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Show LOOK FOR THE BEST IS WORTHY OF GREU CiTY HAMMERSTEIN QUITS OPERA OLDIER'S EXPERIENCE. of Army Lift Brought On a the Waiting Room in Terminal Station al His Retirement Removes One of Severs Cass of Kidney Trouble. of New York Fitted With ApproMost Picturesque Impresarios COMPETITION THAT IS COOD FOR the Musio World. priate Magnificence. H. N. Camp, 1356 RAILROAD MEN. Delaware announcement St., DenOne of the moat beautiful thing York. Tfce New ver, Colo., says: "Durabout the magnificent waiting room ul made several days ago that Oscar Bteam and Interurban Llnea n ing the the new terminal station in New York ilamuierstein had withdrawn from on the Outlook for People war, I contractla the atone facing, which was Im- opera removed from the American imWith Braina to Operate Their ed a severe kidney ported from Italy and taken from the field one of the moat picturesque trouble. After rebed of the River Tiber. This stone, presarios that ever conducted an opLengtha of Mileage. exturning home, 1 waa carefully dressed, haa been used a eratic enterprise, ills career baa The beat chance for a young man good deal In the ceilings and upper tended from cigar maker to playunder a physician! care for months, but tn the railroad bualncaa now la not walla. The waiting room, which If wright, theatrical agent, builder of with the uteain 277 feet long and 103 feet wide, li theaters and producer of grand opera. grew gradually worse. llnea, but with the deeply Impressive aa one entera It He left Derlln, where he was horn In Finally 1 got so bad I could not hold the lnterurbana," said from Seventh avenue. A large man a railroad official feels very small because of the t reurine at all. I also who haa served j mendoiis dimensions of the room. This had Intense sufferwith both, From room la faced by the big concourse ing from back pains. a small office force and on either side of It are smaller Doan's Kidney Pills of fifteen or twenty waiting rooms, one for men and one made Improvement men. Including the for women, with dining rooms, comfrom the first, and soon I was well and president, general fort and other rooina. manager and down strong. Passing from the waiting room out to the office boy. Into the concourse; where one findi Remember the name Doans. the largest Inter- the train signs and the stairway leadFor sale by all dealers. GO cents urban system In ing down to the trafna, creates lle box. Foster-Miltrar- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y the west now em- feeling of going outdoor because of For the Critics. a Its great height, and the fact that Its ploys nearly Creston Clark, whose untimely thousand men In whole upper part la made of plate death at Asheville robbed America of its offices In vari- glass that takes on the varying shades serious and capable actor, waa ous cities. and tints of the clouds and sky above somewhat Impatient of criticism. TO New positions It When the sky la deep blue, bo la a Philadelphia critic he once said: are being created each year. A gen- the roof of the waiting room. When "You chain are unwilling to accept eral superintendent formerly con- the clouds are pearly gray, so are the man for what he la You want to trolled the operating department of glass sections of the roof of the conchange him to your own taste. But the entire system. Now It Is com- course. each of you has a different taste. To plicated, but the complications are so The steel supporting beams are whose inclination, then. Is be to adjusted that the system works like massive and suggest that they ought bend? a charm. Superintendents of opera- to last for centuries. The Croat Oscar Hammeratein. "No, no! Take the artist for what tion, superintendents of divisions, beama are fifteen inches or thereis. That Is the right critical attihe traffic managers, district traffic man- abouts wide, and close together with a 1847, aa a runaway boy, at the age tude. Dont be like the farm urchin agers, numerous traffic agents, elec- layer of cement concrete showing beUnited 16 and, coming to the once law an urchin who, as he trical engineers and construction en- tween. The weight of this street began work In the cigar trade. stoned a frog to death, 8tates, repeated segineers now work under a general su- bridging steel la 24,000 tons. The load- He invented and patented several verely: who reeven has more perintendent ing per square foot on the avenue -saving devices. " Ill Jarn ye to be a toad. sponsibility than the official of tons bridging la one and three-fourt- h Aa early as 1868, when only 21 steam road who occupies the same po- The maximum loading per square foot comyears old, he wrote three one-aWilling to Pay for Rammer. sition and holds the same title. on the bridging eaat of Seventh av edies In German, which were proWhen the British square at the batnue la five Inwere tong. There Competition between steam and required duced In New York. He became the Abu of tle Kies, In the Nubian desterurban roads for the beat In officials 160,000 cubic yards of concrete for re- leasee and manager of the Stadt thehas led to a rivalry which