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Show Beaver County News UTAH. BEAVER. UTAH XKW'H. crake for a time. The mud U now quite dry, to that work can be commenced cleaning up. Some of the houses have eighteen Inches ef mud In them and the cellars are obliterated. (TK.4S WOIEI FIGHT. Take I'a Am to A wage Tkemoelve Agaiaat M eyler'a Oatragea. Key West, June 13. In the recent at- ML IT SHOOTING PROVO terest to the districts, lock we 11 Roys (lo Gunning For Will Hitter. lleyond a little misunderstanding between Mr. Bailey of Trxas, and Mr. Marsh of Illlnuis, the utmost good feeling prevailed. There was an attempt by Mr. Bailey and Mr. Maguire of California, to precipitate a political discussion In the last half hour of the session, but the republicans declined the gauge of combat thrown down to them. Mr. Turner (Dem., Ga.,) who was the floor leader of the minority during the absence of Mr. Crisp, offered a resolution of thanks to the speaker, which was adopted by a standing vote, a most ueusual honor. The speaker closed the session with a graceful speech, In which he thanked the member most cordially and felicitated them on the work of the session VERf In t a concerning LANGUAGE. his response Mr. question I mission, Bryan remarked: have nothing to say now, except that STRONG What the Silver Men May Do at St. Louis. these gentlemen and I will be found BMt November voting the same ticket. TARIFF COTS SHALL FIGURE T Arose sok Trouble Kl.'trr SrrssM Booster t'ssasB Wives Cttrroac to Garfield Beach will open July ikt. Jebae M ire From Kook ,V alley to erne fissNrl feat Mogirealtve The hoisting plant for the Overland tack which .General Antonio Maceo Financial Question the Only Home lo Trove Beth the Kerk Hrr at Sunshine is being erected. P. H. Aaaaaa Bay made on the trocha, four companlea of One of Importance. well Bejro Were Drunk at the Time The Bullion-Becwill pay another Cu an women took the Klootlaa afa WsU-HoWill be n part. These $15,000 dividend on the Joth. uf the Tracrdjr. have joined the Insurgent army Trevraled If Paaalble. All Ik Tariff I the World Wm'i The students of the University had because their homes have been deHelp t'a Wltkout tke Free isd an outing at Saltair on the 12th. stroyed by the Spanish. Many of them Cannon St. Senator 1 was 14. Louis, June mourn loss of relatives killed by Provo, Utah, June the I'slaice ef Hileer1 Dnkol .This city Old miners sprak flatteringly of the Irom and has taken arrived this scene a of the Washington In evening the tragedy consequence MaisHelala tke Fiakt, and Tkere Weylers troops. prospects In and around Marysvale. Is one of which has thrilled every one with exheadquarters at the Southern hotel, the Will be So Cempreasiae. The Cen'.cnnial Eureka has paid feeling against the Spaniards the bitterest hatred. When Maceo citement. David Rockwell, a son of place selected by the silver delegates as $1,740,000 in dividends in the past five their rendeavous. Upon the subject of moved to attack the trocha he was ac- Porter Rockwell, who hss lived in Rush A TOTI'I.IMTN IDEA. year. silver and its probable disposition by the Clnctnnati, June 13 Senator and Mr. companied by these amazons and 3,500 Valley for some time, shot and seriously The Salt I.ake temple will close on Fri- men nnder General Bermudez. It was wounded William Ritter, a convention. Senator Cannon Teller remained here tonight, while en republican young man Hretdemhal I Believe There had not yet route from Washington to St. Louis. day, June 26. and re open on Monday, Macros purpose to break the line and who for some time has resided near the Ksnlss uf All ihe stated the silver delegates Troapee. 31. August but do so Im- They resume their journey tomorrow had would a send Bermudez and 1,500 men into Ha- Rockwell place, and was by him shot conference, Hllver Hen. of silver Senator Teller was interviewed by the arrival the The carnival is being widely adver- vana province. The attack was made at and mortally wounded. after the mediately come tised throughout the will tomorrow. who of some some time the wife For distance of San north leaders, Mar John past night, Enquirer as follows: Topeka, Kan., June 11. John W. There will be no unseemly and vulWhat do you think the republicans cos, and was successful, although the Rockwell, a brother of Davids, has com- Breldenthal, chairman of the populist country. The I,. I). S. college at Salt Lake has Spaniards In their official report say plained that her husband was not treat state committee, thinks there is a pros- gar display made by the silver dele- will do at St. Louis, senator? I think that McKinley will be the Macoe was repulsed. The usIng her well, and has sent