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Show THE FARM AND HOME. that the fault generally found with poor butter la placed on the women folks" quite wrongfully. Butter cows should poaaeaa quiet, gentle dispositions, and muat run" to rich milk in sufficient quantities to make it profitable to keep them in the best manucr possible. That there is a great lack in the farmers butter ia known and read of all men." and women too Those who have lived in towna for any length of time know how difficult it la to obtain good butter at the groceries at all times That there ia a very general neglect to supply all the favorable conditions on the part of farmers ia a foregone conclusion, eatabliahed by almost universal observation. If It pays to do anything well In any line, it ia alao true in regard to butter making ou the farm. Thousands of farmers are keeping cows that don't pay their keep, and thousands more do not keep their cows so that any profit can lie had from them. Good cows for milk, and not necessarily for beef, are the beat; for a pound of butter is always worth more than a pound of beef, and tho lifetime of a cow will give many more pounds of butter than the weight of the carcass for beef, so that the profit in a butter cow is far greater than that of a beef cow. It would appear, therefore, that theae conclusions apeak very highly of the little Jerseys" Jersey crosses can readily be obtained at very small coat and a cross of common, good cows with the Jerseys is in all probability the solution of the butter problem so far as profit goes, and this goes the whole length of the butter question on the farm. A careful and pains-takin- g system adopted on the farm will bring up the farmer's butter to a higher price than either dairy or creamery butter can by any possibility attain to, for the reason that a few cows properly kept by the farmer are subject to less variations from true conditions than larger herds kept by the dairyman and the circumstances attending the creamery. A determination on tha part of the farmer and the milkmaid to produce the very best, will soon make such a favorable change that there will bo po ground for complaint from customers, and the farm er and his family will reap rich rewards Journal of Agriculture. DUE WORN SED COINS AS SHOT. TO CHOST STORIES. BY NAPOLEON. MAKINO WAR ON MOUSE. A What tha Cunlcau Spoat Car Hla Fear Iperrews Make a Vela Attempt ta Haalor la (Silts I Wardrobe-- Hit Curaaatlaa. Froos s Hufftln. HUI Oue rimaraus Haastla." f Hurglsr. haa been characterized There was a battle royal on MichiIt was a cold winter's evening, just Th buffalo in Ceylon carries hla I in Napoleon ao many different ways by the gan street the other afternoon, says such a one as nature gives for the head n a peculiar manner, his horns numerous writers wbo have studied the Milwaukee Sentinel. A man was u back and hia nose imthrow of the to atone projecting Ovar. proper coloring A Jsdleloas UtlMtlw of Urssd level with his forehead, thus his career that it is not surprising seen to come out of a flat building, a (1 hosts could character. !( M.k-IHSSealtlns Balts aginative Mass Mur be seen dancing aud holding high securi ug him from a fatal front slut to find him described as a dandy in with a mouse trap in bis hand. A aa tha farm SsUetlag i'ratU author. yellow dog was loping along on the carnival on the glistening snowbanks lhis renders him a dangerous the recent work of a F rench Kara. Kataa aud Hoaia Helps. r, and other side of the street The man he will any nun-- The book is liy A. outside, and fairy form and hobgob- biioii balls from a small gun in the Is devoted mainly to the household with the trap whistled to him and bar at forth seemed to burst lins every With loHfN foaltrjr. Sic em" two or liirco shouted crack of the bright lugs la the big thru; and chest without showiug affair of the little t'orsiran. There are those who have but a limIt describes in detail," says a timea The fool dog didn't catch on, the Udistress, la Tne Rifle and open grate. ited area for poultry and the flock muat As we sat there In the pa"lor of the Houn I in Ceylon, an account of a reviewer, tbe luxury which Napoleon but continued bi lazy trit until ho be kept under confinement or be urroundod his first extravagant came to an alley, Into whu-- he ran, farmhouse, watching the glow- dangt rou encounter with this anibig difficulties to Nearly ail the wife who, even after the divorce, probably to mal Tha had fired writer to ourselves we given. bent dig up a bo.io bidden fully logs, ing be met with in railing poultry can not get along on 30U.U0J francs when hi stomach bad nr aching the surroundings, and our imagin- withr ut killing the buffalo and haJ could be overcome by a judicious selection ations bad full sway. Uncle Fred re' not a single bad lef L tllh a stealthy a year and bis second modest one, void. Tbe man looked disgusted and of b ready. Certain breed are eaiily aud hia manner of living. In reality said something g to himself that, lated long