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Show SM1THFIELD. UTAH THE SMITHFIF.I.D SENTINEL. News Review of Current Events the World Over Southerners Launch Taltnadges Presidential Boom Kansas Offers Landon to Republicans Bonus Bill Passed Over RooKevells Veto. By EDWARD W. PICKARD tWutiniiiptrUaln THOUSAND or more "grass IJemocrats, representing 17 southern and bonier state though ansem-ble- d oat of them were Georgian In Macon, Ga and with wild jella launched the hoom of Gov, Eugene Tnlnmilso for the Democratic nominaI'nwtdcntlul tion, They adopted a motion asking him to run aa a constitutional rtemocrat who In opposing wlial they called TWO the Theorist!. crark-potbrain trusters and a, I lie of professors" Talinmlge, though highly dated, declined to comment or to make iny announcement at the lime. The platform adupled hy I lie meet tug called for prenervation or the Con-- , dilution, of alula sovereignty and of the American form of government. It g iccuacd President Itnnnevell of fallli In the Constitution nnd the doctrines of Tlinmnn JelTeriion and tf "repudiating, nliniuloniug, unit sidetracking" Ilia pla I form on which he was elected In 1932. It said; "We do not rognrd the occupant of the White limine aa a Democrat, "He tins broken the pledge of our party and vlotntcd the platform of New Deal. alian-Innin- 1032. "We here today alllrni our faith In that doctrine." It Is not easy yet to eatlmnte the powlble reanlla of llie Talmndge move-nenThe admlnlai ration lend era to take the Georgia governor lerloualy or to admit that he ran Imperil their control of any of the south-m- i L re-hu- e states. The situation In tho South Is further complicated by the siiddOD death f Guv. O. K. Allen of Louisiana. lie was the devoted and complaisant adherent of Huey Long and had been (elected to till out the unexplred term f the Inte aenntor. Lieutenant Gov-irnNoe aucreeiled to the governorship, but who will now be the lender if the tong forces was not Immediately determined. r Is known as the bill for soil conservation, the administration's stihmltute for the AAA, wns given the hridtnnt approval if the aenate agricultural committee oy a vote of 1.1 to 2, although Chalr-nnEllison D. Smith of South Cnrollna mid he "iersonnlIy had some douhta" is to Its cunstltutlonnllty. The mens-nr- e would ennhle the secretary of agriculture to remove 30.uixi.0IK) acres from cultivation and give him even wider powers than he had under the AAA. It wna evidently headed for a hot debate on the senate floor. Secretary Wallace let It be known that nfllrlala of the Agriculture, Treasury and Justice departments were In an elTort to collect for the government the 2X),KXMXX) ordered returned to prorcssora hy the Supreme court, lint he gave no detalla of the plan. In referring to this court order in-- a radio talk. Mr. Wallace went far ther In rrltlelsm of the Supreme court than has any oilier olllclnl of the administration. lie declared It wns "the most gigantic legalised steal In history." Itepresentntlve Allen T. Tread way of Massachusetts asserted on the floor of the house that any olllclnl who will make a statement of that nature bout the Supreme court ought to be Impeached." Mr. Wnllnce may nut have heard the last of this. WHAT n KANSAS Republican state the Kansas Day cliih nd ninny party lenders from the Missouri valley region, celebrating Founders' day In Topeka, presented to the country Gov. Alf tondon of Knnsns a their choice for the Republican I'resldentlal nomination. In s speech to tlie banqueters the governor told what he boied to do for the d nation If he were and elected. Refraining from "substituting epithets for program for arguments," he offered ending federal extravagance and restoring prosperity. Replying to the query "What would yon dol" Mr. tondon proposed relief for agriculture through s anil conservation program with the honest pur pose of saving the fertility of American farms and not merely that of providing a blind for further dispensation of AAA checks. The governor pledged himself to old ge pension. He recommended exten lion and Improvement of civil service, and the utilization hy the federal government of ieclally trained minds aa he hae used them In Kansas to collect facts, not to administer theories." His own best recommendation of himself he gave In three succinct paragraphs suimiinrlzlng his budget balnorn-Innte- wanta to know who States Marine band to walk out at the women's patriotic conference on national defense. Probably It was Assistant Secretary of tha Navy Henry