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Show , III tin- OAPITMi Logan Today & Sal. THIS IS THE UFE - San. lo Wed. Warner Baxter In KINO OF BURLESQUE" BANK NIGHT THURSDAY jk A DAILY THOUGHT thought A DAILY take much buaiaeu in busineio, but It I . f it lot IjrSte I.WW Yoa should back the ambitious of your homo city to tha limit. tha cannot reform Wishing world. to keep COVERING ONE OF THE RICHEST FARMINC SECTIONS OF UTAH kOlUME xxxix SMITH FIELD, CACHE COUNTY. SERVICES from Sids-Lln- the RORERT es HELD W. FOR Snowfall SEELEY Funeral services were held UTAH. FRIDAY, Increases In NUMBER 9 FEB. 14, 1931 SECOND WARD TO Southern Utah Area Blanks Available For HOLD SCOUT PROGRAM SMITHFIELD JRS. DOWN N. C. FR0SH Old Age Assistance for Zion National Park, Utah Recent A big program ia being planned Applicant for old age assistance, ert W. Seeley, Wednesday, February storms in southern Utah hive more for Tuesday night, Feburary 18, in assistance for dependent children and 12' dlrection BSb- Hub- The Smilhfield junior high quin-twon a fast and hard fought battle than doubled the amount of water, the Second ward recreation Mil, I assistance for needy Mind ahould make from the North Cache freshmen &t thfi Va and Bv Eddie cp Roikelley. in the snow fields of the Marita- - under the direction of the Boy application at the welfare office of the North Cache high school gym William gunt Flatenu, east of Cedar ,yer HODGE-PODG- E Qty, Scouta. Special dramatic numbers : lbe county in which they are legal Monday night by a score of 20 to a L. Wmn. Mrs. Gene Smith then BEING residents. Official application blanks 16. to a are being prepared. received from report LOCAL COMMENT ON dered a solo. Speakers were: I Vem'the Zion National Park ski I GENERAL patrol Wright, Nelsi n and Thnin were Toole on; Dr. G. L. Rees; C. J. PL 1,1 athletics. has just returned from a sixty will be there to offer entertainment. fare offices and will be issued upon outstanding for the winners, while t to anybody deairing the same ' Jmile trip to Cedar Breaks, where A big dance will follow the Mdtkin and V. WardcU showed best special request vard and Seechd ward In making this announcement solo. fln average snow a . Lunuqust sang imb 45.5 " of losers. depth for program. tbia week The Third ward choir gang three containing 11.5 inches of J. Gieenwell, Director of the Thethe score: was water, deadUkk for the championship State Department of Public welfare I recorded. This is 15 inches more SMITHFIELD JR. stated that all people who have division. First ward won n SECOND WARD . snow thun TO was Oh lh closing My recorded in G. T. F. r. wai lung while January heretofore made application through limn Third ward, Father, by the ward choir. Invoci- - and six inches more water. These 7 3 1 f Wright, unofficial of out the offices other nosed newspaper barely HOLD waa offered by A. D. Blanchard measurements show that the snow lin 5 4 1 official must f . . Nelson, fill the out extra In an 5 .agencies South with in burial the ao thia 0 ia city 0 cemetery, 0 far (pack c eonnearly ai year blanks in order to bo given Nilsqn, Sjdiame. This tie will neccea- - The grave waa dedicated by d as lost year, when the Feb-lan- d 2 1 0 Miles, g The annual ward reunion of the aider tion. some time in game playoff Reese. gTa 4 measurement w-- S 51.3 inches Smithfidd Second ward will beheld Rule and regulations of the state Thain, g 2 0 jittery Robert W. Seeley, died at his of snow continuing 13 inches of 4, sear future. 0 0 0 Public Welfare nf Department f proRich, a a a a Saturday, March 7, 1986, In the vide that . heme last Sunday, Feb. 9, following water. . 0 0 0 the County Board of Public Farrell, f ward recreation hall. n a eaay & heart The First ward played Welfare in each county shall deter- Winn, e ...... agtact suffered Saturday. He j Measurements made by the recent 0 0 0 Plans moat lire being made for a m " aswho mine la ill receive entitled to few the for had health 0 . . 