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Show SurT ... T k- ,,. ' ir- -l a 7 Tl3CE Baqle Smith I0TS8-ifclegal Istise- A TIB1IBL1 AOCDKFT TuB board present, la tha Probate Court 1m aa for Da ru Count j iato Itiroit TurrituryuT Utah ; tu Ike aiattrr ofth eeluM Hen- - 11. W, Haight, presiding, Mia- PaaaelaifktSiaHyDaiM of aiiulelk Henwuud, Dreeuaed. Notice of W. E. Editor, uls of Poo. &, aenioa read and Bstwesa 13 sad 1 o'clock laat Tues- time sad place uf fur heurlug sf peUtiua fur ad tu of will. aiiiua probate day aaoroior Puana Height waa drivPuruuaatloaa order ot eaid Court la (aid Fargo's IN Win. Barber auperviaor of diatrlet ing apeedlly along Mala with a alngle utter, autloa la ber-- rlwa that 11Monday tha imh day uf Dueember. a I. IIM, at o'clock, A. Far- M. at ike Court House la Parnlngtoa, Davie In hia bone to on hie mad way No the that buogy county reported Pox Co , Utah ta the court room of eaid In that district waa la a hd condl-Uu- a mington. When the co-o-p corner waa Court, busTerritory bean appointed tha time end plana Christmas Monday. or K. Barnes the toariog of a pedtiua of J. If (ravel waa not hauled reached the hone took notion logo praying and for the adimu-lo-o lo probate of n oer- - School Shoes Lttt on it it that Spend jour klidip te woutd be impawabla nest owarda the depot, made a midden turn tain document tkennrltk preeeatad. purporting WUlaadTeeiasiaalof Ellcabetb I Side city. a&d The sudden fobetkelaat Ilrawuvddeoreed,haB cad here all pecaun apmg. He ateo stated thu there waa I and eat out like wild-f-ir Every Pair lnleittad BMhj gp probateMr. vehicle lurch Appear M0 of the ' vicinltv. In a hole precipitated that good gravel of eaid alii, ofth gii daacinr TeotaaeaSee display nd. of Williaa Selectman lee was authorised to Haight, who waa very tired and sleepy, anu lary to fiaid Johan- ikiraee aa prayed for la Warranted school ia (bin Issue. Children's DktiUhl. have aufllclent gravel hauled on the to terra firms with terrible force. The I la Wafaaox. ymta I have hereto art aw hand snd i horse lit out for home like a train of Geo. Ttrooke, agent Mr Bine SaL road to keep it lo good lepair. SEAL I aBUed the seal of laid Quart 1 we and double bave were ' vw bllto town son Koa geared J lightning thuwtkdaxof Noveavkor A-present vu in Monday. non, aupervi Clothing ed. audited and approved as follows; not heard of him since. We do pot Phillips and you'll The Bio Grande pay ear paled Wm. Bartel Jistrict Me- - A poll tai know whether he ia still running or of the rotate Goaft ififlQI, 4. 4 through Kajevlllo Tueiday. not. If he hae arrived at Farmington collected 1210. U0. Services $19.00. Deputy Qleek.. wao C. pesreou. E. huy J. W. Karl, district Ko. 10, Ul col- we doubt very much whether there ia Ally, for Petitioners. B. 1. dheOeld will ship 175 ehickene muen to attaehad him. Services buggy lected 99,50. 900,00. 100 morning. and turkeys Friday Ho other 9! Frank Banco, who happened ta be J, W. Steed, district No. A Mstias Salt Is wint scene to M.Kuoz Cniiton. E. of uf the Bev. lake, lectedltl Services, 95. within a few rude the M. M- - Whitesides, bill ef Ml far accident rushed hastily forward and the great huh of Utah, Monday-- J. ia tbe Probate Coon of the County of Darin Utah. Io the Muller of the U Terriiproyaf lifeless form was found of the court aigwrently Iks ULderordenot Lake waa labor, Salt at tele of EUmhath Heaaood. deoeaeed. Notice G. X. Barnaa ven in man Hie ail and torn hereby gi I by the undersigned executor uufjrtiuute We have few Summer Goode that von oao have AT of the Lut Will and Testament ef Elixabeth