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Show D-- ap'i. SERVANT S TO A QUEEN ITannsh Snell, who. when but took the sirmge resulntinn uf cii- a ing ait a soldier Site re ved as a u on one of I he ves-el- s of a fieri for the West in li's. an.l sli so much courage that slid was repeat- i. edly promoted, llcr sex wiisnnknmvn. and therefore it could never In- - riuime I that Hannah Snell's n e? ss was uue to partiality or favoritism. Once, wbeu dangerously wivin-led- . she extracted the Lill hcr-e'- f, f uring that she might be discovered und discharged After long service s e returned to her native home ut Worcester, Kngland, wnere her adventures soon became spread shroud. 'I he government, on investigation of her reall v career, granted her a pension of great I'M! She died full of years and luden with bunora at au inn neur Wappmg. a la Uuiii. A greut modification has been inaugurated this season in the mode of dinner-giving- , and the fashion of serving dinners at small tables laid for eight or ten has leen almost universally adopted in the grand uionde of iaris. This arrangement has been hitherto only ill uso at hall suppers, hut now these late suppers are rather out of date, and tile festivities begin with a dinner instead of ending with a feast. The dinner is much the same us for a hail supper, the eiiief difference being that at the suppers the guests placed themselves where they liked, while ut the dinners the plaues are assigned by the mistress of the Kilter-twinin- THE FAIREST LAND. "Tell me, rentl thou Who hut wandered fur aud wide 8?en tbe aarmt.eMt ruu h oar. And the brightest river. . tide; fcay. of n thine eym h ive mien. Which tiie hire! Uud hu beenf' .hall 1 tell tln-- where Kuture eeui wmi b.vt unit fair, Far above all cliinua lieeUli.? 1 Tla where thoae we love abide. And that ilttie airat ia beat Which the loved one'a foot hath preaacd, Thouah it lie a fuiry apM-e- , Wide and apreadina la tile place Tluiuph 'twere but a Imrn-- mound, 'Twould bunnne curhuuted K round. With lime, yon aundy waste would aeem Tilt- - iri ir.itn of A1 t'awihar'a atnum. And thou ruuul make a duu , eun a gloom A bower where new bora nnoa lilooin." From the Peraiaa - What'a In a Name. Naming a buby ia, in my opinion, a more inqHirtant matter than we really make of it Tlie pour little hel plena tiling lias no voice or choice in the matter, but muht take whatever we ee tit to give him. Just think, too, a name is something that lasts through life ami will be forever on our tongu and dinned in onr ears. Surely we ought to give thought and care to its election. Of course what is musical to the ears of one might not he to another, hut a little discrimination and common sense will show to as good advantage in the selection of a name as in any other place you could possibly use it Often a name really becomes pleasant to us by reason of the affection and respect we hear towards the one to whom it belongs; but it wil hardly follow that if we call a child any name it will grow sweet with us I know a man, says a writer in the Philadelphia Times, who carried the name Zollicuffer through life, and that with dignity; hut 1 used to look at him and think what a hard time lie must have hail when a hoy, und I divided my between him and another poor ?iiy whose name was Jehosaphat. Two names are belter than one, that is more musical, if they are well put together, and if they lo ik well when written in full. This is especially true for one in public life, or if the surname is a very common one. Give your son a name that you would like to sec written in full if he becomes a .noted divine or senator. Above all things, dont give a poor little helpless baby a name that will be a mortification and perhaps an almost insufferable burden to him all his life,' for the sake of naming him for h s grandfather, or some kind, uncle, who agrees to buy a suit of clothes for him in return for the honor." Honor to whom, pray? What respect would it show to the departed or elder members of the family to give their names to your baby? It surely doea not foster respect in the mind of the child. Instead