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Show TRY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS FOR STOMACH TROUBLE. Convincing Evidence Supported by Goorenteo That Must Convince The Mott Skeptical. Dr. i..iuuiKJiiiB IVIs :i r ,1 iltViiir'j UMvn;ituiii, uvl by an i iMiic nt jir.u- titioucr, ami inarlv a LflOtU US II V:uhlu a ilii iij I1'. v throughout tin) Vuiti-.- Sim,.,. x j. loss to say, un ivtuiu 1) mlar fas nr fur mi lm-- a witlmiit huting grout uml 11 is t!m iuvulual ilt furati vc j ir ij r; i, , ,( j j H tliat lidVu Iiu.lt tlirmu sta:.inl itiovt-rnmnriy in tin- - xx.ir! j. Added tOtnisLs t!i ul'Ntluii1 tliat tin pill contain no iiariulal oiuati, nun-uti- l tl.i-i- nr si imidnui. A nst nf evidence nf itii-is funnd in statement nf Mrs. X. 'll. Wlntl.v, iu of Mutiny, Ark . . w In says : I laid sulftnsl for a guml nunv vi'ars from Ktoiiiiu-l- i tmulili. Fur a lm'ig't mu s 1 Wan Mlbjift to Uni nf faint liins and lack uf bnatli Hccuiiquiiiixl bv un indescribable feeling that rerun'll to tart in luy stmiuu'li. AVhciicvi-- r 1 was f.-- ! 1 1 11 advi-r.i-i-i- l n-ri- ; 1 r 1 sju-IL- a little run-dow- nr overtired, n tluM spell would cume nu. They mrurn-frequently but did unt List verv long. 1 wan confined to my U il fur ten weeks one time and the ductur my trouble chronic iullaninu-tio- u of the stomach anil lmwels. iSuice that time 1 luive bci u subject to the fainting spells and at other times to fluttering of tlie heart and a feeling ns though 1 wus smothering. My gtmiral health was very bud uud I was weak uml trembling. I luul seen Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mentioned in tfto uewsiupem and decided to try them. Wlien 1 begun taking u the pills I was so in strength that 1 could hardly do any housework. Now I could wulk ten miles if necessary. Moth my liuslwud and myself think iJr. Williams Pink Pills the Ust medicine mad ami we ulways recommend tlie pills to our friends." Dr. W illiunih' Fink Pills actually make new blots! and give strength mid tone to every part of the body. Tliey liave cured serious disortlers ot tlio blood and nerves, sueli as rheumatism, sciatica, amentia, uervousuess, liead uelies, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus dunce anil many forms of weakness in either sex. They are sold by all drag-gis- ts or will lie sent., KMiaid, on receipt of price, 00 iuts per box, six boxes tor $3.50, by the Ur. Williams Mmticin. Company, Bclieuectady, JS. Y. mn-duxx- How Pruning and Cultivation Give New Life to Trees. Baths With Tin 1 lime, i, tiit!! uni a'e ,n!niised uf stivilig, which prac- - : ::,es i 1 i!i-- .i Some nl 'l.e-a- - l'J J'.cn.i'.M in : : 11 ; when cniild je lie lii'uiudil and u a tn nl il.ey auuld really pay a i'n It i i if .s Thex cnii! 1 Nun iii, uf an iii'fhai'd is a fairly eiitiph marier, pruvidiiig ii is pinieili understood. 'Hi t'uimin Centlcnian The impor tun poiui is iliai it lines nut emikist In tin applieaiinn of su single patent remedy, Spiaylng will mil do the wo.k: pinning will mil cine all the troubles: Ullage aluue Hill In worth veiy liule; the only way to get ihe deuired result is 10 apply proper met lioils all along the Hue. The soil tdiuulil In loosened up ami proper drainage provided. Tin trunks should he seraiied clean and spread with copper sulfate or llordeaiix mi Mine. Old (lend liiuhs should he cut util. A but nut excessive priming should he given. Tliovougli spraying Ill ease tlm should lie undertaken. trees are of mixed or uiiprofiialdo varieties. they should In reunified to standard sorts. It is not