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Show MADE A MINISTERS u .0 AVEJ Jv liENNET "The venerable countess of Cardigan, he author, you know, of that wicked book of memoirs, thinks the modern girl is loo athletic and said an English visitor to The lack of exercise In a minister's Ilfs makes linn very prune to uouailpailon but for Uiat matit-r- . most everybody Is now snd tlien. It is tbs na-- 1 ronstipunil o n a I disorder. Many already know that a sura way to cure constipation snd other Bittnisch, liver and bowel troubles Is with Iir. Caldwells Syrup which church p s o p 1 s have been buying for twenty years. Rev. K. A. Kemp of Rlslnr Bun. Ind., SecretaryCon-oftha Indiana ference o f the Methodist Episcopal Church, saye In part: "For years I Dr. W. R Caldwell have been a vicLook for thta pictim of constipation ture on the package but I have never found anything to equal Dr. Caldwell Syrup Pepsin. I also had Indigestion and heart trouble. I can certainly recom- New York. The countess of Cardigan often tells of a young man who was drinking tea with a beautiful girl when her little brother slipped Into the room. 'Mr. Matinerlng,' the boy asked, can you stand on your head?1 "No, said the visitor, laughing, T don't believe I can.' " Well, I can said the boy. Took hoy-ilenlsh-," 1 fcCo. mr barricade, she went to meet Blake, who had been up on the cliff for eggs. "Hello! he sang out, as he swung down the tree, one hand gripping the clay pot In which he bad gathered the eggs. "What you doing out in the un? Get Into the shade," She stepped Into fhe shade and waited until be had climbed down the pile of stones which he had built for steps at the foot of the tree. Mr. Blake," she began, "could not 1 do this work gather the eggs?" "You could, If I'd let you. Mlaa Jenny. But it strikes me you've got quite enough to do. Tell you the truth. I'd like to make Win take It In hand again. But all my cussing wont budge him an Inch, and, you know, when It comes ta the rub, 1 couldnt wallop a fellow who can hardly stand up." "la he really so weak?" she murmured. "Well, you know how Say, you don't mean that you think he's shamming?" "I did not uy that 1 thought so, Mr. Blake. I do not care to talk about him. What I wish Is that you will let me attend to this work. "Couldn't think of It, Miss Jenny! You're already doing your share." "Mr. Blake If yon must know 1 wish to have a place where I can go and be apart alone." Blake scowled. "Alone with that dude! He'd Boon find enough strength to climb up with you on the cliff." "I ah Mr. Blake, would be be apt to follow me, If I told you distinctly 1 should rather be alone? "Would he? Well, I should rather gueaa not! cried Blake, making no attempt to conceal hla delight. "I'll give him a hint that'll make hia hair curl. From now on, nobody dlmba up this tree but you, without first asking your permission. Thank you, Mr. Blake! You are very kind. "Kind to let you do more work! But ay. I'll help out all I can on the other You know, Miss Jenny a work. .Julio llkeme don't know liow" It, but he caiTtEInk It lusT the 'd do anything in the world SYNOPSIS. of oprna wllh tbs clilpwri-rstory on hut on whlrh Mite liord ..ralli', an Amrilran un KnKllHlinmn, a ml Torn llUko, I bruiujue AmerU-unpau-m;irrrm The llirif a ere IumknI upon an uuihliub-Me- ii Th Jir Rev. Kemp Telia of Hla Dlgeatlva Troubles and How Ha Overcame Them You Can Do 8o Free. I uumvaisermwAima fOMtaitur ft .c.n(itmc mi loru-vb-v- Wln-.hni- it, , inland and were tlm only iiiii-- not illHka rwovrnd from a drunk-- n atupor. lllake. aliunnod on tlm boar, tmaium of hla rouahmaa, lavanm a liro M prrm-rve- r of tin hnliileas pair. Tin KiiKlIhhmaa waa aulna for Him Imnd nf Muia I Jilake loo to k awlm atartud Jo llu- alilp to rr cover what waa left. Blake returned aafuly. Wlntliropo wanted ala luai oiateli on a HfiiHIr, for wldeh ta waa aoorod by ltlaku. Tlirlr tlrat meal " ahike Ball. The trio aiartul a ten land. Tlilrnt at 'll; 1 them.toy Mghnr Hlake waa compelled ta aarry Mlaa Imll on aonnunt of wear! eaa. lie taunted