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Show HOLLOW OF ATLANTIC. MOODY AXDSAXKEY MET horse to and the tened put through, THE FARM AND HOME. EMIN I'ASIIaS CHILD. It la Kot Mrlrtly a Busla, Bat Bald a it adapt itself and dry work, Got at Water. AsO Us Got Goad MHri Neal for ever fit bo a good BETWEEN there. It will INTERVIEW FIRST seems It that the hollow of th Hrlsi Straight. WHAT HAS BECOME OP HIS CROPS THAT ARE VALUABLE after. THE EVANGELISTS. la not Atlantic strictly a basin whose llo 0MnKd the door of a restaurant LITTLE DAUGHTER? FOR 1 HE DAIRYMAN. UuIm for Ftru Work depth increases regularly toward tho and limped slowlyup to the cashiers I The mule is used much more than Nr. Bankar Wa a liureruawal Officer center, the latest investigation show ! I'athvlta ARVrtlnu llrtvna th Girl rad desk in a pair of soggy rubber boots KIMinsM rad ('Iwmmou Iwd aad at First Bid ul ami 11m Hay to ing that it is neither a saucer nor burse in the South, probably iq the Mi Hit Hunt Slaa Tears three sizes too large. NelaMM Uf light llaniHM-btrz- kM Fliir I suggmtloa dislike one, so even is the contour of Southern laborer because Aneept Sr. Moody' leannegro part My dear sir. be whiiered. Aa la C'aatra Afrli-- .TIib Abbyalalaa Bert ItcaaiM I ram slings- -. Farm Betas are not to be trusted with the more surer. Thair liaiui-dla- t it bed. log confidentially ever the railing, j and Bonis II ini. Wlfa of tha fipliint. A It is found that, proceeding westanimal. valuable and 1 am spirited but to disturb my you, sorry advanthe ocean from the Irish coast, as ward mentions Southern i In planter Ind.. 1S70, boot full of . It was at Indianapolis, 1 heir in fact, deeiien horses: over bed Value of (be Gegaata. of mules When it seemed uo longer poanihle tages Iicy? first nude for tUe gWJmileil lhe is feet are smaller, and so they injure that Moody and to hope for iho uluty of Emin Fasha, gradient The nitrogenous are the most Human blood. Mr. but six feet to the mile, though in and the most necessary food, the crops less when working in them, each other's acquaintance. tha drat thought in the niluda of "What do you mean? faltered the Moody was already displaying that the next twenty mile the fall U many people must have been; What cashier, Instinctively locking the and it is valuaide to know that a cer- and can bo used in cloer rows than disea-e- , ex-t- o to le liable of are are common in evangelistic work which sub- more than fi.nui feet, so precipitous of zeal horses; become Thin little Farida? tain they hu family plants money drawer. ww Fmin little daughter, and khe made him famous, though being this sudden descent that, in I mean that I am bleeding :esively nitrogenous, says Colmsns are better feeders, being loss fastidisequently botsn-"- I ous us to whst they eat. endure hard-sh!- p This is orlil Kural wa Idolized by her father and ac- death," said tlia depth of 1,20 I to 1,000 family calmly. then his efforts and reputation many places,encountered so are nut in proximity and known as are the fathoms In him injured, all better, easily hi legume companied journey shouldn't think oi intruding upon ically were confined largely to Chicaga to lina When imin was governor of the you," bo continued, the hundred-fathoif the situation .neludes the clovers, peas, beans, and are steadier to work at the plow. Mr. Sankeys home was in Newcastle, With the depth of l.KUO to 2.000 About an hour vetches. I. II. F.verett of Beloit, The experience of most Northern equatorial province of Kurone he wasn't so serious. took unto himself a wife a lieautiful ago I was assaulted by taro men anil W is., at tho Wisconsin dairymens farmer with mule is that however ls., where he wa then serving ae fathoms tho sea bed in this part of serviceable for work on the farm it an internal revenue officer. Hi tho Atlantic becomes a slightly unI j sonvention said on this subject: made no complaint. Abyssinian woman. Hu a a a do stubbed. "We need to economize in the pro-tin- g is less pleasant and less safe to work father was a banker and active in dulating plain, whose gradients are voted husband, and hi wife waa am gaino clean through, but Im get- I among them. GimmI horse are none politics, and held under Lincoln's so light as to show but little ultera- worthy