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Show She nnlv knew not rememter. THE EAGLK that ! ainee I cannot give myaelf where Ami tlieu my best love is not that day beneath the liarbary tne she went softly down before the hot was the lust wrench in giving up the WS AN HONEST IMVENTO?. TOO MUCH EDUCATION. III iiri..i Ths Supply ot Hcholsn Sal to Bo Grost-- r 1 bl It Might siiMiuUl- - l hu. I Thus tho I loot land. the of and flare thundering light a KAYSVILLE, Dr. J. I, liarnum, the Ever since the enormous enlargewheels, and no oue could stop her. A of Louisville, is ttn; man u:i ' ment, numerically, of the English sickening noise of soft bones crushing, W. E. SMITH, Tuli'iLUr. a gusli of blood red as tlie liarbary Invented tho celebrated ink eia-- r universities, there can he little berries, over tue dull iron of the track, which caused ho much talk doubt that the value of a degree has Ikkiiai wo had bolter jutiono a shriek of horror from many throats, 'i:i :i gone down commercially. The numurs a; a lu an a shrill command too iatu to reverse our commiseration (or young Charles men seeking work Ap)n ber of first-clasempliis the engine fair, upon the low o ( 15,wu,uou the litl.oM ilig iutei'-rstin- g and finding none is a sorry comment lie gave recently And then the bridegroom passed for the kind of a young man the foots: on tlie development of the English throu h Hie open door culling happily youthful Mr. fair is, the lot of "When I first got my ink cru-e- r come. bride hie to for university system. If this i true of K II wuk ceremony la the moit fortuuate thing I thought my fortune was the first cl ass, what must be the lot complete uot over. had It that could bappun to him. We conENGLISH ROADS. mode, but I soon discovero 1 that it of the second, the third and the pae seemed verv hard gratulate him. was so conducive to crime that 1 or very hmg. Yet man? The learned professions, in fkt Nsrsdsw Sjrstaiu Might I ry Well it sale and have ulwuj s fact, are overcrowded. The cause of other brides had I Is Hers. illlsud The melancholy fact remain! that warned her that kept the secret to myself. 1 suppose thi unhappy crowding of the market Macadam, sn American, gave Eng- it the anake season la nearly over. it would be both. will die with mu. This eraser for brain laborers is not far to seek, land the splendid roads on which the could 1, Anna, take However, there may be no harm in positively remove all traces of says the Saturday Review. An ims uncim-aciouold and wore DsvM been records she hod lusdo, coaching remarking that a lady waa standing thee, ink from ank kind of paper. mense number of persons who la In of effort the keying. Tongue which she enjoys It ia most I remcmlier one man who wrote a inghinde'a carpet atore at Frederformer times would have worked fol- throat acted autouiati'-ally- , devoutly to be wished that his coun- letter to the Courier-Journa- l, icksburg. Va., with her hand on a roll and telling with their hand a their father did voice of the rector, follow hia sv-- nd advice them he did not believe the account of matting, when a moccasin anake lowing the smooth may trymen much as she followed ret.poni.ive his before them are being educated to and set about came out of the middle of the rolL intoned up to which Lad published of the work with their head. There fa each Nsbhatb. Only they prayers date. Our roads, in both city and eraser. Noino of the men in the CourThe lady'a remark were overheard now there was no stained-glas- s win-- i leveling up of the aooial lor aome distance. country, as a rule, uro just sixty ier Journal took some of my erasing dow to watch, nor could she ionder if you look at it optimistigrades, behind the aleive ago. Many years Uuid aud years upon the memorial tablet jukt Thu son uf tlie artisan bewiped all the ink out of his A CiAKn at the California penitenthe pew, her frequent uceiiiation previous to the Macadam road being letter, except the signature. A check cally. a comes clerk.the son of the clerk as- ' conwhile she joined in the general Introduced in England, live miles an for flUH was thon written above tiary pulled hla gun toward him by fession teach in a school, the son of to much too pires of having followed work. hour was considered first-clas- s the muxzle and the gun, having no and they went to the the school teacher aspires to go the of tlie heart, When the Manchester merchants, in banksignature, more aenae than the guard, filled him i the