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Show THE ALTA INDEPENDENT Vol. I!. Alta, Utah, Wednesday, April The Alta Independent Published Every Wednesday. By THE the INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING FLOUR FOR STARVING CHINA. the end . 1 iln-ii- of Abyssinia lias sent a The Trt-gi- t at alii to President Roosevelt. Has he already been sinii.ai'ly favored by the jam of Navanagar. the Alikooud of EDITOR Swat and the Gaewur of Baroda? Entered ua second-clas- s matter the posloffice ut Alta. I'tuh. there LAKE ii.-j- . 3-- will lie great dlsupiaiiutuient COUNTY lu-lr- 1 J. U. Eldredge, Jr. San Juan received Speaker Cannon A. Groeabeck. and his party wi.n fireworks with Recorder P. O. Perkins. which they reciprocated, no doubt. Sheriff C. F. Emery. Assessor C. M. Brown. Auditor K. Hcginbotham. Attorney Willard Hanson. & J.B. Swenson. Surveyor E. C. J. J. Commissioners Mackey, Clinton and J. B. Coagrtff. MANAGER JACOBSON. Clerk Treasurer J. Local PROBABLY - MORE THAN SMOKE. Piute Courant. it is not generally known, but it is a fact, none the leas, that when the Spaniards laid to ambush the Bough Klders at Gausimas in Cuba the whole plot wan spoiled because one man was too eager, and shot at the head of the column before it got well Into the line of Are. There is a remarkable similarity about the things that have happened in the political world, this week. Whether the Harrlman letter with the attendant discussion was responsible for springing the mine too soon, it is impossible to say. if that discussion had not arisen, political enemies of the administration might not have gotten gay and talked so much. But the fact remains that someone leaked, and about the prettiest plot on record in American politics has been spoiled. It Is alleged that Senator Penrose got extra communicative at a dinner recently and announced there was a scheme on foot, not to beat the President for the renomination, because it is not generally believed he would take the renomination under any circumstances, but to beat hlB plan for getting a free man and a man after bis own heart nominated by the Republican party. rThc details of the plot are a iHtte too explicit and probable to make it seem all talk. It was to the effect that the railroads and big corporate Interest including Harriman, H. II. Rogers and the rest of the Standard Oil crowd had started a fund of 15,000,000 to thwart the President in the next campaign in securing a man for the Republican nomination who would carry out the President's isili-cic- The scheme was to get dele- gates in all the states pledged to Roosevelt on the Arst ballot, and thus presumably pledged to the President's choice after he hud declined the nomination, which it was conAdenlly ex- pected he would do. The program was then to stainiiedo them on the second ballot to Mime man nut ut all of Hie President's choice. It is said that Senator Penrose attended u dinner recently, und to put it in plain language, got drunk and talked too much. The story was heard by one of the friends of the President who was at the dinner, and he promptly related it at the White House. Of course Senator Penrose came out with a prompt denial of his role in the story. After he had denied li thoroughly, it was stated at the White House that hht name had never been mentioned in connection with the matter, nor had the name of anyone else. But the I resident was said to have all the details of the story in his possession, and both he and his real friends will lie on their guard from now on till the next Republican convention against any realization of such a plot. Altogether it is a remarkable story, and one that has been in the air for over a week. It was believed there was something doing under the surface in the way of opposition to the President, and that the railroads were at the bottom of it in revenge for what they considered was ungenerous