of hi affection. She waa a weak now, and must have noiir- - luction of plant rich in protein. the worse for the farm, liecause they appoiutment the important position tion of depth for some 1.2UI miles; woman of goalie nature, and of supe- Iktiiuent Won't you give mu a little lo not believe that any man la rior position in her own country, uid an thing you will, but fled in paying 26 a ton for oil meal, require better care than the mule of collector uf internal revenue for tho extraordinary llatness of the subshe and the famous governor lived help mo light for life. I am sorry to where lie can produce pea meal on will put up with. four large counties in Western Penn- marine prairies, therefore, rendering then tho familiar idea of a basin rather Young Sunkey happily togothor. soli your Hour, added the stranger, li own farm. The chemist finds sylvania. Nirskuin MaImriim. Iwo children were born to them, glancing down apologetically, 1 see twenty-fiv- e a Christian, having been converted JuuDpropriute. pound of digestible pro-- i In tho molasses making sorghum teiti in l'Hi HJunds uf oil meal, and In of year before during a a boy and a girl The boy died soon my boot is leaking. The greatest depth in tho Atlantic should be run into three vats a number of song had is claimed to hare been found some hi after he was born, and. to the great and talent The cashier looked over the rail- im Kiunils of pea meal he flnda juice revival, o( sufficient to keep at to be used. 1(M miles to the northwanl of the grief of Fmin. tho mother died soon ing with a skeptical expit.ssion that twenty jiuunils, which means 500 least two hourscapacity ahead of the boiling. already begun after giving birth to tha little girl. quickly changed to horror- One by pounds of digestible protein in one As each vat i filled Coming to Indianapolis to attend Island of St: Thomas, where soundunslacked in stir When F.min welcomed Slunley and one the bright rod drops worn oozing ton of oil meal, and 40J pounds in a a delegate from Newcustlo the ing of S.K75 fathoms wore obtained, bia relief oxJodiifon. on the shorua from the toe of the strungor's left ' mo ton of pea meal. I can produce lime until litmus piqicr dipped in national convention of the Youug says Fire and Water. The seas around not change in color. Mens Christian of Albert Xyutiza Farida was alxiut 4 boot, making a sin all but gory Mul one ton of ica meal for about $12. the juiue will association, Mr. Great Britain, instead of forming a as The lime will neutralize the acid and Sunkey attended one morning a 0 part of the Atlantic hollow, as r sixty cents pur hundred, One of the best and on the restaurant Moor. years old. cause mure with to rie impurities smartest of the bund rods of Fgyptian The cashier's lia'r almost stood on igainst $1.2.'i per hundred fur oil the scum. After prayer meeting, held in the generally regarded, are now the lime juice ha o'clock women in tho province wa her nurse und. lineal. If I receii e no other value busementof tho First to bo rather a part of the church, Baptist alleged settled for two hours, draw into a and guardian; but all the time that The singing platform bunk of the great European Hi, there, William." be callud In rrm either of the feeds than the defactor and boil down. When draw- led by Mr. Moody. kmln could spars from public affairs agitulod tone, "bring a bowl of beef protein, then I would pay $.1 per at the sug- - continent which tho ocean has over be two inches dragged and Mr. and hia scientific pursuits waa given tea. double portion, and anything hundred for the 4iK) pound in the ing, the tap should of a minister who was seated flowed, goslion of above allow bottom to the tho tank to bia little girL Though alia wa else that's hot and handy, and bring pea meal, beside him, started up the familiar j pur hundred for the 5JD Tlia f'at III Kgypt. islands in the oil meal. But in sd- - the sediment to settle. After use, hymn. There Is a Fountain Filled living in tho depth of Africa, thcro 'em quick." cleanvat the should be thoroughly By some persons tho popularity of " It wont well and was are many little girls In civilized Blood. With Ton minutes later tho visitor lition to the protein tha pea meal ed. The boiling should be done as followed the cat