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Show The News. Published I very FrUUy in Heaver, Utah, ! THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. GEORGE MALES, Leaver. TERMS. One year in aJvancc, Six Month, $.50 yo 50 50 v Three months, But if paid iq produce or oq time. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. Entered at the Qat Office at Beaver, Utah, Ts second'clsx nutter. QEAVLR, FRIDAY, JUNE i&A Dr. Warren left far Marysvale morning; he goes liv way uf Richfield, Mam-fielMurdock Co. have once more commenced a rick of logs, on the vacant lot oh tied by Mrs. Dell. No more base ball games there for a time. Newton Hill of Price City, Carbon county, is once inure in this seviion ol the county looking for a bonanza. Henry Eisenman treasurer of thi Sheep Rock Mining and Milling Co., left for Salt Lake City Wednesday morning. J. M. Murdock and others are on the range gathering cattle which are contracted and will be delivered in Salina tomorrow. morc, Wm. Hurst, Susie Tattersall, May Smith , Programme Committee. Lizie Nielson, E. E. Cowdell.Mary Horne, Hyrum M. L. Shepherd, Johnson. Flag & Decoration Liv ir, buuak Alex. Orr, Clarence Willden, Music- - large clip A Mis Lulu Mathews went to Salt Lake for the purpose of attending the Friday Some of our boys have gone to Frisco Summer School and State to find employment this week. The young lady will perhaps remain for of the State Carnival. Slaver the young Iiynds, Harry Dinwoody in Salt Lake a few weeks ago, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hodges are elated was aquitted by the jurj . over the presence of a baby boy who will try and sell the news at presented himself In their home Satur The a low price, gotlon up in a compact, terse day morning. All members of the family are well. and pleasing manner. Dr. G. II. Herbert returned from his ranche in Iron Co. Wednesday eveniug He informed our reporter that he had sold out his interest in Iron county, for which he realized $2,5110.00. lie had several (lowing well on Ills ranch. He will remaim in Beaver a few when he will go over to his home in Richfield -- The demand for carpet w eaving has so increased us to wan am the purchasing of another loom. I am now prepared to fillordeis promtly, Thanking my patrons for past favors, I solicit their continuous met of Blackwells Durham tobacco DURHAM, N. C. SHOULD mi You are Mtltled te receive FREE frtxn year wholesale dealers JMHITE STAR SOAP with all ba regarded aa a Infliag ailment ia feel, nature demands tha utmost regularity uf ths bowels, and any deviation from Ibis demand paves the way idles to aeriuua danger. It is Blackwells Genuine Dnrham Smoking quite as necessary to remove impure accumulations from the bowels as it is to eat or sleep, and s hcmltb caa ba expected where a native bairit uf body prevails. Tobacco you buy. One bar of soap Free with each pound, whether 16 ox., 8 ox., 4 oz. or KICK HEADACHE! This diarrmting affliction occurs most frequently. The disturbance uf the atemach, arietng (nan the imperfectly digested contents, causes a never--: pain in Ike head, accompanied with disancalrfe nausea, md this constitutes whet is pipulurly icoowu a. Kali Head ache, far the relief of which Ltvea Rnoulatos on Msdicikk. MANUFACTUKUB J. H. ZULU Jk ONLY iakz a ox., packages. We have notified every whole sale dealer In the United States that we will supply then with soap to give you FREE. Order a good supply of GENUINE DURHAM st once, aad Insist on getting your soap. One bare! Soap FREE with each pound you buy. Soap la offered for a limited time, so order Yours very truly, hotMuox by CO., l'liiladelplna, i. Mr. ne - 1 Tan-uc- er-co- at y. , renov-atingjt- he ed to-da- y. in- her 80th her bed for to confined been has year, several week past, with a distressing Aft. Jane Gillies, now is headquarters for all of Carpetings and Linoleums, grades with prices to suit the times. Beaver Co-o- p, Honor, from The contest for Maid-oBeaver County at the State Carnival next month, was won by Miss Winnefred Smith. The choice is good. We would like to have a correspondent lii every settlement in Beaver county; so esn tell our patrons what is going on !ti the different' totons; We will furnish hem witH'stamped envelopes and (paper if they Will1 send' us items' every week. We You'will'hkve a better clihnte to visit rail Lakethkn yoa ever' had, ori'the 1st, nd,or 3lU of July. Tlbkets can be had :t MIlfold'cHfcaper thbh ever