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Show "Tea, you would," said m your keeper, yon know: Geoffrey, and when people like Pharaoh get going, y people like us must pass by on the other tide. The mumpnt Barley come back, we've got to locate these blackguards. First come, first sirred, you know." lie drew in hla breath. "We simply must find them, John, before they find us." With that, he Insisted that we should retire for the night. And that was the end of that astonishing day, upon which by the merest chance my fortune was Joined with those of the finest lady that ever I taw and one of the deadliest ruffians that ever drew arms The one (ought to preserve, the other to take my life: and I was of consequence to nelthpr. the world was settled I'd keep our tune In gold." "And you've no Idea," said I, how Pharaoh will go to work?" I wish I hud," said the girl To give me away would be futile. I mean it would kill the goose." Lady lleleua laced her fingers shout s delicate knee. Well now you know why Pharaoh the Great Is here. lie may prove hard to deal with, but I'm In no personal ordl-nar- ggoffm Music rj by Dornlord Yates lr XlBtaa. Balek Oright WNUSsrvtos. Ok, ylfted portrait palntar but paint landscapes. Whlla ESuinf la the forest. John baara Ena. EkVoleea. and decldea to Investigate. eovaf ba flnda tour man na ufa man In green livery who, a MUcatly bad bean murdered. Pharaoh Wtha leader of tha sane; the othera pewdrop, Rush and Bug. John makaa himaelf known to a letter with u auaialna by dropping kli ume and addreaa on It He tella SeoBrey and bin chauffeur. Barley, of that Ua adventure. Geoffrey, realiiln declarea he In danger, jefca'a life la discovers that vanlab. Spencer ut Ike livery of the murdered man to the livery of tha. aervanta of yjrick uatla, and tella Counteaa Hel-- r mistress of tha caatle, what ba bid even. With Geoffrey and Barley, vll-bjeha etarta for Annabel, a nearbymak-to They encounter Pharaoh. Iii their getaway they exchange ahnta with the gang, without aerloua reanlt they arrive at Plumage farm, on the ferlek utate, where lady Helena had leaueted John and hla coualn to meet SSIfto Unfor-Maate- ly ca II CHAPTER 1 Continued don't quite know," I answered. 'Wo haven't found s place yet" The flrl gazed Into the distance, 1 hope joull stay here;" I could hardly believe my ears, "Here! At Homage?" I cried. 1 hope sol I can anawer for the in and hie wife: and you'll have a that you wouldnt get at privacy here Inn." u ire Ideal," I heard myself aaylng. Ideal We'll be on the spot, amply But why I don't yet In hiding. If you Insist on fighting my battle; the least I can do la to billet you. Don't yon agree?" I turned and looked at her, but though I think she knew It, ahe did not tarn. You're very generous, Her eyes left mine to light on the eplintered and Inng look, they returned to stirred. After n Was that?" ahe said, nodding, "a present from Annabel?" "Yes." "And yon were driving?" 1 was Tell me exactly what happened. When I hud told the story, she drew l deep breath. If youd knocked on that door. . . . She shivered. May I look at that letter of yours?" I put It Into her hand. She examined the envelope carefully. The- n- Ilsve you looked lnalde," she said, since you got It hark?" I rained my eyehmwa. "As a matter of fart I haven't I save It a thought" She pushed aside the torn edges and few out the shoemakers bill. . . . The note on Its back was printed d easy to read. jjr Hr. Spenctr, gentleman In grsra had dona Mnethlng which he must bavo known hould not like. That to why fcs wu hurled. Vorbum sap. Yours very truly read the words together, Inches from mine, turned and looked at each js I had no thought for the , ould had atnng my templet, only wonder whether she ow terribly attractive ahe was, T wonder If I'm a hoodoo, "Ijs h'1 hick," she breathed. rot." i gnld thickly, J",r" one did not aeera to hear me, but rrrJ still for a long moment And wai ,,p nd wn Phhlng her to? ra her temples aa though her thoughts. ft two "of Iri's talk to your cousin we can ,on,t your rooms.' hPr h,,uhler she threw me smile. To tell you the tro "rtre ready. If you insisted on ati I hoped you'd stay here." n ' jy Te k hod." said ha1 ,B Arabian dny." ' hiithed nd now wo and changed