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Show They have lireu told so and Wonder if our smeueis are the same Ifitiey have voted on a mea hu re that kind of thinn,? Wonder how many YOUNG CONGRESSMAN wobbles excuse its. make), Ilie 'Iiieraliie true. They rail times our nosunder any rire'im-iniaiii-e- we should say vibrate every mne we iioi now afford Mime of thia glorious io liriiig forili the itligli'eat mi-e- l ozone, IS HUNTING OUTLAWS ile-iis any affiliation laden with the perfumes of the iha' him MARKET. METAL III-and fruit IiIoshiiiim? Wonder ff tween Ilie climrli and it S dealre to ' our nostrils liegiu palpitating mi many I f'i e ill affairs of tale. IK Siller, ti',rv; iHy April MoliU. If they do 'iiiing up under the banner of mllliuii times a second , lead. cupH-r2Hc; and working it must keep them mighty busy these t niieil Die Leads a ; CV1, I'upper, '.in Tuesiliie. 2 Sliver, for the dneiara-- i days Why, if that ia true, !l will be Representative Charley Pray haul mid Peass Kid After III. Gang Curry aa thei- do almost a danger to walk around i,,ns of that organization Weilnenday. 3. Silver, 'j4V; i up- for of Train Robbers and i heir ihui'li. they will b e building smelling. Just think how' easy your 24 V1: $'. leal, per, Having a sate smeller will wobble when it meets Horse Thieves. ii, Dn ir churchamiami libel. Slayer of Stanford White is Thursday. I Silver, itTe; Ihe scent of the violet and the xach culiiMiiiy fri.in $hlead 24 e; Remanded to Tombs to f Mr SiiuH.i la permitted to run blossoms, just imagine how you must "I CIV; Friday, 3. -- Silver, it will mean look when you meet the excruciating Die ; again Await New Trial. per. 241.1-- lead. I.. Helena. Mont. Congressman Chas. colilenallJII that the 111. odor emanating from some back II ClT.c; copper. Suiunluy i l,e K. Pray, who took that ofllce only and the id Our smellers wobadoptbe must yard. ruiici", 24c; lead, C re bling so fast that they cun not be last month, is heading a posse in ed ihs laia'iiui- of ilie followera mere Mihieifiigi-.s- ; that they were not seeu. If our sinelli'ra wobble aa many of Trial pursuit of the notorious Kid Curry OUR POSITION IS RIGHT. After Long end Sensational He- lonpli! ami accepted hy times are our eyes rays, we must of . wenSeven hut De-iMillionaire. In good Science is a flue gang of train robbers and homo simply have fine snielli-rsPittsburg to calculated To.:a all hiuiemeiiia, hut we do not re- thieves In northern Montana, who in eleiulmg thing Conviction, Silt Favored in right, Jurymen the I lead a 'ray the world and thoae who quire science to tell us how to ap- started from Havre thia week. It The prilli ipleh ailopled While Five Were for omiltloiiK in Ilia preciate tie glory of nature these was or Hu- - Mm iiion people la-- t av aware of Dethe held who Great the up gang Acquittal. fell :i week Is a eoiiiih-tappro il of day. Northern train ut Wagner three In mdi-- i liii t Deise ileclarailuiia may liV Ihe I'liMi-to years ago, stole a large consignment allow Ho I to Dll! wmiil I, e mme living trutha ami them is of ith from the United Stales treasury for dralleil and aiiup'-i-- Moriiiuiis i" Impress the world Dial. Die prim-ipe-Ni'W York. Hopelessly divided would never do for Tha Jamestown Bids a Helena lmnk. for the forging of by Dial orgaiii..itiuii are iluhl. lor.tlieir mid failh. It for a verdict or K'lilty 'f umr Mr Siuuol, even aa a private mill l!ie pine ipl.-adop'e.l at cunf.-i-ni-Fair to Eclipae All Other signatures lo which certain members dvr In tho Aral degree and five for v iD'iit Pi make ill at. race again, nor ot Ihe fiiii--t i,o-.thereof were arrested In St. lamia f :t to allow do the would of ground any acquittal on and Knoxville, Several were that (IiuhIi of high position to run tie Jury which slucc January 2'! Iasi Com limed from the last.) lia.it fur any kind of office, at convicted. Inn. t'urrv made a sensahad been trying llary K. Thaw numri-4fur the Oklahoma. Du- - progreisive territory tional escape from the Knoxville ofhours on FUdsy, after ra and the followera id Dio and The prospective new state, will parti- ficers, and it is has returned t delRa-ratloit hutch to ahow their g.Mid to and eight. mlnuti-coutr.iry De- oigHiiiz.iDon aimedvoice Morn. in in Ihe Jamestown ExKisRion to his o!d haunts iu northern cipate Monon a it faith, must alisulitlcly abataiu front way to Mhow eu r It of De-ithat it could not imssit.ly agree imlm-l-- , leant uffi- - with Its usual patriotism and vim. OkDm-- e at the umlution, tana. A. iio'itiia! wen G. a men Gill, prostheir ugHiuxt wealthy The twelve proieals verdict. not run for public offli-cchurch inltii-lahoma Im.