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Show Tj 3 t y V. ' ' , ! , V.- k : THE ALTA INDEPENDENT. Successor to the Utah Pioneer. t Vol. X. Entered met olfioe I u aocond-clas- e at Al a, Utah. metier at the as flourishing EDITORIALS THE SMOOT CASE. The aenate proceedings In re Smoot have collapsed in a somewhat different way from what was expected, al- though those who really looked for expulsion and they are. not numerous scarcely looked for anything else. As to whether the collapse Is temporary or final no one at pivsent can tell; the matter will probably be influenced considerably by the result of tbe fall elections, a manner of doing things which, candor constrains us to remark, is mighty near the limit of demagogy. No matter what view one may take of the situation, all must admit that within a span of time almost equaling that in which our great civil war was fought, the easily demonstrated and as easily determined question of whether the senator was or was not entitled to a seat might have been settled; and for a lnwiy to which we are all wont to ascribe much of dignity, profundity and uprightness to deal with the matter in the piddling, pottering, dilatory manner that has character lzed the proceedings from the. first is or would be surprising if we .did not understand that lailftics, not principle, is the grand consideration in the high as well as the low places. To satisfy those who have been egging on the case a show of diligence occurs in a spasmodic way now and then, the dawdling continuing until it is time to adjourn, and thus do the "grave and reverend selgnoraf satisfy themselves for really they haven't the nerve to make such a precedent as unseating a man who is not liked in certain circles would be. The case now goes over till tbe next session of Congress, which begins on the first Monday In December, and as it will expire by limitation on the fourth of March next and in tbe interim so much business will have accumulated requiring attention that the short term will be barely sufficient to attend to it, this and the other com slderation makes it appear "like as if" Senator Smoot had a lead-pip- e cinch on that seat of contention. o THE POLITICAL. SITUATION,. 'v?! v Th premonitory symptoms of tbe coming political struggle are now plainly seen and felt Soon tbe laauea will be well defined, the candidate will be at their posts and the fight will be on. The Republicans are likely to nominate Judge Morse or J. E. Frick for the supreme bench, and for Congressman whom? A vast amount of Interest and consequence hinges on the reply to that question. Had Senator Smoot been unseated, no matter that the Democrats participated in the proceeding, the feeling of revulsion would have been so great that out of sheer resentment any man the Republicans might put up would assuredly be snowed under; but the matter having gone over, things political hereabout are more nearly normal, and the monster Republican majority of two years ago again looms up with an appearance of solidity that makes 8tate nominations valuable. As for the county, as we have repeatedly shown. In the absence of a now revolution, the Republicans are not In it. tbe three For Representative, names previously mentioned aa leaders by this paper still occupy those posiHowell still has a following tions. which Hammond could take from him to a man if he would declare himself or permit others to declare for him; and In order to settle the thing as nearly as could be done by such means a representative of The Republican recently called on Mr. Hame mond an friend, who invariably answers questions readily and candidly and learned to his full satof isfaction that the State will have none of it. This narfor rows the contest considerably, while a good many are for Hammond anyway, the great bulk of the party are for Howell or Christensen, with The the latter a long way ahead. work of the former! supporters in the last State convention la not forgotten, and will not be, and it is altogether within the probabilities that, aa between them, Parley P. will carry Salt Lake County solid. The same can be said of Tooele, Sanpete and several other counties sonth. with an excellent chance for an even break In the others, not even excepting Cache. The County Attorney's friends are actively and earnestly at work, and those who thought there was any grandstand play going on are deceived; the Christensen forces are In the field to win. - - o Will not the county attorney magnify bis calling and accomplish some little In vindication of tbe law besides, by turning bis attention to tbe steadily practiced Illegalities of .an alleged "protective" association in Salt Lake and its Murray annex? If not, why? A good many are asking this question and they expect the official named to answer it satlsfttctorily without much more delay. o Mr. J. R. Hamblin of Ksnsb, whose portrait recently appeared In these columns, was again in Salt Lake this week and looking after the general Interests of the Utah Angora Goat of southern association Breeders Utah. He reports matters generally brass-mounte- w- old-tim- In his domain and the prosiwcts politically and profitably as well as could be asked. Speaking of politics, Mr. Hamblin is being mentioned iu connection with a nomination for the legislature next fall, and if tbe people want a comprehensive and altogether representative man among the law makers, they will let tbe choice rest with him. He is equal to the situation. o Salt lake indulged in three holidays last week Sunday, Wednesday (balfl and Thursday. Now If tbe next Legislaturo can only arrange it so as to give us a holiday every week, besides Sunday, and an election every month, our facllitlea for breeding political loafers and general worthless-nes- s would be greatly enhanced. This la truly a holiday-cursecommunity. o Last weeks Goodwin's Weekly had a mention of Senator A. P. Gorman, who died recently. He was compared with such men as Samuel B. