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Show r- - SEVEN JL WOliTH YEARS ACO INVESTIGATING. J REALLY GOOD JOKES WANTS IMMIGRANTS Rochester Chemist Found a Slagu-latlEffect! vo Medicine. William A. Franklin, of the Frunk-U- a & Fulmer Chemical Co., Korhetier, GALVESTON SEEKS TO BECOME N. Y., writes: SECOND CASTLE GARDEN. "Setn yean uko I waa suffering vary much Through tha (ullnre of the kid-nrto eliminate the uric arid from My my ayatein. tun k was very lama and ached if I overeaerted myaeif In the leaat degree. At timea I waa weighed down with a feeling of languor and depression and suffered rontlnua'ly from annoying Irregularities of the kidney aocre'lona. I procured a Inx of I loan's Kidney PUIs and began using them. I found prompt relief fnun the aching and lameness In my hack, aud by tha tims I had taken three boxes I wan cured of all irregularities. Sold by all dealers; 50 cents a bog. Ftastar-MilbiiC.. Buffalo. N. Y. ya ra DIAMOND DEALER'S MISTAKE Ona of Hit Own Onus, But He Tailed to Recognise the Sparkler, "Will jruu please examine this diamond," as Id a man who had slepied law a Jeweler's tliop, "and teU me what you think of it? If it Is a good atone, 1 think 1 will buy It" The 'Jeweler look the gem, which waa unset, and looked at U critically tor g moment. Then In n conildential tone lie said; "Weil, to tell you the truth, that isnt a tery good atone. It liuxu't much Hr, It is badly rut, and there Is something here very much like a Haw Then he held the uluiimud under a and exHiulneii u carefully, finally observing: "No, It Isn't exactly a flaw, but I shouldn't call It a pr-peatone. Now, It you want something really One, here "Excuse hie," the other nine Interrupted. "I don't think I'll buy a diamond This is a diamond that one of your assistants let me take Saturday on approval. I deposited 1 10 ou IL Please lei me have my money, and we will (teclure the deal off. Rail-toad- a Through Efforts of Oovernment, and Steamship Company Oulf Port Becomes New Gateway to Europe's Hoides. Galveston is a rival ot Castle Gar den. New York. The gulf port of Texas la a sew gateway fur the army of constantly flocking to this country. Through the t (forts of tha government, of the railroads and tha steamship companies the new empire southwest Is to be made of the gn-a- l more accessible to there from the old country, and Galveston has been selected as the must available landing point. It Is estimated that during the present year hetwten 15.0n(i and 20,000 from Europe will come through this gateway to tlielr new homes In s new country In the far Wwtl and Southwest. It Is difficult to estimate wbat the establishment of Galveston as an active port of immigration means to tha future of the country beyond the Missouri river, hut that It means much Is certain. This fact becomes more apparent whan It Is known that tha railroads of the Southwest and the steamship line are endeavoring to direct Immigration with Intelligence and with a keen wnhoine-sceker- s The tist iif hand cream separators is very rabidly growmilk ing among fanners who Hairy men cows for profit. cream prefer to piirrhasG the and ho relieved f the work of more separating:, and it ;s much do to profitable for the fanner his own separating, for h saves the skim milk on which he can tiim his calves, in addition to which Ik saves the hauling of his milk, which alon amounts in many cases to the to monthly payments required The buy n cream separator. cream tbe best time to separate from the milk is while it ifl fresh ami wann. The cream separates easier and a greater percentage is obtained, and the skim milk is left sweet and fresh to Ik fed to the calves. The U. S. Cream Separator, sold hy the Consolidated Wagon & Machine Company, has geatest capacity, skims the leanest, works the easiest, and lasts the Agents longest. everywhere. DISEASE DEFINED ct The srutrnrs of the sense of ou first detei. symptoms of yuiir partners Insanity? Witness Two weeks ago. Lawyer What did he do? Witness He left the office and went home early In the afternoon, though he knew that hla wife was giving UAHK HIM SING. younc one they called Hi Gan, fi:ird bimielf up m prune pic; I : I rougbt him kiu-- joy 1 he ag Ahoy" And "Wait Tin the "hip Cloud, Roil By. Denver i e.t. A Lov-lin- d SPARKING. "Pa, hiw big ia a whale? "Pbwat kolnd av a whs-ale- ? "A large whale?" "LlL-li-- jw larger--Li Te. She Sued Him for $10,000, lovf. at first sight. PseonPId you say It waa a caae kve at tlret eight?" Egbert "Yea; he caw her In the blk with a fist full of big bllla!"