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Show -- l.leuL wIlMn -- ...V.; j'-'- -- 1ffsrj' Yacht. a ship Fearj'i jicht, I he Falcon, a alup. llcr l.tuliero r duuluc 1 '' ; ' w". ' -- i r. 'T ' SHE SAILS THE SEAS. ltb Ihniuxhour, ami her bowk protected eh ha lot MRS. CAPT. BROCK STEERS FOR Irua i that it caa ram Ilia croa'a real, uu on the (on and the othei THE SOUTH. on the niluru Biaat. The ahlp la SI I tooa net aud MS feet king. She haa !t feet beam an I b draa a 17 feet ul - ater when loaded, Kb Her. Rhw In Gold With lln Chart considered the beat of the ehallug Seel at CL Will Ueeh htrnng I and and I'oople John. In lb hold I house which will form ih la tho Itonth Iwa iltacevsry liar far-winter UHriers of the pan?. It w 11 ha XI b, 14 feel aud 7 feet high. The walla, whirl; are a foot thl' lt, ara lined on tba lualdewiil. Mil flannel. The Ionise couta.ua tao hath (San Francisco Correspondence.) room rooms, aa wall as a arpaiale HE POSSIBILITY for Lieutenant 1'rary, aucoinpanied by of a femaln ltobin-so- n Jt I lighted with electricity, the enCrusoe haa gine auppljriug power to the dynamo being run hj oii. never been vary Die The lores are piled In boar around for beyond houe to the bright of five feet and ara proof the corrugated Iron tected by aa gera of tbe gentler roof covering the bou-There are windows few women of thick glass In the naif, hut hav will let In ever go to aea in a but little light, for the Iwu-- e a Ui lie entirely covered with snow during Ibe m l of iht bailing craft, the sort that usually long Arctic wlnler. Air will Im supplied by make history of ventilator, ablcii will ex lend high above k. ala-pi- fe. KNOWLEDGE txb-nato- Bring comfort and improvement and tend to nrnunul enjoyment when rightly uwl The many, who lire better than other and enjoy life more, with let expenditure, liy more promptly adapting the world' Uvt product to the need of physical being, will attest the Talue tu With of tlie pure liquid Uxatire principle embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Fig. It excellence i due to it presenting In the form most acceptable and plea ant to the tatc, lire refreshing aud truly laxbeneficial properties of a ative; effectually cleaning the system, dispelling cobU, headache and fevers and permanently curing contiation. Jr ha riven satisfaction to million ami met with the approval of the medical profeaaion, because it act on the g Liver and I towel without them and it 1 jierfectly free from every objectionable uhtanee. Syrup of Fir i for sale by all drag-giatin 50c and $1 Isiltlcs, but it ia manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, wlioae name ia printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Fig, and being well informed, you will nut accept any aubetitute if tillered. Kill-De- v, wesk-eniu- e. mi fie A Whits it lil -- If Malady. 1 perfectly true lliat swamp vapors. BUinilng arid evening ui.t along I lie hanks of alow winding tarliid ain ama, and ihe effluvium rxbaltd liy the san fruu mul- -l aud decaying vrge.ahki beget malaria. It fie.juently bnak uul whore bo lu ll lundltliin exist. It - in fan, a malady widely prevalent, of which It I. In unu.v ran. tnipo-sHn- e tu dlriiver the in I ..'in. list Ihoagh Its eauaea ara id.ru nliaeure. the tr.l,-m.ieprofe-- a innal and pulilie of Ik lnliah;t:ini-n- f America and other lands, leave no res-- ulnc donlit not unly that line Idler's SiidUM h lllllrre nproota I til Irmrinua iIIm'Ss wlmi fullyfir--(level Biuiiiil lia 1 ul nped. bu furl Kies the n larks, ('lulls and frier, inlions, inieriniliani. dumb ague and spue all ylald in it alike liver a ia malarial trnuiile, alwai rouvl paih.u and kidney vuuipliint dysprp-i- a, urcnaih to the Diner. desert island type Hut now there cornea a chance for the woman castaway to become a reality. Mrs. Capt. Hrock of the schooner Caleb Curti bae Roue down among the coral island of he South ISee on e trading end curio hunting expedition of her own. Incidentally she will make rhiracter studies of the dusky pcope living on the ialand dotting the South Pacille, and return in about two years, and perhapa write a book telling the world all about it. Her trim craft passed out through the Golden Hate recently on a voyage a August Flower CURES