likely that additional plant fund will lie required at find, except 011 soils very touch depleted. A11 orchard taken vigorously iil hand in the mailer of tillage, pruning and spraying is upi to start lulu a strong grow ih ai once: and If a good deal of law fertilizer is applied, there may easily he more growth than ia desi ruble. However, one must keep his eyes ohii. and in ease the trees show the waul of more firm!. U should be given. Ii is really a comparatively easy matter. If all these things arc systematically ul tended to, 10 bring an old orchard round. It requires from wo to five yearn tu do it. deiiendiiig on the condition of things when the matter Is taken in hand. I'i'idit. dil RASPBERRIES FOR HOME USE. Farmer Have Should Hie Berry Patch. No fanner is doing hla full duty to to set at hie family if lie least four long rows of raspberries for home uae. Four rows, because he needs four varieties, two of which should be black and two ted. an early and a late of each. Set them in tlie spring on fresh'y prepared land by laying It off with shovel plow and setting 2Mi feet apart in the Imitoin of the furrow. Tramp tlie dirt, lirmly on the roots. Make the rows aa long as the needs of the family may require. Locate the patch out in the open where cultivation may be easily given, for which the ordinary corn plows are well adaiited, suggests Farm and He tie. They will not bear the first year, and only a part of the crop the second, but for from six to ten years after that tlie crop is almost certain. mulch After the second year a of straw each season will make cultivation unnecessary and the only work required will be an annual trimming. This may be done when the plant ia dormant, but preferably la the winter or in early spring. Orchard and Garden. If the garden plot is not naturally make plans for draining well-draine- it. ! and whole- r sweet, 'some, and may be used from the hour of birth. tb wnrtd. IVpotii In all ntkw hrm. Ourn.. Ilnauat Torvunuf. iMdcunac Uumourw Bnld thMMKtioirt Imin a nttrr mr boo. oq I To eonvlnea woman that Anll-rpt- any Jmh-tl- m will lo her health and do all we elalm for it. Wo will end her absolutely free a largo trial box of I'axtino with liisik uf uistruo tlons anil tostiiiionlnls. 8 end your name aud address on a postal card. lmiimvn cleanses and heals mucous in e m af- snrh as nasal catarrh, pelvis e caian Ii anil iiinauini iimn caused (y ills; sure eyes, sora throat and riiiiith, by direct tln--vil treat nient Its cur- fections, leuii-mii- irmihi. s Is extraative power over bmiieiliato and relict. ordinary T1msi-.i- i, ts if w nu n uio using and cents It at It) day. however, dneiKistsurby nu:i. Ib Y MITIt TO VUl IT. Til l.M, ITIOST TIIK lb 1AXTOX CO., llokton, Haas. '' DDAThCDC PIW wnn to cur any- thing ldVertlSl in Ks eclumns should Insist upon havini whai they ask lor. refusing all subsb-tul- ss or imiiatior.s. of thi box. Fiister-Mllbnr- WOMAN Ketper tu., Iluffdlo, V -- I Tt iln - 111. 1, .p.'ii-il ,.1 v I. I ! l,- l.txiilivrl - l!.e I liKlit. Operations - ,( pillill,'- ..n iIim It c. lit. linn ite 1 j JiH . Hi i. New Yoik Birth and Deaths. :e is . bivtii in Now York city Ii,ii.m.ii'i - in ike da; and a earli : I Li r ,S , Le- U. t -' i .r .'T i- Hts Saved Eighteen Lives. i l.-- t:'lili' Y. ll li.'.i.iiU-S- . i l.-i- k.' L.t -r i L. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Lydia tuuilt from nntix-aa serious linve rjuz: Itit Yum. UiuJ Yuu liiuti ix,r e Alwa liJUfU. evineiiivil li r'.'l.no Crovxing County. ' ,' 't ui"i,i I) uf Febiuary. 