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Show ini DEBTS OF A NATION. ti wit clit ft . MK),i,Iii M'niic.nt i V LHvrll .iojillr- - flli1 made and ships are built In thia wo.k, water and i power is sp-plied To quote from the authority from which these facia and figures have The recent opening of been taken: trade and commerce with Europe and America has changed lue condition of commerce abruptly, and at present the trails with foreign countries seems to grow more extensive year by year, and the maxim, 'In commerce there is no state boundary,' fo now realized. The projects formed by the people and the encouragement given ly tha governmentduring these twenty years gradually begin to show their 'effects and the advantages derived fn m establishing the chamber of commerce, mercantile museums, commercial clubs, firms hanks, exchanges, markets, commercial corporations and commercial schools were by no means small, and in 1 mx) thre waa the promulgation s! the commercial code, and as the time for its execution is drawing near the scope of the commercial prospect will le gradually extended. '1 his code relates to internal mutters only. The department of education, with ita chief, the miniKter of state for has made n. .table progress during recent years, in 18' u the emperor of Japan delivered 'an address on education, in which, limiting the work on Outlines on the Modern Education in Japan publish'd in English by the department last Mav, the fundamental characteriatica of onr nation were clearly set forth, a d the course of conduct to be pursued by our children waa fully in.iicslcd. in thia speech the young were admonished to to their studies attend and l AIA. sb-an- niture i?00year old. Much of it was by lr. Van Alcn durinir his coiudtravels foreign Wakeliurstie usually opened about COSSIP ABOUT TWO RECENT Juqq gni from that time until tha APPOINTMENTS latter part of September Mr. Van Alen entertains in a avish coaching parties nd all sorts W. H. H orublowrr'N Xuuilaatlua tu the of fetea are given. When the season TlAfLiJ AA J.I V4V A f ITY ii. 1.0 in tin sail x perio ( nt time. Uslitornia bus rcilucvd er debt 1 m IN FINANCIERING CAREFUL CIVILIZED 'J..;i.ii oil to s'..CO i.. Mt Oregon lias; JAPAN .among MANV STATES no di bt wloiteve : neither hue Mon-tun- s NATIONS. nianra-DinneNortii I)a'.. ota owes SThm.isiO Koutli Da1 ota .1,' .xiji.h for obliand s.uwa,ou0 ll.td br All tl (laly gations in urr d when statehood was la tha Civilized Arts Mis Stands Kaar tu All, Supreme Hrueb closes at Newpoi t Mr. Van Alen reSts n This, llouruier. Iiixx Nut In- acquiri-il- . New ere.v s debt is Tbs IwprrssloB Oaa ta Ilia Top turns to Nurora, where ha spends the Ss HiOO,Tau Nut I'wplN-is and l'eiu Alas debt ware's 0, clude Farm Murl(.(n Ylrsiuls Akwr winter with his children and in enter(MiO. (talus by a Visit to tha World's The former hus slightly inSo I'upular. Shows m Auuuul liirnnMi taining. Ue maintains a large estabcreased. the latter has slightly Fits lishment in London, where he receives diminished since lx-Maryland has many distinguished guests. In perHE FORTY-FOUdebt of 10,000,000, against iT.ooo.ooo PRESI-den- t OK WO Lettar. World's Fair sonal appearance Mr. Van Alen bears I United Ma es owe, ten yera aga Georgia has a debt of Cleveland's tiNDEKKUL, IS a striking resemblance to the Prints lU.ooo.iMi, substantial Iv the same as collectively. recent appoint of deed is the Walee. He has a thickset figure end Oju, and they in, 1830. Florida's debt remains at ments are in being made golden-browCarohair and beard. By pay to the holdera the old figure, sl.tiisi.oo '. North 5,?im.-000 marked contrast lias been tyleii the American by Japan in the ilM-- ot state securities lina's debt has increased from tie many because of the arts of civilizaCarolina's to l,7uii,ii0ii. V '0,000,010 a year cuaroc ere of the Prince of ale. He dresses e egantly, tion. It is not as but always in a quiet fashion, ilia V a interest. Ihoagh debt remain about as before, CO.Ooo.