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Show Brooked Out the Burglar. A Leeds (England) policeman, be Ing suspicious Duinri In a dark cellav. cotsprinkled cayenne pepper on aoma ton wool, net fire to tba cotton and put It tbrough a grating of the cellar. Two burglars speedily came out and war captured- 9! DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES ISSUED I GREAT CROWDS FIRST PRESIDENCF ts knowledge. Annual General Con- no faster than lie Mormonism U uot destructive of ference of the Church of Jesus of the marriage relsMuu. the sam-tl'iainte a Christ of Latter-daan merely Marriage was not Memorable one. an earthly union, hil a union for tier- nity. The genera' ions of people born and Salt I. She (.'ily - The chief feature reared In Mxiinoa houn-- will compare favorably in rhrivUn virtues Willi of The seventy-eiOf the opening a'iy coiumuiiiiy in ibis or any other of iiiiiiumI ghth conu'ry the Church of Jc.-- - t'hrit of ihe charge Thar the rhiireh aim! domluaiion in commercial Saint i. wnlch (mV'-- d in lliN at H Is truo is ni.Miic; that tJe affair. Huof illy on April r, vm.i hiirch ctaiins Ihe light (o counsel :n I's of aid ml' declaration pr the iii temporal is ai.'l S'lv - memhr-ias t.pIrt'UHl affaiis. This Its approval ky ii:- - ihoio.iiiii- of iiii'iiihui.' v. a1 f'u nioiiiliia done w '.'limit exercise of arbiof the chui' li pn'.-:,!from tio.ver ami has session; tuireiher vri'li ihe address trary counsHr. piTifisoivcIy given asd of lri,;.Mi id Siniih, whirh was large w i ; j ir v foilnui-d- . of Ihe l r.ii.-Ihe Hliey of the church ly In Ihe liiiluie o a I'vh-timin industries. tu r work of Ih eill' ll 'I'll' t li e hv i unseat of the (ioviTiiiie-ii- t al-- o ni.ob- by Apo.-'leAddresr x Tb i.i 1. ru'e of the church. ,.rn'd A Smith llirum SiniMi, ii'ii g iveraiiieiit exists ltse'f F Hu hards. mid O MeKiiv ,y tbe Slit 111 tlolarge are ireipieui iiud members are at libTheir addros-ri hemes The erty 1i vu'e :i Hey cIiihihi. ly tn Iheologpivl by The elective Vuuij ,i least cniwileil Lalieriiiiele w:i e than rather isipul.ir pre.-i-people being tiirniigti sipi!ar seleetl.in. i Willi tho asseliion liial ti.e All hitreb otliei tts are answerable t tiers of thn Church of Jesus Chri-to tie chin !i lor tle'lr ciiliduct. SllOii S.iinis hi1 living better ia L'overiiiin-ii- i cui.noi h classed as a of thill they paid iy v nor conslil,reil a menace lives Ilian ever morn tithes during l!"ti than in any' frie i iis: i t ii t i ins. Tim tilt, ing system Is not an oppres-slvether year In tho history of the the Imnd eburrh. and that as a Tax, but a system of free will ed indehiediiehri of tlio church has offerings. It Is a voluntary offering been wiped nut. President Joseph F. for religious phriKJsi'H and not a Sinltta opened his address. scheme of extortion for the enrichPresident Smith denied the charges ment of higher officials. that have been made to I lit effect that Neither In mental atiltudo or In the officials of the chun-- have been conduct has the church been disloyal diverting the billies to their own per- to the government. Not one gen sonal use, by saying: The only conduct seemingly Inconeral authority of tho church draws a sistent with Ihe profesHlon of ths dollar from the tithing fund for his Mormon people as loyal citizens Is Involved in controversies concerning jvn use and proflL" President Smith then proceeded to plural marriages. The law against ixplaln where this money goes, say- fiolyganiy passed In 1802 waa consciing: entiously disregarded by I Jitter-da-y "I want to take you Into a ancret. Saints In their observance of a prinIn the liast money belonging to tho cipal sanctioned by their religion, and riiurrh has been used to help start as being contrary to the constitution a number of Institutions, such aa the The supreme court decision did not Z. C. M. I., the sugar factories, and obtain until 1878, and no attempt was other enterprises. Every rent of the niado to enforce the law until six aiuiiiiiit so Invested has been returned years Inter. Surely, this toleration to the church, the stock of all these binds the people of the United States .'iiiicorns Is now piiylng dividends and to the exercise of patience and char from llit-s- dividends tbe expenses of Ity In dealing with this question. What Ihe general authorities of the church the Mormon people did In disregard are paid. We are not using one rent of