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Show ' I VsyCY:' I nd my random bullet struck oui of tho ladies? Had I killed or woud 14 Mlaa Mellor or her friend? Wee it os-- HIS BICYCLE A SLOOP. ABSOLUTELY Elrftrlflllj far BRAINLESS. VlHl, A sehtHM Is braschad ia Oarexay of , ploying sleelriotty to nor heavy truek sad drays This I meraljr s dartlopami of th which kt be iMlri carriage nw Mas Tall aa Axploslaa Mary la lllaatrata HI Masalas- Id, fur nvaral In my anxiety I spurred poor Pc Iro "I suppose, " said the old man, cartful I that oouclrj A "that It is necessary to have just so mall Uoraga batleiy is pluad ia aa ordinary sad was intent on dispatching lha or tho power I phastoa, brougham, buffalo when two pistol shot n people in the world who have carriad Wha Ua b Csbf HaTur tk Wla II many to lb whrtls, and lb regulatno brain out from tho direction of onr ran pd wouldn't wag Things ed by th driver, thick carriage ha Ha Oaly ta Ml' Mill aa Kajay tka would be no One lucky shot; tho bull fell; snot, there excitement New York for th last ices good deal about raaa.ry aa tka Baas af Hutlua along If every man knew as much as every fow mouth. Th (chest is satire ly feasible, in the heart; my vietory stood c Wklla Ik Blcyeia Balls. have been sod asd practicable, experiments other man. Now, the other day, I mod toward plate! lint my joy was very adopting th lystam to heavy saw an example of absolute with alarm, when I hear 1 a Is Interested la tha truaks Th gorsmoienl Charles Dl White, a San Bernar" experiment, sad health boards ars enthusiavago yell, which I could not ivie-tak- s dino boy, ia an electrician and rides Then tbe old man paused and astic over the rabjeet, their claim being that if electricity ran be substituted forhorwetbe Ureat powers! Indiana at tho raneug to and from hie work on a bicycle, waited to be persuaded to tell thn eleuIloMs and health of greet eitlcc will be often carrying material to be ueed story. His audience insisted, and be And tho ladies Incalculably Improved. Ilancc will slwsy on a Several times ridwhile bo ueed la job driving fur pleasure, but the fan-orbegan: My heart leaped to my threiat sc be me of employ lug elco trinity for I was down in the oil country and Hastily loading all the chamber of ing before the wind he noticed that trucks sod drays, provided the epoed I limmy Winchester, I spurred my steed for he did not have to use hia pedals, wa talking to a friend of mine who ited, open up s wonderful flekL --Vew York breeze furnishing the motive uses naphtha in hia buainesa He how. horns Tha bouse was not far distant the power. Hi active brain at once set buys it by the barrel, and na he was and In a few minutes I earns with!: 7 What Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has don for to work to devise some method about to order a new lot he walked view. others for nearly two geuaratioo It will do The door stood open. In front were whereby he could make the wind do out Into the yard where the stuff for you. If you will try It oaoe you will bo six Apaehea, held In check at thirty the work while he limply steered was kept and said to one of hia men, convinced that It la tha beet family medicine, wa the machine, lie not in sad how much tho foreman: long you will saver be without 1l naphpaces distant by a woman and a ser- aearch of an idea lie thought of a tha have we got?1 The foreman told vant a youth both of whom were Tha Demoerat who hae bee kicked straight armed and actually defying tho In- sail, having been raised in a country him that he didn't have much left out of s pocloflicc Immediately comm to bo s where ice yachting wa one of tbe Thera was but a part of one barrel straight Democrat. diana for tho moment winter amusement. leading My friend told this man to find out Why they had opened tho door I Th attention of base bell players who reSecuring a piece of bamboo about just how much there waa It waa ceive could not understand. It would not wound! of oca kind or another K. ten feet be and long, Dougherty, about 6 oclock, and quite dark. The day, from hat or ball la directed to thoevery feel, easily bars been found, and tba win- an intimate