1.: lit iulaliN' were ship- i'i county. Maine, ; .i lo'ai nop of lltiti and up in -. j x Important to Mothers. ii.f OXSTOPIX, net... i. n.fiitv ub.l iiiiiiiii u, ii.m, i la : !! jt ,1 iiHi-iu- lino Fi t els 1 iiuT. of ;,r7b.(iT3 bush- - In a P.nch. Use Ida Iawis celiliraied her fiftieth year as kiciur nf the i.l mo island lighthouse in Hie harbor of XewNirt. It. I. As a girl aud woman Ida lias lived a remHrkLlde life. Her Ina very ami skill In handling a boat are well known and her fame is secure us iln givui woman life saver in (lie wot Ii, for she has the credit of liavbig suicd no less than IS llvca, most of her rescues having been effected iu tin- - face of exireme danger and in winter. As keeper or the Lime island lighthouse, to which (gist she was upimiiitcd in recognition of her bravery and record as a life saver on iln dentil of her father. Miss Lewis has shown herself as careful and efficient us a miiii could be. She la one of the few women in aucb a position. I.-- SARSAPARILLA TIME. Make Your Own Sarsaparilla or Spring Blood Medicine. ounce Fluid Extract Mix one-hal- f Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar-gnthree ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Sliake well in a bottle and take one teasiioonful after meals and again at liedtime. Any good druggist can supply these ingredients. This is said to be a aplendid Spring niood Tonic aud system renovator because of its gentle action in restoring the Kidneys to normal activity, forcing them to filter front (lie blood all impure matter and acida, destroying s which produce ill health and sour blood. Everyone should take something to cleanse the blood at this time of year, and the above tiliiiple prescription ia the moat highly indorsed of the hundreds of home remedies generally used. Mix this yourself, then you will know what you are taking. micro-organism- j -i - ALLEN'S FOOT EASE. ell res paini'.il. smart- i t and !: : ..I., ingrowing nail. It s ". gc.:irsi com fort discovery uf the .1. i . Make new shoes easy. A cert-'eii! i for sweating feet. Sold h a'l it ;.e .xceept no sills stifi.i T'!i: package. FlllT. Address s lllhislc.l la Huy, X, Y. ' 1' In.-- . lie u a woman suffering from female tronb'.e is told tliat au unr-atiu- n is I'eecbAury, it, of frightens liei. 'I he very thought of t1ielioKpit:il, tin iH'rutiiig tiildi ami tlio knife lu-1 si ri lies It is iiwtc irin that tiiesi trull tiles may reueli it Mage xiliere an ik-r- a lion is ilie uu!y result rec, lil a great liiuny ixuiueu l:ue been cureil by I.X'lin K. I'mkhuin's Yegeliib o t'iiiiihiiuni after un us'ratiuu lias been ileeiileil 11 toll us tin iilliy cure, Tlie hlriuigi'st titnl must grnteliil statements pusKthle to make cuuu from women xhn by taking AY j - HAS FINE RECORD. of Lighthouse. She t.i Women Avoid ii-- t M ruuis sml li'i--e Misire'nraM, uf lu-rli- iss uscujM'd Y. -- iltli ht. , N.Y. .107 SSlie writes:-lie- ar Iinkliam's Aegctubie Couqioiind haa enreil me f the very worst form of female truuble uml I wish to express to von my ileeHst grntii i inleiisi ly fur two years so that I as iinnhle to utlenii Iu mv (luties sml xxas a bimleu to my family. I iloetoreil uiuhloetoreij xvilli only lciiiHi'urv relief ami constBuily objecting t 1 was udviMsl tx to nil ileeiileil to try Lydia uuilergo. E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Coniomiil; it cured me uf the terrible trouble Mrs. l,iiikltaiii:-''Lx-il- K. ia sulTi-rei- i i j j xx xx liii-l- oH-rain- ami 1 am now in 1 letter licultli than item fur many years. every woman to try Lyills Yeget able IXmqiound before slit sit I units to an operation. 