and wore strolling on the stars; . v,pron 1i. nl,e Idea thisFbI'" Heoffrey said. morning 0U "r the way. To any been foolish. for the hnA and Y hav. .r",,r ne. tint j nieant to JLAaaa',,-- ,rt yon flirt finding your men: I ,0 'I0'? tht he'd seen Ph.r,-wn? ssim r ? him at R"lh"r: h when wo meet tonuirmw. you'll see It'a ' nR h"ll sny. Ko we should for . . . And artor k or two . thore, you on i have faded and you'd have ' ,,r5r H"hnent, of course, hut wauili i11?"r!!,,,r ,n lnJf P'ni'P. and you done the aninc." tu iiM h,.. !. , h-- dag " 1 I The Man Who Knows flip-flo- j . . I VII-la- night-watchm- Bayer Aspirin self-mad- VEGETABLE CORRECTIVE s Tal-mad- oraner-nraerguro- n pMiserable IS witHSbacjkache, Iii k e Cornu is more than skin deep mm - w to J1 w : danger I think that's dear." This was too much. "Hear I" I cried. I don't think It's clear at all I think you're In very great danger, by day and night The man la ruthless you know It" If ever there were a seme time damning the New Beal Washington. I entirely agree," said Geoffrey. time other than when the nation waa spending policies, so I fancy that snrh And I'll tell you another at war when money an argument will be rarely advanced. thing. In view of what you've tuld ua this morn-- ! dominated the Money I think It was no mere chance Hon at Washington, It la entirely probable that there wilt Sharply at eleven next morning lady !ng, ITelena Yorlck rode up to the farm. that sent John down to that dell." It assuredly la now. be no tax bill this year unless the One can go where he chooses about Her groom led two spare horses, for President's letter tu Yorlck was like no castle that I the after we had consulted. Geoffrey and May Be No siwnker Byrns point-Tagovernment departments, to the have seen, for though It was moated, White House or to t'apitol Illll and I were to ride to Yorlck for lunch. Whether the Remedy Bill 1"K out the necessity the moot was not under Its walls, and the subject under discussion Is or soon As I stepped to her side for raising revenue You are taking for the pile seemed to rise from an tslnnd will be money. causes an unheard of number of senaNothing new?" says she. which Nature hnd brought from a dls-- : A year or so ago, we heard a great Headaches, Neuralgia tors and representatives to do a Nothing." said I. "And your tnnee and set In a fold of the hills. deal about money. We heard of It In No Imagination In required to Rheumatism Paint or She shook her head. We crossed the moat by a draw- - connection with an apitroprlatlon of see that a representative or senntor Is is Your Doctor. is SAFE Except that my brother's returning. bridge thnt could no longer be moved, $4,830,000,000 the greatest single In s tough spot when he goes bnck I wish he wasn't Just now, but It can't Him Ask and a gravel road brought us up to peace-tim- e voting of money In our his- home asking the suffrage' of his conbe helped. At least he's coming alone. the castle gateway, which must have tory. And, likewise, we heard money stituents and must tell them at the He' very ynnng, you know: and peo- been twenty feet high. This was now discussed when the President nsed his same time that he added to tlw tax Dont Entrust Your ple spoil him, nnd and sometimes he shut by vast curtains of silver-grepower to devaluate the dollar In Its burden which they must pay. makes the wrong friends. He brought snd to Own or Your Familys my surprise, my Indy rode relation to gold. two back last time. . . . One was Well, If that be true, how Is Henry" Well-Bein- g between them, her horse's of straight to Unknown Now, however, the subject money going to get the money? It will have French. lie took to me at once. I head and shoulders parting them as Is discussed In a slightly different vein. to he borrowed and It will huve to h think he'd have gone very well In some she went. We Preparations followed her under an Tne question thnt la paramount la how borrowed on government bonds which acrvnnts' halls." She laughed at the and Into a small courtyard. can the government get the money It add 1EF0RE you take any nrepare-- u up Into pn Increasing government look In my eyes and swung herself off archway In the hall my lady left us, to go needs. In other words, we are now tioa yon