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Show THE SMITH THE SKM'jNf Kl Kl l iMITHFIEIjXjjTAH TALL TALES Cold Reception .A FEATHERHEADS -- i too fEI-- ILL ICS MAH WAS Th I ATS fePAV AnP WHILE I WAS vsaitini? for Him, -- the furhace WENT OUT, FiRE . Sow-- , WIVES fiS Ysdfiooci ,i RddNlUfr A HEATlUfr Aj Told to: Plant FRANK E. IIAGAN and ELMO SCOTT WATSON A REACHES MitfH PBdREE The Permanent Wave Gland that might easily women million! of baa been reported from Proipect, Conn, by Cart Louie for Mortlnon, artlat and correspondent the Weterhurj (Conn.) Republican. Let- DISCOVERY A ui American dollar! every year Oh Well, Maybe It WAint SMATTER POP ' MESCAL IKE By in Elephant C M. PAYNE Mrn According to Mr. Mortlson, ter Green of Proapect and her daughter hare permanent ware that are the enry of the neighborhood. It teema that Leater Green, while butchering, diaoorerrd a minute gland which prodncea a fluid responsible for the curl or kink In a pig's tall. This with fluid, when extracted, diluted water and rubbed on the hnlr produced a wave for Mrs. Green and hla daugh ter that not only promlaea to have lamIn ing qualities but also deflea rain fact, aliamiMHiIng only freshen It and makes It more potenL Mr. Green visualises great poulblF Itlea for this magic fluid, He believe that IU greatest valne will be demonstrated In manufacturing bed springs. He says that by Immersing ateel or braes wire In the aolutlon It colls Immediately Into a spring and be predicts that blf discovery may revolutionise the bed ipring manufaetnrip; business. So far he baa not patented the process and anyone who want! to try It and make their own bed spring i Is welcome to do sa At Last Muley Has Credit ir i. l. mihtut Perpetual Motion Clock That Ilaa Run Since 1916 A perpetual motion" clock which baa been keeping the correct time since November, 1010, without Mug rewound, la seen In this city suys an Orebro (Sweden) United Press correspondent. The clock, act tinted In air pressure, la so by change constructed that If there should he no air pressure change for more than 12 months the clock atill win keep on going. The clock movement consists of even metal boxes which are effected . by changes In atmospheric pressure. The movement they receive from such variations of pressure Is employed to draw a weight, which turns the clock bands. Never since the clock flrat started ticking has the weight ever been near Its lowest position. The Inventor declnres that only the wearing out of the parts can top the clock. The amount of power the clock needs to move la said to be part of one hone power. Or as the Inventor puts It, If a line of such clocks were placed around the enrth at the equator, the amount of power required for them all would be no more than la needed to operate an ordinary sewing machine. - Week's Supply of Postum Free Read the offer made by the Postum Company In another part of this paper. They will send a full week's sup- ply of health giving Postum free to anyone who writes for 1L Adv. Yawn Explained only a gap In the A yawtl Js The White Cliffs of Dover Id the days when we had A) iron men on wooden ships Instead of wooden men on iron ships." aald Capn John of Marblehead, I signed on for my first crqlse with Old Storm-slonA big feller the skipper was Just four fathoms snd s compass width from the deck to the bridge or hla nose. Ha bad to be. of course, for hit vessel, the Courier, waa the biggest hip on tha Atlantic, Why, I mind tha day ha sent a young feller aloft to push a cloud off the top of the mainmast . . . when he came down he waa dripplu wet with somethin' white. Hanged near drowned up there In '. the Milky Way , . he waa iiDACK "FINNEY OF THE FORCE Saving Account an' ir -- feAT WILL SAVE Sez. A FO o" TWELV- Ecip-j- I Twelve-Fift- y? REALLY? SAVEP? OH THANK HbU JoFFiCER NN V cam buyI That v I L, DRESS I I TMOU6WI COULDN'T J AFFORD fFs w Rut 1 waa startin' to tell you about that time a atorm drove u Betoward tha English channel. tween Calais and the cliffs of Dover Old Stonnalong took one squint ahead and yelled: Will she make Itr May acrape a bit of paint offn her aides but 1 think ahe win,' answered the man at the wheel. "'Cant have that I roared Old 8tormalong. 