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Show III Il i reot u shutting down, sui h serious trouMe n oinl-ic'iii- of dr.-a- EDITORIALS. fr tip to n : llpNIllktll Thi Minin r is on IH? i ins auit:csu Uungre. Denver. t'olurudo. p:i ELECTRIC SPARKS.' r If Mark Twa-quit chasing a Min ml iliU coil n try in a white flan nel milt with I lie liieriiiniiH-ii- r luting r"iiinl itii mail.. soiik' of ilio.i him. nihilists arc going get ihx-ntt- 'l is It is mi id ltal Amliew t'anii-gl- i about to make a gift that will can Mr. Knckcfeih-r'- a J,12, (Hill, DIM In look RICH OIL FED OK SEA ' attendant. 1. It Is not at all to lie h.ivinp in vnw ilia' ss those tin- - r MARINE EL DORADO REPORTED IN GULF OF MEXICO. j : of working make their living thereby eli:i II ur rui t;iil-of ativ Just controll d proM-r- ! pilwlige; these for the ami diiioii-i- l are ag.-- nt of g'.ii.l H hiid-i- . Jit-- a.i when they are iiinilirecle-- l or cniilmll-- , Ina-lying tnett .I hyarc it meliiice to he ovirilltowii they It IS Vtaillviiig to know that In tie! thi- Kt ! raliiiti lloldlii'lil trouble for gisel older and the inemhels liiainli-naiieof law aagallist the I. V. V with its r-flag and cuvet t criminal designs lint for the attitude ami determined action of tho Federation the unai'cluMs must have won out and local cole thus have trol. W e all know what this would toci-tlii-- wbi he An Indiana man threw it t.Minif ul of ili'u (lie move "lo clean VI. Hit Jultilt-ul ili pipe, ku we are liifiirini'il. II dul- - also i In- - i lilmiiry anil the nnd i l Tin hi'llke. with liui-iilii-c All advertisement in tin; local paper c.itiMiii i a dosing often brings m fold in results. Try amounts jit now, right now! ililSti-r.iti-- Discovered by a Says Petroleum of 400 Miles Feet b-- s pa.-si- -d , Deep. Oilcan. About 100 miles of the euuKl of Ijidciana and 1'U miles from New Orleans l.leut John Soley of the Fulled State navy haa recently discovered a field of oil 400 miles In area and four feel deep floating on the surface of the New MJUth Gulf of Mexico. I ! like lliirty cents, lly the time this cruel warfare Is over, we fear tin me. in. It is pleasing to know tha' in 1 tall price of oil will lie aljiuil ll.'JK a we are not snd have not lieon liothi-r-with such dangcroiiH social cxcrcsccn-ceA Chinaman came very near being as the ao called Industrial Winkbecause Ills ers, and this Is the surest Indication lynched in WynmliiK, is laundry interfered with the windows1 that wo are not likely to be. Il are washing union. I lie race problem and furthermore to he noted that we harthe color line play no particular moving along In hucIi industrial mony that even strikes are few ami far between, and not of much rouse-- j Ir. Wiley says man aliould eat. one qucncc when they do conic. We thtisj cent of bis weight every day. show tha world what the possibilities 1st iiut how can Secretary TnfL afford are as lo employer ami employed that nt Ida present salary? Where one Is disposed to lm fair In the matter of wages ami prompt payMrs. Thaw has had a respite from ment and the other reullxes that this about the what hut the witness stand, la the case, there Is not likely loo rest of the country? much in the way of misunderstanding and consequent trouble, the eliminanow on, It looks like a race from of which means much Tor Isitli tion between Rockefeller and Carnegie, shies. The laborer ran less afford which shall live the longest ami ille Idleitcaa than the Investor In an enthe iKKirest. while the latter terprise can tils From the language used on lioili has other resources even though In hy sides. It Is evident that the revolver capital la being frittered away has no desuetude nrtlon. the laborer generally has fallen Into iiinix-uoi- i oilier dependence for any considerable In Texas. Stock. time and every days Idleness means line Fresh so ninth nearer the wolf All the guaranteed, bringing goods Chancellor Day ways that the poor are laxy and drink Uto iniicli. Tho door. mail ordera. Chancellor la energetic ami talks loo ELITE DRUG CO, A HELPING HAND much. 338 Main 81, A cun of asparagus recently cxplod Is Gladly