don't know all about, deficit It means thnt Instead of a deficit her bny. Worrlei of a chatelaine. and change, for the relief of headaches; or Uw when we hnd washed getting around to the question of taxof around three billions In the next fisshe added. "If only I'd been the hoy, our hands, a and, pains of rheumatism, neuritis or servant led ns to the ter ation, and It la a quest Ion that neither cal year, the; treasury will he conand my brother the girl . . . Where's race where a table was laid. neuralgia, ask your dodor what ho the President nor bis lieutenants in fronted with a deficit of more than five thinks about it in comparison Mr. Bohunr The view from here was astounding, congress like to face. It Is an election billions and the In the with Genuine Bayer Aspirin. public debt mid 1. "Ills man, for we looked clean over the forest, year and a tax Inrmise In eleefo- - veiWe say this because, before tlw incuntline, will hnve been correspondwith our hlg baggage, will get to which seemed spread out like a fan, ls not whnt the polltidani would call Increased It means. In addition, discovery of Rayar Aspirin, mast ingly He's be to of tonight. met, got on to the foothills and mountains smoothing the highway of a campaign. pain remedies were adthnt the banka of the country will have course. What Geoffrey Is trying to do which stood In their ancient order, the ' vised against by physicians as beiag the legislation providing to pile more government bonds on lop of Passage Is to work out how we can fetch him nearest some seven miles off. bad for the stomach; or, oftea, for Immediate payment of the veterans' of the government bonds they have the heart. And the discovery of without fetching Pharaoh, too. That An Austrlnn lady Joined us, a Mabonus brought conditions to a head. thus far nbsorlHKl In financing a pulley Bayer Aspirin largely changed how at Annabel's eaten Into his dame Olave, who plainly lived at the The President vetoed the bonua bill of siiendlng our way out of the depresmedical practice. brain." castle for Lady Helenas sake. But and congress promptly overrode that sion. Countless thousands of people "I wish It would eat Into youra. though In this way convention was veto. So the President promptly told who have taken Bayer Auiirin year In consituation The of the tragedy Rnsh mayn't he there next time, to Jog doubtless observed, as I have shown, congress that something had to be done in and out without ill effect, have gress that brought shout Senator his superior's arm." proved that tha mediral fiadingi my lady went unattended wherever about It; that the only funds the treasHento of It's up Bankhead's remark about its safety were correct. Here Geoffrey walked out of the she chose. borrowwould could be muster ury by Is Hint It Indicates that congress Remember this: Genuine Bayer When luncheon was done, my cousin ing and that sines congress had yield ry house and gave her good day. has been looking uimn the treasury as is rated among the Jadat Aspirin off with Madame Olave to see ed to the vocal minority represented by a source of revenue. It Is not and It "And now tell me this," said he. went methods get discovered lor the relief Had young Florin keys upon him?" the gallery of picture, but Lady He- the greatest lobby ever to populate the never hns been. Government Is nonof headaches and all common pains . . . and sale for the average person No. said the girl "While he's lena walked with me round the ram- Capitol, It thereby captured for Itself productive. .It can get funds only by take regularly. to parts, showing me certain landmarks a problem of raising the money. from within the castle, the them away taxation, by taking can get teal Bayer Aspirin nt You me He of the snd the land. telling ashe It If Of course, the President must carries keys: but before goea out, the people or by borrowing and anu drug store limply by never a After little sume some resimnslblllty even though borrows It haa to pay back. In either he leaves hla keys with his mate." asking for it by the name aspirin' "Was that gray all right this morn- he vetoed the bonus for the reason that event, new taxation must come and If Well, you beat them there," said alone, but alwaya saying BAYER ASPIRIN when you buy. same