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Show WANTS RIGID INSPECTION. WEBER'S Insists That Packing Houaea Should ba Cloaaly Watched. Roosevt-Washington. President has added another chapter to the literature of the meat inspection contru-rersy- . It was not through any desire beof his that the correspondence tween himself and Representative Wadsworth, chairman of the committee on agriculture, was published in its entirety. Inasmuch, however, as Chairman Wadsworth deemed it desirable that the letters should be published and gave them to the public, the president regards it as proper to complete the correspondence thus far exchanged by the publication of his reply to Mr. Wadsworth's letter. In his reply the president, while admitting his error in stating that the house substitute contained no provision for the making of Inspections of packing houses at all hours of the day or night, says the substitute still is Inadequate to meet the requirements of the situation. The president says that after a conference with Representative Adams of Wisconsin, a member of the agricultural commit tee, he la convinced Mr. Adams will accept the suggestion made to him regarding the bill. He says that. Mr. Adams in each case "stated that he personally would accept the alterations These changes include the proposed. elimination of the court review proposed and a doxen other alterations. In the opinion of the president, the suggested changes would make the house committee substitute as good as the Beveridge amendment." The President SEALED. DOOM Will Hang for Mifrder of Father, Mother, Brother and Sister. San Francisco. Adolph Weber must hang fur the murder of his mother in the spring of 19u4. The supreme court of the state has rendered a derision sustaining the venllrt and confirming the judgment of the Placer county superior court in Auburn, which in January, 1905, found the young man guilty and sentenced him to pay the death penalty. Weber killed his mother, father, sister and brother. He shot them at night in their home at Auburu and then set fire to the house to destroy the evidence of his crime. At the time he was just 20 years of age. His motive seems to have been the annihilation of the members of his family that he might receive their estate. Subsequently he did receive the entire estate, which was valued at about 150,000. WILL NOT ACCEPT. Arizona ia Expected to Reject Statehood. Phoenix, Arix. The signing of the statehood bill has created no especial excitement here, as It was an expect PRECIOUS STONE OUTPUT. ed happening. There is, howevtr, a noii and announced their delermina-t-i is n lo lie heard by Mr. Asquith. They feeling of relief that the suspendsclarthe police until their leaders Value of United States Production in over, and the situation has been in Ml Te arrested and dragged off lo the ified by definite conditions. 1905 Waa $326,350. station. section seems to be one general idea, States The women arrested were arraigned Washington. The United and that is at the November ehnioa wifi in a police court luter. Miss statehood Millingof Joint survey, In a bulletin on the geological the proiHtsition ton was fined $50 or two months' be emphatically defeated. production and Importation of precious stones in the United States in 1UU5, RIOTOUS. SUFFRAGISTS ARE the value of the output of prein says Jail Caliente. at Japa stones In 1905 reached $326,350, cious Women Dragged Off to Jail for AbeNev. In Iaa Vegas, the riot of which the yield from sapphire e tween the Japs and the citizens at sserting Their Rights. Mias Bllllngton. Tuesday, when Oflkeer Monahan mines amounted to $125,000. Next In London. Miss was of it is reported by some who value was the turquoise output, quoted the slain, leaders Kenny and three other were on the scene at the time of at $65,000. right cr armilitant woman suffraglsta the shutting that at least three of the rested in Cavendlah aquare Tl.unday Japs fell at the first volley, and their Riot in Mexico Laid at Door of Federation of Minero. for creating a disturbance outside of remains were taken away during the Chancellor of the Exchequer Ajqnith's excitement. The bookman of the Jap In a letter filed with Washington. ho u ported of having- the slate house. Mr. Asquith la the partkuler tired the fatal shot and dated at esdetriment at Monahan, the