntll youjwve it in both directions. butter-mil- k. As these same rates are. in effect and fault find lug, worn no mure for a iwiia him hanger and thint for one few individuals, but all work for a and shown him something of lta almost under tills notice at Crand Junction ALL! Orders Promptly Filled. CQEtlE ONE! atfcl luutU&l will use same common prosperity llmltl sopomlblUtles. 8pur his aiubiuun all mam line stations benefit Wake np and fub yonr eyes, not Farmers, wishing to Contract tlielr figures. only to own one bnt to nse it. All branch lines Will add usual local inilk should do .so at once before the toll up your sleeve and go to work to nearest mainline Junction on one amount needed is contracted witu a vim. Don't work with fear and trembling; but take it for truth way tickets and 80 percent of double Iks Baas Old Btny: Telephone at Cbop store. telliw oi Ih local on round trip tickets. will this dny thot"tljod home rcaif the Thu man wlmdnesent R. E. Brown; Agent. booms and p'ungca the old croaker OF almost dlsapcarcd before USUAL lias paper s can and hiust go, pesimei-tpullback and education of pmgrea march the have ho place in ihe itinderd proresslnu These alii be a general rrleatnood ttu-rare still a few of them left. 3eo. 4riu:, J Of progress! Lire men duly tiari make but at the TaherLucle next Sat- O. W. Under!!, meeting DOW ON W them as order a city. Elect lurli fcl hfflsies Who knbw Bill is ye pays Ills respects man 2 m. and 10 a. By p. ni. at urday has, their duty, and Will da it regardless 6 fiillflws: Etery Newspaper of Free. I IesS. epncie: RETAIL dealers .in fear and 'fatbriUMn. There me a it some lime in h!s buninc more now takes man who tlumbrr nf our cl' liens wnd eoilld plu! met the he can reach He was in Fair the sale Wines For the , k few pointers frbin the annve by papers than 1 icketS to San Fcuuciscu, twenty-fiv- e He Week. paid excursion last town of Business Mgii Uuiylng it vert ttdrcfully slid follow- cents for an almanac, wiped his nos-- : via Ogden and and Cigargi returning going Coritem ing the advice giteu, Biys a oh an iwning.tricrt to Wow out the thd Southern Pirlflc direct route will Wi tart Jut NNbct M itock tf Sorb, hr at aawg purary. Ex. electric light at the hotel, tried to be 633.W. Rates going via the Shasta M nrpww which wi effl itil to tak tne light a cigar on It, called through Uck route snd Portland or reversed will be WitaalIitklkMttRikc:a:t lutaiif d By Dictionary Work. 1 ener slot fur his mall, wanted to 615.00, hlglier than direct route. Above EDUCATIONAL. tMn MuffthA totaiM mu M. SERIEl PAT1E1CK he AMP because bank admission the of of tickets j j rates include five Aside from spelling, syllabication, pro- the cashier 5 oclock and watched the to the fair good 30 days and do sap at closed Solicited: nunciation, ete there are many other mow, FREE of Normal Instructor, the betedncatloriAl over a Jewelry store, waitr over privileges allowed in either di- Family America, will Hive nail particular. Uanavillc, N.Ytrt legitimate naee for the Dictionary and rlock sign pipcrln . Kxtmvilt.ej Utah strike. to gcnt: It TpnjisssitN; P rection: be Well usee? ingfor phf M I aay legitimate IEIjloxjE Two-Bonm- rd rs S1ATSVTT. ,T ,T1 TH2E3 Spring goods constantly arriving Gail and examin our stock. in-du- THE ULlTBriJL,T COOP. - PHILLIPS Surveyor and Notary SANTA FE ROUTE Rio Grande Western, Colorado KUYSVILLE KRIT- - Midland, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rys. ting J Pro, QUICKEST HiINE EQUIPMENT UNUR.PASSED. SHCOILTEIST, SEBNEHY UNHQUALEn. VIA ELENWnHD SFRINHS. t, s. JV el c. BTJieisnaTTo G-HrPE- 5, BARNES BANKING COMPANY t, I l Transacts Drawn anywhere Careda or transacting general business are as at 1 word-pletu- ra K AYSVIIiLH Meat Market. d in per cent and uc cite any tt . mount liiil all solicited TRldtl The Home Dramatic Club ot Farmington in their new success . T Blamires KAYSmLE O REAMERY OO. BUTTES re'im and With the full strength of the Co. supported by MAT. THOMAS ON lLEtaiEL IQ, 1B9-4- , CORE and contribute to the mission" ary fond. PRICES STXfJLJsr & OO. ' Mid-Wint- er ADMISSION. RESERVED SAET3 SALE, E. A. Cottrell Liquors tbhfavo and Trade A O O lE2mJMMl l Cl Ik D |