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Show SMITH FIELD SENTINEL UTAH locals etf ET cver th Jr- - Depp w: Ji Merrill i pending w,. Ifciy L. y Ilyrum visiting with McBride. All February 14, 1931 Motorists Favor BENEFITS Car Radios l,J lh Mr Uri Robert Anderaon faviiiting with her fiffiim Coibridge, "lin. T W. ya Bf-- P- - of Jarvis received word CaWonlia that her D- - W entertained Cantwell Mflo , Tremon-b- mother Mrs. . trwwau tea on Sunday after-ihonor of her daughter, Mrs. n lL Alva. Formerly Mias Bernice of this city. One hundred afternoon, IUed during th many lovely Alvia received (Wwell jj i;L:iL I gifts. Gannon waa a guest, jin, her mother Mrs. Walter Bead it ffAmond on Tuesday. Adell i Uia. Cannon daft at the Belief r ; thoVLor?f ? T rtU and lier mother sang Richmond north ward Society. UA LaVon Mortcnaon entertain-e- l at a parly on Monday aftemocn h Utah. ' L D Blaek locuat (Roblnii psumk-ac- a ector William Peterson of the Utah to State Agrilcultural college lia) i9 a tre- & native to the "d eastemUnlted States, Tayment, were made to t0 PPUl ia cimplied with contract, signed wilhj From the standpoint of Grant Hall Df Hyrum for the AAA to control wheat production says Mr Junes m tha lntcrmoun' imroTw T with the most vlsting few daya ,ai to the amount of $099,110.53; coln ant rMnrre Ita Particular value is and Mn-w- w a nvii r3wer wI11 mnuntKbove the ,kat hog, 4173414.50; and sugar piuduc- -' invisrbe on t i j (iiX'iwCdS toSSSJ dSj l,". S' 2r thrnew'lMS ' ,t FARMERS Smithfidd. her mother, who was honor Df tbxrving her birthday anniversary. Twelve guests were present S T'!? tion, 42,045,022.62. banks, hlllaides, and IvimhlifM j Fallowing are the total amounts dosl-m- , oi i3 mounter 7'dd ,lands' d hl! ,h!h v,lue prJi Beaver, 10. to ft. tor OS; Box Elder, 3705.G09.S2; Cache is complcily covered by the car In p0r to S001 "i1 that are 4oMr402.B0; Carbon, 31 8, 381. SO; Dag- - trim. Thus the thia tree will make sloping, rounded roof gett, 51,037.90; Divis, $280,573.85; linos of the cars interior remain a Krowth of fr?m two to six feet each pear wher the elevation is not Duchesne, 414,769. 21; Emery, $16,' unbroken, and th- - listeners h-r,VPr 5000 fPet of la 401.22; Garfield, $2,270.19; Grand, the benefit of ear level recention the hlher Mtua- 257.87; Iron, $4,107.36; Juab, $06, The Ret continues to be of six fiwzil,e back In the matter of tlic Estate of 877.55; Kane, $375.15; Millard, $30, tnbea, but with a number of chassis tiona- - The ' wood j is extreamely hard and durable, lasting from 15 DAVID JENSEN, also known at 088.48; Morgan, $16,906.63; riute.'impy vements. The chassis case has 1,eavy 43,252.02; Rich, $10,059.17; Salt Lake been shortened and made more com 1 40 year wheii u8ed in the ground. DAVID A. JENSEN, deceased. $184,095.34; San Juan, $12,13C.1G; pad. It now fits underneath th in-- 1 Thia three m.kea rather a tall,! Creditors will present claims with to the undersigned Admin-8Sanpetq, $104,331.29; Sevier, $155,044 strumenl panel and ako-- e the steers slender growth, especiaUy if crowd- - vou istrator the office of Newol G. at Summit, $8,235.28; Tooele, $15, ing column. led in a planting. The leavea are 211 Cache Valley Bank at Haines, 954.08; Uintah, 1496.87; Utah. $4 in color in and compound the Bld-- . 15,563.88 ; , Wasatch, $19,396.40; Wash'been increased City, Cache County, Cowers Whitish are rrangement and its internd ingtsn, $4,712.49; Wayne, $54G4.85; cult filtering has been improved to ab"dant in the spring tomlng num-ke- State of Ut:h, on or before the 24th day of March, A. D. 1936. Weber, $230,7786; Total, $2,917,247 poda 111 th? faU- out interference, such oa that froua C. EARL ANHDER, Administra.71. and has form high tensi- n wires and "street I f pMic fder tor of the Estate of David as a dely ptanted in cars. For all types of city and co- Jensen, also known as David brwnches and tree. The untry driving, now, reception is ex- A. Jensen, Deceased. are thorny, ,tref and the bark ia a deep NEWEL G. DAINES, Attorney. color and in rayish rigid. c(m Las been re- of Publication: January 24, Bause of ita hanlnesa, strength Dates Bn1 Tebruary 7, 14, and 21. recve-Pand of lin.Pyed the the wood durability, t v AdV ,s widcly farm Tangible benefits of cooperation, notes and bMswte iaL reachea a doubletrees, in the form of $40,000 in cash, will h.v;ne a thr0, "dl eontwl In and fenca be distributed to 5,000 Ufch and C0R8t u wagon ntiy wlnUT imT ELECTRICIANS several instances, two fence posts Southern Idaho poultrymen thi week n0w ugoj ten- to been from have cut . eight by tha Utah poultry Producers Coop , "eS( , ex It will psy you to buy he.e. .to yeaivold trees. For best results this erative association, says word re- m the .of tree ,houId- - bo planted in a woodlot ..f3.0 reived from General Manager Clyde Naiiit Knobs 2c .Ford radios materially in- - with an original spacing of about C. latmriiit. th fact ulevery ,jx by six feet With proper duen ? The distribution wilj make up the f,'7 Co. Eveifon & d toris.s are tivation and thinning this planting twelfth annual intrest payment on ?ay ."1 to ttie we nf c.r radios, will be quite profitable. It can, Logas the associations certificates of in- m however, be planted in n four to treat held by members throughout; i, windbreak, with the Rua- acco1; this section The fund roproaents C'n cent on $800,000 w:rth of out- - J t, well-drain- lit S?Z SheM "S .. PU ve dln" p 7; Si ep Merchandise at a real at the QUALITY giriag Trade A home owned store. GROCERY. J" ,1, b-'8- Wl11 Sons per standing certificates, Mr. Edmonds explains Sever: immediate varying from 50 cents to ebout $100. each as an intrest dividend on the certificates they hold, associ-t.Y.