of handing a name down in a family from father to son, one of a name in a family is enough. Who has not heard Big Joe" and Little Joe," Old liave llurkermnd Young Dave Ilarker? If you feel a great and perhaps a pardonable pride in the parent's or grandparent's name, remember that the children of noted men seldom are as great as their fathers. Sometimes, indeed, they are quite the reverse, and in that ease you not only do not add to the son's capabilities or character, but may bring repr ach to the honored name. Kven should he excel, let him have the credit of doing so on his merits, not because of his father's name. Then, too, how awkward in business or letter writing to always he adding the Sr. or Jr. to distinguish them. I lost a sister, years ago, whose name was pretty and would bear repeating, hut mother would never allow the name to lie given to another In the family. To mother the name Is as much a part of sister ms her face was and to hear it used for another destroy its individuality and ' would seem almost like sacrilege. Another point in choosing a name to nicknamed, or, get one that cannot be nickname well; at least, one that will not like the colored woman who named her boy Su polio and called him hap for short and her girl Cynthia and called her Sin. For a second nsine nothing can bo nicer than for one child in the family to bear his mother's maiden name, provided it is a "comfortable1 o:ie. A name can he iven for a second name, that yon fhink very pretty, but which is too speak fur common nse. long or hard to If yon give a name that ends in a, by all means pronounce it properly. Dont call Alva Alvy, nor Julia Julie. If the surname is a very common one, like Smith, Jones, or Brown, select some name that is not likely to In this case, too, be duplicated. Dames may he given with an unusual combination of iniliala They Impart more individuality In later years, lint don't go to the other extreme.-- Don't giro a name so fantastic or as to emphasise bv force of fanthe prosaic common surname, tastic names are all very well on the hut they program of a comic opera, arc rather undignified In real life; This is not a theatrical world, and one dues not want to be saddled for life with a stage name. llruvs Hannah Knell. There have Wen many women waradriors in the world, hut it must he mitted that them have been very few whose deeds were such as to claim the admiration of the country for any of time. In the annals great length warfare there are generof womens leadoverzealousness, of stories ally pun- anil subsequent fanaticism to ing lslunnut and disgrace. woman was heldom, indeed, has a the recognized been gratefully riur "'thin country, her of government rents there the memory of our grauthia Uved in England a woman named well-meani- THEY RANK VERY HIGH IN GLISH SOCIETY. EN- Title of Hereunt to Her Majoatv ouo Indeed John huvlwhle Memory lluaored by ill ant fob k I I Juhx hhowx, i rwm-- . vttx of edf. of r nr u.d been l. 1 BoralaCrilthe i,d. ver, ji n.m-,.A Died st W uuisvr L'sstle, jrih frl'-ni- l os ehune ildelity count, . that friend gi ea tu you by c yn.i ; over which you bate no cunirul, was God's ; own (lft " wbu- M-- IlEIE IS TO THE nouneing themselves as her majesty i j i kervauta The wiliest known of all the queen's s rvanta was John Drown, her majes- tv's Highland personal attendant, to Leaves whose memory her latest from the .lournal of a Life in the! housu. Highlands is dedicated. John brown's birthplace is The The tables are all decorated with different flowers, and euch gentleman Hush, a ftirm lying to the north of receives on his arrival an envelope Ualmoral castle, a if: containing the name of the lady he is quenled ae a drive for visitors. to take in to d liner and the flowers to he found at the table intended for him. Handsome dishes of old silver or modern ones in imitation, baskets of silvered wire, shells of China or simple vases of glass the color of the flowers,' are used as receptacles for the pretty trays of pretty flowers, and silver are delicate china or lace-lik- e filled with bou lions and candied fruits. The menus are made