-Yon- keri Statesman. Ot BREAK EVEN. Intelligent Foreigner "Your President seems te have a great many of what you u II fool friends. Intelligent NatIve-Y- es, but he has Just is niary fool enemies, and they offset each other. Chicago Trlbuue. AN EXTRA FIT. Mrs. De Style "Got your new East- er gown, I see. Well, did your dress-nke-r fltr MIL." emell es n g I ltr 2 L 5, over-anxiou- . 8h-T- lien agrlt-ullura- " rail-road- Union Assay Office Sck fwj ,, -- W 3r R. C. B. FIZER, ML Sterling, . . Vr.m.." ' Good Proof. y. rt,af ifon tit- Lawyer When did EXPLAINED. "Say, papa, queried the sweet girl Is far greater In many of the lower Is your definition of graduate, "what dogs, for example, than la man, the terra woman? 'womanly and they employ it in guiding them "A womanly woman, replied the old So of In their food. ap man, Is one who Is capsbls of manuwarning them durstandlng of the countrys needs Immigration through the port of Gal- preaching dinger and for other pur facturing a pie like' yonr grind mother veston, If present plans are carried out. poses, says ;he Spntuls. The spben used to turn out" Chicago News means not so much an Immigration of the susceptibility to various odon for the dollars and cents there may be Is more uriforra and extended In man THRIFT. UMB WASTED WITH ECZEMA In It fur the transportation companies and tbe tense of smell b capable ol Is an abominably that "Estelle, as It does the rapid development of great cultivation. Like the other sp cooked ateak. You can cook better tribulands be cultivated and elal fertile It senses. the b) uffsred Untold Agonies unoccupied may Doctor than that tary to the gulf ports. To the home attenttad and practice. Experts cai aid Zt Was tha Worst Caas-W-on-' "Oh, but mother," expostulated the I rnt Ion Is now be added to the colon dlserls.inatc of liquors wines, qualities dsrful Cura by Cutlcura. wife. "If I cook my best Harold young char oukinlzutkm. etc. their have Diseases fontlgn (ruga, eat will It alt and there will be nothing In this undertaking the government tcterldtlc odors. the Cutlcura Remedies for left over for croquettes sml things." .. dlf tha visited n Persons Is and who have many hand, willing lending . The doctor aald it was the recog wont case ho ever saw. It waa on three agencies combined should result terent asylums for the Insane the of la of odor a same ulze the familiar good in worthy accomplishment both limbs, from the knees to the lane. It Is nut Insane asylums slant ankles. Wo tried everything the doc- cause. It waa the government, In fact, that but prisons. Jails, workhouses, armlai tors knew of, but tlie Cutlcura Rem-edlfirst directed the attention of the rail- lu camp, churches, schools and nearlj did the mint good. I waa and ot the eteamahlp company vary household, that have character obliged to He with my Umbo higher roads in the port letle odors, it U when tbe Insane, tha than my head, for the pain was so to tha possibilities that lie in the way ot home build- prtii onera anfl tbe' aetatar aft-anterrible I could not walk. 1 Buffered ot Galveston In .Southwest Yearly tha gated In large groups or battalions the One limb wasted ing untold agonies. seek which hordes entry to the United that their characteristic odor Is recog away a great deal smaller than the the port of New York Ized. Most dlseasea have their char States through other, there waa so miirh discharge so that the problem of sctcrlatlc odors and by the exercise ot from It I fouad the Cutlcura Reme- are Increnslng, could be utilized dies very eoothlng, and I ellll keep hauling them becomes continually the sense of smell they Further- In different diagnosis. more difficult of notation. them In the house. I am very thankIn For example, fever hai a mousy odor, ful to say that I am cured. I found more thousands of those who come be"Morning. Killed anything? rheiimatsm has a copious New York never get of the way hy Hojnetflea all that you "No, have on? Ally Soper. afflicted A arid sweat person the confines of that and other are. .1 hope that you may yond sweet a has these with nauseating i'they popula pyaemia congesting cities, U spared many years to make the Urge 8UB1 OF HIMSELF. tlons with a class which la undesir- breath. The rank, unbearable odor utlcura Remedlea for the benefit of able. of pus from the middle ear tells tht "Ill give yon a position as dark te persons suffering from the torture of More than a year ago the govern' tale of the decay of osseous tissue. In start with, isld tbe merchant, "and Mrs had. I aa skin diseases, euch ment hinted to the railroads and to the curvy the odor Is putrid. In chronic pay you whst yon are worth, la that Goldins. Bos 8, Ayr, Ontario. Canada, steamship people that It would ha a peritonitis musky. In scrofula llks utlsfactoiyr !