Wlnthrnpe. They entered the jungle. That night waa hoelln high In a tree. Tlia newt peaaed nwrn-m- g they dearended to the again. All three Mnatrueted Iiata to open alileUI tlmm-elr- ea from the sun. They limn faated nuli, the only U Mtae Leatle ahowed a proeuralde liking for ltlaka. Mit detested hla roughneaa. Led by lllake esiatillalied a home In eonia W elllfa. Riaka found a freah water spring. Mian faeed an unpleasant eituatlnn. Jjealle rliey plunned their eampulgn. lllake his magnifying glass, :hus Insuringsurveyor's Are. Ils started a Jungle V ,rTi killing a large Isununl and sniotli-rln- g several In tlm cav rn they built ft umall home.liwiiiard'a They gainml .lift rliffa liy hurtling the bottom vee until It fell against the lietglits. ofTheft trio senured eggs from the elltfs. Mlae I.ealie'a white skirt was divided aui as a signal. Miss Iawlle rnade a Irejw from the leopard skin, lllnke's to kill anlelopea fulled. Overliear-SJ- f .? conversation between Rlake and frlglit-mum- I. Hlnllirope. Mias latslls Winthrope became III with fi ver. Bhtke was poisoned by a fish. Jacks Is kttarked the ramp that night, but were Irlven off by Genevieve, Itlnke relumed, tftnr nearly dying. lllake mmalrurteil an knlinal trap. It killed a hyena. On a tour ;h" trl olwovered honey and oysters. Miss was attaekeil by a poisonous inaks. Mlake killed It snd saved jib potion to kill game. JruwiKHl. ib-a- M. - ' rut. ta liei-sni- e la-sll- e CHAPTER XVI le Continued. When he camo to the ant hill, he found companion! and honey alike aone. He went on to the cocoanufs. There he came Ugm WloIhroiMi itretched flat bealde the akin of honey. Miss Leslie was aeated a little way beyond, norvously bending a palm-lea- f Into ahape for a hat "I aay, Blake," drawled Wlnthroiie, "you've been a deuced long time In rtuiuwsrt OF SECRECY Therefore Caller Could Only Guess Who Had Taught Yrjngster to Stand on Hia Head. CONSTIPATION !7 TtOBZHT PROMISE here.' "And he stood on bis bead very neatly in the corner. "Ha, ha!' laughed Mr. Mannerlng. 'And who taught you that?1 "The urchin frowned. "'Sister he said. Told me I must never telL' She waa Very Fiehy. a fisherman's daughter, she wore her hair In a net, and she prelove in a piscatorial way. ferred M at of can be any druggist It bought cents pr $1 a bottle. If there la anything love," he whispered, "you hold "My about your case thst you don't underIn my heart! Although I flrat 'place have to the doctor. If you stand, write never used this remedy and would Ilka flounder about in expressing myself, to try it, send your address snd a tree my sole wish la that you will save to your sample bottle willDr.beW.forwarded B. Caldwell, 101 me from becoming a 'crabbed' old home. Address Caldwell Bldg., Montlcello, lib bachelor. I shall stick to you closer than a 'limpet,' from yon a 'winkTT BACK TO THE WORLD. be the road to guide me. Together we will skate over lifes rocks and when I look at your hand bealde me I shall aay to myself: Fortune waa mine when I put herring there!" And then the lady dropped her eyea In aweet confusion, and murmured: mend It. "Pass the salt" No Affair of Hla. "I noticed, Mr. Lloyd, that you were the only person who did not weep during Mr. Evans beautiful prayer." "You forget, Mra. Davlea, that I belong to another parish." The Bystander. Editor Weve lost another poet Assistant What was the trouble, lead? Editor No; he got back his old job In the department store. UNSIGHTLY COMPLEXIONS . The constant use of Cutlcura Soap, aaaifltba' cy' LTiatjifllfffliJueui,' i toilet, bath and nursery purposes not only preserves, purifies, and beautifies poke, he held out hla rough, the akin, scalp, hair and hands, but hand. She shrank back a prevents Inflammation, Irritation and caught her breath In aud-- dogging, of the pores, the common But when ahe met hla cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and roughneaa, yellow, oily, mothy and , her. fear toft her aa quick-See Our Pocket Edition come. She impulsively other unwholesome conditions of the All and akin. who NO STROPPING