very small, in the shape of a pocket-l- i iok, in pale shades of nink, blue or green, an-- ornamented with gilded initials or the crest of the family. White damask linen is nsed for these graud affairs, the milinery mode of table decoration being reserved to country houses and simpler feasts. , I , i The 1'opusor Girl. ' :a4 Bfc ES ' GET DRUNK, .... and uf mixing them together so as to produce their greatest leavening power and best results when combined, is a matter of great exactness, requiring the most expert knowledge and skilL k ik j Is tlie product of this knowledge and experience and expenditure of many thousands of dollars in patents and ajiplianccs for its preparation. It is a compound of strictly pure grape cream uf tartar and absolutely pure soda, combined with exactness and care by famous chemists, and it will produce more wholesome and delicate bread, biscuit, cake, rolls, etc., than can he had where this modern agent of cooking is not used. Beware of the cheap compound called lciking powders to catch the unwary. They are made with alum and are poisonous. k k A a 1 .. There I ihu love that never die, Bud it is the love fur niuney. 1 Cura HyprMla sml 1 ujiitliatlB. 1illi- mt free Iir. Shmp' Kcstorame Hook in iinivi1 mT:i. for tv irnp. wi'h Lihiii-hV..Kiu.-laWul ISix Hu.muhii. Kr ,,u .r..ked - I hate ulao noticed some .fled. When an express car Is burned the safe peculiar results of their doing sa 'Ihe sugar in some fruits sent, unopened, to tbe treasury which are most attacked bv wasps lias a tendency to pass into a kind or kinds of alcohol in iLe ordinary process of rotting, a fact which is easily ascertained by the use of a still not large cm ugh to attract the attention of tha excise authorities. On such fruits, particularly grapes and certain plums, von will see wasps pushing and tight-- , , . .. . , Ithss very gooj voice, but 1 mi. I luu rales are now about go vis tbe I' u lou Larimer fit. I Iai-lll- So, cent ier mile tu ChicaTicket oHUv iTOfi child aptly described ImagA ination a looking at things you cannot see. Iflha llaby Is Cslllii Tvetk, Beanre aadasethat el and wslliric remsdy.llaa . Winsiowl Boaraisg Inn for ChlWrca TsstLs. It seems s little singular that a man's fans I the longest, when he himself Is the shortesL Hansons Magic Cura Halvas" Warranted lo rai or ninuar twfiu-Ud and of the baas Cleveland not got a ailvery rini. it S' them c k WtmmmmtntM (seiosiKiwiKiKiKemewioeiKO w r r w il, Attack When "in iiuuiitiuti. Hy inranc of a piece of (Im tlis ilseufa The argument againsi all and every l,,k nole- - umrkr d Into tseuty-fou- r nuisivd, ir .ixhh-use of alcohol wh ch we used to hear 'hr faee of the -hill UIk-ileiermliicl. - con-re- d of luutillhr ihr WIUIIIVliy much of was based V" hill tlie whole vjlue Is paid; If Inu limn tMantTiiNt'ir id .l,"i i lno1 Pro ll,ct h sixteen ...a more than Lair (be v.lue; nature and not W.V any natural if ihen twelve it i rejech-i- l entirely. condition. The argument itself is a Tweuiy-lw- o dollars found in tlie neat of a very unsafe one, even if premises moiise wss recently sent to tbe treaeury were correct but they are not and : lo eondilion that defied reruguliiou by the Mrs. Brown weul to wore with a I ; l,,ked the plague f asps has proved have been wntci.ing the w asps with i Ulil'r:ul andenrefully sorted out tbe whole ne hundred and elcbiy dollars, and have n.itilwl the whtciI welIl lllrmii;ll irreat int-re- st the Vanderbilt fire at with which cer-; avidity they attack Newport, eame to Mrs. Brown as a charred ta'nen fruit tain fully ripe, rotting, in mas of paper, which she, however, Idcnti-fac- t, 1 Krm" Tbm e Royal Baking Powderthe e k S; all four accom.smy the iiueen ahrud as well ae t Osborne and indsor. WASPS AND Have uses in cooking well known to every housekeeper ; but tile method of refining them to make them chemically pure, i Her majesty's Indian empire is re p resented in her household There are four of these Indians. Her Indian sec-- ; rotary, Hafiz Alslul K air in: her per-- ! tonal attendant, who give his arm to her coming down the stairs," etc., an 1 their servant and their