the court decision was in the spirit of your (ilhlng except for the purpose of maintaining religious rights, and for which It was Intended. W'hcn because the law developed a conflict you go home anil henr some of tho between a duty tn God and a duty to Mil charges about what la being done government. The Mormon people with the lithlug fund. I want you to have now liowed In respectful submissay that we are not using this fund sion to the laws enacted agslnst plurfor the purposes which they accuse al marriage. us of; that the tithing fund is intact The union of chnrch and state, domand we have a little to spare. And ination of the state by the rhurch, ec( would like to say to some of those clesiastical Interference with the powho havu charged us with misappro- litical freedom of citizens are conpriation of t hla fund Tut that in your trary to the policy of the church. This pipe and smoke It." doctrine Is predicated upon the unIn referring to the general finan- derstanding that there shall he no Incial condition of the rhurrh the presi- terference by the state with the dent said: Today tbe eliurch dims church. lint owe one cent to anyone that It Mormnniam is in the world for rnnnot pay. We do not want to bor- - world's good., vwnyvina e nrt not "tv are to borrow uny. We exset to seo tbe Second Day's Session. flay In the near future when we will Salt Ijike City. At Saturday's sesnot. have tn nsk you for one rent In conference donations that you don't wish to give sion of tho seventy-eightlatterwllh Ihe freest kind of will. I hope of thn Church of .lesua Christ of Saints, AhihHo Reed Smoot to nee tho duy while I yet live in thu -day was the principal speaker of the day. flesh." reference to President Smith referred to the dec- Apostle Smoot made no the laration of principles which had bi'en hla recent experiences In andtowith formulated by Ihe church authorities, federal senate further than - declare who belief that many personand Immediately after he had tinlshil Ills at one time iliat he were convinced .its address the document was rend should not retain Ills seat, now have liy Apostle O. F. Whitney, and adopted tin ir error of jinlgnu nt by the members present, a rising acknowledge! into-giad that ih vi veto being taken, the vote tiling and tire did. AmikIIo Smoot delivered as they unanimous. i me an Interesting address. mn lho document Is quite a of hla talk was ihe recital of we are unable to give it In one, and list of Instruction which, he said, full, but thn following covers tlur Ills mother had given to him, and pertinent points: j which follows: I Declaration of Principle!. ruy to God for guidance and bless-Thof and the lug. purposes principles Take for par mot in: ''Faith in church are widely misrepresented :Gnd. self reliance, honesty and indus- and seriously misunderstood. Tho religion Is founded on the rev-- try Inscrtlm tu yonr homes this motto: elutions of God. It teaches pure Chris-- ! "I ,,l'k Is a ftnil: pluck is a hero." and is on Its Imscd theology tlanlty I1' euroful rrom what wniree you the dnetrinea of the Keileeiiier. If It ta true Christianity lo accept take your nil vice. It iso ubovo the envious uti-- willful Jeus Christ ns divine, to revere him liaiv. us the Sou of God through whom l'lnee ymir nmbldons above the alone mankind can Httaiu salvation, von iiiteii! to re'ieh. accept his tcuehings as a guide, to goal Kenn-iiilieiliat energy and detert with rcqulrt-nimthe rotuply that move tho by hitn as essential to mem- mination are the lids lie world. bership in Ills ehiireh-- if Chrisiianily, then we are Christians" .I Itnift ilrink. chew, smoke, swear. cHve. nail trashy hooks er pay The thuology of our church Is tic to vieious ami liug hr the Christ, taught Jeus theology ic.i-.oof nud theology scripture in eonii-st- . lb Re t Those who of Minmilstn elvlie tl. nre nmnng ihe best men and women I l.ove truth iiml virtue. ovs your of tlie mil Ions from which thei cone ' ami pray for i! -- honest. Industrious, virtuous nml lauimir llo strong.