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Show he never tried this particular Sank. pises between the commander of the He would bound and frisk about, to brig nnd the captain of the schooner. " Schooner ahoy!' ceiled tha officer. be sure, but he did not throw himself " 'Hallo!' responded the Yankee. his as he did against against them, " 'Who commands that schooner? little mistress. "Hrother Jonathan uaet tu, but I Sometimes, however, the tables were do neaow.1 turned upon him in a droll way. lie Tbonxbtlasa Haa. Hrother Jonathan who the devil was very fond of hunting, nnd greatly ia he?1 It Is to bs a short lecture to the excited over every woodchuck hole hs men " Why, you must be a darned fool thorn thoughtless onss found, always believing that some who love their wives dearly, but who not to know Hrother Jonathan every one In should be succeed digging day make their lives ten times harder than body in tsown knows him.' oat, though he never accomplished ie necessary by committing acts of " 'Mend your boat aboard!' that feat. In his daily walks through " Don't know whether I shall or carelessness that mean just so much the woods with hia mistress, there n wura work for tha tired brain sad were qfertain not; for the boat's nil soggy, and I retreats of hain't got no new clothes Hrother body of tha woman they promised lo the Srily foe that he never passed love and cherish. Jonathan's got a new coat, ani if hes vijASout a ealL One of these waa at The active bunr creature whole mind to go he may, but 1 am sore I the further able of a pasture that borshant. daily existence is passed out of dered the woods, where grazed a herd AMERICAN ARMY. doors does not realise how many steps Striker shouted the Ilritisher. of cows Whenever the walk led that rbe call is after soundin' assembly for psrado. it takea to get tha house into that Strike? Why, 1 haven't nobody way Haider slipped under the. fenor, Tlie wive mu, froal and neuter, hare dutifulstate of perfect order that greets but dad. lie's cooking, here strike to made his field to visit and the crossed said. ly PLEASE-MYSELF. FAIRY "All prrwut or accounted for,'' aa whilstbs end he's crazy; end if I strike him eyes whenever his steps carry him the at the woodchuck, sniffing eagerly busies blow, A TIRED WOMAN'S EPITAPH. into hit home at close of day. Per1 know s little fairy. hole, and throwing ont a peck or so of With Fur wardwe auUkf rivbl mareh?" wi do he'll strike back again; so it. no use. A naughty lie from slf, kn.w the beat that him to the What are yon loaded with? spring sigh Here lla poor aromas who u ilngn tlrrd. haps earth every time; Brimful uf irlcka aud mtachli-f- , L'a Bncllahaum an' Frenchmen, Who Iliad la a houaa wuere kelp aol hired. patient Ups seems affected aa tha " f 'Hale 1'ke ' Fairy Keok-h- , were cows or goods and hen's, and hon's la There Huuxariaaaaa fifty forty Her lank word oa earih oera: "Hear friaada wife brushes ha mud tracks an' and long-factiermaua. tha nnd Eyetallaus husbands, np had who their I an rots the field, evidently We htdm ia every nursery An' Irishmen an' Dutch: Where aaihlug ant doat aor avaeplnn, aor has made upon the carpet or picks u You alwaya kuow aha a there, one of afternoon and An' Scandinavians from a love. gentry.' dogs, opinion aralua. Wlu-little folks are fretiia, An' Switzers from baiow. the clothes he has thrown at random Where are you bound to'.v when be passed through they all Rut everjrihim them la exact to my elahm. Aud tht-a-, my dean, liewarel For thert jou see, before you, tho For ohera they don't ant there's ao wmhliix aI about tha tidy apartment 'Stoningtaoivn.' fixed and Ol their American Army eyes stopped graxing tflaliei. She's very old, this fairy; lie may think her overparticular if "By this time Hrother Jonathan Ill be oh era loud anthems oil! always ha upon him. He spent hie usual five rberet too much pressure on the right anas How old. 1 cannot tell. ahe requests him not to tilt back In had boarded the brig, where he was But it la very liaely. aaa am back. off minutes started The ah. and there, yzya alny-iof But bavins ao voice I'll (at clear the That Adam knew her well Ilka a rotten fence all twisted out compelled to remain until the schooner his chair or chide him about rubbing cattle, meanwhile, had plainly been Della iMlnx o' shape Don't mourn for aia now, don't mourn for mo hia bead