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Show .J t i 57 ( t of Americana Ah arms has in the FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. more digestible than the same food past been largely due to hoatllitiaa dried, and that hay possesses th When the Kentucky with the Indiana rifle was la vegna, the sights, though BLUE CRASS ON MEADOWS IN same units of nutriment aa grans, but dairyman keeps evory intended only for close work, were THE NORTH AND SOUTH. right on building silos and giving usually aa sharp as the edge of a cows tliei" food in aa succulent form knife. In later year superior rifle Cuinpaniou. work is America lias n fostered Use Kad and Kmoolli Drouud Essential US KMible, even to the summer BOi- l('iicKiiluruui Jiuka." and maintained largely by the Food lo Her ijkiua iirtidtax Haro j ing that has been referred to. and I am gn ng to tell you ahont a National Kitle association, and largely Drain Fork Feiulsr thia In the face of Why, if l i Hamburg narster that we j by the efforts of the war department nad iioiurhoi.. tiaip. no more foods nutritious are soft ' once bad. He bad no brothers nor to raise the skill of men of than the dry? The fact it that there kiatera, and ao we brought him into ; the army to the standard of marksis an element of paiatability to green the houKUand fed and Mttrd hint. In view of the record of men. Hina Cra mb. When be grew older he beeauie very American riflemen in the past uud the Old subscriber axk of the National food, and any cow in flow of milk handsome, and whs the must amusing diligent efforts of the war department Stockman wh.u to sow Kentucky "Hi turn front the hay to a Jock of bird 1 ever aaw. We would dress him to keep up the blue authorities of nd I! seed, how much seed per June f up in doll's clothes, and wheel him standard, there is little likelihood, it acre, grass fodder to a basket of silagei Tbs and aeed should whether grass about in a doll's uarriuge. He would is thought among men, idea of cooking food for stock baa walk about the house, and waa very of the ordnance department overlook- be mixed with them and sown at the ame As old subscriber failed pretty much gone by the board, time. of desires fond of picking dies off the window hliari'hliooier. the Gening about it REVIEW. AC MN that reached down to the floor. One eral Flagler baa laid the aubjuct of to give his county and state the but there was a paiatability the stock; waf relished that by for the new fail Stockman locate to small sights arm him, day 1 waa crying on the stairs, and he I read lol li'idit of the (I rand Review proper sucbefore a board of experienced nfticei-- . hopped np beaide me and began chuck- la WaaJiin :lou'a ahielext avenue consequently can only answer in but between cooked food and the men in commill and I as h to blue, This board need not be ex peeled to gnneralities. He states he would like culence of the root pit and the colTwo ml boil, MAIZE though frying ling away, NORWAY. they aatii waa the number make any mistakes fort me, and asking what 1 waa cry- TillI think to sow on wheat ground." There is lar silo, there is nothing left for the I seemed to bear their trumpllnr feet, By an Inn of wllili-s- l Norway, ing for. Another time some ladies Tint buirle lilaM and the drum' quick heal. Ha Caught the llird. A dura Uezd lOiua, nothing to hinder. All that is neces- labor and the compensation for the came to see mama, and as she waa The ulalter ol huuia In the stony street. And the peak of Nunika Feld above, Admiral Jouetl tells an odd story of sary is to prepare the ground for increased danger of fire; and yet the cheer of people who earn toy reel. not in the zoom. Cockolorum Jinks" The la a waxie of ileaunu annw idea is one of furnishing this food In And the IhousuuU detail that repeat a blockade runner. He in com- the reception of the eL And, lietweea the number ttr tree. (for that was his name) came strutWould only uiy verxe free. The luea i where lUe klnu mand of the Metacouu-- i at the time. We will here answer one of the thf way tliut the cow likes it best hu-uml I room Till in a and down into tell sat sweat, revrrv, the ting And a mountain turreal lea pin 'down. The blockade runner referred lo wus queries of Subscriber, Augusta coun-- Ho the cows ever tire of the food And then to a Htful slumber. on a chair, with hie feet stretched To be loal la the uuelidroia wa: a slippery vessel. She was so swift ty, Virginia, who has ten acres of I'1 )! of its natural juices in There, in a narrow garden in front of him (the way he always When lo! In a vision I seemed to aland out breezy AuuiMt Uluru. lne that every attempt tu rat eh her had good liinexinne land and ten acres of it? Who ever saw a cow tire of good, i ouch huiul in on came a mama When sat In the chair). lonely 1 k.w, beaide lie hardy fluwers, I be failed. Farragut declared that she portico dim and yrand well put up silage, or a into the room, he jumped off the chair, Ear A cluster ef ladluaeoru. 