Thursday tc attend the wedding of a I allowed. waa read; bleeding on the cold earth, great Uenwaud. deoeaeed, lateof Knynvllle, Da vie Co. The report following OWiNT PRIGS, the? YOUR jrleBi Utah, h the creditor- - of and all paruuni baring I Toths Huuorsbla county court of streams of hluod gUKlilag from the ela'aio against the mid deoeaeed lo exhibit them Oscar C. Bennett is home I )1Tjg Your gapping wounds in his head. Frank a it to oeeeuaaiy youobe- -i within four mouth 'or Fall Gentlemen: goods. after the am publiuetlon of thin notice, to the fmm Fort Douglas on a twelva dayi committee to whom was referred the called to Tom Rubins, who waa oa bis eaid executor, at Kayivlile, Daria Co. Utah, I same I the Iru-actiCOME AND GET SOMR BARGAINS, uf being the plsoe for tha furlough. peiupiQ uf the Kelsel and Adams Salt way home, to come and assist tu tako said eotal Wed-- 1 waa In the man wounded into Blamiree the hotel JOHN a BARNES, Bobt. city Co., praying that their name be atriek. lug the ef tha Laat fill and Ttaumant Agentsfor of I CDfPimB eirtaln petition presented Gea Swan waa also summoned, Executor Elixabeth Henwood, ihmeeoed. nesday with a heaping wagon-lua- d I Chao. Peanioo, dresaed prra. by the Solar Cryatal Salt Co. and I The three lifted him from a pool of Atty. fur Executor, the CELEBRATEP I others, praying for the opening of a live or six quarts of blood, took him Dated Dteeftber is, UM. j eertaiu road near Hooper, died in the into the Mansell house and placed CORSET WAIST, I counlr court, Oct, A 1993, bere6y re. him on a stretcher. Ur. Ingram waa OosiqgOut. that lu sent for at once, the wonnds were Best on the maracet of said I dreaed and by two a. in the suffer Hyde A Co. aflayton are closing out 1 win-Beevea bee been celled to go on a Adams &, Kelsel Co. and O. W. Gull- ling man wae again conscious and reat-ain- n their bunncM and every thing pa et We sell I I Hum of the Solar Crystal Salt Co., lug easily, much to the credit of cost. They have many seasonable good to Great Hnlian. I Kajrsvule's old reliable M. D. The which it will pay jot) to examine-Cbaa.N Sheffield snd Frank Shef--1 th,-- on the A day of Dec. 1893, visited on Four Weeks Trial. lot of Christmas footle bought before In question, apd after ex-- 1 doctor called around again about 7 the dressid 50 and tar. ground 172 thickens field I In jumlnlng the ground and hearing the I the morning and put his patient t hia move waa decided on, will be slaugli, in 10 hours Wednesday. n I evidence offered br the and klndlv trred aauu, ecu them snd nve money respective in shape f ir trauspo-UMoI I of Morgan Much is due home. Illllard, Florence him credit took are of the the that opinion, Henry purtiaa I If you wish the Family Herald and county, waa tradlhg In Xayaville this gama & Kelsel Co-- , should be allow-- 1 Meairs. Barton, Robins and Swan fur week, lie know where to buy good led to have their names stricken from I their untiring efforts to place the Weekly Star and an elegant premnu) with it, aubwTibr with E.A. Williams said petition, and that no further ac- - J sufferer at ease. cheap. & Boo. Y ou will not receive the until be the in the taken, remember premises, jtloo that should Teacher re--1 Aif you seud otherwise. with the the premium rn.mply Of in TH1B90K the HOMO, petitioners next meeting will he held - qulrementa heretofore wtabllahed by EUlrJ OR. KiturDiriaa sails KaTsville, in BerossSpsska cademy building TURKEY, TURKEY, TURKEY. the court,and so recommend, Aath9atiitj. DOMM-ITday, Jan. 4, 18W. , LISfPOF aubmilted, Respectfully I ran use all the chickens and tu of Sunder