RISING BREAST vr f for mure years, and In each where Mather's Friend" hadtwennaedttlui wnndera and lettered much lalied ncciimp auffarlug. It la I h heat remedy for rising ef breast known, and worth tlie prira, fie that th rlona. Mu. M. M. IImum-kbMontgomery, Ala. Rent by Express, charge prepaid, on reoalpt of price, I1.W per bottle. Inlit-wl- BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ty all druggist. Atuita, Ui. Bold DR. GUNN'S ONION SYRUP l FOR peat hula Is at last In of Turkey ha- - rebe clranaeiL 1 he Mull solved to put Mecca lulo aonielhlug like a healthy condition. Tba derision I the elf eel of an liitliiiailon from the llritlalt governnient tbal unless the Holy City I cleansed It will tak fit'ana In prevent Uteannual pilgrimage-fn- mi India. The Kullan ha decided not ouly to ch'aiin tbe town liut to erect at bla personal ctpetiae a great lodging bona, capable oi oontalulng 0,0.) person. tliai l.eward IOU The reader of tbl ixier will t pleased to one drrak-learn that there I at l Unit science baa Into able to cure In all it I ages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure la tlie only imaitlre cure known to I lie medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment, llalli Catarrh Cure I taken Internally, acting directly upon the Iduud and muooua aurfaeca of tlie ayateni, thereby destroying the fiiuudalloo of the disease, and hy Imlldlngup tlie giving the palknt conitltuihm and aaalallng nature In doing it work. The pniprletor have ao much faith In it curative pimer, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. Y. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, fijfKoM liy lliiii't'lsi. T.u'. The reason th Tories hale (lladstone so thorough ly la because be baa a plan for settling lb Irish question without killing off the Irish. Kvery fat riot lo American should see Ihe World Fair. Railroad fare la now n imall object, only about 1 cent per mile via the Colon 1avlOi!. a the "A good name la U'Uer than riche the name forger remarked when he atiaehed . of s millionaire to s heavy Tire I, sat Cii'Kue- -, Only s few days more of the World's Fair Kales shout 1 eeut per ntlle vis the Union afn-ngi- a cln-ck- RIMtNt corns. COLDS PicUlo. Pima are s palulen and effee-turemrdy for all lilllon and nervous dlsoe-tier- . Par sale hy all druggists. If the devil were to take off hi hat every time be met s hypocrite, he would long fine have died from expnenre. Jiepealod high rain to Chicago. The rate I now shout 1 cent per mile vis the Unloa Pselfla It Is s greet day for the small boy when he ean whistle for himself and wear hie brother! pantaloon. I CWehtvr Spading Hnutoadv. la tbr oulttBa A good same may be belter than preclou ointment, but llie laller I lbs halter remedy for chapped hnd. Cnre . II rurea lnelSmi Ik , will tmfthllotv a manuitHMneptlai um. Iv a llw Uvw Cura tai-XPoint" lu th slock market are probably o called because tpeculator generally get (luek upon them. liKBCHiM'i cv-- atk AMO CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. ntn r i CBM aud 1 on ion ona It aea v tnrti vu Mil jui;Syrup Mow my imMIMom taVv Pv. a.innonln lareMaaaamflr lv OmcS. er UfootMoffiMlwto-do- Mat 1SI.UXH MRS. CAPT. It ROCK, ure. Never before ha to tiny a vessel and strange a crew tailed from ban Francl-c- o on a like Hetween decks the none too commodious but co.y (insrters of the Curtis have been converted into a veriof compartments, table doll-houshelves and lockers. The department to be preal ed over by Mra Hrock ha been separated from tbe main cabin by a partition of colored woods dividing off a stateroom, which is in itself a sleeping place, traveling room and business office. There la a trim desk, with it filled with important Fiigeouholes and a g little safe and the neatly oonstrn ted locker for holding a portion o ( the schooner' valuable cargo The pleat ire end of the Caleb Curtis is situated further forward. Carefully stored away In her forward hold ia fishing tackle, ammunition, bottles in which to preserve specimens of the marine life of the island waters, and a reading matter, including quanity ofand the latest novels magazines Mrs Hrock tsn lorerof nature and an ardent co'lecto." of curios She has already arranged an elaborate pro gram for her