1 liux--e Tin' and otlier such esses should enentirugi dia E. Fin k hu Iinkhams Standing Invitation to Women Mrs. Women suiTering fixun uny form of female weakness are invited to promptly eoiiimunicate xx itli Mrs. Finktiaiu. at Lynn, Mass. From tlie symptoms given, tin trouble may Is: located aud the quickest aud surest wav of recovery advised. Followed Him. wlio was in San M.gfortune tbu mail, a Fr.ir.ci." o I i In- mm of llie disaster In that city, went in Jamaica and into pannerslilp at ti good private school ai Kingston, which was dl'stiuxei hx (lie e:l.iUiliake ou the first day uf his new enterprise. d THE ONLY Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Alcrcury, Ojfrrurjr will un!f lrlny BUhF of fiiwll mm twuji'.tutijr dr liold syswui hra rail, e lln Sanitary tics iurabl Burt, ca nUrliiK ii tlutriiKh tlttf tiiut'Aiua bucb vii' irB slfuM iipvBf ! UMtfii ekeept a prMkiip llV!i,r,'air, lllt'h! Pll) lll'iRtiBv M Ibe (UlliaifB liicy vlll leu fold Iu flit knhI i i hi il Miibly si ntBrrb i unt, uiBnufBcinrrd by r.iUirBiy A i TituW, o. rmtBlu mu hmi (Uiy, and I ukm mHuic dlracily upoa (M u UmmI uid utuiN'Us mirtuceB of iln Bysicm. la buylug JJail rnr b Bara ymi yef tliB (BUrrh .uulu. 1 1 ia wkrii intrruvilT aud ihaJb In Tl J F J .briirjr t o. TmilinaalnU ,ld Ii? nrnA-lniaI'rlrv.t&e. sr IndilH, uls lutruly. WALLCI In. TM iivil I uullj 1111 fur cuuillpAtioa. Great City's Derelicts. ALABAST1X E comes in dry powder form, ready fur use by mixing with clear at the head pure cold water. Safeguards health and makes homes beautiful and livable. of an East Side and Dowery mission Easy to mix. You eau apply it yuuraelf with an ordinary flat wall brush. is authority for the statement that Insist ou gisidsin packages labeled A LA li ASTI X H" aud that your work" the men who line up for free bread at men bring Alabastiue in unopn packages and use on job. the distributing places around one If your dealer doea not have Alabastine wo will supply you. AVrite for free oclock every morning men who have color suggestions and send us 10 cents for book Dainty Wall Decorations." no place to lay their heads for a sin- ALABASTINE COMPANY. Grand Haplda, Mich. New York City. gle night's lodging are nearly all from the Interior of the United States. Van Xordena Magazine. A prominent clergyman SLEEP BROKEN BY ITCHING. You save money Eczema Covered Whole Body for xYear No Relief Until Cutioura f andavoidfaHurea jnjrour baking if yon use Remedies Prove a Success. a year I have had what they nil eczema. I had an itching all over Could Not Afford Title. y body, and when I would retire for Many times did the Gentian emperor the night it would keep me awake half press the title of prince upon Ilerf the night, and the more 1 would Yon Hulow before the latter wouic scratch, the more it would itch. I accept. The statesman wanted the tried all kinds of remedies, but could title, but could nut afford to live up get no relief. to it. Of this the kaiser knew noth"I used one cake of Cutlcura Soap, ing. of course. At length, about 18 one box of Cuticura, and two vials of months ago, a relative of Von Bu Cutlcura liesolvent Pills, which cost low died, leaving him $1,350,000. A me a dollar and twenty-liv- e cents in few days later he showed the kaiser ail, and am very glad 1 tried them, for a legal notification of his good for- I was completely cured. Walter W. tune. The monareh grunted. So Pnglnsch. 207 N. Itobey SL, Chicago, that was the reason my prince, he UL Oct. 8 and 16. 