friend, set to work and foreman called one of hia men and that Halvailoo Oil la the beat application la ' dows were handier for tho assailants use for tho aura of cuts, bruises cud sprains. con a a must of to a him rigged told take stick and strong it piece Yet here they were, standing irresoput 85 cents. of the lute. There was no time to bo lost sheeting being used for the sail, snys down through the bung-hol-e San Francisco the Examiner. A New Tork elgsr dealer refan to s eooeis barreL Then he could toe how far My approach wee almost unheeded aa The only stumbling block in hia the came up on the stick and who runs a restaurant In Hartford aa s I emerged from the cover of tha wood naphtha flller." around tho house. One glance was path waa how to secure the sail estimate tho amount in tho barreL wboeL to tho aeveral After firmly "The man had a lantern and the I.S1S BCHHELS ONIONS PER ACRE ' sufficient In foreman cautioned him about Do you . wont fine vegetables just made he head a block. attempts fired I all taking the chambers of which Halting, end of the tho was .mast twenty dsys ahead of your neighbors? He him barreL to told near the it An my rifle ia quick succession. placed and secured. This block cun put the lantern on the ground at If so send 91 for Salter's 35 packages answering fire came from tha hall. be removed very easily by taking off least twenty feet from the barrel, curliest vegetable novelties (sufficient Four Indians dropped; the others fled for s family). Ills seeds are Norluern at once, after discharging a volley of the burrs on two bolts When the and than go over and measure the grown, extremely esrly, enormously is ail block ramoved the does not The shama stick. man tuff with arrows at tho defenders who avoided productive. Think of it! R. Bey, Calithem by promptly lying down as soon interfere with the use of the machine bled off toward tha barreL He looked fornio. grew 1,813 bushels onions from in nor ha a manner, it displeas- at it and found the bunghole, and Holser'a seed per sere. How? That is any t they saw the bows draws look to the eye. then put hia lantern on the ground tbs secret which Hslxer imparts to oil My astonishment was extreme when ingIn rigging the anil the block head fully two rods from the barreL Then who buy his onion seed. In the defenders of onr house I recoga,XOO PROM TEN ACRES. ia made of Oregon plno, while the he walked back, pulled out tha bung nised Mies Mellor nnd a shepherd A. M. Lamb, s market gardener in not the young stranger who had in- two aide damps are of ouk a half an nnd stuck his stick in the barreL Pennsylvania, cleared S.t.OU on five Those are securely He pulled it out nnd deliberately formed us of the neighborhood of In- inch thick. seres of cabbage and five acres of fastened the wheel to two iron a see by match to much how struck diana In a few momenta I was In The reason of this, he says, bolt. Great care should be exer- there waa lie held the match down onions. waa because Hslaer's seeds are so expossession of the facta, but Mias Kevil cised in thi placing particular part over the hung, nnd instantly there tremely early and wondrously prowas missing and Misa Mellor was in the greatest distress concerning her. of the attachment in position. The was the biggest explosion you ever ductive. Ho offers s cabbage ripening head block must not be fastened to heard. We were thrown down by in sixty days; s pea in forty; new d It appeared that tho new the handle bars or tomato, the Ferris Wheel, measuring ae it will the shock and tbs mnn disappeared tubing, had carried her into shepherd away two feet in circumference, and many the wood, and tha servants who now interfere with the guiding of the entirely. Thoy gathered him up in other remarkable sorts of small fruits, be bolted to the must It bicycle. mall a deader than amelt pieces flower and vegetable seeds, potatoes, began to assemble gave evidence that below ae the this elbow, joint tha old man just continued, farm seeds, eta "That, he had actually done aa As we were discussing the chances, allows the free nee of the handle to "was an example of yellow fat In the If Vow Will Cat This Oat cad