L. Roosevelt, bnt he would any nothing, so a resolution wai Introduced In' congress demanding aa Investigation. Tlie difficulties arose out of a apeecn before the women's conference by Colby, a Democrat who said unkind things about the New DeaL Thereupon the bend walked out, and certain navy officers refused to deliver scheduled speeches before the conference. The Republicans did not overlook tha opportunities offered by the Going Out of Ourselyes to Refresh Our Thought Washington ' Doctor Richardson tells us there Is nothing so wholesome for an e&. to secure rest ly varle. tlvo mind ty of work. A man can do Eve o, lx times more than he expects if he varies his work. I have found that to be so in my own life; By varying bis work man obtains fresh nd renewed powers for the duties of dally life; There Is so much that Is discount lng and depressing In the world, that we must sometimes go forih, It were; out of ourselves for rreih NATIONAL TOPICS INTERPRETED Baln-brld- NATIONAL PRESS BLDG. t u WASHINGTON. D.C. thoughts and fresh sir. The great that Mr. Smith has walked out on that est workers, when they go out for a Washington. The American Liberty section of the Democratic party that holiday, are not idle; they find rest league has laid aside Its swaddling said It by change of occupation. Lire Is too clothes and has gHpkf by Mr. Roosevelt Ha on tho short to admit of Idleness In to either choice was a "put on any. Liberty League put long pants mantle of take a can we or hypocrisy ,n tbe fleId of P1 body. Ersklne Clarke, Steve Out It probably He explained It ten. Although walk." And new as a group would be the latter course. Flso Attempt comparatively with the seems personal It nonaa frankly and promoted consistently Brides are still kidnaped by the walkout a by he has, that following In some parts of Lutvla partisan, the league can now be said Mr. Smith cannot bo described ss oth- bridegrooms to have plunged headlong Into the powith by parents or others, pursuit from litical warfare. If Its first big rally can erwise than serious to the party hut they never succeed in catching has defected. It Is which that group Its Influence la stand as so Interesting up with the groom. due to be felt In an Important way In all of the earmarks of political situation. tlie forthcoming natlonnl election. Immediately after Mr. Smith had This rally that realty marked the a was spoken, picquite few Democrats In condebut campaign league!' back at him and in defense fired was gress picturesque turesque thing. It DeaL Men like RepresentNew the of and the place first because of the time and the very nature of the thing and ative I tough ton of North Carolina; s the manner of approach to the votera Democratic wheelhorse as chairman comof the country but It waa more pic- of the powetiUl ways and means flock slid turesque and more Important as well mittee; Speaker Byrnes, because the headline iieaker waa Al- of others, They Insisted generally that The gar en my stomach waa ao bad I could not fred E. Smith, one time Democratic can- the 8nilth barrage was mora helpful to or alaap. Bran my cat Democrats than campaign all the didate for Hie Presidency, and by haari hurt. A friand Adtatika . Tha lint odds the most eolnrful and pungent speeches they themselves could make. ease I took brought mo execuilienker of the present dny. It waa a Administration leaders In the relief. Now I oat aa I wish, tive departments are beginning to tiro alaap fina and narar tali dinner of more, than 2,0(0 persons battar."kira. Jam. Filial. Iso, but they are smart enough to let from every state In the Union and it waa held In exactly the same rooms of the enthusiasm aroused by the speech Adlerikn acts an BOTH upper and the Mayflower hotel here where two die down before they attempt to upset lower bowels while ordinary laxatives act on the lower bowel only. Adlerikn weeks earlier President Roosevelt had arguments advanced by Mr. Smith, I have no doubt, from the signs even gives your system a thorough cleansing, addressed about the same number of now cropping up, that an effort will bo twinging out old, poisonous matter that persons at the Jackson day waa in your sysof note dinner. As a further Interest, made In congress to discredit the you would not believe causing gas attention might be called to the fact league. It looks like Senator Black, tem and that hae been nervousness and that the meeting was presided over by Alabama Democrat and chairman of pains, sourforstomach, months. Borden Burr, a lifelong Alabama Dem- the senate lobby