-ou- a W. H. llornnett. if an idea or two Misresidence in Kugland has made Alslisms owes, long who has blower, ft. y the population ot had been transl him a warm admirer of Jr the United States sissippi owes l.i-- '.Hi, th- - old debt been En-roto appointed planted from and on this account he ha custom, Texas, increased dur- - baviug been repudiated. the , i or America, Supreme r yvJRlBJS jng the ten yars be-- though growin enormously in wealth, tench, is distinc- often been classed with the extreme such as railways, tween 18-- o and ls.O population, and current stare xpen-ae-, tive y a man of anglomaniacs. or other modern prrTrtw' ,n has decreased her bonded o ligafrom ftu ouu.uou to Jaa the iople. inventions, but ii.i.O-h00. GUARDED NAPOLEON. to i,3o.i,' J. Van A 1 e n, 83,(810,(100. there hus ieen no increase tions from if as the rather in th- - debt of the a vcral nates. On Arkansas has in ten years out down chosen as ambas- I'ruLstilr ilia tiuljr Mss Living t restrains eople, U her obligations from H.imo.' to the contrary, tiie t"tul omigutions 83.000.00Uk sador to Italy, ia from active partiUuw th. tirrat (.'unqii.rur. Missouri has eot down her were lcsa in lo'.Ki, and are less now m the ! ust the opposite, cipation is now at Hasingstoka There reccn: f limn they were at any time between debt from Sin.non.iXKi to s..ion,ooo, and battle fonght to jiroteam in England an living 1,0 ),88. old soldier who kept lhSO and 185. Careful financiering ia Kentucky owes lea tliun hia appointment go for anyagainst while civilization American create would probably owe lens except over Napoleon the Great at SL the rule in American commonwealth and thing. lie ie what rank and file dem- guxrd from the the dereliction of a recent state Europe was raisingitself Helena. James Smith wax born at ocrats choee to call Silk stockinged." it wua not always so. es- tor middle ages, the of barbarism who alwcoudcd witli some Vr. Justice lloriibiowcr was born in Haxingstoke on Feb. 3, 1783. so that he pecially when, in high inflation times treasurer, had unknown to themselves, been ia now in his 103d year, (in tiie 3d of N. J.. lorly- - wo ran ago. in the west- - states pledged their credit of the state's resoii ies. deal VirPatterson, bound one t to leap has a nomina debt of 133,ikhi, preparing He is the son of Kev. Dr. William November 1808, he enlisted in the Cauca-sim-a and securities to railroads, water- ginia which the for to those would have decidedly more things regiment of Foot mow th ilorubiuwer of the theological semin- Bixty-sixt- h works, snd other busmens ventures, and battled during succeeding cenher legislate rs wen- - willing of Allegheny, Pa Ilia early Berkshiret regiment), and wax sent to nr in the sooth, when the rule of car. if ary turies. 1'arkhui-sbarracks, Isle of WighL net-baeducatii n wa rtce ved in good preadven ures was at its height. to assume her pro rata share In the future of Japan is to be found the former debt of Virschools ami when liis time for In March, I8'.ih, the regiment was orTen years ago the state debt of New of paratory 8ir to of Asia, paraphrase the light now comthe in tiie island of York was ?,.MMi,(MMi, saya the New ginia, when college couise came he waa sent to dered to Trlncomalee, West Virgin) i were a psrt of it. Edwin Arnolds title. It is not that Ceylon. After the dispute wi'h the Sun. Now itis i,(SlHJ.(Mi, a reduction posing West was adm.tted into the Nepauleae had been settled, the regiof nearly a million, though the state- UnionVirginia Juim in, lx 3, but toe ment wee ordered to Cswnpore. where lias been put to much expense in ac- counties onwhich were consolidated to they lost orer three hundred uien from I make it up reiused to pay any pai t of what was then called the plague. I the slate debt existing at that time, bat which the Basingstoke centenaI and the Virginia legislators, who have rian describe ax lieing tike a hat wa been staggering under a heavy burden now call influenza. From Fawn pore of debt of their own, have not, of the regiment was ordered, February, 181 7, to Kt. Helena to of pitying off the course, felt keep guard over Napoleon. (n the way down obligations which equitably belong to the region west of the Alleghenies. the river to the point of emTherefore this portion ot the Virginia barkation hia first, daughter, who debt remains not ouly unpaid, but now resides with him and keeps his also unrecognized, and as there is no little th itched cottage tidy, was born. The regiment embarked in three trans-port- a power under the law to aue a state for on March 17, 1817, and re tched defau't or to prosecute ita represen-- 1 tatives in the legislature for any Helena after a voyage of ninety-eigbt A f ter being at hit Helena failure to provide for the payment of day its equitable or legal debts, it seems as for a year and a half, huilth accidentif thia obligation would remain perally broke hia wrist, wlthli, being immanently unprovided for. The num-- 1 properly set, produced a contraction coat or arms or ijivisara. her of states in the Union hat inJUDGE WILMA M lll'TI.F.R HOKKm.OWKR. of the muscles of tiie hand. He waa, ree i'ark for th land Niagara quiring