against tha fresh wall paper, Bow dltl I know shout her? hi and he when Class not ns If you wem was examined by the British officer. there! case, xently up considering never. eanf: comla I'll n to o'er brook first be your and the he will whisper The officer who hod gone aboard the jumpin " ever. on his yet usual trot, paying Honda came along I'm low to do nothin t for aver nnd She often called upon m up: an' look before you H a sojer ought schooner When I wae youuv, my dears plain that their carpet look worn to look. no attention to them, they arrived at kept on with hi examinaMra, Huraott. Youth a Companion You Englishmen and Frenchmen, etc, tion. long before they should, their furnia decision. One of them, who had not Mr Ilnrnett in one of the few ture gives out uncommonly noon anj 'Where's your bale goods? a vestige of a horn with which to fight, rbelr 'contrementi are pretty slick, for who Ketamine (load for EVIL who ran write when they plena tha wall paper has a greasy look La could vwf i be Him Tnere they be,' said the Yankee one of the principal streets took the lead, lowered his heed and An' breathe Tnrough as resolve inis to not do an' air house and where they please. A a matter doesn't see in Mr. kipper, pointing to some bundles of Koujuim dor Berlin on a sunshiny morning, started directly for him. Instantly if anof fact nhe never put pen to paper across the way. As', falih.lt not, they'll quickly learn clapboards and shingles, which he many years ago, a beautiful lady was the whole drove, with one accord, other way. nnlenn nhe in in the mood for writing. I believe all mean to he kind, but had taken with him on his outward on or bouse ana loala' heads lowered a started the lo their marchln' in her carriage. People stopBy by guard Thin baa not alwaya been the cava they err through carelessness. It is Iriving half their pay. passage as a covering for hia cargo. to gaze after her, and those who run in the same direction. ped Frenchmen, eta an' Those Englishmen with her, for at the beginning of her the trifle, the worrying little thing " 'You blanked fool, do you call understood he did The sweet face the although dog pointed career ah waa obliged to turn to that bring the lines of care to a wife's recognised brown menu' black mea an red men them bale goods? out as Henrietta Montag, the not seem to look at them. lie dis- Here are her seen anthorahip for a livelihood. Since face long before they should be there. frost singer, then nt the height of dained to run, but he quickened his An tall men an' null men an' fat men an' Why, Bartini don't you? hiuu. her Unit success, however, aha haa had When lavish with your means and her fame. Wheres your liens and hens husba little, and just a little more till With short steps u long steps a cooler an n trot the Suddenly carriage amooth nailing. The popularity of honestly sincere in your affection be a and-? main to a standstill nt nn order from the instant they were upon him he An' holy Moaes! what a Babel when yo hear Little Lord FsunlU-royThere they be, in that-agave her little mure careful about the trivial- its occupant, whose ears had coop u nder fence he where had the lipped 'em talk auch prestige that she waa able to ities. Don't fret the tidy wives with Lht strains of an old familiar eanglit there.' etc. Once he hose outside 1 ballad. Englishmen an' Frenchmen, ia stopped gone command for her work higher re- acts of slovenly indulgence or forget- A wee " Where's your girl of some six or seven sum- and looked hack at them in silence, Uaginnis scowls at Johnnie Bull an' Yaweob muneration than that given to moat fulness. Watch and see where you There they be, in that are totber roars with hia mistress an then at blind a Meyer mers, woman, glanced accompanied by of the leading autbora of the world. ean help them and if you are too blind At Jean Duval u' 1 have heard the comp'ay great, large coop there. said which of the in tail, the roadway. expressive wag couuilnfounT Hut Pauntleroy" also threw into the to discover how that can be done, waaainging child Where's yonr long-face-d gentrvF Wasn't that a In seven diflereni languages: on which eventas plain as words: over to her, MadCalling the them. Philadelphia ful be, in that are There background noma of Mra. liurnett'a don't hinder duy they ame Sontag gently inquired her name. joke? d rim captain burst n blood vessel an finest achievement. That Last o' Time. Tills passion for hunting was such dead away. "Nannie, graciima lady, was the Lo wrie'a," written many year ago, w aa Mid Englishmen an' Frenchmen eie. 