1906. said, laying stress on the title. Why Increase in Savings Deposits. did you not say so before? In 1906 the resources of the savings banka of the state of New York Fanny Crosby Now 87. Fanny Crosby, the blind hymn reached $1,465,000,000, an Increase of writer, celebrated her eighty-sevent$3,000,000 la onjy one year. birthday in Bridgeport, Conn. Miss Gxrfiehl Ten, the Mild Laxative, is a Crosby received many presents and l hmiHchuld remedy; good for congratulatory messages from all puir, yowig slid old. To 1 taken for cunstipa-- t of the country. She aaya that ios, indigestion, parts colds and the way to keep young la to be cheer- iliMMv arising from impure blood. It ful, keep working and love mankind. cletrs the complexion. She declares that she does not feel Every truth that comes home to us much above 40 and that she haa not is a moral rail, bidding ua rise to a miaaed her dinner in a year. new position. Goclbe. Parieian Champions Barmaid. The Paris Matin says, apropos of the projiosal to abolish the British barmaid: One must have lived through a dull winters night on the shores of the Thames; one must have looked in the laughing eyes of some waitress for a reflection of the absent blue sky, in order to understand ail the horror of the proposal to replace charming barmaids by men. BAKING POWDER 25 ounces for 25 cents You cannot economy, or have your food dainty, tasty and whole- l QUNCU every some if you pay less or accept a substitute. h few farmers make a practice of spraying their fruits and vegetables. In spraying use plenty of liquid anil Fse too much pul it on thoroughly. rather than loo little. Keep an eye on I hi strawberry bed. If winds blow the m loh off In spots, replace it at once. In western New York buckwheat as a cover crop is the standard of fertilization for apple orchards. It really works wonderful results. Wify do we not sixnd more time digging weeds before our craps are swamped by them, and less in mourning been use we had such a light yield at harvest time? It ;nallother remedies P luiiruui al Waierville. saxs: .Mu, liefuie Fills 1 suffciv.l using Loan's Ki.i:i exer.x thing from k!i!n,y troubles fur a year and a half. 1 had p..m in (be back and head, and almost euninmuiis iu tlie loins aud foil weur.x nil tie time. A few doses uf lx mil's Ki ino.x Fills gum relief, and I k, pi on taking iielu mi'll in a short lime I was eim ii. I think lxiaus Kidney Fills are woodi'iTul.'' Fur sale by all dealers, ad reals ;i T .Ii 111, VI11IU-- ; : ' hi V Him ". Ii i tin- I'm e -- the kidneys' I,,: i.i !' Keep well and al1 lii-'suf- ferings will Ik Mixed xml. Mis. S. A. Moure. pvupi icinr uf a ves- - I,- - six-inc- s Great Skin Cure;. It causes backache, headaches, di. lines, languor and disiress lug urin.iiy 1 roubles. m-- i ,iimj and among iiiaaks. On many faru.s. linMeic!'. : lieiv are smaller or iraeis i.l n! uiehard, many of Ur(ir whi.-l- i au n:th!c-- s :n. i many mure of wl.iili an- - not iui-- t ! juutlnibU. which Ev.ry Speedily Cured by Warm Will 1 niHlm, ,ix-i- v 1 Allege! her tin mns: pruti: an!i orchin iceeiil time nr ! leii-,in Mu moden. (. i ard, are i'.usi Tr.ic ., iv.lv will ji.t vtalfi yuods M Ktl'I U w,ili FI JlYFh. ami - ail Infill and laSI. The kidneys have a great work to Uir So iu keeping the blood pure. Whem F.'a 0 nint h easier to tell a lie they get out of order thai. it la to make people believe It. TIRED BACKS. RENEWING OLD ORCHARDS. 