before. -- Clothing!1 Beaver' Co-b- ji ha a tbfnfil&fe Bhedf Men Youth's and Boys ftfltk,- - tbe- ifthtt' frfsttillotm tbste will' be wrftfcaJ TAkKfi'bMs.1 tf! F. McShkne are the tijiltfKt&'c't:a fideliaby boy, born .last ibrUhV ihblrilntl The baby is doing rrie.1 day, Chari y. The Huntington brothers re running their steuin saw mill, near Coplana old setting, to it full capseity, mainly on square timber for the Horn Silver Mining Company, nd Henry Blackner with his sons, at their mill in Be Vers Canyon, are also running full blast on timbers and other bill of lumber far the same mining Company. derful how such veterans as Sister Gillies, and Mother Howd, have held up to be octogenarians, the latter a PfoneeA crossidg the plain in 1847, and sister Martin Hand Gillies, with tne Cart Company, in 1S56. - We afe in receipt ot a nice little poem on the Aorfan Tabernacle Choir in Caiforrtia, composed by Lydia D. Alder, and dedicated to Evan Stephens. There District Rcporer Cook, came home are twelve pages of the poem, and is callfrom Fillmore, Friday night, in six hourk ed a story in verse.- Ten cents s eopy. and forty fire minutes; the fastest time ever made by one team night or day Congress has appropriated $75,-00- 0 from there to Beaver. Distance 63 or 65 iof a public building in S(tlt miles. Chris Callister, did the driving. Lake City. It is believed that the Mr. Cook left for nephi on Sunday forenoon via Miiford, so as to be on Deresei! News building will be torn hand at the opening of the June term of down to make roofti for it. our District Court there, Monday morn ing, where a three weeks' session, mainly of important civil cases is docketed and ill-fat- - Fell from a horse. expected.- Wl.ll e out horseback riding a little before 8 oclock yesterday morning, Mrs. Barlow' Ferguson met With' a painful accideht by falling from her horse. The- lady and Mr. Ferguson were riding together along First South street between Sixth and Seventh. West streets, the horses jogging along easily, when Mrs. Fcfgusoh was seized with an epileptic fit ahd fell to the ground. via union Pacific' kvbr orfsito. The lady struck on her forehead and the right side of her fact!, which The Citftrval Cclrbratie and tie Crowe-i- n was very severely bruised and 9 o' the Jeere. scratched. Mas. Fergus on remained ohconcious for some time but Union Pacific Railroad Office, Salt Lake City, June 9, T896.' the attention of Dr. Rich soon resulted in leaving the' nnforthnate News: To th Beaver From the Midsummer Carnival, in the ady resting easily. City, July and, 3rd, and 4th, round' trip The Jensen Brothers, of the mails from Milford to Beaver and to St. George, run good teams, with new buggies, and good drivers. Their service has been excellent for the last1 two years;- - invariable on time with1 their will be carried mails, and passenger through dr to any point on their line in a quick time and as cheap as by any private conveyance. CHEAPEST RATES FROM MILFORD TO SALT LAKE, - CM-'nt- rate of FOUR DOLLARS, will be made TIl STATE LINE DISTRICT from Milford. Tickets on sale fr MilThe Young People M. 1. Associa- ford, July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, with limit MUCH TO JUSTIFY BELIEF THAT IT tion met. sronday evening and was ad- returning July fith. This is the lewest .WILL BE A GREAT CAMP. dressed by Misses Hale ahd Allman and rate ever made between' these points. IL Smith, a prospector well- -' W. D. E. Burley, Prof. Brimhall. It was one of the most mown from Pioche to California1 Gen. Pav. ntid Ticket Agent. and interesting meetings we have attended bree the other Way, cams in' for some time. Milford. Mr. Sm.i h has just s !.rom Murdock-iahother J. buildidg They left here Tuesday morning for large room to his residence. cen down in tkfe State Line district', Provo via- dilford. They are on their oi which he has great expectations. Mr Al. Fennemore has torn down the way back- from the St. George Suihmer New gold and' silver hearing ore School. With the thermometer at if o old Wile house and is putting up a new is being found constantly, and the ;to 1 iS in the shade how they did sigh for brick building joining the old one. region promises to' develop into a the cool shades of the cottonwood groves Frank D. Farnsworth is having an ad- rrrat camp. and the eonl' water of the Beaver river dition put to his already roomy residence. what we ncid is the raijut at Ft. Cameron. Mr. Smith, and I feel said Our' street aupevlsor ha been