spare moments in the so solid-lookin- was the tlteDdanre t Uta World's Fair Chios, go dsy. About 1 erst nor mile lake you to Chicago via the Union Pacific. Yt.M. D. Unnvor. Vei.X Me. MI-4- 1. Show wrt In to advnrllmre pinna ar teal roe me ike eSvartinnnet lelhla papna Talking about poultry exhibition, whats tvoutn 's woman Utrowlngstonm at s Mr-- . Hrock is the owner of hen. the matter with KING-CUR- B OYER ALU the Caleb Curtis and la the person who fitted fut the expedition. She has the diitinc "SCIATICA IT HAS NO EQUAL, NO WORK Ss SUPERIOR. THIS WINTER snas. Saaekuti Cart reVWWMtr; bummaiatnlMSMal lava, narhanlra, femero-lb- elr wurk (or rear roaml-kra- ae anlhltia Im krtna Ih.ai to war .a aalrk cart. other, ' wfM; aw Bias Salt other, owrWhola HinATivmMm I onn(taMil where wllwrefaU- prim trei-f)! orU for IS Horvh-- Jjt Slanted I. Mend rrerv tree mru CWr (of avory Slate la hardy rv order, wo with rrelgnte. Invars Mtl.fartlori, balld ap trade, hold lit yowwor aaranty ao Middlemen; Mi nawnalSiv Jut readr. the IlneeV vrer wed. Wrllequlrk (ilvlns as. refer- A (arnsia Or., Mimtm't . ote.l lo STUNS Mans Ni'Mvaai .. Din.ii!)., to.. or niKT.It.b Vuondod vat; I.USarrooRorMrlaviaiiaiUscmnirkanla. HemttwnxomvatnrOrphore oto felt el ooact InfurewUue stool uwoosad (reus ykotogroirta ef gratis JtarMrto-OroSaf- da m nw. mood"' "My first experience in the sonthern sea, said Capt brock, "wa when I was sent out by the National iniweem and the M oo ward's garden people to secure curios. My wife is the real owner of tbe Curti- - and you might any I; the commander of tl.e ex; edition. There will be two scamrn and a ine-- s boy, besides my tir- -t officer, in the crew." The ( aleb Curtis ia one of the if not the smsile- -t vessel, that haa ever engaged in the island trade. The only th ug above her decks in the a ape of a hou-- is her galley, which was built there specially, after her reAil of cent purvlia e by Mrs. liro-k- . her act oniiiodatioua arc between lit-ns dinien-ioof r endecks, the total tire e .bin being ab ut i ine by twuve feet The (usrler of the fire officer and se men are separated from the main cab.n by partitions. The schooner was once a pilot boat and was wrecked some months ago tin tlie bar aud all of her crew drowned. She (lusted liottom upward and was picked up and towed to port by a passing tug. More t'ien she has changed hand several time, the luatexchange being made lo .Mrs ItrO'k for U.ooo. About efi,i;0 was spent for an assorted cargo of articles to be used for trading e n. m LD OF SAM HOUSTON. the Life of the lloro of Tessa While at school in Tennessee, in hi early years, Earn Houston, who found little that was congenial in the then wilderm as, suddenly disappeared. He joined tlie Cherokee Indian and remained with tented and covered and reluctsnily hi horns When content ion arose between hitnself and his brothers he rejoined the Indiana The moat mysterious act of his life occurred while he was governor of Tennessee. On entering hia office one day it was found that he had from hi desk all the swept litter of patters that had accumulated, leaving it clean and unoccupied, excepting that an inkstand was placed in the center and under it a up of patter i onta ning hi resignation of the o;m-r. of govern. lie resigned that office to return to the chosen life of hia boyhood with the Cherokee and from whom ha had won :h honoru of a chief, lie heartily joined in their councils and was their companion, apparently as happy and contented aa ever, for e viral years. Various explanations were given of this strange conduct. One of these refers to hi unfortunate marriage, lie had chosen a wife a charming and amiable young- woman who manifested ex tremi- reluctance to living with him and returned to her fathers roof a few months after her marriage. She mude no charge against her husband and he made no cha ae against her. It was said that he wa not her choice; that her heart had been given to another. and that she felt it her duty, under the circumstances, not to live with one whom she did not love, and whom aim had been led to marry solely by the entreaties of her parent. Gen. Houston seemed to live in the hope of winning the affection of hi wife, and sought political preferment with the exjieciation that