in Fgypt has been attributed lands who might well envy some of 11uihk toward the door. outaiu l.DiO Miund of digestible by other songs equally sucas slow tho is It rapidly possible. to the fact that the animal was to and of educational fat the ad vantuge Farida; thetn, and uneven boiling that colora the cessful, and Mr. Moody became so valuable "Thank you," ho said, gratefully, carbohydrates in ridding the pulaces uf for her father wa a man of rare I feel bettor already. I can get to jwnilein one ton of oil meal there to he looked that about interested syrup A good boiler will keep the sue whence the new ' rats and mice and also in h.mting but in pounds. qualities and much learning, and the hospital alone now. singimpetus filled with a white foam. Cool fowl There are several paintings Farida bcnefltod by them when "That's right." answered tho cash- ' -- The next crop that I consider of pan ing catna After the meeting closed, in the British museum, executed as the molasses as possible. rapidly clover. by is the value to aa de- a child could. ier, encouragingly, and here's fifty great little older, a far of dairyman with characteristic Home. Mr. Mountenay-JcphHocUionVMrM In luO pound of clover hay there Farm and who lived cents to help you." hVrdTyTalting for fncint Kgyptiun artist, represenin bout on sportsmen of Hiund Fgyptian ing are proMr. From Result to an Song with Fmin before they went to a IImi said digestible remarked eight introduction, Kllsgs, Sunkey: 1'rotty rough caso," by eats the coast, says that Fmin wa very man who was paying his bill a tho loin. or lit) pounds in ono ton. I No ono thinks of feoding cows ex"Youre the mau J have been look- the ElveronNile, accompanied their haunches in the to clover of tun much devoted to the child, and wa stranger wa closing the door. j produce three hay clusively on corn silage. They need ing for for the last eight year. Cone sitting stern. Ulher pic t i res show the cat till feeling deeply hi wife' death. feed with it, and this it will and lunch with me." "Bough?" ejaculated the cashier, the acre on tho average, which gives some swimming with bird in thoir mouths "The little Farida i all that i left "it's awful. Theres lot's of fakes me 40 pound of digestible protein pay toi.rybuy if the farm itself does and wa The invitation accepted, to mo In the world. Fmin said, come in here every day, but that fel- ' from an aero. A good average yield not afford them. As an Instance of later in the day the two men got to- after the manner ui retriever dogs have greatly perplexof timothy hay is two tons jier sera Jephnon ss.va that Farida wa a very low's straight, I can tell you." this, Mr. C. K Beach of Whitewater, gether and the subject of a future Thee pictures pretty Jjttle girl, not darker in her When tho injured visitor reached There is ninety pounds of digostibie Wis., grew four and a half acres of combination of forces wa talked ed modern naturalists because the a strung aversion to Mr. cat of y ,. ha complexion than her fathor, ami the corner ho was joined by a thin protein in one ton of this kind of corn silage last year. To make tha over in downright earnest , from two him. ISO in She lived ton or resembling wCUlt. t0 greatly hay, man. jiound best use of this he fed $80 worth of Moody pressed upon Sir. Sunkey the wfrj,nd young even Bfter Now I have 4 SO pounds ut in a large, comfortable and nicol.v-keacre. one the Chi-- 1 him he luck? asked uf in of ouce worth at bran to wheat and $120 anxiously. joining "Any hay duty of years thousands of protein from tho acre of clover, his herd of cows. laP hut, surrounded by a pretty in mind there but After back cago, Yop." Saukey's paying and ISO pounds from the acre of tira- - the money value of the garden, in which were many orange hay and the were some practical objections, an- "Square moslP? Jest ia Tima. I tons and eiutard apple trees In full bearthree can the produce othy. bran the cow afforded a not profit ing from his buxines and family "Middlin'." A gang of men were at work near I can of as clover a cheaply ing. am a government a row of New York tenement houses, of $100 for ouch acre of corn put connections. ' "Money besides? Farida was a happy and contented "Some. The acid In that cuseed the two tona of