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Show I VOL: DU. W. F-- UIIYS1C1AS l KAYSV1LLE, DAVIS COUXTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, DEa.21,.1803; TlIE MillAM, WILL A-CHjE OR (25,000 -E-- W. E. Smith Editor. . that I A fsllra WoaiB whs Buoetsds Mash Piapll wo.- - i?y OGDEN IN LOTI. T oraisg U Hat Goal Exkiftit. Wwlth George A. Snow and F. A. Grunt, Tribune of last Mon- the commit ee for Utah and Juali countoe Jitairiptlei, k sassa. day Morning eontaius the following ties will leave tor the south on Monbav morning. They will meet witli the UTAH. somewhat racy item: KAYSYILLF,. court of Utah county on Monthe county of I Neilson, Sorn death Juiiu T Caine mi our thanks for Jty tbe and tb Jiub on Tuesday, duili on at day Ephraim favors. aged congressional counties are tliomugUly aniused these misierinu whosa taking liu.li. Bonnemort Layton, Smith tiros. can furnish you me off. 'do more than their share. Tl"m hy poison, is la id at the doc of Mrs. and wiil beat and rlieapcst tree in Utah. Xinlieamt three ot this Judge Patton, president oft lie OgEiiimii Van Pntteu City, David Co. Nl'iikkuy. Centerville. A VFWTT-.T-J3 people will be made comparatively den chanibei ot Commerce. Charles secretary Ogden rhaiutH-roCov. Caleb West has eC kindly fur- wealthy. ijtiji hu eeapUts itock One of these is Mrs. Sonna Smed-le- commerce, C 11 King, John A. Hoyle, nished us wit h a copy of the Stale hank, Janie lrico IL'iisouablc a woman of the half world, who annual retsvt to th? secretary of the Dry Goods, Groceries, lLoU, Shoes. a for Lane Salt in home manager Wdlierspoon nude her Equitable lias inlerlor, Many thanks. Kuysville, Utah and J J lirumuiiti of Ogden nuiuher of years, according to rumor, Hats, Clo lung, Gents Furnish- -. We appreciate very much the efforts fathin witn anil Huli'mird. President her company married or our correspondent at Farmington, Mrs. Suiiidluy ings, Hardware. Crockery. Imus years ago. She came to Salt of the Salt Lake chamber ot (ommen-lie is always on lime wii h all tb j lat- er, called Welmr NATHAN 15KKVES. tbe husbaui court upon finally county Lake mid she and her and iu ((hurt est ami liest news of the town. aeparaleb. She did not return home, yesterdiy for the pumose of MamifiirtunTof consolahonorable to tliat neces.PI t the We understand ihatt! .Stanuin howevei. but instead, sough irndy anything and i everything in thee aiid J F. iintir. tion In that silt ion of the 2ity where sity of making an exhibit of Flab's C )M HI NATION FKSCI NO for ('ache and Ikix Hie memory or childhood1 happy days pnduct aitheCalifurn ia Midwinter General Merchandise line. . . K :i Ut ii fair. b der counties, passed through town now and then penel rates the I o mil for the n Tiiu ad ay. Judge Jatton addressed a few redarkness' and where nope first jrt Ii to the com i in the course of marks smothered. is and then W Tnoni).-ni- i, KUwurd the well grows dim was rapid, which he explained the iiencflls which decline Mrs. Smedleys si jfiasiir.au kiioyin Ulan and stockman, soon one if the most no- tills territory would derive from such in died from Lake Salt the effects of and slie was Lashes Kinds of Whip of town. She has ail exbihit. pnlulingnut how from the wiimcn torious cldoiiiforiu ailminletm-by pliysi-and again during advertising received arrested time ii(Hn ins in order to perforin an opciatiou. Harness Repairing1 capital would liecome interested few years, but she took such the past i ;ie nut of every ten thousand Utali. developing our resources