hi might secure her admiration. It ia said that immediaiely preceding hia resignation Gov. Houston had a long conversation with hi wife, in which he besought her to give him her heart a well aa her hand. Listening patiently and silently to hia entreaties, her only reply wo to gently push him i.side and turn away. Hone-ton- , it ia said, proceeded at once to the capital, wrote nis resignation, and rej turned to the htsrmii age of the Indian encampment Col. lJaylor of Texas, whose father wa an army officer at Kurt Gibson, and an old frie d of lion-to- n, that while the says latter lived with the Cherokee aa their chief he sumetim s called at the Uavlor mansion, always appearing with hs face painted and earing his moccasin and all hi Indian toggery. While chief of the Cheruk ; - lie never held any convcr cation with while men nitbo t in st ing on having hi interpreter present, so that hi- - lonversatiun, which wa always In the Indian tongue, could be hen the Texas onven-tic- n Interpreted. met in a at Kan Felipe to form a tempora v government, ia limi-ton November, 183.1, aprieared in hia Indian apnarel. hiki ire-ide- nt Jacluon. wlioe everlas ing friendship he had won in the Creek war thanked God that there was one tuan he wa acquainted with who was not made up by a tailor. lu Kpffflmi of Trwi There are (13 spe ies of trees found within the limii of the 1'mted Mute and territories, sixteen of which, wh-- n perfectly seasoned, will -- ink in water., The heaviest of theae is the b aek in southern Florida, found which is more titan 30 per c nt heavier tha t water. Tc: as und New Mexico, THE CAtWI CI'RTIS land, fnil of tiUeer. rerping. crawltion of being the onl woman trader ing. walking snd inanimate things, in the world. are the home of a snecu of oak which Tbe Curti being a vesa. l of amal is about one and times draught will be able to approach heavier than water, und which, when cloe.-to and visit msny coral in!et green, will s nk almost a quick as a and island that are not approachable bar of iron. At theie havens by larger Mrs Hrock esn easily spend much of Quinine at llurrow. her tune s shore, snd at msny of them y in England, at i arrow, the she will be the first while woman to boys are doctored on titawe. F.sch one set foot on their samU served with two quinine at A careful study of tinman nature b and nigni as a -- a ngtiurd morning Bouth Kca the said among islander," -gainst the inffnenxa. The drug is Mrs Hrock before he Mtile. 'ha after prayers and the never been made in my opinion. Mv administered I aa thus a dom1 of the is ilaniler knowledge ex'eii' Aa the boys go out in single solemnity. tile tliev sive, snd besides this tnv hui.baml are met lv th - ma ran. who gives 1 Iwliev them. years among one his choice of powder or pill. The that a trailer alone can gel a clear e made, t m drag is swsl owed , into the chancier of ilie-- e peo and so the line isgraduall- - shortened. Two Mat pie. year sjient among tlie -- hal and liilbert grouts ss an actual An Aflmtilagr trader will give me a great sdvaniaet1: Friend 1 should thinq it would Irrl-- i as a atndeut of human nature. 1 -- ha! tto an with Midi nn aver--i-lie brought into business r lattni-with towurd anything Krgliah ns you them, aud 1 hone to do soiu inild. in have red hair g od among them. but think av (V O'Toule Yea "This is my first experience afioai aa a trader, a ittrio hunt r aud a oluiliitre Oi ha e nv cuttin' it. iron-wood- ono-fourt- h r ve-w- To-da- ha-spe- nt n. Especially for Farnters. Miners, R. R. Hand and others Double sole exKXTUA WKAUINO (JI AI.ITY. tending down to the heel. Thousitn.ls of Rubier Hoot wearers testify thin is the best they ever liad. Ask y?UP dtfilfif for thom and don't be pemuuled into an inferior article. AND a no, believe such thing or MIX'ING. ists"I doa tid the gentleman in charge can be harden Corieitiosdee.l NE OF THE MOST Interesting of th mle exhibit in Mine end Mining building is that of Michigan. No pain have been spared to make an exhaustive aa well aa attractive showing and the resnlt is satisfactory to the visitor, whether state (wide enters noL topper, as or into his feelings the chief product, b made most prominent in the exhibit, and in respect to this metal as a specia.tv, the