of the funds which must be congress doesn't have the nerve (o pass Young Florin wai killed ing?" Geoffrey. Yes," said L "He gave me a lovely raised will go to pay the 'trap control tax In this session. It must for the keys which he hadn't got. legislation ride. benefits or bonus resulting from Inlay taxes In the next session. "I think you're wrong" said the glrL "I thought he would. You shall validation of processing taxes and thf To enter Yorlck won't help them. I'm have him to take yon hack. I shall the Agricultural Adjustment act. The The newspapers throughout the counthe person that matters. They've got keep three horses at Plumage as long President, as well as the political lead to bring me to my knees." have been full of reorta concerntry as you're there. With a groom, of era In congress, want to continue that looked hard. at her very ing the early atari of Geoffrey course. You may have news any mo-payment and they also want to pay Campaign the polltlral Then Tanners on commitments Also Building previously Ijidy Helena versus Pharaoh and Early raUra. The A1 Smith made because they regard them as o A scholar la as much a speech, coming from others. You know I cant help feeling moral obligation under the AAA con- the man who made It, brought about man aa one who builds a fortune; that you ought to go to the police." tracts, Yet the country Is likely to a sudden expansion In the politMy lady pulled off her gloves; think In terms of the bonus for the ical fire. It really opened np the fight "Let's walk In the meadows," she veterans and pay little attention and henceforth we are due to be surwar two one or tell I'll you said, "and to the smaller amount scheduled to go feited with this claim or that; thla facts." to the farmers and. Indeed, the' vet- charge and that denial or ..counterIn silence, we left the apron and erans bonus Is almost six times that charge, as the various leader marshal . . . took to the fields. which the admlnlatratlon desire to pay their forces. My father, she said, "had vision. DID TRICK . .. to the farmers. TTe knew the great war waa coming Thus far. In addition to President They uwe setting on csdi naves; Intestinal Roosevelt's Jackson day speech to the otters and he saw that after the war the sluffithness-wareally Thera was In this situation a devel diners and Mr. Smith's Libths cause mad them world Itself would fall npoti evil times. to which I believe attention tired with frequent headopment have and we a dinner had fortune, outburst, very great Mother ache. bilious epeik. Bnt should be ealled. erty league had active campaigning by former that is all chanced now. father was rich, and his one Idea was "Its Up many yeare Through Far they disenvend. Uko President Hoover, by Governor so to Invest this money that, while millions of others, that congress has been to would It Senator nature provided the corBorah, were Henry" Georgia, of by passing. the lean years aa enay spender. the Idaho rect laxative inplanla Governor by Republican; be perfectly safe. I think he really Through the same years It has avoided Landon, the Kansas Republican, and toy How nmW wanted It for Yorlck. Our motto Is at every turn laying taxes to offset the better yon feet inv icoratad. reireahed. Impa the Robinson endnrea. of Yorlck Arkansas, Senator bnt not havn by to inocsm the dues, All things pass, tint roa do money It voted out of the treasury Democratic leader In the senate, who They coal six no And he wanted to Insure that Yorlck Under the Roosevelt administration the phenol poke In reply to Vr. Smith. Others would always he maintained aa It has peak of easy spending has been reached are In the offing fir the Republican hunfive about for maintained been and congress has gone along with a and Democratic national committees dred years. Well, this Ides obsessed vociferous aye" oa every spending s re engaging radio times In a big way. him. and I think that my mnthert proposal sent to the Capitol from the As speeches and statements Increase death affected bis twain. He threw White House. The congressional attihis In hack to his ancestors, snd he pnt number, and as fanfare grows loudtude to which I have referred came up whole fortune In gold. Golden sover, I find myself getting a bit callous