'has show . . ; 0 2 gki even conditions belter , past patrol pa l , Scrowthcr, unusual reunion. Special committees sistance in of the forms pro- Bingham, gg 0 any 0 0 than Bmta. P CUr activion are conthe different vided by the national security act nteid aiomflitum as the battle 2 He was corn at West BoonviUe At Duck Creek ranger station they ties working 0 :. 1 of the day. and hew much assistance they should Fuller, g d. Before the final stanza was Ind. 1, 1861. He was the son' gauged 37.4 inches of snow contain-o- f Sept. receive. the First ward avalanche wa 8 5 4 20 Orson John and Rachael Ann Tan- - ing 12 inches of water; and at Totals Before the county welfare boards at top speed. It got away ner Seeley. Mr. Seeley Came STATION ISSUES NEW to Harris Flat raner station the FROSI1 CACHE NORTH can make decisions on these their G. T. F. r. fna the Third ward defense in the in 1901, end has resided age was 27 inches Df snow contain-her- e matters full information must be FEEDING BULLETIN ON lut period to build np n 12 point 3 0 0 6 6 snow inches of water. The ever since. 3 f ling Matkin, the and opprovided by applicants Bounded end' 0 1 guffa before the gun F. The survivors are, his widow, Mrs. at all stations was well packed; but . examinHatch, for f complete portunity given hrs the battle. 1 0 two in many cases the ground beneath M. Hatch, e Anderson and Marie verification ation the of Seeley, Inger 0 Improve Supplements "Phosphorus 3 3 V. was unusual Reno an W. Robebrt that Jr. Wardell, dry, indicating tons, g Seeley Rations for barely aqueeaed Nevada, Seren W. Seeley cf Smith-fiel- d amount of moisture will be absorb- Sugar-Bee- t gecand ward 0 0 Cook, g flM(h with a vietcry over the ed when melting starts in the Cattle, is the title of a new buland two grandchildren. letin which haa been issued by the lichaumd South quintet in a fast 7 4 2 16 --oooTotals spring. Chief Ranger Donsl J. Jolley, who Utah Agricultural experiment station pae, Wednesday night. The regular playing time ended with the score Nursery Supplies headed the patrol in spite of a re- and written by Dean E. J. Maynrad, DAUGHTERS OFTHE An extra five minute im cent appendicitis operation, reporta Professor H. H. Smith, and Dr. J. de- Trees la Greaves. Thia E. and Second the was publication the Mauplayed is the itinerary for yoted that he and his men, Rangers PIONEERS TO MEET - ....Following nrd emerged on top. Geary played rice Cope and Cliff Presnail found signed to eld farmers who are try- collection of Federal Income .Taxes best in cattle ward. results their for Second for aB nod Northern ing All District. Utah game the i very good skiing conditions throughtax payers who are reqired to file The'. Sarah Woodruff Camp of the More than 90,000 farm forest out the trip. With the exception of feeding. t tws found, by method f ex- B Federal Return for 1935 are urg- - Daughters of Utuh Pioneers A rumor that has been circulating trees will of eleven species an ready two heavily shaded slopes near Duck that in the feeding f ed to call at the designated place meet Friday Feb. 21, at the library. inasd for several days gives pro- for distribution to the fanners of Creek and Cedar Breaks, the snow to 10 their respective ectnmunity, rations sugar-bemise three teams from the eastern The .topic will be, Writing and Precondition, and on the J the state fivm the new nursery wag in : JfrUoB will be entered in the Stake at the Utah Feb. 17 serving f"1"11. ingredient, can be Garland State Agricultural return trip they were fortunate in History Df the Pimeers, will 9 sigiuficant Feb. duuspRnship round robin. This ru- college, according to J. be given by Hannah Hind. Accord to Whitney finding a short cut thnt permitted, ,n weiht nd aJi,al(nMa ta, Brigham City .: nt irises from the recent with Floya, extension forester. This is downhill runs for nearly three miles.cr Feb. lan solo by Mrs Jane Miles, Quartet eost 25,000' drawal of the Lewiston First ward of increase Feb. 24 by Berthas lloyg, a good attendance anticipated (Morgan is Mr. Jolleys opinion that the feJ It. The first feeding experiment was cJw. ... W astern trees over the number distributed snow fields adjacent to Cedar Breaks Feb. 25 is desired. fnm competition In the heid 'dvfer a perkd of 100 day and Coalville ... division. in 1935. ooo Feb. 26 