mowing is as complete as that of gold by California, silver byfoorado, or eoal by Pennsylvania. Entering the Michigan sec-- t on through an arched doorway the visitor finds himself within a spacious porch. Above him, erowning the entrance, b a group of figures In front or him is a frieze, in copper, showing a multitude of brownies engaged in sports and labors Passing into the exhibit proper he sees that, Michigan mining men make much of their most vslnable product, for copper ie everywhere. A great mass of the native metal, shown. carrying conglomerates, is and the The weight b .r,,4H0 pounds lleckla mine was the producer. Near by b a specimen of copper bearing amygdaloids from the Atlantic mine. On a car is a great ingot of native copper weighing It,5ii0 pounds Adjoining is a lagged ingot, weighing upward of three tons from the Central mins These enormous ingots not to be duplicated in any but a Michigan mine, are of a dark brown color, where (World's Fair the exhibit "Copper bare, and acme of th alloys are very snece-an- ji although in no form can a sustained. competition with iron be temoered It is claimed by several that on the cooper is now being isplaced dismarket, but If the art ever to be fa-covered it has not been achieved ao I have investigated and am sure of the facts 1 have heard of men who have heard of men who have seen weapons or tools of the aborigine that won) tnrn the edge of a steel chisel or dull a fils Personally I have never cam closer to tempered copper than third hand. Neither haa any officer of th Mmith-oniInstitution, for I have So is soother fond made inquiries delusion banished. One of the great mining companies hows a cross section of its property , the various levels being exhibited by means elucidating the methods of surtimbering and working- - Ore and rounding rock are represented by actual spec;men. Ar other company a horizontal view of its mine. Each level illustrated by a sheet of is marked the locaglass on whichand drift 1 here are tion of tunnels seven in all Looking through the v see the n -- hefts of glass mine n he would if uir were being mined, all being transparent excepting the workings Each level the the point at which, from shaft, a tunnel extends with drifts or smaller tunnels radiating in various direct ona to provide for taking out the ore. Mining and milling machinery b shown in a number of -- ttractive exhere are model ahafthou-e- s hibits. mills and reduction works A series of oil paintings surround the booth, showing views of various properties while photographs help in the education of the Inquiring visitor. an M-- rep-re-en- ta 1 Itorar aad rutting Tools The announcement is made in the English journal-- , of some new alloy for the manufacture of boring and cutting tool, the cla m being made for the new substances that they possess a hardness equal to that of tempered eteel. with the additional advantage of not losing their hardness e log-hon- ALONE THE BEST. MIXES 11-- of Incidents of discovery, philanthropy and possibly profit Mrs. Hrock's husband, Capt Ilroek, has command of the Caleb Curtis. The captain is known as the magic skipyears he per of the South Sean." For has trare'ed among the coral-reefe-d isles of the Marshall and (Libert of curiua, trading all group In sorts of trio keta for all sorts of coral with auuh success that the natives gave him the name of "the magic man," which name has followed him throughout all his wanderings, where-eve- r he ha drifted among the islands of the south. And now Mr-- . Hrock ha made up her mind to make a voyrge herself aa a trader and a a seeker after advent- .'' - liken me to Mr. Ieary. That would be exaggerating the case a little too COPPKH ORE AND HOW IT IS lunch J do not expect to have to REFINED. that can bear anv Lraveiany dange-om .arikon to ibepei the frozen north. Ij .ok on me simply ea a women Th 1 Ichlgae EahlMt la tba Mleleg who doe not de-i- re any notoriety, who HaUdlng I leoiretleg the rrucMiW is traveling he a ;s he thinks it will A State rtwou fur the Had be of flnsn.ial lienefft to her. ami aha is a lover of nature end Metal. withes to htudy it a little in it 'silent Tv- - whMSb lMv prenare to mare plmmntlo tk bunt - 10 oola twta- Bel lav. nothinv. poo. Tvr- no hMISIv for it. Th-r-- 