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Show THE BEAVER COUNTY NEWS Editor ft Manager. W. U Elrwlck, MILFORD Ths flying dual ws bavs with us, always. Temper and a pistol make a bad romblnatlon. It storm An to bare "the brain after you get caugbt. oak tree In hllnneapolia commit- la popular ted aulclde. Food UTAH No one will blame It Products TRMMEJ Hirer Vary in Quality or Taste Because the utmost care A 'SOMDjQL is taken by to select only the choicest materials and prepare1 them in the same careful One of the beat thlnga about the Joy la that It ao often turna out to be Ita own punishment. ride It la feared that all the ronrlcta In tha rarioua penitentiaries will at once begin writing poetry. It la queer bow these people who are going to be probed InBlat on a thorough examination of everything. 8outh American republics manage to have a scrap often enough to keep the limelight trained In that direction. Another youth has gone wrong under the Influence of dime novels. A little reading la still a dangerous thing. "At tbla time of the year green Is the unrivaled color," says the Boston Herald. Particularly If It Is long green. The end-sea- t hog Is now fbnifled by a judicial decision, and he will no doubt hold tenaciously to all the seats he first gets. One cannot at present secure a divorce at Reno, NsvH by telephone, but possibly Renos facilities will ba enlarged and broadened. A newspaper story says that the bunco games in Mexico are the greatest In the world. Can the author have overlooked our own dear Wall street? bandit in Springfield, Maas., says his crimes be cause there was something the matter with his head. There generally Is. A that he committed A Cincinnati man failed with liabilities of 91.200.000 and assets of f 400. No Will street financier would look upon such an accomplishment as a failure. as that manner every time. You are thus assured of uni-- j form goodness, and this is the reason that the use of Libbys gives such general satisfaction to every housewife., ECATSB of numerous vacancies In. the ranks of subordinate officers of battalions and regiments and the small officials number of graduated from the Military college, In addition to other reasons the war department of tbe Mexlran govern- Try Libby Dried Beef Vienna For luncheon, spreads or everyday meals they, are just the thing. Keep a supply in the house. You never can tell when they will come in handy. Ask forLibb During the first years of the school courses of Inl struction were limited to two terms and one term of practise In the serv ice of the ranks. Experience, however, Induced tbe commandant of the school to broaden the course to the extent of the studies which now obtheoretical-practica- tain. J1 EQJTATOtl the cadet is islgned;! campaign fortifies-dgof explosives lions; practical -if .nh rnlis and., chemistry; .and rOnnw-'-Y military Jurisprudence and law; geometry and trigonometry;, topographic drawing. For the third six months the studies comprise general tactics or the use of tbe three weapons, including the application of themes relating to maps or charts of the country; theory and practice with small firearms (or artillery): communication and work in the field; military topography; military hygiene and military horsemanship e I Announcement cornea from fashion sources that "women's hats are larger." Of course this Is a matter on which man has no vote, and what he may say or think does not count. But really is it necessary? That young Cambridge mathematical prodigy aays In the fullness ol his youthful wisdom that he Is quits convinced he could construct a flying machine with which he could reach Venus In twenty minutes. He would use radium as a motive power. But 11 la noted that he has not said bow much radium he would need or how much It would coat There are othei brilliant persons who could tell of the many wonderful things they might da if they could get the stuff to do II with And so long as It cannot be disproved, the proponent Is safe In stating his belief. Rear Admiral Bacon of the British aavy advocates the construction of larger battleships because in hla opinion, with proper subdivision of the hull, they are not as likely to be sunk as a result of torpedo attack as tbs smaller ship. There la something in this, as the weight of armament car ried by a large ship Is not proper tlonately as large as that on tbs smaller ship. But It must not be over looked that the torpedo Is becoming more powerful under the develop ol Inventors, and the damage they Inflict may be beyond the ability of even the best of compartmented hulls to - withstand. wild deer In the vicinity of Three Lakes, Wash., locked horns with a stuffed specimen and was shot Both of them must have been dummies A The latest and one of the biggest of the British battleships of the Dreadnought type Is built largely after American plans, particularly as regards the constcuctlon and operation for mounted officers. In addition to the foregoing during the terms which make up the three course the cadets are instructed by a special professor for each subject in physical culture, swimming, fencing and marksmanInfantry cadets ship with the revolver. course in horsehave a special manship and mounted cadets are Instructed In this branch during the entire period of terms. The cadets the three receive military instruction in the Interior service and management of the institution, aa well as in maneuvering in solid phalanxes and Instruction In campaign operations during the entire period of their training, daily practice being given them under the orders of the captains In and in conformity with the programs approved by the commander. six-mont- VMCrGC leal strength necessary for tbe pursuit of a military career. Young men having the foregoing qualifications and who wish to enter tbe school are required to apply in their own handwriting to the aecre-tarof war and navy, accompanying their applian rl.i. cations by documents stating their condition aa well as b certifies showing their academic and social training. At the bottom of the application tbe father or tutor must give hla consent in writing to the entry of the applicant Into the army as a