1 MEDICI is surprising how Ti ne to Spray. Fruit growers should spray their fruit trees in March, before buds swell, for fungous troubles such as peach leaf curl, scab of pear and apple, fruit rot. etc. The Itordeaux mixture la the standard fungicide. (Hut, remember, is also a fungicide; ao if you use it for San Jose un your trees you will not need the early spray of Bordeaux.) lime-sulphu- r The Strawberry Bed. Shall 1 cultivate Somebody asks: bed this or hoe my strawberry xpringT" To this Ihe Farm and Home says: As a rule, no. Tlie bed should limp been clean when It was laid by last fall. Any weeds which push through the mulch should be pulled out by band. Planting Pears. Fears can ho planted closer than A convenient distance apples. ISxLO fwt. These can he thinned to 30x20 fet when time shall require. This will be all the thinning necessary, as pears tend to rcai li up rather than laterally. mmmtmmmmmtmmmmm Way to Save Money. A good fruit garden saves money and doctors bilH, drives away the blues and hweetens up the home. A JAQUES Chlca pnu-.tu'M- BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT a Quick and Permanent Cure for Is Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. FIND OUT The Kind of Food That Will Keep You Well. The true way la to find out what la beat to eat and drink, and then cultivate a taste for those things Instead of poisoning ourselves with impru-r- , indigestible food, etc. A conservative Mass, woman writes: I have used Graie-Xu(- s 5 years f r the young and for the aged; in Richness and in health; at first followin.' directions carefully, later in a vari: y of ways as my taste and Judgment But its most special, personal benefit has been a s'llintiuiic iur i.iuat, :u. I served dry with cream when troubles made It impmtnnt fur me to give up the coffee habit. "Served in this way with the ad of a cup of hot water and a lit'lc fruit It has been used at my morn for six months, during whit h time my health has much improved, nerves have grown steadier, and a gradual decrease in my comfort." Name given by Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd.. Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, The Road to WeUvUlc," In pkgs. "Thera's a 1 lesson. WETWEATHERWORR HEALTHFUL AND Three Sizes, 25c, 50c &nd $1. Sold by PLEASANT &11 Druggists. IF YOU WEAR tout's WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING CLACK OH VLLLCW Perferf Prolretlon Lorvjttcl Servile Low in Prlf Sold Everywhere rll (' Y'r wt ! OH . WE WANT YOU v W. N. U., wnieihiieMif Of PH III lrurill.ir. nnr I '"I'I. .'!!(! 1 Salt Lake C.ty No. 15, 1907. ? Jwwlivt (,,r ATg. iK.pt, MMI L.' UIII Ml Kll IU AOO. DOUGLAS W. L. $3.50 SHOES $3.00 AND 01 E3M $4.00 SHOES II,. . .1H n I SHOTS CAW, GILT DOUGLAS W. L. BE EQUALLED TJUtTVOKLO AT ANT PRICE. FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES I IMMI'H'l til 1.311. In IU,. phlMMI. Kilt.1., '!.'l .OO. t .Xli.m Si I Iill'ln-Il- ' Hi ' 1 . I XX 1 -. i. Kii'.-- i .in- u.'uyiiir.i'il hy expert ju'lgc. of footwear m Mx!".li: aii'l Hi:ir iir'ilui'il In till country. K.-l- i of Hih ruakinz in looked after p'iui' u:i'i cvrry ti parx ami vrit' iiHil ovir hyHti--ski!li"l alincmaken, without regard I tiiko yon into iny largo fnclurio nl Ti time or coil. H I lnw carefully AA'. 1. Jougla. LS JipM'kt"ti, Ma.. . and Kh' then umlcrstand wire they hold tliir tliale, lit bettor, Klim-- , are nialc. you w-nlwi-a- r ony other make. I'lnL'.r, and are of nalir value tliar on ? . toUn. whlrli pnaretalhowiwiwaraliMt Mk w I. iiifl.. hkimk .iit po'c ii w.iiipit .Ik. itmlna arerawhaie. arm uil in'i-ri- 'i 'I'mp . Hokalll.lo. HnW l,y tli. Y. I. 1 . t)liotlii ot t!ix -1- - lil bijt yu ill tWw- ArMi - h'. uditmvt t'atatoemtailraa W.l. ItOlHLai, Uiaiki.a,Hi |