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Show LOCAL bar. the Prince now added cup to rrw and like a Muscovite he grew more bitter as tbe wine mounted to his bead, lit- - leaned forward and laid bis band upon his companion's while wrist. Theresa univen-- a luile, but did not take It away. Tbe Prince was MANUFACTURERS CAROS. CPAGtH WIHE AND IRON WORKS Manufacturer of mm Hank, Office and (oun ter Itatling. Flower Stand. Ktc. AK km-ti f fancy wirv mid Iron ork. ! k Klcctri 1la'iug ir. Nickel am Ftnlehtu lu a!! the taii-s- t W::!. for 1'rici K. Salt take Iny u: ,1 St.ii. St H' d S R; GCKETTT. Autar of -- t'tii-j-e- JJb, .fciit, 1 iJu-r- ffirAtoftcifa&i Yfci," he said, leaning towards her, "you have sufTi-re- d great wrongs, and ii.ore, Hu pu.-h- i n It from him!" well to hate them with tho hate l A.evis ill tl.e same that craves vengeance. But you shall pi r. 'ho satisfied. and Pilbec I van dei! taulx of Court- you and I shall hava , if. J(. fcy CHAPTER XXXII. ; 1 PLACE YOUR EYES IN OUR HANDS frrrrvrrrvvrrs; BXTsasapfiriiid i.eroy, ina iir. r n cn aches. SULMSt Those " Spells Co. Alexander-Dibbl- e half-whla-- 1 Dizzy That Eye Strain .ii (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa an-id- o I'Wi-M-- Stop Those Heat Pcwder Chests. Formerly Optical Co. i . I r .ii.iiic'or blood ii.ii An I'jintH. Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Both Phones 4444. ii:iliil:iili-(nil win-.H- i t hi t, i,i uf n.ii. siudcr of hllld Will, llirfc'lrt. 1 at ji'lH (IlC-l- ml the Muo'iAl'i" uiui). eh'1 hT-ni- f I Who (''in wonder ui he lady's taste? Yes, for r.Uilt l'i a i.i .leSweet sweet It of llu Is a pro! iv piiiu'e of a great prov- - shall be many days. tin111 ant . Miri-H-t piCM-lict111, and sweet, very slow; for wwineli wi'h hi Hut ii h- l:ve lii- - will do well il, lrlncc Ivan, wl.u Inc.., have wrongs, as you shall hear." III" lull- Ml to, An tnder l.er. lliha grace lu greet iiuiiuli to ill a i hair and hold a gold- In KllT'l Truly, I did well lo come to you!of I'.iinfiil or au man. wi'h a omy. piiiclii-lacc, rut mi rod. Ijm- li. m iiwa, Alexis." alrt Theresa, giving her hand willingly .rce..il nicnn'r iM !di hi.t cllmw on the aniull tl"ii 'llll-'Sl'i'l'KKM. I'rini, ! 00 ir Ut!eHh!y with quick ; into his. "Nay." paid Thcn nil drug otnroa nr by mull, Il- - l ai.i-his I". At nralod. camp tiiliM-- . alarm, "I. ! him s'ay. There are many You spi-atrmh." He hissed thv Iioull Drug Co,. it'k on his puliii mid Imdoil dm a things if, peak of. W may need to words bitterly. Vain, Knit taka City, Utah. Imli ed, you did bet, in Hu) half dark of the ten!, a j I'iph1' I ouJji lati-r.than well. 1 also have wrongs, wa-vvi'li cushions I few hi I'riiici will not be of land Ivan of low, wide divan i Muscovy will show you a BEST REACHED VIA THE NEW AND , DRINK. and all tin- - upper end of !) great e in us, sn.iled Prince Ivan. Muscovite vengeance. and a I wiih was tl I "If only huge hud l.miwn. up would have j "This Prince Conrad of thelra balked POPULAR his princely bhailiiwy pile of l.i u. and huxe-- . only j more me of my revenge and drove me from . ii it a rur'nin. half iiiiici-:iIi-- i c.iri fully, Bui i l,e light wine of ourjihe city.