Scad It, wheel's course. direct the placo of gray matter. That fellow With SOc to the John AHslaer Seed Co., the other members of our party, To tnose who will try the inven- was very careful about his lantern. La Crosse, Wis., yon will receive their alarmed by the reporta of firearms, ninth catalqgue aud package of Ferris had come up. A search wa at once tion it may be explained that they He didn't get it near to the barrel, mam should be very careful not to secure bnt be struck a match and almost Wheel Tomato, or with 6c and you get catainstituted. w The cry which I had the boom to logue and sample of 16 day ns'tah. the machine, but fasten dropped it through the bung-holheard while ehaaing the buffalo was Marian Harlsod says that the coming wopulley to the spring under So lung as there are so many low still ringing in my ears. We hurried athesmall aeat and allow the cord attached forehead and narrow eyea will bars her ows bank seeounL This in this man into the wood, or scrub, and after a to good nows for tha eomlog men. to the boom to world there will be no lack of news search were rewarded by hearing a as the balance run freely through can be kept much bet- for the papers Hai-aide faint cry for help, Wa searched in in this manner. Money stringency to not the only cause of the direction of tho aound, and a moat torThe wind seldom blows steadily, BO hard take It s very little money OB Hint Shat times, sad remarkable tableau met our gate. but comes in to make a good deal at happiness, as the folor short A gusts Lord equalla IX, prominent On the ground lay the Englishman, d shows: Mr. K. B. Kyle, Tower Hill, and will unseat an rider and n proverbial hater of America lowing Appomattox eoonty. Vs., writes that bs was shepherd dead, hia body piereed by a should he make theexperienced boom fast to the and rillcted with rheumatism for several years, wa Americana dining lately in bullet from my Winchester. Standing wheeL Purls with the Britiab minister, and and physicians gave him ao relief. Finally beside him waa an Indian pony, and Mr. White's sail is attached to a next to him at tha table waa a noted h waa rubbed all over with HL Jeoobe Oil hie illueia he bad spasms and cured. strapped to the body bv a belt lay or ten-fomust and aa eight-foo- t boom, Newport hollo. Miss X. Tha con- and was not During rather hung Mlaa Kevil, qnita unable and expected to live. This points c six and ulna wav who to weighs had think pounds times hard, hot who to versation a discussion drifted many to move and but half sensible. ouncea The coat complete Is about of things American. It, la needless can And aa easy way out of their troubles. A few momenta sufficed to relieve 10. if tbe work is her from her perilous position. She individual himself. performed by tbe to asy that lird IX made some pretty Thera are no printer la tha Texas penile Almost anyone disagreeable remarks about soma at liuntavllls, that It to afterward told ua how the ahepherd.in can make a ail and on the Americans he hod met and somo easy to get proof In notwithstanding it tho ease of a printer. pluce league with tba Apaches, had at- wheeL With a fow hours a Yankee customs he abhorred. "Why, practice tempted to plunder our house and car- good wheolman can 100 Reward R10& easily manipulate d'ye know, ho continued with an The readers of this paper will be pleaeed to ry her off. The buffaloes were only a it and enjoy a rldo without any almost of want tact, learn that there to at least one dreaded disease unpardonable decoy, driven in bv some of the tribe, whatever. that at some of the place I dined that science has been able to euro in all Its while others plundered ua The traitor fatigue For the benefit of those who will In America I aaw people cat with stage, and that to Catarrh. Halls Catarrh shepherd had attempted to carry off try the labor-savin- g device Mr. White their knives and spill their soup on Cura Is the only positive euro known to tho Misa Kevil, but the first shot which I medical Catarrh being a conthe advice on the the tablecloth? givea following Miss X. wa thor- stitutionalfraternity. disease, requires s constitutional had fired struck him nnd put an end to ubject: oughly provoked by this time, and treatment. Halls Catarrh Cura to tikes Inhis career. My second bullet had After making or buying the sail ahe replied with acting directly upon the blood and apparent unconcern: ternally, mucous surfaces of the syetem, thereby deglanced away, fortunately, perhaps; and placing it in position the of "What keep letters introduction poor but Mist Kevila scream of terror had same furled until outsido of the stroying tbe foundation of the disease, and city yon must have had. my lord. " Thera giving foe patient strength by building up the guided me to the house. on a quiet and lonely road. Be care- was no more unpleot-nn- t talk about eooiUtutiou and assisting nature In doing Its I need hardly asy that the rescue ful when work. Tho proprietors have so much faith a as tho America that horse, approaching evening. Harpers In iu curative wee entirely due to the courae adopted animal will take powers, that they offer Ono when a fourth Bazar. fright Hundred Dollar for any ease that it foils to by the bull, and we were very grate- of a mile away if the sail is in Send cure. fir list nf testimonials. ful for his share in the business But, Mat Address. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledos O. aloe for sentiment! we needed beef, position. 75c. On arriving at a secluded spot Challei Aren't you going out to unsold by Drur-rlsl-it and many nn excellent meal waa hoist the sail and allow it to swing walk with mo? ta now worn The hair tad made from what Kadciiffe ever afterHenwy I cahn't go until I dress, shirred with bouffant trimmings, and whea loosely in the wind. ward termed that blessed buff ala laws tennta lambrequins, cut bias, ara hung Mount tha machine the same aa can 1? Saturday Post Challsa What'a the matter with over the ears, it ta consldend quite dressy. usual and pedal while tha wind la filling the sail gradually and the your present costume? Orehard. Why She Bheek Bias. rate of speed la being acllenwy I haven't got my chrysanregular Flint, encourage your neighbor to plant. I'll never, never apeak to him quired. Then the snil will come un- themum on. Chicago Record. a bushel of wheat to boy s It take pack of apple orchard pay. Btark Bros. "Never In der perfect control again!" ahe exclaimed hare or orchards furnished withthis wide, wide world!" SO SCIENCE SAYS. The best position is to keep ono u investment for tho out money "Why. Clara, he adores you!" hand on the handle bars and the as well is for men of limited means, mad proIn Malta the virus of the bee sting viding orchards which otherwise rerhapi he does, but In haa no other on tha boom, should it be close they might A great orchard system on thorappreciation, no judgment no idea enough to the rider. When the snil is regarded a an infallible rare for never get. business-lik- e never ia ough, reand the plans of the fitness of things Why, tha swings rheumatism, something remedy away from the resell control before attempted. W practice what wo other night when lie called I put on it by the cord running through the sorted to in all severe caeca show our faith In our orchards, In preach, A new method of coloring iron has our trees two million that new gown I have just had made. " pulley nndor the sent Be aura the trees, cooperative 6 pUn, already planted; over twomll-llo- n "Yes, what of It?" cord will slip through the pulley been discovered in England which en- percent. over 80,000 seres, share plan and ad"What of It? You know what a easily or a sudden squall will unseat tirely prevents rust, even though the ding over half a million a year. Farms with metal be brought to a red host beautiful and artistic creation it ia?" you instantly. orchards doubling lu Talus annually; a sure " Gold leaf when beaten into a sheet luaome. Our helps enable beginners to snoYes, Indeed Keep the feet on the pedals, which And how perfectly it fits?" 000th of rted. Writ ut. 8m adr. In another colshould be racing or "rat trap," as of the thickness of but umn, this paper. an Yoa" he of to a beautiful inch, n appear they will hold tho feet in when I asked held to him how I looked best This will assist materially in green Well, th light The grave need never associate with the np and he aald I looked like an ungeL keeping balance A Hoboken woman' Husband re- gay unless they choose. But the gay must The coasters can Why, I could have cried for mortifi- be used, but not ao well a the first marked testily that he wouldn't give eventually go to the grave. cation, and my dressmaker waa mentioned. . two cents for her way of cooking, Thr iixatii of a chronic catarrh patient so offensive that be beoomee in She felt it nearly heart-brokeSailing bofore the wind yon will and ahe has made it the basis of a suit ta often of disgust. After a time ulceration lets for divorce koenly. Such a reflection on her go just twice as fast os in ordins.-tbe spongy bones are attacked, aad freThe average annual rainfall in the in, work, you know." bicycle riding, wliilo tho greatest quently destroyed. A constant source of disof Neali Bay, Wash., Is about comfort to the dripping of the purulent sevelocity is gained whl'e riding at icinity A iMfidlorlb Into tha throat, sometimes producing to the wind. With good 100 inclica The average annual pre- cretions angle right Inveterate bronchitis, which to usually the exWhat t this? in n of Paseta at a from cipitation to Washington, handling speed cause of twenty disease. The A young man of the little more than suo miles east of altingmulls by pulmonary Beatperiod Ia thirty miles can be obtained. lu use for yean past properly he not a work of art?" Uoo Cieam Xeab Balm a by far the not exceed ten inches. designate Elys Bay. ing against the wind is very hard, aa "lie ia Indeed it is almost lmpossili'.o to tack in the Prof. David 1. Todd of Amherst best and only core. "I he engaged?" A Parisian lady wears bell shoe narrow n ads. with college hsa begun prelimiuary wotehes art In tbe Instep. Presumably tiny Yoa" On approaching a team, and while this for an expedition to Japan anmbtoa her to keep time with her feci. To whom? at some distance, loosen tho sail in 1(M to view the next available "To a young woman of the period yet Bcnn!! Csiiun or Wiathes sum and corao to a standstill. Hush thq total eclipse of the 1111, which will who loves him deeply." There to ao more effectual wheel out to ono side of the road and come on Angnst II, of that year. Tbe Throat Disease. remedy for I'ougbt, Colds, etc., than Bhowx "And when arc they to be mar- lay it down on the side till tho fracis bo n large one. KtK B 7 parly form. '? ried? tious animal ha passed or you may Wet boots and shoes can bo dried Price 'is een , "Never." be called upon to pay damages or re- without tho stiffness disand A weather sharp says that eels with th Never! And why not?" a biokon vehicla comfort which usually follows by tell up and th hair apparently electril "She will not merry him until he pair Indicate approaching wind. Wc always filling them np with oat and letting haa paid hie debts and he cannot Artlatlrallr HaaiUad. them stand a few hour. The oats ab- posed they indlcaled an approaching dog " hi debt until she marries him. pay "Did you hear about young llArt, sorb all lli limUture and leave the Aithmi Nafferun O'." llarjier' Bazar. the china painter? lxxts as pliable a before their wet- S!,Who haw Id vain trll iw otherAsthi dd ,,sh!ffmaon'i "No: what is it? Ho waiting 7 for results, lu action ting. The sume oats can lie used over Th 4hlc of HrltNny,, l 'He has been served like his own and nrer. immediate, direi-- and certain, aa a sini irisl prove send to Dr. II. ocblffmaan. In the ground surrounding tho china Minn . fn a free trial pa kegs, lit If understood Iaiil, housfUreiicrs better bey of etron, Brittany, there once tour "llow is that'. Brat. druggist the nature of charcoal there would be flourished an oak which is said to "His wife's father fired him. Nesrr klek a poor, fr:etul"le a great deal mure of it employed tramp as have sprouted from tho staff of St about kiudiens and in cupboards from yuur dur. Tell a policeman to do It Martin. This mirueulou sprout wa Hud OrfMlnn to Know where fruit is kept. There is no more rV1"1 L The Kuail pi ?e,n, by the saint and i said I'ond Parent I cannot interfere. iowerfni