letters to her pect of a fusion of the silver men of all gates, said Senator Cannon. just closed its tenth year with 325 on a gold standard platform." to national nominee and incident blow this ual in resided A have received who letter from a Cuban leader brag in city the parents, the national campaign this students. parties of the In that event what will you do?" factions for conventions send to for her them a the He "We struck by believes attack, political would describing asking year, the says: year. populists Messrs. J. Silvain and Harry Oppen I do not wish to make any statement the strong line about 7 oclock at night, and permit her to come home. They be willing to yield somewhat to the sll party will not be indulged In by the helm, Paris banker, are looking over acso on did do and last believe We not friends of further than that which Is already on silver. the democrats ver There and Tuesday, silver the taking Spaniards by surprise. nothing republl Utah mines for iimstment. When the republican state or record. were two battalions of troops at the companied by Ritter, she came here and cans If the democratic convention at could be gained by Paul Pierson and wife, of Smltl.field, point attacked, and we doubled them took up quarters at the house of her Chlcage should nominate the In session, right perversion of facts and false excitement. convention of Colorado was have been arrested and . held to the up and poured In a fire that killed over mother, Mrs. Jenkins. The couple kind of a man." We know what we want, and will at the telcgrnphed that I did not desire to go I de not mean, he said, in an inter- proper time make our requests to the so St. Louis, but that if my party sent grand jury for conducting an illicit still. roo and wounded nearly 300 more. The made the drive In one day. Miss Jean B. Russel was elected queen Spaniards broke and fled, a few of them Yesterday John and his brother David, view today, that our party would con convention for a satisfaction of our me I would not support a gold standard of the catnival, having received 135,530 taking refuge In a small fort. We used who, by the way, have been inseparable sent to lay aside Its party organization desires." platform or on a platform of doubtful r that we would abandon ail other The Senator was shown the interview Import, or in other words', a straddle. votes, a majority of about 24,000 over our field pieces and dynamite against since childhood, came to this city, anJ Miss Violate Reart. the fort and soon demolished It. The from the time they reached the city in principles for the sake of silver. I mean published with Carey ef Not only did the convention elect me, until the amazons we like his state but instructed the other delogates to be in for said would which he the furies Nearly the sake of silver not Wyoming, evening they that early morning fought Charles Thiede is sentenced to hang drank so one of them be a as was had tenacious or sound the suffered to heavily. very on August 7 h. Judge lliles first set the every gold state, governed by my action. I did not like presidential money grlev By nightfall both men were in a very candidate. Our party has come to stay and would return a majority for a repub- that, because It la rather embarrassing date for July 31, but this being Thledcs ous wrongs from the Spaniards and that other men should be forced to do they took the opportunity for revenge. drunken condition, and after roaming and it will ultimately accomplish all the lican candidate upon such a platform. birthday, the date was changed. themselves hied a for time around as I might da. the criticise not wish It I reforms do on to was While rushed the which acwounded to they Spaniards, organized Five burglaries wrere perpetrated In They found where to the Then you will bolt the convention? with them home, made Jenkins Senator statement machetes. Maceo an they to but to hacking Carey. complish, by give opportunity Kaysvilie in one night. A raaor aud I do not say anything about that, but some whiskey was the only booty secur- tried to stop the slaughter, but the wo- young Ritter unloading a load of coal. the country free coinage of silver is said Senator Cannon, it seems strange askhim accosted Rockwell men were re aroused offered a I and such would by believe John me this that make and to the he silver my declaration to the republicans of year thoroughly ed, though they blew a safe to pieces at would not obey commands. leaders of two known the is that well It other mark. It have ing: the Union Pacific depot. Wyoming Colorado is on record and you can draw parties Finally What are you doing here, you G d In their power to unite our forces with Is