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Show the future I will EMBROIDERY FOIt Borne of I be hanilmMiirfct I HUil'HKK (if (lie with are nnbroiili-n-Bilk the color of the fnuniUimii. There's one esreplli'u a rare one and B beauty. It la white einhrolileri-- In are ahaded-l- f the Inwhich yoaebude, troduction of ao falut a lint can be trailed shading with Jut the uieri-- t touch of pink. At a Utile dUtance the bffrct la that of ail white, but that bit laf pink la wonderfully artiatlc. Jo thine bloum-- a wOMAN KXrtllT ;jiAl l l ki it. A clever housemaid employed by a aiully la Lotuhra who took to motor wae told by her mauler that If proved aa good a chauffeur aa ahe jwae a housemaid be would employ Iter to drive hie car. Hhe took him t bla word end learned motor mechanics and now, at a good salary II year, abe comblnra the two post a. pbe la a rapltal driver, ran do moat repairs, and after overhauling her car at the end of a day's ruu walta at tha family dinner table, Loudon Mall. i Cl, 'ART HONORS FOR CHICAGO OIRL To a Chicago girl, Mlaa Nellla V. foalker, an Instructor at the Art In Rtilute, baa been awarded the honor of jibe contract to design a heroic statue f tha lat Wlofleld Scott Stratton, for-immillionaire and mine owner of Cob brado Springs. The statue le to atand Ua a public park In the Western city, prhero a $l,ooo,uio home for poor minora la to be erected. The funds for Rhla purpose were bequeathed by ptTitton. At the recent exblbltlon by RUhcago artists Miss Walker won a ppecUl prise. Several years ago ahe designed the Stratton monument which now stands at Colorado Sprlnga. i er ' I MRS. CRAIGIK ON WORK. Says Mrs. Cralglei There la no un comparatively of modern origin. The KiUinn bride, wore yellow, and In nei.t Eastern iininiries pink Is the bridul color Luring the Middle Age and in the lieiui. .sauce period brides BAIVK TL SERVE WITH FI81I. Wnfr rrill.U to the exclusion of all A lemon ketchup to aerve with list other colors. Most of the IMantagiiUet a la In taaty. Mix and pound very fine that were married and Tudor queens eel maer. mustard, of few in spoonfuls vivid hue. which is still popular and a little black peppart of Brittany, where the bride Is ery seed, ejovra all together with theaa mil spices per; brocade. In crimson usually dressed and tha horseradish a 'sted little ; It was Mary Hluart w ho first changed lamona: add one the color of the bridal garments. At grated rtnd of several If deaired very her marriage with Francis I. of France, spoonful of salt, and. a or few drops of In 1MM. w lilcb took place not before the hot, a little paprika with the great doof of tabasco may ha added; molaten altar, hut Ml and lemons the all from the Juice white In ahe was Notre Lame, gowned botInto then au pour for half hour; brocade, with a train of pale blue Pertles and cork I.rt the mixture ataud sian velvet six yards In length. a month, than strata carefully and for a stir 1 Ida Innovation caused great for table use. bottle in the fashionable world of that time. the until waa It not, however, quite HTEAMED EGGS. end of the seventeenth century that white-tworn he color royel by pure Reps rate the whites from the yolks widow- s- ticca me (popular for bridal f as many eggs aa are required, and, garuienta. arte r adding a pinch of salt and a Sunt of pepper and nutmeg to tba WOMEN AM) MEN. former, wblas them to a very stiff Frofeaaor Chamberlain, of Clarke froth. Butter some large ramlkln case and fill them with eome of the whlaked University, Worcester, baa promulwhite of egg, then make n little hollow gated the following findings concernk the middle of each and rarefully ing woman as compared with man: As an actor ahe lias greater ability Jrop In the yolk, so that It may reand more frequently show It. main whole; cover It entirely with Hhe la noticeahlj better In adaptabilwhite of egg and place the cases In a pan ef boiling water; put a sheet of ity. Kbe Is much more charitable In buttered paper over them and let them rook In a well heated oven for four money matters. Under reasonable opimrt uni ties abe la minutes (or longer If the eggs are premore glflcd of diplomacy. ferred hard!. When they are done Hhe more coiiiuuiuly has executlva pour a small quantity of thick anchovy, or shrimp flavored sauce, over the top. ability. Her bearing la more acuta. Her Imagination la greater. TAKER THE PLACE OF MEAT. Her Intuitions are greater. This la a nutritious cheese dish that Her memory la better. Her (w timer Is greater. oiay take the place of meat: Hava Her perceptions are more rapid. ready hot mashed potatoes, well Hhe lias greater religious devotion. Arrange them in a mould la tba Her Instinct of sacrltlca la greater. centre of a flat porcelain baking dlah Hhe bears pain more heroically. hollow In tha and make a good-slseHer sympathy la greater. middle of the mound. Brush this holHhe has greater tact. low and the outside of the mound with Hhe hae more acute tsste. beaten egg and set the dlah In tha Hbe baa greater vitality. even. Then make tbe following nance: Hhe has more fluency in the lower Heat a cupful of milk In a double forma of speech- .