-- Him will I take and hnrn I hid Hit liuiy," said iiii country Is uuugi rously strong." jat the staki- - In his priest's robes, as Sun-'Ponvi-Prince Ivan, taking hrr hand. his Highness to ilm rear, j.f he wen saying mass or, hotter than ind lay him upon iiic ly sever did ally tumii barrcla!" iiill, In the red of the cardinal! habit tat us lie indii-iit- i II with hispqwder you to our ramp tonight. hand the array with his hat on his head. And ere and ihm .III wc liiid ,f hnxi-- ail I kegs pili-i- l ill Hie dusk of lie dies he shall see his hear jour paramour caryou Hindi lodging ami welcome as may' the ieii,. The did as they ried to her funeral. For I will give oh.ii-is bo In ainoiiK iuukIi and lu a were lull!: they lfi,- - Prince tauis you tho life of the woman for whoaa TEA. ramp of war." and won!. I have cariie.l him to that sake ho thwarted Ivan of Muscovy. IIh to tin fri'iit of the pa- crim coueli hni, grrm-wiili some pevilion and I'U'In-ithe 'Iripplm: j culiarity, Alexis the Deacon -suddenly flap- MAXHELD VINEGAR CO., hen! ovi-- the lax and thrust hi! h,y 'Alexl''' lie cih il. f.i'.l up my po baud till it 'hn i of his princely Mauufarturers of Shortest and best line to Bullfrog and Nevada's Mineral Li ins; a brazil v. m.d t I now iarnihlii-,pie. Itld tlo-ithick with wine -Ihi-ii- i to nrvo siippor in ains ami s'i.i-- meats. PURE FOOD VINEGAR. lary Belt, via. The Las Vegas Tonopah Railroad. Ask ! half an hnur mi jx r il of tl.ilr l T!xci he s:i!d. turnliig lo Ilia the but 720 San Salt Lake Pedro. Los Angeles Agent, specify South Second Went dkFftitnry: Ho r' lunu-- i aR kIihi.I IiiTuiis Themaster, "tin- prinr-i- - is dead! His 979-futh-m-If A Telephone resa. who had sunk hark m hi ait dm-out hi at. It Is tho stroke! n x wiili ihick turn. 1 anotioiiimi warned you il would come!" D. A., ryyrryyyyrryrvyyrrovwrr on , kins llnr fci.-- t iii stlid in ihiPrince Dan strode lim lily towards which covered tin Hour. din; Prinn! the Imi.Iv i,r lamis of Criii',!aud. lookiid anxiously ilown. REMEMBER. 'Surely i;ni?'' lie cried, in Pardon no-- , your b lines ar wet." j m. This may prnvo very If your local merchant linen not Wo Hie hut Muscovite boors, be said. Yet. after all. what carry In atock Temple Brand Gar ihM-but we know how to make lailo s It inater? With your assistance, memo, Itanmo Head Sweaters, S Permit iiic!'' lie encased madam, tie- - y is ours. And then what gn Lily Luderwear, vend your nrd-erl to (tin ante manufacturers, Salt Theresa's t in ilalnty mailers dead prince nr living prince? take KnlltinR Works. small as her own, and placed A garrison In every fort, a squadron and respectfully on of good CossiickN pricking hitoks every them dolli-aielthe couch. plain, a lax rnlh'clnr in every village 'There, that Is hotter!" he are the best securities of THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT tniiilliiK over hi-- r tenderly. princi-iloiii- . lint this Is like our good STONE CO. SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. I amis, Theresa did not answer. She CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANlie never did anything at a tsar . smiled at the Prince, leanlin; a t ight time all his life." UFACTURERS. CANYON of the GRANDE SOUS AGENTS TOR farther back anil rosilin; her 'It it worth It all. stood on the oilier side of Concrete Block Machines. Want to upon the pa!m of ln-If PANORAMA will hand, no it. hand but yours shall