NO BONING delight. r hand and he seized it in complexion rought the tears to her In a clear skin, soft, white hands, a clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy Miss Jenny!" he mur-- hair, will find Cutlcura Soap most sucKNOWN TNN unconscious that he cessful in realising every expectation. WORLD OVEN Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are adher, "you know now that fiend, Mlaa Jenny! -mirably adapted to preserve the ImtaAhiUMltfltai vtr. Blake, ahe answered, health of the akin and scalp of In- DAISY FLY KILLERS Kin and drawing her hand free. "1 fanta and children, and to prevent Laato All ah NfftaafwlaiiiaHal you are a friend I believe 1 minor blemishes or Inherited akin hulalil m up affr( vUI mors becoming chronic, and may be trust you." aalNilMiflitmafip Mlf. OufUMflft You can, by Jimlny! But say, used from the hour of birth. Cutlcura ftwiAttfallMRi he continued, blundering with dense Remedies are sold throughout the civliROii tom 1M MUlbAvae stupidity, "do you really mean that? ilized world. Send to Potter Drug ft BwUja, Kr Yft Cau you forgive me for being so con- Chem. Corp., sole proprietors, Boston, founded meddlesome the other day for their free Cutlcura book, 32 pages after the snake of Invaluable advice on care and MUSIC LESSONS FREE He stopped short, for upon the in- treatment of the akin, scalp and hair. IN YOFR OWN HOMK InoiUorto make our horaa Mody sou nra known la stant she was facing him, as on that II dive Ton knalltr this ibaliM; liw. A Grievance. eventful day, scarlet with shame and fur enter Plano, OTfan. Violin, liulter, Bunjo, ManCo mt. It metten nut whether yuu ere a or dolin, no Is fashionable Hewitt It longer anger. pupil, the leieune will te bwlgnrr or an adraneed niltable to pnr need. They ere merrela nf "How dare you speak of it?" she for a woman to have a small waist. made ImplieUr.' Drop poasol oordat oaee for our XXII Jewett I know it; you buuelvt. You're you're not a gentlecried. htmatiml tntltrts it Bole, N FlftUi., hfl S JbeTwt 0 fellows hare a cinch. man! Before he could reply she turned and left him, walking rapidly and with her head hold high. Blake start'd after her In bewilderment. Well, what in what in thunder have I done now? he exclaimed. "La dies are certainly mighty funny! To go off at a touch and Just when I thought we were going to be chums! For Infants and CHldren. nut then, of course, I've the whole thing to learn about nice girls like her!" "1 ah must certainly asrree with you there. Blake," drawled Winthrope, from beside the nearest bush. Blake turned upon him with savage ALCOHOL- -3 PER CENT fury: "You dirty sneak! you gentleVegetable Preparation lor As man! You've been eavesdropping!" similating Ihe Food and Reg ula The Englishman's yellow face paled ting the Stomachs and Bowels of to a sallow mottled gray. He had seem the same look In ltlake'a eyea KfLOREN twice before, and this time Blake waa far more angry. Promotes PigesfiooChcerful-nrssan- d "You sneak! yon sham gent!" reRest jContaini neither peated the American, hla voice sinkOpium, Morphine nor Mineral ing ominously. Not Winthrope dropped in an abject Arpr rOUBrSAMVUimrSK heap, as though Blake had struck him with his club. Jtx Jmr No, no!" he protested, shrilly. T JditMbSmfit am a real I am I'm a not " dnimSfd fW "Thats It you're a not! That'! MVjU true!" broke in Blake, with sudden HirmJrfd grim humor. "You'ro a nothing. Xnvt H'mktfrft fellow cant even wipe hla shoea on A nothing!" perfect Remedy forConsIlpa lion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, The change to sarcasm came as an Worms .Convulsions .Feverishimmense relief to Wlnthroiie. Ah, I aay now, Blake," he drawled, ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. pulling together hla asanraneo the InFacsimile Signature of stant the dangerous light left Blake'a eyea, "I aay, now, do you think It fair to pick on a man who la so roach youi er who la 111 and weak? The Centaur Company, lllllTltiiiry Blake brushed past without replying, and went on until he atood before 'h girl. Aa she