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Show ! A. O. TOBIN, Furniture House and Sucond Hand Furniture Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Agents for Home Comfort Range and Supplies 33 West First South SALT LAKE CITY Bell 1287-Phonei, lud. 763 (Mention this paper.) New : ; I t!- I .In " Mi:!, 1 t Iut - 334 Mala Salt Lika City li.iinl.--. CHAPTER XXIII. Continued. "Your qiU'Kiiou is a si range one, Irom you to uu. If she wne my wife, nothing should drag her from me. llut if she were nut mt wife, no hope, nor her heuuty, should allure me. Your qnesiion has made me doiilil. and I will oK'U my heart in you, as 1 never have to mortal before. 1 loved i hut woman profoundly once. It wa alter she donueil black for her husrwwrrwrrrrrrirrrrrrrrrrrvrw band. I hail always derived inspira-iloIf h HUDOART FLORAL CO. from lier prexenee at churrh; ' 1 lint when he failed to return, I allow6 ! E. 2nd So. a ed my heart to lend uiy hopes along. Yin think, perhaps, that I am 2 2 (Opposite Grand Theatre.) pubic of such love as you feel, but I Cut flowera and floral work for tel! you no one cun understand what I suffered in wivm-hintbix love all occasions. from heart when yon came here. We make a specialty of shipping J Hut I my did it. You cuu do it, if it Is funeral designs. Write , telephone a sin to cherish It. Mr. Hummel y arose to depart, and nor telegraph, a moment, face to face. n the two stood Then each reached forth his hand. P O. Box 443. Phones 106. 'Good night." "Good night. they said and parted. No use, no use, said the minister. 1 laid bare niy heart for nothing. She CO. CUTLER BROS. must be mistaken. Mr. Carter came into the library Knit Underwear and Woolen Goods. end found Mr. Hamillrm in deep Best panta on earth, to order, thought, evidently, for he (lid not look up. $3.50. I think I will go to bed. Vane, he 36 Main 8t, Salt Lake City, Utah. said. All right, I will close tip the uwnPvprrrFrwre house," was the reply, and soon Mr. DON'T MIS8 THE LARGE IITr Garter was asleep nnd dreaming. MOBILE One of hie dreams lie recollected In the morning as a little curious. It 5 that runs to all polnta of Interest was of Vane going by his door, light g with a good guide. Fare $1.00. Salt Lake Car and Autoa.,j in hand, all dressed in fine black and 40 E 2nd So. gleaming linen, tall, fair, anil grand, handsome as a prince. And no he went on, down the stairs, and Mr. Cap ter went on dreaming, but nothing quite so realistic as that. But It was not a dream. Mr. HamE. H. EAROLEY A BROS., ilton did pass down the atalra and out Everything the door, dresapd with care to look ELECTRICAL. his heat, and he was exceedingly 64 Market St. handsome. He saw a light at Mrs. Frys, and he Both Phones ' . n 114-11- In-c- u iwrrww Clng DB. A. CQ(k COMPANY, D. F. Walker Bldg., 328-32- 9 Balt Lake City, Utah. We are prepared to undertake all proper detective business intrusted to us for corporations and Individuals. Consultation and advice free. Call or write. 'Phones: Ind. 3988, Bell 1316-We want three good, capable, detectives. write for particulars IT AWAY. WASH Lead and uremic poisoning cured. Castilla Hot Springs Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at Its C. H. touch. For rate apply Room 222 South worth, Manager, Commercial Club building. Salt Lake City. ,,,,, mu R. A. HASBROUCK, j Physician and Burgeon, Office. 