and yarns, step ind a short grunt the bull while other kept under confinement, d upon tbe man, seemiujiy Napoleon waa not extravagant aa far sounded harsh. Then West: tho he unhooked the he in which heard had breed give better remit on a free u his own person wai concerned. the top of the trap and out jumped, told some wonderful ghost awai ' of his helplessness girls are not The the farmer range a bright thought When he bad himself crowned as the tiny mouse. The aulmal hopped iddenly stories, end I fairly let myself loose clau most largely intereited iu poulflash id through my mind. Without smperor 70,00) franc a year were off toward the stono curbing at a had which of crime anecdotes la a queation try in all nectione It ccma under my observation as a takii g my eyes off the animal, I put let eside for hi ward rube, but he higher rale of speed than a toad whether more poultry and egga are do ble charge of powder down the never spent more than 20,000 francs would take, but much after the same police reporter, says a correspondent not rained in citiea towna and vilhand barrel, and, aaring off a for that purpose. The price of hi style of jump; The man had New York Journal. of rigb the The in the than country. lage!, of my shirt, I took all the uniforms varied between 200 and 240 made up his mind to let the our went to we When nt bed, pieci last of and citiea uburben revidenta minds were keyed up to a very high mondy from my pouch, six shilling: francs, and he wore them as long as poor little mouse have its freetowna produce a large proportion of pieces, and two anna possible, not considering it beneath dom when an English sparrow, pitch, and I noticed that tbe girls in the poultry and egga consumed in bis dignity to wear mended clothea which had been watching operatinna. used extra precautions that night in pleoea. thia country, while the roHidcnte of In rainy and cold weather he wrap-pe- l from a neighboring The into roll them a windowa Quickly doors making and the gable, darted locking borougha and village! are nearly all himself In a simple gray mautle into the street. He flew at the mouse lookwith the piece of a rag, 1 rammed of a fact that suspicious couple Where tha intereated in poultry. for which hi tailor charged him 100 viciously, spreading hi wings wideing tramps had been turned awey them down the barrel. They were franca farmer baa only one flock on a large As is well known, Napoleon ly as a spring chicken does when a well home before the bull in the grandearlier hardly by my evening more area an farm, equal denaely father also tended to make us more sprang forward. I had no time even preferred generally amall, homely dispute arise with a mate over a populated uiay have aeveral hundred to replace the ramrod, and 1 threw bats, for which he paid 4 francs each. kernel of cure The mouse continued than usually careful. flock. It la a matter of great imV a to room, The retired just it in the water, bringing my gun un the For the court perfumes, however, to bound along the pavement when a girls portance, therefore, to control theae of the ataira, a great big full cock at the same instant. emperor was a good customer, heavy express wagon rolled by and head at the to birda end and thia flocka poaaeaa I now had a charge in my gun lie used Incredible quantities of eau the sparrow retired temporarily aside set la aa such chamber, always that are contented in confinement. which, if reserved till he was within le cologne, a he considered it not from the attack. When the danger aa the spare room, furnished with The beat egg recorda are from the a few feet of the muzzle, would cer- only refreshing but wholesome, and was past he was again after tbe big double bed with four flouka that have been kept in yarda tainly floor him. The horns were washed his body in it every morning. strange enemy, but was highposta My Lnole Fred and inatead of being allowed free range, in lowered, their points were on either Between June and September, lHiMi, by two more sparrows Then there in chamber, the slept but the egga produced by buna that side of mo, and the muzzle of the gun he used no fewer than 1(12 bottles of was some sport rarely witnessed. of house, tha the other wing have the privilege of foraging coat u do cologne, around narrow barely touched bis forehead when I hall paying 42.1 franca Tbe mouse ran hithor and thither in winding long, leaa More labor ia required to manthe and three shilling Tor them. He wai also exceedingly search of a crack in tha curbrlone, staircase pulled of sepatrigger, the the open top flocka of hena confined in yards, age worth of small change rattled into fond of the smell of the aloe. In while his tantalizing enemies were rated the two apartments but thia ia more than balanced by the 1303 he gave 72il francs for ten striking wicked blows at him with hie hard head. been had I and Fred Uncle asleep living in the coat of range. In many Down he went, and rolled over ounces of aloa Costly soaji, four their bills and Rapping him about about two