buisy lroad,' After the meeting adjourned Aayot to get it. wc'af'e that going Bakes wished to' know if the citizens the lost week or' two having the rocks is the State Line a promNot only and rubbish cleaned off the streets. wished to celebrate the Fourth of July. ising field, but tnere is good tonnage A. L. Shepherd motioned that we celArs. Rhoda Tanner came up from all along the route of the proposed ebrate that day, which waa seconded by Milford last week on a visit to her parroads, and in the neighborhoo of D. Beck, when the vote unanltiton ents, brothers, and sisters and friend 3ood Springs lead is everywhere to in favor of celebrating. The following She returns on c found, sn that in time, and with Sunday. named persons were elected a executive AAs. Hattie Bearnson, of Schofield, is the railroad, the place can ce most committee with power to cull others to relatives and friend in Beaver. prosperous. their aid:-WmII. Bakes, D. Beck, Ar. Visiting The region below Pioche and in Hattie Ashworthi J.' R. 1urdock, Ars. The Young Woman's Journal came to the neighborhood of Death Valley, hand and contains some interesting is the least Julia Johnson. explored of any in tne The following persons were appointed reading, torsisting of the followfng arWest, owing to the lack .of Water to .icl as sub.commith.ss:' ticle: Thfc'Seventy s wife; a double preit will he prospected thorough-l- y sentiment;' Peatant life in Denmark; wbeu a road gets through'.-.iiiFinance Committee. house kcbptng and happy homes, tne whole region abounds id Win. Rogcrxnu, Harry Fehne- - Poetry; together with other Meresttaf articles. - w-- -- Com fan V, bear 5!r: CONSTIPATION to-da- y. BLACKWELLS DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. Co-o- Some of our farmers say they will lose time, and turning out some of the best tlieir crops this season unless rain comes and finest qualities of dress goods with new patterns. We are promised a big very soon. improvement ii. the heavy cloths, in Ms. and Mrs. Ale. Orr were called to weight and density, equal to anything mourn the loss of their infant daughter manufactured in the west in the O Ruth. Born on the 7th of June, and line. died on the 12th. Professor Hall, and Fish and Game Our own well known rattle dealer A. Commissioner, Harraclough, are up the Kotheringhmn passed through Beaver a Beaver on an inspection tour, looking few days since with a herd of eleven for pouehrrs, and the Elixir of Life, been buyhad hundred cattle, which he to be found in the seedy bends and ing for B. F. Saunders. nooks of the river, and the balsams and tell of cake gums of tlie pines. Many Itttie boys and girls last Thursday with litand candy eaten The gen in) countenrnce of B. Burton, tle Nephi Blekley on hia second birth-daSyms Grocery Co., of Ogrepresenting The N ew a speak for a piece of den, was busy among our merchants last cake on the next anniversary. Saturday. I hr left for Richfield MonDr. Warren, of Marysvale, told our day. rebortcr that he has two or three men We curry the finest line of I.udles, of prospecting in the Mountain csst Mens and boys shoes ever shown, Misses, Beaver. He says everything was quiet prices away down. over.fn Sevier County. Tanner Sc Bakes Co. Mrs. Almira Murdock has been sumIts now the collectors for the 4th Celmoned to the badside of her mother who ebration can be seen upon the street, U lying very low from the effect of a And Sts now that Tootle Wheeler k MutAibo tall she sustained a few day ago. ters shoes can be seen on many feet. Mrs. Alvlra Johnson of Joseph, I on the For sale at Trnner & Bakes Co. same errand. We to hear that Sister liowd, is range for this in such'regret 'lit is said tast the cattlekilled a condition. She precarious In Kane eason is practically met with an accident about ten days ago, county. Thia is sometimasHiurprisIng when coming out of her sons bsru one as that particular part of Ulahs cattle morning, missed her step over the sill-range has always been excellent. and falling at full length. After being Mr. A. II. Fennemore has the best carried into the house, and exxiVined by foundation for his building (owing to Dr. Christian, it was found that her hip Mr. Alexander Boyter and J. W. Chris- joint had been Injured, causing her intian,) of any of Beaver City. Good for tense pain, and her body otherwise B.