the efficient taining walla, foundations, street ater in New York in 1870, and from ert, was penetrated by the dervishes, man finds to his advantage. Until re- buildings and substructures. Figure then on he grew In Importance In the one of them attempted to spear a gunwho waa In the act of ramming n railroad official given out show that the capacity ol theatrical world. He built the Harlem ner cently a a charge. The Briton brained home all the tunnels will be 144 trains pet opera house in 1880 and later built the occupied the position of assistant genbut the rammer head the Sudanese, eral freight agent of a great steam hour. Manhattan opera Columbus theater, on the mans hard skull. Next day split railroad line. In seeking a man to house, Olympia (now the New York the gunner waa sent for. Mistaking theBelaaco operate the traffic department of an PROBLEM Victoria theater, TO BE SOLVED theater, and knowing from experiInterurban line the general manager ater and New Opera house. It was the reason, soldiers are charged for ence that found the general freight agent ready said of him that he had made a milto leave the steam road If proper In- At Present There Is Great Waste In lion and a half dollars from nothing government property which they off Amount of Money 8pent for Fuel "Please, sir, ducements were offered. The result and then lost it, only to gain It back break, he led I with: the rammer, broke for Railroads. Im very sorry "I was that the former steam railroad same way. give opera again in the thought the fellows head man became general traffic manager he once said, "for the unspeakable but I never could be no hard. Ill pay for the of the coal mined on the of the Interurban system at a salary pleasure of giving other people rammer so as to hear no more of North American la continent used by much larger than he formerly reIts railroads, the 60,000 locomotives In pleasure." tho case. ceived. United alone the over States taking The same condition was evident one hundred million tons each year GIRL IS AN OFFICE SEEKER They Surely Would, when an assistant superintendent of little American boy with hla fa-e- r doltwo a at (1909, about rising price the same steam road became superinwas visiting a market In a Mex-ft- . tendent of operation of the same In- - lars per short ton), says Caaaler'i Miss MlnnlS McKay Is a Candidate He saw a little native glri Confor County Treasurer at Magazine. terurban. ta foe. I basketful of red peppers, JocnmolUe- feel jTfrla expense It la the jwlisxjiLUa was eating one. Hla fashe one a a on of tax cent day practically to secure the moat effl Minnie' to say: Miss Kan. res She thlnka about woman In and child Concordia, the every man, any cost Recently whe aa the son called announced has Concordia of means smart, this very Kay country. Any When shown and reliable proof that a certain reducing (or ness became an Imports' it The boy spoke up remedy had curedpositive tion special departments were cre- growing coat. In however email degree, self as a candidate for the RepubL cases of female ills, wouldn't numerous g what was to be said: ated to handle It Promotions were are worthy the Interest, attention and red peppers make consideration of all the people aa citiany sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would rapid and, according to records of the also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble? you eat all of them 7 His Interurban line, men were elevated to zens, aa well aa of statesmen, finaned: "Yes, son." ciers, economists, railroad men and Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia high positions within a few years. "The motorman on an Interurban engineers. Man Invasion. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Five per cent of this huge fuel bill haa a better chance of becoming sufor- a moonlight out (that Internally consumes nearly the Fitcbvlllo, Ohio. My daughter was all ran favorite broomstick, perintendent than a conductor or en- hundredth part of the peoples wealth down, suffered from pains In her side, head and d being run down by gineer of a steam line," says an offilimbs, and could walk but a abort distance at a cial. This statement haa been shown every year) la a charge against It that nned by a time. She camo very near haring nervous to be true In several Instances re- does not add in any material way to maddening! imply fuel value of the coal burned, but the prostration, had begun to cough a good deal, cently. ally; "to think of rather the reverse, namely, the coat and seemed melancholy by spells. She tried ne field of which two doctors bat got little help. Since taking of loading this fuel onto locomotive d a monopoly for Light Railroads in Belgium. tenders out of cars from the mines Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, Lydia elleve I heard the Blood 'Purifier and Liver Pills she lias imThe Sodete Natlonale dea Chemlna This expense averages fully twlct kid passed: Oh, you le fer Viclnaux was promoted In 1885, what It reasonably should be (couli proved so much that sho feels and looks like with the object of building a complete be, and In place la), and Its