Extended by a Sufferer. Salt Laka City, Utah. ed In Wasliiiigioii unil raised anarch la There an many enthusiastic tic fears. Is this a Joke on tho pure prepared lo tell tlielr exis'fienee food law or not ? for tho piddle good. Testimony from such a source Is the I test of evidence, A Chicago office hoy looking for a and will prove a helping hand" to job, wits asked whether he used proof readers. Reud the following fane language, lie replied "O kin. Mires statement: If necessary. He got the place. Mrs. M. J. Stevens, of 1217 West Millions for education," says Rock- riilril St.. H, Suit iJiko City. Dull I run safely suy Hint kidney efeller, "pot one cent for the small shjs: VIA troubles had Isdlientl me for thirty competitor,'1 I years utld then were tlinea when Nebraska farniera most lie riding In could burdly kiep up nnd hImmiI. Ilaek-ueliPullman cars mainly now. The legismade life miserable for me and lature haa puMKcd a bill reducing pur the kidney secretion with Irregulur I had lor car charges within the mate, one and contained a sediment. third. lieiuiueliea and dlxxy sslls nnd at Ilmen wua unable to attend to the Al my "Uncle Joe Cannon has Item see- simplest-- , household duties. ing the world, but Mr. ilryun Is still time of lire H seems wonderful tliut This Includes the famous the only genuine American Traveler. arter. using Ikqurs Kidney Pills, I am OVERLAND LIMITED Money flew ao fast In the Chicago feeling IsMter (hall for yearn imat. In and the new campaign, that nobody could see fuct, iM'tter man at ktiy time since LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED whether or not it waa talned. the trouble commenced. Tho action 8trlcUr Twentieth Century. Vest I nr The wvanwys wnnwntritrcivT wnwiw hnlsd, mectrio Lighted Steam nettf TO ANY LADY meiit and tho backache la all gone. I Palxce Interested In Fancy Work that will trust that other sufferers will lie led ed Trains operating Pullman Observation-Libr- ary vend ua 12 cents and the names of lo discover how really wonderful Bleepers; Incomparable and Dining Cars of tha very two other ladies, wo will send our lkinn's Kidney Pills art." Utaat manufacture. catakigue and a set of six Price. Mir. For shIi by all dealers. Standard Dollies. Standard Kov. Fosler-MilhurCo., Iluffalo. New York, ONLY 41 HOURS, SALT LAKE TO , Uox O. 5C4, Salt I. Igtke City, sole agents for the Viiltcd States. CHICAGO. Utah. Remember the name lViini'H-n- ml City Ticket Office, 201 Main SL lake no other. 8ALT IjAKX CITY. UTAH. UTAH PATENTS. Granted this week. Report by (. A. Snow A Co., patent atlurneya, Wash- THE HISTORIC WORCESManufactured John by ington, D. C. TER. Reeves Co., Balt Lake, aid April 6. Mathew W. linllon. WilIndorsed by the M. 4 IL lard. Fire racape; Horace 11. Forbes, QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE See the Ass'll of Utah. Ogden, step ladder. Ash yoar Ftor copy of any of almve patents On the Labels. Grocer. send ten cents ill inialuge stumps to C. A. Snow A Co.. Washington. D. I i gal-Ion- d s I bis-atis- citi-xen- Naval Officer Who Covers an Area and la Four s TRAINS 4 DAILY E A S 4 nr 1 e 16-pa- The news of this find, which It worth several million, as soon as It became known to the southern ship plug centers, created almost as much iuterevt to treasure hunters as the dia covery of gold In the Klondike, and al ready along the wharves of Mobile and the levees of New Orleans, where KUilormen gather In build lugs, the fever of treasure trove Is !r their veins, and they are planning ex I editions such as made the old argo nauis famous. No similar event has so gripicd iht avuricintis Instincts of the southern sailors and It Is doubt fill If such sc unusual discovery ha been made he fore. Harvard Decides to lEbbets Is Optimistic Remain in Sports Over Brooklyn Team Overaeera Vote Favorably on Question of Athletics but Want Many Changes Made. ( Believe Donovan Has an Excellent Chance to Capture National League Penant. ' The long-pendin- question of wheth- Will It be the champion Rrooklyn-ite- s er Harvard would lx permitted to In 19U7? President Ebbets befarther in Intercollegiate