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Show You may forget In time what you pay for a watch, a piece of jewelry or ailver, but you will never forget Newest Bathing Caps Constipation Vanishes Forever whether it la aatlsfactory or not It la with you alwaya. Wo made our reputation telling the reliable kind of goode and etake that reputation on everything we eell today. Our guaranteea are absolute. Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS nr liil Puacljr vrgeU aUa act sly but sendy on thebv Stop after Jinnee mn dutrea CUKBdi-- in utah. salt lake cue. ndow Boston. For the inventor at the new town of Pingree, Idaho, to ho opened about the middle of June. The drawing for town lots will take place :::::: AT two-year- s PlDfiREE Under-- And it will be a fair, open chance for everyone. X No favorites. X No early birda. All open and at the same time. Write today to W. IL Scott, Manager Pingree Towuaite Co., Pingree, Idaho, for full particular!. Rubberized ' banded acroee hair on top tied with clde rosettes DRESS OPPORTUNITY Announcement Through Pawenger and Freight Service between Salt Lake City, Loe Angelea and all pointa in Southern California, Goldfield and Tonopah, Nevada, will be resumed via The Salt lake Route not later than June 15, 1910. : i AnBMKrnMi at EzcuisIm Rum to ikr tiu!pai diln at Callfoc.il lit fba Com will bo wait la ( hw CsU u Citr Tktef OHica, lit Mala fcraat, for hnhct panicalaia. w Ulreo tetnliuW. tin J. H. a.Manderfield a. r. a r. a. If IS. MANY COMMENT. I!lack chiffon tunica over blue or green or orange satin foundations are among the more favored styles. Lace ia more and more claiming the attention for trimming hata and gowns. Black and white are most used, and when decorating skirt it ia adjusted in flounces or as a tunic. Old gold alK for afternoon and evening wear i being combined with cwtuirtoeer- - - Cloth of go51 and silver tissue comes again t? a supple and glistening rescue when1 the dull rose and mahogany shades cry for a contrasting touch. Yards and yards of shaded or changeable ribbon will be devoted to the hats in enormous loops, bows and aesrfa. d Figured silks are vying with effects for street and house dresses. Large flat hats have appeared with flowers in wreaths encircling the low crowns. This style is becoming to nine out of ten women, for it is undeniable that the long, sweeping lines of hats will add to the charm of the face beneath, and they are rarely trying to the wearer on account of stiff or straight effects. two-tone- DRESSING JACKET. HKAI.8, 8TXNCILH. RUBBER STAMPS BA DU K 8. TBAUK CHECKS, itc. Full Hat Rubber Typt Outfit and auppllea in etock. Mail order receive pmtnpt attention. r MKN AMU WOMKS to Learn Barber Trade in Klicbt Weeks. Tuition, wlm wt ot tools. S'. With partial set of tools, SC). With your own tools M. Address Molar Barber Colleae U Oommerrlal Btreet, Halt lake City. Utah. WANTED Belle Are you going to the party? Nelle I haven't made up my mind. Belle Gee! l)o you bave to make up everything? Cleveland Leader. Waa 8aved. They are repeating at Virginia Hot Springs a witticism of Theodore P. Shonli, the railway magnate. A well known New Turk clubman had died, and a group of gentlemen were discussing hi a career over a game of cards. Poor fellow! Poor fellow! one of the gentlemen sighed. They say if it hadn't been for hia wife be would have filled a drunkard's grave. "Ah. yea said Mr. Shonta, with a faint smile; she did have him cret. mated, didn't she? St. Louis Globe-Democra- It Does Uncle Josh Don't It say in the declaration that a just government Thla jacket ia In kimono style; the derives its power from the consent entire edge being cut In rather large of the governed? Uncle Silas Tea; and it do beat scallops that are bound with contrasting material cut on the croaa. If the everything what the governed will acket ia in lawn, muslin, or zephyr, consent to. Brooklyn Idle. the binding would be in zephyr; if So your son in London ia a diacket is in nuns veiling or delaine, rector at the stores. That's a very then silk would be used for binding. Materials required: Two yards 40 responsible position. "Yea slrj.e 'as to direct the cus- Inches wide. tomers what get lost," Tattler. ' A Horse on Murphy. one At of the last races run at Monmouth park, said Phil Daly, Jr., the other day, "there waa among other horses which started for the plate a gelding called Ilotheram. Charlie Murphy, taking a, fancy tu the name betted large odds In his favor. Toward the conclusion of the race his favorite happened to be in the rear or all, on which Murphy excluJuied' "Ah. by Jnbfrs! There he la! Sei how he drives them all before him! Klix.ilu-iBotheram foii.