glanced up at him, ae held out the crlmaon blossom. "Thought you might like poslea," he said, In a hesitating voice. luslead of taking the flower, uhe Irew back with a gesture of repul-ilot- noised could see large forma moving currencoa above all, abroad to the vulgar crowd, or even from him; then came tfie flood of on light, and he made among your friends "What do you mean? What do you figures were a drove of h Hla eyea flashed with eat want?" cried the girl, staring at him with a deepening fear in her bewil- was a long shot ; but he ka more waa required than to dered eyes. kin on any part of hia 'Believe me, my dear. It grieves me Oh, take It away!" ahe exclnlmed. He put his fingers between to so perturb you; but er love must Blake flung the rejected girt on the and sent out a piercing have Its way, you know." waa a trick he had trie round, and crushed It beneath his "You forget. There la Mr. Blake." seel. once on deer and prong! "Ah. to be sure! But really now, "Catch me making a fool or myself Aa he expected, the you would not oak, or even permit him wung half around, tgaln!" he growled. to not murder la one and legally me; I I did not mean It that way a mark ha: presented bound, you know, to observe promlie rose and shot really I didn't, Mr. Blake. It waa the ises a pledge of silence, for example to fly. nefoi ihought of that awful anake. when extorted under duress, under wheeling second arrow to the But Blake, cut to the quick, had violence, you knew. herd were running off at aT turned away far too angry to heed Miss I,eslle looked the gallop. He lowered hla bow shat aha said. I la stopped short be- up and down, her brown Englishman eyea spar- after the animals, smiling with grim tide the Englishman; but only to sling kling with anger. He He had seen hla arrow '.he akin of honey upon hia back. The met her scorn with a smile of smug anticipation. trike against the aide of the young nod waa by no means a light one. complacenry. bull at which he had aimed. ven for hla strength, Yot he caught "Cad! she cried, and turning her So great waa the abundance of meat as the heavy jot well, and made hark upon him, she set out across the ip that Blake worked all the remainder iS across the plain at a pace which pluin after Blake. of the day and all night stringing the :be others could not hope to equal flesh on the curing racks, and Mlaa As Wlnthroiie rose and came CHAPTER XVIII. Leslie tried out iot after pot of fat to Join Mlaa Leslie, he looked and tallow, until every spare vessel ibout closely for the bruised flower, The Eavesdropper Caught. was filled and ahe bad to resort to a t waa nowhere In sight. hollow In the rock beside the spring. Er beg pardon, Mias Genevieve, Blake promised to nuke more pots sut did not Klake drop the bloom as soon ns he could fetch the clayji but i r blossom somewhere about here?' he had first to dress ttie eland hide "Perhaps he did," replied Miss LeaYEN hnd It not been for her and prepare a new stock of thread and ds. She spoke with studied Itidiffcr doubts or llluke, the gtrl'a cord front parts of the animal which ance. modesty would have cuiised he was careful not to let her eet' "1 ah saw the fellow exhibit hU her to think twice before repeating to Whatever their concern for the fuImpudence." hi'i the Englishman's Insulting pro- ture and even Blake's was keen and " posal. While she yet hesitated and bitter the party, as a party, for the You know, 1 think It high time the dolnyed, Winthrope came down with time being might have been considered bounder la taken down a peg." a second attack of fever. Blake, who extremely fortunate. They had a shelAh, indeed! Then why do you not until then had held hlmseK sullenly ter secure alike from the weather try Itr apart from hlin as well as from Miss and from wild beasts; an abundance Miss Genevieve! you know that it liCilfe, at once softenod to a gentler, or nutrlticia food, and. aa material for present I " am physically so much his or, at least, to a more considerate clothing, the bushbuck, hyena and mood. Though his speech snd bearing