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Show Whatever evils there are in eur gevernment are mostly due to the indifference of its citizens. All tea that gees into Great Britain is carefully examined If it is at the custom-houscolored, they confiscate and burn it Public sentiment in Great Britain won't stand cel e. ereJ tea. But colored tea just pours Into this country there is no public sentiment against it. You are indifferent or you don't know. Schilling's Best is pure tea, tea. money-bac- k Nathing but coffee in Sc hiIling1 1 Beit coffee aame la trua of SchiUitigs Best baking-powdesods, apices, seasoning, flavoring extracts. Fare and maucy-kacke- d. r, A SrhiUing S Cemfiuny HANKY j. Ai cScvci - Susftwmcuc PANKY. H. (ONHBI.LV. od many year ago I was a rather amateur performer of Mparlor magic" and, through my liking for it nnd the purchase of apparatus, became acquainted with a number of professional magician, M men who In public called their art "prestidigitation" and privately referred to It aa hanky One of the brightest was panky." Charlie Hines, known to the public as Sheik RusUn. When 1 first met him, he vu scconi psnled and assisted on the atage by a very pretty woman, "the Prince who In private life had been Mr. Tom Brlgg. The Brlgg domestic hor-lao- n had been rather confined for her tastes, erhap a little gloomy by comparison with the fool light world a seen "from the front," but I fancy she was a tittle disillusioned already when I en countered her. Mr. Brlgg became Charlie stage assistant while her husband was away In Mesico a engineer of a railway or nine I never clearly knew which and when he learned of It, which was not until several months later, he took the matter so philosophically that It was thought he never would make any trouble about It. He had only espected to be gone ten nionUis when he went away; but having nothing particular to come back for when Ids home was broken up, he staid In Mexico nearly two years, and it was only on business account that he even then returned. Perhaps he would have gone off again without even thinklug of the woman who had dropped out of his life or the man to whom she had dropped hail he not taken some trouble making advice from Bacchus and when In a sufficiently ugly mood happened to notice an advertising poster bearing nlctures of Sheik Rustan and the Princess Gulnare, then performing In town. The stage door keeper tried to keep him out, but was promptly knocked down and Mr. Brlgg passed triumphant Almost Immebehind the scenes. diately he caught sight of Charlie on the opposite side of the stage just going on to do the goldfish trick, and with mischievous quickness put In practice an accomplishment which he had among the greasers the acquired throwing of the bowle knife. Fortunately It was a long throw across the stage, and though the aim was good and the knife flew point foremost in a most business-lik- e fashion, it force was so far spent by the time the target was reached that when it struck the convex button of a heavy goldfish dish In Charlies breast pocket It glaneed, darted off to one side and stuc quivering In the floor, without doing any more harm than cutting a long gash In the magicians coat. Before Mr. Briggs could do anything niort to make himself disagreeable. he was seised, and to avoid scandal, quietly put out of the bark door, with an admonition to go and sin Charlie and the no more. were very badly scared, Briggs and in their excitement frankly told me who the invader was, and the probable reason ne might have Imagined he had for his rudeness. Tho amusement season was nearly over and at my suggest- Gul-nare- until Mr. to Mexico went again, away Briggs which he did without making any effort to hunt them, so far aa they knew, and perhaps thought no more about them when he became sober. During the no more we heard three following years of Mr. Briggs. Then came a rumor that some jealous Mexican had fatally carved him, and the extreme probability of such a thing, added to its desirability point of view held by the Sheik and the Princess impelled credence to the story. The Shlek Ruslan made a great hit in Deadwood. His new variation on the old pistol trick" created a positive furore, for It was in itself really good, and the way he aorked up to It greatly Increased its effect. When about to perform It, he would expose the two ways In one in which it was formerly done. barrel of the pistol of those the apparent dropped Its I wid Into the performer's hand when he pressed a certain spring and the report, when the weapop was 1st- the fired, rame from what seemed to was other perthe ramrod socket. The formed by the use of bullets formed of plumbago, which were easily crushed the ramrod In loading, these sham bullets being substituted by slight of hand for the leaden ones. Having fully explained and Illustrated the old ways, Charlie would take apart the pistol he was alMiut to use, pass around separately lor Inspection It barrel, stock and lock, which would at Ills request be put tohandgether by some spectator. 