courses the ski to are far superior : Lake town Feb. 27 Already orders for 1600 trees have in Yosemite, which he recently vis- during this period 40 high-grad- e Mrs. T. W. Jarvis entertained the feeder yearling steers were divided Randolph Feb. 28 Senior . Literary dub at her home ClirkMon has established themsel-- n been received for spring planting. ited; and that their reergnition tato of eight knd flv. early demands for trees awaits groups March Store. o Thursday afternoon. Mrs. F. L. Theurers Wellsvllle, 2, rthe u the outstanding contender for are These development only on indication vf the growing Each of these lots was fed wet beet Hyrum, March 3, Post office. Alien re:d the book, Giants in the (he Besson Stake chimpicnahip. They and roods ter lodges. anu interest in waodlot sheiterbeit, pulp, beet an ol sues, alfalfa and salt. Smithfield, March 4, Smlthfield ooa Earth, by O. E. Rulvagg. A delicious windbreak planting on Utah farms, (Continued on page 8) In addition to these rations each luncheon was served to eleven guests Mr. Floyd Said. NATURE CLUB received differ-- ) Richmond, March 6, Library, the lot, except first, Mm. E. Sheffer was a Bpeciol J. law of 1924 The Uorice-McXaent supplements. Let 1, no supple-- '. Lewiston, March 6, Lewiston State guest. cofederal state and provides for ment; Lot 2, cottonseed cake; Lot Bank. The Way The nature club directed by Mr. Inflation operation in distribution and plantMarch 3, steamer bonemeal; Lot 4, mill run Logan, ing of nursery stock, and since 1980 Jones assembled again February 11, bran, and lot 5, ground barley. ... Revenue Office. Internal By RAYMOND PITCAIRN been meethave more than 200,000 trees for another very interesting Who Pays Weights of all feeds fed and per--, Signed, this on farms Utah through Notional Chairman planted ing. iodic lOday weights of individual A. D. ALLEN, Sentinrli of tha Republic ... agnecy. We discussed a very peculiar piece steers were recorded The Federal throughout the Deputy Collector InSpring distribution will begin as of material which consisted of small U t merchant, or a fanner, or the Revenue. ternal experiment is enough soon as the dry ground nature neage householder persistently spends By RAYMOND PITCAIRN stones, cemented together by for 150 am than he earns, he goes broke. He tj permit proper handling of the much as cement, also, he read to us The second feeding lasted National Chairman high-grawhich Mi for his folly In the wreck of his soil and the young trees, Our drys during which 40 g .i.'- - . of tha Republic U. Build To P. article,.. interesting., a., very., Hereford steer., calve were., fed. tatatti, his property, and, perhaps, his should be about March 15, to April Earth Compared with the Moon and These calves were secured from a euser. Maybe be doesn't realize it, but the 1. with New Ledge average American citizen and taxpayer a Star which has been located With governments it can be different been in ranch increase recent precipitagrazed The nearby having is footing the bill for one of the a diameter of 20,000,000 miles. hom time to time various nations have ' today indicates state summer had until tail and the on tion throughout range largest payrolls in history. Indulged In continued reckless expendl- Reporter, favorable moisture conditions. Since then been fed n maintenance ration Plans for the construction of a tuna let escaped immediate collapse. Moreover he is increasing It at a rate Miles. Ned moisture is such n important factor of alfalfa hay end ground barley up dining, recreation and lounging lodge seldom. If ever, equalled In days of Utat By resort to the desperate remeto the time they were started on on the North Rim of the Grand peace. dy of Inflation whether of currency in the survival of young transplants II of credit. this should be an exceptional year, UgaJli Ql the feeding experiment For evidence of this, consider the Canyon by the Union Pacific Rall- of Federal The difference Is that the Individual for tree planting, Mr. Floyd stated The cattle were allotted, weighed, road Company at a cost of apprcxl-SlUuCIl- growing listchecks come out of taxes whose mu the brunt of the blow himself, pay Further information concerning the tosame manner fed in exactly the ma tel y $250,000 were submitted Maintsineo and to the American while governments ultimately rhargxi .. pass it on to their farm tree planting project can be las were those in the first expert- the National Pork Service at Wash-.