'Have you got anything to drink he animal acwould he aa You Can. that attack answer given with an Austrian Come aa Barly any probably the best thing aha has ever our on board? Ah. will we never see the time when, mouse , from to a a cent met, bear, nur of grizzly The grand'tea parties run We had some rnm when we earn done. Mined the appearance of Faun-tleroAnd who, pray, is the woman and one unlucky day he found in the Alongglances are coming into favor. mothers the line, we'll only And Americans but the cog's way down under however, Mra Uurnett haa de- The tabledayis set with sway, nnd one! the woods of a with youf" every porcupine, edge Hex" that from the load, and if yon try you caut get Who beau the love voted heraelf chiefly to writing for him. a flew In at This ia my poor mother, lady. She without hesitation simplicity, and lighted by candles In yonder tUxululf wave. children, which, of course, in a sense, silver their mothers sweetly sung their it. ao its nunse. brandies, aa the candlestleka was once upon a time a famous singer, few moments the household, which Of which She nowbss limits her opportunltien The British officer, having received fathers bled to save! was was not startled fearful far off, afterand then but called. were she liy lost her in voice, dara those far away No Englishmen, nor Frenchmen, In mind two new books relating to little satisfaction, and having no but Scotch. or warof We with no Hungarians and have cries, china la whits and gold, and tha ward she became blind. barking signs or become disgusted at the seem- - y child life that promise to be as suc- The Hermans, donbt Eyeulysaa of the very finest. Ilates of thin friends now, nnd are obliged to beg fare, and a man was dispatched to see No Irishmen nor Dutch: cessful as her moat popular juvenile linen , ing ignorance of the Yankee, returned staunch American-But bread and butter spread on the loaf , our way from town to town. I earn what was the matter. He rescued the Whose hearts with For several years she has had them in on board his brig in no good hnmor. glow. sense he had a little cheat a, enough wildjbeast, (which money ty my singing. Then, then, my mu! you'll witness u mind and talked them over with her cold ham and tongue, grated Then, after ordering Hrother JonaO! AHUIl'AM of the a Ahmy. Anil what la your mother's name, to know was friend farmer), -fruit cake, pound cake, crulin William tha Navy than a dozen stripes with the Tope's mokm friends; indeed, she has already be- ler and Army ud and the dog came limping home with Damson little one? jumbles, with Journal end, to teach him wisdom, mayhap, gun one of them, but it is probable his mouth not his but Amelia the cake" and "short forepaws, only (known Stelnlnger, replied preserves" Latter From Uraul to Logan Fonnd. he left the poor, simple creatures to that neither will be completed for some to His and full of look of was who the startled at moderns aa soda biscuit). concluding child, tongue sharp quills. One of the lost letters written by take care of themselves That time to come. 1erhtps It would ba with hot waffles furnishes a facsimile surprise that came over the question- the roof of his mouth were completely thp great commander, General Grant, could do so waa evidenced by the they fact well for Mra liurnett'a reputation if tea-tabfrom his moment. and er's face next the or covered, of hung they yearn seventy sixty in the that, a few days afterward, the discovered recently she were obliged to work a little - fashioned Of was Well he a course did Madame iiko month oldAmelia la certain a There fringe. Steiningerl archives of the war department, dar- schooner arrived at Boa ton with a harder than aha doeu Now and then, ago. about auch Informal meet- Sontag remember the name! Yean nearly wild, pawing his month and ing s search with s view to colleeting however, when the mood i upon her, fragrance cargo valued at $100,000." exhales before, in Vienna, when she, Henriette, rolling on the ground in his pain. data in reference to the Neahville ahe toil fiercely at her deak and ings, like the perfume thataweatnaaa was unknown The Death of Moras a. Homs. to fame, whose from of a