timothy, with the ex- into the sila Corn i not alone a officer, he said to Mr. Moody, "and breaking up old scrap iron. Tha little girl aa long aa her father had red Ink is bitin lay toes." caption of the difference in the coat ration for any animal, may find it difficult to get released. of the yard stepped of seed and harvesting the extra ton. and tho feeder who does not underno great troublea to boar him down. "There is a better government to superintendent office of and started down to out hi of cost soon The two tons Hut the day came when the Ntlv m la fangi timothy will stand how to balance it and get the serve than this, was the reply. have a look at the load of iron which rebola arose in the province, and Six states of the union are repre- - me in the barn $&75, or $2.88 per best result has neglected the most Huh porauasiva us Mr. Moody was, had been just brought in. He ary they finally took Fmin prisoner, and Minted In the present congress en- - tom If I make no account of the of hia business. he did not carry his point then anil rived part important in time to see the men 480 debated of for weeks they the question protein American Cultivator. Mr. Sunkey took several with just pounds by native eons. They are bohydratei the thora cutters their raised, ready to him. what they should do with It Maine, Bhode Island, Delaware, I get from the acre of clover will months in which to consider the them down on a dynamite Farm Kot an bring wa in those troublesome days when Maryland. South Carolina and Louiai- - cost me $475, while the 180 pounds matter. bomb. It dweighed some seventy-fiv- e The refuse of the cider press should the governor wa not ierinitted to ana. All the other have borrowed J from the timothy has cost me $&7& That very afternoon, howqver. the ail-WM tho kind used In to swiue. the 1 word to am hi little daughter their delegations In part or wholly i To make it more plain, sen! any paying always go first Moody and San key public meet- Waiting. The superintendent yelled, When forest leave can be got they that the poor child went to see Joply from their sister states or foreign $1.48 per hundred for protein in the was no with held, ing advertising the men stoppod, and the destruction son, accompanied by her nuro. clover, and $&15 per hundred fofr make excellent bedding fur swine. countries except the singing as led by Mr. of the neighborhood wa thus nari have not mv found in timothy. that Why you brought Kveryone must be hia own judge Moodys newly found friend. It was rowly averted. THOUGHTS. Babe to see mo?" she said in her There is still another kind of food about growing artichokes for awina an out-dogathering, and the econchildish distress Sho knew that Mr. Moody Tlia Kmt Nnwhr. Another man thinke he ha found masses were thcro. be kind ami courteous tho dairyman can produce with to It psya omy, end it has a high feeding value, a way to control sex. but it ia a de- brought out a box from a store to a i something waa wrong, but could not rest "The nowhere, a vigorous always understand what It wa. being fully a rich in protel . a clo- lusion all the same. favorably located street corner, bit of exaggeration in popular use at one bear another the Three helping A few days later Jcphson, who had ver hay. I refer to oat and pea hay. Idle horses in winter will be bene- mounted IL and there a shorL but the race tracks the world over, was The chemist finds nine pound of fitted been released by the rebola on parole, burden of six. by feeding them corn fodder fervent service of preaching and i first uttered by a sporting Irishman, It pays to be patient with children, digostibie protein in lOO pounds of was about to return down the Nile song was hold. At the close of this Captain O Kelley, at Epsom. May .1, awhile and then hay. answer to time and their take quesIn kind was this to a place whero Fmin dried pea vines. imprisraising open-ai- r 17(ii. when Eclipse distanced the meeting tho two evangelist exshould animal have tion. Breeding of feed it i lest to sow two bushels oned, and Fai Ida canto to say gooda procession for tho aeadomy field. "Eclipse first the rest no-o- f beaded for a necessitates lot and this in As lung ns there Is one ain the of oat and one of peas. In cutting, ercise bye to him. Taking