doitdorixer in the world thau Hailing Ca, Denver, loin., sndgrtasam to have siuflnit iiccome a Bobby; your teacher writes me that rharcoal. A few at The Road and one of their great Ki n lump of it. each inpy lisli Octopus nmps free. tree, shade she thrashed you on princip'e. size the of the an tall in cupegg. for a praying bund of almost a score Dont board. wil! elfrotnally prevent that They make pslni of the siuiient Egypt) Bobby Well, she didn't of women the next day after it wa mummies fouuil at Thebe, and tno mu you think I know where she licked dinner-roosmell which many per- paint makes tbe mnJern women look li transplanted" ms? Lif& sons find very offei-sive- . ancient Egypt'" riummle. Tha Ol si bl? A CALIFORNIAN INVENTS , PRACTICAL LAND SHIP. A yi. n ba f 9 j5eAsJ fj IA traJjw-- ? ? hat did yon ay?" naked the colonel of tho shepherd, a Meaicao, who coma in. had "Indiana, air, in th plain A- pacho. jut Non tens! KNOWLEDGE was tha raply, mingled with some stronger term, but tba man stuck to hia text, and offered to show the colonel and hia companions the Indiana He seemed very anxioua I thought Among us at the time were Ben Mellor and hi sinter, her friend, a Mias Kevil, and two other men named Badcliffe and MitchelL The colonel was my partner In the rancho (ranch). Bowler was hia name mine doesnt matter. "Indiana! exclaimed Mina Mellor; "sorely they won't come here! Indians ia queer cuaeea. But you may depend when they do com they won't giro ua much notice. Let ua ride up and aeu" In the courae of a few minutes wa all rode out into the plain. On wo went until road gave way to path and path to desert track and this to desert s world of graa with hero and there a tree. Beyond a pond of water, ealled by tbe natlrea eatanque, near which the herds of sheep and goats were gathered. Out on tho plain was a moving make, which the dark shepherd ealled Indiana "Why, its buffalo! cried my partner. Hurrah, hurrah! "You mutt ride back, ladies I said; e "this chat will lie a long one. will escort you, perhaps "Oh, do; wa can take car of ourselves Wa are armed and can shoot if uoenwary, "replied M ita Mellor. 'Come on, Violet; let theta hunter go their own way. Manuel (tbe shepherd) will accompany ns So we parted. We all had pistols and two of ua carried rifles aa welL Miua wa hung by my aaddls but wa did not anticipate any attack. Tha hephrrd had turned back with th ladies 1 did not altogether trust him, and mentioned my suspicion to the Brinp comfort and improvement and tends to ntraonal enjoyment when The ninny, who live bet-ttightly uira. and than other enjoy life more, with lem expenditure, by more promptly adapting the worlde beet products to the need of phyeical being, will atteet er the valne to health of the pure liquid laxative principle embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Fig. Ita excellence ia due to ita presenting In the form moat acceptable and pleae ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lex alive ; effectually c learning the eyetem, diapelliog cold, headachee and fevera and permanently curing eonetipation. It ha given satisfaction to million! end met with the approval of the medical prafeeeion, because it acta on the Kid neve, Liver and Bowel without weakening them and It in perfectly free from every objectionable substance. tsyrup of Figs la for sale by all druggist in 60c and 1 bottles, but it ia manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name ia printed on every package, aleo the name, Syrup of Fig, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. WALTER BAKER & GO. Bad-cllff- COCOA and CHOCOLATE Awards Highest I MaSala aa Malawi World's Columbian EipositNMi. O ,Um Mlawlas aaaalyi UlirUT num EUU C9CII, ia i cumin. flimiTK, SWEET HULL! CIMMltt, smu, U MCM a4 ill tam. niNid.' an ewauauiue. Vor --'FiHj'T fan colonel. "li, he ean't hurt; theyll noon settle him, was my friend's reply; "he's a hillman certainly, and I'm not aura solo nv croosrs ivmrwHias. VALTCI BAKE! ICO.DOflCMEfiTEl, MAIL that he's hurt tha rancha over-hones- CURES RISING UOTHEn FWENir uSwfTC! wmiiaa. I bats baa a Mvlb (or w raara, sod I aarh raa wbara "MathaFiFriaa" haUbaraaaad