60 Commercial Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. J Phones 1412-- and 1419-K- . j Z rilWilWili'rwWWWWWW? S L. H. GRAY, Land Attorney. Attend to all business before United Statts Land Offloe, U. 8. Sur eyorGeneral, State Land Board, State Engineer. Land scrip bought and sold, $00-30D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 tj A jj n rwwwww.ameiwnnitWMMtWWMUtFi' ! S Im and Shepard lleM Ml Ii fAl entrant. FREE Rmss1 13 Yoor now yon thruxi nit- back into lull," be said, wnb liiiible xiuniticunce. The wiim.inl.t. lityito; awoke in her soul now fur die first little. She uppicurhoil liilli and laid her Mifi li.md on liis arm. Victor." sin- - sniil 'ItruihiT Vidor. I cun lowdo love you a a you. brother I fmgive ymi what you have done, ew ry tldna. if you will now jt turners rlabt. You have done lull we will fot vet all that and love von. Vane und I For ilie mon, cut she ceased to She think him a foiger. a peijurtr. loi'Kot eteiytliiig in her pity. "How could you do ii. Vidor?" was her ucxi womanly cry. She miw him shrink and cower at her winds, and she said, xooihingly. "Tell me lell Sister Colixtance, about It. Victor." There was almost divine pity In her voiie. Her wiath was all gone when site saw him dejected and penitent. hefui e Iter, lie hail not confessed. There wax no need. She knew he hud dropped ull disguise before her siiiri would never seek to deceive her again. "Will you not tell me," she Bald ngain. "how It all liiippeneil?'' A new light struggled Into hla face. 'Const anee." he said. 'I uni not all had. I am indeed Vane's brother, and I long ago knew of hi search for ne. 1 am a forger, a hunk defaulter, but I am not a murderer." Conatatice drew hark. She had forget ten about Ijenora in the excitement of the Interview. Now the dreadful charge cunie hack with terrifying force, aril she could not prevent the reiellant movement. No. as heaven la my witness. Rut t f what use are vows in one like me. Here are my writ ten words. They I wrote will tell you all everything. it long ago, for 1 meant to give It to Vane; only your beauty kept nte In aoite of my will to go. I came here for to give you this paper that, and nothing elae; but you are I was led out of my resolve when I . :i- i- i.m li r !; : tl V. Hi. n T in'll-- .. - ., !:: , V- Cl111 m.) Sundays. 10 to A tfllls BRING THU AO WITH TOIL cmupri-sse- wiliic.i idiccls it, w . .Hid she did not rru-- l . wiki- - instead of one M: I'.ii ler w aa alone it, I'mii"-wi-- i Tilly only for I r.e m.iii know ii a I'ri r in pnsiui. lull with . M'nniiudiims and cheer no age Iriun Constance m four words. "Courage! i.opv!" while she waa :!!! i C: b i, in ll) ii, t'l-i.- . We Cure Men For m i the alix'iice iii oi Consultation Free. the minls'cr li.id the leant suspicion ii,. return no out. n,i' . WE ARE THE -- an,.,., CHAPTER Leading XXIV. The Confession. 1 arii 'i.. in limthi-uf Vane Hamilton. .iiel when an infant I wax stolen Si ill in, hi Mark and his mother In the $12.50 No Pay Unless Cured i v.iiidetci! - ri'.i Ini' wlrii Iy . ml Cl- , . : Cm:.;.. ' n - i'id ,i i w r of receiving a heavy ran-m- , ax my father was n very wealthy linn at that time. lbtt there was raised xtii li a hue and cry that Marks itd not dare approach the offers of restoration. I was hidden away fot months, and ihcn my father had failed In buxines and my abductors felt that the Iiom of reward would scarcely balance thu of being brought to juatirc. Therefore I was kept and allowed to grow up among Ihtdr evil associates In the midst of criminal, if not in squalor and wretchedness. Marks and Ills mother were kind ta me, and as 1 grew up, Marks thought he saw In me means of gain to himself, for he fancied 1 had talents which might be made useful. Accordingly I was eeiit to a good school, where I remained until I was fourteen, when I returned to Marks, who had a partner at this time named Soule. No ilouhl they were engaged In nefarious undertakings, but I did pot know anything about. It until I waa sixteen. Then I was invested with some of the secrets of the gang of which Marks and Soule were the hni-e- con-wale- d Specialists Not only In Knit City, hut In ths whole 1nrlfle