- rtMzwi and worker and earner. Hero citizens. extension kczl the obtained from lington, D. C. for approval In the are some official statistics from mnt History has demonstrated this on j. or by writing to the college a I day keeps agents apple Blend from the event that the plans are approved Washington: juglar samples Buoy occasions. Perhaps the best re- - ! at Logan. the od ng goe TCjn f nway , or were taken, construction will begin as soon as In June 1933, there were approxisteers Bonbered example of recent years Is injjyijmi Y on the Fedstudent of tost of Germany, where post-w- ar W In- the second experiment in or- - crews can enter into die southern mately 565.CN during exclusive, cf course, of Y eral 0 payroll Batten brought tah struc-treto a'epBie e T'd?r and ?? of to determine the possibility hardship hunger Utah natonal park area. The tiw Army and Navy. vivanica ianccoiata) is a very hardy millions of workers. Records do not j. and dolkitncy in ture wffl be completed during the show that the clever growth rather rapid of Health By June 1934. the total had been who ana politic! "af" w consult . . , livestock rations thorugh a study of summer. boosted to more than 661,900. "ought it all about, or the very rich, very easily transplanted. The trcc than to ',yTI mat hungry. That waa reserved for w .blood phosphorus of the animals fed. j The new lodge will replace the Re extensively in the in- - Service, By June 30. 1935, It had soared to a to toe average run of according and apples, shado saw for citizens, who termounudn region (The samples were taken before the one ordinslly opened to the public total of 717,669. Pros rise ao swiftly that neither eam- - woodlot purposes. inter-- : June 1, 1928, and which was dc- Tha climb continued. By September J1,,,. " ' " i,B Wn feeding began and at 30-dnor saving! could keep pace with ' reached a peak of vtls thereafter. 'atroyed by fire at the close of the of thia year It had them. 794,909 all paid out of taxes. Hor a while the situation Thera Thats a lot of built on the whom that workmen found least ten states In the Union that at an the Grand can't count as many heads In their aiy to demand pay for their . Ksibab Fbr-wJt the end of each day's labor. entire population. And they are costing new that if seknow-lege- d the taxpayers more than $100,000,000 a they waited, prices juuunt m rapidly that even a month. one of America's most magthe y eou'dnt buy one bowl of soup. But these figures tell only half the .rending branches, covered during - jtlie highest possible level of health. B bridge luncheon on Friday The hotels. national nificent park can bo very easily ' noon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Add to the list of Federal Jobstudent expentnee was not an iso- - i mowliig season with opposite, p'n- q.lllg the story. asms on wiH be XM one. new lodge the . built It has been duplicated to a n.atoly comn- - uml leaves nine to cloven holders the various public employes of 40 Barker and Mrs. Lcwell Hill-(o the courses, activities site and in all major particulars will states, cities and smaller political dibrne on slender, ahy- - nn(l conditions of campus Ufa. yard. Valentine motif waa used in be a duplicate of its prececesaor. 