&C. jarred. Since the accident she has been in eon been Mr. A. H. Fennemore has tent pain, is now quite weak, and her Drug Store while his father was recovery is said to be doubtful. She a taking sojourn in ths CKy, every thing was one of thd pionears of 1S47, an lion--orlooks neat and clean. Call and see him. and most worth Latter-da- y Saint, Dr. Geo. Ii. Fennemore haw returned and nre trust her recovery is still probable. Ho Beaver from Salt Lake city r SIIHILL' LOOM, RwTLtot-BU- Lucinda I loud had thismis-fortuto slip and fall last week, James Nielsen left for Frisco Tuesday on her hip. We under From thence he will go to Salt Lake lighting The finest line of Percale shirts, in the Mr. J. W. Christian Jr. has made stand no hones were broken, hut latest styles, are to be liad at the Heaver for himself in the Stone Cutting and on returning will go with his family shook her inup considerably considerat prices unprecedented. line. Ward is all right (if you dont to Lees Ferry Arizona, where he is old her terested iq mining. ing age. of care what you say.) j. lines C. Dunham, the murderer and Messrs. Opat Dr. Hannifin, still is large McKendry George II. Fennemore, wife and i:ie McCIlnch family We learn tliut the rabbits are very who those to Miss are heie tracks. his left here last week for Salt ticians, hot attending are Tot, the upon cops bough plentiful out on Indian creek and have have weak or defective and Lake. The Dr. went to theDemocratic eye sight, Gentlemen and boys summer clothing eaten up alioul twenty acres pf lucern in fitting glasses to all those who wish to Conventlsn, as a delegate from Beaver one field. Mild cheap at Tanner and Bakes Co. have their eyes strenghtened. County, and on business, hut mainly for in a from returned Mrs. Fennemore' Harris trip d son 12 Win. of the Lawrence, year-olhealth, which has Harry There is quite a number of buildings been for several months. Southern Utah a few duya ago, where he White, was riding a horse after their declining going up this season in Beaver, although is hoped and expected that after It cows Sumluy evening, when the saddle bud been punching cows.1 hard of times. everybody ii complaining skillful consultation in the City, and a turned, throwing the boy to the ground Clean Master Charley Lindsay celebrated his change of climate, for few weeks, his also on hi head, striking and hurting yets. liee hive. Royal Laundry 13th birthday last Thursday amid a per- Mrs. Fennemore health be greatly will ankle. r at fur bars aycU, Laundry Soap, 6 fect throng of IPtle friend at his place improved, and benefitied by the visit, & Bakes Co. Wcxilen Our Mills are running full of residence. Many happy returns of the cough and general debility. It is wonKi-.t- r with FIUEftl Orderville, Utah. WWCTJITZ JTI, How many auBer lortmre day after day, awkinc life S buidea aad robbms exiatcnce at all pleasure, owing la ike eacnt eu tiering bom Fife. Vet relief ii ready to the hand of ahauel any ooa who will use syvtctuxu-caU- y the remedy that lias permanently cured ihim-and- a. Summons Lives KauuLAToa is m dntiic, vwlcai purge, but a gentle aesietanl to Baum, When you go to Salt Luke City oq the F. T. Tilton, a prominent wool merchThere were about a half dozen or more & ant from on call ust Johnson interviewFourth, last glorious town in drummers Friday Chicago, wa in town Monday and get your Photo taken ; last, and left the same day for Richfield, Salisbury Heaver Merchants. the ing they can do it to perfection . from to receive a You can get carpet warp at Tanner Babes Co., for $1.25 a bunch. liter oue years experience mhv a remedy far ihie repulaiva diaoider. Il will aleo iaprvve y oue appetite, complexity aad (eserai health. on the hotel business. op. -- Jaumuub AHi Nouiso. BAD BBEATIf I NotkiBE is aspltasaat, sothieg so cun Non, aa bad tavalh ; aad ia oceriy awry caaa k comas fatua tkt sioauck, and caa ba io easily corrected d you will lake Simmons Lives kacuLsTue. Do mi aeslect so m, Jas. Hutchings. BEAVER CARPET FACTORY. aad Sleca. Kefulxlx the Liver ad prevent Chills sao I'evzb, Malsbi-or- s lavas. Bowsl C(M PLAINTS, Jas. E. Robinson, D. Thompson, Alice Herbert, O. F. MeShane, Alice Farnsworth, Kate Levi, Mamie Lindsay, Jake Tanner. Gum Committee. Andrew Morris, Dob Fothering-ha- and Dance Committee, Geo. Woodhouse. W. (J. Dicklev, B. J. Sawyer has closed up his hotel 0 Subscribe for the Beaver County News. in Beaver and left yesterday tor Elisnore Wilford Robinson, Geo. Munford, Screen doors for $1.25 at Beaver Co- Sevier Co., where he intends carry ing Lewis Harris. 