treatment at the hand of the administration. But that anything so widespread nnd Anhihed in the way of a conspiracy was afoot was not generally credited. There are a good many Republl cans now who say that the President has been deceived and that there is' ito such organized opjiositlon to him as be believes, and the rvowpiI cut. the adniinlstratUm are lng and tapping their foreheads significantly to Indicate something radically wrong mentally. But It t believed none the less that the plot story Is in the main correct, and it has served to put the friends of the administration very thoroughly on their guard. S- THE FIRST PROMOTIONS IN CONSULAR SERVICE. The first, general transfer and promotion In the consular service as the result of the new rules governing that branch of the government has been announced. There are almost 2' in eases, most of them not imixirtiinl, but others decidedly so. Most of them affect men who have been In the service a long time and have earned recognition by their work. It is the beginning of n new regime in the sand will tend to make it more of a life career, and less of a political grab bag. - 3-- Iiln-nia- Imim-ilarie- plows Items 1 holders of the Columbus Con. Checks in payment of the Columbus Consolidated Mining company's divi. dend of 2)c a share have been forIn a warded to the stock holders. letter from Manager Tony Jacobmin accomjmnyinig the checks the statement is made that when the dividend was declared the company had on hand $100,000, and the reason assigned for its not being more is that the roads have been in such miserable condition for the past two months or more that it was ImiiosBible to get much ore to market. The letter also states that there are now 1,200 tons of crude ore and concentrates in the bins awaiting shipment as soon as the roads are passable. As the average net value of this mines product is better than $50 a ton, there is product awaiting shipment than would be necessary to meet the present dividend requirement of $56,707.ti). Concerning present conditions at the property, Manager Jacobsons letter says: New Ore Bodies Opened Up. Since our annual report was sunt out we have opened up a large ore level below the body on the 300-fotunnel. This ore body Is 180 feet long and from two to fifteen feet in width. ' fodt from We have raised sixty-fou- r the 300 level in this ore body, which is of very high grade. Fifteen samples, representing fifteen days' raising, one sample each day, gave the followling average tier ton: Silver, 119 ounces, 8.88 per cent copper, 28.18 ier cent Iron and 12.83 tier cent silica. We level to are running on the 200-foreach this same ore IkhI.v, anil we hope to get it within (he next sixty feet. Another Iniimrtanl strike ha also been made in what we call the Garfield winze, located about 3oo feet in from the mouth of the Columbia tunnel. This winze is down liO feet, and the entire bottom is solid ore, ami, from all appearances, we shall get a large ore body there, and it will lie something new. We expect to sink this winze down to the lion level before drifting. This ore lxirty will practically mean a new mine, as It is 9nu feet away from our main ore body, in wbat we call No. 3 shaft. "It Is hard to estimate just bow muck ore we have in sight, lint we ought to keep up the present dividend rate for an Indefinite time. We have made arrangements for the use of the Continental tramway over which to transport our ore as far as Tanner's Hat, a distance of four miles over the worst portion of the canyon road. This train, which is being reconstructed, is to be completed by May 15. This will give us a chance to send out nil the ore we care to thia coming sunt mer. I have no doubt we shall have transjiortatlnn fad I HU'S right into the camp of Alta before the end of the present year. now-mor- 1 : OFFICERS. in uniiilnisl ration cricles if l'nrl( Joe Catiuon returns front Panama without the comforting assurance that the caCounty Seat, Salt Lake City. success. nal is some kind uf a red-ho- t SALT 3-- ciii-iii- ' cent. C. V. ANDERSON D. C. DESPAIN.. . .LOCAL MANAGER d,-g- o er supplies for the Chinese famine reOfllre of publication. Iusioffice, Alia, sufferers. This shipment Is the collected by of fund uf sult a flio.ouu I'tah. the Christian Herald, and is being SUBSCRIPTION: shipped by the Commissary DepartOne year, $2.uu; ala month, $1.25; ment of the Army free of charge. 