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Show The Suiltli field flower Garden did held a meeting at the library or Friday. Mrs.Earl Gorden was elect president and Mrs. L. C. Smith vie president. Plana fur the coming yam was discussed. Iva Lue Ilayball and Miai Edna Allen of Lgan were guests of Miss Beth Plowman an Sunday Mia LaVoy Mirtensn entertained at 1 bunco party on Friday evenMia ing. Prizes were '. warded to James A Jenson and LaVoy Mbrtonaon. dainty luncheon was served to Wills Rae if ne-- n, Lillian Low, ArJkh FarrdU, IiOra Gunnell, Ned Miles, Clinton Nelson, James Jenson and the hostess. Dr. It. Vernon La nun of Sail Lake visited with hie mother, Mrs Rebcc.-Larson, this week end. a u S- .i 30-3- SO-S- d. low-inco- : skin. Next week will probably give the game of games. The Second ward versus First ward for the championship of the Eastern division and a favored spot in the Stake round robin the following week. The game will find Fixt ward at full strength: Heaps and Hillyard, for- - Recorded In U. aj SEED Fok early planting seed here. Better buy seed fin less. MS '.rl HERE ARE THE WINNERS Everions ft Sons Co.! LOGAN VS v- ,cr VtiW V ' '".fr'r-I 22ES ',y Vl for MM on THIS BUI McCracken w $1.00 IN SAT., FEB. 15,1936 TRADE ANY SERVICE AT... THE BARKER A GUARANTEE ANY MAKE DARBER Bert Thornley AND BEAUTY SALON TELEPHONE SMITHFIELD, UTAH 4 MAKES YOU ELIGIBLE FOR THESE WEEKLY DRAWINGS THE LAST WEEKS DRAWING WILL INCLUDE ONE $5.00 PERMANENT WAVE. SOUTH MAIN A fundamental change In agrlcul policy has been Inaugurated by the resettlement administration, which extends loans to impoverished farm families in an effort to enable them to become according to C. 0. Stott, state director of rural rehabilitation. Under resettlement policies, each farm family granted a loan must agree to follow approved farm and home management plana worked out by the local supervisors In cooperation with the local agricultural agent With this pirn, resettlement maker certain in advance of the utilization of every possible method of making the farm pay and operating the home ecunomicaliy, Mr. Stott pointed out. At the a. me time, the recipient tf the loan ia given the benefit of the finning knowledge of expert who In our window shade factory Jg yon get the beat window ahades j I for leae. WINS $1.10 IN TRADE RADIO SERVICE lural credit FACTORY PRICES Mrs. Henry Spaekman WINS LOANS SMITHFIELD JELLO, SUPER SUDS, SOAP. CUNT SIZK' ( CEZSIM' white, BARS. CAKE FLOUR, S0FrASIlx 28c 25c PEACHES, rABG0 SW Hdn. Ous 1 LO. 43c PINEAPPLE, . C0UET' 2 RICE, G igc CHOCOLATE, Hwhv, Mnd Wn OLIVES, MED. SIPE, aBd Mell-w-- 15c CREAM of WHEAT, rcG-- SCHENLErS t m MAYFLOWER PEAS, leota sugar, no. a can, 2 ROXY PINT No. 219 QUART No. 218 TOMATO JUICE, LE0TA TAlL LOGANS MOST POPULAR AND COMFORTABLE THEATRE WHERE THE BIG PICTURES PLAY. The lightest, mildest rye CHILE CON GARNE, BRAN FLAKES, on the market. Compare it with any you'll choose SODA, WS SCREEN SHOW COFFEE, brand the unhurried whiskey made distillers. Born with the by and that's true. James E. Republic" Pepper brandhasbeenmadesiacel780. One of r 1936' important show and what a show! Schenley Distributors, PRICES DUBOHHET 6v ar on inch anisiTiv-aicoH- Oi iH iv votmai 05 ... f mm- - : o002. w-- birr -- g q ,j NO TCOET, 2 RARS M LB. CELLO. SCHILLINGS, 2 OZ. BOTTLE Jj Straight or la cocktails, Dubonoct is America's favorite new drink 1 EAT lb. CAN AND A VARIETY OF YOU CAN MEET two for DIAMOND, ROLL COCOA, RCKw6oDt lac. New Yock,N. Y; AT wins j, BAKING CHOCOLATE, BAKESS u lb. cake EAT YOU CAN j ik DEL MONTE, CAN EXTRACTS, Make tit Mart tfMerit your tuyiagguUt STARTS SUNDAY 19c WALKEE3. 2 a. GOGOANUT, FANCY, 30 29 for NAVY 4 P0UNDS CELLOPHANE SOAP, WmTE old-tim- e ' 0 11 WAX PAPER, Here's a favorite James E. Pepper PINT ' No. QUART No. 4 A- - BEANS, Amateur Contest BIG KEU-0G1'- CORN FLAKES, it as thousands are doing. 