cook. A. special part of ih ) castle i assigned them, where are their kit lien and other apartments. Their food is pre- pared by their ok n cook in nceordance with Hindoo customs and prejudices. The atmosphere of their portion of tlie ' castle is said to be redolent of curry , 1 Ilf it ., fi-- IVhgliili C'orrr.pondenve. Cream of Tartar and Soda (t A ' iv grat-- i persoaul r tt Ia Victor.. English heart an enviable honor atr tached to the title of servant to her majesty.'' It is seldom that permission is given to persons not in the aei vice to royal use' the title. An exception has recently been made in the ease of the Ctrl liosa Opera troupe, who sang at of gray gran its This alone Is erected ; : Is oo Straws The really popular girl always knows a lot She knows enough not to gossip about people who have done her favors and who are in a way of doing her favors. She knows enough to dress appropriately at all tiinea and never to he overdressed. She knows enough not to wear diamonds, discuss religion or polities, boast about her ancient lineage or tell tales She knows enough to keep silence and site knows huw to talk well. She knows how to dance, swim, row, sail a boat, play the piano and banjo, sing negro melodies aud college songs. She knows enuugh not to give away" all the funny confidences tlie boys give her when in the bines or feeling particularly good, and she knows how to cook when they are stranded on an Island, becalmed and without oars or a stick with which to pole home. She knows jnst how to catch a fish and then to cook it, and she knows enough not to growl and whine and complain until they are safely home Headstone : Vhe A e. marks the grava L'pon it is the owing inscription: Is U your druggist fur It. Prise U rata Tbe goddess of reform seems to have a lieanl under niutllrr star-ey- ed Denver Directory. A. WAKD, OPTICIAN, SU Hsmtssutll gt.Dsaven MC.tVtU TZN r AND AWNI ,(i U,i UUT Make St sr.;Tou,h." PHOTO. SUITLIKS drunk, crawl away in ITU Liwrauoe M condit on and repose Cmlalogustrvs. H. M. ions shown. in the grass for some time, till they wee first employed in the stables of get over the bout, and then woEs HARDWARE, they M. MiHiHrs BOSH, Vlftsenrt and W.sss, MO. Halinoral, where 1rince Albert found will at it again go it ii 'hirn. and. reiognizing hie excellent while they are thus affected qualilies promoted him to . the post of that they Jo their worst stingMMklThompson,s Eya Witir. gillie. an atte dant upon gentlemen ing, both In the virulent nature of th NOISES CORED head In 1S4U he a roke and the ut when hunting and asH Peak TrE hi3ir pi Rum lall. mimHn vhrit ill Mill was chosen by the queen and the saults of which they unprovoked 1 llkrll are guilty. Write iwfcwfc td yranlri iiuuwi MUM Hwaj,li LL carwith to her go was stnng iiinjesty'e prince year by a drunken riage. In 18.'il he began to lead the wnsi, and sutterei severer from VZUESN& excurin their queen's pony frequent symptoms o' nerve poison for several, ' u11 sions over the hills. He, together with davs. In such drunken wrenlonI "bru tiny me lo urge tbe neculixritien , to dlm harm her to make room for a John (irant. head keeper and also a they resemble their human nte--Vew lor . servant, always aerem- - porsries. It is ev ident, therefore, that voter i those o them expeditious those who use the argument about panied Trade-Mark- s. The Agr of Henstors. taken incognito, in wh ch the queen alcohol to which 1 have objected must Is Benslor Alabama W, of Senator and Prince Albert delighted. Morgan KiimtMtloo and idn m to PMffitaMitty of it up th more it is known that of Colorado ia 03, Senator liswley of iiivraim, Mr ltd for Invmtorv ttitMr. nr How to flat Horn in this region and his fore- give there are certain plants lorchidsi Teller msssu. vAsmvm, s. g, Connectieut ia 07, and bli colleague, Orville fathers before him for many genera- whose is secured Visit, I 05. Tbe two Georgia are rewell he and known was tions, a regular system of R both Colquitt, s Brigadier in tha A juftiiTS spected throughout the Highlands. in which bees are made drunk, fiouthirn army I fiU. Gordon, s A Kease H'lh'e