and in ixdice lie of simply ou t the a4ioii v;ili. diiliL (Hi 8 lwri IKitifi. part ulKitake cbloioform In ibis manner . as one of the drawbacks c jnnected building up new enterprises. He re guaranlt-cd, Sul die. with her vocation an d wlieu released quested on beiialf of the cilixen of UTAH. KXYSVU.LK Weber count that an appropriation of For the Christ mas and New Years would return to the wallow. Put by tbe death of Suren NellBn 500 be made hy tlm county court aud Holidays (lie Kio l.rande Western will one regular fare for, her father, Mrs. tsmcdleys fortunes stated further that whatever deflcency make a ran-oW. R. Jamison, the round trip he1 ween all station on have taken s favorable turn, and in there might be In Weber countys Hie expense of Hie exhibit, Xerchai t Tailor and GclltS i ids system Tieknp will he issuea due course of time she will find herself on Dec 23. 24. 25. .10, and 31. and Jan. sissessed of real and person property would be raised hy private aubscrijv tinn. The court took the matter uu Furnishings. I. all lick- -t Ii nii'wl for return passage to the value of about $25,1100. is also named der adnseraent and staled that a de in Jan 4.194. The other daugU-CirrC.. would he rendered oh Tuesday of WillC. Higgins, at onetime editor Serena, and was the daughterNeilson cjsion you Wish to next that wife. second It appears f Chief and lute of the survived are all alive to tbe LOWEST PRICES call on us. Silt Lake Minlmr Kxc bailee Journal married his first wife who did not Ogden people U. A. Williams- - A !Qn exhibit- must lie made fact this that manv ago. They years him, has drifted away down into Southern well together and finally and are taking up the nutter of a subl tail, and lias just started a new ini. get along 0URfc Dealers in Neilson then married scription with a will. It is presumed Hr at Cedar city, in Imu county. separated, tie nim will uunntfca heard boie other wife second that (mm his John R. Barnes. Tlie great journal hits been christen- again, aud CrZEaTEE-SJ- E Within a day or two. Herald. "N. ed Hie Iron County Uecordcr and we one child went however, tbe Supt H.wlll come out in As the years turnedby.to bis first love old marts fancy to. and in time lie left bis second wife Our attention has licen called to the and returned to No I, remaining with Below we give some Interesting staexistence of an nuisance I, this city. her until his death. which will prove very intertistics It consists in this that on Sunday Ms. Van Fatten, who is charged some of our readers. They to esting are chased for creiiings young girls with poisouing Noilson, has retained uro for our journal from compiled a gang of blocks soruciiiuis, hr I King J: louts and Judge llosenberry Imodiums who say they want to see of Provo as her counsel, and they say Goveruoi West's report to Hon., ltuke of the interior,, conthem Iiiiiiih." Thu girls have fre- that she will he readily acquitted Smlih, THEKAYSVILLE Utah. i cerning quently been under he necessity of when the case comes to a trial. Estimated Imputation, 1893. H. MANSELL. Prop. rteeinginio neiglibors houses for reMrs. Sinedlcy, it is said, bad not visDavis county 0,090, increase 191'. fuge. The mention of the proper ited her parents for yean until a few SECT A CCkKIZiSU nl SOKE WSWSATC Box Elder 7910 oiHetrs is called to the inaUer. They weeks prior to her fattier1 death, at Morgan 1,880 luo. ua son: iu error m mie tui3 tu are asked to liaveli stopped. Leaver which time . she went down and re 8.543. Lake Sait 07,000 1231 HZ HiXSX