us far ag Aroma, a station north Cananea. Sorona, Mexico, June 11, W. bugbear in the present min woman suffragists and specla. police of Caliente. A locomotive was sent C. Greene, president of the copper have been stationed In the neighbor- - o Acoma after him, where he had dia- - company at whose mines in Cananea mous-noo- a of his residence to preveft KllilMd hlmaelf by shaving off hla Iden- - the rioting occurred early thla mouth, hia and otheralM, ,acbe hiding threatened attacks upon it- - A sows tl,y He ,a lha iuoai jUu at caliente, charges that agitators from the Westof women with banners flying sssea together with four others of hia coun- - ern Federation of Miners had been bled in Cavendlah square in the fore- - try men. through the mines inciting the Mexicans, and tells how he was warned of s plot to dynamite the bank and to inaugurate a revolution against Pres- Cal-ifnt- A. Richter, REAL ESTATE, 19 West First South St, Salt Laks City. un me If y0 want a home in Salt Lake Be surerand call City. mod- Have them from $700 up. For 3i days a brand new era 2 alary light Pressed brick residence on Eighth East near i C. J. BOWMAN, 3 Second South, Room 5, Eagle Blk Salt Lake City, Utah. BALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. A. RICHTER, h HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. Lake Heal Estate la me saresr, and best thing to buy In the whole wide west. It is cheap, too far cheaper than it should be, considering resources, geographical location, npldly developing tributary region, rlimafo and the attractions of Salt Lake. Ilia country around about Is far ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake must and will catch up, and while It la catching up ia when values will double and good money be made. Kail Homes for rent and sale. Lowest OUR MOTTO: I BOOST Quick 8ales in Real Estate. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, list your property with us for quick sales. We have the buyers. REAL ESTATE. If you want to insure, sell, buy, build, or borrow, let us know. 49 8. Main St., W. HINT TO THE INVESTOR. EVERYBODY sun-ii- EGAN, llouper-KIdredg- t J. HALLORAN, 8e Peterson Real Estate InvestReal Estate and Loans. ment Co. iArge Hat bargains for Established 1887. which we are exclusive agents. Spe- Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South Street, cial attention to property of estates Salt Lake City, Utah. and Old reliable 8350.00 buys very rholce Main St. agency. Correspond or rail. 830 So. Lots. Main St., Sait Lake City, Utah. IS West First South St., Phones 641. A S. Oara- $6,250. 3 LAND Mr. Fred W. lake, the land agent reand attorney of San Francisco, quests all hia clients in Salt Lake Comity and vicinity, for whom he has undertaken claims for recovery of money paid on land entries, to communicate with him at once and tend as full particulars as possible of their cases. Ad oi Mr. Lake's records were destroyed by the San Franciaro fire, and information is desired from clients In unier that no time need be lost In the prosecution of the cases, and to save the delay rendered necessary by making up new records from the land offices. As some of these cases have been In litigation for a number of years, but are nearly ready now lo be successfully concluded, all claimants who have placed such claims In Mr. lake's bands at any time In the past are requested to communicate with hint. Address Fred W. lake, No. 9U9 IJnden Street, Oakland, Cal. FOR REAL ESTATE luma We have all klnda of investments in Now is the time to invest. A rapid real estate and we write all kinds of advance is certain. Choice building insurance. lots all parts of city, flOO to 500, YOUNG A YOUNG, $12.50 cash, $7.50 per month. 7 per General insurance, Real Eatate and cent. Loans, 202 Whitingham Blk., Salt HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. 78 West 2d So. 8L ON BUY a LOT or a HOME before Real Estate and Loans, prices advance. We advise you re gardlng localities and make your InInvestment, Securities, Trades and terest a ours. Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. MARIKGEH INVESTMENT CO.. 41 West Second So. St., 40 East 8ceond south. Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt City "Seeing Manager - A. RICHTER, kans. CLAIMS GEO. M. McCONAUGHY, REAL ESTATE. I Nice homes on easy payments. Cheap lots any part of city. Farm 4EFUND i ts THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Plan a SpeHomea on Installment cialty. 