evening Itet! A series The local teachers' meeting has W. naight II. some loos1 key yqq nave to sell. been postponed until Tuesday evenchairman. urea on rellgteua topic by Taber-naolJI. J. Sheffield. Is teaohera in 1894. in All the the peahen being given ing, Jan. A Report received und the recommenthis winter .The meetings ao far district number 8 sad 13 should be dation adopted. at tended and they Family Herald ' am Weekly Btar present. David Stoker and 11 others petition- have been largely Those who were for one year with elegant are instructive. was very of Clarkstoo, lit. F. B Bsnon ed for an appropriation of 17.00 for portfolio and the chromo, $1.00. In town today, returning from Balt the relief uf George Atalt from taxes. present last Sunday evening, house were pretty well f 11 led, heard A A. William a Bow, Lake where he baa been purchasing Granted. concise lucid some and proofs very land. uf acres 600 Inuniversity about Selectman Lee waa Instructed to Book of Mor Bio Qragfe WmtttA Tin Tabto. and report, as to the advisa- ef th authenticity of the vestigate returned yesterday Pavid X. Layton M. Barnes wa1 mor. Q. Elder John South bound train arrive at 7:S0 e Thus. of ot Other portion remitting bility from a two year uiaaion in the souththe speaker, ne handled hie subject m and north hound at 2:46 p. m tax. J. Pages and health in la He good adva nclng both a ern states. n R. E. Brown. The claim of Joe. E. Robinson. county in masterly manner, naturally is pleased te again be among treasurer 976.00 for services for the scriptural and secular evidi nee to prove In Xaysvillc DISOOHNL8 OU LARGE LOTS, hia old acquaintance that when Joseph Smith translated year 1893, waa presented and approved. A full line of Ladies, Misses and Welcome home. Book of from Mormon the the plate bond of David The application and Children's coat and Jackets reduced Mrs. E.M. Knox was caused much Day aa a retail liquor dealer waa filed, delivered to him by an angel of G nd (ijre.it tor and acted divine under on he trusKaysvllle Co-o- p inapiratlcn by stepping laat Tuesday the bond approved and the clerk in pslu fill mens The of prophecy. ty nail which penetrated the bell of iiructed toiaiue him a license for 4$ la fnl Yo u can gel anything in the Gener SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S on anme waa the dwelt at A inch. doctor au length speaker her foot about months, al Mdse, line, of H, J. Sheffield and Spaulding story, from which some save uuimuneft from Ogden aud the lady CLAIMS ALLOWED, money. A Large BOX of 8. W. ftngleton,eriuilnal sect., 93.00. bave claimed that Joseph Smith wrote It biiw resting easily- Book and of hi the railed It story 1150.00. Jos. E. T, Robinson, salary, Thieves stole a set of harness from We will clut Tm Eagle with any 11. HENDERSON G. E. Pear-io- Mormon. To nrove the absurdity nf the barn of the Hhwen family of Rogers, Jail acct. $4.25. liesbowed the antinomy paper published in th woftd at great' the proposition 9420.00. county attorney, salary Farmington last Saturday night, also of the doctrine laid down in each, ly reduced rates. a set of harness and aa overcoat from Adjourned to Tuesday, Dec. 28. work. lie said th Spanidlng store the barn of O. F. Xutwlisn, Br. waa written purely aa a romance and A limited amount of farm produce as 4 Tli IQ Wiatoi Fair. yet. There to no clew to the thieves it purported to give a history of a received at tbti office on subscription. Fair at San Francis- people who left Europe during the Call see us and make contract. There will be a conjoint meeting of The Ladles' and co soon will Mens' be