lieves Patsy Donovan and hla boy engage sports was dlsimsed nt the other day have an excellent chance to capture when the board of overseers of the the coveted pennant next year, and college, accepting the recommenda- did not hesitate to voice that sentitions of a majority of a sjieclal commit- ment at baseball headquarters recent1 tee, voted to authorize intercollegiate ly. honestly believe the team haa athletics though In a restricted form. a chance to win the jiennant next seaThis means that football and other son. said Kblx-ia- , and with that end games will be continued at Harvard, in view will try every legitimate move as the eorMiratioii of the university to bring almut success. In seven years The majority rejiort reviewed athletic conditions at the university, but the committee thought, and the board of overseers agreed, that Ute number gle season Ikmovan pulled them up from last to fifth place. Isn't it possible, therefore, that In another yeai he can advance them from fifth to first For several days (Mist the Fiiitcd has already accepted the report of the Manager Hanlon pulled the team down from first to last place, while In a sinSlates hydrographic under subcommittee. office, whose direction Lieut. Soley was workol ing, hus been receiving hundreds rommiinlcuf Inns from men Interested in the venture and who are Inquiring fur chans plotting i lie exact locatlnr. uf the ea when the oil can lie found The scene of activity along some ol the wharves has been unusual, and II I said that some of the keenest busl men not only of the south, bill all over the country, have expressed the intention of sending out searching liarlies. comprising experts In naviga lion and oil testers, tc locate the oil and to reisirt on the Greatest Sprinter of the Age. us high-salarie- d practicability of making It a laying venture. Insailahle desire for rapidly ac riches haa grown among the maritime men along the gulf coast similar lo the excitement of the gold fever of 'll), and a wild scramble for the floating oil field threatens (o he in full sweep before another week has An qulred passed. According to one of the prospectors lias made arrangements to charier a large tank steamer and to Install a iMiwerfnl pumping apparatus fot drawing the oil front the sea. he fully txifCiB to reap a rich harveat. provided the survey steamer which he haa sent to the oil field makes a favorable report on the quality uf the oil and the ,riiances of getting It aboard. Even In some or the most conserv- commercial house, careworn business men have turned away from the lieriietual grind of their daily anil have expressed more than a jrfuntoi-- interest In the discovery. who du-tk- s ('-a- New House, New Furniture, THE PERFECT WAY. En Suite. Scorea of Cltixena Hava Learned It. If yon suffer from backache, There is only way to cure It, , The perfect way Is to cure the kidneys. A had hack men ns sick kidneys. Neglect it. urinary troubles follow. iKiMiii Kidney Pills arc made for kidneys only. Mrs. ('. K. Williams, of 221 South Second SI. W.. Salt Imke City, t'tah, Doan's Kidney Pills, which I says: procured al a drug store, proved of In the treat-incn- t such wonderful of kidney trouble ilmt I ran them hardly .irroiumcnd strongly enough to others so afflicted. I beare lieve Ikiuu's Kidney Pills unequalled for kidney complaint in any form and I most heartily recommend them.'' For sale hy alt dealers. Price, Ml cents. Foster Mi I bum IV. Iluffalo. New Vnrk. sole agents for the t'nited ales. tin1 tiimu' Ivuuu's UememN-- r and lake no other. THE GOLDFIELD TROUBLE. 