- New Orleans Pka-yuuboiler with a slice of onion, pepper and uT alt Thicken It with a heaping tablespoonful of butter creamed with a EMPIRE GOWN AT TOE DANCE. tableapoonful of flour. Stir In throe From the ballroom comes the com- tables poonfuls of Parmesan cheese; plaint that If the young mau baa a dif- stir until smooth. Fill thla sauce Into ficulty In flndlng bla partner's waist tba hollow In the potato mound, sprinIn these days of empire gowns, be does kle tha whole thing with bread crumbs not always know bow to bold It when sad bake for five minutes. Serve la a baking dlah while very hot New be baa found II. A Ixmdon debutante lamenting that York Bua. tne way aha waa held either forced her to poke her chin moat unbecomingART OF SALAD MAKING. ly, or, still mure unbecomingly, in anOne rooking teacher In the city la other sense, to rest it on her partner's instructions In the making of giving shoulder, asked her chajwron whether It was not possible to ask him to hold vegetable aud fruit aalads. One of tbe moet popular on tha list, her differently. Her chaperon referred specially the difficult point of rtlqnette to other medicinal advocatedla on account of Its made from grape value, chaperons: there waa much consultaa with French In which fruit tion, and finally the decision arrived there Is the least dressing of suspicion garlic. at was that it waa quite Impossible to meiitlon such a thing -- not so much Just a rub of tbe dish with ibis from the point of view of propriety aa pungent tasting bulb, and you have because "nothing innde a man so furi- that indeflnable something which ous aa to suggest that he illd uot know tickles the palate and constitutes one of the tricks of gastronomy. how to hold bla partner. Other salad on the Hat are made That debutante, (till auffcrlng, at 1 from celery, the stalks being sliced unable to dunce tier beat, would Ilka to know If there Is no way out of till thin and laid on lettuce; string beans, rooked and cold; spinach, oysters and dlffieulty. Philadelphia Record. grape fruit, hatinnn and orange aud ihe . apple and English walnut, commonly as the Waldorf oalad. although, - ' known atxange to any waiters at that hostelry will tell you that nuta were never Included in the original recipe. New thmsj Mirnr vmm auxt York Sun. In work Itself, I apeak from From tbo time I waa six I got tip Iteen until I was twenty-thrept 5 oclock In the morning In order to get In three houra of quiet work before tbo household waa stirring, and I naed to work often late In the evening. My day atJl begins at 7 In the Homing, and I always arraiige my ffmhigfl that I may bo able to waken a iLo morulng In tbs proper mood for tbo days business. I have never yet Imet a man or woman who complained jaf their work as work. My obaerva-jtkbaa taught ma that la tba main source of human contentment. e V BRAIN GYMNASTICS. a ml- Ao a euro for leal Journal suggests that the sufferer should simply eonr his or her n mind of everything, and then a series of gymnastic exercises which, ao It la alleged, never full to produce the deaired effect Now, if one coutyf top thinking there would difficulty about getting to iTep , and to suggest emptying the )lnd aa a curt for Insomnia la very orb like telling a person with a cold not to aneete, or cough, or talk huskily. It la precisely because one thinks that on lies awake, and because one la ao very wide awake that on tblnka ao bard. As to perIn the forming gymnastic exercise lead vast and middle of the night. Acre are not a few of na who would tadnltely prefer Insomnia to the reinkt-forr- to know; five you advice la buiinesi ffslr or affairs of the heart aa easily k nmii at personal aittlnga. Give j n"' Madame Terms. $1. iritil. Bchiiie.ir (g West Third South, Salt Lake Hty iy. NEW BUILDING, .NEW .FURNITURE, NEW EVERYTHING. Illinois Central NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, ORPHEUM THEATRE BLDG. April 25th to May 5th the COLORADO MIDLAND will sell round trip ticker Kelt Lake to City of Mexico d rctyrn (or $69. ko. Good for stopovers np to sixty days. Your choice P three excellent routes. Illustrated oka on Mexico free. Other dates later on. 80UTH STATE 13S H. E. BARTLETT, PROPRIETOR. from Omaha to Chicago. French Tansy Tablets. "Muaintance with theae tableta will result la a pleasant surprise to offering women. The ladles' in canes of painful or THEY SL'O-LEh- j, prjci 2.oo per box. At all pvuK.xtore, or by mall, securely sealed. Leroy's safe-Jtoac- 3g Chy l'- - 338 l. AND M,ln' Sa,t ,Jlke copy. Mac-hhi- UT-i- 39 Main St, Salt "i 44 WE ARE SALT LAKERS. 