prospective officer. Applications are to be made so as to reach tbe war department in November or during the first half of December, also in May and during tbe first half of June of each year. If the applications are accepted and after the medical examination certifying to the physical fitness of the candidates for the military service has been made, the applicants enter tbe training school on July and January 1, respectively, and are enrolled therein in due course. Record la made of the rlass of officers the applicants desire to become and of their agreement to serve as such during the time they attend the military training school and In tbe army for a period of five years thereafter, tbe latter time to be reckoned from the date they leave the Institution. Young men admitted as candidates must apply tor entry into the school on the dates already mentioned and pursue therein three theoretical-practiccourses of six months each, and after separately completing aald courses enter such battalion or regiment as may be Indicated by those In charge of the school for a course of practical Instruction. After a year's service as in the reserve army, if they have shown evidence of ability and of a military spirit they will be transferred into the regular army. Cadets are allowed 73 cents Mexican money per day for board and other minor expenses; are and are allowed given 60 cents a day as an additional amount ot 60 cents a day for the purpose of forming a fund to be applied In the purchase of equipment and uniform to be used In tbe school, which becomes their property on leaving the Institution and comprises their first equipment as officers. Cadets are subject to military law for crimes and misdemeanors committed by them during tbs time they are in the service. The cadets live in the school, take their meals there and only go out on Sundays and national holidays, or by permission and according to tbs Judgment of tbe y al com-mandan- L theoretical-practicTbe studies of the courses are, for the first sx months, sf the turrets Whether or not "blood rules and regulations; auditing and military acla thicker than water," It is becoming in general: el a jests of hisgeography counting; evident that the greatest naval power arithmetic and algebra; elements of Spantory, finds world "Yankee" In the Ideas ish and panoramic drawing. For tbe grammar worth adopting. second six months the studies embnre tactics with the w'apon used in tbs department to which half-yearl- 1 y and be sure you get Libbs. - CAVALRY Swage Evaporated Milk them with Angora goats. It might be asked If this la a ease of butting In or buttin em out The deaths from bubonic plague of two young women, daughters of the postmaster at Honkua, Hawaii, offer convincing evidence that the germs of the plague linger on the Islands, where the sanitary officials should toll unceasingly in order to suppress them. Tha same danger undoubtedly exists on the southern Pacific slope, where the rats should be made objects of unrelenting warfare. MexictnTuniles Pam loaf Chili con Carat ment. which at that time waa under the diof General rection Mena, submitted a bill, approved by congress on December 7, 1904, In the form of a decree, by virtue of which the Escuela Milltar do Asplrantes" (Military Training school) was established. Tbe school has for Its object tbe training of subordinate officers for tbe Infantry, cavalry and artillery service. The institution was opened on January 29, 1905, in the remodeled building ol the old factory of Santa Fe. in Tlalpam, which had been acquired by the department for that purpose. The rules and regulations now In force in tbe school were Issued at that time, according to which it was specified that young men desiring to enter the school must be Mexicans between 18 and 21 years of age. In the case of minors it waa necessary to obtain the consent of the father or guardian. Further requirements provide that the candidate ahall have finished a course of primary instruction, shall be of good character, vaccinated and possessed of the health and phye- Some eastern New York farmers are selling their cows and replacing If conscription for army service in China were based upon the German plan an army of 22,000,000 soldiers could be put in the field, says tbs Record. Also, by the Philadelphia same plan, this nation would have an army of 6,600,000. But there is no sign that either the Chinese people or those of the United States would accept the plan. 111)118 Chefs al cirnui All the professors of the school must be military men of acknowledged ability and practise in the subjects they teach. The school naturally seeks to Impart Instruction to the cadets along all lines of useful knowledge, with particular reference to a military career. The staff of teachers consists of 22 professors. Examinations are held during the first two weeks of June and December of each-yearr- 'a grades being accepted that fall below the approved standard known as the "three Bs." It is reported that the able director of the school, Lieut. Col. Miguel Ruelas, has submitted new rules and regulations In detail that are moat appropriate for the needs and growth of the institution and considering his natural ability and For years and years the prospectors in Sonora, have been searching for the second ot what has been recorded in history as the twin lost mines." In certain old records of the early missions mention is made of two certain lost mines. The names under which they are recorded, like tbe names of most of the missions established under the Spanish crown, do not correspond with any known landmarks tpday and hence only relative location can be used as a basis for exploration. When the 8an Pedro mine, located south of Nacoxarl, was discovered some years ago, with ita old underground workings. It Is firmly believed that one of the two lost mines had been discovered. Now It seems probable that tbe second also has been located and in tbe belt indicated in the ancient documents. Even if the second of the famous lost mines has not been discovered an antlgua mine of great age has been found, with proofs enough to indicate that It has not been worked tor many years. The discovery waa made by John Gnllfoyle, a . pioneer mining prospector of Kaco-xartWhen out west of Nacoxarl about ten miles he came across a piece of detached ore, which he picked up and examined. He spent many days looking over the neighboring ledges in the hope of coming across the mother lode. But hla search waa in vain. Meantime he brought in the specimen of ore and was surprised to find that it ran 1,170 ounces of silver to the ton. with good values In gold. This assay ran ao high that he returned to tbe district and continued Jils search. While using a steel in a creek bottom he found rock almost at the surface, but continuing hla soundings he suddenly struck a spot where the steel sank several feet Gnllfoyle knew that the rock .formation could not have ended ao abruptly and he began to excavate. He uncovered a long cut In the solid rock of the creek bed which held down stream and which could not have been cut there when the water was flowing in the present creek bed. As he progressed be found old stone Implements, including stone hammers, hatchets, and finally he came across a great ancient mateta or stone bowl in which the ancient workers pulrerixed the na well-know- n 1 k Libby Chicago Fop Rhea autism Mn oat pita. Kraasthcw mom, BaM4 1, At line storaa (LOOl Hohmw. Sita. for free trial offan. Wri Wilt, Oa, Dipt. B, Lot AataiM, CM. The Valuable Match. There was a loud splash, and a a jirlupg head appeared above thewavA. (J? 'the bhd of thr dock was a stevedore nonchalantly lighting hla pipe. "Help, man!" cried the chap la the water. "Cant you see I am overboard? I can't swim." "How often have you been down?" asked the stevedore, shielding defects as hla the desire he has to correct-sucmatch from the wind. him shown has five of years nearly experience I but hurry up, man ? Once, exist, these regulations will undoubtedly be ap- Give me a believe, hand!" new the war Under the proved by department "You wait! You have two more-time- s regulations the artillery battery will again be to and I have only go down, yet established and the course of instruction extend- one match. catch Ill you on the last each. ed to four terms of six months The present budget provides 1174,551.35 Mex- trip. Exchange. ican money for the use of the institution, not inA Quick Cat cluding items of forage for 98 horses and six Some years ago the proprietor of a mules now in uae at the school, and the keep of hotel in southern New Hampshire told which is charged to the general expense account tbe following story: He aaid that of the department of war. when 'he waa a boy he had occasion to go into the garret of his house A CHOICE. and that the family eat folhim lowed up the stairs. One of the "Well," said the head of the family, "its windows was open, and when they encome to a choice between two things." tered the garret a frightened mouse "And what is that?" asked bis wife. the "Whether well continue to eat meat or con Jumped out of the window, and midin It after cat. Jumping it, caught an automobile." tinue to maintain air and, whirling round. Jumped hack again into the same window. . FOUND THE LOST MINE Mexico, Libby, McNeill tive ores before smelting in their crude dobe fun naces. Later he uncovered matetas, all made of a bard flint rock, which must have been brought Into the district from a considerable distance, as there is no flint of this hardness near the mine. After pursuing his work for several days, the drift in the rock led Into the ore ledge, but the old workings were found to be closed up solid with silt Guilfoyle pursued his investigation and found under-the- . soil .on the creek upiandjthe remains of an old slag dump. As is customary with tbe prospectors in Sonora, Guilfoyle at once had this slag assayed. On account of the primitive methods of smelting employed by the ancient workmen tbe slag found on these old dumps is usually rich enough to be worked over again in the modern smelters,1 which leave nothing of value in the slag, but, strange to note, in this case the alag was found to be absolutely worthless. Indicating that at this mine the pulverising of the ore had assisted in the extraction of the metal values The antique smelters also knew a lot about the use of certain chemicals in the extraction of metal from the ore and at this mine probably one of those processes was used In connection with the furnace, only fragments of the foundation of which were found by excavation. Tbe finding of the atone tools has caused considerable Interest among those of an archaeolog leal turn of mind. The Spaniards were experts in the manufacture' of steel, so that tbe tools were not used by them.' The supposition is that an Indian tribe worked this mine and that this tribe ' probably operated following the Invasion and occupation of the Spanish adventurers. It is well known that there is a long gap between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries where tbe history of Old Mexico ana that district now including a and New Mexico is missing, probably because the missionaries, finding that the crown of Bpain robbed every mine reported, ceased to make report of them. In 1720 the Indians killed all the mine workers in Sonora and Arizona and many mines abandoned at that time have been lost to the world. Sonora has many mines which, on opening, are found to be antlguas and many of them are very rich. Arl-son- System Required. Clerk May I have a days leave tomorrow, sir? It la my mother-in-law'- s funeral. Employer My dear Huber, this mustn't occur again. Last week your wife died and now your m other-going to be burled. Yon must arrange things better In your family and see that they happen In the holidays. Lustige Blatter. 1 From Habit Life Insurance Agent The company has rejected your application on th gTOnnd that yon lied In .your, qjuwera. Why did you any that your circulation la good? Mr. Koloom Honest, I couldnt help It That's my business. You see. Im advertising manager on the Dally Boomer. Puck. A Breakfast Joy Sweet, Crisp, Golden-Brow- n Post Toasties Ready to serve from the package with cream no cooking necessary. "The Memory Lingers rk(. 10c aai 15c. POSTUX CEREAL CO.. Ltd. battle Crack, Mich. . r |