1'hen a soild offered were bullets leaden ful of from which one marked by two or three persons would be dropped by one of them Into the barrel onto the charge of rammed home. To assure himself that been thorough which the ramming essential to his safety was lie explained he would press the bullet down firmly with the end of his baton, the pistol still remaining In the hands of the person who loaded It. Finally the holderof the weapon was allowed to fire at him point blank, and he would appear to have caught the bullet In his teeth. He had done the trick successfully at each performance for ten nights. Then his Waterloo came. A big, hirsute cowboy blazed away at him, and his yell of pain mingled willi the report of the pistol. The I nines of Ills right wrist had been shattered by the bullet, hopelesi'y disabling him f.ir life so far as any me re hanky panky" was concerned. The cowboy went up on the stage a... expressed his sympathetic regret for the unfortunate outcome of the trick, but did not deem it necessary to explain that suspecting the withdrawal of the marked bullet by the baton, he had slyly slipped another into the pistol, And only one spectator, recognizing him, knew It was not an acclflenl. The one was a frightened woman, the l'rinccss Gulnarr, peeping out from the wings" and gaspMy God! It's Tom Riggs." ing: on they secluded themselves ," Treits Mold Talk. For some reason or other advertisers dont like to call a spade a spade. If they have any grievance against a rival, they usually talk about In general terms. But A. Schilling Si Co. of San Francisco are coming right out In the plainest kind of talk. They say that the teas most largely consumed In the United States are adulterated and falsely-coloreOne can't very well accuse this firm of misrepresentation ; for they have the highest possible standing In the trade, and what Is more their statements reflect not only upon teas sold by their rivals but upon a cheaper tea arid by themselves. We guest they will be believed. The Ruling Passion. The truth of that old saying about the ruling passion strong In death was exemplified the other night when a menu facturer of a certain well known patent medicine accidentally fell out of the window of a large apartment house near Central park. The man wax picked up In an unconscious condition, and the doctors worked with hint some lime before he revived. As he opened hi eyes and realized that a physician was liend-ove- r him, he said feebly : Doctor, have you ever used our New York Sun. pills? That Toe. Lawyer Yes, I think I will succeed In breaking the will. Client And how about the estate? Drlroit News. DSE HEWLETT BRO.S New, High Grade THRE BAKING E-CRO- N W POWDER The I'lirest and Beni Made. Three Crown Spices Are Meat, Because they are ground fresh awry THHEK-- t ROWX FLAVORING EXTRACTS Ara Delicious. X 1 in the market or Monyy Refunded Iii.Ii ir. Maichc'lic . ,N .o' 7C. j best The Wonder of the 19th Century. i '1 . s. a .i:.'. OH tsil-1.I I Interesting B pretzels At New York's Electric In Antidote, I ibm 1, Hzbil t ur-- iliU'ksiHil) .','.r,.,i. - . r All diuvKis I" Show. Illinois HU. M AK'liEI I r i;ii.i It was Roentgen ray night at the electric show in th e Grand Central pal Vslus of a Dob. All the way up from ace recently. rid of wish to If As . Utah Lithia Mineral W ater. ('.his-.iKu- Menlo Park had come Thomas Alva Edison, the contriver of the flourescent screen, to he sure that his discovery worked properly for the benefit of a curious public that wanted to see Its own skeleton. Some hundreds of persons passed through the dark compartment and viewed the shadowy outline of their hones with emotion, varying from hilarious amusement to shrinking affright . The experiment worked without a hitch, except that once or twice the flourescent screen was pushed suf of place by the pressure of the hands against It, and the lights were turned on for a few minutes until the screen could hr set hack in place. An impatient crowd walled uulsice the dark chamber fur the performance to begin. Entrance was affected