- Khun noi the struggle. reverent. They nre opmed tu vlee Stand up nnd speak nut bravely In and crime by Instinct and training. CodV name. In Is Mnrtiinnisni In Then nothing John It. Winder, a miii.h-- of the attract the selfish or lh vile. Aral presidency, spoke at Ihe Mormon people are not m- -d. jTh(. (,rir, f his honest hut misguided folks and the r were far lu'rier for th i 'mr. h M rrp- , lenders th rsenille.il Ion of nil that resell! Itself than to h l'rie-(:ouIs had. mid the people ed lv others arc Inseparable mid s'.iiml together 1V tlther sne:ri.ei-- of l,i were Tin charge that the church President .1o;.i ph K Su i 'P"tle on duplicity mid shuns liucsrig.i'inn. rileher J ! Kud-anan r t'iiwson. (iric.l Is lo mid fact. IV Fliers Puion S. We H. Is the 1olieris. J W. McM.irrm ' I'uiigideiieil inicstigaiiiui s!''nmur nteiin by which the ihurrh seeks to II Young j t promote l.elief In I s principles, ln go lieral conr-.-e ;i,, f the church and the cl.vien of the j The e.r the i lui'a-preri pis of its leaders lire com'iirr- -' in wis ''c auiiit- -' it ( .. report c ! 'I proof tlisi the charge that Mcnmuiism It.tn-ex- Ik optmsed to eilii:iton is f ili. in, lined '!;i nceottn's ' ' I! is lieim-slbl- e tor a man to he t nissi ami foiin that ! ,'"ks Wi.ro saved in ignorance. A ni.ni is kcl in exceileur fell!! Seventy-Eigbt- - A Chicago man has discovered that white of eye Is a suit cure fur cancer when applied diiectly. If this is true, the American heu l a grealer benefactor to the human race than has been supposed. " s se-rii- ill couf-Tenc- ah-'iii- c Enough to Depress Anyone. lir Austin Flint raid at the Cen-tu:- j dull in New Yoik apiuMw of a will oiliest that had hern tiled last The plaintiff loM and no wonyear. der. M:x i Mae was aa difficult a one as thiit of a young man who apiieared . afti r ihe ilea h of uudii'.y bis rich aunt 'Why are you to Had? an aciiialiitaiice said to the young to cu;h 'Yuu never ups-an- l Ilian. muih for your aunt.' I ilidiil.' said the youth dolefully, 'hut I was thn means if keeping hei In an Insane asylum the Iasi live yeais of her lift and now that sin- - 1ms lett me all tier money I've got to go to court and prove that she was hound mind." , s - " -e : ' : SERVICE. Merciful Sentence That Was Passed Upon Man by the Creator. It waa a merciful sentence which tho Creator passed upon man for his disobedience "In the sweat of thy face ahalt thou oat bread;" for to the punishment itself he stands Indebted for health, strength, and all the enjoyment of life. And. though. Ujh ground was pronounced cursed tor his disobedience, yet Is that rursu so ordered to be tbe punish , chiefly and almost solely of those who, by In temperance or sloth. Inflict it upon themselves. The sluulest timber stands on Norwegian rocks, whera tempests rage and long, hard winters reign. The muscles are seen most fully develoHil In the brawny arm that piles thn blacksmith's hammer. Even so the most vigorous and healthy piety In that which Is lha busiest, which has Ha bands full of good works, which has uelther tlius nor room for evil, but, aiming at great thlnga both for God and man. promptly and auuimarlly dismisses temptation with Ncheiulah's answer, "I have a great work to do, therefore, iJ rrn'kaiiM rl .1 aid. mi-ill- ir-i- 1 s i, i four-year-ol- t'lrl i wi-r- Church's Trade Mark. visIHng ihe city of lsjiiisvllls, Ky., says a corresismdeiil. One day my father look no self and Ittilo brother, age four, out for a walk. Wo panned mauy churches, and 1 noticed that all the churches had creases on them, f then asked my father why all the churches had crosses on them, whoa my brother spoke up and said: "Why. don't you know that la their trade mark?" OF ! fu.-'e- I wan THE LIFE le-i- i' ' Flowers Always Fresh. Apropos of flowers. It Is not everybody who has the knack of arranging them. The woman whose fingers cannot impart Just the right artistic touch or whose maid or butler Is not able to Improve on her efforts, keeps a supply of her vases, silver nr glass, at her florists to bo tilled at regular Intervals and sent to her (or drawing room decoration. Offers Dog Collars Free. A Scarborough (England I woman, who dcaired her name to remain a sec ret, has Instructed a local saddler to supply dog collars to any local persons who can show they are too poor to buy them. The woman, who Is a lover of animals, has taken this tep to prevent the destruction of dugs under the now dog act. " To Clean Carpets. To remove grease spot on carpets r matting, cover with French rhalk and sprinkle with benzine. Allow the bonslne to evajHirate. then brush off the chalk. Tbe spot will have disappeared. Madrid High Above the Sea. Madrid lira higher than any other Its height abort European capital. the aea la 2.0P0 feet. g- - n uM-rale- ( ni rni-Il- j , ro.