devices and desires more and got tlie money. In a short fixed or or Cambridge. But this levwas her mind no 1754, ' to facilitate business, placed time A man Yet full of aluga and several eling up is not an unmixed blessintroduction after its definite than then. Iler eyes wao-- a their "Dying couch on the road be- crimes in Louisville, as well as elsewho cannot on aigbt recognize the dered and'wTw that picture hung ing. The result 1 that we have tween lnidon and their city (Dili where dangerous end of a woapon ought not slightly askew above the mantelpiece. committed fifty times too many clerks 300 apbeen hwl lattimed and to set reach it the fur to draw to be permitted to a salary miles) Mb even made a step forward of the eraser, plied for an insignificant post adverthe aid by ter place in four days and a half, it and it fctraight when she noticed the rector imperiling hi mac II. n a when young tised in the Times the other day aud tli.iu?" was considered most incredible and a man in Louisville waa saying "Anna, wilt perpetrated a fraud ten times too many of the idea at dazed senses her new world. in caught sensation thu From Dean William Howell declare, his firm by Its use and went to teachers, and. alas! ton times too She glauced down-- I London to Exeter (173 miles), in upon in flat contradiction of lr. I'arl an admonition. I thon determined never many university graduates turned were th California, ami observed liow 1743, tho couches took a fortnight loters, that Chicago hackmcn are "rrsiiVwInthri.ugli'tlilH iTttlc tri- to allow any more of the fluid to be out every year to crowd the ranks of ' slow, but not always sure. What a manufactured. the most reasonable creaturea aud ' MDr,,iur gap just alsivc the first I have, however, the bar. the schools and journalism change cuiuo over the country when since done some work with it myself. and recruit the attempt to extort exorbitant ton of her glove. Why were all gloves year's crop of miserroads hsvo the access free rates'1 Thus u the hackman vlndi- made so foolishly tight that they perfect one time a number of securities of able and hopeless failures None of ' At all over it; and in consequence an Who wouldn't take the word torted that portion of the hand, she Fall City bank, of Louisville, had these people can dig as their fathers rise in the value of the of an enlightoimd American author wondered? And all the while the extraordinary been stolen, aud tho holders of bonds did; they cannot make shop boys, or aho word on that was rector few A land took droning records ot an effete place. may gainst that of a subject got in the habit of busmen, or crossing sweepers Too did not understand. be of interesLalways bearing in mind in the community European despotism? names across the face of many of them can only teach or , their and lie, David, this tall. writing fhev knelt, the coaches carried heavy loads pas- their ' straiunt man bealtiu her. seemed to bunds, and also a statement that starve. It is really impossible to sengers, luggage and mails. rtiK federal govorumuntran aoe to 5e how 0X)ia was her hand within its tho bonds were not good unless indeny that a certain degreo of IntelLondon The and road Holyhead it that all aorta of prucau Ilona are glove, aince he pressed it tenderly, redorsed. But when they wanted to dislectual education unfits a man waa considered the finest in the How good ia iie! taken to inauro the aafoty of paaaon- - , assuring. the bonds they found that of these with his hands and earn hia pose world-known country, being built by the gera on vessela flying the American ' thought, swiftly, and then, looking bread as a laborer. It may be that nobody would buy them with the writ2tiO white exthe aaw that and miles in due Telford, can spray and and flag regulato every upward, across tlie face. They came to me it ought not to do so, but in the veil as a wreath had tent. The surface waa ao perfect ing detail of the running of such vessela which bound her a rush and wanted me to remove present imperfect state of the world, with S! loosened. The brown up ami uncalled that no horse walked any part of tho the writing. Why can not and why does not the ateui stood I had at one time 100,-Jso it ia Therefore, somehow or and hare of ita face of the ausent. Instead of the clear stripped federal government exercise equally white blossoms for an inch or more. brow and frank eyes of the journey, although tho last 107 miles, of these bonds, with the