hours when we were aud' inatahrea the laud given up to a momen- and five franca a cake, he also used, the head with their wings. The with the suddenly-checke- d denly awakened by the sound of flock ia too valuable for that purpose. lie was also a good customer of the mouse was bewildered hut bell it B of his tum went we listened moment charge. For a Away struggle. The bi eed for the range la one that I in DOM he bad forty own in a wonderful manner against as a our hcols fast would and we a carry heard and then soprano high The Ighurna. ia amall and active. as Flora's ua. through the water and over tho sight pairs made of deerskin and the great odd, and, when about to we which recognized a and are Hamburg good gamoi pairs of goatskin. How surrender, along cams an electrlo plain, knowing that he was not dead, twenty-fou- r screaming range ra. Such fowls, if kept cloaoly these lasted la not told, but car with a loud whirr that scattered stunned. in long man the a only theres 'Help! Help! confined, will be aa restless aa turThere was a large fallen tree there were many similar purchases. the sparrows and gave the mouse anroom! not and results, good give keys, exwas Napoleon, however, other chanca Before they had time At the same instant another voice about a half a mile from us whose while the vices of foather-puliin- g whitened to linen. above as his to return to the chase be had reached Minnie's branches, tremely was once we high knew particular rising at which g sooner will or later and ground, offered a tempting asylum. He was very cleanly, and changed the end of the curbing, where lie No method of gave another and even more un- the appear among them. this we directed our steps, and fcis underwear and dress shirts daily. squeezed into a small crack and earthly yell of Help! lie's killing To keeping them busy by providing litafter a run of 10) yarda we turned The finest linen was used for his under the sidewalk. me!" ter will answer. They will not bo dress shirts, as can be seen front the looked Tbe and behind buffalo ua an on in waa hi instant foet Fred content in a small yard. It la not MasiU ta Huston. and as he pulled hia pistol out of tha bad regained bis feet and was follow- Tact that in IKOH more than 6.000 Mrs. Hayseed, noticing the lire only the exercise of scratching and francs was We ns now for for icnt material the slowly. I experienced It only ing drawer grabbed the lamp; working that they need, but they are hotel I wonder what at a talartluT Fruits. took ua a minute to rush out in tbe the difference of feeling between six dozen shirt. One hundred hand- them staircity are (er? partial to roaming over large areas would deal a to be kerchiefs cost him 1.400 franca For worth It bunted. and good being seconds bunting in but that hall, sixty to forage for what they want Mr. llayseedCse yer brains, Miaverage farmer, could he occaBy degrees the bulls jiaoe slack- linen of various kinds tho emperor pace we heard enough to convince It is useless to give a large range the if you've got any. This is a randa, 1303 a felL We too were franc ened and 10,000 almost he in spent looking spend day sionally through would only us that a most horrible sight to Brahmas and Cochins, for they the markets of some it? hotel ain't half of sum reduce which our to the be able to he large place, meet our eyes. epoed. usually glad will not uso it They will forage, where Of course." bad and Indifferent prowe bad no sooner stopped to spent on his wardrobe. but good, and bounded we Around hall tbe but do not wander far from their ducts of the farm are Well a hotel has all sorts o' peoAt no time, however, did the placed on sale, kick from Fred sent the door of tbe breathe than he was up again and afcoop This has been apparent to all the good in it. and 'tuln't likely they all ple for good we court harua ter At however, He purveyors selling rapidly gained length, enjoy grrater room bounding inward. who have turned such breeds on the girls low up at the same time, is it?" get bad vest at Lhe tha him beheld he when was than stretched and tree crowned an! selling slowly prices, I s' pose uot" range. One end of the field only prices, and being disposed of at all cocked the pistol and I shoved annointed within Never the before emperor. upon ground from' powerless the As the the rays will be used. The large breeds prelight Courso uot Some goes o work because the poor must make $1 wore so many magnificent presents shone around the apartment we 200 yard of us" fer to scratch and work in a spot se- onlyas far as earlier than others, and some has to The farmer lamp sent from never the and TulUerlea, possible. go to discern any traoe of the mas lected by themselves. I spose them outside natch trains. They will would also obtain the valuable in- failed CHARITY before did AT BEGINS HOME. on the royal palace the A glance at the bed told the story. work well, and need but little room formation of stairs is so the early risers can git of Both banks of see the Seine such something knowing