01 history. It is because visions, and your total will run Into the aim all appolntmemnts. The rooms were tho evidence such In orjCP to arrive at this yj,, icafi0ie are three, millions also paid out of taxes, direct stone offer, construction and Native experiments log sn lucre as lnj number of thought-o- n to nine inches long and are b0ut Health Service gives each new atu- - charmingly decorated In bright cob- and Indirect, clipped from tha average dimensoverall used. The jwlU be Americans opoae the course of one inch broad. citizen's earnings or savings. And re'dent a complete physical examination red mapdniu. Those lions 7t thelod 22o"by member. these totals Include only the government expenditure that school Upon the The wood is heavy, strong and upon entering the 'TOez Inflation. fc- -t A huge dining rah, sn regular They dont Include R a findings of this examination possible arker H the numerous relief beneficiaries. That's The concern of such citizens is not rather course grained making olrt(loor dining terrace overiooking wodlot purposes corrections arc poin the very rich and the individual Gerald Howmaq. Mrt. recreation and enter- - an entirely separate list. shrewd valucable tree for and s chart of Of course it's expensive! h know just when to veryand sell .nd for the production of lumber man, Mrs. Glen Fi.her.Mra toy u5nmmfhall, buy grand observation NoExpensive? now to farmer, no merchant, no Industrial rig or ploy tho stock market concern, could succeed with such padded Brother for the average family that jbest on deep, fertile ft payrolls. But in government It's difPids an s weekly or monthly wsgo d era Ml. soil with ample moisture, but ferent. Tho politicians who psd the income, and a J or account service medical savings not offer a complete payroll don't have to foot the MIL They will be the vallc Policy for security- - Those be grown on rather dry soil, main and a lobby place, - to tho University student, It does v tr,e people who shoulder intennourttleave that detail to the people and tho in AU suresnful burden the growth principal rooms of the lodge. treatment as well for It through taxes. m ,,lrer the hurts of Inflation. bo emergency not afford should treo nln region the interior rooms will have hard amnio then one reason why, as economists individual That's AM uioee are the on problems 6000 Of advice Thanks as people who can ulnntcd at elevations exceeding wood flora have computed, more than 20 per cent student in caring ill course. the caaista and JL, In general the building will be of our national Income goes into taxes They face a great for himself during his college carresponsibility- - Un one wing being used for national state and local. That's what To friends, tiie neighbors Mnrshall many Dr. I said "telttutlon the conduct of is ns have in mind when they Timi0r wRls of tho Sccimd eer. It i hoped, curio and tea rooms and statistic store the national affaire resta who assisted in and any relatives, tell us that the citizen who hasn't got what is taught them during ultimately In their thnt nwKis. ir at a entertained and the VcImUnepajr tlicy insist an reasonable ward on Into way, during the illness, death and similar guests facilities, a political Job labors one day out of A delicious thir college life will csrry Uie men who represent them on Tuesday evening. burial of our husband and father, other for kitchens, refrigerator rooms five to help support those who have. school. fl tetecnmcnt out of life must obey the mandate, i luncheon was served to fourteen tlicir When wo realize these things, and are express our sincere thanks and bakery, etc. In the centeral plaza 1imilln indifferent, tlicy en- - -,. Insist that the politicians devote them-elv- rs 65 foot will be said a was there all pole. that for appreciation flag JJteSe either the burden of increased Mrs. Bert Rccc and son Daren, to efficiency In government OOO iLm,,?Lu,e ,uu heavier toll of infla- - : real: of Benson ward waa tho guests of and dons during our bereavement. a than rather patronage, another great Merchandise with au its golden William McClure won the radio stride will have For Quality Mrs. Robert W. Seeley and been aebieved toward opportunities Air. wm her parenta QUALITY the at Trade 1U Carnival ward 1cculator, and , recovery. economy-an- d family. grim penal- Saving given away at First week. last few, a far Uie worker. day Jarvis afore. owned GROCERY. A home ot 4! of , , at all eU f; K REUNION 56-3- Rol-god- 1. L, aver-Smithfie- ld ct 33-5- 3. 90000 Pient, et 18-1- 20-21-- c--n . - -- wk - ry of Payroll? de ! Milt j I lS ; ; job-hold- ; thctLnt . ay rs. -- as after-penr-sn- S ifflbi ?Jn - unt ft gr-'w- a tr rs. rnn' rwl tsa H' TM. rv I , -- .ts? ibis: - 'Card 1 - , |