- n officials estimate. T-t- al intrest dividends to tha Bee-hive atote poultrymen now amount to more than $350,000 in the 13 veara of the state poultry associat- ion, operation; The certificate, ofIntrest represents the individual producers private equity in his coo- perative association. These certificates, the manager explains are acquired by the ber producers on a basis of one cent a doxen on all ggs he ships through th state cooperative organ- izatoin. Only members receive these intrest certificates. The association has never missed its intrest dividend on these certificates and in addition retires them at par value from time to time in the order of their issuance. The system of stock issuance, dividend payments and eventual retirment at facevslue represents one of the benefits of cooperation which can be measured In Cold Cash." are in dude all hours Sundays. p. in. every night now extended to Person-to-perso- rates n reduced every night from 7 p. m. to 4:30 a. m. and all hours Sun days. Nutritionists have solved one of the mysteries of Old Mexico. The peon had no vitamin A, they thought until it was discovered in his much bved chili powder. Chili peppers contain two or three times as much vitamin A as a good grade of butter, Most other peppers are also good sources of vitamin A. THE Richards Mortuary Owned and operated by WHY M. RICHARDS Office 53 West 1st North Gingerbread makes good upside-dowcake with apple or pineapple slices in the bottom of the skillet. Quick, easy, and appetizing. n Residence 86 So. 2nd West LOGAN, Phone 210 f? the sn dVith huainRS Everyday Bargains I Crystal white leap Shinola Shoo Polish Drinking glasae Evertons & Sc Cc 3c Sons Go. LOGAN - ampaj lla1tr Logan, Utah 1- ,vlue . MORTICIANS fr noirre cZZ i r Reduced Long Distance rates which begin at 7 G. W. LINDQUIST And SONS P I01 - . For Quality CONVERSATIONS on funeral services are rare and the subject, oftentimes, ia avoided until emergency action becomes necessary. In auch a tftne of Morticians need LINDQUIST are ready to serve you. Our dignified, reverent services are always complete, never larking in sympathy or the little details so necessary to satisfaction. Our charges are low. it .. j! .. Accnrdi w tll war t) n Foid if plc. the BUk m t Jar the aJ At the end of October, The Ford Motor 82 p had tLird of aU carS Rold jn 1935 ig a tpibuta t0 man,g lnadershIp: the leadership of Henry Ford( who has been the active head Df the Ford Motor Co. since the beginlng of the century-- Compin one 1 Says Henry over the idea else to make do the main selves. Ford, We must getl of expecting Kmeonel us secure. We must I part of the job our-- 1 Y'jljt'jJ THEY BEAR THE MARK OF MERIT VOLUME NO FOR RADIO SERVICE SEE LLOYDS BOURBON blend of straight whiskies finest Americas There b no other whiskey flavor quite like that of Golden Wedding. It is 3 whiskies blended, as fine coffees and tobaccos ire blended, for Better Taste. Radis Service Co. 31T PHONE East of Pot Office LOGAN PINTS;ALLQUART BLUE BLAZE COAL Ite whiskey SCHENLIYS CREAM of KENTUCKY KENTUCKY STRAIGHT WHISKEY Here's s smooth, delightful Kentucky straight whiskey tints become a 1934 DODGE Delnxe WTII Sport Coupe RUMBLE SEAT Original Paint, Water Heater and Other Accessories. 1930 Rubber Hot Good, With FORD COUPE CHEV TRUCK Ton, long wheel base, ',00d Mechanical condition. BLAZE daul wheels 10 J2z6 ply tires. LIBERAL TERMS North Cache Motor AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER SMITH FI ELD; . niONE 14 - Co. ...BLUE BLAZE coal is THAT MEANS SCREENED SLATE AND OTHER ELEMENTS ARE HAVE REMOVED. THUS YOU DEAL TO ASHES LESS YOU HAVE MORE WITH LESS AND AT HEAT SCHENLEY'S UTAH - STRAIGHT WHISKEY America has voted this whiskey to first place in popultrity theres a barrel of quality in every bottle sod it doesn't cost barrel of money. t PINT QUART (Rys) (SwrfcsN) (Rys) (Sssrkml At you prefer in BOURBON or RYI Schcolcy DiitfibaMn, Isa, Nw Yotk, N. V. COST. ff. QUARTnwm OLD QUAKER NGN-BURNIN- G PRICED RIGHT e5K BLUE PINT Na.ei GOAL mechanically sound good rubber. 1933 Less ASHES To Sill H. Roskelley) Coal Yard BOTOMMET WMI-T- HI OSIAT Ft INCH AFItlTlFAlCOHOt 1K SYVOUIMS Straight or in cocktails, Dubonnet b Americas favorite new drink LARGE BOTTLE number 1,00 |