Wnt. The results of uur irofcxxlonsl work ars liringliiK to our men from every sluts snd Territory In tha West. V. usa tlia to make our dlasuoals. If you want a permanent cure, consult us. Wa curs all forms of Blood and flkln Diseases. pit,-- . Fistula. Kidney, Bladder and all dw to Weataai ind thi result of specific diHaasec. and all Urinary Privata Dlsaassa of Men. OUK SYSTEM OF TREATING Is auparior to any In this country, and our curea are tha result of thexa msihoda. We never fall to a cure In taka. If you Buffer from neglect, from want ofeffect J.m?? vra money or from practice hers Is an opportunity to get the services of a specialist, a traduat. nhyalclan. with yean erf ripe In treauSi complicated and special disorders of MEN ONLY. It wilt cost nothtna to talk to ua, and may ba tha mraua of raatoiing you Whv not ealt today? Our offleas art very prival a Youre.' oltly tMSS?! ow- - 11 enable Pur. many who are afflicted to procure the highest solmitlflo medical assistance Terms mads to suit If neceaaary. so that anyone need not go without treatment. of-'l- mlsi-roafti- ertrore We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Ailment. Hours: a. bl to 6 p. m.; evenings. I to 1:10; Sundays, I a n. to II noon. SALT LAKE MEDICAL 159Vi S. MAIN ST., SAIT INSTITUTE, CITY, UTAH. 1906 MODELS. Grand Prize, Parle, 1900; Double Grand, 8t Louie, 1904. Send coupon below, flllod out, to our nearest dealer or to us and get our Free Trial snd Easy Payment Offer to responsible parties anywhere in the United States. Don't delay. This la your opportunity to secure absolutely the beet Talking Machine made, on payment! that will not be felt We accept old machines In part 1 do not recollect that I shrank from their entcrprlsea, which were chiefly such as required great akill and ingenuity not actual robberies, hut dishonest schemes of liss nature. Marks had an office and organized a peculiar kind of business. He sent out letters to payment A written guarantee from the oldeHt, largest snd most success- fmtlncs men informing them that on as sate tlietr Tmtldliigs would be chines In the entire world. to consumed by Are, professing , Columbia Phonograph Co Gen'. know through the medium of clairM. It. I Columbia Comvoyance that such attempts were pany, Oenernl 127-2- 1 monograph Name & Main St, Balt At first no notice was Luka City, Utah. meditated. Flense send inn but your Free Trial and Street nnd No taken of the communications, after several warnings were followed Easy irpayment Offer with Illustrated lit- City Rtnta the the by predicted conflagration, matter began to be inquired Into and the police interested themselves in Marks was taken intr. the matter. custody, hut he appenred Innocent of any criminal knowledge, laying it all .o a peculiar gift by which he could tell when such fires were meditated: that waa all, and he waa released wretch is my husband, and you are Afterward a new feature waa added "Nevertheless, that sickly, dark-haire- d ....IS AN ATTRACTION EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE not." !o these communications. Marks proit that fessed to receive impressions went there and asked to see Mrs. saw you. Will you promise me one such sums as he stated OUR PRICES. were sent to Hamilton. thing? A Bet of Teeth, comfortable to wear, natural In appearance s given address no Are would lake Please say I want to see her alone, I think so. Let me hear your rerestores lost expression fl.08 place. The sums were not large, and ard on Important business, he said, quest. A Gold Crown, made of the very best gold, will not Dome oS, or if paid, all went well. If not paid "1-is still up." "if she wear out this interview be secret ami ihr-- buildings were burned. $4.00 to She don't sleep do not read this paper until a week