-ver- ! ARTICLES IN PURSE Remarkable Ingenuity Displayed Design and Workmanship of Parisian Jeweler. In A useful purse. Just imported from Paris, is made of pearl colored glased leather, lined with watered silk with a very unostentatious gold cldsp. It ia simple enough, and quite demurs outwardly, but ita Interior contalps unuaual treasures for an unnusnr-r- ' TfiiaT" an' exterior. Beside partmenta for change, bills fend visit. Ing cards, there Is fitted neatly under a gray leather flap a small mirror. In a compartment next to thla la a beau, tlful little cut glass and silver mounted vinaigrette, and in the correspond Ing compartment a powder box with a little puff. In the other aide of the wonderful little purse Is another com pertinent containing a amall pair of chased ailver opera glasses mounted In and last, but most surprising of all, because It ia so carefully bidden in the uppermost fold of the puree, ia an exquisite tiny fan of ivory and spangled gauze. Never have so many vanities been gathered together so neatly and compactly to delight a ladys heart inside of one little Insignificant and inconspicuous list gray purse not elx Inches square. It can be called the much in little mother-of-pear- l, purse. New Petticoats. If you expect to make jrour own petticoats, select while muslin, blue chambray, tan chambray, white Insertion or unbleached muslin and gingham for bands. In making the unbleached muslin petticoat cut the skirt in gores and attach a flounce. Trim the flounce with a narrow band of gingham and head it with a fold of gingham. Both materials will wash nicely. In selecting a muslin by all means eliminate llme-fllleIt la cheap and soon turns yellow. If a ruffle of awlas embroidery is used select the kind with small notched edges and It will be less liable to tear. If laces are wanted the Valenciennes are durable, but a heavier linen variety can be used over and over again. For a chambray petticoat a net ruffle gives a pretty effect. Curtain net will serve the purpoee. Hem It and head the hem with a very narrow fold of petticoat material. Three small bands look pretty on it. A serviceable petticoat is made of. black or navy near ellk. It wears well, has a silk finish and may he washed. ALTLAKC STAMP CO., Salt Lake City How Drunkard Border of Persian design, red figured rubberized ellk, white waehable chiffon, taffeta IT IS YOUR Salt Laka Clif, Mar 14. silk, tight fitting caps inside the handkerchiefs. . lun Slay day, generally regard-- d as the first day in the industrial year, found In New England 10,000 working people at odds with their employers, largely because of demands or wage Increases. The 4,200 union trolley men in Springfield, Worcester nd other places In western Massachusetts and in Connecticut on atreet railway lines operated by the New England Investment and Securities company, a trolley holding company lor the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, awaited only tbe sanction of their national officers before calling a strike. Pittsburg, Pa. Coal operator! in the Pittsburg district signed the wage scale, the mooted powder question wu settled In a aatlsfactory manner end the miners' strike ended with a agreement effective at once under the highest wages ever paid in this district About 40,000 miners throughout the Pittsburg district returned to work. Millions of bushels tied up In the Pittsburg harbor since April 1 as a precautionary measure for home' supply started outh and there waa a general resumption of coal shipments on the lakea Indianapolis. The new wage scale of the sign painters gives tbe men 25 cents more on the day, which makes the Indianapolis scale 83.75 a day. This Is less, according to the workmen, than ia paid In Chicago, SL Louis, Cincinnati and Louisville. While the scale has not been signed, no trouble is anticipated from the employers, as a number of them have said they would sign IL Tbe sign painters are enjoying a prosperous season. Practically all of them are employed at present, and there are demands for men that cannot be met. New York. The eight-hou- r strike of the International Union of Leather Workers ia proving successful, many bugs employers agreeing to the of the men. This success ia at-Tlbuted to the scarcity of men, as Han tic advertising for men has failed to uncover enough Independents to work tfhnnet ndvnn are offered, j Pittsburg, Pa. The Jones and (Lsughlln Steel company advanced tbe wages of about 4,000 of its employes beginning with May 2. The increase la about 6 per cent and will amount to about 615,000 a month. Tbe Republic Iron and Steel company baa also announced an increase of 6 per cent., effective May 2. Kansas City, Mo. All tbe demands of the 35,000 striking miners of Mia lourl, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas have been refused by the executive committee of the Southwestern Coal Operators association. It was an Bounced after the meeting that all negotiations were at an end Detroit, Mich AThe Detroit United railway has submitted to ita motormen md conductors, who bave been threatening to strike, a new wage proposition. Employes of 18 months' standing are offered 28 cents an hour, alx months, 26 cent! less than six months, - A New Black Dress. It is a chain mall dress, a sheathlike robe of coarse chenille threaded with Jet beads, which the makers Insist upon calling black diamond! The excessive brilliance of the dress la lessened by broad handa of chenille that are emsaed In fichu lines and carried down the sides of the tnnlc. The wide band of velvety black Is again used under the arms so that the glistening black armor ia not bo aggressive as ft sounds. Soft folds of chiffon form the short Use for a Lace Gown. sleeves, and white maline gives the Now that transparent overdraperies chemisette in tbs most attractive are so much In vogue, those women form. who possess a lace gown should resurrect II. White, black or a Plump Arms. color may be utilised. White or cream Cocos butter will make the arms ihlffon should veil laces in tbeae Soften and warm the flesh plump. Shades, but black may be used under with rtotbs wrung out of hot water black chiffon or a dark color, such as and then rub from shoulder to wrist a dull wine red. with a circular motion with cocos butColored laces may be covered with ter warmed slightly. Cocoa butter may chiffon In the same shade, using a dif- be had at drug store In small ferent tone lighter or darker, as con- cakes ; It Is any hard and must be warmed sidered the better choice or a color before using. Uhlers the flesh is clean harmonizing with the lace and warm ll will not abeurl). half-wor- n de-sand- 23 cent! O. An average In Youngstown, crease of about six per cent has been granted 6,000 workmen at tbe Younga-tow- a Sheet A Tube company, and 6,000 it the plants of tbe Republic Iron A Steel company. Common labor is ad vanced ten cents a day. Cbllllcothe, O. Ninety machinists, helpers and apprentices employed at the shops of tbe Baltimore A Ohio Southwestern Railway company here, rent on strike In sympathy wlbt the Baltimore ft Ohio strikers at Mont Clair, N. J Los Angeles, Cal. There are now 2 labor unions in this city, all housed in the seven-storlabor temple recently dedicated. In 1887 there were only two labor organizations in that city the typographical and carpenters. Cincinnati. Refusing to accept i compromise offer of 4 7 cents an hour, 5,000 carpenters today voted to go on strlks The carpenters demand 50 cents an hour. The present wage scale s 45 cents an hour. Roxbury, Mass. The trouble in the mills of the International Paper com pany, now several months old, still continue! Four hundred mill operatives are out at Greenville, It. I., and y at this point SL Louis. Machinists of the Mlssou rl Pacific railroad who struck for an Increase In wages were ignored at the railroad's headquarter! Chicago. Chicago billposters have gained a Increase and Improved condition! Pittsburg, Pa. Iron Molders Inter national union now baa a membership at approximately 50,000. Guthrie, Okie. Oklahoma printers ire Jubilant over the new state printer bill, passed at the present session of the legislature. Thla act requires can-- I Id atea to have at least eight years' experience as a journeyman printer, and the term journeyman printer la defined aa a printer who has served an apprenticeship of at least four years. New York. Four hundred thousand implores of railroad companies and outer big corporations have received voluntary wage Increases from their nupioyers Mnce January 30, according to a statement prepared by an associa-.liinl (iiip.'ityers in this city. k n mpvove dm conplnion brighten eye. Swell fill, Saall Dmc, SaaB Fries GENUINE mint bear rignatom t New York. Strikes against bakeries which have for years been run on the open shop plan were ordered by the Journeymen Bakers and Confectioners International The strikes. Inaffect among others the big bakery of the Flelsch-manstreet company at Eighty-firs- t and East End avenue, several of the shops of the Cushman Baking company and about five other places, and r is for a workday and an advance of 1 a week in wages, but the real demand Is for a union agreement Most of the strikers are Germans and Bohemian! Minneapolis, Minn. Two Important decisions were rendered by the Minnesota state supreme court recently in cases relating to damages for Industrial accident! One opinion entirely repudiates the heretofore understood "assumption of risk on the part of the employes and holds that employers should provide all possible safeguards against accident! The second decision t eliminates the rule and means that an employer la liable in the event of an employe being involving union. 6,000 mm, n nine-hou- W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES 5, 4, 3.50, 3, 2.50 & 2 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS. Mitliane of ami W. 1. DmIm iUm ka. chm Iki, ara tka lam aat ariem yiiley m can-idara- in tka aaU. Made anaa haaw.af tka baat laatkant br tka aat akUlad la all tka lataat laakioaa. W. L. Daaaki UO aaUn. and $4.00 ikaaa aaaal Baack Wafc aaetlag tSOO to CaatoM M-O- fcffltMilllllMlU - br Maaplna nla Look W. I- IVwatea nanataa tfcrtr Ma earn and Prlr oa iha bettma. Taka Ha I- - toMSferZB ' li.Wll.tr.W. I. Donolaialma. If aat A.k waarSaalarfiir mwla hi roar town writ for .klljarjhowinn haw lo nnbv br awlL Slum ontorNl duari froa lactanr daUrand fiaa W.LUouila, Broakloa, Mata, fellow-eervan- FREE Send postal for Free Package jured on account of the negligence or carelessness of a fellow-employof 1 ax tine. Better and New York. Two May day parades, than one distinctively Socialist and the antlseptli FOB ALL TOOEV USES. other distinctively union, converged on Union equare from opposite ends of Manhattan island. In the Socialist ranke It is estimated that there were 2,500 In line and in the union ranks 11 25,000. There waa no disorder. Ten TOlCETfANTISEBIL1 thousand girl! shirtwaist-makerGivaa ona a (went braatb j clean, whitst wearing white caps bound with red e tenth antiaeptically cleaa and red, white and blue walsta, won germ-fremonth and throat pnrifiee the breath the approval of a thoroughly after molting diepnla all Hiiagraanbln crowd wherever they passed. perspiration and body odors much appreciated by dainty woman. A qnicfc Washington. The A. F. of L. Is seremedy for sore eyes end catarrh. names and all addresses of the curing A Elfla Paxtua powder clergymen of each city. The communiin a glui at bat wMat cation of Secretary Frank Morrison of Bakes a delijkitfui aatiteprie L. the A F. of explains that it ia the poman'na citramfiawy desire of the federation to keep in rlaanring ganalodal and beat close touch with the clergymen, as m powcfg sod ibNhteh ktte there are a number of matters of inlew. Try n Sample. 50c. a terest to both the clergymen end mem-b-r-e latt bex at druggOi or by nwL of organised labor which the fed- - THK PAXTON Toilet Co, Beaten. Maas. T V T'ZT Uon propose to refer to the Clergy, men. Boston. The building trades in COULDN'T TALK THE LANGUAGE. Providence, Pawtucket, Newport and Auburn, in Rhode Island, and in Fall River, Maas., weie crippled by the strike of 2,800 carpenters and laborers seeking Increases in wages In Fitch burg, Gardner and Leominster, Mass end In Portland, Me., the carpenters ney strike for tbe same reason. About 700 men are Involved In these e. llqill oMIMi s, good-nature- d ad T latter places Washington. President Gompera has been directed to enter into correspondence with the farmers organizations relative to the organising farm laborers and laborers In amall towna or rural communities, with view to cooperation in the interests of the men on the farms, aa well aa in Industry. 8an Francisco. The wonderful growth of the Saa Francisco building trades council Is a favorite theme of labor leaders throughout the country. In many of the larger citlea of the east the building Industry Is being or has been reorganized on lines laid down by this local council. Brockton, Mass. Tbe high cost of First Caddie Do you think living has moved the union workmen of this city to establish a cooperative ever be able to play do game? Second Caddie Naw, he stutters. store, where the necessaries of Ilfs be may purchased at the lowest posIt Made No Difference. sible cash prices. The movement Is Congressman Ranadale of Louisiana, supported by practically every labor recently told a story of Alec Trimble, organisation in Brockton. the valet and factotum of a physiNew York. The Erie railroad's cian in New Orleans, who took a fan( wage difficulties with Its firemen have cy to one of the summer shirts of his been adjusted by an advance of 8 master, and finally went and bought per cent to the men. The company one exactly like it He showed It to Is still negotiating with its trainmen, bis mistress, who said that he had conductors and shop forces. The done wrong, as the two shirts might agreement with tbe firemen takes ef- Ret mixed In the washing; and Alec fect from April 15. answered: Itd make no difference, mlssu! Saginaw, Mich. The first and most cause day's both alike In else an' towards the Important step reopening coal mines of Michigan and returning price." 3,300 men to work has been settled Appreciation. here by the scale committee. The op"That successful poker player cererators granted tbe mines the Increase tainly paid a tribute to his winning asked for. game when he selected his handsome Cincinnati' Three hundred and fifty home. union carpenters went out on strike "How so?" here for an increase In wages from 40 "Don't you know he built it on a to 50 cents an hour. About seventy-fiv- e bluff?" contractors bave signed the new scale. Toluca, III. More than 600 miners There is a reason' returned to work under tbe temporary does correct agreement by which safety and fire Why Grape-Nu- ts fighting appliances may be installed A weak, physical, or a pending settlement of tbe wage disSluggish mental condition. pute. Chicago. There la a rumor that all The food is highly nutritious the rallrada may follow the example of the B. ft O. and bar women em- And is partially ployes. So that it helps the organs of Philadelphia. J ohn McGuicken, the stomach years, of this city, a aged thirty-siunion conductor, waa shot and killed digest other food. during a fight between union and nonunion motormen and conductors. Vic- It is also rich in the tor Farrell, aged twenty-onyear! a Vital phosphates that go nonunion man, admits the shooting, but maintains that he shot in Directly to make 0 pre-digest- To e La Crosse, Wis. Tbe brewery workers strike has been settled. Tbe men won on all point! A wage Increase of two dollars a week waa granted and the work day, which had been nine hours, wak out to eight. Various other demands were granted. The up delicate gray matter of brain and nerve centres. Read The Road to Wellville In pkgs. There's a Reason." rusrruM csiiaal comfaht. us, Nick. Baitte Cm! |