-" Inns good Idea to try to divert a large por- stale beer, In Intermittent fever llks "Oh, perfectly. replied the college In oae fever brown fresh baked bread, tlon of the Immigration through I COMMERCIAL CULLINGS. yon think the graduate, "bnt-er- -do In hysteria Uks violets ot firm can afford of the eouthweatern ports. Galveston, PubPhiladelphia Ifco quantity of fruxen meat exported as being nearest the source of land pineapple. Measles, diphtheria, typhoid lic Ledger. was 3.325.124 ho Argentina last year supply, was selected, and the railroads fever, epilepsy, phthisis, etc., have and lambs, and ot sheep and tha steamship line Joined hands characteristic odors. KNEW WOMAN NATURE. nipsirT In the undertaking. quarters of beef. said tbe department store "Jim," Franrs of Tbe first movement of Immigrants Ito mineral production of ladles know lot that Ten manager, through Galveston really began In 1904, toadsts of lead, sine, copper, coal and npenwork stockings left over from last to, iron, antimony, arsenic and when but 800 were brought In. Prior summer?" of al-- w. building te that the North German Lloyd, An Immense quantity "Yes. sir. between Euroiie a line -i- Md slate Is quarried. The though having "Mark 'em np fifty per cent, and lalou It efmade not and Galveston, had any phosphate product bel em Common Sense Winter HoIn tbe jgkMgregatlng sums farIs up chlel fort in the Immigration line. By tbe Courier-Journa- l. siery.' tha bad bureau 1905 of the got of dollars. Coal beginning was to work In earnest and ths result gLJ product, WHERE TITE SHOE TINCHED. 1890 Germany sent about 8.400 Immigrants. year tbe la Jeriy-uW- ky ' ' did Stella break her States United this to (he through Immigrants coming 11110,000 la silks ngsgement with you? worth. It port are distributed all over the West, 81.190.000 sent japan Tom "Merely because I stole s sent about 84,998.000 ot but statistics show that fully 50 per mi Germany kiss." while i in and Texas remain prerent them United of States, to the ng goods "She most be crazy, to object to havsent $'i,593,900 worth. Japanese sumably make that state their perma' Man with-I-t her fiancee steal s kiss from her. Colto of them ing have nent home. tripled go silk of Many goods Uports Products. Oh, I dldn'--t steal It from her."-rrsna- lited few 00( a not and 87,470, from Pennsylvania orado and California, years, Increasing 1904-the more and hemlock For Tales From Fsmille-JournaPennsylvania supplied Into Mlsourt, some seeking the big 1995 to $22,410,000 In aver-agIn 1905 Than for bark Louts. an St. eontinu's. cities purposes tanning like Upon nnvrineut idlng 331-per cent arc nntteketed any other state, and It also led In the PROFIT POINTERS. 0XE WOMAN'S WISDOM, when they reached these shores and production of wood alcohol and aretat It 7.89 nolime. 40 If 30 are what er rent and ',340 bushels between -" will yon be my wife?" produced s man Nobody wants an but was a little below are termed homesceker. That Is to Of ihan-oal- , She Pardon me. but how many nerves. ou one's lie gets come over here without Michigan In this partlcu'ar. which u Hubs do yon belong to?" Did you ever know a "tricky" mat say. they have " a definite desllutlon. hut with the ex- credited with, 8.193,87 biri-eixHe I belong to six. but ih to make a permanent success? of chance. ucil' u of hemlock bark in Penna finding permanent purpose take press prod Kusl i'll of alutne. Matter ia compoeu l districts.. sylvania for 1905 was 379.773 curds. You'll be sway from home nesses are built up by attention to de- homes In the probably Fresent facilities fur lundlng Imml- - j so much that It wont iucouvenience tails. are 4.M Chits Galveston totally through hard grants Is necessarily Business go News. uoi work. Maka U good fun, and youll Inadequate an l fully $.'0,000 will hava ! to be spent lu