other, places must be found for this worth present. to waa from benefioent care over the passengers I "ft looks lika a horn, she thought, Shrewsbury Holyhead, Then she tore herself away with a of harvest tolerable agreement that if any traces of ink enormous ttle choking cry of horror at herself through a very hilly country. Tho or the fluid were left I was to buy scholars by the railweye within its jurisdic- listlessly, aa she had thought things as schoolmasters or records made on it were never sach tion f all that day and for many days, "like and hatred. bond so defaced at it face something analogous in the soThe man looked, aaw the carriage beaten, not even by the "Quicksilthe horn of a devil; then a grot hor-- 1 value, but I didn't have to buy any cial scale. the Every year It is that, she had almost reached the station plat- ver on the Exeter road. The And aoDbuleep Singh ia dead. Well, ror emote upon her. of them. The act of forgery itself is problem is how to do it That saw a thereon merry form, bad traveled some party well. It's "Telegraph" year for oriental povery easy to accomplish, but the perand said. apologetically, problem formerly the university gathered, tentates With the sultan of Johora part of the journey on this road and Oil, 1 ace, dear, they are here before did hor Dili miles to London In petrator noarly always gets caught solved by the fellowship system. In of breach ault a promise fighting in the end. This ua," and then smiled brightly to the safety The number of scholars was small hours and fifteen minutes England, the maharajah of Kapur--1 which is now being extensively and they had a fellowship apiece. guests who hail preceded eighteen wedding paper, J The between "Wonder,' Shrewsbury manufactured, is no protection. The That solution is no thala, a bopoleaa victim of tho gin them. The lung wind swept aside longer possible, Ass habit and the geek war of ltaroda i shawls and wraps aa they walked and and London, 150 miles, made her ink lines on this safety which even if It were desirable. Then the iiapcr, s. In fifteen hours and about the to to around barney ordinary people gave plunging trying lade away as soon as they are universities tried ignoring the probsatin This is and a exshoon of remarkable borrow enough money to get home depot glimpses be put lem altogether. They, as it were, lace ru files and glittering arms, and ample of sustained speed, which has touched by any chemical, can with, the dazzle and Illusion of Indian ; A for oack stone this denied liability. Their position waai easily. very and there and flower a a here "WonThe been never jewel are surpassed. gone. hopelessly splendor Our business is to provide facilities There waa an abundance of laughter der" was so regular in her time that purpose can be engraved for fid and rice, and both were distributed by the for learning for those who wish to set their clocks As experience has shown that a country people Is Brookljrs, the yestlesi ones unable to wait learn, and opportunities to study for by her. May day, howovor. was the belated the the and square foot of Iron plate for train I want to engage those who care to study. Boodler First We have iietly r on which coaches the tried of an Inch thick weight almost exfrost day fice-f Whom do 10 duties beyond that When our browing. Anna ihe services of a lawyer. propey season for own time. ,o their beat felt the cold, hard grains press against actly five pounds, tlie area of any recommend? have attained, by the help of The Independent Tally ho," run- rou low of her neck, but only beet iron (or plate Iron) In square You had better our endowments, to a degree the Boodler Second smiled. It waa a dream, and the her- ning between London and Birmingfeet multiplied by the thickness in connection between m terminate! Lawyer Bluff. self but a fantasy among shadows ham, covered the distance, 109 miles, teiain and multiplied by five a "Is he lawyer? good more and more They must shift for themselves dream The I grew and on hours in sevon will give the weight of the piece. thirty minutes "He is Indeed. He Is a powerful Theoretically, of course, thle was woe hurried The bridegroom May 1, 1830. The Shrewsbury Anybody who wante to kuow the t He is so thoroughly in undeniably a logical position which away to the ticket office upon some made her trip to Ixindnn, 153 ipeaker. that in weight of a piece of sheet Iron with-- 1 I which had become entangled. errand isrnest addressing a