1 liko a martial baud must lie taken at alt hazards, and del- branch meadow, a clo e black clay green grass, beet? a louil crow und strutted out of Of1 column rau Hero is a point comm gave tnd whom Miinu sugar prime he finds diflicult which in to it l And I said to Leas, get egated the job to JouelL "Jiiu," he the room as though he had done his Had calu-- to a hot in grain feeding: Change the grain With liraidcd ttuxi-- ba'.r. on The I the count to sad white ut aero fetch And grass. principal the said, thcalro-tdifficulty ine you that city At time a gentleman another The child of the inn who bad brought me forth duty. bum. bird, whatever happens.'' So it caum grass grower has lo contend with is i in whole or in part now and then. It Touts) hrr small parterre came to visit us. When he rang the No footfall echoed aero the square; adJ ruliBh t0 the consumption of the Your land lies far In tin frozen north, about that tliu Melacumct lay iu wait in obtaining a stand" or a catch. door-belt uidiiU-hCockoloruin Jinks heard Hut out of the U!it' air And a day your summer spa us. artful on rll,ion nd promotes appetite, the the for blare. dlxlituce I Carp-achheurd la the dodger the truuiiet to success The in essentials him, and came around the corner of And the wamierln.- - lilit nrlml seemed to bear, Why do you plant the Iropi.- maize banka There was reason to nelieve growing are (1) good and pure grass ,BnM as change of food is enjoyed by When I root ike harvest bans? house, and evidently did not like the : seed, isttouin sound of a The lur that she would come that way before (2) the ground made perfectly Burley and nil uud rye you way reap humans." Do not drop down the his appeurance, and also knew that he Kre yet Ike snows fall cold. Then I held mjr breath wltb fear and dread: long. Meanwhile the comniauder of smooth by harrowing and cross hsr- - t,,od elements of the ration, but vary was a stranger. Hu thought the genBut the atutejy uialxe. the nr jin of the sun. Fur Into the square, with a brazen tread. the warship set to work to transform Will never yield lu gold tleman should not le there, so he be- There to excite appetite, and them rode a tlx are who- - stately head his craft in such a manner that her rowing, and where possible and prau- - ' the enough "Tl true," the luaidcu answered, his and U'erluoked that feet at the inornm. them, gan will do better for the slight flying biting our frost ban harvest ab- "That dairy This and tlrable would builder scat own Urtu nut proper rolling. have its never bused sol from That recogthe gentleman striking at hits with Wlu-But we plant the beautiful waiving maize Practical the living column pumed 111 foci, nized her. solutely essential preparation fur- - effort it occasions To please tlie American his umbrella, until mama heard the Yet now rude xteadny up the street nier. did he The first a was heed to bed for tho thing They aiutle when they ace lu shining leaves paint perfect To the phantom bugle's warning. noise and came to the dour, and And aay oa their huundirwt plains broad streak all around her hull. young plants, which, while young, Budding Karat. If grows like a forest, rich and tall, Jinks, thinking there waa ao Till it reached the Capitol square and wheeled. aThen hoisted he araloft and spars are often as minute as are the seed; more need of fighting, walked off. He And there in the niounllKhl ntnod revealed in the warmth and the mellow rains: If you are about building a barn, so them as look And the bin are tilled with it blessed gold to like double ranged would always attack strangers in this A turui that lu statu and Held especially is this the case with blue you can probably combine space and before the bright year wanes." Ilad led our put riot sires. topsail yards, such as merchant men grass. It likewise is a pivot on which economy wav. was by building it with a base--: to the face Whose turned those camp. in wirepin carried desuch 1 days. By Oh, child," said, "you have planted well!11 lie lived a very solitary life, for Afar through the river a lo; und dump Time meut Kuccess or failure. stalls for stock should be bangs (2) vessel made was the And 1 though', that Auuat morn. vices to resemble none of the other chickens would as- That showed no flicker nor warning lamp, Ax 1 looked at nk and stream sad tree, a Mexican trader. She waa anchored to sow: This is of the highest tin in the basement, but it should be so Nor wasted bivouac tires sociate with him: and when he did go The dark fiord and the grassy lea. near the shoals, as if trying to catch portance. All grass seed should be j arranged that they are dry, and that 1 There was nought ao fair on