Xrw Jtari, Favorite servants, said a Deeside for without inebriation tha bees would JhI.A In the eame service, la 61. Yoorhees of Suutlii J. World's Fair" Highlander to me, generally gain not go through the antics by which Indians hi GO. Allison of lown la 64; hi coltheir place by flattering the weak- alone the orchids can be fertilized, m JHMriryliiM hf 4 mtewi leMWeri U to league, WUkhi, la 05. Teller of Kansas Is 63, bhU; rtok, iv.ikus Hlf lUHte, bli hla whiskers but years. nesses of their employer and by exaggerate te Fniik ft un quite sure, however, that onr tee- Cullom long Ywk. lMto(lto Ateur ttmv, I 05; Frye of Maine la fill; kifij Illinois of in not measures. was Hut ind it I'SM of Hairpins. total friends wUl derive arguments Mr. Hoar of MaiaaehusetU la 07. He went to FILM kaowatpitoMM his lirown gained ipiratloa, mum latoa Jiohiag enough and awful examples quite suf- Congress for tbe flret time In 180V. flalrpins are very valuable. They that way that John jtra. Tftla fora uf IUX& cost only a trifling sum, to be sure, high place in the c mfidence of the ficient from drunken wasps without of Michigan la 87, Washburn of MinMUM He to was honest blunt ness; the use of the argument I have dis nesota is 63, George of Mississippi 67, and 7IRLI) ATONriTO hut they are worth a great deal when PILE REMEDY, his mind out to high and low. 63. Veil M. hit colleague spoke Senator of. one. Walthall, I with can furnish them have to dont posed happen yon wnian eats dlreoUy ok pana alfackad, Did her majesty appear in a com- one. Having found out how fond they of fiflMouri 63, June of Nevada Is 63, and Here are a few unes for them: baorbatuora, allay nekiae,agUne old cloak for her drive or were of alcohol, I fortable Stewart, hi colleague, Is 66. McVhersoo of Dll poneanwlewiw. Moo SOnDniSStaw them corkscrews. make very New Jersey b 61, Vsuee of North Carolina b rLCO ermoU. They splendid provided Ik. tainUftiMditlKla exercise John Hrown was liable other comes when are free unrivaled with with it pubs," They and Kanaoni, hb colleague, 67. Bala of with a planneu that would abundantly doors and unlimited beer, and 63, to straightening out tangled shoe- to remark Tennessee b 68, Koger Uuarhw Mill ol Texas send n shiver down the back of a swing we in now live comfort b 61, hb colleague, Klehsrd Coke, ta 64. Morse-Coep- il strings And what kind of and view withoutcomparative trained courtier: thou- V roc tor of Vermont ta 63, sod Camden of They aren't bad compunction a thing is that you've got on sands of dead drunkaras in our beer West Virginia b Gfi. They are invaluable when you lose pen t hsndta ear Una writ ee, To this straightforwardness of bottles the key of your desk or trunk. With and wo will Inform yon where were and mind dak for ear RJW. united speech great tekaylham. of a little ingenuity, plenty Go patience kindness of heart and a desire to and It 00 nh.wa. Bnrrnn N.'e Clot king From Wood. and persistent scratching with one of dwv Mam. KNIFE SURGEONS Imv k His him fellow servants A liked KM. AT FACTOKT oblige. OMAHA, A hack with and trusted him them the lock will snap inventor claims to s tseUng of horror and a vood test and have Hungarian Sires you sheer desperation. made a discovery which will There b no lunger necwmtty for he when came to confidant of his dmaiaee formerly place In Ha uw many tbe textile industry. He They are very handy to pin veila of the much for their revolutionize a inoumbb without cutting. asserts that hs is able to spin ordinary They have been known to keep de- comfortqueen he did GOOD CHANCE!) Tki Trioapk if Conirv itln Surgery tached ruffles in place. wood pulp or eellu.on- - into yarn, from All John have Browns brothers s in a all rorts of textile tissues can ta well llluafmted by tbe fast that They can be used as Oiall M Typewriter for IIK If cask with ere come into the queen's service. Donald which or IlrreclLb now DIIPTIIPP be made in the ordinary wav, equalbefore Nov. lit, 1001. Tha pinch. I UnC eolf cured without the der Is rwerlvrd is Hrown is Hrown at Osborne, Hugh Odell Typewriter ta used by Lawyara fnmooe They are superior to