display. were sitting upright ou which to do it Hut the Leghorn fine girls Are held to Ha Won I r daily The coronation down to the pump without maltin' varieties, and learn in a amall Flora had a tight grip on Mlnniei Tha Poor Kind clothing of the cm will work here and there, moving orchard ta Jhrh Other. any nolsa own planting, that by of his and cost 650; empress together bangs and Minnie was clutching from place to place, oftea running to We wonder whether selfishness in- peror and giving good Flora's A Cal ugs Journalist, hair with both hands Both crease or decreases among the poor. IHM) francs, and that of the eonrtiors chase an insect and traveling to the electing, planting there la nothing in the were screaming at the top of their For ornaments of various 160,030. Friend How's that? Lost your pobounds of the field. The large breeds cultivation, is We former the rather think the kinds. 700,00) francs was expended, sition already? way of setting In future on bis own voices and both were fust asleep; I thought you were do not feed In that manner, for they table increasIs an to and due first, the very finest and most deliand for memorial medals, 20,0001 All tbe It didn't take long to solve the case, honor graduate ia tho are heavy and losa active highest consciousness which aggravates of American cious ing all fruit of Agr- mystery after getting the girls awake. self-pit- y the coat the coronation was Great American ollege of journal-laThe Plymouth liock and Wyan-dotte- s into disease: and, secondly, told, about 5,000,000 franca No monarch Flora, in her slumbers had dreamed to the are between the large and iculturist marvelous developof the ancient regime expended to of burglars and tossing about had ment ofperfectly Farm Holes, small breeds, and thrive beat on the Young Journalist That's whata pity for poverty as tha most much on a similar occasion. Nano-leo- n As she hair. Minnie be will the all not cases best will utilize the it the matter. All the professors kept grabbed by nearly range, yet they of all misfortunes, says the hopeless L, however, was never embarv- i- the did so she dreamed she had caught into my head the great jourrange to the extent the Leghorn to feed the poorest first Spectator. rassed financially. He kept his pri- dinging Boil it down.' best for the latest feeding. nalistic will, nor will they endure the conmotto, burglar and yelled. Minnie, who wai maimed the the lame, Formerly, Well?" finement the B'.'uhma and Cochin will Han the feeding of tho stock so as aleo thinking of the ghost stories and the blind were, as in biblical vate treasury, as well as the state Far Well, the first work I waa glveo submit ta Their excellence la in to save time, and also so that the instantly surmised that a robber had times, and in the East still, tho treasury, in the best order. the hardiness and adaptability to a animals can have their meals regu her and in self defense she had grand objects of charity; but now It from allowing his nurveyors to take was editing the special cable disgrabbed Flora's hair. Both had is always the very poor, so that a advantage of him, he examined every patches I boiled 'em down to about They do not, larly. variety of purposes. bill, even for the most insignificant three inchea and this morning the however, excel the Brahmas or LegLook season's over last work, pulled for dear life and yelled at the hospital may appeal In vain where a which was purchased for his kicked me out" horns for the purposes to which the and. if possible, see where mistakes same time; paper describing a streetful of pecu- thing Almost invariably the mer- proprietor court was When at matter the are breeds latter explained adapted. rewill want e elicit havo been made, and plan to avoid in instantly chants were obliged to lower their What Hart Hla. the breakfast table next morning, niary Hens that are kept In confinement the future. sponse. The poor ere still wondrously I dont mind you refusing me cold embar- kind to one an pricea" are usually overfed and made too put emphatic grandfather we another, but fancy the winter is a good time on any more ghost stories victuals, ma'am," said the time-wor- n fat. If a large breed, if not an active to During take aid with less gratitude and pile up under shelter cuffi go cut they York nun xw nur travel-staine- d and confinepilgrim at the forager, and can thrive in and more of a sense of right than cient wood to last through at least New York grows 6,000,030 tons ol kitchen door, buttoning his faded la Franca. ment, it ia not to be supposed that the Mugdateuu Mary did. advocates tbeir they Certainly of growing season. Fifteen thousand pilgrims annually demand it for them with muoh more hay and raiaos 30,000,000 bushelsNew remnant of a coat under his chin, it does not need exercise. No flock trade of Internal The man who raises good crops visit The potatoes. hut when you cn'--l me a worthies of hens will ever prove profitable if in Provence, not far of that tone, end with much more will never get nob if he feeds it all f.om St Baume, York exceeds f2.00a 000.000 a year tramp you do me a cruel injustlua. where in Marseilles Francs charkept idle and fed lavishly. It la that forgetfulness involuntary over I have a to keep them well supplied out to scrub stock. He will have no Mary Magdalene is said to have ity is not A virtue at all, but only a 11.650.000.