Kteininger, roses, Sunny tnrna out a large amount of copy. To still jar campaign of 1864. This letter had no The Emperor Alexander, surrounded their of Jealous of the young opera singer's tha Hecelleeliens of mm KduestsS Manx. daya lingers, though which to the reference among papers a friend who naked her not long ia long since past. Ladies' voice, had raised a storm of opposl- Our wanderings from pises to plica it was found, having been written s by a far too numerous staff, attract 1 ago what her method of writing war blooming 1 hisses with her frofTdriven end Journal. lioma tios, afforded us many pleasant experiences wore of years after the events with the attention of the enemy. About ( aha laughingly replied: "Why I don't several French sent a o'clock inis-W- e the Austrian capital. battery and weil M many hardships M whfch it eould have any connection. , MIm Harr Sailer Farm. "believe I have any. Whan I am in cannon balls mong u, Hat all this had long been forgiven, fortunes had aeveral narrow e Its recipient, General Logan, wn. eon- - roUr7 of Miss Mary Cntlar, at IIoHiston, and Madame working trim I go to my deak in the now heart Montag's were death. times from There forWelectlon to ductings campaign morning and write for aeveral houra Maaa, owns nnd manages a nursery ached with pity for tha old rival's caprl the ire' plenty end times of scarcity. There the United States senate, and some 1 farm which affords pleasure to all misfortune. A number of gentlemen 0f keep my afternoon and evening were seasons of happiness and seasonal comment had been created regarding firing upon yon. Yonr person is too Mra. Harnett he an artlstio visitors and knowledge to many. Infree. and particularly ss wa are had by this Unis gathered round the of sadness. In savage life the early BCtjonl prior to the battle fought useful, home in Washington, whieh aha heriting the homestead and bnaineaa carriage, and to them tho singer now I to retreat, in consequence of obliged most is the and time, spring trying at Nashville, Tena General Grant t the faults tha most beautiful city in this from her father nine years ago, she turned. committed yesterday, lost I famines occurred almost all the at thia time was confined to his residence Every summer, however, began the task of showing what an country. and even this morning, I enGentlemen, she began, with tears this period of the year. night, a effect of in York from the Sew to months aiie pays a visit of aeveral intelligent, energetic woman may do, of sympathy glistening in her eyes, The Indiana are a patient and clan- - fall pou the sidewalk while getting treat yonr majesty to avoid s danger England. She is now in tha prims of and haa made money growing choice me here, on this public piece, nlah In which there is no glory gained permit their love for one an- - ont of a cab. With a view to life, with an abundance of health and trees, plants and flowers for sale. to take up a collection foran unhappy other people; ia stronger than that of any I by braving, and whose results may thepeo-civilise- d with himself with face handsome market her and branches of strengthening While all the gar- sister from whom God has seen fit to energy, your subjects end your nil irs plunge know. If were I this people lines election whoM hi in regular features, light blue ayes, and dening and nursery are nnder her taka His greatest gift the gift of not so, I believe there would have been I pU in the greatest despair. a addressed yrere cast, General Logan ita crown of Titian red hair, and her supervision, she can entertain visitors sight. Mee, here Is my purse for the The smneror understood that there tribes of cannibals among them. White communication to his former one make her formed fashionable of ease a the figure, all with perfectly brave little one; you will no, allow it to be done: he turnhave been known to kill nd UandeMn-chle- f nnd received the fol-e- wes nothing more of the moat attractive of tha women dame, She ia a good musician, paints to remain unfilled? ed his bridle end uid: "Pass, field ' in their to companions preference manwriters of tha present time In lowing reply: A score of eager hands were thrust pictures which would please an artist At the ume instant a shot but Indisns-nev- er! In Nxw Yobs. Pith 14. 