Bridge Work, the kfnd that lasts, made of the best gold, will not "Yea, ahea up. (To be continued.) break and fully guaranteed $4.00 to nc great nowadays, said Mrs. Fry', has passed. Gold Fillings, absolutely pure gold, and guaranteed not to come behim look at could an was What she do? a She accusing to Go. One Passenger Would Have throwing out $1.60 sad np weak, loving woman, whose sympafore she left to deliver her errand. John McCarthy, a htixky, well-buithe next best fillings to pure gold and guaranteed Fillings, Alloy thies outweighed her sense of jus- man, waa a conductor m the Newton Walk this way." she said, return76e to $XJt to preserve the teeth from further decay ing in a few minutes. "She says she tice. She had In mind the Savior's (Max.) electric railway. One day 80s and np Silver Fillings, guaranteed not to oome out conducted to one who had broken the while words will see you. and Mr. Fry from Newton to WalYOUR teeth are crooked, decayed or broken the ELECTRO If running "Neither do I condemn tine, tham he was very busy collecting him to the sitting room, which had law: DENTAL CO. can remedy the defect and do It perfectly. They have been given up to Mrs. Hamilton's Go, and sin no more, and she said, fare, and to ring three doctors each aa expert In hie branch. chance happened by occupancy. The night was chilly, gravely and ennrnestly: in only seventeen fan-when there "I promise not to read it till a were and a light gleamed from the open eighteen people on the car. grate of the little stove upon the lap week has passed. Would you like to A man who wa looking at the cash DRS. WARD AND EDGE, end white hands of Constance aa she see Clare and Perlcy? the was a up John register ringing M. Sundays 10 to I Open dally until 6 P. sat before It. But her face was In "Yes, If I may. fares looked through the car Bnd Block. Ind. Phone 29M Galena Rooms 170 Street 8tate the Without speaking she led the way counted the shadow, out of the range of eighteen people. A John not did She room !o the where in her Clare burning. feebly lay a going to the rear of the ear this lamp, look up when he entered, and he own lied and Perley Iff hla crib, pic- man said: Haven't you made a misstrode to her side and gazed down at tures of childish grace and innocence take? There are eighteen people on rri'vm'ryyvrryryvrvrvprryg 44444444444444444444444444a "I was once like that," he said, lid ear. and her before speaking. Then he said, a up have rung only you r Altractioh Salt Lakes Greatest almost with fierceness: bending over and kissing them tender seventeen fares. W ly. "Clare loved me from the first," "I.ook at me, Constance." John paused a moment, surprised, y She raised her eyes and let them he said. "What can you toll hpr?" v and the other man asked: "What are "I shall tell her that you were le-rink again. Then, as it wishing not you going to do?" :o anger him, slip said. "Will you Uncle Victor, and when she Is older The conductor looked up and down he seated? 1 think you wished to see rite will understand, perhaps. the ear, then replied: "One of them "How rhnnged you are, Constance! will have to w me on business. off. get Oi-ew so repellant, now so forgiving." "I did, Constance, I did. It was on to was It were because w you trying Unto tha Third and the Fourth the business of my utter happiness w a! or misery. I asked to look at nte to deceive me. I almost hated yon Helen was in thu linbii of paying time for now different. but is it that, Ain me. could doubt see whether you r'a prayers at her You are changed. km-e- , I not the exact Image of the man you but aa he heartily dlxiikeJ go"Yes. I am changed; but I scarce:' ing to bed, the auuioiuns to prayer married?" know what has changed me, nule-was tint a very welcome one. "Yes. she