any shoo or keeper of the kennels in the home ing in appearance, durability and knife and without pain. Clumay, chafMerehnets. Kdltore and Mini Doetnra tare, fostneus ox color the best cotton goods. f They Government U Boo re, beenune of Ha clean glove huttoner ever invented. ing trumee can be thrown away inflampark at Windsor, Archil aid Hrown is The method is not only applicable never cure but often induce manifold copied N and to ntmplialty print, How old Are Yon? a page in the royal household, James cellulose, hut also to mation. strangulation and death. ieaeher required It will do your work In one sort of M R PQ Ovarian, Fibroid (Ctertaal hour' praelloa Order now and take advantThe phvsical beauty of women should Hroonia the shepherd at Halmoral, short fibrous material every Tl for instance, lUlnUnO nnd many (Hhrra, are bow age of this exceptionally last until they are past fifty. Nor and Wm. Hrown lives in the bouse removed without tho pehb of cub- scraps of cotton and linen goods does beauty reach its zenith under the built by the queen st lialmo:al for rags, The fiber, wh ther paper pulp or texor forty. Helen of John U.own and which she has given tile refuse, age of thirty-fiv- e can be dyed before being tumors, Ttrrr. Hrown to in the fami comes the the at y perpetuity, stage age upon Troy, into yarn, so that the dyeing of other dlaearee of tha lower bowel, are when it is a large house of granite wiih spun cured without pain or of forty. Aspasia was thirty-sithe woven material is not necessary. permanently knife. nwnrt to the married to Iericles, and she was a stable attached. John Hrown never the Bladder, no matte QTflNF in brilliant figure thirty years thereafter. bow knte, b cruehed. pulHig Trees of California. was she when Cleopatra verised, waalwd out nnd perfectly past thirty It is the testimony of those who Without eutting. met Antony. Diane de ioictiers was have seen the great trees of California te of won when she STRICTURE the heart thirty-sialio removed without : much of that the effect of astonish-cams. For of hundred in Ilenry II. The king was half her age, eutting ment is b lost the visitor apbut his devotion never changed. Anne pamphlet, referenore and all pnitlou-huproaches the trees through a forest of .end 10 cent (In stamps) to when deof Austria, was thirty-eigWorld's Dtapeniarr Mrdlral Amoda-tiogiants that gr dually increase in size. scribed as the most beautiful woman Shun fiL, Buffalo, N. Y. tdJ ten feet in diameter are Many pines in Europe, lime, de Main tenon was in and psssedonthe journey, this, e when united to Louis and wsy the vis tor slowly works up to Addreaa Catherine of Russia, thirty-thre- e when FRANK ROHM. Dole till Dutch Process trees th.it measure above thirty feet she seized the throne' she occu88 W. Jackson 8t., Chicago diameter. in No Alkalies pied fur thirty-fivyeara Mile. Mar was most beautiful at forty-fivand Tolmoca Second-Han- d Habit Mme. Recamier between the ages of Other Chemicals Silica the world-wid- e diffusion of and thirty-fivsr need la the the tobacco habit lta earliest and per-Tha Pudding of Long Ago. preparation of yyjpjw hap original use hot been in a great Body Four large tart apples, half of a measure overlooked. With the abnri-W BAKEll ft CO.S K&C nutmeg, grated; four ounces of stale gjnes of America smoking and its bread crumb, half teaspoon ful of kindred procticea were not mere sen- Mill gratification!, hut tob ,cco was alt, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, four eggs, lara and chop the apples end regarded oa a herb of fa nheehilefi, We have one thousand pounds of brwvlar rtbk mud very fine; mix them with the bread JOHN BROWNS BOl'BK NKARCRAIO SOWAR mysterious sancity and its use was; safuM. body type In guod condition, made of extra yun crumbs. Heat the eggs separately deeply and intimately interwoven metal by Barnhart Bros. A Bptndlar, It haiineretAnnfhrmtfBMe in his it urers of tha famoua au parlor his but manufae until very ight, then add the yelks to occupied lifetime, with native righte and ceremoniee. (A itrrnytk ut Cocoa mixed rested liefore there type. We will