by a large majority In favor of the whatever, coaclusion you please from Maceo had to to threaten shoot the The body of the man who committed d n z n of a b h?" theirs." free coinage of silver at 16 to 1, as was that. suicide by drowning in the Jordon last women unless they stopped hacking the to Asked name If man Ritter whom the he Will any of the other silver senators by One stating, woman responded you whose shown by their last senatorial rlection." Spaniards. daughter week has been found. Nothing was will wait a minute I will explain every- thought the populists would be willing from the west refuse to support a gold had been manifested a taken been has Much interest officer, by Spanish discovered to identify him but a pawn to endorse Breldenthal said: would bring her machete down on thing to you. around the Southern hotel, the head- standard man?' ticket bearing the name of J. J. Abliot. Rockwell drew a gun when he first "Well, there's Morgan, of Alabama, a "Certainly." old boy of wounded soldier, and scream, That for The seventeen-monthquarters of a majority of the presidea Caldwell or of Arkan- tlal but when asked You have an idea that Senator Cardemocrat, Ritter the Judge Chistina. question of action the William Caldwell my candidates, regarding Councilman of Tooele I afluded a believe to the remark made the ter of Montana, chairman of the repubsas, he Ritter republican. popu the convention on the financial issue. After the battle Bermudez with fell into a creek Saturday and was lists would to be if either would of it and laid down lican national committee, will refuse to Ritter offered, willing accept men crossed each the trocha into Hi' The Impression grows stronger drowned. The little fellow was playing 1,500 them. to be off come and too, the ticket under such circumhe Bland, the down, acceptvana ought while wagon Maceo made support be will get with declaration that a on the the opposite side of with his sister province, day able. stances? or for sound and ihe creek from where his mother was remainder of Bermudez column and would fight him. money flatly squarely What might have followed no man Boies, he said, is not a silver man, a "Yes, he will, and so will Dubois, standard. gold gathering lucerne, and desiring to join the amazons returned to the stronghold at this point in the proceed' and Is, therefore, out of the question ; but Mantle and Cannon. In knows, Del Rio the Plnar mountains. if asked the Senator Cannon, when her he started to walk across a narrow Do you believe the democrats will go The letter says Macro had 20000 men, Ings, Dave got possession of the weapon Don Cameron was from too far east, delegates from Utah, Idaho, Alontana, footboard and fell into the creek. and Teller would not do because he and accused his brother of being Nevada and Colorado would walk out of for silver? A unique-idehas been proposed to the nearly ail of whom are well armed. He I came from a silver state. afraid shoot. and to coward It looks very strongly that way. ten has of which he capcannons, three the convention unless their claims were executive committee of the carnival and The accusation was followed by a Would you support a free silver tured in recent attack the not could he that is that the queen shall sit in a float recognized, replied that which struck Ritter in the center democrat as against a good republican? shot HA WORKED ED. (LKVELAKD soon as As the is season well as there for the other rainy of rhrystalized Salt Lake salt. Bailer delegates, sprak of the breast and passed out through Really I do not wish to be interhad been no formal agreement made the mar who pattented the process and advanced it Is believed that Maceo will Did Fellow hat Caret the back under shoulder. the on that point now. I go to St. the viewed make a assault on right line, general Weylers that the question could not be answered took first prize .it the meeting of the deet Met by Other. had a Winchester in the wagon Ritter Louis as a republican, representing the Maceo the thinks fever will had held. been M. yellow a after until D A. meeting society two, years ago and also Washington, June 11. Thu president and although wounded, picked it up and P. H. Lannan of Salt Lake city was republicans of my state. The republiat the World's fair will submit a propo decimate the troops stationed on the hard enlast worked two the very days before Dave could fire the second time sition to the committee which will be trocha, so as to render It easy to carry interviewed in the morning's Republic can party has not as yet put itself en him through the head, the ball en- deavoring to consider on Its merits each record as a gold standard party, and