you the dead man as the servitors lowered EAGLE RIVER CANYON. efctabllnb a plant In every city, town warmlh of the tent and the soft him for the inspection of their lord. lave the shedding of tbe blood of your OF NATURAL In Utah. WAGON WHEEL GAP. and village louse's cnenty. Henry of Kernaberg. ury of I ho rich rugs had brought a j The weary, wrinklnd face had Work machines from 9100 upward. flush of red to a cheek which yet ' Is not this your vengeance already smoothed ua with the pnssage of a BEAUTY ALL GLENW00D SPRINGS. Start a email plant and beenma Intweet in prospect ? tingled with the volleying of the Bal- Jiand, dependent. THE WAY. "It Is sweet Indeed! tin raiudiopa. answered CANYON of the GUNNISON. "f am glad lie spoke of tils wife at Correspondence solicited, woman this me Theresa. never told a'Ai'l t P. O. Box 1131. Sait City. the she murmured. And she hist," GARDEN OF THE GODS. THREE Was so Beaut llul," Ivan said to himself. added to Yuitr Highness!' Raid the voice of Ind Ihone 3809-7- . liciself, This falls out well Alexis at the tent door, "Who is she? Hhe cannot he a Court- am I per Il relieves me of a necessity." MANITOU SPRINGS. THROUGH BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH, laud. Such a niurvcl could not have j like a woman!'1 cried Milled to speak?" Spoken m all me TRAINS. from THE ROYAL GORGE. relhidden on! been cried Ivan, without during Speak Prince Ivatt. looking admiringly at her. I Therthere! his hand the of axing clasp upon slay "Pray forgive my Idtter speerh, and Many bright boys and girls are makHo he addressed himself lo ninkiug remember that I hove home long with esa von l.ynar. Indeed, momentarily ing 95 weekly after school working for the disrovery. THROUGH i became a grip. this man! us. If you wont the same chance, send The man went safely through at "My lady." he salil, "you are our j He turned to the servitors anti di- AND PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. ua your name and addreaa and we will guest Will you deign to tell ua how reeled them with a motion of hla hand Blasaenburg gate. The panworda s TO DENVER. correct. , The man who chal9 'towards Vhe'Wtc rf JS ST. LOUIS AND For Folders, Booklets, Etc., Add rasa jw h,PHalaI. When sold, You are no Courtlander, as all ...ay Household Specialties. ..Ilro1 ,t CHICAGO I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D, ace!" a And as the silken folds dropped enu!" send ua 81 and keep 91 for yourself. 1 am a a rhino." she answered, smilThe relaxed. Salt Lake City. Prince's grasp down the curtain fell the a heavily You cun do this In one day. We will ifpou w ing; I ain called the tady Theresa. career and regality of lunuls. Prince It Is well." lie said. "Now go to w furnish you permanent work. For the present let that anltlce. I of a444444444444444444444444aS44SS4SS444SS4iiall4iiirS44s thi captains and tell ihem to be In of Defender t'lmrilainl, A Co., am venturing much to come to you Addreaa N. 11. Groesbeck their hims about the rity according to the Holy See. thus! My father and hrnlhcrs built ths plan -- the main assault lo be deHprlngvllle, Utah. Tile men did not hear him a castle upon the liable shore mi him iiikiii the boxes of livered by the gate of the soa. At They plaeed land that hits hii-- the inheriiunce of dawn 1 will