'v ST. JACOBS OIL IS TAB vecka:' of adventure," continued Airs, l.ro-k- , No, do not with e laugh. purpose. I'unfy Mace. norldi greatest dln-ar- e " For two years I suffered terribly with stomach trouble, and was for all that time under treatment by a physician, lie finally, after trying everything, said my stomach was worn out, and that I would have to cease eating solid food. On the recommendation of n friend I procured a bottle of August Flower. It seemed to do me good at once. I gained strength and flesh rapidly. I feel now like a new man, and consider that August Flower has cured me. Jas. E. Dcdcrick, Saugerties, N.Y. . To The "' -- THE MINNESOTA STATE UUILDING. the surfaces are a they were when the metal was buried deep in the mother eart-iEdges that have been sawed or cut are bright bat of a much darker tint than is that of copper fresh from the milL Ingots of coppen native, or the resnlt of reduction processes, are shown that are of a deep hne. In cases along the east side of the section when heated by friction. In the production of these valuable alloys pig chromium and iron, are melted together in tungsten graphite crucibles under stick charcoal and calcined berax, the tungsten and pig iron being melted in clay crucibles together with thn bar Iran, curious formations in native copper the nickel, copper snd aluminum besubsequently added. Th metal are shown. Foliated copper, aenriuns ing is at this time covered with stick charleaf-lik- e formation, is attractive from coal only, and tbe a?lo s are cast in sand moulds in the usual manner. For nail cutting blades, cutting blades for various machines, cutting-ou- t tools sn.l similar employments the alloy consists of a certain combination of pig iron. Swedish bar iron, chromium, tungsten, aluminum, nickel end copper. . e. e, mnni Habits of tho flprlogbok The springboks of South Africa migrate in vasi herd, moving in a compact lwdy and carrying ever v hing be ore them. If a flock of sheep be in the line of march as sometimes happens) it is surnninded, enveloped and i becomes, willingly or unwillingly, part of the springbok army. An African hunter tells of mings lion (n the midst of the antelopes, forced to the march It ia aupnoted that join the lion had sprung too far lor his prey, mClIIOAR UCTIOX, MIXES AXD MXXIX0 those upon whom he slighted rethat BLILPIXO. coiled sufficiently to allow him to Its oddity, fern copper being another reach the ground, and then the variety. I'erhap the most curious of sure from both flanks and the presrear the native formations is the variety prevented him from escaping. from known ss fan copper. On this a num- Ills strange cap.ivity. ber of flat leaves, razor are shaped, , thence spreadout like a folding fan. ing 01 copper minerals there is endless variety. Tbe common blue and green of azuritc and malachite are seen in many specimens, whi e of red oxide ores there is a good showing. A beautiful mineral is labeled needle Iron. Those who delight in exalting the labors of th ancients have long cherished the Idea that the aborigines of the Lake Superior region d th art of producing hardened end cotempered per. It has been claimed that weapons and tools have been discovered that no file conld dull. Thousands of inventors have spent m re or less of their time in their to revivify this "lost art." The Kmithsonisn institution, it has been said, has specimen of tools of hardened copper found on the shore of Lake Superior. The preoenee of a number of arrow heads and knives of cop-.!-used by natives in early times, displayed in one of the cues, opened the subject of tempered copper. unitedatoneextr.-mity- poe-eaae- , Adt X ehaa's Eoxllih Horn. Charming Ada Helma is enjoying long vacation for the first time in 4v-"f-1 ' in ihe green country close by Mnncaster castle, in one of the most beautiful sections of Eng-lan- d that her bungalow has ocn established. And - very delightful one it is. Lord and Lady Muncsster took such s fancy to our winsome American actress that they determined to give ADA RKIIAX. surprise Mo summer house as they had P1'1 it built inst shadow, and it was imrapleted in less than three weeks. I rather fancy," says I orf ti.. caster, "that your American d d do?lU f,njr better than tSi" yon know. |