shore or saa near them, they would fight him. And I saw a phantom army come. fish. So she was, but it was a very own when there is sufficient mois- - the air is pure and wholosome. Have As that cluster of wuvin com. civwas too or he wound tile thev drum. of With a never suppose thought Youth's Com pan ton But keeplna lime to a Ihrobiiln hum big one she was a f ter. The gnns were tura to cause xjieody germination of an eyo to convenience In the arrange-th- e ilized. St Nicholas. Of waiiln; and l imeulutiun covered with larpaulina for a further A Fat tho ment of every detail. If you grow seed, and to keep The martyred heroe of M ilvorn Hill, How Kdlsaa Took ( Electricity. disguise, and it waa ordered that no young alive Borneo is the home of the orang-outanafter they grain, have it ao you can put Of Uettyshur; and plants should be worn on uniforms Now that you have electricity, how The men whose wanted (Inures till deck. which, leaving out the genu up. All minute grass soed should straw, when you thresh, right over Tbn patriot grave of th nation The commander rut on his oldest suit he sown man, occupies the third place from did you first oome to enter it?" on the surface, trusting to the stables If It Is there, so that it In clothes. short nobody would of I will tell. It was ly a peculiar And there eame the nameless dead the maa the highest in the animal kingdom. Who perished in fever swamp and fen, have surmised that a warship armed the rains to cover them deep enough, can lie reached without troublo, you 'The gorilla has the highest place, the incident. I was selling papers on a The slowly Hturved of the prfou pea, to the teeth wus concealed beneath If harrowed or bruised in many of will bo apt to mako better use oi it running out of Detroit. The beside the oilier. And, chimpanzee comes next in order, then train the seeds will be so deep they eannot in feeding than would otherwise be sueh an innocent exterior. of the groat buttle of Shiloh, Came theduxky martyr of Pillow's fight. the orang. The males are as fond of news limbs enfranchised and hearing brirht: smoke of the OOP When come up. the steamer With Half an inch is deop the case. A large covered shed as came in wss killed and 60, wounded, human aa are roughs, and, fighting I thought perhaps 'twas the pale moonlight seen at the expected point on the hor- enough fur any of the finer grass an like them, bite off each other' a fingers one night I knew the telegraph adjunct to the barn will prove They looked as white aa their brothers. izon Jouett was eonfldent that the seeds, as the spears are lino as the valuable. In that the stock can get operator at Detroit, and I went to him And ao all ntaht marched the Nation's dead. and lips game waa In sight, lie even went so finest of cambric needles No fine air and exercise never a banm-- r ubove them spread. way, and made a trade. They all show, in a human-lik- e With through the winter far as to interview the steward in re- are 'I promised him Harpers Monthly Nor a bud.e, nor a motto brandished the emotions of pain, rage, satisfacthey that if covered but one inch without being exposed to wind bill of a to uncovered save bum No head lation York Tribune hs mark the New fare, and the that saying regularly tion and affection, liaby oranga Of the silent bronze Reviewer: Keep the manure in this meant to entertain the captain of that deep (which could not possibly be storms send out little dispatches With never an an-- save the vaulted iky; range, as human infants do, from if he would avoided where they are harrowed in), lied until you are ready to haul It blockade dinner runner same the at them line have the and lie never posted save whou flower are a along those that With they good to bad. (Some, graves for love could buy evening. The latter craft slowly rose they could not find their way up. out, aitd tho saving of that produot publicly. Then I went to the Free OnNothe distant good, are eery good, indeed, and np gift that waa purer or truer. 400 to the horizon. When alio came with- Tho seed would be an entire loss; will go far toward repaying the cost Frees That took and horcopies. others, when they are bad, 'are in a couple of nantieal miles the hence the necessity foo careful sow- of the shed. J armors Home Weekly. Me. llornaby, the naturalist, emptied my tieasnry. I wanted 200 So all night long swept the strange array; rid. all night long till the morning gray, hoisted the Mexican flag. The ing. When tho soil water below took a liaby orang from its dead more. They sent me np to the editor. ISowatched for one who hud piimvd away. Drain. stranger responded by running up rises (by capillary attraction) suffWith a reverent awe and mother, shot .in the cause of science, It waa Wilbur Storey, a to A good deal of grain, especially French colors. She had no suspicion