-- always done herself proud pector sml ranchman uala who are lining of northern promptly discharged hy JiimIIcc Fitz- ence" to further private ambitions. at exposition heretofore, and is pre- Montana, and a close befriend too, he, that personal who MurMOVING. ARE the gerald, THINGS The prim-lpleparing to even go herself one better adopted by A of Pray, who was an avowed foe of at Die Jamestown Exposition. lieved their laak waa holess. Thaw rnoiiH are in line with iliow ad,,ut,il those Alt.l choice site lias been selected by Gov- the Curry gang, has disappeared and Tnileii waa remanded to the Tomba wlthw; by Ihe ernor Frantz fur the Oklahoma build- it la to find his shall ! iu principles declare body and round up Lake is now getting its stride. Suit ball to await a second trial on tli anw work on It will begin as ing, ehurch and state. The of union Salt the Curry gang that tha trip la beIn is at Stanford English, Ijike plain soon as of the have been charge of having murdered iiitliitdc plana perfected. uphold Ihe last waking up. is at last beginnii!.: The Oklahoma belike most of ing made. Pray is being assisted by White. Republicans, who, at theiitler-anceshow tho inetrosHtan airs ami the other state building, to buildings, will prole both United States and Montana When thla new trial would take ginning. adopted Die rcMatcd that should have come years ably lie a permanent one. Oklahoma officers, and the outcome Is awaited of the leaders of the church to graces place no one connected with the cane ago. is anxious to show the states of the Ihe effect lliat Ihe church waa not In nnu-l interest. The reason of District is much to nurse i there an yet of opinion. could express east what have acru mutated years with The IJ ulted llcpuhllcana politics. lo.it It is coming, not sworn were there done, Curry's declared conslst-entlhonor and enmity toward Gill Is anil Jerome what a wealth, juat Attorney Uaik that position and have Imt swift and sure. western youngster can do, and the that the latter was declared to be an followed It, The organization audA sure, many other persons accused of homievwalk down Main street, on Jamestown Exposition the informer when Curry was seriously In cide awaiting trial, and Thaw would has aimed only to show Iwth Mormon business and residence at reel of desired opjmrtunify. It .presents Is singularly need of shelter, and which nearly rehave to take hia turn with the real. and gentile that the rights of Ameri- ery the city shows this. On Main stre-which is sulted In hia capture. appropriate that the Aa to a possible change of venue, can cltlenshlp mid the following of Third South, are lie si ill the home of territory and at - two couu the remnant of aud wenboth the dlatrlct attorney separate most their clumen faith Indus noteworthy examples of some of the once great Indian trilies HANDS OF GOVERNMENT TIED. that the ael for Thaw declared they would and dlHtliirt Institutions; and progress. The Judge Railroad should participate In an international Mormon could follow his religion and try wake no Bitch move. Exchange building is now beginning exposition on the shores of Hampton Important Decision Rendered In Land Thaw, when he had returned to the yet lie allowed ami now is aske- d- to to manifest itself. Tbe excavation is Roads, where. In years gone by, the follow the dictates of his own Tomba. gave out the following alate-inon. Fraud Caeee. completed and the foundation of ce most powerful Indian tribes of the conscience In political matters and ruble la almost completed. American continent lived, and front ment Los In the opinion of OsIn Angeles. the man l utterances I believe that every altitude and The A little furl her down the street, teams where were westward car they United States attorney for pressed Ijiwler, of the church have made the poslllott Jury poaaevulng average Intelligence, comby the dozen and men by the hun- and into oblivion by tbe hand of pro- this of the Culled Republicans