eland bides. To obtain more skins and inferior' continued morose, he took upon him- more meat Blake now knew would be "How about mentally Though the girl's eyes were veiled self all the duties of night nurse, a simple matter so long as he had py their lashes, ahe saw Winthrope working and foraging several enough poison tort In the cigarette last after Blake a look that seemed hours each day. case to moisten the tips of hia arhi her almost fiercely vindictive. Much to Miss Iicalle's surprise, she rows. "Well? she said, smiling, but watch found herself tending the Invalid Even Winthrope' relapse proved far as though less serious than might reasonably him almost the closely. daytime jig through "Ah, Indeed. However, this Is now nothing had happened. But everything have been expected. The fever soon julte another matter, lias It not oo about this wild and perilous life waa left him and within a few days he remrred to you, my dear, that this entire sc strange and unnatural to her that gained strength enough to care for experience of oura since that beastly she found herself accepting the most himself. Here, however, much to unconventional relations as a regular Blakes perplexity and concern, his .toriu la rather er compromising? "You you dare any such a thing! consequence of the situation. She progress seemed to stop, and all go this Instant aud tell Mr.- Blake! was feverishly eager for anything that Itlnke'B urging could do no more than might occupy her mind: for she felt cause him to move languidly from one ' Merging your pardon, madam but that to brood over the future might shady spot to another. He would remean madness. The mere thought of ceive Blake's orders with a smile and re you prepared to marry Unit the possibilities was far too terrifying a drawling "Ya-as- , to be sure! and clodhopper?" ".Murry? Wlint do you mean, sir?' to bo calmly dwelt upon. Though then absolutely ignore the matter. comOnly in reo way did ihe Invalid ex"Precisely that. It la a question of slight, there had been some little could she belief the rely hibit any signs of energy. He could In thst fort me. If Anl. you'll pardon marriage, uii sou. 1 flatter myself, that when It on Wlntbrope. But now she was left and did cat with a hrartlnesslittle abort to the imlnt, it will not' be alone with her doubt and dread. Even of that shown by Blake, and he would innii-If she had nothing to fear from Blake, Insist upon seeking opixtrtnnltlea to lllake, but myself1 of press hi attentions upon Mlaa Leslie. 1 Indeed! And If should "All, pre- there were all the savage dangers the coast, and behind those, far worse, He was careful to avoid all offensive fer neither of you?" remarks; yet the veriest commonplace "Begging your pardon 1 fancy you Jtc fever. A liltlo before dawa he dipped two from his lips was now an offense to will honor roe with your hand, my (TO BB CONTINUED.) In the sticky the gtrl. While he needed her air dear. Ear one thing, you admit that cl trie now contents of the cigarette caae, fitted nurse she had endured hla talk aa part am a gentleman. Uncle William Yea, Willie, I have them carefully to their shafts and stole of her duty. But now she felt that ahe "Oh. Indeed!" had my nose to the grindstone all my "One moment, p lease! 1 am trying away down the cleft. Dawn found him could no longer dc so. Taking gd Ufa. where the of low crouched la time a the as aa to ln(!ni:ii in you. when the Englishvantage grass pos-i-delicately Willie Is that what made It ao red Irw-. you overflow from the pool ran out into man was, aa she supposed, enjoying embarrassing nnnnitav siesta down towards the uncle? Stray Stories. :el !l to have iIkmm llltle nr- - th ninin ulnnr lt little channel. He 's - d i. . !& f quick-returnin- g for-sar- d "Yc-eaf- bo-sid- - 11 ll' bur-ouro- s arrow-head- s Hr long-arme- 1 Ths Kind You Have Always Bought -- I- - " . ) Bears the Signature of Narcotic A-pJi- 'a SJ In Use For Over NEW YORK. 1 1 A th oldBB 4 Thirty Years Cents' 35 Guaranteed under the Foodnj xcct Copy S2Z a-- d of Wrappcf. WirawnMiHraun crawnumi. |