tie with you! INiwiler for the Margrafs iMunuu. tH!XsUtSXSXXfeXdilMil)Wila(!itfXSvil)uw my mother. Then came the reivers which for Alexis the Deacon saluted and went. safety and dryness Ivan had TRUNK8, TRUNK8. i of Kcrnshcrg ami huriicd the castle Tin' Prince rose and came about the tiude them tiring to his pavilion. The f9 to the ground. They burned it with deait man lay in the dark, R. table nearer to Theresa von l.ynar. , j T) Anil they Are from cellar to roof-trebn-atquickly and If staring ut the circling shadows I Hho drew ln-as slackened the lire with the blood of klud of servitors moved athwart about C as the my nearest kindred!' sob. Her left hand went to her aide the at a woman which table, supper As she spoke Theresa's eyes glitas naturally na a nun's to her rosary. en155 Main 8t., Salt take. tered and altered. Tl Prince read sat eating and ilrtuking with her But it was no rosary her Angers emy. fcif etsuiste tawwtrsatstsXf $sxxxsxxsxxs)C! ' touched. easily the meaning of that excitement. The action steiidied her, TORONTO, OTTAWA, MONTREAL. , ' IJow was ho to know all that lay beVth! I hen Theresa hail spoken. Very and she threw hark her head and BOSTON. QUEBEC. PORTLAND. hind? SALT THAT'S ALL SALT him she knd told what she had smiled up at him as debonairly as "And so," ho said, you have no no care in bad world. she the though learned of Cre defenses of the plai-e- , goodwill to the Princess Joan of Ivan laid his hand on her shoulder, ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND were guarded by the which New And all principal points In gatig and Courtland. Or to any of glad to see her so resolute. nu-which the of by Kcrnsbcrgt' . lie a Detroit added favorers?' the after her via In pause. "All Manufactured only by England, good time. he said, sitting man PlasKeiiluirg. which by the remnants down on a stool at her feet and taking At tho name the INLAND CRY8TAL SALT CO., of the broken army of ('imrlland. She who had bwen sitting unmoved by tbe K. XV. Clayton, Manager, Kxkc In a hushed voice, the Prince her hand her right hand. The other not see. Then he spoke confiSalt take City, Utah. sipping and nodding as he looked into he did dentially. her eyes. She gave the password (To he eontlniied.) of the Inner and outer detcni-es- . the service from Chicago. Rates of Through numbers of the defenders at each cate, PAUMIB Mistaken for a Butler. information from the plans fur bringing provisions up and fare the Alla- - indeed, every tiling that at tandon society folk are much i antuaed at a recent misadventure of besieging general needs to know. ' A. C. SHAW, General Agent Passenger Department . who Is a dignl-word- s And ns sih-i- i as she told the pass- - Ixird Xew'ton-BuilcrPiiuce asked her io par- i fled man of rather stiff carriage and the 232 South Clark Street. Chicago .PYB WORKS for the 1Bnself don 1dm a moment, lie struck a sil ' '1 ver hell mid with scarce a miiniem' story. It was a musical ut home !n Bel- delay Alexis entered. (8 W. Seeuad South. I "Go." sal. the Prince; "si ml on., uf gravla. to which the lord was invited, ' j'A'i rt fellows familiar with the u. i eh anil. It being a rainy night, he wore a our , ccrtCN itLt of Ceiiirtaud into the city l.y i!,e Bias. felt hat nnd a long waierinvof coat HAM 1 53 hAlMIMB senburc