- 000 of freight passes standing offer of 916, maam, 9150,000,000 over the from one of the best medical colleges railroads, the with litter in which to scratch. job; but It will be all work and the last of her life form of ubmisslveness to extortion. pent thirty years 000 over the in this country for my corporeally, The legend, aocording to tbe Non God loveth a cheerful giver" not canala and 92501 0001 They should be made to work bard pay. York sustains New lakes and sound station The Idaho proas it stand a" experiment for their food. If this is dono they velle Berks runs that Mary Magda- the man who bae been slanged by just And with a stately bow he turned will learn no vices, and be just as nounces carbon bisulphide a success1 lene came from Judea in a email the evening papers into an unwilling over 1,000 newspapers and periodic of the ful exterminator squirground as N and two gift, paid, in fact, as a kind of ran- ala has 9600, 000.000 in the savings away, ahufllod down the steps and contented with Marths the Lazarus boat, profitable happy, insurance in aerlous pest to banka 9303,000.000 curried away hie insulted corperosity Marys and Saloms bringing with som from obloquy or Importunity. they bad a large field instead of a rel that Is such a and 9700,000,000 in capi- to the next kitchen. , town lot to range in. It is not pos- Western farmers. them the body of St Anns the head is certain that the bitter dislike companies It There sible to give a method of feeding, or of St. James tbe Less, and a few wee for foreign poverty increases; that tal and loans of the banka Homs Htata. Like Olivas. Amsrleaas which of miles railroads, are 6,000 to estimate on a dally allowance, for A peck of fresh lime ia a damp bones of the innocents massacred by the starving, if they are foreigners cost over 9600,000,00a There are This country has become within no two floexs of hens are alike. ObHerold. of stress here are King driven and by poverty, absorbs moisture val- three decades one of the most imporcellar prevents of acres farm landa 000 23.000.servation will enable one to thor- malarious troublen regarded witfli angry antipathy, and ued at 91,066,000,000, and annually tant olive consuming oountrles of tho Dtaekllglug. oughly understand what to da that there is more of a demand that world. When olives were first imof of a Half sugar teaspoonful The key of success in poultry mansaid Mrs Trimmles, chanty should begin and end at producing 9173,000,00(1 John," into the United State they is fire better over a scattered ported dying a house." agement is to get the right breed. homa The new feeling is particwere a luxury of tbe rkh. They are of "theres burglar in the no element has Willow. kerosene Fsllsrd and than When the characteristics and merits Is therar ularly marked in Amerioa, where tha is the name in till ceneumed in clLft rather than Powder willow Yes. Oh, John, I do believe it' of the breeds are understood, aa they danger. idea, so those pollard in the country distrlcta and in New for Delaware A cup of hot milk flavored with Jack tbe Slasher." Northern should be, there will be no more long cherished, is now a subject not seen In York, with Its great population of r one of willows beet or water commonly orange-floweswamp "Of course you da And I suppose only of rebuke but ridicule, aud it is keeping of Leghorns when one should Durepewder-makinThe people from tha Mediterranean invalid an for excellent meadows. is tea just you want me to go down and see him developing itself strongly, alsa have Brahmas, or building high and this gions, is of all American citiea, by fer a market established before ponts retiring. of instead tell how coma and back fences be and keeping you expensive Mgritag ourselves. wood in Delaware a century ago, far the greatest consumer of olirea A large rug of linen crash placed looks and all about him. I'm not breeds that can but barely fly and every stream for a dozen miles will machine catch William Had Frnsuneu af Iliad. high as a man's knoo. It ia waate of under the sewing going to do it Ive got nometbing It lined with Hoard Outslds th Stack Unkings. threads, clippings and cuttings and to do besides gratifying your idle cu William the Fourth of England above Wilmington apace and loaa of capital to turn First City Man Why, who owne have grown Borne flock of clumsy, large fowla on a save a deal of sweeping and dusting, seemed In a momentary dilemma one these trees. riosity." the country? older all the and size, enormous to uae a will And John turned over and went liemore rust from steel knives by only large field when they tiocond City Man The people. day when, at the table with several