1'iuti" Ciiur inf It looked for a time ns if our Nr adu nelghMirs were In for n long siege of Industrial trouble, with Its inevitable train of turmoil, si rife, enfold'd hllenuHa mid consequent suffer ing and crime. It serma, however, that this Is all happily averted, and ii the skcconipllsliini-it- t of so gratifying a result other thing of a welcome The nature have also lccn attained. contest. It will be understood, was between the Industrial Workers of the World, an organization of tendencies and despotic pruc on one sule and the Miners' Union acting concortedly wiili tlic'own and employers, on the other. Thi former was strong In nnmlnrs and growing, as was evidenced by the con lest it put up and maintained, and for It nt such a time would have meant tie spread and encouragement of such orgauixaiion throughout the mining regions, eventually reaching every other department of Inlxir, and becoming so din-plrooted In the 4icial and political mill that Its extira hard strugpation would have t gle involving perhaps civil war. All now averted, the plotters this I ngiiiiitd law nnd order are headed off. ns we hoe and believe, for good and ail. and htlslncss enterprises may now proceed without the projectors and Elegantly Furniehed TUXEDOI I Roome. Single or J Opposite Elks Club, Salt Lake City, 44 S. State St. Steam Heat. Hot and Cold Water, Public and Private Bath. Rates Reasonable! Independent Phone 2117 M. T. MARKS, Prop. --35-3-5 INDUSTRIAL WORKERS w TAILORING CO. Tho only house in Salt placing the Union label on popular r bulling priced, custom-madSUITS FROM $22.00 UPWARD. 6.50 UPWARD. PANTS FROM Nothing but guaranteed all wool I.-ik-e e Every Garment Beare This Label. Roome giMid 18-1- 9 lll.'iiie up. Eagle Block, Salt Laka City. wseeee&es-.Etf- Sounds Big, but its True unar-chisll- ni-i'- . t Mii-ec- If you want to talk with every town in Utah. Idaho. Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have Otherwise you the DELL. CAN'T! no-an- Pure Gold Rings hay "18k- - "18k" INSIDE. Telephones hive this OUTSIDE. I Roseben was the wonder of the t urf last year, breaking records and carrying unheard-o- f weight in flat rac ea. Starting with a aiiectacular vicOn March 1 There Were 3.222 Wells tory in the Carter handicap, the featu re event of Jhe opening meeting of the eastern season of Aqueduct, the great racer cleaned up purse after In Main Field with Output of 60.000. purse, winning many slnkes before th e season closed. In the Carter entries recently anuoiinet-- Roseben ag uin appears as a candidate for the faMarshall. 111. Figures Just complct ed show the number of producing oil mous sprinting stakes, which will be run April 15 this year. wells in ilu Illinois field on March 1. At that time then were 3.222 producf athletic contests should lx reduced. position again? Stranger things have ers, divided as follows: Unsey pool on intercollegiaie games hapxned. The Raltlmores made even (including all of tlnrk county and Cumberland and Licking townships In ihoiild be cut down and professional a greater jump buck In the 90s, and Crawford county . 2.flS!i; Crawford coaching in any form should lie done other clubs can do the same thing. We will certainly give the Philadel-phlas- , county (outside of the two 'ownships away with a soon as possible. PittHburgs, and New Yorks a In tho Casey pool), 932: Lawrence The coninilttix recommended that county. 205. In addition to these there the athletic committee use every ef- hard rub, and we are not afraid of the are about a dozen light wells In Coles. fort lo secure concerted action with Uhlcagoa by any means. Edgar nnd Jasier counties. They are. oilier colleges to alxilish professional Basket Ball la Popular. however. uiilmportHnl because of their coaching. College basket ball being a game small production. A severe condemnation of football A large number of wells has rome was made by Mum-fielStorey, the that has come to stay, It la only the 1. March are and at there in since sole dissenting member of the com- part of graclousnesa to take the game at the valuation that haa been put t. present over 400 tigs at work In this mittee who presented a minority upon It by most college men and adof the state. New wella are being brought recommendations The mit that there are reasons for Its popIn daily. Dry holes are mure common majority rejiort are In part as ularity. Only a while ago It was very than they were a few months ago, on the fashion to sneer at the game much account of the wildcat work being "Thai, Instead of three nirnit.ers of and say that It waa a girl's g&mesuid done In an endeavor to find new ter- the university faculties lo lx