75 38, 1C COMPANY. three months, No. T.'I feel In iniersect line ner Xo. 4 of mill. afford to lie without it! Joe; tlienci S. 37 deg. MARYSVALE MENTIONS AND . ul Angler, l linin' N. 71 H j 33 min. E. Gim feet to Corner No. 3 The Elders Journal is issued semi' SOUTHEAST UTAH ITEMS lniii V. .ii'i 2 3 feet in I'uriier No. 4 of of Joe: I hence N. 51 monthly with sixteen and thirty-twMrs. Martha deg. 67 min. E. of Junction, llieiue N . I deg. .'iii lulu. N. 669.3 fe to intersection line 2 3 of who has been Woolley, pages, alternately, making a volume Aiifi-rvery sick hero for some of nearly six hundred pages. Every li'M.7 feet in corner No. 3 of Angler; 99; thence S. 10 deg. 37 min. W. 267. S tinii1, Is bllghtly improved. ili'n. nn min. B. 375 feel to Corner No. 3 of 99; thence S. subscriber ran have his number tin nee N Jt Jt ' fl i t in cu' ner No. 2. uf one and add thus, year by year, bound, Angler: thence 79 deg. 40 min. E. 6(H) feet to Corner Duiin-- l Cook's Inline, at. Gainesville, S' ib on ev il volume of crystallized thought, g. in mill E. liiMi feet to cur-in- No. 4 of 99; thence N. lo deg. 37 was made hajijiy by a new boy baby, N i I of Angli-- i . i e S. M deg. mill. K. 1301 feel to Intersect line ery subject (d revealed religion, to his uml Joint II. Cirfcw is a proud man m W. 519 2 feel in curlier No. of Manila; llienee S. 37 iiiiii library. If you desire a sample copy. 33 mill. over a nine jiound lad that called at deg. t This valuable periodical is published ' 't Vngler: llienee S 5 deg. n mill. E. 1 1 foot to No. 3 of .Mai llia; Ida home. .'i "i by the in eeriier No. Jennie llienee V 52 deg. 24 lulu. E. Mil feel K. lii'iiee S 13 ileg III il:li. K. SOUTHERN STATES MISSION. ( to CoriuT No. 4 of R. A. B. ; llieiiee M:irvsvali had a bad ease uf the li I'lii'iier No 2 nf Jennie K: ,S. 37 ileg 36 min. E. lioO feel to Cur-jlie- r buski-tbal- l Chattanooga. Tenn , box 417. f'' fever. In this case, how-eie- r. I N subbeiii'e a postal curd will bring it. Thu 3 of It. A. B ; theliee N. 14 li H i the girls and not the boys iteg 2S mill K. 7'K feet deg. i f Wedge No I: thence 64 min B. 1IM.K feet to Corner Xu. who are the s,i scription price is but $1.00 a year, und tii. experts at vhooilng goals the investment pays nn hundred fold. N. r,;, min. k. 1563 s it. to ror-llc- r ,2 or K. A. II.; thence N. 37 deg. 36 Into Hie steel rimmed basket irom Nn I uf Wedge, tile place of j mill. W. 33.3 lliterm-cl feet to the iilaylng field. A well kuriwn local line a ng. NOTICE. net FORFEITURE aieu of of Carnegie; llienee S. 82 dog. 20 min. basket ball enthusiast writes from containing or E2.ICI Hi res l lie area hereby claimed E. 130.7 feet to Corner No. 4 of Car- here that a well organized basketTo Ernest M. lloyt-r- , your ami III conflict negie: thence N. 7 deg. 4n mini. E. ball league. applieii fur. The area ussigns: uf three uniYou are hereby notified that lie wuh Snow Drill Survey No. 3784, Sun 196 feet to intersect line formed girls' teams, are now busily of . thence S. 82 deg. 20 mitt. E. engaged playing off a series or game undersigned lias exiiendeil $Gmi.mi in Beam Survey No. 37S9. Century Coplalair and improvements u poll the per Nn 3 Survey No. tlUl-i- . till sell Sie- 526.8 feet to Corner No. 4 of Idainay; for the championship. Mis Lulu Nina and Martha mining claims, sit- ve) No. 3714. I Baser Survey No. 5785 thence N. 7 deg. 40 min. E. 1500 feet Cowle hi the league president. The and minNo. 