-u- ll ll h i e i 1 l news-pauer- 1862 The year we started to aoll good Jewelry and Watchea. Bean at It ever elnce. P. O. Box 1862. Phone 1862. an-ep- j PRESENT. Trenga Gather in Zon at Annual Conference. With three uieeung, comprising five session, the annual general confoienii; of the (hiin-of Jeans Christ of Samis ranu; to a close .Sunday afiermsm Sundays services In the tabernacle wet attended by niuuliers that fouu-- l lho vast auditorium inadequate. President Joseph F. Smith Invoke! tbe blesalng of the filvlulty on tbe people of all the wuid, purtifiiiarly thus;; who dwell In Zlnii; In prayed ihm mercy he extended to the enemies of the rhurch. Am him It. Fund, second counselor of the fir-- t pres. deucy, din cussed the nubjcri of marriage and the growth of the Mormon people. Apostle (iron F. Whitney talked about tho duly of the church membership in sustaining Uni authorities, who, lie declared, wen upisiinted according to lho will of Giid. Asmtle Francis M of assign Fyutan urged the lug properly equ.pisil men to tbe missionary Held. A IMIS tie J. II. Slrtlll spoke on the evil resulting from the Indulgence lu an excess of worldy pleasures. It is estimated bv a man who took account of the number of Sunday's attendants in the tabernacle, assembly hall and outdoor that there were Ik, mm lu aliendaiici. s President Smith Asks Mercy for Enemies of the Church. Joseph F. Smith, president of the Church of Jesua Christ of I Jitter-da- y Saints, delivered a brief address at the afternoon session of the conference on Sunday. President Smiths remark were In the nature of an of the divino blessing upon the people of all the world lu general and those of the Mormon faith In President Smith said in particular. substance. "I pray that the blessing of Goil be upon the people of Zion, upon the officers of the church, upon the people of the world. I pray that the h leasing of God be upon the president of the United States, upon hla cabinet and upon our brethren and our Bisters wherever they may be. I pray that the mercy of God be upon our enemies. It la my hope and our hope that these enemies will nee the errors of their ways and be led to repentance. The church does not wish them misfortune, nor the suffering of a penalty they will bring upon themselves the retribution which all muat endure who transgress the laws of God and of man and who deal unfairly with and maliciously malign their nelghlMirs. This retribution will be in extent aa the degree of offemie lias been. The great Judge will measure the punishment that Is to be meted out to the enemies of hla people." President Smith referred to no one sieclflrally aa bearing animosity toward the church, but included all who criticise adversely its works, its creeds and dogmas under one head. The speaker declared that the church waa following the will of God Almighty aa proclaimed by Jesua Christ, his son. President Smith, said that Ziun was growing constantly and that presently there would be demand for more room. We will not be contlned by (he restricting boundaries of a valley between two mountains, nor valleyB between ninny mountains. Our people and our doctrines and our teuehings are spreading and will, with the help of the laird, cover the SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ; cop-rur- . . i'r-s-- i i 1 y 1 : . i ui--- i j t nn-ni- s ' l Townscnd's Enamel Cream ktln illwlT hrwHaInMil'iw'T (gnM W ( ua bm da:a lad. sasdan Far aala avary whar. Prla50oanla i When the bedroom becomes a sick there i an added reason why extreme precautions should be used to keep Hi; room in a thoroughly sanitary condition. Above all things, the bedroom should never be damp. It should be nice and dry, at wax warm and comfortable ia winter, cool uml airy in uiuuif!i, anil bright and sunny some part ot tiia day. If there is any suspicion of dampness in a bedroom It Is probably due, if there is wall uper on the wall, lo the absorption of water by the paper which frcipii-idlacts as u blotting riper and liulds iiuaiitiili-- of w:mr in it. The use of wallpaix-- on wails is to be deplored; it neiin disease, iil health and uuliitdui'ss. It is frequently the ruusu of lung trouble, not only because of it dumpin'- - but alu because of It jhiwit to retain Infection of many kind. Tbe desiml met bod of treutiug a bedroom wall to tini it for the wu'.l I a perfiit wall. It never fluke off, chips