shot he lines. accepted beyond ail probability. of the many bills passed by congress In as follows : at and until that time I have nothing to say the the right eye lodging tering ObIjtOm Yet. "No definite program has so far been tne last two days, steadfastly refusing to Frederick 11. Hansen, of Hunter pre Colobase of Inflicted wound the the brain, SecreIndianapolis, Ind., June 10. the sliver men but it is iurther than my record before the cinrt, Salt Lake county, has a great adopt the practice of some predecessors argred upon by rado state convention." m ill Siierrin of the democratic national being a mortal one. wbe In what a tary known, general y curiosity. It is what strongly resem committee said last Assistance came at once and Dave and sign late bills under pressure and done. We are The Intultable conclusion drawn from going to preserve our night there was hies a human foot, and is of stone or without , the to scrutiny necessary satisfy were and to taken the the county-jailtalk with Senator Teller is that he John one We are contest as yet before the com state organisations. going ome petrification from other substances, only With Mr. where a physician pronounced himself of their propriety. ill bolt if a gold standard ticket and mittee. This Is the Nebraska delega vote for the electorlal ticket which 1 possibly the petrified form of a mans tion. Notice of a contest In Colorado the injuries of the wounded mail Thurber, his private secretary, he was be the most effective in He was asked fursecuring the platform is named. foot. It is 13 inches, long. The find in this work until a very late engaged fatal. ther: has also been received. Mr. Sherrln election of a presldcdt committed to the was made in a ditch at Huuter on May Ritter stands a good chance of getting hour last night and started in again at What figure will the tariff cut in the the secretarys duties In making free coinage of silver at a says 6 o'clock this morning. Az a result independent 25th, and Mr. Hansen greatly prizes his the roll of well. Is only ministerial ratio of 16 to 4. It has been stated that campaign? delegates relic of what may perchance be the Both the Rockwell buys were well most of the late bills were acted on Not much. All the tariff in the the committee deciding as to who has a when the platform is adopted declaring of a defunct In the vicinity where they lived when the session of congress closed. Indian. known pedal extremity wont help this country without world silvermen a facia standard the case. for prlma gold Concerning the tern and had a great many friends. While Certainly all the measures of great Im walk out of the convention, headed An athletic association has been or and unlimited coinage of silver. free the of chairman the convention he by porary were either signed or placed sociable fellows ever parlance a to do and Park If at termed the Park ready the ganized No such statement as City, republicans should elect McKinsaid the names of Francis to one side after examination as un- Senator Teller. man a were when tariff platform, the times would favor, a on of dangerous they I City Athletic association. know what ley By way of Missouri, Senator Hill of New York this has been authorized. worthy of approval and, therefore, will not and In two years the I opening, an entertainment was given and Hugh C. Wallace of Tacoma, Wash, angry under the influence of drii.k. fail the silver Improve when about am I say talking to become laws. While there is of the people would wipe the Saturday evening at Douglars hall, and had been suggested though the com They werebotn hard drinking men and convention have tot this to grave doubt entertained as to the le- delegates a very large attendance greeted the per mittee had done out of existence. Is as yet He engaged in mining a great deal, making nothing of the old practice of regarding agreed on any such program. It true party formers. While the callers on Senator Teller of silver many entertaining says free silver will control the conven a living in the Intervals when they were gality western one Among the the president as lacking In authority to that in every events took place, the chief one was the tion and will select the not prospecting in farming. was to come selected were Henry W. Blair, en men states permanent At one time they were both wealthy, approve a bill within the next ten days St. Louis as delegates because they were route to St. Louis, and Hon. W. D. Wilboxing match between Jack Stelzner of chairman. St. Louis, and Frank Purcell of New their father, Porter Rockwell having alter the adjournment of congress, in unwilling to come to sit in a convention son, the Indiana republican who