ones are picturesque with great corner of It The adaptation of the covering them for two days with sleep. Wbo owns the people t" officers, he ordered the waiter to in the of balls foliage Take away that marine there," fluffy green The capital and labor to the breed la one swoet oil: then rub with a lump - His politicians." of dense spheres misty EsparleuM. to an empty bottia Your spring, and in winter. way, but tho economical mode la to fresh lime until the rust disappeara Who owns the politicians?" You muat have had some pointing Mr. Pry twigs a colonel of ma- gray The Stock Exchange. To proveut the hair from coming adopt the breed to your requirement!. in your army majesty,"do inquired Who owns the Stock Exchange?" rines, take a pint of bay rum and half peculiar experiences you compare an empty out Hor KcibImInI Dr. It Lancet llutti-- r Slaking a tha Farm. to member of our branch ol a bottle The doviL" an ounco of quinina Mix and apply practice. was man Dr. Lancet Very. I have noticed The young prematurely The great difference in price to the scalp twice a day with a wool' the service?" Yes," replied the monTon my honor, I think yon are of little not a some was of and proud the it that for paexample, Te-ln- " between butter produced on tho ton cloth, rubbing it in welL arch as if a sudden thought had ray, Ieiik'i Sun. -- Looks tients who did tne leest fighting quite poetic, don't you right! 1 mean it has done its ordinary farm and that made at To keep polished steel from rust- during the war have done the must struck him. forbear not could ho asking A Wnau'i Vlrw. creameries and the dairy, suggest and it is ready to do it think?" duty once after cleaning, or when not of the young woman he was calling on. " Argonau L bleeding since. the possibility that the difference is ing The Husband No, I don't think sweet again. little a with cloth uso, take a It does remind me of a certain women should vote. caused by the diJTcrru' treatment oil on it and wipe the stoel over she. said Hollar. Tha I must admit, h la of Almighty Living City poem, branch of Tho Wife If they did. they would given to this import:' surface may have a very 1 went Mme. Newriche a And what poem is that?" House rent is rather higher in this want that the forward better candidate than successful farming. olL of put warm but ia coating When the frost onthepunkln.1' men da class passage to Havre the City of Mexico than in Chiof proper treatment may not always light a on in kitchen isH al went rule Tho cardinal Lino of hair And his whitening Standard the The kerosene is a cents Agent 5) be laid at the dour of the faithful cago; gallon, Tho Husband Don't the men put and if attended tea f - 25 a pound, milk 9 to 12 a more rapid rate than ever. housewifa Unless batter making Is clean up as you go.the labor and fa- Yes, maam. good candidates? np half saves this Mma Newriche And I insist upon cents a quart Them are tho silver start to to cooks suffer from wbo Wife Good candidate.' (JudgThe properly attended from Crows. A Jewel ! ta Country's pursue having a smooth passago, po matter standard prices, a dollar being worth from finish" tliero cau be no success. tigue what tliu papuiU- - a ing only old method of having a grand what the cost Chicago Record. s The cereals, hay and root crops ol the worst men in tho of our reckoning about a: 6 First, the cows must be of the right the community clean 970.000.00C valued at and are up." California comprehensive elected. selection. .Second, they must he A Fllot-Loek Olil over 20.000.00C dose I'mlnm. A la tho Dor, carved Icnthoi Kmbossed and yearly. There are properly kept and given clean aud Ovartiaarl llir Mrert. An old F.urnHian custom was to fruit trees, and 17.000,000 gallons oi While I II. Ecclestone, of Lafay Third, the cushions decorated in color aiv comfortable quarter. Bewildered Granger, to imported with narrow thongi etto, was dredging for oysters in the give a clock to anyone who could wine and l.nu'.O H) gallon of brandy laced dono. togethur bo must carefully milking I say, mister. I've gone icy waters of Wlckford bay, recently, tako an oath that he had strictly are made overy) year. Tbe sheoj policeman Fourth, the milk and cream must be of leather without a stitch being Dint-loclost and own b'lsiness fm ami i.iK) pounds. of wool, and hi liked not ara mindod 36.0U an ancient inysolt. in these he taken them; yield the and captured kept in a clean. eor-- place, of butter and Fuiiceman Arrali thin, why don't head" of the family muat provide hall seats, for libraries and fur men' musket that wn entirely encrusted meddled with 1 hi neighbor's affairs 16,00.1,00) pounds Tees go an hunt yerself? Equity. cheese are annually produced. with growing Mvalvea (or a year an a day. teirlr all of these condition; 0 room THE FOUNDATION OF SUCCESS . WITH POULTRY. d. egg-eatin- Two Girls Captured KmI Other IbsIsbS Maze-Scarie- 1 ' il h 1 blood-curdlin- six-pen- low-coili- glove-maker- ed I? es-cai- ie m. nec-easa- ry asylum-of-the-unlrers- g I- - 1- two-third- k |