Young reign of (Vinatantiue about the rear opened- - The managethe Young Mutual Improvement Associations at ment have very carefully selected the 325 A. D.The Book nf Mormon jI a recof the firings of a people who left Tabernacle next Sunday evoaiag. best of the Worlds' Fair exhibits so ord 600 veara before Cl rut and Jerusalem Everybody should be present. We that khoao who were unfortunate in not came to America. So the two are enhave tried to get the program but seeing the Chicago Expoeitin will still tirely different The testimony of eleven men has have so opportunity to luapect the for havt been unable to succeed. been published to the world, stating exhibits The Francisco. Sau at eign A. Beazer Innure your building Farof club Buy Only had seen the plates from The Home Dramatic that Bio Grande Western Railway, in line whichthey Mormon was transBosk of the at the will appear Optra WITH R, W. BARNES AGENT. mington Combination Fence. with ita usual progressive spirit, will lated and that it is a true and correct House here next Wednesday evening Fibemaxi Fund Insurance ion. Three of these witnesses translat connection with Pacific Southern the in Manfer oompant. Assets over 91000,000,06 Beazxs Kayavllle, as Alhibt same when the drama "Among the Breakers Whltmer the ana Conducted .Oliver lavld Guwdery lu effect a luwreund-t- n prate Martin Harris Wx A. Hyde A Co,, Layton trill be presented. The east naa in It Co., put certify that an angel Prompt settlement or osses i the existence of the H. Bbaze, Syracuse during Cotexhibited the plates to them. It is Christensen and Younger of E. A. of OUR MOTTO, the talent Farmington, Bountiful, hair. The B. G. W, By., as you singular that although these laat namfWx. A B. Asa'n, Centerville Hess, Mias trell, Mat Thomas. W. and Wright others. know runs through to Sau Francisco ed men have left the church, they Salt Saunders, Mias Rogers Lake, never would I W W Bteed, Farmington the truth of the Their reputation should insure a without change both tourist and first-clas- s hook. Daviddeny Whltmer wae reported attendance. TRUNKS, TRUNKS, Pullman Sleeping Cars. Two M hare to have said it was not true, good but when be heard uf the rumor he MON. We have several times suggested trains daily. fr signed a statement in 1987 declaring that aouie of our. citizens should clean TII0S. he never had dented it and that MON. EVE that Wall Paper, Carpets, Screen Tha Drag Stack a? 8. A. Tkonyasa Sail he still tlrmily believed ita divinity. pp and take the filth from their promso others while done Barnes Mr. closed have Some by reading the ises. The following new dances are being The long expected disposal of tha DOORS, LACK CURTAINS AML testimony of these eleven witnesses. are still negligent, in fart we cen once the property uf 8. stork, drug Window Glaus Masoutt, Maiguretto, all at lowest prlcia al in tmdutfed ;PrinceL Public. point out several hot beds of disease A. Thompson, was mails Wednesday Oxford those Let A lew Depsrtar. limits. and citv the Manitou within New rlgnt Ktwetta, In favor uf Driver and Bon under an JOHN BARTON & SON Kajsville, Who are Interested get out their fork attachment was sold under the With the new time card in effect Sun- Minuet. It pnd shovel before the ':ity luthoiitie hammer by Deputy Marshal A. M day, Nov 19 tlie Rio Grande Western invited old and young, big pre on hand. Smith of Ogden- - The hid atarted at inaugurated e special radinirg chair car Everybody and d ealer In Our Stores are now full of Christmas $50.01) aud ranged between that and a rervire between Ogden and Denver, The end little all