'AH hands over and soap the sides pat an extry hsavy coat on the starboard.' "The next minute me and tha rest of tha crew waa plasterin' the aides of the Courser with aR the soap we had on board and the eased through without a bit of trouble. Of course. It was such a tight fit that the Dover cliffs scraped every bit of the soap off the starboard aide. Ever since those cllffi have been pure white . . . that's our snap still dingin' to 'em. Sure It 111 Next time you go through the channel taka a look at the waves. Theyre atll a bit foamy from that same soap!" ... By O. JACOBSSON Better Self Adanuon' When You See a Wimpuss A WIMPUSS, according to Austin Butcher, editor of the Altoona (Kan.) Tribune, la a rare animal which grows about aa big aa a bnogle-sug- . but It hn a long tall Uka a collywop and wluga Uka a bearcat It llvea In tha tup ot high trees, whence It flies down to attack defenseless travelers no However, harm la to ha feared from a wlmpusa 1 i BRONC PEELER A Volunteer Cowboy lOMif Vine ' Lemm Va ore easy of non TA AMrBoOvCl.tr nut vitamin' up nr Qoo on . AsTOMiR!AP9M AtrecMtifl JTH6R NoSSCq- WOULD -- -- , IK no l4 Tf.l5lS WNnI WHEN WR Qamcm vMrer KrtPiaYHiitT A Ait TfewN im.tr CH By FRED HARMAN but tMcvm rr KEEP on 6ow'--Twjivr ftuVr No country fin iIcsom' OR emaa. eoMwErtteoi -- I fttntuR shall uck A SUMTOAN OP fflClLLIHfc He Who . , W JOWL I WILL are Am. ) LAD- Y- vwnort i VTMcious For HErtXit is Lovr. OFFIR ITT AeowecY xewcn iHMtmy a ecAunniL W WILL TtU. Aft . If you know wtiat to do when you see ouo coming It la folly to shout at one. for a wlmpusa catches bullets In Its teeth and eata them. The only way to do when one comes at you la to taka a piece or cheese, either Edam or Swiss and tack It securely on a waterfall. The wlnipuaa makes a swoop at the cheese and gels mixed up with the waterfall and gets Ita Teet wet It makes a wlmpnss mad a a get-owhen he gels hla feet wet. So be hunts around for a nice piece of gran to dry them on. The minute the wiwpuss lights on tha grass, hunter ruxhes at him and ties hla tall Id a double bow knoL When a wlm-pohni hla tail tied In a double how knot he la gone, because when he flies he always ducks his head under his body to see who Is following him In doing this he gets hla head caught In the double knot and chokes himseir to death. 'T i. HE WITH Should sek m INTkOvtCW HAR, IIAR, HARI MOTHERS PRESENT By GLUYAS WILLIAMS (OwynoA. N TW 3N mi ImnimMiri UkHNil Imb CUteWnUntr." kbllL E. RrswtH MbnSMMtWIwr aput-terin- "REGLAR FELLERS ADAMSON'S ADVENTURES IkwiMMf noil te UN ID M Num htj Ynr Gncsr Kb K iQLflBBfRlGI.Rts b?a Kfisi gpWD e kv Sab Lake City Directory ; Asm BRAND PICKLES ARTIFICIAL LIMB COl L Bncai nrtch ArtUdsI Tnwis Lfaefca Arch ipswtt IhMS EUsU HmActt &UUbhc4 la Balt LaU la IMS Wt-fcllif- aCw Caaiaataad fk IM W. ThlrS i Balt Late Cltr. UL trnSw h pwippl 'JnGrow?f. SEEDS Write For Spring Catalog U. S. Certified Pullorum Tested Chicks WUta Lactena, Rhais Maai RaSa, BarnS Fftnaath Rack far lawSUIt RcaSqaartan far Hart Gaa iaumrj, 1 snafu far aataraL arUacM, w lank a caa te iraS aarwter Aka Ate acw laUM RaSiaat. Ften wrtts ar n tar arioa mi aawplata lafana- RAMBRAW SUT lx Stale St. HATCHERIES Sab Late City. Oft TIHPANOGOa SH Saatk Tlk EaM HATCH EBY Ttmrm, Utah aauajamiraaaaiiuaaaaacmui SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY O Our lobby te deMglilfally cooled daring the suotm ftaffo far Eiwf Room A is 200 Baths all J ft Waatara Ktwapajtr Lalaa. lurUe-llu- . lu! There (lint i. Mr. Duck trying to with that decoy ! near-sighte- d IV MU otOSimNISDir ,ct atae Mans KMNnUf WRIGLEYS Myda Park la Loadoa In the reign of Henry VIII Hyde I'ark In Londuu was a dense forest In which there were man) wild boars It Is now London's most fashionable park. It la three miles In circumference and has an area of Ml acres The level part, toward the Marble arch, la a favorite Nt for public orators and Is frequently used for s Rotten Row, In the park. Is a horse tack ride of a mile and a hair. Its name waa originally Rouchten'a Rue or street, and It waa used by tard Ivnughlen and hla frlemla aa a bridle path. Kenslngtoa gardens, covering acres adjoin the park. Park lane, containing some of the finest nun-Ion- a la London, rnna alongside tha path. msss-meeling- j ISREARMfNTM j j PERFECT MKsnMlimw MO MNS WbL LAI a m Nancfcnrnwc WtWW.ONlHOft tVS aMAEIhVi ft wurMAien SWUOURSl NtO MNfaMNcsnf Ml ohmdm iWlWAMlRr McammiwmwV StreiK HOTEL Temple Square ffatea fS.50 to $3.00 Tha Itolrl Tnupla Sqnarn baa a ! fiinMilv hjlhli Miabh, bara.Ym will ulai auptemaly la?a(MltteaH. Mmfartabb, aaA t horauahly aatwnilili.yow caa nailaniaaa why tkla hole! lai MM-f- HIGHLY UECOMM ENDED iMuaiteanaadahvlq. Ifi atawt al AitiacllM b iby IMa hommUM teaMry ERNEST G ROSSITER. Afge. |