sell It la filarch. or Arrowroot burial the crumbs, stir in the whites careful- body jwith 100 nr fonts pounds or more, to be delivfingar, and ta far mure eoo-mi In the castle park, on a grassy bank Tha Kmpreaa Aegnsta-noon ered aa we get on onr new, at the ly, and the salt cinnamon and nutmeg; Hun u one om tin a eup. g nnmical, ok low price of mix carefully and boil in a greased near the cottage in which the oneen The Empress of Germany has be--) It I uwrisiiiug, and BAaiLT , write-and breakfasts is a mold three hours. Serve hot, with a magnificently handsome UGBRZIgold by Grortre bronze statue of John Hrown lie lain cofne vrywkere. foamy sauce. Hood. dinner which Pound. the dress he always wore when in att- woman. At the revl-took place at the, W. BASER &C0., Dorcheater, Kua. llaked Chlckis endance upon tie queen, except, of in Pobr new palace An appetizing way to cook chicken course, on state or dress occasions, Made In ill IM and dam recently she Your Order How is to cut it in pieces, as if for a fricas- the same that he wears in dm. LtKl'lret, urunimt. wore a gown of - working, aafrat. here. Two medals see. Dip tho pieces in beaten egg and the picture nod corn moai most aceuntc, yet, Iinplcat, pale green brocade, : mat then in fine bread crumbs. Season are upon his breast; . the one WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION, with an exlroordi-with salt and pepper and minced pare-- conferred by the queen for long and llrab-- twi In n ml. nr short nnd Innr rim nnd are. diadem twvre itw bus rent, In high narily rertrldirre II West JnekaoaHU pr other in faithful the them a service, for saving ley. lut dripping pan with ovr nrInirther H ret. repeater nmn.nnltl. of diamond, and on rout of JdeJ CHICAGO, ILL, bits of butter over them, and a little her majesty's life. He holds his Glon wj other necklace and water in the pan. Hake slowly until garry cap in his hand. Theatatro -ornament of prccut the chicken upon wears a smiling look, as though In they are done. ions stones, and FIRE ARMS CO., fcnlnhea a hot dish, make a rich gravy of the were about to speak, l'pon the granite -- OJtt.itn in was the oltserved of THE MARLIN contents of the pan and poor over pedestal Is this inscription: bli oliservcra The nod paupb If ony OM doKbta tlwl OmiwyilTw them, Garnish the dish with parsley. i who s have weak tangaor in h WKwiuarotheaMMob-InalIIHoW.V. JOHH Flao'a Cara for oom la le lo N RMIKKM r a t h e r ungainly ( BLQC3 pSCJ Fnlqna and Haantlful. o, uni'ortn tnun wivant, Friend lot him writ, for ConrampUon. It has awred day of the First OKKMASty. The Empress Frederick of Germany ; L'V;il. irutlitnl, hreve; tkwwennde. ftku notln)ne tw'ikwlais ond Ibwu. S Ilian uutr done, it la niH bed le lake. owl. our rat lability. Ovr Inihsian Foot Guard, seemed a rather possesses a unique tea service. The ;; U lithe beat outurh lo tl,i grave. barking to awkward sort uf boy lienide her. All old evarvwheiu. Ijraa tea tray has Wen beaten out of an toe. Whre mrreery. ism, Germany agrees that tlie empress is lo'.klrpororlani. wiro.orlll.or HotBiaing. fall, w The teapot old Prussian iiii'iui-i-flu i andonrka ICAyiihllnitbthaanly Jolm B own ia b ried in tlie little the noblest and handsomest woman nirantMerni is msde out of a Herman farthing, and I a 1, a prooi Mat t who ho ruled in Germany for aeverdl thinE I hat willmra parmarently. Clito v. IU the tiny cups are made from coins ef rrathie graveyard, a green, Kkikut 4k vatlon. the o-lI pot. trl far and tlie different German prlncipaliliea get very nt DAVI-i- nricli long-wind- ed , l. MihlWNn W .A Y. FIENSION much-truste- d Patents. n public-house- s MONEY-MAKE- a. Major-Gener- . nn-de- rh e Block-bridg- qni-en- yuiputt-WOTXUS- . UIS 1 1 1 rP paper-cutte- r. ? Shoe id hat-pin- j narft-n- I pilf x P-- mw- x n, ht n, forty-thre- ; e e, Brevier j e fifty-liv- e. j 1 Type 1 : 1 'nBreaifastCocoa J For Sale Cheap. -- aoprer-m'xe- j j Ic-- d a drlH-iuut- , life-siz- e j 25 Gents a w j ; j Place MARLIN mndi-rn- l ; ; rim-- , trr-ar- j j REPEATERS , B -- ! ; j rwim 9 I I ! Irli-s- . I Kvi-- nn-n- ol half-penn- y. 1 well-ke- fr-- : g T |