committee, probably tonartoa L. H. Dr. flies to will Into the league's Shout, New York, reporter show, dig ocrat, and the other speakers were Dr. In addition to inteetineletomnaing, Neal Carothers, a Southern Democrat, how It was financed to a large extent the Duponts, Adlerika greatly redueaa bacteria long head of the economics depart- by inch wealthy men and colon bacilli." ment of Lehigh university In Pennsyl- among others. Such su Investigation vania, and former Federal Judge likewise will carry an undercurrent of Give your stomach and bowels a REAL Charles I. Dawson of Louisville, Ky., a movement to do sway with political cleansing with Adlerika end eee how Influence of each men aa John J. good you feel. Just one epoonful relieves a Republican. I referred above to Mr. Smith aa be- Raskob, former Democratic national QAS and chronic constipation. Sold ing a colorful speaker, and from all chairman, a league director, and Jouett by all druggists and drug departments. of the comments I have heard. It teems Sliouse, former executive chairman of to be the consensus that never has he tho Democratic national committee Wag Curtailed Justified the description better than In and the league president If that fight It a fact that a muzzled dogj Isn't n hla league speech. He was Introduced It be win started mudzllnglng gets docs not wag his tail ss often asl "A1 AmerMr. aa Smith Rurr of beauty. by an unmuzzled one! JURY In the United States District ica," and proceeded to assure hla audiSo, summarised, the picture resultcourt In Kfcw York returned ver- ence that Included millions listening ing from the league's dinner la that of dicts of guilty against acting CspL by radio that he placed patriotism major feud, as well a a major politWilliam F. Warms and three above party, that he wns a candidate ical movement because there la a realIn the criminal for no office under the sun, that he ly hitter fight between personalities In negligence trial resulting from the disastrous flra hail no nx to grind and thnt such sight as well as the possibilities of a Hist swept tho Morro Castle off Asbury critical shots ns he might take were third party movement Park, September 8, 1934, taking a toll without personal animosity for anyIn the situation as It now stands, of 131 lives. one. Rut he did not pnll hla pnni.-hchowever, the Republican party holds Resides Warms, those convicted were when he pilloried the New Deal and the key. Smith end hie following and Kben Starr Abbott, chief engineer of he showed no merry when he drew the league membership generally can the burned ship; llenry ' E.' Cattaud, the deadly parallel between the Demo- be counted In definite opposition to New executive vice president of the To quickly reliovo cratic platform of 1932 and the policies the New Deal and moat all of Its York A Cubs Mall Steamship comwhich Air. Roosevelt had carried works only on condition that and rougHnessA candichopping pany. operators of tlie Ward Line. and. through. I believe It may be said thnt date and a I I viewed by them apply soothing, platform, the NewYork A Cuba company. Itself. he reached the peak of hla speech cooling Uontholatunwl sound, are put forward by the Rewhen he laid on the speaker's stand publicans. if the Republicans turn too new copies of' the Democratic platform of far to the radical aide In their efforts under government, FRANCE'S aa premier. It la 1932 and the Socialist platform of the to match the Democratic position GivaaC OMFO R T-DUr hoped will stand up until tha spring same year and In his best East side (which necessarily must be In support Haws ymi triad the he to election.- ; If It does, the results will twang challenged anyone MW MEXTHBliYUM LIQUID deny of everything the President has done), not be happy for. Italy that Mr. Roosevelt had been elected then, there la likely to be a third par-ty- , for kaadcaUS? Lika Madfcalatua nlalaicl for It will take a muck on a Democratic ticket and had carwhich would make predictions of It hvfaifl aoothlafi comfort the outcome worthless. stronger stand In sup- ried ont the Snclnllat promises. The President's "breathing apell" utport of the tongue of Nations than did that terance. hla message to congress on Congress frequently goes off on a of Laval. Tha new the state of the Union, hla atnff or ad- tangent In which It will set about visers, his monetary policies formed minister foreign posing this or that Flan- - other meaty subject! which the former or the other among Digging dln. noted for hie governor of New York picked to pierce Secrete