to forty-focreased from thirty-eigh- t therefore, declared unfit for fur'her Frineeton. The new justice ia a gradurvation, land in the Adirondack a, the ten years between 1880 and military service and wua ordered to of ate the class in of that and real estate fur various public during university 1'.i0. Hut the gross debt of all the England for discharge. He went to '71. After graduation the young man buildings demanded by the exjwnding states during the same period has Basingetoke and after working on the of He went law. into of a of the the population study requiremenie Ten years ago fallen off from 8334.000.0(H) to read for the profession in New York turnpike road fur twenty-si- x years he 8.0H),0Ki persona a net reduction of 10,000,000, and was admitted to the bar in ls75. obtainedHean appointment as rural postfive states had more than man. wa then 54 years of aga Mr. iiornidower came by the profesin ontstanding obligations or at the rate of sI.oihi.Ooo a year. in thia employment for sion naturally, for forty years ago hia and continued each. They ranked in thia order: and am months, twenty-on- e years Tennessee. 37,' WAGNER. was GEN. and famous M LOlltw ; a 30,01.0 grandfather lawyer Virginia. sixteen miles a day for tha traveling one of state time chancellor of at the Grand 000,000: Louisiana. 23,00.1, (MW, and Masof the Guartermasiur-oauural Tbs New Jersey. 'Ihe young man sachusetts and I'ennxylvania, .'0,00o,-00- 0 Aratr of tlio lie pu bile. each. There has been no diminurapidly in his profession and early in was Louie born Gen. Wagner volopcd that insight into the intrication of the debt of Virginia, which v, Aug. 4. 184H, and at cies of the machinery of statute and was returned by too last census as Gieasen. German 1 1 his came this to of country, court that made him a distinguished 31,000,0 0, an increase of 3,000,000 in the age active an been particiman even among the diatingniahed ten years, but by the operation of laws lather haring 1848 revolution in German of the lawyers for which New York ia noted. passed by the legislature and by the pant to emigrate ue reAs a lawyer, and particularly as acts of commissions appointed by the and compelled common school ceived a ednettion, in the specialty which he haa lawyer Virginia bondholders, the interest has to their callings, . reepeetive la to Shintoism practice four at Christianity tip years' sppru ... . . ... supplant so assiduously cultivated since he be.. . .... been sealed dow-.- and some of the un- served a faculties their intellectual cultivate in and finally set up obligations has lithographing himself. and train their moral feelings, to gan practice, Mr. Hornblower will certainty aliout the close Three yean of the civil business for been removed. The foster the public weal and promote the easily rank with the best lawyers in be found first to For more than ten years he war left Virginia devastated and im afterward he wai interest of eoeiety, the conclusion be- Uotham. h Eighty-eighthas applied himself to the atndy of poverished, with many of iis former in lieutenant. ompunyi). of a the that ing hope expression colonel of law and ia a matter of anstriea irretrievably ruined snd i Pennsylvania; later became neither hia majesty nor any of hia corporation wealth thercgiinenLanilatle urth brevet brig--. that branch of the profession. While large share of ita portable 1 subjects should at any time fail to ob- p-not of and wounded was taken I systems universally logic he is widely known at a great lawyer, obliterated. A reign of carpet adier tie these principles faithfully. H at second liull Kun. Mia after i it. If the modern civilization of aerve he ia not lesa famed as a man of proAs 1873 bag financial ing followed, and the prisoner number to the results: in of ban the and bis releiu-i r joined r gimeni ignorance ot apan stands, idea lie ia a democrat of debt of this stale was sent up to 347, his gressive children school of the Asia and age from removed be Hie will UhanC'dlorsville. the strongest sort, but 'cans decidedly 0011,000. It has since been reduced to waa engaged at atruction waa which about 1,lNu.uuo, become will of waa him humanity again, he to the reform-schoo- l democracy.whicn 31,000,000, but the interest charge, wound troubling i'enn organ- worthy of it children, the races of had increased to 3,Sin,ooo in ii)T.'