jury his they could very fairly take up, but at of rate miles the three will find thle a very out weighing it furlongs,' A thought of temporary freedom words carry a conviction." In practice they must be held I LATE TOO an I useful rulo. including stopseized her. She must get away from twelve miles "Then he will hot da I've been in some degree at least, a this confusion of shadows. She turned pages, on May day, 138. This means 1 am a bad woman shuddered. indicted, and I dont want a lawyer lor the men whom they have raised of her husband which distho direction in the woman. tho bad part greater galloping The world's gruatost peat hole le had taken. The shadows laughed tance, and Is strong evidonce as to whose words carry conviction with out of their own position in life by at last to be cleansed. The sultan of I t Life everlasting Amen! the about scholarships and exhibitions speher: "She cannot loose sight of what can be done on perfect roads. them. It is an acquittal Im after. 1exas Siftings. Turkey has resolved to put Mecca last word drawn out, sonorous, him even a moment. Oh, Anna, wont Let us cially offered for necessitous persona of Macadam shade the hope Into something like a healthy conf resonant, in the rectors best style. you be known for a bride at once?" we ere us At will despair. help Why lias ths Ksrth Bsvo re. FADS AND CRANKERIES. ditloa The decision le the effect o- - i The ceremony was over. They rose and a tenderer than the rest murpresent we are traveling on mud That the earth do move Is a fact an Intimation from the British gov. to their feet. A brief pause followed, mured: "How she must love him!" d roads, and such neglect of his native In noble Homan houses a slave was that has been demonstrated In a varector waa saying something, llut Anna did not follow her eminent that unless the whole city la- ! then the kisses on the bride's beyond the first door. Crossing land shows a want of thought for the kept to read to the family while at riety of ways, but exactly why it does cleaned it will take means to pro- ' there were she opened a second present generation's comfort so is not easy to explain. checks, sweet phrases in her earn! a waiting-rootheir meals. The asvent the annual pilgrimages wishes aud congratulation! made door and emerged into the outer air good A government check for one cent, tronomers are not agreed upon this not decided India The sultan has ardsna. Nrbaabsdssnsr buxs throughout the room. .And again, and upon a second platform. lhvl ( at her aide stood the tall, straight She knew the place we.L Here was The "hanging gardens of Babylon" Wen daring the war to correct an question, and when doctors disaonly to cleanse the town, but to erect ever is still in possession of s New gree" where are the common people at hia personal expense a great lodg- man with the clear brow and the bat a single track and less light aud were built by Nebuchadnexxar to irror, to look for explanations, answers man. York d Odd of 6, feel the be Here house amid she She more could frank eye. fewer peoirie. capable containing ing gratify his wife, Amyitis. a native of edge of hia arm pressed toward quiet to think the problem out why Media, who longed for something in The newest fashion among the ladles and solutions to such queries? One porsous. her in mute sympathy and support, an tlie voice kept saving she was bud. to remind her of her it St Petersburg is to arm themselves school of these star wisa men olaim unnoticed putting of love into the She meed up anil down, and the wind this flat country A ciHKAr many people not especialof with long canes when they go abroad. that tho original initial centrifugal Yet it failed to blew her mantle into ding- mountain home. They consisted force given the globe was directed ly Interested in yachting have had quietest of actions i foot on Some of these canes measure six or 40: artificial mountain, an thinkShe was her. still Still it in a line slightly to one side of the ing, classic folds about their patriotic American findings tir l,,,r apathy, in feet leven length. terraces successive c ha each by side, rising cooled her head and cleared her brain. grotesq center, which would, of course, cauaa gratified by the success of the Yankee horn Iwa.mwqawitUr. exhibits the in the Mis veiL over her brutal Among Why waa she bad? Had she not to a length which overtopped the the great globe to rotate on its axes, igilant as against tlie British i al- - ' even peering