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Show A t V ! M I VOL. I BEAVER CITY, UTAH, JUNE i9 iSyfi. SALUPITORY. MINES AND MINING. Only lbrccj weeks have passed, since The Uionian plant was moved to Provo, and we are ready now to fulfill ous promise to our patrons and subscribers, in the last issue. Ry a liberal and kind subscription, on the part of several prominent citizens, and merchants, we have been enabled to purchase a good plant at Prove, at reasonable figures, and we come to our readers in this week'sjissue with The Beaver The Smelter or Furnace, and Mill at the Sulphur beds, is running day and night, under the Supcrintcn-dencof Mr. Jno. M. MacFarlane, with some forty names on the payroll, but we regret to hear that they think of closing down about July 1, for two or tnrec months. Lammersdorf, the old Charcoal burner in Tintic; Lammersdorf the Charcoal burner, for the Horn Countv News. Only being able to make a partial paymcntMown for our plant, we solicit further help in the way of contribution, from other leading citizens, who have not yet come to our aid, and the general public in this City, Reaver County, and Southern Utah, promising them in return for their subscriptions, that we will publish'aiul sendthem as. good a local paper as is possible with our ii.iterial, or that is printed in any of the leading towns or cities in Utah, of our class. in politics, avoidthe exing and condemning tremes on all subjects ; for the interests and welfare of our beautiful city, and her citizens, and the advertising and heralding of our enterprises, together with the desirability ofourJFt. , Cameron, as the most beautiful and favorable site and location for a State School, we promise our patrons that our best efforts shall be exercised, and contin-ou- s in that line. Non-partiza- srtciAi. The Ogden Standard gives an account of a man named C. P. Haag being bitten by a large rattlesnake last Wednesday. After killing the snake, went to Ogden, and was taken to the hospital. At last accounts it was thought he would recover. The snake was a very large one, had seven rattles and a button and was as large as a man's arm. MISCELLANEOUS CULLINGS Congress is expected to complete its labors for this season shortly. It is said that gold is being used to defeat silver at St. Louis. y Silver Mining Co. became by his good judgment and a few thousand dollars investmeht, controlling owner ot the celebrated Sevier Gold Mine, on the north east side and slepc of Mt. Baldy. It was gratifying to see his $40,000, receipt of gold deposited to his credit in Bank, the socond payment on his interest in said mine, and we understand he is not los ing sleep if the next payment of $50,000, the balanco due is not made in or at the stipnlated time. The worthy sometimes get the reward of their Iobors. ta the highest pitch of excitement by the alarm cf fire and the clang of fire blls. Almost instantly the lower part of the block between Main and First West street became illuminated and the most intense excitement prevailed. The fire be to at Bishop Coffys proved all his corrals, and burned premises sheds, etc., but as tliey were old and getting the worse for service, the damage was not great. By prompt and decisive efforts the fire was kept from spreading, although the tithing barn and the Bishops kouse had narrow escapes. STILL. IN THE LEAD DRESS GOODS. MORESQUES, ORGANDIES: BROCHEPOUS, TAFFETA MOHIES; CADES, SWISS MTJSEIITS . ks YresRwm'E.wt The Cremona Gkoei. During the last eighteen months, one hitch and delay has succeeded another, in the development of these mines, not that the owners lacked confidence in their properties but rather the means to go ahead, with and determine the extent of their ore bodies and quality. Mr. Simon Bamberger, Eisenman rnd others, from Salt Lake, were here about a month ago, and Bamberger succeeded in getting a controlling interest at that time not only in the group, but in several others equally as good if not belter, the properties of Mr. John E. F arr " and DJ." Frew." Bamberger went east immediately after returning to Salt Lake, returning therefrom a few days ago, as we are advised, with investments sufficient to push development work to the satisfaction of himself and Mr. Wilson, an expert mining who is now in the mines examining the ledges and ground, and to direct the workings necessary for the taking out of the ores, and the building of reduction works in the near futnre. It is reported that at least twenty to forty men will be put to work immediately, which we hope is true, as we do not know of any mining camp in all the Rocky Mountains, where ores can be so cheaply mined, and reduced as on North Creek and Indian Creek, fire wood and mining timber being all arouud the properties, and labor cheap. Without the development of some of these good mines. Beaver will be nt a er, pedal-actin-g Tlic Iron County Record says that on Tuesday the 9th inst., about 10 oclock our quiet city was roused BEAVER CO-- OP The 1 Icrnian6?murder mystery, the Democratic State Convention and the llynds murder trial have )ecii the principal subjects for conversation, but one, during the past week in Utahs capital. The 011c exception is the Midsummer CarnL carry the finest line of goods in the market. The following is only ival. It is oc everybody's lips. Surpliced ministers allude to it in a bare list, cut from it you can decide what we