It baa churi-osarin- g can't ho pell-mel- and miarad orach aeeoBplishrd wonders It ia iba baat uffarliig. but We aaw the Indies picking their way along the brown prairie, for tha paths ars many and puxzling; then wo started full gallop on tho trail of tha buffaloes which bail stampeded toward tha hilly country. We rushed l, on in no order, until we BREAST v. .Xnml t, iwuady for a( foe that tba braaal know, and worth tba prio rising Xu M. M. Bauara. ra Montgomery, Ala. p,w " ",pt BRADFIELD REGULATOR old by all druggists. arHwr aaallf faaa wlrt KOI. Vkn yartlralai GOLD At4-PriceKS- AONKT-1- 0 U la. rawlar.BaaaaraiMUhlBiMjMBa. S DFA p rt rweiiw gyelel rtei T. Write !. forann ' CO., iTum,iU. IN FREE fid. NSIONi" 1 trial D.i:; laat war, ISadimluislisgaUisM. awr ls A HKMARKARLR aai Mn la PaUataMtHr hnaiOa Dead far lavranm' Uolds. or llow laOat a aa rauu? rams me GOT wtauxom a liaarSaSrai IMaaaa & imm 2 kfa. Vhig form aU II IN tunixaviuH tv oar a TO a rlbsduhsTIBLD YOU PILE 1 EH EOT, M. BMM-I0wkleb HU tifaatir a cans sMtA OMrta waM, allara MlaraMO a Mriaaral mm. ran tOaTBruatoia arwaib Bit Swats, ytiliSsIstis, r 1 rP fUO Dig mmu. M. W66&66 HEAT WITH Wall PaperiP'O po io nm sood rm!"irrfa r.ArKK rilB BOLL U.V raear baapaia skoal kars ow L.aH.ENRY LEHMANN, ML, UaaU Nat. Morse-Co- Hv Ha a w kr Mau aa niMiau rMw, la trt ei It daalkaaala aar llaa writ aa. aa aa wdi lafan, yoa art far taka, lhaa tart tkuaa. SW aattwv VAOTOBT AT OMAHA. NBA. BJ's Cream fara,lrt ;Sll06G0 onu Balm wile, nee CATARRH 7rt?nir(5n Amit Mila inioeifh Duairtl. JUX JOkM Wanwa HUM V. MONEY MAKERS! Mf HOMEY HAYWMIf Dnat hwjr tMr I eewU Uiinn mitlljmii Imv IttfCM wHn Nil nutniviiigi, wrtuukMI ILmpiiI FHKKi Write omit. UWaUUto Uk)A OMiteuatiH.aII.Y i .yjl-UU-iil.rgaT- r I aaaaaapflTra an people ku kara aak hinaa or Ante ma. akoaldaaa ITao'aCrafr (VwnaUMlna. It hat eared It haa ant inlno rduna. Itla not oail loiaaa kaaa. Itiawa baatuiuamrnip. iM ararrvUvm. Sdr. TAB1.KAU-r- e ached tha summit of a rising ground, whence we perceived the herd a few only, attended by two splendid bull; one of these standing sentry, ms ia the habit of tho buffalo to da Ho knew our object sad perhaps In some rough bullish way guessed that he would be tha first victim, lie gave the alarm and away fled the herd lumbering along in front of him. M's dashed down the slope and scattered. To my surprise tha sentinel bull, instead of running with the remainder, made a detour, which, if he continued in hia course, would bring hia pursuer buck by s wide circle to our ranch again. This fellow attracted me, so I quitted the line and went after him, believing that my mustang would soon overtake him, for buffaloes are not rapid runners. But to my astonish meut, l'edrn, my horse, showed signs of fatigue, and I perceived that some time must elapse before I could overtake the bulk My Winchester rifle was now across my saddle; the buffalo headed for home, a most unusual course, and I could not imagine what instinct guided the mniinal to rush in a direction opposite to hit comrades and toward our rancha But I pressed on. getting nearer and nearer. Ily this time the ladles must be safe at home, 1 thought, and they will be rather surprised to tee me hunting a buffalo cloee up to the station. They conld thus witness the denoument end my prowess, for I was not altogether insensible to Miss Mcllor's charma end glad to display my unerring aim aud my skill in hunting. Now wa my chance! True, 1 could not are the house, but if I wished to kill my bnffalo now was my time. I fired, and to my astonishment, missed! Missed! Yes! The bullet went flying on its mission. Little did 1 imagine . wlint that mission waa Once again I fired, stopping my miiNtung in order to take a steadier ei:n. The buffalo swerved; tin bullet struck a tree and in another moment ! linril a loud cry. The ani.i ul could not hare uttered the sound. It was inure like a human voice. Had I shot unr m sa al ut dark-skinne- e. it h dark-feature- ot Hair-Dmss- Patents. Trade-Mark- s, SiaadaaHa brain-lessne- one? Suddenly a horror came over uie d y well-to-- . po.-itio- ob-te- et y brll-lla- nt t tram-plante- d tlr full-grow- I1 |