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Show SMITH FIELD SENTINEL The SMITHFIELD SENTINEL i Published Every Friday at Smlthfield. Utah Second Class Mall Entend at the Pastoffic at Smithfield, Utah, aa Matter Advertising HaUa WiU Be Made Known Upon Application THE UTIUTY MESS SafthflsU. the reOakland, Califroniar-Wi- th tho Community by payment today coGrapo Corporation of Lodi, a to association of grower, operative l he Farm Credit Administration! $46,-00Bapk- - for Cooperatives here of the bank faced the usual situation of having a 1 rger dollar than if volume of loam repaid loans outstanding. Tutal vuluir.e cl loans rev Kl is G, 253,000; loans aro $6,133,000. According to president E. A. Stokdyk, this is the first time this situation har iccurred since the establishment of tho bank in August, 1938. "This indicates," said Stokdyk, tha! the agriculutral coop r ltves in th Farm Credit Adininistr .tioni eleven th district are good business rikf With the contemplated arrival heron February 10 of S. D. Sander: appointed e operative Unk commis sioner on January 1, we feel offer this circumstance as cun or vineing proof of the integrity farmers purchasing and maiketint assochltoiu in this territory." The last commitment made b; tho Bank for Cooperatives was ow ibr $50,000 to the Elk Grove Frui' Grow eye Association of Elk Grove Sacramento County. Thitry thousanr of this amount constitutes a commodity ksn, with wine and brandie in stroage as security. The remain tier of the $50,000 is disbursed in the form of ft merchandising loan to agist the cooperative in orderly marketing. The as elation, of which H. S. Marhofor is president, comprise 93 membera and markets fresh grapes of it growers, at well as crushing for sweet wines and brand lea. CA 14. 1$ Fth-va- ry WE DO JOB PRINTING AT REASONABLE PRICES 0, n The promt relation between the government and the ntiUtiea are little khort of being a disgrace to the country," wrote Walter Plppman recently, in n oyndicated article entitled "The Utility Me". Continuing, Mr. L'ppraan printed out that the nUlitiea have made of the indualry a a aupplier of truly jAiiiiiuiul coat and incmeing efficiency." Yet, he electricity at diminiuhlng a formulated then aaid, we have "utility policy" which lumpa the good to penalize and featrdy the oeeha bad which utliitiee with the companies becauae of the ahortcominge of the few. Little or no effort waa made by public official to formulate a policy which ittkM luirnrt thK-fairly rogoinie liie industry in tho interot of lb WKuerr and Invvisti.r, acd permit i( t develop normally. The new utility policy said, in effort, Ctii'ty A rjiwl be eliminated Therefore . y riJlltL U, C, D, E, and an on, in rider to get rid of A. and mfiksble utility policy," to quote Mr. Lippman-ngniii- , A idaffmniv-llkhc. il luiKed on the principle of an alliance with the "would bn rniiit4nri noulvn i.f the industry against the unenlightened mem her.' it '.rill V remembered that responsible nntility executive have bo".! jniMig Hie firwt in pointing to the need for regulation to reatraia showed a within tho industry. And if fedornl offlri-il?!.! these uti' e would oiliinKni'M La proceed along rui'erb! Ilne wi;ii them t thn nltinir.tr of their energies and nUlitiea. bent-mfinag- n, U-- dr-ir- u-- , c That Special Tastiness you can count on its being in every barrel tn4 bottle of our Family's Whblcey alaaytl Maybe youd Ilka it if 1 act right down here a promise me and the boys are going to keep tffl the day we die. Im speaking for myself and the boya when I promise you can count on ua teeing to it that the quality of our Familys Whiskey is going to stay gat with aU that mildness and tastiness in each and svery bottle IfI.LI! wiM-rallcr- o Mr. Lippr.ift.1 ie known a. pi.!i'!r( that stock nh .v;. tio?:s. J- T- I not a "tool of the power-trus- t, f ! hare the ccurage !" j '.hci1 roMmoniatore m ... H. Js uii.Vv L:'c?!ry. Hv i i, PA-F- a copy of our VTOksn Fsitrily in, tiro'. v; r t : . M.fc, c.i , i:nse " I;? sre rl.fcc.rd ii- - ITi.-r-c Counti., p.t in- - FtNCfl BBL ry .n i t v'. - no disease tab' .v r.n fr ;?!. v.