the practices of priUp tendencies; and In his own Inimitable way. He togged vate business. In tha aul Roncotir, congress to assert Itself again and Inst several years It has been particuBe Sure They Properly Joseph no 'friend of Mussolini, quoted from the Rlhle In hla plea It larly active In exposing to public view Geanse the Blood Is Hie minister of state should return to the father's house sorrela of corporations and Individual VOUR and kidneys are constantly Rites-- I to one of the three branches representatives and senators have concerned chiefly with again ing wrote matter from tho blood league affairs. In other respects there of the federal government. He said It blown off mnch steam concerning saltfaenn. But kidneys sometimes lag in Is nothing especially notable shout took courage for a lifelong Democrat aries paid bnslnesa executives and they their work do not ad as nature in to he rewas the the Sarraut cabinet. Is say but tlilngg have directed criticism at private bnal-neItegnler saying, tended fail to rtmov Impurities that tained ss finance minister, and he is there Is no gainsaying be displayed aa well for some of Its other expoison the system when retained. coimniiied to the toval policy or de- wlinf It took. Then yon may suffer nagging beck penditure. Through the speech wns Mr. Smith's A few yean ago Senator Norris of fending the frtfhc. die, dizziness, scanty or too frequent Klandln went to' tondon for tlie chosen ttome thnt a great danger lies Nehrnskn, among urination, getting up et night, puffiness others, at under the eyes; feel nervous, misers tuneral of King George, end It Is ru- ahead, a danger thnt the New Deni grent length In criticism of spoke our govble all upset. mored tn Pari Hint be would aoiinl will destroy everything whlrh he held ernment's diplomatic service bees use Don't deity? Use Doan's PIITsl out British hankers on the subject had made America the outstanding na- of the salaries Doan's am especially for poody fune pnld and the expendiof ilium of three billion francs which tion thnt it la. He accused the Presitures allowed for operation of our tioning kidneys. Tncyam recomthe French treasury sorely needs. dent of having arrayed class agnrnsl mended by grateful usen the country diplomatic offices. The Norris atWith Laval In the discard, the Rrltish class and asserted thnt what the na- tack over. Get them from any druggist did considerable damapparently might look on this suggestion with tion fare Is the most gigantic tax bur- age to the diplomatic service because den ever known. To this be added It made favor. mnny men fearful of that It will not to the rich who will entering that capable field where highly nor the but pay, "that poor, vast army trained men are necessary. Just completed of Individuals ADOLF 1HTLKU has with Incomes from But all of tho time during which years as Hie ruler of dollars month to five thou- criticisms have been sad the anniversary was cele- hundred leveled at private WNU W t-- 88 year." business on account of salaries brated by the Nazis with triumphant sand dollars paid In Mr. Finally, Smith business executives and conclusion, 20.0110 rejoicing. Nazi Addressing because of storm troop veterans, tlie reichsfuehrer said: other expenses, the senate Itself has me give thle solemn warning: been t declared: going ahead from yesr to year "Whoever opposes us now' does It not There can be only one capital, Washusing taxpayers money to suit Its own or Moscow. Iwcause we are Nazis, but because we ington purposes. For Instanre. Col Edwin A. "There can be only oneatmosphere restored military Independence to of government the clear, pure fresh Halsey, secretary of the senate, lately has made public his annual report covsir of free America, or the foul breath hitler spoke minutes, claiming ths of ering senate operations and It shows communistic Russia. There can be that the Nazi movement has brought unity to taxpayer? money to tho exonly one flag, the Star and Stripes, or tent or .1290.832 the nation end adding: had been spent for Badly Quick the of the flag union godless of tho "We seek peace liecaiise we love It, maintenance of that one branch with of lie can There Soviets, only one na- congress. There are 90 but we Insist on our honor because we senators, each tional anthem. The do not live without It" of whom hat an office staff- Miss X. was In constant there are Banner or The Internationale, some misery committees in operation, for over s yesr with dandruff. Then there can he only one victor. If our each with a he tried Cutlcura 