1W4. Hon. John A Lo- marshal. ner eha la unaffected, add her eon and can converse upon any, topic out instantly, and gold and silver starving; a French from de-- 1 nn. United States ten ala, Washington, IX C mea of famine ti adults battery very near struck often the venation is fall of vivacity and hu- of the dav. Such a woman ia not coins poured in upon the bewildered nied themselves a Moresn on ths- right knee, traversed meal in order fair g profit-makinmor. burled by being a little girl, who could not speak her to make the food last as long as possihis horse, and earried sway the calf farmer. thanks for tha sobs In her throat The Cara of t'lothlag. of his left leg. Rsptel, who wu talkble for the children, who were not Now, Nannie, continued her beneMuch of tha wear and tear which mail Cnaas la Mjrlw able to hear hunger aa well ae the old. ing with me. threw himself from his Most girls are in possession of one factress, before driving on, "let me As a neea up good clothing may bo averted horse in order to pick np hie former can go sttthout food people they pencil eases that write down where yon live; then go general. I also drew near and heard by constant care, (towns should ba of the than any other nation. brushed before hanging up in closets used to be favorite gifts to young and teU your mother that her old longer I once passed through one of these I 1 simply dlaaatkflad with the slowness of him niter the words, "Dead, ifiead. mnvlnf. sad sent yon ont The Empire and the Restoration.1 It is best to have this done as soon as ladies at the period when our mothers friend Henrietta Sontag will vieit her herd springs when ws had nothing to Qeneral Thomas' with orders to reliefs him. No doubt If the possible after taking them off, thor- were young. They were very thin, this afternoon for a chat for several days I well remem- order hid baas carried out tbe question would est The Final Saint at Appomattox. Madame Montag did not forget her ber the six small birds which constioughly removing the trace of street at least four Inches long, nnd wide at There occurred a earlous incident ol Immediately have arisen aa to who was entitled wer herself devoted there and from dust and mud from facings, bosom and the bottom, and genet ally promise, commud. provided Uenarsl which no mention is made In the books tuted ths breakfast for six families to ths combined was aeslor is rank to you, whlah I gathers. The neat woman does not a liberal aprlnkllng of stones upon that time onward to caring for her One morning; and then wa had "O Schofield do not Mow lists he was I know Mint his which have treated of the dosing And when at last dinner or brash her goa In her own chamber, them, turquoises being used for prefer- former enemy. Whet cnaQrmaUon a s major seneml took plsas scene at Appomattox. The muskets supper to follSw it bath-rooin Amelia at little last and Fashion ence. died, tho changed Mteinlnger but takea it into poor loon a.tsr yours, but I do not know tha duo of the Confederate were allowed to Nannie went to live with the s relief that was to me although I af nls commission. The question Is that ease, brushes It beside aa open window, or, pencil cases, as ia all else, and this of a small bird had small s wing only her' aa f 'snout af the commud of tho whole, would have ben remain stacked oa the field. The gras song queen adopted for better still, has it carried out of doors particular kind waa relegated to boxes share! ws Soon after my in hours by the use of caught fir in om way and wa alfew a this, settled very of old treasures lint sow they may daughter. for the operation. cams to a region where buffaloes ware the telaynph between Nashville and Wash-In- lowed to burn. So suddenly had the fickle Frisky for out bo home cerried be safely brought waa is Waahluirtoa when yon Disease germs may again, cease! on tho morning of the plenty, and we soon forgot nil the suf- rivedton.In ILontavllla A certain b g dog, whose acquaintand tdeymphod Ms that fighting In clothing, and, were this not the fashion's wheel has revolved 'and ws hod gone fering through. just Thomas 1 Oeneral had moved and. ns t'ramem-be- r 9th that thousands of the piece were In- ance made two or three years ago, favor. into to them is a again it untidy proceeding case, very brought Mncb was the Indians wild life! the tels.