In bulk at the time of the bonus to them all I have been wondering ereigns, mostly." She put her hands T? vote. Every time s. bonus opponent Into her eyea. I tell you It's the curse would whether the American people have lost the where government quired This Is th Gentleman of Whom their sense of humor completely, beof my lift" WHEN kidneys function badly and get the money to pay the two and one-hal-f I Spoke." humorYou dont mean" began my coubillion to the veterans, the answer cause the situation really has a yog (offer a nagging bedeechs, ous side. Unless the (teople's sense sin. which I should hear. But please from the bonus supporters was. In efment of humor has been dreadfully seared. Yes, I do," said the girl "Lying In don't think they can only be ridden fect, It's np to Henry. It seems to me the cellars at Yorlck la the best part this way. They're for you and your ought to be highly I can recall a familiar slogan, cur- amused over they ridiculous statements upset. . . of two million pounds. It'a going, of cousin to use whenever you please." a waa ! was when used rent that boy, Dotas etc especially for poody We live upon capital. But evurae. now being made on one side of the I shall ride to Yorlck," said L one desired to shift working kidneys. Millions of boxes always when some even so Itll Inst for a hundred and "to see bow you are." fence or on the other. Take, for In are wed every year. They are recomto buck. It the resiKinshlllty pass of Mr. Roosevelt's handwritten But not too early," says she. "Yor-Irfifty years. And long before that, mended the country over. Aik yoar was let George do It. In the bonua stance, It waa to change Idea but Its aren't at veto the It bonus wakes eyes six, message. presented course, up neighbor! Pemo-rra- t Senator Bankhead, controversy. So o'clock. oH-till eight bnck." proiwrly something a hit unnaual because In my first was member of the Alabama, And Good God." said Geoffrey. don't ride before then. If you pleaao. time In Washington It had hap;iened of congress whom I heard say It's np onc-before that a President vethen. "But what astonishing foresight either In this direction or anywhere to meant that the Job of only a bill Henry." He with a handwritten meselse" toed your father had." I'm going to ask you to do a dif- raising the money belonged to Henry sage to congress. Of course. It was He was wise In theory. But how secretary of the treasury, Intended to lie dramatic snd It was. would you like to have charge or two ficult thing. It concerns old Florin. Morgrnthau, Bnnkhead Senator but spoke more than Rut the poo-pihim. lie The for awful m In It's only You gold? 10, million pounds point Is this: A year ago he made the when own hla feelings I. what and snd au action, knows I rnn lake the bonus the when who kn:iw are old Florin congress statement. lie put Into words a President made spassed t I nld It was In the collars, but It'a ran he do? lie's got to sit down help-lejiersonnl apiearii!ire minds of the under this tluilterlng blow, while thought, which permeated In the halls of congress and read his not as onsy as thnl lit In a private or unthinking reprea vast so And majority It free. dealt go own veto message, lie made his rigorcellar, the way to which nobody the mi'll that him sentatives and senators. ous fight and he milled Ills supporters Once a month I lake what I want you to tee him and tell knows. Aik vouv doctor. Adt ritt beamy I not should say unthinking In 1'erhaps there's an old whnl you told mi Unit you are out line to sustain his veto. There has I need to Snlxhnrg: expert. GARFIELD TEA cup In men were. because those truth, Justice mclulv ohrn doe more be thnt to and me them sera hit to gel been so much talk around Washington firm of lawyers there thnt akta and complexion them your Their deeply. thoughts. very thinking Is done. coatlv Gomeiln. Expels the handwritten message went poison through. Let Instead of turning to song la the since ims body wastes that cloi the With nil iny heart," said L fKu wmr the President that to renlly congress But of course It was bound to come Nopores end eventusllr cause mtad to votea lu were once. turning at him spring, tee hut SAM PLE dy. blotchy, erupted skm- A week Uj was not vigorously opposing