through a long passage lighted only by a dim and dark red light, which gave an effect of Egyptian mystery to the surroundings Oh, Is It going to be very awful?" Inquired the first woman who entered of her escort, and when presently she put her hand behind the cjeen and beheld the flesh melt into transparency she gave a little shriek and declared it was either wlthcraft or a trick, and that she didnt think it was right to do such things. As a rule the women underwent the operation with considerable trepidation, fully 10 per cent of them Inquiring anxiously of the assistants: Are yau quite sure it doesn't hurt?', One of them, after being repeatedly assured that there was no feeling, said, with some little heat: You neednt tell me that those rays can go clear through my hand and I not feel It. I have some nerves left, 1 can assure you." Then, loo, the women would Insist on removing their gloves, frequently keeping the line waiting for this purpose. A little object lesson In this matter was given by the assistant to a girl who apdelay while she pealed for a minute removed her right glove. Put it back on, madam," said one oi the men, and pul some coins In It If you have any handy. Tlila was done and the womans hand was placed hack oi the screen with a book three Inches thick between It and her eyes. When the ray was turned on, the coin and the bony formation of the hand was perfectly apparent. Something of a sensation was caused by a small child who burst Into tears upon seeing the bones of his owrn hand and refused to be comforted until he finally hfcthnught tfluiself ot a redeeming clii cumstance. If I look like that all over Inside," he said, snlffig as he was led away, I'm awful glad I ain't made of glass." Not five minutes afterward an elderly woman look one glance at a hand that was rather bony from the outside and a most remarkable exhibit Inside, and littral Into wild laughter, which presently developed Into a case of genuine hys terlcs. Next to her the mot upset person whe tried the screen was a rather pompous Individual, who, being led away at the side, couldn't si e the transparent effect and declared loudly that he couldnt see anything In that, puttin a tellers hand behind acluth and turnin alight on." Try It yourself," suggested the attendant, and, taking the mans hand, he pressed It against the screen. There was the whir of the machinery, the glow of the light, and then a whoop of dismay from the sufferer. Lemnie he yelled. Oh, my Go-1- ! go! And In the dark he knocked over two Inoffensive iectalor before finding the enirance and bolting through It like a scared rahlilt. Probably the most pleased visitor to the dark chamber was a man with a terribly mangled and distorted hand, which he held behind the screen with It was all the attendant weird effect. could do to get him to move on and give the rest a chance. Just look at that!" lie kept saying in I accents fairly trembling with pride. dont s'pose there's another hand like that In the United Slates. Finally they got him away by promising to photograph the member." The rest oi the electric show went on with the usual brilliant spectacular effect. Crowd watched the Erie canal trolley and heard the roar of Niagara and reveled in the display of light. There were comparatively frw wome.i there, but the average of good looks among those present was rtmarkahly high, a fact perhaps explained by the remark of a girl which the reporter overheard: No girl w ho hasnt got a good com plexlon dare come under this light. It Is the most trying thing In the world for a bad skin. New York Sun. -- Brtwna Boston Infants. Emerson (aged 5) Have you nut been charmed by the accuracy of proportion In Gulliver's Travels? Winthrop (aged 7, with a superior air) Indeed, no Those sharp sighted, dimin utive Individuals, the Llliputian:., should have been the first to discover mli robes Over flvfc TOBACCO HABIT CUREO your get yuu really dog," said the man of the world ; if yuu want It to pass out of existence entirely I do, interrupted the unsophisticated young man, but nolrndy will take him." Thats because you dont go at it right," returned the man of the world. Ive actually offered to give the dug away." Thats where you make your mistake. No one wants a gift dog. He Is suspicious ot him from tin- start. If you want to get rid ot your dog, a.lvcrtisi-hltor sale at a baig.iin, hut don't offer to give him to any one. A iiuiii'k Ick friend will generally light shvofa ilng that he offers for uulhiiic'. Chicago Post. twenty centuries before the Christian era slavery .existed a an in stltuthip in Arhz Me.opotamifi and Contains more Lilhia than any other water m thi world. Positively cures iii.iuttMii Gout. Ilibet"v er" flr'phts Di-- i n lui up in casesof filly quart ' ile- - each, $7.00 per case. Orders should be sei.t t i V. . The Salt Lake City Soda Water Co a SALT hair LAKE CITY, UTAJ' . . Nots The horu Captive is shoulder hum-anhas been thrown out of raining. Tom Sharkey, who stood Joe Choyhski off for eight rounds in San Francisco lately, la reported as being exceptionally clever and a hard puncher. McMahon, Baltimore's greai pitcher, Is getting hit very hard in the games he has pitched so far. Dahlen of the Chicago, Is playing great ball again this season and will give our Hughey a run for his money. Joseph Miller, late of the West Chester Country club, has been engaged fur GET IN EARLY IN the season by the Merlon Cricket club Gold Field. of Philadelphia to take charge of their greens. You are certain to make big profits In The Australian trotting recurd was return. We can put you on to by the geldrecently lowered to 2:14 lllVUtKSIt PATKKH The best previous record ing Fritz. was 3:26. Fritz was bred In Australia, and stocks which will surprise you. but his sire and dam were lioth bred in Kentucky. J. Macolm Forties, owner of Nancy E. HUBBARD, Hanks, 2 104, is 5 feet 10 inches high, West Second South St., weights 170 pounds, slightly Incliiied to stoop and has a smooth shaven face SALT LAKE CITY UTAH and courteous iiiauner. d T MERCUR The Ho! for 1896. N.jw la Jiff atteulios Hit year, not beaaniia others have them, hnt bomuiNe you will more Rood, solid pleas lire nut of them than you can out of anythin else. Of Bourse, If yuu buy, you will nt waul the best you can set for your mousy, anil we are the people to rive you the same. We carry but what we positively know to he nothing reliable nnd O. K. lu every reWe to desire eull your attention to the spect. ASSAY Kit. Us) Nstn L.Snlt Lsks. 1niirp given all order liy mail or express. Minnie, own legs. Til are up in arms against the wholesale illegal fishing there is going on in the Alleghany ami Ohio rivers. According to trustworthy reports there never was Illegal fishing on a more wholesale and public has!. Thousands of pounds of the Imst kind of fish have been caught recently, and the singular part of ills that everybody seems to know about it. The fish lha have beeu secured liy the poachers are publicly offered for sale and the violators of the law act as if the law was strictly on their side. It really I an outrage the way the law I being violated, and the thousands of sportsmen In and aliout Pittsburg are aw are of the fact, and iiutiody seems to be able to do anything atioiil the matter. Pittsburg Dispatch. Pittsburg sportsmen I'alairh TbairoNtalN Herr wry. s mercury will surely ili-- f rny thesniKepf smell anil completely rtcrn.ipu the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfnres. Such art irks slioisiit never lie ilsist except ou prescriptions Iroiti rrpiitnlilepliy-siriuill 1I0 is tena the dain.igi- they fold to the good you ran iswsihly derive from them. Hnll'sCatarrh Cure, maniifactiireil hy F. J. I limey A Co , Toledo. (1.. contains no merrury. and Is taken infernally, acting directly iiKiu the hloHl anil iniicnits surfaces of the system. lu buy lug Hall slntarrh Cure he sure you get the genuine. It Is taken internally. and made iu Tolrdo. t tliio, hy p. J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. 7V Ball's Family Pills are the best. u. - The Power of Sympathy. A charming little story is told about a burglar who was sentenced to a long term of imprisonment at Cleikenwell's Sessions the other day. Early one morning, many years ago, hr was running at the top of his speed along a .West End thoroughfare, pursued by a young lady who vociferated Stop thief !" A milkwho man Intercepted the fugitive, promptly exclaimed, with admirable astuteness, For Heaven's sake let me go. It's mt wife, and shell just about kill me." The milkman was a married man himself, and "baud lgnaru mall," he allowed the malefactor to escape.