so Mining dred court of the the excepting pnaalbly Mr. Hull on, supreme district, an excavating for the gress. prehended the weight of evidence and that It has given the movement an lin- skyscrats-rs- . United action Its in the States, goexcavations are The AH by of the orifilnul states (131, exbalanced it for acquittal. All my fain petim and aid that nothing else could ami cept New Hampshire, have esses of five of the seven IjOs Angeles old residences on. 1 merrily ing good-bywtth courage. the of arranged me members Those have done. ily bid are being made away with for buildings at the Jamestown Expo- men Indicted In the Oregon land fraud church who had hesitated to ally landmarks trust we may all keep well. the allow to Ingresa of progress. A sition. anil she will probably join her Investigation has effectually tied the was be aald To ha attorneys. Thaw themselves with the organization are new building la being built at Third sister states In the near future. now coming til by the humlred. Where hands of every United Staten attorney deeply disappointed. In thia South ami West Temple by Henry event Virginia has Stanford White, ths Man Shot by they conceived that the Cuited Re- Peory and assoelatea and in fact there taken the great Initiative with the largest In the country, so far as the prosecuThaw. publicans was a tucking their religion Is improvement everywhere. the most extensive ex- tion of big criminals la concerned. appropriation, waa It only upStanford While waa In hts fifty-thir- they now understand of the church The stnet railway company has hibits. and the largest building in the He adds thjri prosecutions involving In leadcra the holding the at death met year when lie laying track group of States. The appropriation extradition will be farcical until condeclarations that they desired Immense numbers of meninatallatlnu of hy the state Is fiSOO.OOfl, while Virginhands of Ilsrry K. Thaw, lie wast their and preparing for the It has state. and church of no union la practically an entirely new ia coumies have made an additional gress adopts a new law. what generally conceded one of the the more. bus It done proven beyond The holding of the supreme court architects In the Uuiled Slates, On the west aide the Im- appropriation of (150,000. For buildquestion of a doubt that those Indi- system. Service to and hla fame was still growing. Ills viduals Is Public be for of used mense the and an Indictment alone Is not sufthat ing chimney reception office to who have been elected Influence In art waa enormous, for Incompany rears Its head, towering Into entertainment of her "company, and ficient cause for removal of a prisoner have faith Mormon the of are who archttecof the comprehensive work The to the center of trial when by an tmiquue will not be used for exhibits. used their ecclesiastical office to fur- - the air, hla arrest i?nm-l7irflnvbuilding la of colonial architecture, 2 flag that looks little ambltiona; It American tber their own ia made outside the district, with handkarehlef. stories broad a verandas virtually FurtheoJtat thaw high, IfctJfpr WnemmweTwteA that thoae-wwhave allows a defendant two trials of hla example. immense new gas plant of the along the side next the sea. the office to ticen elected isilttical high Under this lure such aa no other man In his day Southwestern Goa and Coke company la nearhas sub- case, said Mr. Lawler. Virginia guise and sanction Utah had done In America, lie waa one under the assumed church ruling a nmn arrested in Arizona on one scribed hundred Short at thousand the dollars Oregon completion; ing acted hnve of the best known men In metropolitan of the Mormon own vladuci in com- to he used In the exploitation of the an indictment found In California may tnltlailve, using Line yards the new life and beyond that, for hla actlvl purely on their old landmarks all the gone timber and mineral resources of that demand a hearing there and the govpleted, voles, maskIlea carried hint into the leading dt-le- s their priestly office to get of Halt laike and Bectlon alone, and will have a build- ernment has to go to the expense ot of those and residents the lead of the United Staten, ami In Um-do- ing under the authority Utah who now hind there, cannot rec- ing in the construction of which a recalling and