gtitc. The passwxr.'s an-- over his evening dress. The family CATARRH and all Arabia ahroala dlaaaaaa of tha Henry the t.lon' nt the leper yoo .u,f hutler opened the ihsir tu hint. looked Xari, Xoh. Throat, Btaiaaoh. Livar. Kidney a, Bladdar tln-asked and a moment, Bowel a, Heert Dletae BU Dliaaiaa, Deafnen, Fiix for and 'Itemeiutier a' the inner t or'. fj,. puzzled Chorea, Rhenmatlua. Pile. Rupture, Lest Manhood, j innn he dressed in the lial-i- ' oi a tentativoly, "Name, please?" Gonorrhoea, BypUIU, Froatatla Tronblee, and all lcr.-- ' was the reLord Newton-Hil- l Chroala Karreoa and rrirala Dieeaeaa of Hop. Woaaa countryman, and carry woii 1: e and ahlldraa. $15 for a aara for Ca ft a ltTMlwulatker Badiataaa Follow h u iad ply. wine ami prov end free for all tarrhal Diaaasaai Newtnii's butler, arc vim? "Oh. reiiort immedialely, hroaio dieeaeaa. Whl'.o the Prince v:i- - spiaim.; he Come along, old elmp. nnd have a tin- - housekeepWL.i.a ami. had lievir lakcll It's eves off T!-- . drop of something in a lot uproom. got l.c xon job They've bid l.y er's tin', though Dra. Shore.' Eye DopartBoat far tha (nick aero ef all Era Dleeai appi a;. COCA-COLIN BOTTLES. titnl your muster ain't Alexis the Dear u. bo stairs ttUag of lauee Ii aaexaollad, hotnr la eharsa o.' a Bpoalallat S roper j T yeara' ataadiDg. Co&ialtatlem and Adriaa Fraav If you're looking for him." rc-- a d.id no' Kainli. Not e a come yet. Wo have established a plant for hot Encased Theresa's fret in And wo'dn "With pleasure." said his lordship, dainty ln-- r face i;i Ixered. and we atg this most popular drink ot : t , oriental slippers, who spent a chatty five minutes wi'h heart, Cri. Shorn hare a Baootal Dopartmaal asalaatraiy far tha treatmanl aad are nut an agent in every town in Utah table with lii e!!uv on the board, f.n egg of tfia. I'Hi-e.ef all Private Diaeeeei of lfea. whether eeoeed by lfueraBee, exeenei er aontafton. the butler over a glass of Burton ale. mea who Yang mea who hava brea led aetray by had aanaaoiraa taiddla-ayeis no trnitn-yhandle tt. Good profits. Write ua raised a strangely wizened fare to "Much obliged to you. I'm sure, ami dap. have cone lo exeeiMO old bob wha Ind thair aarnal vljor (one nefuruicatee who Theresa's. with ail lu r simplcti-havo contrasted dieeaeeo the vletlme of Blood Poleoa and (ill othan wha once for prices, etc. tha ).. now I think I'll go and have a look eon n eel and aid of experienced and kindly phyaiatana, are aardlalty Invited he aonaull Bottling Co. What- "- he said In lo nhfn accents. won:aa Is spiakitig tin- tru " Salt take Coca-Colat the 'Joh lot' In the drawing room." ChARuB. Or FREB end be ndvleed (hie department Sait take City. P. O. Box 3. And T!ii't'es:i was piai.iii:; And to the butler's I orror his new Hammering ir l.i speech and grav-p'.ln5i eure la the ouia under DRB. SHORES' htODERIf METHOItB la nQ Frlvwta the and rtairs strode with the words as if. like a She had I'Xpccted s.:ne u i (hat you Bay arrant to pay eh fee far a oar ta amall weekly or monthly up acquaintance Piee, FAT WHEM CURED. loitellmente, ee tho art projreieei, or yra may wrestler "at a fair, he tun-- t throw caeh was prepared : but she id te.,-vrna soon warmly shaking ttio baud of KU0KE3 boa t advert! ee re tee' ' for ana lilts. ' M,vcra!lv---"wh:it ' h.i who word a 5no I!'