of a New York dental out first one foot and kept iier promise of years? Had she walls of the oity. The terraces themslyly put kyrie. It is. liuleod, something more then the other, to see which of them not irrevoc ilily sent away that other selves wore formed of a succession of is a fancy border around the and. by what is known as the "law Two was cloven, liut she aaw only dainty man who had made vows even aa hers of inertia, It would "continue to rethan a sportsman victory. the tops of which were covered ther objects displayed that is made volve at a uniform rate of speed unstyles of iHiat the cutter and the white boltluea, embroidered with tiny now were? She had suffered; so, piers, have which been if 6,000 teeth, nearly with flat stones sixteen feet long and were contendYankee centre-board- , til arrested by some outside forces." pearls, and above theoi strips of soft- doubtless, would lie. At tlie latter the from were theso wide. patrons feet pulled jawa four Upon Others claim that the motion ot thought the old cruel puin clutched at ing for supremacy. Fur year British est white silk hoalery. No, the cloven She heart anil throat but she had done spread hods of matting; then a thick In aalutation the Americans say seamen hare declared thoir style of foot was clearly lacking. daily rotation ia a compound resultdo? demand I with The French 'How covered sheets do of y you wondered vaguely at la absence. what she thought right Up to layer bitumen, ant of the general motion of the earth are1 at1 How do you carry yourself? the etfuliy, a. one wonder, at an her life hod an (wared pure, spotless, of lead. Upon this solid pavement last 'i ririiceif to i ''Hout in its orbit and the attraction of tho She felt blameless. She and that other man earth was heaped, some of the piles Germans, How ao you find yourself? invited Our that it though to have guest. sbil acknowledge their mistake. been there, for hud drifted into loving almost withnose?" How afford so as is to the the ought hollow Russians, your depth people know how to make a boat these strange words kept still hum- out knowing, but upon realization of being trees. of Have rice FowSsra. the largest the roots Chinese, you eaten that will wlu. Yhnt we need next ming themselves in her brain, the their folly tlier had given each other for Borne regard should be had to the was drawn from the river so A Florida paper says that a young is to design steamships and sailing words of her other, inner self "How np, had done their duty singly, llow, Water as to irrigate those gurdens, which nan living near Lakeland recently, quality of the tooth powder used, vessels that will win the palm for good he Is; how bad am I!1 then, could either of them lie "bod?" thus presented to the eye the appear- In a spirit of recklessness, dived into aye a physician. It should not be was break There and Anna it fust, the voice of the commerce the wedding But saying the world, kept carrying of a hard, gritty nature, oleo tho ance of a mountain clothed in ver- Lake Hollingsworth and, seising the the of Anna Irwin giusses, no, clinking won perfume cringed McIntyre the of as our pleasure yachts have Tlmes-Dem- oenamel will be destroyed. Now Orleans her of dure. (the the a of flowers, recollected The it the toast, she as making foot, brought saying large alligator by palm in sportsmanlike qualities had insert! a silver knife in the great futher'a when once as a child she had craL peasant girls in some parte of Soot-lan- d to the surface, where it was captured. while cake which stood before her, soblcd to aee a debased and cursing use a most simple tooth powder. A sparrow built its nest and laid What DM IL The proposition for a union of thu simply because they told her to do so, wretch dragged along the streets by a wet the forefinger and, They inside at four a Isleworth, gong eggs The Coroner You say in your Central American states Is again anil theu she forgot all about it Tlie policeman. She is a bad woman, my it up tho ehimney, secure a putting has The station. portion gong was a killed railway Eng., man man stood her at side could the be how Anna fact tall, by Bat she may straight opinion darling. being discussed. This s circumference of thirty-on- e inches, of loot. It is very effective. Char-eoand said many words. They were ,ke -- ? Why, her only sin waa funny story. Explain yourself. evidence as good pretty ia accepted good. Camphorated chalk words, she thought, faintly, the