-raexpreavlnr arzlltlratloa that left loaded. As the flameo of the put into one's wardrobe an article of deed, they are just now tha most had a very lively sense of humor, and When game was plenty and the sun ha had done so. I was then os my way to grow crept along the line of stacked ' to a liked not himself, use. only piny joke fashionable shape is for- Nashville myself sad remained over s day In dress which haa not been thoroughly hone graciously upon them musket the gun were bested to firing hot could appreciate one that waa got the hitter experiences they hoptas that Thomas mlfht still of the Waahlnftoq. cleansed. RsmarksMe irstiBed when I learned heat, and noon there wu incesAt Family. turned oa him, iter before. Little preparation nr ns mov heOfhadtours I was When the French woman takea off moved, beeiuso It wee n very delipopping. Th ball went up into the South Thomas Ion. Maine, boasts of ie for the future. They are chil- that llie mistreM waa of alight figure, her bonnet she does not bundle it at cate end unpleasant matter to remove a air almost straight, until th force of of and dren of she Nature remarkable 100 lesa In a consisting than family, occasionally Oeneral of Thomts aharaotar and atandlnc weighing pounds. on oe Into n bandbox, or throw It the discharge wu apent, and then them of the with Mra lubes ladies expeao him I before the old the wtilpa eldest, had Still, three rushes of weed one of his clumsy country delight hastily on a shelf, or hang it up on n Lucre Us 96 years old. at being allowed to go to walk with rience; yet they are forgetful and Ion to move that I had com to thisk It dropped down. To this day the field Estes, being and little Not aha loop Every peg. careless. Mnch of their suffering duty Of course. In aendln you to rollers of aarrender i atiewn with theu bulAsh Mra Julia two Her fairand he companions, her, her, pounced and into whatagainst Thomas. I mesal so relUctloa bow is pulled out shape, put might have been prevented by a little General lets, and ao little has Appomattox Mra Miriam Hull, are both over ly knoeked her down, lie seemed to calculation. Uenarsl BrboBeld. who waa During the summer, ever spos tha string! ere gently caressed Into and severboard 70L two army of tbs Ohio, because I been visited that the balls are usily These her, consider it a charming joke, and had when nature was at her best and prokeep smoothness, jets and aigrettes are that bs had don vary exoellent ser- found. This firing of the mnskets by cows, a big flock of hena and lots no doubt that she enjoyed it as well vided abundantly for the savage, it thouxht vice is pushlav ths entire force under Hood n the straightened nnd fastened in position, al own work and their do Sara burning grass wu the only ulutc to me no wae of life seemed was he fur did. from aa ducka that that he of few happier touch day days bslore, come twenty-- ve mile, south and the bonnet receives the that accompanied the aarrender. hisl Food was free lodging at Nsehrllle. Very truly yours. the brush to remove dust, and then it their own living off the farm ou whieh always trying to repeat the perform- than D. 8. Cbaxi When Lee had received Grant'a term free everything free! All were alike they live, of which they have a life ance. is laid between folds of tissue-papeThis letter General Logan subse- and accepted them the firing of a hunin tnc summer; and, again, all If she started for a walk, and rich and is ready for ita next appearance, leasa They are all well educated, were alike poor in the winter and loaned the war department dred gnns in token of victory was beaa fresh and new, to all intent, aa great readers, regular attendants of wanted his escort through the woods, early spring. Their diseases were quently nuthoritie and it had not been gun, but Grant quickly stopped iL for more been came to have wae and he than lie go. school, the ready Sunday when it left the milliner's hand. fewer, and were not so destructive ss turned to him np to the time of his a a of War. members and about her a Bap- boanctng frolicking Gloves are expensive articles, no over half century now, and the Indians' health was gen- death. When it wa discovered reFranco-Prussia- n were he a church. the war of ML puppy, tist bethough alwaya During Nicholas care sedulous tha good. how matter erally cently, however, it was promptly 1870-71- , 710,000 French and l,0t)3,000 plainly aiming to dash against her. stowed upon them. Hut gloves will Imm Yaa Talk FroxrasalvolyT Wisdom. Mra. Superior