-Lond- on Globe. ill -si jKbKn&i.u 1 fusts BrstSF All Mid UMG.i bruD. T.irG. G s. lat Dt (mull la tr -- r. K Champion Slower, $40 Osborne Steel Hay Rakes. Champion Repairs Milwaukee Hinders Osborne Kinders Utah Hay Rakees Royal Hay Rakes 31 i tell ell Farm Wagons 3IitclieII Spring Wagons Heiiney Euggies & Hurries Hccbe Carts. Full Line of Implements. Write for Prices. A STORY. Illegal Pishing, for HlnnrrslQ Tep-autrhe- - tea? lysacsizE tlie I. rent Hare the Item 1M, rllDDIC ! "Browning Bros. What is money-bac- k anything ? Something that the sHlor thinks so well of that he is willing to have it stand on its mt OiwlMeai AMBLER hr What is Hrwarr T 7IH DI' I, ft wheel built ou huiiur, HATH B.KtSTnXK and line of medium trade wheels, the finest Una ever prudueed or the price. Why Hs Wept Mend Our Catalogue A hard looking tongh was on trial in consider our and and prires before I lie court of seision. goods general Judge you buy. We ara hi a position to do you Ruud. Don't furet that wa have the larcast Cowing was on the bench. stuck of I lone, In voice full of emotion, Sporting' Goods. Guns, Bifles the jury: Kte lu the state, and prices are rlfhb "Gentlemen, my client Is a poor man. 1 Ie wo driven hy hunger and want to lake a small sum of money. All that he wanted was sufficient to buy bread, tm Main Street, Kith Lake City, Utah. Washington Avenue. Oudeu, Utah. for it is Iii evidence that lie did not lake Milcontal Ing $Joo that pockelbook was in the same bureau drawer." UTAH IMPLEMENT CO.' T. e eloquent attorney for the accused was interrupted by the convulsive sobs lias for sale ti I hi client. Why do you weep?" asked Judge lOOO Mowers Cowing of the doomed man. KM) Hinders "Decors I didnt see der pockelbook Osborne Rig 1 Mowers in de drawi r. Everybody laughed exVertical Mower cept Howe, the attorney for the careless Whitely Osborne No. I Mown . burglar. Texas Siftings. Just as a Precaution. Look out! St. Peter slammed I lie gate, and an instant later there was a crash, inclcal-in- g that some one had taken a header. I'll have to keep it shut hereafter, " growled St. Peter, "or some of these scorchers will succeed In getting through without showing credentials. Chats the Oiti-agfifth one thats tried It today. Post. money-bac- k your time I Yuu will want A Bicycle Great W. Truth. THRU Opr Good of thU lir. nd are guaranteed equal to KAVt MADE PULB1C. Read It. It has been reported at the office of the Cooperative Wagon & Machine Company, by tellable parties, that they had been told W. A. Wood machinery and extras could not he had. Knowing such reports to be Incorrect and made only to advance the sale of inferior machines, we take pleasure in advising you that the Wagon & Machine Company have received this year twenty carlo a ns or Woods RAKES MACHINERY, MINNIE BINDERS, AND PLYMOUTH RED TAG BINDING TWINE, and that never in Its existence has our company been better prepared to fur. nish machinery and extra to those desiring same than now. We thank you for all past favors extended and respectfully solicit a continuance of your patronage. Yours respectful!; , Ml & W.i State St.f Salt, Biiko Citv. 45 Cents 12 Pieces FOK FINE DECORATED IMPORT-ECUPS AND SAUCERS, Alla Furniture company has and send ti ix rar loads of furHfkrr J. Grant, 'resident. ( KO. T. Olt KM- - Gen. War. l niture to on consignment for 50 cents on the dollar. Dont miss this Haw About the Aldermen? Si ranger (looking down (Vabash ave-riu- opportunity to buy fine furniture at half price, Its a bloody shame to let an I he furniture I expected to come In railroad spoil a fine street like this without having to pay something every day. (or the privilege. Citizen You misunderstand. I did G(M.d Sold on EASY PAYMENTS. not say the railway company paid noth- I X. L. Second-Han-d Store, ing for the privilege. T said the city 3 4 E. Second South. got nothing for it. A. Stranger Oh! Chicago Tribune. D ti-l- ele-raie- d I. SOKKNSEN What Will He Do With Har? William K Vanderbilt, the head i arsons ann Book ( oi the syndicate that built, equipped and IiAKK 8A1jT CITY. raced the Defender, ha become the wile owner of that yacht. Mr. Vanderbilt has bought out the Intercut of the other-.- , as it wa arranged in the syndicate agreement that he had the right to DOK'T LIMP do any time after the America's cup walk straight. Wefakeplaa-te- r matter had been drrid-- d. nf uaris east of feetto What Mr. comfort. Vanderbilt will do wlih the fainou lu aud de craft Is merely a matter of conjecture. eripi'led formed shot. Steel hrare ami New York Herald. ertiHelal lirahs of every ilesrrin- - nere M r. re Pia-funi- Duiable Tablp Knives Trudinl housewives are greatlv in the solid metal table knives, made of (diver nlikle and said to be the same all the war through. These knives have the appearance ot silver and the additional merit oi durability. Tbe grateful heart ha music In Ittha angels cannot sing. Deform- Co. ity Shoe Third henih SAJ.I LAKE CITY WAICHM3KLR. Alkx 1. I toi "'' JtWHUMD Wyatt. to UTA OPTiCIAK: 172 N.V.26, 1S96, Main. |