25c 23c . BARY FOOD, HEINZ, 2 CANS ON TIIE STAGE FRIDAY AT 9:00 P. M. E. W. ELLIOT ROXY j Qq w TAU CAN.. STRAIGHT RYE WHISKEY nd another Qq BAKING POWDER, C0MEI- - FRIDAY S1Y East of Poat Office WEEK: asm ELIGIBLE FOR PHONE LOGAN -x- KDVE FOR Radio Service Co. LOGAN x WATCH THIS SPACE EACH WEEK UNTIL MARCH 6th FOR TIIE LUCKY WINNERS. S LLOYDS Everions ft Sons Go. ' 'Jt ) LUCKY?????? The all-tilow reoord of temperatures for the United States is 66 degrees below aero reported from Riverside Ranger Station In Yellowstone Park, February 9, 1933. WITH game heart-breaki- SEE N CARDEN MUFFLED RADIO seasons the local basketball fans 25-2- 4. sounded. A the local boys to lose. - 2, clk ahare-ropper- NEEDY FARMERS A. pi,yed Snd EAT AT THE WRIGHT CAFE HOT DINNERS, LUNCHES AND Adv. SANDWICHES. R. 1 wards; Waite at center; and the Tonight the North Cache bulldog brothers at guard pteiUom. the meet their bitterest rivals; the Og Rich will ward Second present a furnj. are gocd'j- - Xicera, wb at present dahle array with the Downs tjM at the forward poata; Nate Griffiths at center; Geary and Merrill on the line. the, season lnj a brand new Tiger guard eompe-- J I Waite, their scoring star. The weather. , ward Quintet Several States New Hampshire, cton five and the First out for it scrap New York, Michigan, Wisnon,;wiIl probably rets a loan but he is given expert Minnesota, the Dakotas, Montana, stake title, Ltah, Idaho, ujstsnce in the making of his crop Wyoming, Colorado, records a. have nd Washington has srieen 10 that he may be able to repay Quite a controversy belw- 0r over da obligation. ward victory over the s, Every Sute has subzero temperz-tur- ea South ward Wednesday night. The Farm owners, farm ten:nts, cn its weather records. The South ward team claim that they farm laborers or persons W wave of February 1899 brought wen robbed of the ho, when last employed, obtained Flor-fro3 the major portion of their income weather of 2 below to northern that the Smith ward seeker hadSecond coast, Alabama nd tiie to the for South ward, while fanning operations, are eli-- j south as Tennessee wwnl icurpr li&d Thf Second jible for bans under resettlement's Stte ae far SO below ward of course demanded that their temperature mral rehabilitation program provid- aome ero- - The record for cold in Texas 1 they are the heads of destitute edtr wa right and after 16 to play-aof was below. Temperatures farm families and un-- 1 r battling, an extra period ible to obtain credit at reasonable 18 bdow have l'een recorded in Luma erina from recognized federal or ana ond the northern portiens of east Gulf States. irivite credit agencies. j the The Smithfield Junior high school the Farm families, judged capable of probably has the best team in dethis school operating a farm if given assistance year, the of Mateky and training are being extended been have spite the fact that they o2ns to enable them to purchase defeated twice. They lost Me game meretools, livestock, seed, fertilizer and by two points and the other by jther things needed on the farm ly a siuglo point. The Logan Junior These families are given up to five high schtol was the winner of the cars to repay loans for livestock, The Logan one point encounter. .'arm machinery, and other score sf the won heavy by boys equipment. Logans final field goal bad scarceLoans for rant, seed, fertiliser and ly cut the strings when the gun 65 TRY OUR NEW SOUTH AMERICAN POP CORN. Adv. tf HENRY WATTS. tside w Alonzo Done, Mrs. Vain Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McCombr vubaiatence are mode on a shortattended the funeral of Mrs. Mar- term basis of one or two years. tin Ltrson at Preston on Thursday. Intercut on all loans la at the rate five per cent annually. ApplicaMr. and Mrs. William Butler of jf tions fur luma should be made to Mr. Logan were dinner guests of die county resettlement supervisor and Mrs. J. A. Meikla on Sunday. or to the county agricultural agent. For Quality Merchandise at a real Below Lowest Ever Saving Trade at the QUALITY GROCERY. A home owned store. WANTED Uriea or freshly dead animals. Smithfield Fox Farm, Phone 63J Smithfield. Adv. tf. 1936. be- - ly Qd averteen are thoroughly familiar with agri- - The world record la 90 degrees ' whi tition. . northern Siberia, in coun-iloown In xerJ his cultural conditions LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Plowman en Sunda tertained at a dinner cm evening:. Covers were laid for Mr tnd Mr. Lowell Nelson, Mr. am Mrs. Wayinan Hillyard, and Mr. am Mrs. Earl Gorden. ll. February SMITH FIELD SENTINEL FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Gutke Meat & Gri aomi nee A HOME OWNED STORE Phene It SgESRSP ocery WE AIM TO PLEASfc YOU |