ll absorb moisture uml expels it. it opens the pores of tlie plaster nnd makes a room livable nud breuibable. Tbe floor In the liedriioiii should have light, cleiiiialile, dainty rugs that ran lie easily shaken and a lbxir that is thoroughly oiled or varnished, that will not absorb moisture. The cracks in tbe floor should be thoroughly filled and covered. Woodwork In the bedroom should be attended to carefully, window 111 should be thoroughly varnished or waxed, and the window casing kepi in Hrfict order. The doors should be wiped off frequently as also should lie all the standing woodwork In the bedroom, a the presence of dust on woodwork is a menace to health as well a an evidence of poor housekeeping. Experience. if I could lip Hiiain ll, diivx That lrat iliroiKli l!tr.ryiii-klways, Vnil luugtit, ty tin- prnt I I'm sure I'd do inor tliliigs ouxlil! I'm sure tl.ai I would tn- - morn kind, s Mrw jhilio,l.1-M- l i.f mind, More thank flit tlir.mg'i tin- - livelong day For blossom nil along it.- - way: (f I could live H.iiu from hli'ili, I would not it.v. t nil Hie earth I know Hint I would hue (hot things With purer Ime- - an-- still Hi- - stliiK luoOf venom shot ul will At thris- - win. spiked ui- -. up tin- - hill. I'd try in smile user.- and lo feel That life tins less if Wih- - tlmli went. If I cniil'l Hi--- The chide of I'm sure t lint s iisi.ln nml had ti i rig good or imd. 1 Mioi.1,1 know, at leosq Is a wholi some feast, goodin-iint-Tlmt hail lies is Hie pidsiui--We drink lo drown our liiiitilhk-ss- ' t'in sure 11. al 1 should KNOW Hie truth And should 1 proltl nut, forsooth ? That l 1 The error we have lundt- - ilirough life Turns liHi-iipou us ns w knife. For every sin. we puy lu pain. For all ees wv si. net (lie strain. our own is mad If hearts we k. lake lllnty hoiildi-i- in tin trade. No insiter if we full or win. We pay fur Hit our worldly sin! ornd. br-n- And now all scarred and Rushed we stand I'pon tho eunset borderland! We cannot live Hgain tlie days That load tlimuRli luuicysui-kliiwaya, But ere we ro to sh-Hie Can we not one more luirveet reap? Can we not sow all golden grain And reap wlttioiit a lour or pain? l sl-e- Can we not pees (lie wont along That life ahuuld be one gludaume song? That God la good und man la good. And bleaned of all la brotherhood? Can wa not teach tlie golden rule la meant for life and not fur school? Can we not live again and be A race of freeduieu, doubly free? Remember To-da- y That He who Is firm and resolute In will molds the world to himself. Ooetha Popular and wise men use a dozen youa'' to one "I." Mrs. Winslow' Hoothlng Njrrap. yorrbtldm tMihlnx, niftra th sun, radian bIUijs pete, cur wiedoullu. S&csbottltb When a tall man Is broke that's ths long snd short of It Trailers. Conscience to a good man gone wrong la what green apples are to the small boy who has made a clandestine visit to Deacon White's orchard. The best time for a girl to become engaged la Just before she is married. No. dear, I cannot see any particular objection to buying a set of Lamb bound In calf. Wedding bella always herald the coming in of the tied. Cast your bread uinn the waters and watch the curlew eat dough. When a woman finds the deafest little hat" In town, It Is quite apt to be the dearest in town. A Kansas man snore so hard he awakens the dog. The dog sits up, howls and awakens the man. The man swears at the dog and awakens Painting for Profit No one will question the superior appearance of property. The question that the property-owne- r asks 1st Is the appearance worth the cost? Poor paint is for temporary appearance only. Faint made from Pure Linseed Oil and Pure White Lead is for lasting It appearance and for protection. saves repairs snd replacements costing many times the paint invertment The Dutch Buy trade mark ix found only on kegs containing Pure White Lead made by the Old Dutch Process. d SEND FOR than during lho previous year. This fact was pointed out in an address by Counselor Anthon H. Fund of the first presidency at the conference. Elder Lund gloried In the fact that the Mormon people are increasing their numbers and prayed that all of the chlldreu would be brought up lit the faith and eventually lwoome leaders of the hosts of Zion. Flour for Famine Sufferers. The Mormon church will send twenty tons of flour to the famine sufferers in China. This was decided upon at the conference Sunday