carry. sermons, newspapers devoted columns to it, men learned in the law mention it in their arguments before the courts and busindss men and customers interrupt tiade propositions to discuss it. Never before in PEEIiTRIETT-A- the history of Utah has there been so t. much interest manifested in a Never before have business men contributed so liberally to a Sc, Sc. fund and never before has the State at large shown so much enthusiasm SHIRT WAISTS. over a celebration. It will be tbc OLR S1IIKT WAISTS ARE ABOUT THE NEATEST PATTERNS ilrst State celebration Utah has is ever had. It the first time (hat AND SIMPLY ELEGANT. Utah has ever invited the world to participate in festivities arranged Persons contemplating particiwithin her borders and for her own in the great celebration can aggrandizement. During the three pating obtain full information from the OUR LINKA11 IN K I) WARE AND LEATHER GOODS IS NOW COMPLETE. days celebration there will be more local railroad agent. enjoyment massed .ogetlier than there has been in any one year in SMOY. Ilaomlng Utah. any other place since the West. became part and parcel of civilizaJUST (JALL AND SEE THE LADIES OXFORDS AND SHOES, ANI) YOU tion. Three grand parades, a THE OIIEATEST FRUIT COUNTRY IN WILL WANT NOTHING BETTER IN QUALITY, PRICE OR STYLE. grotesque parade, a great ball, the THE WORLD. grandest concert ever programmed, pro-cc- stand-sti- ll for many years. machine If any of our readers have any constructed, is alleged to be a doubt as to the mines up Indian bicycle on exhibition in a window of a bicycle firm on Broadway, Creek, they have only to look at the New York. The wheel was built, piece of lock Dick Tassel, was showin 185S, of wood. It is exciting ing on Wednesday, and which ha been broken off a newly discoverec considerable attention. ledge in the vicinity of the Helen Allan Hughes, the mutton King McGregor, a day or two before. The piece couldnt weigh over of the world, is in New York ounces, and it was not only eight where he will remain for a few with gold but barred with starred days. He will sail for Australia golJ, and at least five dollars worth via Iondon. was in sight. The first E. O. Rogiiou, 1'resiileut of the Utah Press Association, is the president of the Executive Committee and is the right man in the right place. State Treasure! James Chipinan is llit custodian of the Carnival Fund and S. V. Shelp, manager of the great dry gooihs firm of Walker Brothers, is the disbursing agent of the Executive Committee. Ten thousand school children will take part in the floral festival. There will he over seventy-fiv- e floats in line. Twenty-fiv- e of them will he allegorical in their nature and the remainder will represent the resources and industries of Utah. Professor Evan Stephens is the Musical Director, lie is now rehearsing over 600 trained voices for the grand concert and is preparing for the band contest. Bands which enter the contest will he given a railroad rate of one cent a mile. Every baud of any consequence in Utah will be massed in Salt Lake City. J Salt Lake City, June S, 1896. n, There was considerable trouble in St. Louis about the colored delegates. They did not apply early enough nt he leading hotels, then they complained that they were debarred by virtue of their color. People in the north are not accustomed to drawing the color line, but in the south it has been rulable to do so at the principal hotels. Matters have at last been amicably settled. CORRESPONDENCE. NUMBER I. Mr. Anthony Godbe, has purchased one of the best mines in the State line district, Nevada, from which they are now shipping ore to their Smelter and Mills at Eullion-villShould the property continue to be as extensive in the ore bodies as it is now, they will put up a Mill, near to the mine, and about twenty miles north east of Paaasca. e. The Brigham Bugler says the stormy weather prevented the carrying out of the exercises on Decoration day. We would like to know what we have done that we cannot have a good storm around Beaver. the most magnificent fireworks KOTOiliTOSS. display, the only floral festival, Mr. Roland R. Conklin, formerly OUR LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN POLLS, TABLE AND STAND bycicle and horse races, excursions of the Jarvis Conklin Trust company to the famed Great Salt Lake, Utahs and at BELT PINS, BUCKLES AND STRAW GOODS, ARE AMONG SOME OF present of the North Ameribrightest and waamest orators, can Trust company was in this city THE LATEST WE CARRY. miles of floats, depicting the material Mr. Conklin was here resources of Utah, and the enterprise yesterday. in the interest of the vast properties of manufacturers and merchants, in which both himself and his comand last, but not least, Utahs most are interested and has been beautiful daughters, and thousands pany personally inspecting the same for OWING TO OUR HEAVY SHIPMENT, WE HAVE BEE OBLIGED TO UTof her brightest school children will the purpose of getting data to ex- ILIZE OUR UPPER STORY. WE HAVE MENS YOUTHS AND BOYS SUITS participate. Salt Lake City wiil be tensively advertise the greatness of a mass of bunting. The business northern Utah. IN ALL STYLES AND PRICES. houses will be handsomely decorHe said : We arc bending all our ated, private houses will be covered energies CARPET DEPARTMENT. now to the Bear river with gaudily colored lanterns and land aniljust orrhnrd project anil arc