4 FINEST DINING CAR SERVICE IN THE WEST. Ob9 Dining Car. 4 44 tg FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. It PIclttfarST Ask nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Kxcnreloas, or 4 write to J. U Moore, DIcL Pas. Agent. Ban Pedro, Loa Angolas A Bait IT 4 4 Luka X. IL. Suit Lake City. V larged, mounted on cardboard or 444444444444444444A4444444444444-4-- Oura Is a Utah d by Utah 1 stretchers. Pictures sent by mall are aa safe aa If broutht In person. FRAMING A SPECIALTY. UTAH ART CO., THOMAS F. A8HWORTH. Attomey-at-La- Practice la both state and federal courts. Special attention given to mining and mining law. Communications solicited, and answered prompt312 Dooly ly. UHl 'phone 590-Y-. Block, Salt Uke City, Utah. WHEN THE T0URI8TS FAVORITE POUT! FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN, AND nKWVKD - .am CHOICE OF ROUTES. flLIIELMINA WHEN A- CHILD. In amualug story la told of Queen ilhelmlua when she was quite a little lid. Her Majesty waa not allowed share dinner with the elder meut-rof the royal household, hut was riultted to make her appearance at The rage for heads run merrily on. aert and place herself beside soiuc Pompadour ribbon gariera ore pretty. rtlcular favorite. One day she sat other hat Is landed with a courtly old General, and after Every plumes. turned ting some fruit the little girl aba ex Hows of pleated tulle are again worn id gated at him. Presently under the chin. timed: Handlmgs of old tapestry are among I wonder youre net afraid to alt A bowl of cold water placed inside the prettiest seen. xt to me." Will cool an overheated oveu. at the turned room In the The green bat aud the gray gown vcrylHNly Always quarter aud core apples for nd of her childish treble. get along w ell together. never slice them. On the contrary, I am but too Belt buckles have mounted tbe front cooking purposes; A coffee ased and honored to alt next to my will spoil the dirty pot several Inches. TSnoP3. THROUGH $ s RIVERSIDE, Palatial Veatitalsd Trains tears Salt Lake City 1:30 p. m. dally. serration. Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist TOT strangers? PASADENA. SAN BERNARDINO. a1 Why trust your treasured pictures to a ORANGE GROVES. SAN PEDRO. Uke City. Catalogue Free. A, CO., GENL. SALT LAKI CATALINA. OCEAN BEACHES. Pianos, Organa, Talking Machines, 5 e. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH Main St. Both Phone. Bo. n Itttmttunttttt I TO CALIFORNIA FERGUS CO ALTER MUSIC COMPANY.! d Street. The saw HOC models of tha COLUMBIA GRAPHOl caabody all of tha latest Improvements In tha talking eorid and are tha standard of perfection. ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT In axahanae for the latest types, and don't forget that A WRITTEN GUARANTEE the Backed by Larifrt TelMirg fumpaiiy In the Goes With the Machine. g per Commercial Agent, No. 75 West Second South Naw Ones. us your name and address and we will end yon $2 worth of our quick-sellinHousehold Specialties. When sold, end us fl and keep $1 for yourself. You can do thla in one day. We will furnish you permanent work. Address N. H. Groeabeck A Co., Sprlngvllle, Utah. 10c A. FOLEY, FREE TRIAL AND EAST PAYMENTS. Many bright boyi and girls are malt 15 weekly after school working for ua. if you want tba same chance, send 10,000 pieces of Sheet Music J. tatmtmtawiaiiiawiwwmtatWRW NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. or broken Dlac or Cylinder records taken aa part GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. gatatltwrwwj'rjtits'ww pwAtatstatatatatK For full Information call ea or writs lAMaialaiBiaiasiiflAlaAMiUMn I B0Y First-clasalso between service Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago and SL Louis, aa wall aa all potats In tha South and Sooth east a MOBILE that runs to all points of Inter with a good guide. Fare $1.00. Seeing Salt Lake Car and Autoa.J 40 E 2nd Bo. .SeeNv,-- - ST, SALT LAKE CITY. 