passage Ive done my very best, out. this internal Maury crcuimcstf GARFIELD TEA a word she led me across vember. Thnt was the reason for pas- of the bill over hla veto that I am coinWithout and somewhere, a lieon leakage theres CO.. DepL IIS vtU utoniali you. Bcsm rooiete. Into a library. Then sage of the bonus Senators and and terrace the In was A r ww N.V. true. other reoMve. that believe erei Ihnrnoh knows. were ing to seeking she summoned a servant and bails Immediate lie that thmight words, "Well, there you are. He obviously come to her afraid to go Into the battle for nomto warden the ask him AR of the bonua was wrong but he pan't get away with a million pounds, ination and reflection this summer for the forth a out weather had eye A lie could never transport It. for one there. aomo man of out veterans a war the and haVe drag Splendid Laxative Uriah Two nilnutea later coming campaign and the votes the thing. Very well what's his object? th In opposition to ImInto ushered a vote of was skeleton summers bonns might bring. I Imagine to levy hlnekmnll Of courseto sixty mediate payment of the bonus. room. WNU W I M I shaft submit, hut I can't afford Then consider the activity of Sens time before those be will In a long German, It Helena simke I Idaho sens the Borah. let the position be known. That's why believe tor John, this Is my warden. Florin, who voted for the bonus can live It She struck I can't go to the police." la the gentleman of whom I down. A keen political maneuver hut tor Is too snuirt to feel that he ora ltd know You the turf with her pntm. something In It that cnlls for admira- he the Republican nominee against Mr. poke." what gold means today. Its possesana i tion but, an obvious political maneuver Roosevelt, but he Is going through all to me, bowed warden The BALD SPOTS? DANDRUFF hursame. He sion was always dangerous. Men went forward directly and took his such ns was the passage of the bonua manner of gyrations Just the countmisers siul Stvs your hslr ried It In the ground has purposes and objectives In mind, did not give any reason for comhand toby regular use of the not are but ed. It over at dead or night. But Repubobviously, eon. they Florin, mendation except, perhaiia, the JustifiI can't bring back your Glover's Mange count It Id dare wouldn't as he noinlnai.on Presidential day they hut one day 111 show you his grave. cation that If the Itmwevelt adminis- lican Medicine, fel audiences to Infer. he an outlaw tomorrow If people knew. lowed by s shim It's a pretty place, far better than any tration was committed te passing out leads his various me he egnlnst be Borah Senator to recalled that Is before boonBut on It Everyone's hand would lit of dollars hundreds of millions for a king. poo with Glover's v would churchyard, Medicated Soap, nnd half the thieves In Knmie 1 take you there; I've some work t doggling and other more or less useless has not nt any time actually said he Kids yos of Dia We hnve alae the a was candidate. lie camping outside my gates." that fellows the find veterans war were he to then t I'm dm projects, going dru(f;norsEu reIloblnaon of Senator to circumstance The remedy's too obvious, ridsaid now which sums pay th Fillies Hair. And going to be paid entitled they're of took his Ilf. batsUUima. Al Smith over the same radio Why don't you get Geoffrey. for It, Florin. Ill never rest til' congress promised them would be paid plying to the stuff?" Is 1047. That really Is a powerful nr and through substantially the same worn. they're taken, alive or dead. Matt "Been tide I hnve passed my CDNTINVM gument but If Roosevelt supporters number of broadcasting stations, BE (TO until that awear rngjili ui.ide uie her Uals fm MiwimomWwton are the st My asks that argument they cam-Star- te I said. ell mirror, driving I have always been looking for tha nobler qualities la huniun beings, snfl have always found them. There are great touts all along the highway of life, and there are great qualities even In tha people wha seem common and weak to us ordinarily. x Spencer and hla cousin. Geoffrey era vscuttonlng In Austria. Uii We Find Wliat We Look For in This Old World of Oura ' sltua-Domina- te SYNOPSIS mma for--1 1 'hid," 1 mild, frown G FI ELDflTEA' FALLING HAIR |