transmitted to Logan, who values Germans took the field. Of the former him. and finally she She had to last a third longer than they usually William Ia, aged five, it his little it very highly, not only from the fact 41.000 were killed Progressive dinner partiee are find- did not daredodge to leave the steps until in battle, 36,000 died do if pulled off the hand from the ing plenty of admirer. If the girl sister's senior by a year, bat imagines that it to her husband bat of wonnds, 4.3,000 died of sickness, wrist down, and turned inside out, aa you take in Is slow, all you he had calmed himself a little. All himself st least twenty in added wis- becausebelonged one was of Inst it the very while he would stand wagging his 116.000 were In various ways disabled ia done when they era tried on in tha have waa lo do is to take your the dom. mother Not their dictation of ths great commander and 446,000 were taken long ago tail and looking at her with a misprisoners. Of shops: if laid by themselves, properly bread and your napkin and go to oth chievous having some furniture 'revaraished, prior to entering upon hia famous the Germans 19,783 were hi eyes, knowin killed ia expression into a not can and is of worst The it you crumpled and the little girl kept talking of memoirs of the rebellion. Chicago er fields straightened, action, 10,810 died of their wonnds, just as well as the did that she when ltoliah," varnish, meaning Herald. tight ball, and if mended at the in- stay hut one course, when you strike ing, afraid of him. 14,359 of sickness, 89,030 were disabled. William L corrected her. stant a rip shows itself, a pair of the pretty nnd interesting girl. is the was Aa Urlinnl Ysnnoe Trtrfc. When he saw that she would not go The prisoners taken b the French "Baby," he cried, "dont Bay bol-isgloves will retain their pristine fresh- way one who tries it puts the case-"One of tha neatest things which 1 were while he behaved so, he quieted down it s voliah!' In all very few in number. ness It ia good policy to have best remember of is the trick played upon 684.000 French nnd 1.13,7.11 Germun and trotted gravely along bealda her. Apple lie Not a Matter of ArHhmntlo, nnd second-bea- t gloves, and glovas for officer naval a an English by Yankee were killed or disabled, a loss to the Tare and grate twelve applet, then with all the dignity his position of lc-- 1 reUuWSn shopping and. running about. In our ak i ppeVd u"r ng TheTast war wlihEn world of 817.751 men. protector called for. Hut the very add one pound of sugar, one-haarithmetic. in on chilly winters tha land," says an old timer. "During A Cross Hoad Haro, anil sufficiently pound of batter, the juice and grated next time she made ready for a walk should ba of dog-skisaid Frances. If mamma, yon tho tlma of active hostilities a small same performance was repeated, 'I am the proprietor of that ran 15 pear to divide, and there were loose not to cramp the hand. Light rind of one lemon and a little aatmtg. the had of six eggs well and more than a year later the dog five little girls in the room, how many schooner laden with silk, wines nnd dering establishment over there nnd gloves mny be cleaned more than once Then add the yolks brandy, and belonging in Mtonington, will give yon work. beaten, and lastly the whites of tho remembered the joke and tried to play pear would each little girl get? to advantage. is on her again. On others of the famNo. thank; I belong to the old "That would depend on how hun- CL, wss hailed on her homeward pasShoes with yawning gape where eggs beaten to a froth. Bako in pasta Texai ily, of whom he was equally fond, but gry 1 west mamma replied tha email sage by a British armed brig, when a guard that never, sir, renders. on top This ia buttons shou.d be at once convict the with cross-bar- s conversation something like this took Mil tings who happened to bi of a larger size. mathematician. A large Uarper. wearer of heedirasness. needle and a toot thread will replace a button and it requires only a moment's work, and the wearer will part if with no portion of her s ahe does this as a matter of Basar. self-respe- ct habit--Harper'- to-da- y well-know- . h-- a 111 Please-Nyael- ed hob-goblin- j a rln-Is- n an-tho- ra " r' ?' pig-sty- e. y, "sky-bor- true-bor- humc-iov- m le J cr: eon-aide- rs tndi corn-peop- le at - w r, FrMnoo-FrnasIn- h;' lf n, thr |