ATfSill Iranian muiued fur several days. 7H7. Summit 8,500 Dun'tYall to Secure Ten miles cast of Cedar ellr. on the nading; Weber 28,500 6,495. top of Cedar mountain, there is a Real mid personal properly and imlarge like., three miles mug by three STATEHOOD FOS UTAH. according to assessed provements, quart ers of a mile wide, that 1893. valuation, Honond tiis to Bs Ailod o develop Into a great resort as its Aaotbtr Star to Counties. Ileal improvs. Per. R33 fiJ3CiT.AJ3XjE merits become more favorably known Amniosn flag228.025 Davis $2,083 740 689,775 to tbe public at large. Tiio name of 129,825 142,889. 1317,518 Morgan statehood foi looked Our U. long Kzlkgi Ut J. tepst, this body of water is Navajo lake 801,112 1,340.744. last- - The enabling ac Summit $1,700,880 There are. no fish in it to speak of. but coming at Utah The assessed valuation of pmpeity went through the house Kaysville, fur Utah the vicinity abounds in such game as week ago yesterday like a whirlwind In Kaysvillu city for 1892 was $1,(40.-00bear, deer, mountain lions, sage liens No assessment this year.. The (mly Hus- running IMUnun SJwpin nu betwoea Ogdes, Sail Lslia- Givj aaUi only two dissenting voices aud they Clilrasu wltboutCIuiBKe quails etc. Tbe lake is fed by a spring were 100 new about is estimated that It heads day tier flows for two hours and is then Theirout of their was onthat in Davis erected been have buildings polygamy opposition dry for two hours. Iron Co. Record and tbe silver question- - An amend county this season & i Tii a certain church In Ireland a of Hie revenue from the ment, prohibiting tue nr.ict ice of Min la young prlist took for ids subject The isilygamy and oue reducing the land tax lety for the year iv.ci, for school .ar , iii.t be granted for scliuol purposes were DRY GOODS Feeding of tie Multitude-purposes. Davis county 17,043.95: Morgan said: "And they fed 10 people with flop ted. The grant of 2U0,000acre of - .. 10.000 loaves of bread and 10.000 fish- laud for tlie university was reduced Summit 20 352. U. es." Thereat an old Irishman said: one half.. The Agricultural College Sait Lake City, at 7:50 p. m. Rio (irandu Train I.ADIES anil UENT!i "Tliafs no invMclc; recieau-TlcKf-- Office, No. 1SW. Scvpad begirra. I could grant was Increased from 90,000 acres Choice new raisins and South, Slreut dulhal mvsclf: which the priest FruxisniNH hoods. to 200,000 acres. currants for mince meat at the and SHOES, j heard. Tile next Sunday the priest When the bill comes to the senate K eCo-oCilDCKIMES, auiioiineed l:e same text, hut ho had will certain'y go through. After r.oneral Agenl Pawivuser lpfluwnt 305 Uoou HuiUIin SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.. 1r right this fim "And they led ID. such an overwlu-lniiuvole in the to ?12.00 a jsiirat from l.on Klankets in Latest Dress Making Styles, i HP issiple on 10 loaves of bread arid llou how can the It tlie hut a tlshes." in waited Ili; and They without hcMltancy. thniugh prices at Bed Rock and said: surelr will uot reject it and send leaned irer M.F. Patti llo has received a new L S Hills, Vice Prcft.. Was. H. W. Hartir.s ('usblfhr "Aiidcould yuudothat' Mr. Murphy F glimmering. SAT'.iUkl John K. ltarucs, Pmst The president is said in sUick ofeinwan-your n.'vriiincr be, alright so Utih iu.iV Murpliy spring Directors. I could." "And how could you do itF1 form a state. aud John fi. M. Itanu-sPeter IkubirM sud the priest. "Sur,:. y er We may evpectshorlly to see V T. i Iloueclw. Wcliavea few suiu id Jj W. Guilty J. 1L Larkins,. C nal convention callid. c ( r. mice, I eniild do it- wl'h was left ner Lt.v. ' cost. at go lafrom Sun lay:iile . AM) Sl'IKJKON, WE LEAD. The- - Salt Lake Oc-tolu--r mouev-lend- . ei Artesian Wells Mt-fga- govc-rs.