this direction. Although do more. nER REASON- F. 8. Saigi ni. chief of the Immigration "At sar church fair the other even-- i Leaving u Card. department, has rcruinmended and la The aeme careful attention we In?" said Miss Woodby. affecting a I "But, surely you are the man I gavt ' teU ttonrt ; niatteref-fac- t tone. "I et UIM Koxl one pie to a fortnight ago. "Yea, Galveston, the government is not " Swdlmaq and 1 lldy; I thought p'r'aps you'd Ilka to ready to stiend all the money nen-sssrMlaa Kaox. TV Interrupted know I'm able to get about again." facilities. The: to provide adequate nwr speak to her!" Taller. steamship company Is unwilling to "Ah: you know her. then V a make the appropriation, and the "Xq that's the reason I never speak do not feel that they should he Press. tohq.VPi.nxdelphia called upon to do It all. The city of Galveston is not disposed POOR BIRD. to assume all the burden, and so for ' st Archibald." said the young wife the time being Immigrants have to be that a j superstition breakfast, is Into where herded Inadequate prnit, "there Do yon cuckoi ducks are unlucky. they are compelled to attend hours and think tbe one I hung up la jour office even a day or two without the slightK. B. Holman, OShKhr . est accommodations. . O. 101 M. I. NMiVI. SILT LKS OITT, UTAH Very unlucky. Indeed. chief Inspector of the port, stated that w hatband, with the hardships suffered on this account "Bit you haven't had any ssnd vou owDcaa vo tns were often great, hut that he felt cep theket few days, hare tain the government, the steamship B. C. NORRIS FLORAL CO. bbenhe I but the cuckoo company, the railroads and the city floral ossiqns amo bscoratiors I while d cuckooing would soon get together And CPiiririirt' fNHi hosbav. marasar hit mu . . Uuv new Immigration iloeki. At pnsent a ... th phone. I freight docks are I When Answering Advertisements portion rf th Utilized. Kindly Mention Thie Paper. IMMIGRANTS AT GALVESTON. (busy Scene After Arrival of European Steamer.) 'tartRtHevti J t Tint Resulted in Failure Hubby's Brutal Rejoinder Proof of Insanity. Sira Van Noth Yes, and she gave my husband one, too. Yon should have seeu him wlieu bs inspected the Ex- Sufftnd Two Truly Unfortunate Man of Letter Attempt te Aasert Authority That glvs you a BY ODOR Sense of Smelt Relied Upon by perts to Detormlno Nature of Ailments. READ THESE AND FORGET YOUR DYSPEPSIA. KIDNEY TROUBLE writes: Ky., I ban Buffered with kidney and bladder trouble for ten yean putt. "Last March I commenced using Parana and continued fur three months. I have not used it biace, nor have I felt apain. "I believe that I am well and I therefore give my higheat commendation to the curative qualiiiee of Peruna. for Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Geo. II. bimoer, Grant, Ontario, Con., writes : I had not hern well for about four years. I bad kidney trouble, and, la tact, felt badly nearly all tha time. This bummer I got so very bad I I would try Pernna, so I wrote thought AAf toyon and began at once to take Peruna JIggson My brother Is a very un- and Manalln. I took only two bottles of Peruna fortunate man of letters. one of Manalin, and now I feel Wiggson I didnt know that he was and better than I have fur some time. llterartly Inclined. I feel that Peruna and Manalin cured JIggson Neither be Is; but he me and made a different woman of me wrote several letters that lost him a altogether. I blots tlie day 1 picked np breach of promise case. thelittle book and read of your Peruna. It la the busl'teia of the ktdneya to remove from the blood all polaonoua A Cinch. "Do you thluk I could get your maierlala. They must be active all the time, else the system au Ifera. There are chum to marry me?" when they need a little andsianoe. "8he detesis you, but you can get times Pernna is exactly thia sort of a remher If you work it right." from edy. It has saved many Tell me how. disaster by rendering the people serkidneys "Pretend to be dead In love with vice at a time when they were not able to bear their own burdens. me, and I will pretend that I am crasy Pe-ru-- na ' about you." A Sure Sign. Miss Bright ley I begin to realize that Im getting old and homely. Mias Ascnm Nonsense! What makes you say that? Miss Brlghtley Oh, theres no doubt of 1L Three brides-to-b- e have asked me to be their bridesmaid. ODD RATING CUSTOM Brazilians never eat when they drink, nor