treated the same. diare of hundred until Geo. Swau was on doc- thairg special pattern endfiT entn-foTICKETS rsvto. present of all kinds, shapes and IZST- and elegsrav are ut surpawed mension. They are cheap. elegant ket with a bid of $373.00 which caused WILLIAMS. B. Y. hold-erlie will a 23.V25, These cant free to Tel. 102, Street, snd ud with the times. If you wish to all tbs otlu-- bidders to lose their Kayaviile Utah. . of all class of tickets. Utah. Ogden, buy Christmas presents be sure and In- courage. Geo. then walked uff with J. II. Bennett. vest in the Lake Side City, you will the prize. Ills not known as yet Doulcr for Sol Typewriter Bnalngtn G.P.AT.A. Northern Utah. errliH s full 1'.b pever regret it. Our merchants are what disposal Mr. Bwan will make of ef supplies for sll mochinn, kind, obliging and full of enterprise the stock. root nixchincs snil sell to in all do their power and wll oa cmjt toreu. MaaufusWre please you. Don't forget them when Pmbjtma Christaai Tim sal SatnUia-ntato rubbn ntxmp- -, --rxli, ttrxdlx. jou hire money spend. ofllM xuppU. TACFIC TIME UNION TABLE budgnxild when-var- a GILT EDGE BUTTER It is fashionable SurTlI IKH'KD. Writ aresll sad Mt hia A usat little program to being pre- No. mau willfully steal sack of meal Butte Express butter-mil- k Cream for Frl Jay evening entertainlie. pud walks off with it under hi coat pared Loral Order Promptly Filled. for tbeoftlcereto come and aay' ilere ment by the teachers of the Preebv-terla- n NORTlinuVND. acliuol. will meaTaud be It then the let rendered No. Fast Mail put back that , wishing to contract tbsl farmer not being to easy first, then the Christmas presents will ltirtland Express culprit milk should do so at once before the n Local with this much detested class of crim- be distributed aud the little ones all to contracted. needed amount B. Express inal. When a man is found carrying made happy. Fbuokam. N. SMITH, In effect Dec. 1, 93. store. Telephone at Co-o- p eff a sack of meal and all he has to P. the school. Tnomasaen, Song Agent. I did meal" Where bj to getthia ay Practical W atch Maker he should be allowed to aniffle the air Dialog ua, "How We Kept Christmas," behind tha bars for a few months aa by four little girls TING FACTORY- sort of an apetlur. It would do blip Sung by the school. Spwtscb's fitted far all sights. Al be continto to Reoitatlou, "Frankie's Reflection" The Eagle and the toot, New York good. It very disgusting water whenever n wiir Ml latUbctlM furufol Frankie Allen. Tested "hot in VMIm your Free, World for 92.40 for one year how dors ually Eyes hllhtul kiUrtxl meat, gertnade, SMOunute flour or Recitation, Ernest Barton. that salt you? This Is our new club Xll Work or nut for not fear are the school Song YARN FOR SAIF CHEAP by fight chickens offor. A t the regular rate t lie two pa- hos-'C.i- , Mull A'lvn. - - wjif.ri .M- -t you A T TIIK KNITTING FACTORY Your Fatmage Soliciied CQUST e. Just Arrived 1R. IMS. Stock br Tp tli - mAPAiit 1 to Fnmhhing a mist (Xri-por- al oa . thin y H, J, SHEFFIELD R General MERCHANDISE e LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, Doors, Windows, Mouldings, and Building Material OODKN SALT LAKE! 3PR.ICB3 SUUIAL PAINTS. & COUPANY'8 SHOES C, n, Peninsular Stoves and Ranges We Meet AU Competition For Spot Cash or 6 Months Time, Mld-Wint- at SCHOOL the . WiHiamsHall, Mld-Wln-t- er 25. JAN. 1,94, EVE. DEC. II. PHILLIPS, Surveyor and Notary Valises Traveling Bags Undertakers rt any-wlier- a. S, J. FURNITURE, r KAYSVILLE CREAMERY CO. now-a-da- and go-lat- KAYSVILLE KHIT" itrs Warranted. ! j- f1- J Proud Pro ; r |