19, PURELY VEGETABLE. The CbnpvM, PiocM tad Bed lu.ily Mb-c- i sc ia tha worid I As LrraciusL Sracivic f-t- ail duo at iba I ye hers any dHfieoNy MSP, CHt Ml this NOtlCO Dug Tompkinson was arrested Friday morning by Marshal Beauregard for abusing his wife. He was brought before Justice Cooper and fined $5. and put under a bond of $200 to keep the peace. It is said hat he choked her and afterwards threw all the dishes outside, breaking them. Mrs. Tombkinson has appl icd for a divorce. 1 LatnlUfevs ! ( preewteg yeer SON It with St. Louis, Mo., June iS. 6 p. m. McKinley was nominated for Presi-- ; dent; receiving 661 vbtes out of G. A. Hobert of New Jersey,-wa823; nominated for Vice President; s James Palmers Aylshier Bull got out of the corrall and was grazing in the street and Mr. Palmer started to put him np, when h turned on him and showed fight Mr. Palmer being an old gentleman of 70 years Was not able to heat him off. He was knocked down and as he was getting up the Bull threw him upon his back, falling on the ground he was tramped upon and became unconscious. About this time John Anderson and Mr. Stromburg came to his assistance' and rescued him. Mr. Palmer is badly used up although not hurt fatally and no. bones broken.- It will probably be a long time before he is able tQ be around again. St. Louis, 18 189 6 Salt Lake and Btavrr, 3:30 p. m. Platform with financial plank de-firing, against silver, adopted at by a vote of 812 2gp. m., y to no i2. About thirty delegates from silver States marched ont of the convention. Nominating speeches are ficta being made. Lodge presents Reed, Foraker presents McKinleyf and A gentleman named McNally, the greatest scene m the history - oi who has located in Cedar City, in an( is the convention result. Republican with thi Nephi Republic, It is hardly a probabilty, however, intetf tiCwI have just botfght out the that McKinley will be nominated says store in Cedar drug City; owned by on first ballot. J. H. Me Donald, and the only reas-on he had a slxty-tw- rt ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC AN CON- miles west otgreat bonanza Cedar off the state lin6' VENTION. between Utah and Nevoda. He Elsewhere in out columns Vrill be told me that the discovery they had found a special from St. Louis, re- made, from present indications, it to be a mine of wealth.' ceived kierc yesterday afteroon, The fact that Mf. McDonald hafi showing that the political cauldron sold out his businos shows very is boiling over there, and that scenes plainly that he must have something' occurred Wednesday and Thursday more than ordinary value. Why, as were never before witnessed in fjom one claim aldtie the assay showed $640' in gold and twenty-si- x any Convention, in' the history 61 silver, J. H, McDonald our republic, . aiid Alt. McBurney are the owners1 The disatisfactibfi over the gold of the properties. From another' a such received that claim and took rime tons of rock, they plank Of the members which assayed $300 in gold to the votes majdrityof ton. Considerable . excitement a- -' present, determines the death of is noticed and the free coinage and the futility of at- mong are people to this flocking many pari ' tempting at least fot years to come, Park Record. the passage of a measurejby which silver may be placed at any parity by the side of gold, except the same as pig iron and lead. It is out of the question, (if it was vr eVer iii,) to doubt for a moment, that Wall street has the west by the throat, and as every day passes, the cl to-da- 1- -2 - . oun-ounc- es uvi v 12.., ;oldbugs and shylocke are welding their chains on us tighter. Wt are not admirers of baiters rom any party that was ever foundsome of the ed in intelligence,-butest reforms have been brought abojitby such spirits as Patrick Henry, and in many instances Jesuitical tools and means are t ho virtue in the nasty taste of cod-liv- er oil. Then why take it clear? justi-tifiabl- c. That McKinley will be nominated is a foregone conclusion, though opposed by Reed and his friends, and it is conclusive that the Republican party will never again posses-th- e strength and unity that has' characterized it for the past twenty to thirty years What the will DciVin-r.its- ' do at Chicago, remains to be seen, hui this much we believe, that il tin ale successful in nominating i thorough lice sivi-- in..:: r a- I..--- . .I.i' Nebraska, a' President next November i good. v are breaks the oil into drops so small that you can: hardly taste itr . |