hia desk man. I managed to get up a blue cap waved in the lengthening line, which had the temper of a tiger. meet rains which have to the iciently 1 knew th.it one who was kin of mine of the true character of the foe that fallen farmer, is An orang's instinct la to seize and and make a strong plea. lie liatened, And from above, come: and I up ike and lo that alga then and that grown by the small was lying in wait. With the utmost then yelled out: Dive this arab Had flaiL Grain for et tho Awakened me from my slum bur. by bring an offending hand to its mouth, and then is not till it absolutely confidence she steamed past, and her I took 600 papers out I Bret Harts we thick, ought to be usually that it may bite the member. This 200 papers. astonishment must have been greet safe to sow grass seed. We seed, taken off my feet when we Improving tbs Aruiy Kills. thus threshed. The flail gets it out baby orang, though only six months reached to in as a even order stand fired Metacomet station. The when first the a the little get prefer, gnn old, made so many attempts to put the in bins in is not and It is stated in army circles that possible, to mark our ground off slowly lots itto he.it piled natnralist'e hands up to its month depot was crowded with men wanting there is a growing opinion that the across her bows. In a moment the and have its large lu was worse war was of revealed her next station it true The In lands, then mark it again small-calibthat he was obliged to tie its elbows papers. lightly rifle for the army ship lessened if not destroyed. decks crowded with I crosswise in lands ana I raised the price of the paper to new her vitality character, This forms favorite with be will a not together behind its back sharpten cents At the third station there shooters. men, and her armament unveiled. Her checks; we then take half our seed AwnUge then this Even then when he wss not watch-inGenerally speaking, there iU the orang rolled over and seized was a mob, and I sold out with papers appears to be little foundation for commander's invitation to dinner for and sow one way of the lands over is that tho flail never threshes quite cents apiece. was not refused by ths and what it luaves in the sheaf ing at twenty-fiv- e the calf ef his leg betwhen his teeth. this belief other than the knowledge that evening the entire ground; then take the clean 'Well, do you know, that episode But for the hunting trousers and is the lighter grain In doing more in moat European services where captain of the blockade rnnner. that of the seed and cross-sohalf other me was a that telegraphy woolen stockings, the naturalist would impressed small-ealibrifles are in use no atThe Raw Co iMazaadar-lB-Chie- f. also over tho entire ground. This perfect threshing, the machine have lost a piece of hia leg. At last it great thing, and I went into it Teleg- tempt is made to provide the new arm breaks or cracks the kernels so John Adama, Bishop Captain Gregory to led electricity: plan prevents skips" and tends to some of them have their germs that relieved the naturalist by dying. A raphy with finely graduated sights. Incommwaa who elected unanimously' insure an even, jierfect stand. W. Flagler, ander-in-chief 1). Brigadier-Generbaby orang of more gentle disposia Dinner Circus. la of the Grand of Cultivator. Army Now for tho answers to Uld Sub- jured tion was brought to Mr. Hornsby the at the national encamp- scriber's Dinner is the great meal in a circus chief of ordnunce, United States with its hands and feet bound. Fork Folnlora. queries: When to sow? In in hia last report on the amall-calib- mentRepublic army, was held born at in is all like Breakfast breakfasts Indianapolis, When he approached it, instead of to in arms March; the of The time South, to caatrate pigs Is best September services, preis 52 foreign in comes and families. a at Groveland, Maas., years Everyone attempting to bite, it whined softly large board, says: old. lie waa educated in the publie the North, Septem' or to 1st of May, when they are nursing, or when they hour. Lunch is a light meal sented to the sinail-srm-s and rolled up it big brown eyes ao different is It a distinguishing feature of the schools, and before he was 20 years preference being given to fall sowing. are three or four weoks old. and there is not ao mnuh enthusiasm appealingly that the naturalist cut its about it: but at dinner all sit down at sights, as compared with our own ser- old enlisted in Major Ben: Burley acre? Two to How much seed bauds and placed it on a pile of soft once. The mesa tent is an Why not make a bog)ien a comvice sight, that none are adapted for Ioores rifle battalion, which waa sub- three bushels (if per Weight of fortable for a man to do hi work in alone.) straw. It soon became a pet and was affair. There are six rows of