8oap sod 01(-o-t staff, find there la the re f JOR reductions In naval tonnage Constitution wins, we win; But If ular senate organization with A'1 are "out" so far as the Londos the Constitution . . , Read her own words: large stop, there stop the I was snnoyed with big flakes of r personnel Consequently, aalarles alone conference Is concerned Constitution cannot losq," take op considerable chunk of the dsndcutf and an Itchy scalp. It owing to the unsettled condition of itched day and night for over a year.! total outlay, hut Colonel world affairs and the defection of But what of the significance of the Halley's re- The dandruff sealed off and could be disclosed port that However "continthe parley mndi league dinner end the Smith speech? Japan. general een on my clothing. some progress toward aa agreement expenses" of the senate had eaten row t ,h din- - gent "I tried Cutlcura. Soap end OInfe-ffieup 701.000, Included In this total of on the sizes or ships and calibers of J fie smith ner, the league's after seeing an advertisement, WB an Item of l am now Mpenw guns when the Americans. Freuch. and ecutlve council met entirely free from the con 230.000 for the cost Italians accepted a new British cons In secret Lyon find my hair looks fine." Whether gation! in the last of senate InvestiIt committed the league to year. Almost hair (Signed) Miss K. Kennedy. 207 promise plan as a basis for discussion definite of this amount wns used by the mnnl-tlon- e Grand St, Pasadena, Cnllf. The pin n proposes battleships wltk stand was not formally announced, yet For nkln or scalp complaints of a maximum of K.iHiO tons, the existing surely there are grounds Investigation committee headed upon whU-limits; 14 luch guns Instead or the to base s statement thnt It means to by Senator Nye, Republican of North external origin pimples, rashes. who lately waa made the aub-Je- Rolling and burning of eczema present 16 Inch ones, which would b support candidates end platforms on Dakota, of critlelam on tho senate floor ( utlcurn relief Is promptly southing, eliminated; aud an entirely sepurati the conservative side. Never sninrts. Soap 25c, Ointment category for destroyers, placing them With equal emphasis, It can bo said because of hla committee's attitude. 2.c. Buy ROTH today. FREE ssm In a classl flea lion with small cruisers Pcs. Write "Cullcurs," Dept 1&, The Harrison compromise bonna hill Incident that went through the aenate and Iioum recent deaths easily, was vetoed by President RooseNOTEWORTHY among Wlckersham W. velt. The house Immediately and en- -' tliuslastteally rejwssed the measure. of New York, who was attorney genThe senate was a little more delibereral of the United Staten In tha Taft ate, but within three days It. too, had administration and for many years overridden the dlanppruvul of the Chief ont of the country's leading corporaExecutive, and tlie bill waa made law. tion lawyers, ils was seventy-seveTha vole In Hie senate was 76 to 19. years old. and died of heart disease In tha lioiise It had been 324 to CL In a taxicab. . , It was a notable fact Hint all tha Mr. Wlckersham was chairman of for In flit tore Huey the famous Hoover commission named mimlier, semi Long'S sueceasor has not yet taken his to Investigate prohibition and. other seat were present and voting. Nofahle. In 1029. Tlie commisbut. not strange when one remembers sion's report opposed reiesl. hut- - tha Hits Is an election year. Fifty-seve- n document was accompanied by tbs Democrats, 111 Rejiuhllrnna and 3 Radstatements In Individual members d icals to Fnllette of Wisconsin, which a majority urged repeal or and Henson of Minnesota voted of the eighteenth amendment for tlie hilt, while 12 Democrats and The net result was confusing.' 7 Republicans voted agnlnnt It. Much good work, overlooked by tha Ttih galleries were tilled nnj. there the controversy over prohiwaa wild cheering when tha vote was bition. nevertheless was done by the announced. Hepulillrnnseniitoni amused Cothmlsslon. Ita exhaustive reports, themselves ami the rfpectntnes hy twit- filed .'early In l!t31, covered mnny. ting the Democrats op 'their failure-tphases of the crime problem stand hy their chief, the most voluble regarded Important contributions In of the twitters being Creator I lasting! that Held. of Delaware. Informed of the vote, President 8. CUMMTNO announced DR. HUGH Roosevelt at' once ordered, government on Fehntsry 1 he wonld reof departments to prrinre for payment tire as surgeon general of the United the bonus rertlfleatea aa qnlrkly aa