.' ; :r: ilngSe ailment' and then (harp yoa taa tlaaa aa Bach Ins hostess. plans to a. the am.'uut advartieed brreueo the aaea ii vinst t!ii I a ly .l.y.n. lriti-?e- s lo say tlie passwords, si. h.l. Pre. Fhuree leave that to th "Fak Uadiaal i? M'lio wrongs her with ItorD of nt !i-Are. Khoree (uaraate Quite Different. that an fee pay .ii'. Inctitutei." if they treat your caie and that tor AbL Isas were tout th-for name me t.i reckon with ay, i her. Wi i e io hi chides .niiist:ca!!y. He passwoids the fe for a X'l'RE will be cheaper than you aan b r.ni'i v n).t siiit or no ti. Write for nut I It my bs other Ivan bisese'.r!" d e the loin's alee furn! eh your cured -r cleewhere. turning about to look at The women Ir. Fborce Mrr LETTER ONFIDENTIAL 1 outs." 1. FKEF. ther ta ''hold np" fur "5!(dia!nH, I "Not : t'.ti ! e ; two pood While worth i arsed. wr iMtcnt n itf cer'tiin'.y. my r... they have after you her arranged th fe. Quaeki and Faklra revert I would not PATENTS THAT PAY. I answered Ivan c.i'diy, turn of A!eis. Hie l;:r.c. ,. "Yon c.uinot n sist the temptation." to eurh trirke to rob the unwary hut Lafitunat i'il hr'p mv. ui.'rn w mnXH. I for ail deed word wear-or the wl ot nt h and denounce Ihem. Ttere.-are i see wrong by to wt:..-,lie; lady winfirwit Si'ii'! Hunt,'), pi"-- , "to they .k.l' pak he says, beware of any fakir who hide behind a "feke MediHMCDIATt Mil REPORT ON PAT-trout Bor Kusia to the wa'eh.ed wi'h aj'pn-b.t- i '.iormnuy Him-ins." cal lneiitul'' bccaueo he dare not advcrtle nndar hit MTaatUTV. prartice. Kilim- - fait!" her eye as t he spoke f .1 i ; i,.. There mnit be a rceioa for It. own name. r, 4 IStent Ijvirn " nil1 nr roim- to I "Not so." she replies, in defense. D C. WaSMISCTOW. 7th M.. Vhiree. I Write for Free Symptom Llal 1 Treatment liume turned to All ls the Deacon, who Sword Hand. He sec to if about turned they "I merely If you cannot call, xloneultatlon frea. . was at Mr elbow. : down ht-- r lips when OFFICE HOURS: S a. a. to I p. m. Evenings T la S; Sunday! aad hehdaya 10 had turned about to aee what my new 1 a. b. to 13. "Fill mi his cup remi mher wlint how- her xob-.was .i wss made of." dress bade you!" he nid sharply In an un- as she nsxiunted the crm-p.; cf ;,.r Drs. Shores & Shorts, Expert Specialists, 249 L.'citJTutah dertone. kin. of hear seldom any good Listeners His cup is ru:i. h' will drink no Though a( ordlnaiy times most s, themselves, or anybody else. K - 230-31-3- ! - - - - j CALIFORNIA - fun-ln-a- lio-blu- !r t revi-alud- us-- ! ! li-- coru-ervi-- ; l,i-1- - ; , ! wi-ii- ! k ' ! o . . imdt r , hie-fin- ( , -- - WINTER RATES.. . . J - H. BURTNER, P. Salt Lake City , Isrrmirswitsrssrvsrrsvvrvrrn'viiwiivyrrrrrvrvrrrrAitR com-fortahl- s a oiii-utn- slip-jM-r- Tln-res- r . bi-e- n : . ! . . ! , i I . n Oliver CANADIAN ! Meredith, PACIFIC open-eyed- r Trunk Manufactur-- j er. I RAILWAY 1 s Huli-enstet- n Canada and and grey-heade- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY car FRISIAN further - SALT LAKH CITY. co" ' 1 DOCTORS WHO CUR i I I Tort-oeeel- e. : CONSULTATION FREE i : A Special Department for Men. : . - he Iva-"S- s s a ki - g , def.-nd.ei- on--fo- r eomplt-cetrd- - 1 . 1 1 alln-ent- i . , f- -- U . w.i-:.- : - a r ! 1 1 a-- yir' :h-o- .n-- 80S-S0- Ib-m- - - , acd-lciiie- ." |