oblong accurate target shooting; nor would sequently merged into the Nineteenth tables seed bushel, fourteon pounds. as other stables are? Would not the named Old Nan, on account of its a broad aisle down the center; it they prove satisfactory for sharp- Massachusetts volunteers In March, Shouldpor other grass seed be sown on pigs receive bettor attention? bald head and an air ef profound grav- with nse in shooters action. The rear SOU was he will made The scat 1802, orderly sergeant the field also? Wo prefor a mixture aristocracy ity. It was fond, of being held in the sits on the people. are generally adapted only for Through all the seven A pound of flosh represents so much days' fighting east, west, north or south, first, last right aide and the masses sights naturalists arm-- and when he grew on the left. fixed elevations anil have no arrangeon the The has Adams waa a To doliheratcly term it it to peninsula Nergrant money. tired it would grasp the folds of his little better service aristocracy than the others, ments by which compensation can be conspicuous for hia bravery, and his and all the time. be lost is to throw away money. flannel shirt and hold itself, thus showmade for drift or windage allowance, gallantry won for him a second lieufrlund we would When tho our To is same. food There the about the Virginia but pastures begin to fail, ing its physical superiority to helpless is roast beef, vegetables and desserts and for ordinary ranges only the plain tenant's commission. At the battle of say that we huve explained some of human infanta therefore, give special attention to or either notch, caopen square fish in and with December st the cooks 13, 1802, the causes of lailurc Fredericksburg, getting s the animal so that lap price; soup It would lie on Mr. Hornsby'sor eatit may lose nothis ex It that the provided. appears most is done Lieutenant in Adnms a wagon The cooking displayed the stand. As t: varieties suited to his while hu wns writing, reading fitted np with two ranges The coffee treme graduations of the sights range conspicuous gal I an try. Nearly a dozen ten acres of bianch meadow that is ing. hold itself and aniUKe by catching ing, from 1,640 yards, in the Belgium sers of his When you aro comiellod to keep had been hook or by tag- making and boiling and broiling is vice, to 3,500 to be wet, red top Johnson of his penholder or in the British, shot, and at lost he regiment yards, done takes air. in the seized both a land' inclined It open swine penned up, if you expoct table-cloth- . seventy favorite your Its fall Head fescue, Bermuda, is while the ging at the average milk ards of and brought them off the field approximately to pnt in the tea and them to thrive as lliey should, you 'sUl'kod food was bananas and sugar, but it gallons ruug'h CMa7y.'lKowrmcd'Jw, 2,200 yards. himself mess of the unscathed. At the battle of every day and more learned to relish rice, cooked meat, coffee The now rifle, Gettysburg the Fourteenth Massaeha-m-ttmeadow gr..ss and white clover tnuHt 800 that tliey get somo greea when the boys are tired. After dincanned fruit and bread, and to drink ner food daily. In winter artichokes, use in for the United States adopted was aent to there is a little hour of rest st General would all suit bis land and climate. tea ami coffee, milk and chocolate. and tho small potatoes an initial velocity close Sickles on the 2d ofsupport turnips, army, gives This is the in time tho butter. mixture the the thia In The only twilight. July. not would larger it Beer, wine or spirits to 1,S 50 foot seconds The Springfield battle Lieutenant Adams was in com' Wo should take tho place of grass and have entire that the we when exMirfence performers fntm day speak touch. which for so many has mand of Company I. While leading holly to themselves. This is the arm, Johnson grass and red top clover. The baby did its best to amuse ita social hour. Little family groups done excellent service in the United hia men he received two desperate ay that to hand its his Brooding animals should have a when master. Drawing they first coinn into bloom) States (cut initial velocities gives army, the open air, lying on the wounds in the groin, either of which first-clas- s and leave mouth and making a pretence of gather in fashion, pasture lot, the larger the betlarge both nothing are seldom 1,200 foot seconds. exceeding about a chariot was supposed to he mortal. Vet in faces were its grass picnic tor. will tempt thorn to take It if in but lino, low the With bo desired the initial velocities biting and making wry of hay to the Novemtar he was again with his com' or near a tree; the women cluster in A sow that takes favorite tricks If the naturalist sat little arm siod becoino hard plenty of exercise. remarkable their to an-Springfield woman left wise talk sharpbefore