315 A 316 Atlas Block, Why pay from $7.50 to $25.00 In Salt Lake City, Utah. rent per month when you can buy a Vacant lots, modern homes and home at the same rate of me? Farms and homes for sale or trade. lualnesa Investments. Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought or Money to Loan. Exchanged. Room 8 O'Meara Block. Nineteen years In Real Estate Musi No. 63 U W. Second South Street, less in Sal: Lake City. Salt Lake City. MEEKS A LYNCH, i Boost, EE30ear L!iBReader,!j3!LrjBoost! prices. Easiest terms., 251 Main Salt Lake City. St, Salt Lake! Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. wstsaMntSMMSMsisMs Help to Build up QEATERTALT LAKE THE WAY DON'T USB Imported If, in president adds that he is not conof the cerned about the language amendment, but with the accomplishment of the object in view, a thorough and rigid and not a sham Inspection. GOVERNOR DEAD. What is Wanted, IS lOliver R. Meredith, i Western Goods for Western People!1 : The Manufacturers Trunk Manufactur-- s : er. e Salt Lake. Is T You buy fresh Eggs, Why not insist on HEWLETTS FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. Men and women to learn barber trade in 8 week. Wages paid every night Grnduatea earn $15 to $25 per week. Cal. free. Write u. Mobler System of Colleges, 62 K. Find South St., Suit ..ake City, Utah. 2 BELIEVES IN BEING fi DEALER! .. and Merchants Association of Utah, (Incorporated) , a UTAH Wait until Our Next issue, and Perhaps You Will Find It There. pserrrppstrpr wppppppi Called to the John Pattison Great Beyond. Cincinnati. John M. Pattison, govUTam BIKG-M- rc cob ernor of Ohio, died of Brights disease cotton veer mattress at 4:20 Monday afternoon at hia home in Milford, fifteen miles east of this city. John Pattison, boy soldier, lawyer, state legislator, member of congress and governor of Ohio, was horn in Clermont county, O., June 13, 1847. He enlisted as a volunteer in the United SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. States army when but 16 years of age, in 1864, and entered college immediately after being mustered out, graduating at the Ohio Wesleyan university. Delaware, O., with the class of 1869, having been a college mate ol United States Senator James B. For-ake-r. He waa admitted to the bar in 1872 and elected to the lower house of the Ohio. legislature in 1873. From 1874 to 1876 he was the attorney for the committee of safety at Cincinnati. He became a member of the Ohio senate in 1890 and was elected to the d congress. SALT THAT'S ALL SALT For the past fifteen years he had been president of the Union Central ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND Life Insurance company. He was a Democrat and one of the leaders in Manufactured only by the state senate In support of legisls-tio-n more stringent observance for INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., of Sunday. N. W. Clayton, Manager, Andrew IJntner Harris, lieutenant Salt Lake City, Utah. governor, who under the constitution becomes governor during the balance of the term for which Pattison THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT elected, Is a Republican. 8TONE CO. Jaws Take Revenge. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANBialystok, via Warsaw. In order to UFACTURERS. avenge the victims of massacre, Jew SOLS AGENTS FOR Ish revolutionists, hidden on the roofs of houses, behind fences and the dra- Concrete Block Machine. Want to peries of windows, fired all day Sat- establish a plant in every city, town urday with revolvers and rifles at the and village In Utah. Block machines from $100 upward. government buildings and workmen Start a email plant and become in- and iieaaants passing in the streets, and one linnd ambushed in a lactory dependent, Correspondence solicited, fired on the station and approaching P. O. Box 1131, Salt Lake City, trains. At least a hundred persona In(J Phone 8806-7- . were killed during the day. M. Unless Bought From - TRUNKS, TRUNK8. 