379n in lode the Little Cottonwood uated Aipiue Survey s to beginning, survey of exterior girl have been fortunate in securing uf the consolidated claims, Mis Cora Wilcox as a coach, who ing district. Salt take Comity, Utah, ela ms are hereby expressly excepted and in order to hold said premises under exi'luiletl. Tlie quarter corner on containing a net area of 92.343 acres, has had exiierlonre in couching girls' the provisions of Section 2324, Revised snillli boundary of Section 35, Tp. 2 hereby claimed and applied for. basketball teams In the middle west. Statutes of the 1'nitcd State, being S. R. 3 K. Iiearn a fnl lows from corThe areas In conflict with Magnet Mis Wilcox says the Utah girls have of each claim: Wedge N. Smvey No. 3787, Jack Mine Survey a big margin over any team she has the amount required to hold the same ner No. for tile years 1903, 19ii4, 1905, and $8 deg. 28 mill. E. 11450.5 feet. Wedge No. 3788. May Flower No. 3786. Brigh- ever seen playing the game. 191X1, and if within ninety days after IS'u. 1 N 43 deg. 39 lulu. K. 7875.3 feet ; ton tat No. 147, Catherine Is it No. 148. uuie K. N. 48 deg. 59 min. K. 8240.9 Glaser Survey Nn. 3785, Sun Beam this notice by publication, you fail 60 YEARS' or refuse to contribute your pnixir-tio- n Rfeet and Angler N. 50 deg. 39 uiln. K. Survey No. 3789 and Snow Drift Surfeet distaul. of such expenditure as a vey No. 3784 are expressly excepted The presumed course and length of and excluded. your interest in said claims will beach vein or lode line is as shown come the prcqierty of the subscribers The quarter section corner on South under said Section 2324. spun the plat of Survey. Said con- hounds ry line of Section 35, Tp. 2 8., solidated claims form a imrlion of the R. 3 E. hears as follows front Corner JOSEPH W. IHRKINSIIAW, AUGUST JOHNSON. unsurveyed part of Tp. 3 8., R. 3 E. No. 1 nf each claim: Idamny N. 40 S. L B. and M., Utah, said Jennie K. deg. 23 tnln. E. 1120.4 feet, R. A. 11. W1LIJAM 1SHEKWOOD, Tmdc Manna aud Angler locations mining' claims N. 42 deg. 06 min. E. 2808.4 feet. Cur H. B. PEYPEIl. Denman of i 52 office of ntlia 31 record mitt. CoevnmwTi 13, the E. Ac. N. (being 1605.8 19)7. Sandy, April negle feet. deg. akalek aM wr1etlee knjtmm MaU County Recorder of HaR take County Martha N. 50 (leg. 37 min. E. 3573.8 First pub., April 13, 1907. HMl aananaia mir BplBioa fraa saUarMf aa at Salt Lake City, Utah, and the reel "II'J N. 47 deg. 08 ntln. E. 4947.4 Last pub.. May 29. 1907. 1 .Wedge and Wedge No. lodes, loca- feet and Joe N. 50 deg. 05 min. E. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR tions, being of record in the office of 5581.7 feet distant. wWmUs Hkmlckarra. la the the County Recorder of Itah Couuty, UNITED STATES PATENT. The presumed course and length of M. A. No. 4183. Utah, at Provo City, Utah. The near- each vein or hale line is as shown upIn the 1'iiited States I and Office of est known locations being the afore-I- d on the plat of survey. Said consoliA hasSanaalr Illaalrata waaktr. Blallaa at anr BManUSa toaraaL Tarau, eh Salt I.ske City, Salt take County, dated lode claims form a portion of the conflicting claims, I direct that this notice he pub- unsurveyed part of Tp. 3 8., R. 3 K. a Utah, March 22, 1907. Notice is hereby given that It) pur- lished In the vita lndejiendent at 8. I B. A M. Utah, said lode location suance of the act of Congress ap- Alta, Utah, the newspaiier published mining claim being of record in the proved May 10, 1872, Columbus Con- fjfirest the said mining claims, for office of the County Recorder at 8alt take City, In Balt take County, Utah. solidating Mining Company, a corjior-allo- u fhe period of nine weeks. GYRUS & 8ATRBLL E. I). R. THOMPSON. The nearest known locations being uf Utah, whose post office adthe aforesaid conflicting claims.' dress is Salt take City, Salt take Register. Attorney A Cue set