reduction Sirs. C. Colo, Fitcbvllle, Ohio. another girl light railroad system In Belgium. Ac- through the use of efficient modern Vermont. feel It my duty to Hows This? Irasburg, cording to Casalora Magazine these types of fueling stations, would bring say a few words in praise of your medicine. When began Wt effrr One Handled Dollaiv Reward Nr any llnea were Intended to be feeders to about aa correlative benefits a great aw ot (Mint Hat cannot bn cured by Hail taking It I had been very sick with kidney and bladder trouCaUrrb Cum the railroads, and mostly ran from an decrease In the amount of human lables and nervous prostration. am now taking the sixth botCHENEY S CO Tokdo, O. r.J Vt the uidndwd. have knowa F I. Unary tle of I$dla E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and find myself Important town or village that had bor now spent in the dirtiest, moat fnr the bet It imt and brlirva hha paMIt honbeen neglected by the trunk llnea to orable Si all burtww traimirtlaaa and Snanrbllr toll, and would also greatly improved. My friends who call to see me have noticed abb to cany out any obligation mdo by hb Bna. a great change. Mrs. A. 1L Sanborn, Irasburg, Vermont. lome neighboring station. The system eliminate much crumbling and de W albino, Kihui MAmrra. Wholnale Inwzbtia Tohdn. (X haa expanded, and bo haa Its object, terloratlon of the coal from unnecea TTall CiUrrti Cun b takn kiunially. arthic We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will o that other llnea of quite a differ ary handling. upon tho blood and aiucona aurtaen nl I ho nomination as treasurer of Cloud tlrnrtly Tmtlmonlxla ornt frm Frtn ft acuta tab yatna. nit class have been built, some were prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful by aU Urn Mo. She Is now serving her bottle. Bold County. Tala Hail Family Flu hr ecnodpaUon. buflt aa substitutes for railroad lines or that either of these women were paid in any way for In offices a the as Railroading In Oklahoma. year deputy eighth In districts where the traffic was untheir An Instance. We thought the limit bad bees of the county clerk and treasurer. testimonials, or that the letters are published without likely to cover a railroad's expenses; a reached a Miss McKay waa born at Ames In "The. .rubber industry ought to he couple of years ago, when their few are simply tramways connecting permission, or that the original letter from each did Garber gentleman returning from this county and Is a graduate of the able to solve one financial problem." come to us entirely unsolicited. not neighboring cities or serving suburban "What problem!' Billings coughed hla false teeth out ol Concordia high school and of Nazar traffic. women are four There eth What more proof can any one ask? academy. window and the train was stopped "That of elastic currency. The company does not work Its own the backed up a mile and the rrew In Kansas who hold office as county lines. Its object Is to build them and and If You Have Common 8oro Eyes, For SO years Lydia E, Pinkhams Vegetable out and hunted fo treasurers. lease them to working companies over and passengers got if lines blur or run together, you need i Compound has been the standard remedy for teeth till found, but for queer those which the "Ch. fer Viclnaux" still have female ills. No sick woman does justice to IETTITS JiYE SALVE, 25c. All drug- neas and uniqueness the stunt pulled i Car for Women Only. herself who will not try this famous medicine. gist a or Howard Bixm, Buffalo, N. Y. lome hold through the clauses of the off between Oarber and womens street car In the Enid, Friday The Made from roots and herbs, and only rei exclusively This a working agreement In a box covered state of Michigan, and aa far aa Is i of cores to to be j are we when We our best yet has thousands anything its credit. put try markably good arrangement, aa It does with coffin paint A coyote running known, In the United States, is In op- It not for ourselviw alone, but for our flw-Pinkham invites all sick women lira. away with the errors due to the ahortr ahead of the train waa noticed by the eration in Flint. It is exclusively for brethren. Phillips Ilrooka. to write her for advice. She has lighted policy of many a small comFor several members of the fair sex, and all of thousands to health free of charge. engineer and fireman. guided pany, and the whole of the country la miles It PKItKY DAVIS' FAIKKILT.F.R Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. capered ahead of Old Joker, "the boys know there Is no accomFnr a mmMwi .Mil or roM l IdiM of btukry) m well provided with' useful 'lines. InPainkiller. kuTcolto.dbuTliaaand plaint when its constitutional ..maroioi and th on car. ended, modation them the for , iMimdletDoa-rcrtailaHe, He and M. bunion, stead of companies building the moat engineer and fireman noticed it enter The young women so favored by the profitable ones only. a emand culvert A murtard plaster can always be Ing stopped the train railroad company are the office The crew and passengers divided into ployee! of a motor company. The car depended upon to do something smart. is the