a necklace of music, where tho convention where, was the captain's terse beads from hnr nock she gave them heart the door cannot be shut against no attention should be given to the them to run in some of the time. were held, singing as they scrlption of tho race. feed worked down are horses If the others to Jephsoit maturity of peas, but start the mower marched with the crowd into the oats corn and "Take thorn to my Baba, she said. It pays to reach out a hand of help when tho outs are in milk. More gonerously tn ground academy of music, tho convention "They toll Farida that had men down to the fallen, and to Sicak word of value will bo secured in this way mixed with cut hay and well salted. having adjourned the discussion of j When calve are from three to six "How to Beach the Masses" and in Du file do not give my Baba much elieer to the discouraged. when intended as a hay crop than if gono i Midges dislike the odor of verbena. monthe old and weigh from eighty-liv- e to supper. When the delegates to eat. Tell hint to take those If sunshine had to be paid for there left for tho grain to ripen. got A little of its extract sc ittered on the to 10) pounds they are bot for back to the academy building they bend and buy chickens with them. arc people who would declare that "It is not difficult to obtain three clothing will lessen their attentions. "l'oer little thing! says Jcphson. candle light could heat iL tons of out and pea hay to the acre. the market What did you think of the play?" found It nearly half full of the very "What Flumponn child 4 years old Wbon buying bran have a care "lapsed masses" about whom they There is a strength of quiet endur- It should l o cured in the cock, tho Oh, it w.ih just lovely. The heroine would have thought of such a thing? ance as significant of courage as the same a clover, and that will pro- that it ia not heated bran ground had been discussing. Mr. Moody cut appeared in six different costumes in Fmin asked Joplmon later if any most daring feat of power. This ia a trick of some short his second address.' dismissed une act duce a nice green color, good flavor, over again. thing happened to him to take care the audience and went out with When a child is learning his letters Because all men are apt to flatter and a palaiablo food, and. like clover of the millers. of Farida In the end, however, a Si rehum eed is first class for fatSankey to get something to eat Mr. it is hard work for him at first but themselves to entertain the addition hay, if cut early It Is more digestible part of the re eels relented and Fin In of other men's praioes is most perilous and easy of assimilation. We should tening animals The seed for this Sankey was greatly impressed with after he gets si far as A, B, C, D, it .was released, ami soon after, with a that it 1 the puriose will almost pay for produc- these two meeting, and said to Mr. then becomes a matter of E's for him. If we would build on a sure founda- i always rcmemliur small part of his followormha started in any food that ing the crop. nutrient digestible Moody: "You are reaching tho tion in friendship, we must love our niuko The three daughter of J. D. Mitchwith Stanley for tho eoasL A ham friends for it valuable that part that can Be kind to tho bull, but at the masse while other people are talk- ell, who lives near our sakes their than rather Taladcga, Ala., I can same timo mock was extemporized out of two own. bu digested and assimilated. were recently married on the same keep him at such a dis- ing about it. out blankets. which were slung on a largo and was After convention Mr. the pea over hay, yiolding produce he know and abi no aurer mark of the There to three young men. advantage that you light bamboo and carried br two sence of the highest moral and intel- three tons per acre, for $2.95 por ton. knows you can handlo hint. Never Sankey went back to Newcastle and day I can strongly recomSaleswoman The cheapest way that I can promen. In this conveyance the child " the ovor talked with his question trust the gentlest of bulla a cold reception was carried all the way to the coast lectual qualities than vide the most and best food of a He did not see his mend you this style of mantle. Only and wife family. llouia Hiatt. While F.min