R. E. Rims, Claimant's Attorney. I direct that thia notice be published comity, Utah, by Its agent and attorney-iFirst publication Marrh 27, 1907. in the Alta lndejiendent at Alta, Utah, n-fact, Jacobson, of the Tony MS Ik F. Walker Last publication May 22, 1907. the newspaper published nearest the same place, has made application for said mining claims, for the )eriod of Ball take CKy. a patent for 1500 linear feet on the nine weeks. Columbus No. 6 1ode, surveyed as Lot K. II. R THOMPSON, No. 5488, bearing gold, silver, and copRegister. per, the same being 1400 fet northerly R. E. Ross, Claimants Atty. and 100 feet southerly from Discovery Mar. 27. 1907. First publication dated Monument theron, with surface ground -- ..K J 600 feet In width situate iji lJttte ' J Lake Halt in tonwood Mining District, fact, Jacob Agsnt and Attorney vas. whose post office address Is Pro-county. State of Utah, and described on the official plat and by the fileld vo, Utah, Jibs made application for a notes on file In the office of the regis- United States Patent for the Idamay, ter uf the United States tand Office, R. A. B., Carnegie, Martha, 99 and at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake dounly. Joe lode mining claims consolidated, Do You Yant Worm I'tah, with magnetic variation of 17 situate In Big Cottonwood and Llltle FOR EVERYBODY. WORK 45 as min. east, follows, deg. Cottonwood Districts, Salt take County. Teamsters, Laborers, Always Wanted. Beginning at Cor. No. 1 of said ColUtah, consisting nf 15m), 1471.6, We Furnlali All Kinds of Help. sec. 1500, 1500, 1500 and 1498.8 linear feet, umbus No. 6 Lode, whence the DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. cor. on the S. Isniiidary of Sec. 32, T. respectively of said lodes, and sur62 East First South, Salt take City. 2 S.. It. 3 W S. U B. and M bears face ground as shown uirnn the plat X. 40 deg. 13 min. E. 1U43.4 ft.: of Survey being survey No. 5595 and THE KEELEY CURE. Thence S. 65 deg. 13 min. W. UOO described in the field notes and plat Drunkenness Cured. to Cor. No. 2; of the official survey on file In thia A positive and permanent cure Thence S. 1 deg. 1 ini n . R. 1500 office, with magnetic variation at 1? for drunkenness and the opium ft. to Cor. No. 3: degrees 00 minutes east, a follows: There la no publicity, no 1 Thence K. f5 deg. 13 min. E. fiOO ft., corner No. a Beginning at corner sickness. Ladies treated as priIn Cor. No. 4: of Idamay lode claim of this Survey vately as at their own homes. The Thence N. 1 deg. 1 mill. W. 1300 ft., and running thence N. 82 deg. 20 min. Keeley Institute, 334 W. So. Temto Cur. No. 1, the place of beginning. W. 600 feet to corner No. 2 of Ida ple, Salt take City, Utah. Said Columbus No. 6 lode contains a may; thence S. 7 deg. 40 min. W. 196 total area or 18.909 acres, hut appli- feet to intersect line nf Carnegie: cant excludes thererrom the area la thence No. 82 deg. 20 min. W. 526.8 conflict with Lot No. 163. Garfield feet to corner No. 2 of Carnegie: Mine Lode, such conflicting area being thence S. 7 deg. 40 min. W. 1340.7 1.349 acres, leaving a net area here- feet to intersect line of R. A. B.; by applied for of 17.560 acres, said thence S. 49 deg. 06 min. W. 593 feet MARBLE SPRING WHISKEY, (In claim is situated in unsurveyed part to Intersect line of Martha; Bulk A Bottled In Bond) of Tp. 3 S. of K. 3 E. of Salt take thence N. 37 deg. 33 min. W. 437 feet la gaining new friende every day. Raae and Meridian in Salt take coun- to corner No. 1 of Martha; thence S. Won't you try it? For 8ale Every52 deg. 24 min. W. 1500 feet to corner ty, Utah. where. The names of the adjoining and No. 4 of Martha; thence 8. 