-o- " f y, r Co-op- COOr -- t ., e - iresi-ut-in- mid-wint- 1 W. E. SMITH, er We also have the agency for Pleasant Valiev, Castle Gate, Rook Springs, Almy and Peacock, Coal Cos. ii Cnl-rad- ill ci thm-rmii- i taint-lio- j f . 1 r If get a . - PRICES TALK. ly MB PRODUCE PRICES TACK. hotel sec-cla- ry m TO SANTA FE ROUTE Rio Grande Western Colorado, Midland Atchison Topeka rATIS - J & 0. cc PJEEJXB SHORTEST. QUICKEST LINE EQUPIMENT UNStiEtPASSEP StaU-uun- M1LLIN-DRYtOTIOYS- Santa Fe Rys.. SCENERY UNEQUALED. " VIA EIiENVraCC SFRIHES, Ih-s- i d t HL C. p. I Se-.i- sec-ind- I lii-- ru--- te h Co-o- . t . . full-fledg- ei.n-stitu- ti ut -t Kays' CTAS. (,T. 'i. us FEOX BAN FRANCISCO. Ticks, I'VutlliTS aiul; Malt sntiio Provo Duiitih- Tae j Foil j lis(.-nri- i s M tl!y agr.n-- Hi- ( - 1" Me: - says ii "uiok lioiir-- ; idi t in l.clii ikuni.-- in on it ircsint Iih-.i- i lh,. ion if tin- - .gri-- r 'i 11 - i- e r r For riPsT : j i ('.i .i ricos ! Pai-- REEF, MUTt9N k; ir.d'im Fork lliurl j jB111 ,.s ,;i (Ii I. i". iiui Ilh-Sm- i Kitr.ni.i Lake t ilia- - liiuvi-- r aid M.mll lb-- ' Is in FGFK i Tip- - a Sp.s-iali- y 7 a. in. Piigsu :m-.-!irii-.':nlo- the lilannors, Uropluiva. u. IgiuurJ mull now cp.-S .in ; nfure lNiund maiU will now f induop. iu. I io idols and BARNES BANKING COMPANY Capital $25,000. , Surplus $10,000. ami cliiajss The Co-o- p has in I.t1. m.iiiiigcr of The Ni.i ine nl (ivercoals in D i' is county. abiinlness BANKING BUSINESS. Like II. raid, rciiirm-i- l He 1 Fnoei.sed. Sao repris tup mad--mSwei-:-iiaCraiiln-rrii-s- , ss i In ibe llnil spliTiilid Drafts Drawn iiiiil'iings at Moiicr, (hue park. nuts. Cabbage and M rapes at 11. J or Mexico Our accommodation's will riot Mieflielil's .IMioiigii some of iln-ifor opening on January J. buslnesa. for transactlntf. Tlic wliolc project is being carried out JAS. IL RROUDFOOT can be good ,,n a grand sc lie, and Ho- Californian ' U in it. iiilcrcstcd are all intensely i Z Tonsorial Artist. found In Utah. is I'ln- effect ii Mn San Francisco Stewart's. d'sirEiist First llynun lias marked. Ilusinos great iy W on .savings- pay per 1. and a gcrsl reeling prevail.-- . Utah. improve Ksysvillc, 'iron? receive Y i'JIiOJiits intlie projsisi-- riji of the rhoir. it will go through Mr. liPiWiilei-Hiiuk- s all nolicil'tir.. one up. Deposits i; right, us Hie diwiors will diiubis sal-.'- v will that riakt- ariangenu-iitof Special in.ise hiving the h:attr in Serve Rheumatism. For CZJ li Dyspefr,.. IZD ald CJ1 true.-HerC3 i Exliaustioo, Kidney disease Etc. WANT YOUR BUSINESS GIVE US A 'transacts a General t ls-m- s :ii and s Payable Anywhere Cis-oa- Carada . - - are as general as - r FONTYN ji,iiiii.v. and ia Note the reduciion sl.(u s at Hie Co- - ip- - Itrowiih-e- . in e rc-id- that Syleahi Bin; Kadi Mr. Erowoli) Bapoits r ( ion itur.il bili;.'(- - :mri im to nove i: to Logan The Hrincr tiui irosi-iii.i- n jiijil not lolvoi-aii ! mi - siHi ('onclusinii. 'I'ia-lii a yoimg i:i .n Hluier i Illiit-olioonce went I i school, ami Hm-i.knows dial, the bdilchc i. ami al'.vars ins ise'i kim-its oreiinlx!-- ; t iii, ai Isigau, Tin: I.anm-lia- -j soon tcudcncl.'s ami VtLAOO MEATS Co-op- Fontys lUvunx clo-- i Wheat taken fur cua. at the TEA Co-- o p Utah we cent intci'est and any amount of dollar attention to those children TRIAL |