transporting Its grand of the ehurch. and Purls, where he numbered hla era andtlx-followers the aiirnmndlngs. At the Rio bit of every kind of timber native to jury witnesses, in addition to sufferognize Mormon the of facl very Ily frlenda and acquaintance! by tbe liun all the old buildings that Virginia will lie used, and In which a ing the attendant delay. Also, the Grande In assembled conference, dreda. Ilia marvelous energy was at pmiple, In the way of tile new yards and display of the mineral resources of United States attorney has to show his stood aldid, hand and the defendant has a chance once the despair and the admiration adopting the principles they statu will lie made. one course for I hem to pur- beautiful new- station have been re- theA to to find out the government's case of thoae who were thrown into con I. lows lint tbe Mother on Is work Virginia's and moved. part, progressing sue. To follow out the will of their without himself a card exposing tart with him In business affairs. of is single do States' tu herself Fmlhor west going those Improvements. leaders who introduced the prin- tin- new Immi-iisiu the role of hostess for her in the game. It amounts to an absoin proud smellers largest Evelyn Hopes for Bail. who themselves ciples and of they children" who have wandered afar lute bar to prosecution of the trusts, Muring out their New York Pity. Evelyn Nesbitt voted on and adopted those prin- the world -- an Dn-iund are coming home" again during Interstate commerce cases, and big tires are that lit s hnsluiiid when smoke, her was showing Thaw ciples they must ally ihemselvt-It will lie a reunion federal conspiracy cases like that of the exposition. nn that and working. they tho Jury reisirted a disagreement. with tbe United Republican, the of families as has never taken the Ixuislana lottery." such In the work scciiniis the rerlibnee The wife gripped her husband's baud only organization that la fighting to for from every slate of before, place tightly aa tbe Jury foreman spoke, show the world that there is1 no is no less marked. New house, new Union the sons and daughters of INSANE WOMAN KILLS HUSBAND and then when he sank down by her union of church and state In Utah, and tints, new apartment houses are rear- the Old Dominion will gather one side aha tried to rheer him an beet that organization la depending mostly ing themselves on every hand. Tbe the more beneath Ihe roof tree of their Man Shot Down While at the Telebeis work and word she thut could progress.' ho by saying on the Mormon people themselves to general phone. lieved ho would now ha admitted to take up the gnuge and show the world Everywhere there are signs of indus- native state. Even from that far distant state where mils the Oregon, Salt Lake City. As the result of ball and that a second jury would that such declaration Is true. try and progress. Suit laiko Is conifng inio it own. ten thousand Virginians are already a trivial misunderstanding, Mrs. Ed-l- a surely set hint free. The mother, On top of thla eomea the announcefor the journey hack to the slatera and the brothers, pale and ment that Reed Smoot will run for it is getting its stride. Hy the time preparing motherland. Honley shot and Instantly killed well nigh exhausted hy their tedious, the United Slates Semite again, lint the next conference comes, visitors their The transportation f aciiities for her husband, William T. Hooley at wait for a verdict, were it la stated, he will drat resign aa an from different pans ol tin state will exposition their home In this city. with Thaw for a aisistle of the Mormon church and hardly recognize the new rfty that reaching the Jamestown permitted to sis-aare of the best, ati will lx seen by a few momenta to bid him le of good make the race purely as au Individual confronts them. Hooley wished his wife to go wtth at the niinieniiis transportation cheer, liefore he crossed the 'bridge and not aa au eccleslast. Thu declu--i The breaking of ground for the New glance to Blnghant. she refused and he him at Penelliua that Norfolk. converge of algba" to the cull which until iv radons adopted by tbe Mormons In house skyscrapers, murks the begin few minutes liefore he hud hoped that conference assembled is a complete ing of the "Greater Salt Ijike." Old trating to every part of theor