37 (leg. RIEGER A LINDLEY, conflicting claims, as shown by tin 33 min. E. 181.7 feet to intersect line "The Whiskey Merchants." P1ar of survey, are. of 99; thence N. 79 deg. 40 min. i.ot no. .i,,,, Salt take City. Columbus No. 5 Iode; Lot No. 4991, IV. 382.3 feet to corner No. 2 of 99; Sole Distributors. Columbus Lode; tat No. 163, Garfleld thence S. 10 deg. 37 min. W. 333.7 of Joe: thence Mine IxHle; tat No. 4991, Columbus feet to Intersect line No. 37 deg. 33 min. No. 2 Lode. W. fi.fi feet to corner No. 1 of Joe; I thence S. hereby direct that the foregoing lie 51 deg. 67 min. W. 1498.8 feet to Cor- published in the Alta Indeendent, a weekly newsjaier published at Alta, Salt take County, I'tah. for a periud j of nine consecutive weeks. E. D. 11. THOMPSON. Register. First publication April 3, 1907. I ast jtublicatlon May 29. 197. . of this mouth ilie Iran port Buford will sail front Sun Francisco with 3,0(11) tons of Aour and othAt 1907. 17, Ms Scientific American. e -- i to-wl- 4 dle-riMe-n. 2 : 2 WHOLE LIBRARY OF CHURCH LITERATURE. For $1.00 Per Year. (From the Deseret News.) Joseph Smith, Hyrntn Smith. Brigham Young, John Taylor. Wllford APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Woodruff, tarenzo Snow, together M. A. No 4181. with all other deceased representaUnited States tand Office. Salt tive nun in the Church, as well as the present authorities, have spoken and Lake City, Utah, March 21, Notice Is hen by given that Mounwritten a great many things . .beautiful . .,1 Mining rompany h.v I's lh ?'ea anJ To1 tain take titnes extending back to the organiza- agent and attorney in fart, .Im-otion of the Church. Among these are: Evan, whose posinfllce addrcH City. 'Utah, has made applicaMesesnger and Advocate, the original tion for a United States patent for Elders' Journal. The Millennial Star, the Jennie K. Angler, Wedge aul The Seer. The Prohet, The Deseret Wedge No. 1 lode mining cliiitn conNews, The Juvenile Instructor, The solidated, situate in Big Cottonwood. Journal of Discourses, The Historical Little Cottonwood and American Fork Record, etc. From all these publica- Mining Districts, Salt take ami Utah tions counties, Utah, consisting of 7'.2, The Elders' Journal 1499.1, 1500 and 1491.8 linear feet reresurrecting the choicest sermons spectively of said lode and surlace and writings on exhortation, doctrine, ground as shown iijhmi the pin of and Church history. These gems have Survey, being Survey No. .W'7 and converted, educated and encouraged described in the field note and pDt thousands upon thousands, among of the official survey on fib in 'ids whom are some of the brightest minds office, with magnetic variation a 17 of this dispensation; and having filled degrees 00 minutes east, as follows: such a useful mission onee. if reproIleggfnging at rorner No. 1 of duced are able to do so again. The Wedge lode claim, of this Survey, nnd day of their resurrection is now at running thence S. 42 (leg. 14 min K : hand, nnd the Elders' Journal is bring- 240 feet to corner No. 2 of ing them upon a second mission of thence 8. 53 deg. 20 min. W. I !:. usefulness, and also enabling every feet to corner No. 3 of Wedge; tin in-Latter-da8. 64 deg. 27 min. W. 1191.8 to corn."' Saint to acquire A Library of Church Literature No. 3 of Wedge No. 1; thence N. 42 covering the entire period of the his- deg. II min. W. COO feet to comut tory of the Church. Now is the time No. 4 of Wedge No. 1: thence N. 13 to begin this collection. Every deg. 16 min. W. G0n feet to corner Saint needs it; no one can No. 4 of Jennie K; thence K. 65 deg. A SSK. UX For information concerning best investments in the newGold Field1 The Seven Troughs Mining District, Humboldt County, Nevada, The new camp that is only a few months old and now shipping car after car of ore going five to ten thousand dollars per car. We will inform you of stocks in good properties now selling for a few cents per share, that will sell for dollars in a short time. 1 e Vivion Trust eud Investment Company y Lat-ter-dn- y TOM D. PITT, Pres. BOX 1511 Ntnliaa This fM G. R. CLEVELAND, Secy. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH |