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Show &, Co., ttirCbsmlata. H. Oi t. Aaaayai- 1M H. W. 1 . i... 81, Beds Uke (City. Write y iiliDf lacks. on I Fifteen assays or anslyaea for $3.00. Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper, Iron, Zinc. Sllcta, Calcium and Manganese. Write for particulars. THE HENRV HANSON CHEMICAL RESEARCH CO Analytical and Consulting Chemists, 54 Railroad Building, Denver, Colo U. 8. A. of Hope light all the air, and whore Subscribe for your local paper. the temples (if a marvelous fruition are about to begin to soar upward In Wo will duplicate any piece of work marble and in steel. I Jet aboard or done by the reputed best dentist In surely you will be left. lTah for 3) per rent less than tbe price charged by him. AH work done under a written gunriintee. SMOKE THE BEST. MECI1AM DENTAL CO., (15 Main St BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. Salt City. '..bUiker and Dalian. Makers. 134 W. Subscribe for your local paper. 3rd Smith Street. Salt Lake (Tty. HOTELS AND ROOMING PALACE OF MANUFACTURES AND LIBERAL ARTS. Tills is mu- of the tain structures equair,,f ehihit sacc auil will tllHt lR ,( bo,,w tlle Industrial dis- - lie im Is .uiutul in design as It la ini- jilay at the Jamestown Kxixisition. nieiiM- in rzc. Thi ,iillcliiig is to (01118111 olVd.OlHI - t.-- t : THE MIDLAND! Strictly First Class. - JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION, Curious Compound Capsules Combine the Virtues of Big G, Pabst O. K Santa Pepsinon and sell for $1.25 a Box. Mail Orders promptly attended to. DOULL DRUG CO 338 Main St Salt Lake City, 40TEL8 AND Dell rhnne SS: fifi fl A v PB Phone ?. 263 South Mi.lv BL Steam1 Heat and Baths; Electric Independent !ioo Lm - nnn fl"'-- G MG Gli D fit fi Salt Lake City, HOTELMETROPOLE, L-i- East Third Sojth Street, Rooms 75 cants to $3 00 per day. 'n, i Modern in all Its Appointments b i&liiij SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. Now Is the time to rapid advance Is certain. Choice building lots all parts of city, $100 to $500, month, 7 per $12.50 cash, $7.50 Invest. A !' Rooms by Day Weak or Month REAL ESTATE CARDS. - c c l; Rmin'w6 Eft ! f ' REAL ESTATE CARDS. rv i Usffr r l!!;. S I icl ili'iuiii'-v- . i i 14 West First South, Salt Lake City Utah. jtpK'TKH I Richter estate A. H 5 : t? : Qp.Qfi ? rr 2d So. 1 Red. PDt Mrs. A. Van Noy, PropiiHir West 5198 Telephone 1699. Th'Riir' 78 ... 35 APARTMENT HOUSE, New and Elegantly Furnished HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO DAY, Week or Month. NOY cent THE 50c, 75c, and $1.00 per Day. 44 West First South St Italps WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt Lake City. . .Located In the heart of the dly. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms. First-clas- s in every reaped. Steam, heat, Electric Lights. VAN rs. Mary Marriott, PrppM. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS BY H0U8ES. ROOMING HOUSES. . 8t ESTABLISHED 1893. A. L. Brattain, Manager. Have you ever thought of getting into business? For Instance, a good paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, restaurant, or. In fact any bualncaa enterprise? If you contemplate such a move, ace me. 1 have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be money makers. Correspondence solicited. iwlMM OsHrtwril, BhmSsmU THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Homes on Installment Plan a Spe- cialty. Farms and homes for sale or trade. Horses, Buggies, Mtc Bought or Exchanged. Room 8 OMeara Block. No. 6 3 Vi W. Second South Street Salt Lake City. A.. atCHTHmsALaaTATt KOMNEY AND RYAN, L1N0TYPERS. SOUTH VEST TEMFI.B ST. SALT LAKK CITY. All Klada Tbe Iadrimdrat I.laafype Fla at Wrat af Chlraara. af Tree Mil, fraa Awata la lira lraaipfly aad S iLllfallr KinsM MpcHally. Special Edltloaa, Tax l.lata, Hrlrfa aad Froapeetaa A Fall Mae af Marklae Harder Altraya aa II a ad. Write for Eati. O. Baa 1141, Salt lake City. Bell Pheae antra. Addreaa X41 Ijitnt I. J. HALLORAN, Real Estate and Loans W. till. Established 1837. Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South Street, Salt Lake City. Utah $350.00 buys very cholee Main Idi Lots. HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. Homes for rent and sale. prices. Easiest terms Salt Lake City. Lowest 251 Main Anti-Pai- n FOR REAL ESTATE , See Peterson Real Estate Investment Co. Large list bargains for which we are exclusive agents. Special attention to property of estates Old reliable and agency. Correspond or call. 330 So. Main St. Salt Lake City. Utah. s. OUR MOTTO: Quick Sales in Real Estate. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, list your property with ua for quick sales. We have the buyers. Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. BUY a LOT or a HOME before We advise you re prices advance. gardlng localities and make your interests ours. MARINGEU INVESTMENT CO - 40 East Second South. Manager "Seeing Salt Lake City Cara" - (Jr. St .j ' have all kinds of Investments in real estate and we write all kinds of We Insurance. YOUNG A YOUNG, General Insurance, Real Estate and Salt Loans, 202 Whitingham Blk Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. Salt Lake City Has Caught Her Stride.tbe (From Goodwins Weekly.) Did you hear a whistle just now, and do you hear a bell ringing ? That was the whistle on the great new locomotive Progress, and It is her bell that la ringing. They mean that a new time table has been adopted and If you do not hurry you will not get aboard. It is a most magnificent train that the new locomotive Is hauling. It has last year's increased values on board and la on the way to make a display of them to the world. What are they T Why, you must be a stranger. A gold Increase over 1904 of $3,000,000; a silver Incressfe of $2,000,000; a copper increase of a mercury increase of $14,-00This In the metrl line. But there Is plenty more, In sugar, in wool. In. livestock, and $3,000,000 In the Increased value of real estate in Salt Lake City. There is another difference In thlB last item. A year ago tbe values were latent people were dreaming of an unearned Increment now the values are active and the man who puts off a purchase until tomorrow will pay more than he would hare to pay That U, the boom Is on. That Is what this train with the Locomotive Progress attached to It means. And if you do not get aboard your rhlldren, ten years hence, will be telling of the mistake you made. Because you must know that tbe advance in the mines has only just begun and, for It all. Salt Lake la the clearing house. When on the morning of Austerlltx the sun rose in glory over the Carpathian Mountains, Napoleon, who was riding with his staff, stretched out his sovereign hand and said: Behold the sun of Austerlltx" and the awed staff doffed their chappeaua. tl la like that here. When now, at 0; 0. to-da- Mosee W. Taylor. Frank Y. Taylor. TAYLOR BROS. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. 30 South Main 8treet, Salt Lake City. Salt Lake Real Estate the best Investment in the world. Utah Commercial and Mining Stocks the safest In the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and Mining Exchange. GEO 4ai Investment, M. McCONAUGHY, Estate and Loans. Securities, Trades and Sjslness Chances. Ind. Phone U0L Salt Lake City. Utah. 28 West Third South St, dawn, rising sun turns to purple and gold, the snows on the lordly Wasatch range, that la the sun of Salt Lake, presaging triumpa greater than were achieved at Austerlltz( for It has come to the knowledge of men that all this great region, Utah, with her copper and gold and silver and lead and wool and sugar, turns to this city as a point of adjustment More, half Nevada feels the same way, and la bringing hither her gold and her silver. The railroads that center here cannot do the work assigned them, and more are coming. The new smelters are being hurried to completton io meet the Increasing demand for reduction works. As men iu the mines grow rich they are saying, "We must find a place with great schools, great