States public health service, "becanse accuracy will permit Secretary of the of long service and health that Isnt Treasury Morgentlmn said Hint the too good." lie has been In the service payment would lie the most difficult since 18H and has had four terms as meelmnlenl tank, the treasury had fared Its head. Ills administration Is credIn Ita history. He .said .the treasury ited with completion of the quarantine would nerd t2.fitiO.tXXI and Hie vetersystem; Inauguration of prrlmmlgra-tlo- n Inans administration $.1,0)0.0(X to examinations at American concrease the force to take cure of the sulates; establishment of n national Job. More than seven million Interact and national narcotte leprosarium calculations will be necessary. farms, and construction of eight marine hospitals. I7E CAN either lake on the man- - It was believed In Washington that tie of hypocrisy, or we can President Roonevelt would appoint as walk ; and we'll probably do the new surgeon general Dr. Thomas take the latter." H. Psrran. Jr stats health commisThese words of Alsioner of New York and assistant surfred E. Nmlth la his geon general on leave. Slilp-stea- snd-wer- - i speech at the American Liberty league dinner-.I- Washington were perhaps the most .Interesting and slgnlfl-rau- t of tils utterance! on that occasion, for he professed to be peaking fur "the disof Jefferson. ciples Jackson and (leve land" and concerning their action In the Democratic national convention next June when the delegates are asked tn Indorse the doings of the Roosevelt administration. There could be no mlsunderatandlng Smith's meaning, and lie must now be considered the leader, of the ronserva-tlv- e Demiierata In their revolt against the policies of the New Itonlera. The concern of the administration Democrat la now aa to how extensive will he the holt; and whether the conservatives wH put up their own ticket support the liepuhlleiin nominee or merely stay away from the polls. Of coarse In any ease the Repuhllgnn cause will be aided materially, unless the guessee of Ita lenders are all wrong. New Deal Democrat were quite undismayed by the Smith speech, which they declared wns weak and Ineffective They announced that Majority Iodnler Joseph T. Robinson of the senate ' would deliver tlie ofllrlal reply In a radio address. Mr. Smith In his Liberty lesgiie speech never onre named President Roosevelt hut he siiecllii-nllput nn that gentleman the full blnnie for repudiation of most of the plank In the Democratic platform of ISKfi!. which he declared waa the heat ever put forth In this country. Senator Robinson's reply to At eeeh consisted In the main of Smith's quotation from previous utterances hy Smith In whieli he advocated a course quite as radical as Hint pursued by the New Dealers In comhnting the depression. He J iv red at the New Torker for abandoning the streets of the west side for the palaces of Park avenu nnd trailing his brown derby for a silk topper, and denounced him aa n deserter In the face of the enemy. ACTIVITIES of the Townsend old age are proving most annoying to many congressmen, and It Is likely they will he Investigated. A resolution for such an Inquiry waa Introduced by Representative Jasiier Bell of Missouri. Democrat. It charged that for several years "Individuals and groups" have "conceived and promoted numerous schemes under the pretext of obtaining pensions for the aged and needy" and Hint now "several grouia of fraudulent promoters are enriching themselves by working the pension plan racket" PLANS announced IFleaders of world In 8t. Louis by Jewry are carried out, there Is to lie another exodus, this lima (ruin Germany where the Jews are greatly oppressed by the Hitlerites.' Sir Herbert Samuel, eminent British Jew. attending the national council of Jew-sfederations and wel fare funds;' said a- definite method ancing achievements. would be formulated soon to provide for the gradual emigration of at least PAYMENT of tho veterans' bonus by l(XMXX) of the German retch's estimated 4.1U.IXX) Jewish population. The unbubj bonds payable on demand was eojcteu Into law hy condertaking will be financed hy a fund gress, and the money for tho of about Jl.Vum.tMJ raised by English may be available on July L and American Jaw GAS, GAS ALL THE TIME, CANT EAT OR SLEEP aug-gaat-ad e A CHAPPED SKIN MENTHOtATUM - Pierre-Etienn- MW litPfdiieyS e pro-Brit'- sa for-elg- n Ger-uiun- Dandruff Formed in Big Flakes "I-f- Ger-muny-." il Scalp Itched Relief Cutlcura 30-od- d four-powe- nt h rt (tssmhniiKWM. kiulden, llasAr-Ad- r, , j |