hia mand, rijien were wounds groups fully withdown to a meal and began to eat work hus been done by off- healed. is im- no exercise will not farrow as strong shooting the of a make feint and and yield woody; work, doing faney out feeding the babv, it would whine, sewing or re uding. icers and enlisted men of the army. After Gettysburg he was or-- i - a mense ami stock vory fond of and hearty a litter of pigs as tho one scream, throw itself on the floor on Mach of the excellence attained by and during the Wib ss them. For his limestono land, that has had her daily exercise as captain, its back and kick like a spoiled child. Discretion the Better Fart of Valor. the Springfield gun has been due to campaign of 1SC4 he waa at lu post Kentucky blue gra-s- , orchurd, she roamed over her pasture lot Its happiness was complete when its nse of the come from the An old friend had closely graduated sights and served with high aoirit and dex:rcnriial rye, redtop, Italian master permitted the baby to sleep South to pay the family a visit At and wind and draft gauges, and rye, IlnusaHoid llalpa. voted loyalty. meadow fescue, sweet and scented with him. It would lie sprawling dinner he took a polite intereat in not so delicate as to make a ready yet adClean frames with rain water was It the had misfortune of tha gilt its Fred upon Mr. Ilornabv's breast, with justment of the sliding leaf impossi- Nineteenth Massachusetts to be most- vernal grasses with clover both red in which flowers of sulphur have head on his shoulder, its face close to his ble. would suit purpose. been stirred. "Wouldn't you like your papa to let ly captured at Cold Harbor early in and white hia neck and its arms and leg clasp- yon go back to Florida with me and The new arm, with June, and Captain Adams was among Why not put it in clorer? T he plantlearn Wash raarblo with a sponge or to not could It hia body. ing shoot alligators, Fred? asked the its high muzzle velocities, if fitted the prisoners. He remained in cap- ing of the various leguminous crops chamois wet in warm, soft water, with lights aa excellent in comparison tivity for nine months swim, and, on Mr. Hornsby putting it gentleman. oftenlie to fail profitable, Harpers cannot in the water, sank helplessly, as if it No, air, waa the prompt answer, as those given to the old Springfield than gras. It then rubbing dry. times more so should be capable, it is declared Weekly. had been an iron bar. Dust pax.-rowall with 'If 1 saw an alligator, I'd snoot in an- gun cloth Not Hlejrclaa AvsUatilo War. for to growing on something of running np target scores hardly pays other direction. Howard's Way, over a broom, sweeping the wall time. It use dont of The the land all the for pay within the realm of the Springfiuld bicycle military the to let It with regular strokes. A list In tbs Boom. Billy sat beaide the well curb with purposes, after having developed with to let land iie fa'low," nfle. two streams of tears running down In Remove stains from has France, in weeds an-- bushes or The high initial velocities of the great rapidity who is in bed Mamma, suddenly Teddy, up grow hia plnmp cheeks. received a check. General lAiizillon, briars. I.und don't need rest; it rosewood or walnut by mahogany, there's come in a bat mean low mamma, gnu quick; trajectouching tho Why. Uillv. what is the matter?" room. tory, less error arising from atmos- tho minister Inof war, has, it appears, needs to be kept continually occuspots with a feather wet In diluted said Howard, looking up from the big myMother, faith He little it. an issued has rushing in with a shawl on pheric conditions, and from the fact order that the even if that crop nitre. some book that he was studying. cyclist corps arc to he pied by or clo crop, that in long flights the ball traverses head and a broom in her hand to be turned undor. or Wash willow furniture with warm I've dropped my knife down the her is on used peas In only cover your a plane in which atmospheric phases prepared ground. And mamma Goodness gracious, child! kman. welll sobbed Hilly- National water and castile soap, wiping very time of war, he aaya, their use, even more Where is are the head known, ngly instantly. certainly up securing if no account is taken of the 'cause says she can't get me another, kill it. dry with a soft cloth, then dry in the liability greater accuracy. Assuming that Gen- of Fond lu llrr l.lklnx. and two at thing? I'll try and sweet the machine to break, is likely to I lost one in the hay mow.was sun or near a tiro. satisfaction to eral the of pays the enjoying Flagler sights Teddy, One thing the dairyman should not turning cause Berioua miscalculations n school, and one when I and In the corner, mamma; its my basegnn the same attenAn economy of waste is to throw is the can and that somersaults, and one