country, then said he was going to take the the civ- two children with him. He went to Salt Ijike will soon he n memory. and reaching to every part he was stout to quh forever. s repudiation of Mr. Smoot It old ciiy will he found ilized world, where are eight geat the telephone and was calling a numof tin Glimpses his of thoae all he and that live rhort lines of railw of trunk lines and Evelyn's Mother Hoped for Acquittal. faith who have aspired to and won h',,v ani1 ,lu'r,- ber when Mrs. Hooley fired two shots, c way; there are four commerce are trade and owning tip. and three coast lines of one of which passed through hla heart Pittsburg. No mutter how cruel political office, hnve done so only steamships; business centers are being their own ambition, using there are four Chesapeake Ray and and the other struck him In the Harry Thaw and Evelyn have been through Influence without the sanction four river lines, and three river and see I the to In like would to me, jury of the r hurrii. represented either by j lnkc has, muatles of the neck. Either wound realuy. caught Ra canal lines. All these ae making stride, so now let everylauly boost sporlal preparations to handle would have proved fatal. Beside the acqutt tbe defendant, for the comfort Its leaders or Its followers. the If such la the truth of Ihe matter. t"1'1 help the good u.uk along. It would he to Florenrc. I sincerely expected traffic comfortably and ex- woman as she fired the shots Rtood hopa the Jury does acquit him, aud Mr. Sniisit could not. In all fairness, MUSIC IN THE AIR. peditiously. und there is every assur- little Johhnle Hooley, their ld-- ear-olance that Die rates will lie as low anon, for the sake or my daughter make the race again for Culled States child. and what it means to her peace of senator. Ills announcement n do so as they have been to any other exThe actions of the woman conmind " This Is Ihe stntenieul made would be a practical and tacit repudi- Svm kion SviiMnul. position. Scientl-.t- s At noon, on the -- Gilt of April next. vinced the county attorney that she say Dial lolms are refill by Mrs. Charles Holman, mother of ation of thisu principles just adopted. Mrs. Harry K. Thaw, after a strenuous Under the circumstances Mr. Smoot, kited Sa mathematical progmjlon ; President Roosevelt will lie on the was Insane and he has filed an affidaeighteen hours of anxiety awaiting for the sake of hla church and for hla- that certain colors are .caused by so exposition grounds, and will there vit charging her with insanity. own sake, cannot afford to cast as- many ndllton air vihr.i'ii-ii.the return of the Jury. thevthra touch an electric button that will act Murdered an Actresa. every piece of machinery going, and persloua upon that church which bus lions varying neiording to the he is: for'liv or density of the mlor. If such throw open Die gates of the eximsition Convicted Murderer la Crazy. him what and Chicago. Howard Nicholas of that church, is true. If we tnuM let ir vlxfnn and grounds to ihe world. He will also Iaia Angeles. Ijocal authorlrei are the the sakehad teat retire have convicted Leonard been v to our Ivinpniiuiu ami oectbte In be there on the loth of June, when Mr. Smoot In doubt as to whether George W. order to catch a few gYum of (.0iurs Iluilock Hall, the home of his mother, of the murder of Mrs. Margaret Lesprivate life and continue It as an - and which has been stfected as Georeven though our Itundrlck, the convicted murderer of cleslHsl and let those who follow po-Nicholas was senlie. an actress. (I (PJohn Srbrocder, cf Cordell, Gu.. who lilies and who have political amid-- ing nl Du rutc of mitlimis of vibra gia's building, will be dedicated. tenced to life imprisonment und will Owing to the always equable climate surrendered himself here. Is entln'ly tions. follow Die path that he term was given a fourteen-yea- r of Tidewater Virginia and the excepleave. There Is no mentally responsible. It is time fhiil politics stum Id be tionally good weather so fur this win- in prison. On the morning of Octoquestion of tbe correctness of Du regulated through Ilie medium of Die ter. ail work on the ground, buildings ber 19 last year, the body of Mrs. of suffrage grantand government piers is progressing was found in her room at the story related by Ihuulrlrk but