in thinking of that other man a thing The Drummer, witness at the in- is sonnded upward of 150 times every alia What that those little tropical hornets are good is really wanted ia a words of a goal man, und she la rung the alarm ain when the become at good a it and had which We were all lay, this It's only way. with again recharging their stingers she was so bod. powder that ehall clean without But quest marriage ceremony of head of the stairs on can be heard 600 yard away. venom. It has generally liecn tlie A party of merry girls took her to was it a ain? Like a flash came to standing at the scrubbing and while cleaning also was a Milford, hotol. Maine, At young lady caso that whenever they begin talk- her room s and began to help her memory of the sermon on the the second floor of the disinfect hired to teach school for six weeks at The Coroner Ye; go on. the whosoever looketh ing about get tin-- ' together they are her off with her while garments. mount the around. hoard 13 shoe and At week TIsfil Is ao Harry. a the Drummer The Keen she nohorn" of wider Uaggs, the foil, on the point failing apart. grimly heart thought waa with him even Contrary to tho general opinion Thia was the ea-- o just before the ticed And they put dainty patent-len- t the deed, a thing the purveyors of man. said he had two or three good end of one week a her shoes where the white creeds too often forgoL She suw and onos to tell ua "agent sold the school board 93 worth the Irieh are the (lowest people Barrundia episode. Mill. If what ones had been and dark, understood. of anatomical charts, and, aa the fund about getting married of any in tho I understand. Coroner The should as the impossible appears draperies instead of tlie A shrill whistle sounded; just beDrummer lie started right af $18 was exhausted, school had to world. In that country, according The some day turn out tube probable and clingingones, und then they went out yond two green lights lowered; the to the latest statistics, the percenin with tme of thorn. None of ns a union finally arcinplishel. the live snowy and left her alone. gates of a crossing were closing for an caught on except the poor follow ly6 played a prominent tage of marriage is &1, while in The figure states of (iiiatoinala. Salvador. Hontrain Was it the train approaching Prussia He it is 16.4andin Hungary 18. & dead. woman who life a of the in Men there Costa and the window, opened it, Unit thev were waiting for? Was it ing Mie went to duras, Nicaragua part died at Americas, Gs. She was The Coroner Ho what? would scarcely make a coun.ry a leaned out and tried to think. There the train that would take her Into A Chicago (eientUt believe tbit man ought with the that uew place where her home waa The Drummer He tumbled to the born November 1(1, 164rt; moved to 9 .5 n ,ml1 ,ourl- - Thsrs Is so large as Ohio lu populntiou and with lay the smooth lawnitsbelow, doubt about lute glory and to be? Soon, Americas in 1856; joined tlie eharch in it If he even now, she must go first story. 'Jhe fall killed him. an area loss than that of California gaudy geranium, bruised into a yellowing away; away with that roan from Hotel World. "J square miles. 1864, was married August 36, 1866, was patch. Their ceu by some of decay. There was the whose encircling arm she shrank crispness I'di.tiTT. tl. the mother of six children and was entire population is but lilMrslrlw. Under 11111 hedge of evergreen fir, but leyond while they were in the carriage ir HelBwd buried on the 16th of tho month at Million. of Beal Estate Agont Our map that waa a long line of unfamiliar What a horrible what a vilo thin Nov. A marof been The maker of Chicago, after the 40, A music printer s circular is auage having Marshland is very attractive, but They wearied her. She such action would be! He was a jw carriages. the guaranteed tobiceo habit our, late- ried twenty-si- x years. thority for the abortion that the- turned her list tie eyes the other yWi and she was very bad, but tliluk it would he wise to dump a few million iL'rSSTl 5r ofose-hsl-tof sn tbnolnte gross profit on sheet msilc at whole- way; there was the liarbary tree in j,ow oon W1 she have him It her cm-- loads of stone into those staked out Collectors go in quest of many odd sale is about twelve rent a copy. At its scarlet and green liverv standing brace when another man was in her boulevards, so people in search of things, but it was left for M. Beugniet guaranteed euro for