littered faintly. It was the ring my mother bit me. At flrat site contented herself wi!b Do I not look more like your husn , d my different surroundings, the w band than the sickly, invoking the Creator blessing upon I me your womanly Influence. that. th wretch In prison? Tell immediate family, 'mi with it was all combined, and You do. Nevertheless that sickly, in wlHilom sh- conn-in'the darkhaired wretch is my huahand, haps I rnt not naturally bad." of poKtpnuing her bedtime by "That Is It." said Constance, earrr-y- ; lengthening her and you are not, said Constance, prayer. "and you will go away whi re yo i 'I he Ealeblithed 1887 The Oldest Electric Supply Rouae is the Stale. and feet to her confronting rising prun-:began lengthening can live sii! a cheeks. honorable and life, good, wih the aunt. unc!cx and run sins. him with blazing eyes h n me Intimate friend of Hie Tamil; O, Constance, don't look at me :ou tiol?" were honored, and finally she xteinh-"I It not too late for that?" like that! How can you. when you know I love you so? Have you no "It is never loo late never. W.:;-- her Pf'ilthin to include the neighbor!. One evening wiien she readied ike love for me? you have only to call back tlf in. "No, no te. he said, pitilessly. 'rr fnd of her Jix! sin- - sai l: "G'l pulses of your nature inherited She turned away and there was your good parnita. You are no: i.a' bh Mr. Brown. Gml hiim Mr. them. When she ' t.tally depraved. like some." ilcnci between )lrf wn. Grandma, have tiny g .t a MOTORS. CHANDELIERS, GLOBES AND SHADES nek? next looked tip she met a faep so "No: I tliiiih I should like to I.lpplncott's Magazine. changed Hint b s'artlcd her. there good. Evil has no attraction l"r n was such a lost, despairing look In But I knew no better. 1 was nurti.:-iir, it Jx Just r.s hu.l to say SALT LAKE CUT, UTAH 53 W. FIRST SOUTH STREET 9J L' it. and his voire was hollow when he that disagree with other n upon wlckcdn'-- . My tabii-i to 1 it were did with coined Into evil deeds. spoke. rjit thinps that dikapree "Yon have showed me heaven, and aOt believe in honesty. I had n" jonrhelf. d wi..nsisiii.uTSMtslw A CLEAN, MOUTH.: iautamtiwiiatRitmitiuwtm MIMA Jd414 llUlfl mmMM969M990M6B Ail twit MKlf 966MMIM leaders. DETECTIVE SERVICE PETERSON'8 saw AS, 1 ! Branch Offices at PARK CITY, PROVO and LOGAN Iiitmm rMtuvdy wmm nia fm MMk (SmI nl nkkas) Oats IS A imhmmi , SmI By MARY R. P. HATCH Tho Bank Tragedy ISOS, liy Utah Dental Co., rta Id lmiked into hei Author of four right, Men and women to learn tiarl-e- r trade In 8 weeks. Wages paid every night. Graduate. earn $13 to $25 Tier week Cat. free. Write us. Mohler System of Colleges, G2 E. First South St., Salt City. Utah. it " THE MISSING MAN "" 1 O.ounbt It is Chrurianlty I'h'ak Cau ) on understand jamu ELECTRO DENTAL CO. trriivrvrvrrrvmivrrvrrvrrg OoOOO.OO.r ; MUBia PIANO, All-Yea- Organs And All Musical Instruments Bcesley Music Co. 46 South Main B treat, Balt Lake C8a The Sanitarium Baths. f gran-lmotli- Utah 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE dark-haire- i i clil-dren- rrvrrrrrrrrrrrrrwrrvrrrK mrrrrryprrrryyyyrrprpyy; JJ4444444444J. - 4444444444(I444444444 ld-'- : - Tnaoc Marks .... Ativan. .milli'i Desionb Copyrights Ac. - ukrirh .mill script Inn wit mlriilr HiM'prfNm nnr ifniiM$u free whnw an IIVfMTtHifl M fmihBhlr HANDBOOK on Pateuti UHipMrtrtlTfvmrtilPMilfil. frpff. oMmn B nwir? ft.riMniriiirpiwiiiu receive IVmiis iiksn ihniifh Munn A pervu winn, wltfcmiL ehurw, in tbe vit Scientific Jlmcrican. hsnSKwi.l lllntnni1 wklv. T J '"(., twi.. ft nUfH.n nf nT.i-mi'it: f.nir itiovitbB, L (old by wwelnnlwj. I ,,r New York flUNIMCo.,6,B"' UShw. OS T Wa.hlu.iun, U. u UraniA B- t- I! ! E. G. HOLDING , , ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION 'r |