'nte L, H. Harding, General Agent, lake, for further information. THE MIDIAND ROUTE Is the line pRrjeststatawBmstmatscpatmRRMriRri ITi that has that through observation car. DONT MISS THE LARGE D- - p RATES REASONABLE. C'ty of Mtaico and Return, $69.80. e 1 NEWEST HOTEL IN SALT LAKE To be assured of a pleases: east, purchase your tickets via ;fce .,-l- na mot all questions you wish sea-ooe- d. tapplneaa TOLD BY MAIL. PULLMAN AND TOURIST siitipp PROM OODBR OR GALT LAKE TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OP CAM Pros RaaUatef CEalr Oan. Dining Cfer r by tie Queen, replied the old General The newest veil trails off at the back 1 afraid?" should be lut wby In loop and bows. Assuming a woebegone expression, Coats of caracul fur dyed the color a little Queen replied: 'Because all my dolla have the of the gown are a novelty. A dainty stock of white silk has pastes; theyre all dowu with ltl" pnluted ou-lORIENTAL GIRL'S COLLEGER. Embroider your gold belt In colors if Tbe Wumau's Journal says the you wish to be distinctive. Amerlcau college for girls In I'onatau l'luk and blue In evening shades are tlDOple la an outgrowth of a high twiu-colo- r favorite for velvets the founded for girls in 1871 by American amt transparent material. women, and waa Incorporated aa a colThe little girl wear school frocks lege In 1800 under the laws of Massachusetts. Tbe lorporxtiou of the col- of serge, brightened by turnback cuffs, lege Is a legally organised body of collar and belt of scarlet kid. women In the United Staten, Ita presStill more ruffles conspire to make ident Mlaa Mary Mills Patrick, la an the gown of a girl In ln-- r first season American, aud part of Its support is even more airy and diaphanous. drawn from America. English la the Caasluicrca are bclug recognised aa language of the college, but other iaa among the most desirably na they are gnagea are taught Thla college Is the extremely fashionable material. only one for women In Western Aria, docs not lend ItTha and Ita students are drawn from many self to princess gown of auy sort and never cheapness are from 150 countries. Ita graduates n More Is lowered to the insecure footing of eleven different nationalities. fad. have engaged In teachthan one-hal- f Muffs Joined with a seam In the miding. several have studied professions, esand many are at the head of cultured dle to form an nugle are deslgued sleeve arm short the to thrust Is pecially tbe homes. college Although equipped sufficiently to maintain a high Into. standard of academic work, Ita needs Hpangled scarfs are much In Tbe vogue of gold and allvet are urgeut, and It appeal! to the American public for funds, for scholarships, tinsel extends to these decorative buildings, ate. piece. Empire mode have Invaded the JuvIIDES IN GLOBING RAIMENT, enile realm and some of the aniarteet t la of lutercst to note that the little costa shown for children are In gee of white for wedding gowns II this stylet forget-- me-nots ctI-deuc- e. strongest Infusion, so wash and dry the coffee pot each day after Its im-- . Finger mark on doors look ery unsightly, but they may easily be removed with a little borax and water. Fill pincushions with coffee ground, and mice or moths will never touch them, and the needles and pins will not ruat. When the chimney catches Are throw kitchen salt np the cavity, taking care to close all doors and windows to prevent a draught When dishes are to he heated p;aL.v them In right hot water for a few minutes. This Is less likely to crack the llaae on the china. A teaapoonful of vinegar placed In paraffin lamp that smells or smokes Will cause a clear light and t unpleasant odor and amok. White gtovea cleaned pM:r.;i:j fter pach wearing will last Indeflnltelv. If the atatns are allowed to dry on' thr become permanent Balt la aa exterminator of moth especially lu carpets. Kweep the carpet. I cat ter dried salt over, and roll up lightly. Store In n very dry place. Alwaya place a knife which has been tsed In cutting onions Immediately ler the cold water spigot to prere-'he odor from dinging to the blade. Cemmon burlap, either painted or itendled, makes a good, cheap floor covering for chambers, being especially td'-- pd to summer cottages or bunwell-drie- addi L A. BEHTON, O. A P. XX SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH HOMES PROTECTED By Life Insurance are alwaya happy homes. Remember that the BENEFICIAL LIFE INSURANCE OF UTAH COMPANY d le purely a home company and worthy of your patronage. Issuee modern forms Life Contract! at the loweot possible rates. Home Office, Beneficial Life Insur8 Deaeret News ance Co, Building, Salt Lake City. 214-16-1- :4ri,444444444 4 44 444444444444 - 44444444444.44.44444 4444444444444444444444444444444444 To All Suffers of Disease pn-v-i- -t a 44 Scientific 4 4 44 44 SWEDISH, GERMAN A n(i PPtuB ln Cit 44 If you are SUFFERING from any AILMENT or DISEASE give ua a 44 call. Wa GUARANTEE A PERFECT CURE OR REFUND THE MONEY 44 Long standing and chronic diacaccs our opecialt CONSULTATION 44 ADVICE FREE. 44 44 1 m. till 12 noon. Office hour, 9 44 P- m. Sundays 9 a. m. 2 p. m. till 44 till 11 44 44 44 44 4 4 The Natural Cure System Hydro. 513 South State St, Salt Laks City. 44 44 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 |