chewing. and : heart? It i mid by swly aureus guard by the library window! that rate one of Paris to make an absolutely unique all theeigaretta smoking. can walk on them. druggists in this country sod Canids. j stinging to The whistle sounded nearer. Abell suburban lots Let 'em fix i makes a margin big enough to oven sharp pain sent the blood themIIo collection of Made ths things palettes. by Sterling Remedy eomoan painters A red glare Capitalist the apple of her throat and tearing at flanged tumultuously. Indians Mineral Spring. Ind. Chloago up a good many hundred failures. succeeded in getting 110 specimens, her eyeball. It waa there that she j the platform. It wot selves after they buy tho lota beyond 45 ofilc. vlreeL They print shook Randolph from which Bailed Dont Tobacco hud crept and hidden to read a letter i Bt. then, their train, but one on this "But tho place is all quicksand." among them the palettes Spit and Smoko of Hawaii uiu- -t lea Tiie a week ago ami the red lierrirs single, lonelier track. With that Bear needn't toll 'em that Corot, Troyon, Delacroix, Benjamin Life Away." Every tobacco mer ihould Tour "You only raid her Dedisteuded It mall It genius. She is credited by rumor hail dropMil upon her breast as she and tlie Rosa lor upon I Bunhcur, Bonnat, they Constant, light shining asking. dont" with the intention of alMlValing tlie writhed beneath the boughs mid every eyeballs! new light seemed to pierce matter?" Then what's the tains, Puvis de Chavannes and other burn into . tin- - brain of the girl. She lifted two The old axiom that throne, end os she lias no throne drou seemed ns u flumeonet.i suffer you see. they read our artiste of celebrity constructed mss- - never eome together, ha barn knocked to i "Why, i could her llow in the air heart face hands she and railed the i,.nier to abdicate dUficuily look out the to at his nnd death nt the other Hinder half s dozen time during ths pmI go lerpiecen, No; 1 see it now advertisements, softly, exultnntlv: would seem lniieruhlc to oio il and live? summer. nevor got back. to the state. left them hs er and 1 am a day woman could a wornun "bad'.1" She place Aud was she good good why (nJ.uarv mental pqjipMi-:'.-- . - UTAH ; ! ! but-nev- dis-cate- ! 1 , forbidden Hie hail thought she was being good aud noble wa keeping her promise as the highest cauous of dut v demanded Was putting- aside teuiotation -- and yet the voh-i- kept she was had. It wus a problem haying hi-- r ieumiiig could uot dear. Some one was calling at the door, calling some other iierson with an name would they never leave off? They bothered her. Then someone else, a man, luridly crossed tlie threshold of her room, laid hia hand uiwn her arm, bent low and s id: Anna, love of me come, we shall lie late. Hie let him lead her awav- - lie was ko tall, so strong! I) iwn in the hall below people were waiting. Home of them were crying, and it made her Hie tried to efface herj vaguely sari self by stepping into tlie shadow of a , booki-useand then someone sought Miss her ought and said: (iood-by- . Irwin," and evervone laughed at what they called his "blunder." She wished they would not It confused her: w liy should they laugh because lie called her Miss frwin waa tlmt not her name? Ah, no, she and there were more goodbyes, and many kisses, and she waa sealed in tlie carriage beside the tall, straight man, and they were driving down the hill that she knew so welL llow good it ail looked. The trees touched by tlie first early frost into a spiked glimmer of gold and flame. The little river, singing exultaut of recent rains beneath the bridge upon which the hoofs of the horses smote sharply, with a ringing sound. The world was fair, so very fair. Did It not seein thus to those who were about to die, she wondered, so sweet aud dear a world to close their eyes upon, anil have darkness ahnt in upon their lids forever? The man at her aide bent over her, coining between her and her thoughts. She felt hia arm about her; she heard lij whisper of Anna, my little wife, ter all the weary years of waiting." Korone delirious moment she gave herself up to thinking that these were liD'lr-rr- on lilM-ovrr- r well-kumr- tin-mi- int.-rvii-- s to-da- y. road-maki- well-know- to-wo- rk 00 J Man-cheat- er throe-quarter- one-eight- h e g. Jrey-hou- nd hue-ban- out-turne- silk-line- d show-windo- w estab-.ishme- to-da- Suborn tidt to-da- al to-da- glib-tongue- d ly ter-piec- Ona-Ha- . . g . i. , ! it |