churches, theatres, stores, libraries, a good climate and joyous surroundings for the children." Instinctively they turn toward 8a!t Lake, for Salt Lake has all they want and still Is so near that they can run In, make a visit, and return, before they are missed. And others, when they make money in our home mines look about them and note how beautiful is the situation of the city, and exclaim: "Men d rerun of having monuments when they shall have died, I will build mine here while I am yet alive," and so they buy lots and make plana and It la In this year of our Lord 1907, that those monuments are going to begin to materialize and that is why we raise the "Get aboard or you will be cry: left.! Miles' Pills Cure Headache Almost instantly and leave no bad effects They also relieve every other pain, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Backache Stomach ache. Ague Pains, Pains from in pains, Indigestion, Dirjury, licaring-dowand Slteplessnesa Nervousness tiness, kawnt, which la the Shoshone for "gone. upon the mountains are t of him that bringeth good linings,'' and now no other tidlnga are being brought Listen to the message come on our wireless: . Prk City: "Better and r: Ibl year we will eclipse the last. The Silver King has become an Emperor. 'r?m Bingham: "Do not bother about Bingham. She has turned wedged-shaped- , the sharp edge upward and the work done is but an ern-es- t of far mightier works in the future." Irom Cottonwood: "We have wait- Is to bring us realiza tion. Prom Stockton and Ophlr: "This year we are going to surprise you. rrom Beaver: "Hurry up your new furnaces, or we wjjj BWamp you with "iiful n rrn rom Newhouae: "We will this "nr put aside some millions to complete those 10 and 12 story buildings in Salt Lake. Irom Old Ploche: Redemption is iiigii. Walt until our little roal Is rum plot rd from Caliente and see a M for old Plncho." m!,Ely: "Before this year is out I.iy make other copper camps class and all our million"HI want residences In Salt ? I.aVe City. Oldfield. Manhattan, Yerington ami l'alr-before the year la out, 1"" Make Salt Lake what Jerusalem was in Solomons day when gold was Hipoutifni that men no louger mad? any amount 0f silver. The air of Salt Lake Is filled wiili il:e ringing of the joy bells of Ir-- e buBlncss; this train head-.- v rowess Is compassing the land Iie fnnie of It fills all the space briw Pn Hind-birt- h - Prevent All-Ach- es taking one or two Dr. Miles Anti-Pai- n Pills when you feel an attack coming on. You not only avoid suffering, but the weakening influence of pain upon the system. If nervous, irritable and cannot sleep take a tablet on retiring or when you awaken. This soothing influence upon the nerves brings refreshing sleep. Never sold in bulk. 25 doxrs. 25 cents Ry 'V llhvo-Tonopa- m The train is already moving; tin respirations of the locomotive are lint an echo of the throbbing life of the city; the bell which now rings out a ,he Joy bell; will for yon, lest yon gft R elfiid; it's bjr day aboard, toll a farewell. If yon do not i by nltfit is a pillar of lire the in for pel itlng all men Df the desert to this hurry, great train la already moton and In another day will be cii. as a Mecca where the banners Chiropractic Treatment will cure, la a new science of healing without the use of drugs. It la In harmony with natures laws.. Seldom fails; never does harm. We use no drugs, no knives. Chiropractic is common sense. It will bear Investigation. It la the only mode of healing which exactly locates the causa of sickness and removes the tame. It Is not Faith Cure, Christian Science, Magnetic, or anything alas, but ChiropracOsteopath, Manage, tic. It la baaed on a correct knowledge of the nerves. It adjueta all displacements and allows tha Innate builder to reconstruct the book that explains our broken down tissue. Call and get a Consultation and Examination free. mode of treatment. Lady Assistant Office hour 10 to 12 a. m. THE CHIROPRACTIC INSTITUTE AND CURE Bell Phono 1232y. 64 W. 2nd So. St Salt Lake City, Utah. Photo-Therap- 16-pa- t |