apixdnt-eth? lik. A short view of a fast game ritory. The daily pmduetion uf the by the eifrHirailon. with ihe con- of basket ball la Is liO.Ottn now field enough to convince about bar sent of the oversters. the dean of the Illinois one that, whatever else it may be, any rels. dean the and sciences, raculty of arts or Harvard college and Ihe dean of It is not a girls game when college men play it. The somewhat tardy WOMAN SINGS SELF TO DEATH. the I .aw relief scientific school lx? and recognition of the endurance commember of the athletic speed giving qualities of the game by Ranchmans Wife Has Hysterics Until mittee. She Is Exhausted. to college coaches now Is That Ihe undergraduate members arrive. Men who looked beginning at the game lx chosen committee athletic of the once with fear because It was simply McPherson. Neb. Mrs. Amanda for earl college year hy the majorlty adding another to what Morris Hill, a ranchman they considHill, wife vote of Ihe following students: The ered too large a list of sX)rts now are living in this cuuiifv. literally talked of the sophosenior, junior, presidents able to see that it has Its place in the and sang herseir to death. more and freshman classes and a repShe had been an acute sufferer from resentative from each athletic organ- winter season for helping to develop men for the spring outdoor campaign. g nervous affection fur a number of ization taking part in intercollegiate years, and her malady did not yield contests. Bergen's Clever Retort. to medical treatment. "That there be no change in the All sorts of stories of the late Marty At times she became hvsterieal, but the iiumlx'r or method of selecting up among old Pergen are her hysteria was of the imnal kind members of the committee. timers at the cropping race course. One which until a few days before she died. Fom graduate be contests "That intercollegiate illustrates the noted joexeya days before her death she began to of aptly under the quickness and bluntnesa of rejolndei talk anil sing, and she talked and sang permitted committee. supervision athletic was told recently, when Martys great almost constantly from that ilnir the tho athletic committee secure That her heart exhausted, iintil. completely victory on His Highness in the Tidal some man who can give his entire was brought up. In that race ceased to heal. Pergen act as graduate seemed to take hla time about making Her talking and singing were evi- time to the work in officer and as administrative hi move coming up the stretch, and dently of hyKteiieal nature, and she managerathletic committee. waa unable to cease either. Sin was of the just did get by St. Florian In time to lx reduced. "That the expense cupture first place. After the race a requested and eoiuinandcd to keep siThat the numlx-- r of Intercollegiaie partner in the stable, who had lence, hut could not do so. athletic conies' be reduced. watched the contest with hia heart In Juat for That the athletic mini mil tee use his mouth, approached the rider as he No man ever sank under the burden every effort to get concerted action left 1 he scales. with oilier college to abolish profesof the day. It is when Gee! Marty, you had ine nearly burden la added to the burden of to- sional coaches. You waited so long he said. crazy. day that the weight is more than a von nrvrly Iot." bear. man can Ye?." said Marty, and, by gum! if Shafer Wins Cus Title. Never load yourselves so. my friends. I hadi.'t waited so long I'd nearly named the Jacob Schaefer, aptly If you find yourselves so loaded, at wizard of th$ cue, veteran of his pro- won. least remember this: It Is your do fession. and as great a billiard player ing. not God's. He beg you to leave as ever lived, defeated George Sutton an Jack O'Prlen Philadelphia and the ntind Him to presthe future will retire from th? ring IK: I balk-linhe uo'inees world's the for ent. What more or what el? could at Chicago ly a score of 5410 after his fight with Tommy Burnt and He do to take the burden off you? 44S open a hotel on the Pacific coast. to Georss MacDonald. PRODUCTION OF ILLINOIS OIL. d To-da- e ebani-plonshi- p |