Is them a large ranch at the head of the present case the president will abide which declared York. It was a very scientific affair, left Forbid Hlaeklintloe. Whetb actively advocating free silver. against silver. Denver, June 13. A special to the Government creek in skull valley, to' by the practice. and better than anything of the kind Washington, June 12 Senator Dufor nominate Teller Senator will we er The list of pocket vetoes will be before held in Park City, everyone News from Albuquerque, N. M, says: of Idaho, who Is Senator Tellera gether with a large number of horses made bois, president or cupper democratic electors public tomorrow. Judge Collier of the United States and cattle. It did not last them long, present being highly pleased. is a disputed po nt at this time. No pro chief lieutenant in the fight for free Court today Issued an order to the re for they came into the On Hsrmans's Trail. will leave tomorrow for St. Louie, city and proWhile Mrs. R. Wlnegar and her three gramme will be arranged until the St silver, ceivi-of 'he Atlantic and Pacific rail ceeded to have a deto a St. time Louis while the he will join the Colorado senator where According good dispatch, Louis convention has adopted its plat daughters and Loray liobbs, aged way forbidding the blacklisting of A. money lasted. from tectives that are trail on the other republican silver men. and the city ou were The candidate. its nominated Fourth North years, form and driving R. U. men. The order says: "It apHe leaves a wife and three children, of the much wanted Rev. Hermans. On We will make the fight for silver, Salt i.ake, when the horse became men do not propose to do any silver pearing to the court that bee use of the eldest 5 years of age. John has In the said Mr. Dubois tonight, May 11 he checked his trunks to a point frightened and shied into a telegraph thing in a hurry. They will look the in an order known as the membership in the of wild en the of and resolutions a Southern Missouri on wife and two commltte part family in face take consisting and the was situation calmly thrown out American pole,' Mr. Witiegar Railway Union, certain em children. after having vainly endeavored to have We believe a floor of the convention. will believe and received an nglv cut on the head as action such they of the receivers of this court them checked through to a point some Ritter is a single man. besides h'dng badly bruised. Her young ployces most effective for the silver cause. majority of the republicans of the have In charge Ihe assets of the defend dirtance in the Interior. of silrst daughter ami the Hobbs child were ant There can be only one thing said to have country believe In the coinage the strike in the Latent llrrmaa Officera company Hsainn. during all over the and are alert as that gold, country also thrown out, hut were not seriously been agreed upon. If they can prevent ver on the same term summer of 1894, refused to perforin Denver, June 11. Each conductor on and anxious to apprehend him, whirh should have been the interpretation o! state will of no vote electoral go injured. APer the collision, the horse their duties as such the employees and were every railroad running through Colo has resulted In the detainment of ev ft, the platform adopted at Minneapolis in ran for some di tanre and was finally to a gold standard or a straddle candl from employment by the said rado has been authsrized to arrest eral discharged At 189a. If we fall we shall go down with Malad, Ida., the fore date. suspects. the oilier chil then stoppt-by a p Parenlhically it may be remark receivers, and It further appearing Francis Hermans, the Salt Lake city part of the week an Inoffensive colors flying." our dren rsi aping iiiiinjiiieil. Mrs. VVInega ed that they can prevent It in a number lo the court that because of former mem murderer. Hermans was granted a compromise be accepted by Would found himself the unwilling of caes. was taken 0 lu r home, in the rear of bership in said union, certain appll clerical permit, numbered 9,833, signed guest of the sheriff, and when he had you? from Idaho, West North 248 Littleton Price, delegate Temple street, in the cants for position in the service of the The time for compromise is past, by Chairman Caldwell of the Western succeeded In establishing tho fact that arrived today. He says a ticket noml patrol wagon In an unconscious rondi receiver are refused if and employment, There can be no Mr. Dubois. he was association. not After his of Passenger Hermans, not replied could e flight ap nated on a gold platform regardless tion. further appearing that in the opinion ot detectives were of the issuei It Is plain his track, who pearances, lost no time In losing him- enre compromise upon to put He In intends Idaho. votes 150 The flood at Three Milenrar Brigham the court such connection should not be after and clear cut. being brffled at every turn, finally self from a large crowd whom, he im- offer the following to the convention: City, had some mysterious features further considered a bar to employment traced him eastward, toward this In the event the convention adopta a notion to had abbreviate his agined, state, We hold that the veto power given to about it. A number have visited the by the receiver of this court if appll a platform unsatisfactorily to you and a conductor who honored his existence. through intended to was not the president reservoir and their report deepens the rants are in other respects proper per permit when presented. The authoriSalt Lake City, May 14, 1896. The used to defeat the authority of congress the other silver republicans, what will a claim that small to be sons mystery. They very employed the court now be' ties asked the railroads for help, ahd in Three Crown be your course? Baking Powder, manu to make laws on proper subject with part of the dam ts washed out and the ing fully advised, of Its own motion, it response telegrams reached the "What we will do if the platform does general factored subHewlett condemn We Bros, has been constitutional limitations. by reservoir is not materially damaged, is ordered, adjudged and decreed that declare for silver, responded Mr. not of passenger agents every member of mitted to me for analysis, and I find such an exercise of this power as an un Some have the idea that the snow piled hereafter in the employment of appli the Western Passenger associations au- lo compare favorably with the vxar waranled invation of the government, Dubois, Is a matter for the future to up in t lie canyon below the reservoir rants desiring service with the receiver, thorizing them to capture the owner of We will battle for our conbkkt brands sold at Ihe present time. In and we demand a return to the legit! determine. and the water made a dam behind it no discrimination shall be made against the clerical bitter end. If the majorto the If victions Hermans should fact, If there Is any difference between permit. male use of this power as it was under which, augmented by the overflow from any one because of membership in said board a Colorado line he would be we will act as our best us is the Three Crown and those conceded by stood and caercisedby the fathers of our ity against cap the reservoir, burst through and down union or because of refusal to perform lured. Rumors are current that lie I almost dictates." be the to best judgment powders instilutlons. (lie canyon Their were about ten feet services during said strike, H and the hiding in Denver, although the police on the everybodythe Three Crown Bakmarket, of water in lie when visited receiver of this court Is hereby direrted have not ascertained has the grbatkr leaykx-1X.'owder ing I,lke a Cot. The canyon has Bryan Appear. great damage to give all needful instructions for the STRENGTH ANI1 is like a cat with her tea The road is completely destroy! d and, carrying out in good faith of this order, "Cheap" St. Iauls, June 14. Aillourned. J. T. Kixosbi ry, Chemist, out claws in fact, the e.inyon is one deep gorge, rough and harsh. W- J. Bryan, the leader of the free sil Washington, June n The final University of Utah. Best is like threat with if In Schilling's scooped out mighty You dond can tell vedder dcr vas of the house today Mas devoid of ver wing of the Nebraska democracy! sheathed claws her It will laxr air immense vorm in tier nut until gentle and smooth; arrivals. The plow. of one Roswell re ap was todays Koflord, whose mother you crack der public interest. The appropriation bill is there. Sevhut the ot it work e to amount strength shell. had been passed and the member sim- sides at Spring City, was drowned in pearance of Mr. Bryan in a hotel cor i.mii were eral miniii,; In 1329 A. D. the Christian capliave ply waited for the end to come. A num- the Huntington river in Carbon county ner in consultation with several republi, being worked in th- lull-- , but it - impossible taken bv the Turks were You must take a bite of sorrow to got organized into ber of the members were made happy while trying to ford the stream. He aans from free silver states of the far to re u b hen', !! woil, will have to the celebrated Corps of Janissaries. of happiness moutful a much excited rpmmentbv the pa.sage of some orl MIL af in. was jo, the youngest pf the family. Bert k wo-me- 1 g Fr over-stateme- nt s a - nt r -- J book-age- ir 0 ses-slo- n - a- - - - i I |