In' ap imperial fratu-hisrapidly, and there Is every ensou to Palace hotel with an pears not altogether rational on souu1 ed under the law. and not through undergarment church. of 2Cth of Arpil, will Mr.; tinning believe that the mlllioni time a' any He baa delusion that hia Inferential subjects. to he-- ' ond. just to allow m to cateh the find the Jamestown Exposition ready tied around her neck. The room was stands now in a brother, who helped him kill Sclimoil filled with gas from an open jet. A cr. la here in Jail with him and is nunc n gcealer man than ever. H.v j imk ami w liiic and l: uiUiic of colors to open its gules to the people. verdict of suicide by gas poisoning wounded aa a result of a tight wit. i dropping h's iMilitiral ambition- Hint that meet our eves. i is a thing waa rendered by a coroner's Jury. he which w,desicca"f know arid while of his that to "After religion detective. many days think we are following the has ever been u faithful follower and hulking at tin )hoi--nr,. inlmllnfC tion." says a Missouri editor, Evidence In the Bradley Case. he Their cun do more for t'aeDieir perfume, th.n science allows Chief of Police Sheets of Salt Lake hard worker-vaporing captains marshalled even though iii,n'w t; to nx--to moral welfare of his brethren tu fol Washington. Two commissioners to vl thundering hosts and poured out on Discharged on Conspiracy Charge, a few take depositions have been authorised braie mi last tl.nt the Incinerated vegetation lowing tin fisilstcps of the lowly Nsbird's A. Sheets, arine than he ever can do by at tempi wings are as slow - iV Salt Lake City. George In other strse cars inches of aqna pluvialis." n the Bradley case. Judge Stafford had a shower iu thut lochief of police, is again a free man Ing to run for Die senate again, which In comparison, to r us words, they R. mjor named Florence Hartley, of Salt Iike I old the would animosities, Wlieii wi Man. in g.i.., iu only revive jjow. cality. Judge George G. Armstrong of tho to utter- erx and bear the rm take the oral depositions of the and City, repudiate practically hi Die ngr head district court on Friday itmshed we did t.ot always call on ances ami ileeln rat Ions of his iiHrior and railed the Louise J. Garnett, Morgan Judge Thomas Plerpont them vh information against him, and if any officers and the members of hts brat Ions ciDi.-uh.--i :l President the other day, but. It ts not to Samuel Judge W. H. King. plr,,,,. further proceedings are taken tin rliurch, who. assembled in thousands, know that we ii 'v match- boteved that ne urged him to uccept Sutherland and Senator King. George new tile a to In will have "lev not should and shall declare then ell hundred county attorney m. ing seventeen s third term. Cuthbert Olsen. Hugh K. Osborne Tin judge not have lifcii a union of church and urllious of v i l t urn and better information. ,e,h pn ,h( Fairbanks ts work- of Santa Crux, Cal., was commisheld that there was a merger of the aiate." the wing, pin lYn; our hl cut the vice" off sioned to take the ornl deposition of to misdemeanor and felony, that at hard The Mormon pcoplo nmy now fully brain, tihsorli t!.i . mighty ing M. H. Mrs. Bradley's (,pm of Maddison, one felony war- charged, and that the uiiilcrsiand ihat poll'teally they are mid the roui'.i m- a his title. father. Into It. inlsdcmeauor E EDITORIALS. I MANY WILL NOT LIVE s vlo-lef- i THAW CAST 2le; - ' Millions of Peoplo in Russia Must Ro ccive Aid From Outside World or Perish by Starvation. i mu-per- , j - lr pla'-lll'ii- l i- - i . e r the greatest d : all. I Ti-u- d . foit-si-ve- , I dii-lare- - 1 1n-r- j a ( t: ret-cii- New-hous- - d fore-moa- - b o e r e erve-ruckin- k liiti-ninie- trans-Atlanti- i h j , y d clar-niad- i ! -- e hut-kin- ot - . I i,-- ! Mari-imeau- c.iu-iV,- - in-rgc- and Great Britain to promptly send There are 20,000.- help. He says: 000 people distributed in the southeastern provinces of Russia who, without aid, cannot live to see an- other harvest. In Samara alone, the commissioner adds, thousands are dying and S70,-00are starving. Of the latter only 372,000 are getting relief, a dole ot hours. one meal in twenty-fou- r As a nteal is only two pounds of bread and a bowl of soup, lids, according to the commissioner, means dying by degrees, and a dole in many instances is divided among many mouths. There are only sufficient funds on hand to last until May 1. whereas money will be needed until tbe end of July, when the harvest will bring relief. The commissioner especially appeals for canned milk. He says there are 200,0011 children In Samara province who have no milk and are forced to eat coarse bread made of acorns, jsiwdered wood and cucumbers, resulting In thousands of deaths and much disease. 