. in regards Cleveland as its leading exI,50U,0'.0 a year (New York pays only sent home, and at Camp increased number the 185 had to man. civilized U Dur- ized the oolo troops, sending nearly lie is one of the most invet37:,000 a year), i oppressive. which was again increased ponent. men to the mint. The year At present in Chicago aomething 3,180,000. erate clubmen in New York. It ie ing the ten years succeeding 180 the 14,i'0u to in increase this 3.830,000 tak 18:il, of two citizen hundred ImVi found iiim commanding a brigade more than said that ho is a member of eight or state debt of Pennsylvania has been in JAMKR BMITIL plana within the twenty years or ten clubs, the r itth corps. Japan are busied with the work of ac-- 1 Jnff including the Metropolitan. cut down 8u.ooo.uuo. It is now less since was of the code education 0 whole period, a total distance of western world with the Gen. Wagncr'a public services have quainting the and Reform. Tne debt of Louisians, largeDemocratic, Lawyers In regard to the Manhattan. Mr. iiornblower'a politiSmith ret. red from the He served wonders of their home. Under the first promulgated. mile and varied. valuable lieen g rascal of it carpet-baa ly heritage im1 higher education, the same fostering cal feelings first showed themselves on posi office eervi. e at the age of 78. The in n7u, and is six years in tne counci a of ihiladel-- leadership of Hon. S. Tegima, the was 8 i0,wh),(joo care by the government has led to occasion of Mr. Cleveland's elec- veteran retain full possession of hia There has been pbia. lie was on the hoard of educa- perial Japanese commissioner, the at- similar now 11,000.000. result. The catalogue of ob- the lie filled the taches of the office spread the propato the governorship of New mental faculties, but ia weak in body. tion a reduction in Tennessee's debt tion for three years, jects exhibited at the World's Fair by York. Mince that two of in of the deeds for recorder of ofiice Japan's importance event the New York The postmaster at Basingstoke ia now al'sOOO.OOO ganda to 37,000,000 from intellectual world. Lit the department of education includes lawyer has been an ardent advocate of raising a fund in order to add somemost and and material latext His much under important year in Massachusetts, hut e everything from toys made bv infants Cleveland's ideas snd theories, and hae thing to (Smiths very small incoma much more favorable conditions for oirice haa breu that "f director of pub-li- erature in English, covering govern- in the as kindergartens to original in ven in no way hesitated to declare himself. and to provide him with medical comsuch he mental which has shown in activities, education, worse, there state debt, of the extinction the t ions in electrical and other sciences While he has never been an adviser of forts. commerce research scientific and wise and and most a himself from &.'0,U00,ih.0 painstaking increase been an has ia and lias been industry, has been prepared for distri- by students of the Imperial university. the President, at least in such fashion The otllcial. general has been debt Maine's to 838.000,000. A FAMOUS WOMAN. the high i rder of the There are schools for males and aa would bring him before the people decreased from St.coo.ooo in lH8o to a member of several organizations, bution.of Of females of all degrees of mental ad to reference the work them Japanese, some he being for has among in such New IS'.K). in Hampshire'! rapacity, any 3,000,000 Madams Mart Korns, llurulae of the the re ori of earthquake observations vancementa, institutes for the blind years .Mr. Cleveland's confiof, B Iras of I'arls. has been decreased from 3,500,000 to the departmentG. A." in Japan furnish proof. This work, and deaf and dnmb, college', of law, dence. enjoyed men two Pennsylvania. believed between the indeed, Vermont, Little 5,500,(8)0. Loudon Currcspondoneal bv the officials nf the Central science and art, and special training there has existed and docs still exist orhe which U., prenared of men mountain Green worthy In brief, the warmest and most cordial Meteorological observatory of Tokio, schools of various kind Madame Marie Roze haa returned to Seallname as the ideal New England ganized: a rnemiwr personal A. ia worthy of comparison with any the system is thorough and complete. ot as lodge grand state, no London, after a long absence, and ia s debt has commonwealth, friendship. The illustration hrrewith printed publication of its class The study with Sir Spencer and Lady James J. Yen Alcn is a son of the neither have any of the counties com- Y. M of Masons; enhances the usefu ness of the fine from photographs kindly provided by late Gen. Van Alen, an old New staying . of Philadelphia Welia, in Upper Grosvmer street, bki Mr. posing it The last installment, 4,00 the Tegima, imperial Japanese Yorker, who made a isrge fortune is to display of instruments of earthquakp at several of the old Vermont debt was paid off a command ery, observation in the Electricity jbnildirg commissioner, are in a measure tvpical through real estate transactions Mr. of thasing C'ovent Garfew years sgo. The debt of Connecti- Knitrhta Templar; the of activities, and mental material, The bureau of comme ce and indusof tne 47 years old and den pro m e n n d e cut, which was S'i.ojU.ooo ten year-ago- , president Home of this wonderful people. The collec- Van Alen is was of born in New concerts. She was a widower, lie try has published a work on these sub- tion ot musical instruments ia now 3,700.000, and the deb. of front the which ia of high value. It ia Tokio Musical born in 1850. and York and was graduated at Oxjects Rhode Island, which was Ji.sou.ooo, is I'enn ayl vania; school is typical with maps and statistical first appeared i n ford. He traveled abroad for a numthird lesa Though Friendship division provided now l,3U0,0u0-o- ne Of Tem- OKJf. xahiis waonkk seventeen Faria in 18uA, singAbout tables of much interest to the student ber of years. the reduction of debt in the old estab- 18. Hon the wears ago he married the eldest daughgrand division of Penn- It is shown that the greater islands of ing at many of the lished states of New England has been peranee; and occupied the position ef the archipelago, with those of ieaer reter of William Aslor. For a number imperial concerts. , gradual and satisfactory, better ob- sylvania, She appeared at grand worthy chief templar of the size, cover an area of about TS.oOO sults in a shorter time have been The total of the coast Templars of square mile the last given by iJw; tained in some of the western states grand lodge ofHeGood has been a ruling line equals 15,300 nautical miles, the Pennsylvania Napoleon ill., at Thus Iowa has no debt whatever. elder in the Market Street Square total population ia 40.453,401, and the the Tuileriea, and i. and n ie mile The church, 4,080. superintenremained in the average per square Presbyter dent of the Sunday school: a memlier extent of the empire from northeast mabie roze. city during of the Y. M. C. A., and manager and to soul h west is about 1,250 miles, After the war she was presiege. treasurer of the Soldiers' Home at while the breadth varies from seventy-fiv- e sented by Marshal MacMahon and i 150 mile The country ia Erie, Pa. In mercantile affaire he with a gold medal in recognL was manager of the Glenville Coal mountainous, thus preventing the tion of her bravery. She appeared at in numerous and interested rivers from of always ompany, Her Majestys opera house, under the being great educational matters. He baa occupied commercial importance. There are management of I'oL Maple son, and several high positions in Girard college many fine harbors on which are then was one of the members of the and oth'-- institutions. He was elected situated the principal citiea Of these, Carl Rosa Opera company. Her many commander-in-chie- f of the the six vice in are of empire population junior appearances in this country are well over lOo.oou, eleven of more than G. A. R. in 1S70: senior vice remembered. In thia famous company in seventeen over 30.000,107 over and she remained until 1888, having in that a total of 141, in 1H?0i Next to Gen. interval taken most of the principal 1870 the first railway line was John C Robinso", he isthe senior livIn parts in its repertoire. With Carcommander-in-chie- f. ia He in Now a number of prilaid Japan. men her name has been most closely ing pant uresident of the Third National bank vate companies and the government associated. In 1888 she had a aucceaa-fu- l of Philadelphia. operate l.i 50 mileaof track, with lilt tour in her native France, and aha now road of in miles course of conJAMKB J. TAR ALEX. haa just founded an operatic academy 4.73 HlaxerweTLs for atruction. which aurvey. Jnslnr mile, 1'ariik She is as devoted aa ever te srt of years Mr. and Mrs. Van Alen passed in have been completed and 354 miles the operatic profession. J. C. Higgcr, the junior sumin and their winters their Europe a t'-surv ARMS. Grand Army of COAT OF instantiate m welw mai& mer at Newport l ive year after her yed. The total, when Republic, now being KIIOPE IILAND was born mt Massillon, Stark county, completed, will amount to 3,881 miles, Sutinctlv national Rob Fitzsimmons, the marriage Mrs. Van Alen died, leavfng Neither has Michigan. Neither hae with many greater extension, in sight 144. 