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Show PEACE BIRTHRIGHT OF CHILD; BANISH FEAR FROM MIND Fear, one of man's greatest enemies and the root of mnrh evil overwhelming the adult acquire all Yet hardy s growth In cnlMhoml readers of the current Issue of tha Parents' Magazine are reminded by Psychologist Rhode Bncmelster that If fear hud no survival value, '.t would not have persisted to the decree It hna; that a lltUe fear Is an j "tha thrill mongerlng" childrens radio program In which voices are kryed up and sound effects used to give the Impression of Intense, usually terrifying emotion. Says Mrs lSuemelster, mincing no words: "Tills fear impression the youngsters get only too well. The entire-lunsuitable emotional strain disorganizes their nerves. They have bad dreams, restless sleep, are persistently timid rather than panic stricken at any one specific situation, Par- - ABSOLVES OTHERS sion tha most harmful Is excellent thing to keep humans out of danger. It Is caution and foresight, the habit of going slowly and thinking when In. doubt that father and mother should spare no effort to develop In. their offspring, Fears come and go. Mrs. Bacmela- ter admits It Is easier to know what to do for a timid child thnn to where the fears come from in the first place, but snya It Is Important to find out. Her anaylsls Identifies several varieties of fears, j Rnby cries at the sight of a floating duck In his tub. Why! .Recause once he lost his balance In the bath while watching .ducky. Three-yea- r old Bobby runs from salamnnder. forj "Shame on Robby," cried mother, getting the fuss she makes when anything crawling comes towards her. Here's a fear that conics from Small Susie's afraid to go to bed In the dark. The chances are this la a direct suggestion fear pertiaja, by mother who Susie against doing so and so lest "the boo gey man" catch her. Mrs. Bacmelster remarks : "It Is Memorial hall of Roosevelt American Museum the of Natural History In New York which was d l Theodore cruel and stupid to warp a iboth by President Roosevelt 2 Wreckage of the big sir liner which fell In an Arkansas swamp, carrying 17 pereona child's character by making fear the 8. who was 3 "czar" elected of death. Gorrell, commercial their Edgar aviation by the newly organized Air emotion that controls him ; it Is a rek import Association of America. gressive and Inefficient control at best' In order to help the child get rid of unreasoning fears, the psycholoMeet Cubas New Prexy, gist suggests replacing the old assoDr. Miguel M. Gomez ciation with a new and pleasant one and urges calm reassurance when a child Is frightened. "Never rush nor Dr. lllgnel Mariano Gomes, former swoop," says she. "Take It easy I" of Havana, was elected presidjor We learn from the lady who knows was coalition the He Cuba. dent of that among the more Immediate and fiiSMatw and defeated former Presl- less abstract reasons for a childs anxiety attitudes and nervous ten ' One thing to be said lu favor el e the man who bonsts he la la that he absolves everyone slso from blame. solf-mnd- ents who care for their children's emotionalwholesome development will not permit exploitation of their sensibilities Children should be kept - as free as possible of all forms of overstimulation from whatever sourcs Peace Is their birthright Heres Very Fast Way to Alkalize Acid-Indigesti- Away on I t : eon-jtaglo- eau-,tlo- j ; dedl-Mte- I'-o- Chinese Students Demonstrating . Amazingly Fast Relief Now from Acid Indigestion Over Indulgence, Nausea, and Upsets you want really quick relief IFfrom an upset or painful stomach condition arising from acidity following smoking, mixtures of foods or stimulants just try this: Take 2 teaspoonfuls of Phillips Milk of Magnesia in m 2 full glass of water. OR Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets the exact equivalent of the liquid form. This acts almost immediately to alkalize the excess acid in the stomach. Neutralizes the adds that cause headaches nausea, and indigestion pains You fed remits at once. Try it AND if you are a over-eatin- add frequent sufferer from stomach,'' use PhUlips' llilk of Magnesia SO minutes after meals. You'll forget you Aatvastomachl When you buy, see that any box or bottle you accept is dearly marked "Genuine Phillip Milk of Magnesia." SIGNS WHICH OFTEN INDICATE "ACID STOMACH" nonanes rai inti tnui rutin if suuus iwcauoi iubu ajBJiuiwn us h imnit sin names nmuiiHUSus llarlo G. MenocaL The president Thotisanda of. Chinese students from 15 universities and many middle f Cuba Is a powerful executive; he schools have been, demonstrating riotously against the encroachments of the ku Damns the governors of provinces Japanese .and the autonomy movement. Some of them are here seen scattering ad the mayors of clUes. the police in Peiping with a fire hose which they captured. jdent Blessing of the Waters of Rumania Daddy of Mickey Mouse Joins Legion of Honor With appropriate ceremony, Walt Disney, creator of Mickey Mouse, was decorated with the Legion of Honor, conferred upon him by the French gov Whether you operate one truck or several, decide now to put d Firestone Tires on every wheel. They will save you money and Gum-Dippe- give you more dependable ernment The presentation took plc in Hollywood. King Carol of Romania receive! the cross from the patriarch, Miron at the Disney studli on Disney. was pinned decoration The of Waters' 'Wes. while Prince Michael looks on, during the "Blessing of the number ol a of In large the rtver Da mho vita. presence The cross Is thrown Into the river and chosen swimmers J. Yls'n. J. by and associates, friends to retrieve medal by a given It The successful man Is rewarded with Los In consul Angeles. French ng at the royal palace after the ceremony. Bridge, of Ice Forms in Niagara Gorge service. d The body of a Firestone Tire is built with High Stretch cords. Thats why they run cooler and give you Gum-Dippe- longer mileage. The heavier, more rugged tread is securely locked to the cord d High Stretch cords. body by two extra layers of These are patented Firestone construction features not used in any other tire. Gum-Dippe- . Tires and start saving today. The nearby Firestone Auto Supply and Service Store or Firestone Tire Dealer is ready to serve you. Equips now with Firestone Gum-Dippe- d Listen to the Voice of Firestone featuring Richard Crooks or Nelson Eddy with Margaret Speaks, Monday evenings over Nationwide N. ,,rl,'KI Sih "r WHi Wt,p ,he b '''""W1 b the Ire 'Jam ZfgS&5 K luwerwlteui bol,,w ,h fHfn,'d ,n ,h N'1"lt"r K"r r,w which f"n". TSJ-I- I 2 over the brum amI Bny each day until a mere trickle of water was going u,erican aide to Gnat Wand. ' TIefaUa '.n-n- . inrrpld n.,. soul might walk gim.r.T.itci 13. C. WEAF Network |