0 DRY FARMERS MEET. Owners of Arid Farms Perfect an Organization. Salt Lake City. The farmers ol Utah who are endeavoring to yearly raise bumper crops without the aid ot Irrigation, met in Salt Lake City on Ihe 9th and perfected an organlza lion, the officers selected being: President, Prof. L. A. Merrill; first rice president, J. W. Pax man; second rice president, G. L. Farrell; third rice president, W. cr Lyman. A com nlttee has been appointed which it U be known as an executive commit tee, and one person from each coun will be added as a member of ths 7 executive body, wblch will have a hand in helping the committee on ex hlblta for the Transmlssouri Dry Farming congress that la to meet her in October. Men from remote parts of Utah were present, and there were several Interested in the new method of agriculture in attendance from Montana Wyoming, Idaho and Nevada. An organization for the meeting waa perfected at the morning meeting with James G. Duffln aa chairman and F. M. Lyman, Jr., aa secretary. On account of the absence of Governor John C. Cutler, It was necessary for to read the welcome Secretary address. It extended hearty greetings to the convention, dealing with the progress that has been made by the arid farmer In reclaiming large tracts of hitherto unproductive land, commending the work of the dry farmer, pralHlng the movement that last fall resulted in the organization of the TransmlEHourl Dry I .anil congress, Jjwding the work done by Utahs representatives at tbe first meeting of that congress at. Denver, eulogizing the labors of Flslier Harris, preiddent of the congress, congratulating the Agricultural college, the experiment stations, the arid experimental farms anil the pioneer dry farmers that have been the leaders in driving bark the desert, and predicting for this branch of industry a bright future in Utah. The committee on exhibits for the Dry Farming congress to be held here In October la as follows: Prof. I.. A. Merrill, Salt Lake county; James W. Paxman, Juab; George L. Farrell, Cache; Dan Hanson, Sevier; David Holmgren, Box Elder; John Stevens, Agricultural college, Utah. Foraker Opens Campaign. Canton O. In the presence of 1,200 people. Senator Joseph B. Foraker on Wednesday night delivered an address defending his actions as a public servant and declaring hia willingness to abide by the public's decision In the future. The occasion was the annual banquet of the Canton Board of Trade. Senator Foraker was on the programme for an" address on Civic Pride, hut his speech was largely directed to his work as senator and Is regarded as being the opening of the presidential campaign In Ohio. Fair Winter Wheat Washington. The crop reporting board of the bureau of statistics of the department of agriculture, gives the average condition of winter wheat on April 1 as 89.9 against 89.1 on April 1. 19D(i, 91. ti at the corresponding date in 1903, and 83.3, the mean of the April averagea of the last ten years. The average condition of winter rye on April l was 92.0, against 90.9 on date in 1903. and 89.2 the mean average of the last ten years. i a- lnt Dr. Kennard, commission- London. er of the Society of Friends, who was sent to Investigate the Rusipn famine, writing from Samara, in the heart of the famine district, under date of April 3, appeals to the United States . Vice-Preside- r.ai-.ipj- . jr Arizona Miners Strike. BIsbee, Ariz. Between COO and 700 members of the union organized here by the Western Federation of Miners, employed here by companies which refused recognition of the union, went ron strike Wednesday. Managers of the Warren district companies declare they will close down all the mines and smelters In Bisbee and Douglas rather than recognize the Western Federation. For twenty-fir- e years there has been no miners' union in the Warren district. Miners are receiving $4 for uti e:ght-hou- r day. |