Before leaving, dont forget to examine our fine line of CARPETING the national colors. By day the j t'0 close out the balance thnn Salt Lake prices. Streets .Wfil.be . ?" nf beiyvt,1 Jjf j,c iArn fortal? ratoon airpirsM-bl- and LINOLEUMS, enterprise and enthusiasm ; by Wc expect to do some mamnight the houses will be illuminated moth advertising soon and will preART GALLERY. and the peaks of the Wasatch sent the claim of Utahs superiority Our fine Art Gallery has attracted the attention of all, this week owing bright with the fires of welcome to over California and the coiist as a the thousands of strangers a glad horticultural to the arrival of a heavy shipment of enlarged Crayon Portraits. country in all its merits. and prosperous people will ignite. It is our We make terms for procuring these that are within the reach of all. im to continue the policy The plans for it are all perfected, and be make what we provements J. F. TOLTON, Supt, the money to defray the expenses iieve will he the fruit progreatest will It be securedthree days ducing country on the face of the of good cheer, of genial hospitality globe. and unbounded enthusiasm. The Mr. Conklin spoke of the street stranger will be welcomed as a railway and said : Mr. Paxton of brother; lie will be invited to he Omaha, owner of the Hot Springs come one of us and given such a DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP property, and myself have held hearty reception that he will con- several conferences with a view to tinue forever after to look upon the consolidation of the street railTIMBER, Zion as the fairest city on the footthe Hot and under line way Springs stool, and upon Utah as the fairest a new company. I11 case our ALSO State in the domain over which the do not miscarry we will runplans an Iron and Kind Tires, Goddess of Liberty casts her shadow. electric line to the and Nfeel Nhors, Springs and make From the East and the West, of that most one of resort popular from the North and the South come magnificicnt resorts in the ll and cheer. west. The pleasure tidings of good-wiis to run the elecplan JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER TRAIN LOAD OF THE Montana will send at least 1000 of tric line with power furnished by her sturdy sons and beautiful the Pioneer Electric Power com daughters; Wyoming will contri- pany as soon as the power can he bute a thousand of her brave plains- manufactured. men ; Idaho a tnousand more of her Mr Conklin spoke very enthusi plucky miners ; Nevada will he good asticully of Ogden and Heir river for 500 more men of the same cali- countrv and expressed the strongest bre., and from pushing Colorado a hope lor tbc future greatness o thousand more will come to look both. He left last lali'o me a fall and get Hie value af your idouey. evening for the upon the birth of the enterprise east. Ogdeii Standard. E. FERNLEY, Blacksmith. which will in time make Salt Lake West. of the the City metropolis flOne door west of the Com I How, Beaver, Utah. We learn from the Iron County From Nebraska, Kansas and Mis- Record that Wm. Jones, of Enoch souri excursion parties are coming son of Jonn Jones, who has been and from the golden shores of the ill for some time past, Pacific 'Californians very WOOLEN taken to St. George a few days since n will lock elbows with the natty to go through the temple, and in fron Chicago Utahs outside tended to go from there to the Sul towns will swell the great throng by phur Snrings near Toquervillo to at least 20,000, and the prediction bathe for his health. He visited the that 50,000 people will unite with Carry an Extenstve Stock of but became too weak to go temple, adSalt Lake in cclebraaing Utahs to the Springs, and they started to mission into the Union will be verihim home. Just before enterbring -fied. ing Cedar yesterday afternoon the CARNIVAL NOTES. unfortunate died. The disease A mass meeting in the interest of was 22 years of age, and was so Largest won in Heater. the Carnival was held in Provo last amiable and agreeable that he was Friday. The Enquirer says that at beloved by everyone who knew liinr. least 1000 Provoitcs will visit Salt The corpse was taken to the home Lake of Jiig sistef,- Mrs. James Bryant, A Iompleie line of Henry J. Newman, the Grand where it still remains. The time Doeskins , Kcrsies , Blankets, Tarns, Marshal, is a graduate of West for the funeral is fixed for 4 p. m. Point and a member, with the rank Twills, Flannels, and Linseys, of colonel, of the Governors staff. Men's Overskirts and Underwear. Candidates for county queens Wedneida, the Deseret News should rememher to have their pho- had an article on the manner of DOV-ER- Clothing Department. lqer c. E. -- FERhlbEY, WACONA0- CARRIAGE Iron II or? plow Handles, etc. Finest &tock ever come to ISenver KrCIZtiSAJ? trade-hunti- BEAVER ng grip-ma- FOR CASH.-- W MILLJSJ& WOOL 4 HOME MHDE GOODS 4 - to-da- y. tographs in readiness lor transmission to the Executive Committee. As soon as the result is announced they should be mailed. Will Clawson the art dilector, obtained his training in the salon of Paris. Some of his float creations are electing State carnival queen. It claimed that a daughter of one of WOOb AND GRAINS Utahs pioneers should have that honor, and nrt a foreign born, 'Jioiiyhf hi exchange for Goods i lady. There is a whole lot of sense irf the article Sup't; fin-kno- WM. II. FARNSWORTH, E, |