6 ol three children. Gen. Van Alen was middleweight pugilist, haa sued for a are ex- Ohio, April 11, Illinoi. These three states Since 18,1 Japan has enjoyed good European instruments, the organ and fond of his grndi-hildrein the case lie served tlur ng and from the divorce. The papers were served on ceptional in this, thoughIllinois tiie war in the facilities, reaching throughout violin.both of which aru manufactured postal and mother's death devoted Mr. I itzsimmone in Brooklyn. The their of them. of two day of the empire to the remote settlements, in Japan. Many books of music have himarif to them. He took them to complaint alleges adultery, amounts Ninety second Illibut the small are there inMichigan, The money order and savings bank , been published in the language of the England, where they are now being ia not named; but Maroutstanding. nois mounted brof overdue bonds in First are tin an parcel the use, post eystems Julian, handsome censed. fantry, country, historical, biographical and educated. When Gen. Van Alen died acrobat, upon which h ;nrMt and tiie coun ry ia a member ot the In- -' explanatory. (Wilder's) ? igade James J. Van Alen came into posses- formerly Fitzsimmons' manager, ia which had Wisconsin division. Postal union. In be aid Fourth to other ternational man. Toe the H off and Japanese exhibit in the sion of a fortune estimated at 4,000,-00Sporting Life. debt ten yeurs ag x has paid the government ia tbor- - cultural building is one of the most Fourteenth corps. A,' reTiie larger portion of that amount haa n .w no ob igations. Ohio ha in ita method The j of lie the particn-indnstrigraduated the principal teresting Andrews, celebrated crack shot Of waa well invested in real estate which 9.; the duced her debt from of Japan are ceramics, lar value are the displays. University Mr. Van of Woolwich, England, in a revolver dwarfed fir treee, not since has trebled in value a clear gain of 700.0110, manufactures of March seen contest works, to l, at he elsewhere paper, the Michigan London rifle dub. Sept lacquer in the world Alen' present lortunc is estimated at haa on y hi 0,000 debt, nd ie ither, wood and bamboa Of side of Japan. In the Woman's t. (fils; practiced law A few years after hia 20. made forty-tw- o 810.000,'Mii. points, the highest has inly 4.70,000. Colorado or bL raw in are five are manufactured, several score. Neto veirs section devoted K).(HHt; lie placed evert- - shot ing wife's death he bought a handsome possible mooicR. owes 31.7i'.()o0; Wyoming. sake two .' st and two-incwax, of 'lo.. within salt, a sugar, Louis, vegetable 140.000: Japanese art and customs, display! at Newport, remodeled it and ring at twenty vada, 180,000: Idaho, debts t' be Winfield. Kan., and associated with say brewed beverages tobacco, indi-- , Specimens of fine handiwork are dis-- ! villa In moat re- yards. mimed it Wakehnrst. These may 300,000. are tea. J. Webb for These and silk raw l.elsnd as the shown the e'ghteen go. in the eut plaved spects it ia an exact 'Icopy of an English aid to be merely nominal when one vears'te at Dallas. T- - xaa He was United original industries of Japan. Recent The section in The Australian cricket team sailed counti v seat of the udor epoch. The contrasts them with the vast reourcoa Mates attorney for tne Northern d's--1 industries, brought over from Europe building containsthe Hide and Leather r from Liverpool Sept 2J for New York pccu-osurmrteen f lwo acres, many objects grounds comprise the!' liquidation, available 'or President Gar- America, include processes for the liar to Japan. Dressed hides are rounded by a higli atone wall which on the Germanic. 1 tx nnernmn and b the trict of Texas' during n extern atates are and Arthur s adminisira ions, manufacture or utilization of glass, shown, embossed in gold and silver, euat 510,000. teld's Tiie interior of the house Turn r of tiie team did not sail, being diminished of obhjrntions and twice tiie republican candidate brick, wine, drags and chemicals, with objects of art renoml rule to their s lurnifched in elaborate style with compelled to return direct to The peculiar Minnexola. -I- ndiana and - for congress in the Pallas district matches, paper and soap. Machinery country. Most of the fur-antiaue furniture. debt ba increaaed from 8j.iM 0.: the R 234,-00- (i. pro-gre- ss -- ie r, Ioll-tlclai- is eo.-ia- edu-CRtlo- n, to-da- g I I I de-iro- I ht ur I 8234,-000.0- s I e ! le i -- u. 128,-58- I .dtu-oni- c tie t-- r 50,-oo- ii, 1871-187- 3, 10,-ou- o, ; S"M er KJ , n j I 0. m-on- 8S.ito 'H'-?-Knsa- s out-meta- build-produc- h ash-ingto- n, ! s ln-lia- |