155 Main St., BUILD UP A GREATER. UTAH IS THIS: Goods this List of Business Houses, You fail to find I3isisiswwflsmMsMaas1aMala1Ma1a1a1H1MMaMaiaMlalsMaaia1aMsMaialsM'sMs- OHIOS TO CITYI AFFLICTED Get the benefit of recent discoveries In medicine. . . . THE BEST qThe object of the organization is to promote the ue of ALL I is none too good. UTAH-MADGOODS in all lines, in preference to J jj Dr. Orrin Powells Nerve Tablets: those manufactured outside the State. a The very latent treatment for Nervona Bj Debility, lzst Manhood, Insomnia, Melancholio, Falling Memory, Impaired Energy, Physical and Mental H Weugness, A positive cure guaranteed by the manufacturers through their agents, who are under instructions to refund your money if not satisfied with results. Price, $1.00 per box; six boxes for $5.00. At all drug stores or B jjrhe betterment of industrial conditions in every city, tewn, village, J mail, securely sealed. Address 2 by a hamlet and district ia its aim. For full particulars I N111I I Drug (V)., 338 Main, cor. Market, 2 write to Salt Iatke City. All the Time In Utah SBusy t! E fi Its Interest ffWide. Is State-- ti ti HtHE MANUFACTURERS AND i!5 j! CHANTS p.O. BOX MER-i- S ASSOCIATION. SALT LAKE CITY. 1584 filled. M; ia pit iii h rir.l" ! SO CLEAN Write la a granulated sweeping compound that absorbs all dust on all kind of dn Seal Compound cure, floor. Business men. painicr and i S. Kidney Cure and (1. 8. housekeepers that dislike the dust that 11 arise front sweeping should give this home product a tilal. It guaranteed iii orders promptly for5 information. RuMr S0"' M.-- Street, , Ilrln, Lskc pe-5- oK . --Util I So Clean Mfg. Co.. 261 Temple. Ind 'phone 783. rvsnsSraa. DUy OF 'tW locations. Developing sT-rS-- City. Utah. Dept. M. present employment Co., 39 Randolph Ideal She 8L, Chicago. Wanted: 10 men In each state travel, post signs, advertise and lea samples of our goods. Salary $75. per month. $3.00 per day for ponses. Royal Supply Co., Dept. Atlas Block, Chicago. 1 GIVE VERDICT fir iiir In the case of J R va the DiaWhltuker and Dallas, Makers, 131 W. mond Coal and Coke company of Wy3rd South Street, Salt iJtke City. oming, which waa decided In Judge Ritchie's court In favor of the defend-ant- , we predicted the outcome 10 days WASH IT AWAY. before the jury brought In the verand uremic poisoning cured. dict One week before It went on trial we Castilla Hot Springs Water does the rnrk. Rheumatism vanishes at its were consulted about the outcome and touch. For rates apply to C. H. Bald: The company will win without 222 a doubt.' Then Again in our meeting Room Southworth. Manager, March 4 some one asked about It and Commercial Club building, Sait we In the presence of 200 people again City. prcdicled that the defendant would win. On the back page of The Tribune CLIFT HOUSE. March 8, under the heading Not Due Third South and Main Streets, Salt to Smoke, la an account of the trial and verdict In favor of defendant Lake City. s Again a lady occupying one of O. All New But the Name. cottages enme to us about a well This centrally located and damage suit with the R. R. We told known hotel has been thoroughly re-- her how it would terminate, etc., novated and refurnished throughout which It did almost to the dollar. Under the new management reason- No other mediums have auch a record of fulfilled predictions. able rales and first class accommodaAraold-DIcksoBros., 269 East Third tions will prevail. South St, Salt Lake City. Private consultations daily. Can be reached by atreet cars from all depots West POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. MEDIUMS Eng-dahl- ll.ww'wr VIEWS Hmitli Wanted. District Managers to pt signs, advertise and distribute sa plea. Salary $18.00 weekly, 83.00 f day for expenses. State age a SMOKE THE BEST. BLUE Fifty-secon- medicines by mail. Work Not Chief End of Lift. Someone has said that no man, di after day and year af:i - year, Ut up to the full nieaaun-- of hla capac ties, no matter where he worka. Mi Ifestly this la true, and It la neceasa fly so. Work la not the chief end life, and where some mistaken Ind vldiial has tried to makn it ao he hi marred hia existence. Insanity, chroi Ic Invalidism and early diaaolutU have marked the careers of many the type. Still others, living a ghat ly, mercenary existence, are atalkli specters of a diseased idea of exh ence. Home Made T runks L. G. ' Hoggan. printiPg. ' Lee. 21 E. Third South St, Salt Lake City. i n MRS. A. L. MASON. Prop. DaWItt's KZt Salve For PHeBf Burns, Sores |