turning-poito economy Peat Not Good Fuel. two parties and went to the ends makes two trips daily, lining up at in wear and tear of wagons. Try Window! Soothing Syrup. Mr. Coyote waa poked 11:30 and 6:30 at the end of n string PtorffblMiwa In. culvert the on the last made year Experiments tMtiilnjr. anfMalhrjuiaiiL MiknIi a box. Every dealer, everywhere 8wedlsh railroads in regard to the out alive and with wire from a nearby of cars which carry .the male emfence waa wire barbed he In to Once aa a fuel down the securely of city. peat ployes employing possibility a ladder never The man who CONTINENTAL OIL CO. Garbei awhile some misguided newcomer, knows what will plants for locomotives of various types have bound and taken Into Enid. come op. Sentinel. who has Just started to work and does not given the results which were not know the rules concerning the hoped for. On the contrary, they show special car, tries to get aboard, but that the locomotives now In use are "Tom Thumb Locomotive. not suitable for the employment of The locomotive Tom Thumb waa an Invariably be Is told pleasantly, but peat, unless this la mixed with a large effort, and a successful one, by Peter none the less firmly, to take the cars Many people are afraid of ghosts. Few people taking liquid physic or big or little are afraid of germs. Yet the ghost is e fancy and proportion of other fuel. In conse- Cooper to establish the fact that loco- ahead. Detroit Free Press. pills, that which makes you worse the could be magnified the germ is a fact. If the germ engineers motives could be used on curves of quence of these results, instead of curing. Cathartics don' t to a size equal to Its tenors it would appear more of the Swedish government railways short radius, it waa tested on the Sewing Up a Mans Heart. cure they irritate and weaken the terrible thee any dragoe. Germe are engaged In designing locomotives Baltimore Jk Ohio railroad August 22, . From Berne, Switzerland, comes we avoided. be the air in ere cant breathe, bowels. GASCARETS make the They better adapted for1 the combustion of 1880. A contemporary cut shows it as the account of a marvelous surgical the water we drink. locomotives bowels strong, tone the muscles so the these with and peat a box car mounted on two pair operation, undertaken by the surgeons The germ can only proeper when the condition wheels without a itthey crawl and work when they experiments will be continued. vertical of trucks, the of the eetablinh of the eyitem givee it free scope to large principal hospital city, and a self and develop. When there ia a deficiency of j do this they are healthy, producing boiler, very simple type of beam and attended with complete success vital Ibroe, languor, restleasneee, a (allow cheek, Childs Remarkable Escape. engine actuating the forward wheel In the course of a quarrel some time right results. a hollow eye, when the appetite ia poor end the axle through intermediate gear. The ago, Arthur Schmid, a strong young A little boy had a remarkable esCASCARETS roe a hoc for wrrk'i eleep ia broken, it ii time to guard against the germ. Yon eee I treatment. AUdnargiMa. Higgr arllrr cape from death on the Orest North- Tom Thumb was successful lo the man, was stabbed' through the heart tho of ell the we Dr. n GoldPieree'i body ogainat germs by fortify in tbe world. Millwa base, euiuth. ern railroad the other Sunday, says an proof of Mr. Cooper's contention, but The hospital doctors operated at once en Medical Discovery. It Increases the vital power, cleannea the English exchange. He was traveling It lost In a race with a single horse on the unconscious man, sewing up yitemof clogging impurities, enriches the blood, pule tho atom-rgaPARKER'S with hla mother In the Ledda express, omnibus running on a parallel track the wounded organ. Schmid Improved of digeation end nutrition in working condition, eo ach and HAIR BALSAM was could make train The as better the Mw kaS. engine and approaching speed in health every day, and waa recent that tho germ finds no weak or tainted spot in which to breed. when, n la ian.nl Kfuafh. eontni-- e Golden Medical Discovery no alcohol, wbUky or Huntington at GO miles an hour the than the horse, hut the belt slipped ly discharged after five months, Xoatora Falla to Knar to Ongr Xalr Its Toothful Color. g drugs. AU its ingredient printed on ki outside I fra'a dioaaa O.tr Ltl.iaa. rarrisge door opened and he waa from the flywheel and before Mr cured. He was warned by the docla It a not secret a nostrum but could medicine The It wrapper. express pulled up, Cooper of known replace the horse car tors not to laugh or cry for several pitched ouL composition and with a record of 40 yean ef earn. Aecept do rnd the lad was found on the embank- - risge had gone too far to be over months In order not to work tbs there is ne oubstlftito Ask you- neighbor. nothing just good. ! taken. rent very little the worse. stltrhrd up heart too much. TkomjfCfn' Ey fcifgr . U:r Con-atant- ly Spanlsh-Amer-Ic&- labor- ct well-know- One-quart- - joy-ride- r, H I I I back-breaki- t I AXLE GREASE nt Stop Afraid of Ghosts , ne habit-formin- ; r- - 1 |