forenoon. A resolution President authorizing Joseph E. Smith, trustee In trust for tne church, tn supply this donation, was Introduced by John K. Winder of the first presidency, and was seconded hy Elder Itrlghnni II. Roberts. Twenty tons of flour, according to avoirdupois measurement of weight, means 40.000 pounds. Divided, the quantity Is ti'H sucks of ffi) .pounds each. All Things the Walls Shoiild Be Kept Dry. room Zions People Increase. lionsevclt's President agitation against race suicide seems to have inspired Mormon fathers and mothers, for during lltOG there were .rH2 more births in the stakes of Zion Women Sorry for Their Action. Salt I.nke City. Paring the course of his address nt the general conference Senator Reed Smoot said: "I have met many of the leading women of the nation. They have asked me concerning my belief and the doctrines of tho rhurch. I have talked to them and tried to tell them what our principles nre. Many or them have told mo that they had signed a petition against me. luit that they had signed It under misapprehension. snd that they would do all they could to undo the wrong they had done. Believes In Seven-daReligion. President' SUSTAIN PRESENT AUTHORITIES. Policy Endorsed. We Invite an honest Investigation An nil liiing com Sal' nkc Cii of our touching, nnd if it is made, mil Ice has examin.-i- l tlo honks of tin Leaders of the Mormon Church ges both the Investigator and we will he lected by a linanor-.o-Vat. Mormon church ami ha declared tint Some of the thinking the gainers. Salt llke City. The , the "accounting In tho various de-- . of the country are deploring the nten i iarlliiinls is uoH'rly ilone," that Saturday imamiv fact that there nppears to ho some "every dollar n reived has been cor- :rresiiit auth.oriti s of thing wrong in the present day reS'.Piih road ih. roelly enbred ami lh.it th disburse-- l'reshh-nmuter the rcgliitu of Fresi lent lho iippoln'up ii's an1. ligion. snd that It seems to affect poo th-t , . Joseph F. Smith have ben eemiiun-- ! who favore-pie's lives on Sunday only. I would Icat'y and imliebrtslv made for tin approval hv raising '! not give a 'sJiuck' for any religion I of Inter-exclusive the varlmi llo then psl.o iliose i, , religion and which la not a scvcn-dnrsts nf the The nianagrinent jof l!e s led ten . lu, does not enter Into the every d.iy life of President Smith ho ,, their hut hirtily opiniir. of ths man who claims to believe j his hand In t',.; In It." ry Above earth." )h"' s CARE OF THE SICK ROOM. BOOK T!k on Pslnt Itm viittfttil infnib BiuUn on th iint Knt I. aim ftqtie A ri trfs4 All jw pmrk4 Um mmrh. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY it RfarrK yu. Hratn. Hulhbx qxrahnS. phi IJutm T. Lrvta ft Km. Oo,L Pittaliunh KaUoul OU Oowl XvwTorfe. ing LwdS the The baby yells and awakens the mother. The mother growls at the man, who forthwith proceeds to go to sleep and start the fun all over baby. SICK HEMIACHE again. Positively cored by these Little Pills, They also relieve Dt. "Many a girl has a face like a lioein, says an exchange. You. I'vo i tress from Dyspepsia, Innoticed that. Sometimes I can't undigestion and Too Hearty derstand 'em myself. Eating. A perfect remIf your doctor allow you hut one edy for Dizziness, Kansew drink a day, employ four other physiDrowsiness, Bod Tsste cians of the same school. In the Month. Costed Married men never put much monTeague. Pain In the Side, TORPID LIVER, ffhqy ey in clothes. There are two reason. One they can't and the other is it's regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. dangerous, wijh a wife who has a SHALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. habit of milking midnight explorations. The Chicago looker who made on the recent trumped up panic in Yall hi reel doesn't care whether the panic wa doped or on the squnre. A man who can swear at the medicine Isn't dangerously ill. A Kansas man fll into a barrel of hard cider and broke his wrist. That's hard. There is but one thing to do to break a boy or wanting to "piece" between meals. Iut tho meals closer together. No woman want to be won casllv, and yet no woman desires to be so Indifferent about it a to lie lost entirely! 1 Train Time. Kansas editor, since the ruling of the interstate commission cur off his pass, has dropped the time table rrom hks paper and prints this line: "Train are due whn yen see the smoke! A ! 1 0 j |