-i.rc- u Cfi-- fr-- Ml iM wOlii&wi sUxO i!e!f ci vio'd age J. . . i:r ?,' -- U ...l .,1- AND BOTTLED BY . y t'.vy "jj" (e t'e -v Division of the National Safety uumj .n'cecaaful'y in teaching of aafety in the qchdri. "Firit, tho teaching of aafety in actual situation where the need for it I apparent. Second, the injection of the subject matter of aafety into the regular subjects uf the curriculum. This provides opportunity for children tot follow Interests which lead into the more general aspect of safety, thereby greatly adding ttf their fund of information. Third, the organization of activities such aa Junior safety councils schoolboy patrols and the safety cluba. These activities present an opportunity for the child to apply hia knowledge to tho benefit of rihrn. thus aasuring definite eivle responsibilities." extra-curricul- ar mm The result of this work is that since 1922 occidental deaths of children have decreased in every category except traffic accidents, while adult deaths have increased sharply. It Is estimated that aafety eduction la saving the lives of 8,500 children a year. & iifflif PBIIf ! A movement to expand thie educational program to the Incorporation of grad driving courses into the curriculum of the high schools has been gaining strength for several year. A number of others, as well ns counties and communities, tie ready to Inaugurate them. Thij movement deserves unqualified backing and encouragement. If our youtho can really be made responsible users 0f the streets and highway then we can look forward ttf gradually supplanting the adult motoring population today which is responsible for the deaths of 36,000 persona annually. Low-cos- Electricity, under our new with increasingly popular favor t Half-Pric- e Hali-Prio- they are emoying the greatest valug they ItechmB From the welter of dlscuerion that has followed the death of the AAA, one striking fact eemrge: Apparently every farm program emanating from a responsible source streeses the need of encouraging and devel-Phi- g agricultural marketing cooperatives. I.- nd u a coopers- - pnee-a- 'ye ramved. H. bugnea. building .alu. tmm horn. ghnng, Ughimg i. being improved lor .yeaght porno bon . . . the vacuum dmer m i replacing th, old broom washing and Ironing . . . m.ihod, makln3 find many other hourohold lob. are bang palornmd .lamcally n ''"W king, rolrtgoralioa and water treating are add-In- g materially to the joy pf living The Administration la highly favorable te farm cooperative. When Hoover spoke on the farm problem a few weeks ago at Lincoln, Nebraska, he too poin.ed to tho Importance of farm - t,w Plan, is meeting In December 34.000 of our residential and commercial cust' mers saved more than $17,000 by taking advantage oi e Electricity by shifting more of their burdensome tasks to Elec-tn- c Servants using more electricity at a reduced CORPORATE IDEA APPLIED TO FARMING Tl. Yoa tea ran mmuro th. bonrtu ol u d Etearte Servants at a real saving If, a bargain you'll apoweiate Decide NOW to tet otectricily do more lor you ll com, , W, and does so much. lnar,d The cooperative marketing idea t entirely and It ia not the product of politico instead. It la the product of natural economic forces. It represents an inevitable evolutionary process. It has proven its soundness through years of depression, and tho movement has gnJwn in the face of the greatest obstacles. When farmer get together to olve their own problems through central management, they are not pursuing tome transitory "farm relief" scheme they .e using their intelligence to reseh n goal that Is benefMal to all concerned producer and consumer alike. al Jfc' ' r KIAH RO ., i ro dty iwmiu . LETS TALK IT , ER WO. OfSCimanPMOOCTS SOKIltf, Album if youll units ms at Th Maple, R.F.D, N& 3, Schmlay, Pa. !..-olv.s aa c thrrwhin r;-iveur sit yet boon ' t Mvl rdsvailonal author--vi.- .. fin (iiilincy o,vv 1 tc.l.viiii himself ri'.V r'.V rafe H'tcai.vi i:.a. fJ" :r"T-'c-4:c.Lica-i':: in vrhnois hi) made ,;fc:y pa.c- -t r.i.t r.tul.vl T" md r.v . IUWEB 1UM '...j. ! Cooking C tj BS8HSSB WSJ8SEV a llherrl. Ho la without ... yesterday, today and tomorrow. OVH light. CO |