drink when they eat; and the Tartars continually persist In polling a guest by tha ear until he drinks. Maidive Islanders retire to the darkest part of the houses and hang curtains gbont them, so that aona of their fellowmen may see them at their meal. v When they desire to show a mark of great esteem, the negroes of Ardrn drink from the same cup at tha mine time, and the King of Loan go used te eat and drink la two separate Consideration, "Are yon one of the taxpayera ol Crimson Gulch? naked the touriat "No. sir," answered Bronco Boh. "Crimson Gulch dont have any taxed, J, Wero a peaceable community and dont aak any man to risk hla Vfd"by honaaa. actin aa assessor." The Phyipplne Islander will not eat a meal alone. Whenever a Flllpnio Discipline. finds himself without n companion with whom to share his meal, bo will abstain from eating nntll ha hue fmnd one. A strange custom prevails In a, where a man who wlchea to anfiertaln a guest Invites him Into n cabin, which Is heated to en excessive temperature, end then presses hla with food until he Is In a state of torpor. Instances of men dying at theao orgies have been known. The Tahitians, though a naturally eclabla race, dine separately. Even the man and hla wife do aot sat Each member of the family t. has hla own They take "Whats the use of backing downl their plaees about flva yards apart, If my wife wouldnt let me have a and then, turning their backs to each night latch key Id take It by force! other, dine amid a profound atleaoA "Why, I tried to do that once, and for four weeks she wouldnt let mi BUILDING FOOD leave the house! Fliegende Blast ter. To Bring the BaMee Arotmd. When n little human machine (or Useless. large one) goes wrong, nothing Is eo "Why dont you write something Important as the selection of food te original? "Wbata the use?" asked the an bring It around again. "My little baby boy fifteen month! thor. "If I do It will' merely causs had pneumonia, then came brain dd my friends to ask me why I dont few, and no sooner had he got over write something Interesting." thes than he began to cut teeth and, being so weak, he was frequently Expensive. "I hear you're getting Into soci- thrswn into convulsions," says a Colorado mother. ety, said the friend of the successful "I decided a change might help, so man. took him to Kansas City for a visit "No," replied the poor man, brushWhen we got there he was so very ing aside n pile of hla wife's bills Soweak when he would cry he would ciety is getting Into me." Ink away and seemed like he would die. The Last Thing. When I reached my sisters home Mrs. Newlyhltcht John goes to the be said immediately that wa must office every morning at 8. And tha feed him Grape-Nu- ts and, although I last thing he does Is to kiss me. never used the food, we got soma Friend Girl (absently) Yes, I had and for a few days gave him Just tha should think It would be. Julee of Grape-Nu- ts and milk. Ha got stronger so quickly we were soon Needed Her. Itself and Clarence Miss Sharpun has brains feeding him the Grape-Nu- ts In a wonderfully short time he fatenough for two, bah Jove! Florence Then why don't you mar tened right up and became strong and well. ry her. Clarence? . "That showed me something worth knowing and, when later on my girl A Peaceful Prospect. came, I raised her on Grape-Nut- s tad she Is a strong healthy baby and has been. Ton will see from tha little photograph I send you wbat a strong, chubby youngster tha hoy Is now, but ha didn't look anything llks that ra wa found this nourishing food. Grape-Nutnourished him to strength when he was so weak he Wife If you say another word I couldnt keep any other food on his shan't speak to you for three whole stomach. Name given by Foatum months! Co., Battle Creek, Mich. All children can he built to a more Hubby What a glorious time I hall have! tardy and healthy condition upon Grape-Nut- s and cream. The food conAfraid of Being Caught tains tha elements nature demands, from which to mike the soft The flirt Congratulate me. gray The bachelor Really? filling In tbe nerve centers and brain. A well-fe-d "Yes, I'm going to be married. brain and strong, sturdy nerves absolutely Insure a healthy "Im so glad. Are you really?" body. You know, I was at Yes. really! lawk In pkgs. for the famous little hook, "The Road to Wellvllla. ways a little afraid of you." Kam-chtak- food-baske- be-fo- s M |