wa preparing to start of excellence. character is with the corn duty clearly all at once, but Mr. last week an intimate friend of mine There is no man so good who, were plant and sila Fnsilaga is rich In Two parts of ammonia with one of Moody kept writing fur him to come became engaged in just such another. he wrote a letter toJephson, In which acand his he to submit all thoughts he aid : carbohydrate; it makes a succulent turpentine makes a mixture which to Chicago, and at last jierauaded him Waiter, at the village club There's "I am really obliged to you for tions to the law, would not deserve and easily digested food. There i will soften old paint and varnish so to go out for a week to look the a lady outside who says that her hushis life. in times ten off. be can hanging of my girl; no waste in feeding, and it ha many that they easily scraped your kind romombranco ground over. Arrioing in Chicago band promised to be home early tohe 1. of course, here and kisses your advantages in economy over the same Embroidery should be ironed on in the early morning, he went first to night All, rising Excuse me a moASKED AND ANSWERED. I find it best to the wrong side. It should be placed Mr. Moody's house, reaching there ment hand. plant Two of the most respectable ZanHonest? Why, raiso tho larger corn, that will pro- upon a piece of heavy white flannel just as family prayers were being But la he honest? Crammer I alwayb hate to go to a had sir, I've actually known that man to duce an abundance of d zibar chiefs, say Jcphson, or flat, covered with a clean piece of hold. Almost before Mr. Moody in- party at Murd Isons. Mrs. Murdison the honor of conveying Kmin's return a borrowed umbrella." talks Tills kind of corn will al- white cotton, and pressed until per- troduced him to his family he asked works so hard to make feel at to hammock in the a me with mature coast, to him to sing a hymn, and thus con- ease that she makes people daughter Your money or your Ufa ways sufficiently fectly dry. un Burglar' everybody dewore armed several and portera Head of Family For (iod'a sake don't make good ensilage, and will yield If ink is spilled on a carpet or tribute his part toward the informal comfortable. fifteen ton to tho acre. I advise woolea tablecloth put on immediatetailed to help his servants to carry hoot. You'll wake llit baby. raise the largest variety ly a thick layer of common salt. his luggage. I never destroy a receipted bill. dairymen to will mature to the roaet- -' When this has absorbed all the ink of corn that After Fmin had begun to recover Do j said to Bunting Gilley, you?" whore from the effects of his serious acci ing stage they rcsida There hlrJ .noubLi I scrape off and apply moro. Th.t toy must have think ever ww one, replied dont at Bagamoyo, Jephson went to don't are many ways to cheapen the cost possiblo this until all the ink has ono in the tcrsonal history of the two nearly half a doing Keep Gilley. century. We the hospital to hid him good-bmen, who afterward commanded the You should of an aero of corn, or a ton of ensi- been taken up. Mrs. Callaghan I want to in the silo." sat and talked. ho says, "over tho notHubnnd, anxiously of lage attention audiences get a groat eager in lace a your To clean white silk spread carry your pockrtbook on both sides of the sea On this oc- pair of shoes for the little bye. Shopmanexperiences we hud passed through hand. Wife, reussuringly it calcined with Oh, white of -French paper piece kid, ma'am? Mrs. Callirunght lUniAii together, and his futuro and that of isnt at all Leary. IL cover casion, as two ordinary missionaries, laghan, The attachment of the side or tug magnesia, lay the lace ofupon tho little Farida. Emin said he had indignantly Indade not! Hea went about from house to house they and sheet do Doctor llow much money paper, you straps I an important feature. The with another me own son, and was born and bred decided to remain in Africa and that of a heavy singing and reading the bibla This in Ameriky. he would keep hi daughter with usually spend on yonr vacation?Do The staple on the hame should be neither place between tho pagesShake off was their labor first togothor. day's the several days. Middle-Age-d you too high nor too low, but at him. Ho would like to educate her Invalid About Finn. Doctor tho liook for and Spinster, as tramp were held just Evening meetings be white during will Yon lace The Invalid tha well? in (lermuny, ho said, but nothing waut to get where the draught will bring powder week in the Illinois Street church, comes into the yard What do you the point me would induce him to part with her. bet I da Doctor Then give it to the collar with an even pressure upon and clean. of which Mr. Moody was the head want here, anything to eat? Tramp What else should I want madame? The last time castor oil was to be and leader. There wa time enough yet for her and stay at homo. the shoulders If tho hainca are riiyslciun, who ha ordered hi pa- either ever large or too small for tho administered In the family the doceducation, and meanwhile ho could On Sunday a large meeting waa Did you think I came to offer a profor doing it held in Farwell hall, and, u the or- posal of marriage? superintend its early stages himself. tient to take sleeping powders Well. collar, it will bo difficult to make a tor gave a prescription beSo when Fmin once moro set hia Mr, do yon sleep any better? Patient For field work o pleasantly that we fear it may The prudent housewife who. on proper adjustment happened to be absent Mr. doctor. I can sleep well there should bo no more come a favorite potion. A few drops ganist face toward the great lakes the little Good of hard times, has decided had to sing without lnstru- gearing Sankey ' tho to am about glass, mental enough, but just as I than possiblo, and when it is seen of paregoric were put into to repaper the sitting room, aa not girl went with him; and. indeed, not accompaniment having would have broken her heart to be dose my eyes the nurse wakes mo up that eny pert of the harness galls, then a tablcspoonful of good brandy, even a muuII cabinet organ there, desirable, will find the old paper very was added, left behind. Central Africa was the and given me a sleeping powder. stop at onco and make new adjuit-men- t. the tablespoonful of oil the (ongregationalist The much improved in appearance, bv simsays waa lemon juice A collar for a horse to work and then a little only home she hud ever known, and Foreign Visitor You have a glorieffect of the service upon the people ply rubbing it well with a flannel lemon The her father, though too overwhelmed ous country here, and fairly revel in easily should fit well. Sufficient at- squeezed over the top. there was so marked that Mr. cloth dipped In oatmeal. with cares to give all the time he the blowings of freedom, I suppose. tention la not usually paid to this disguised the taste of the oil and the Moody turned to the The vicissitudes of this life are singer and said: would have liked to his child, yet Mr. Cron road Wall, as to that, we point A large horse Is made to brandy and paregoric warmed the You see I was From !" exclaimed the wonderful that right filled the most of her world. boardingF.min don't take much interest in politics up wear a small collar, and a small stomach and prevented any griping. time until tho present these two house keeper at breakfast the other took tho little girl to Hukola,the sta- our way. The postofliec don't half horse a large collar, a thing that Pure olive oil le now prescribed for men have been colaborcrs. and the a True; mau ean never tell morning. It may tion he foundeuwon Victoria Nyanxa pay expenses and so all parties patri- should not lie dona When purchas- sufferers from constipation. ' Did Fmin leave Farida behind food and is story of their career here and In I what he'a got before him." replied the otically agreed to retiro from the po- ing, get a collar that I well adapted be taken clear or on the for delicate Great Britain is so familiar that it aarcastie boarder, with a aids whan he started on that last fatal litical 'field and lets soldier's widow to tho neck and shoulders, then dip j a most nutritious food glance need not again be rehearsed. at the plate of hash in front of him. expedition? asks the New York Sum have it, it In watr until the leather is rnuis-- porson. HE PLAYED IN LUCK. ! ; llr : new-com- er , i sit ; ; - here-to-fo- ; i j n, l I i to-da- a pt i '! d car-ttrol- j ; I : i tis air-drie- d. well-care- to j y. . I re |