I trailed for for overlook furnishing tho salt only rarely lie substituted tion which the ordnance department they ball bat. water left in the on men is whistle that wouldn't whistle oh. cow horseback. that henceThe cyclists of food to tho ilatable freezer over of the army has devoted in the past to Realistic Playlag. the weeds on the gardon dear!" suc- to her and actually gives her pleasor forth, some therefore, until of the the is sights it Springfield Little Billy eame in one afternoon deemed extremely probable gun, cessor to General Loizillon But how did you drop your knife In the haste to path and the suds of the wash tub consume. to the that ure from an assembly of the children of to them is appointed, trill lie redown the well?" asked Howard. of the army will soon foods that aro balancod, around the roots of the young trees. served by his instructions, for garri- compound I was just cutting a big U in the the neighborhood, with hia clothes sharpshooter in find themselves For the men and women upon of an possession the obtain little to a and with a largest How of milk, the above below, looking said son for pierced, Billy, the great maneuvers, bucket, duty, arm capable of remarkable shooting whoso nervous energy there are dislikes has cow and holes. the For little that fact tone many iu of war for certain easy ashamed. and pitys work. great lie overlooked. True great demunds fisli is an invaluable what Hi! what a boy!" laughed Howard. sake! exclaimed hia mother, The Springfield gun has been made communications at the rear of the likes must not knife to said Oh, ha your you? happened is the chemixt may be right as to article of food. Salmon head the But dont cry; Ill bring it do good work over ranges not forces. to list in nutritive qualities. It is Billy, we've only been playing grocern The up for you." exceeding 1,200 yards. Hat of ths Twenty- - econd NlrhiKsn, tlie composition of tho food, and even richer once and loot y-store, and everybody was somethan meat. there is hut a if fitted A a Billy dried his eyes stwhile fter with digestibility, search of its gun, good years, thirty 1 nearly Howard wss the Swiss cheese!" in it ed on with wonder, thing in cleaning a badly-soile- d sights, can be made to do close work during which time advertisements something" that his reagents fail to carpet A Matter of Year. over ranges up to 5,500 yards brought a large magnet, a small hand were inserted in Noutlu-rthe discover, and the cow says no to hi great precaution should be used. putters mirror and a long string. Twentv-seconhas flair been d a to is the Sbarpshisiting long lielonging The water that found in gras, Brussels, I'm 6 and you're only 4, said tapestries, Wiltons or He tied the string to the magnet, Beanie American troops. It was Michigan huve been found. They yes. or a velvet carpets may bo cleaned with loftily to her little sister Belle, feature with may. to the chemwall. turnip ilago and held the mirror overandtheflashed of the rifle work were in because of superior lwi.1, on the iast day captured and then added in a still more aggraist. be water and nothing more, but ox gall a pint to pall of water. The glass reflected the sun, tone, and when 1 was 4 yon the Americans in 1012 that undrillnd of the fight at Cliieksinuuga. and the cow turns from these thing I so an brush, a light down into the well. Howard. vating ordinary able conscrubbing .to were time from levies that until a short lime ago successfully were only 2. and when I was I you an-afterwards the carpet should be see the knife! cried tend with the veteran rrgiments of their whcrealioul wore nnkniuvn. in tho dried state and cats them redust" Yes, bnt were nothing while the Here, Billy, hold the glass greeu with the greatest relish and vigorously rubbotl with a cnarso torted Belle spitefully, "and if Td Great Britain, und it wns an important The flags have lteen di- Fresh water should bo magnet goes fishing. mud puddle I'd splashed yon, factor in Keenring the independence at Washington among some Confedei-at- e with far more profit to tlie ownor. ciutlL a born into the United States The familiarity u that silsgo is no Splash! went the magnet the of tell s flags. Chemists would. so I Young Harper People. came veil, and in a minute uo it again, with the knife hinging fast, just bv its blade. How smart you were to think of all that!" Kuiil Hilly, admiringly. Well, 1 or nt cut any more li'a in the water bucket, honestly! Youth's well-inform- U-t-- j ! .FlBll-ThrMh- j aptn-klei- to-ilu- y eooht-rvali- v i w-- a , . I atn-k-he- blue-eyii- l, - : . Jar-nlsh- Cook-oloru- m o . Uiang-Outsn- g. th-ar- : j mur-hti- i Met-aeom- dark-looki- wonrti-re-Tl- I i' er j er er color-bearer- Krag-Jorgense- n s l Krag-Jorgense- n ki-c- nr l Krag-Jorgens- Krag-Jorgense- ico-crca-m Krag-Jorgense- n nvi-ivd I es |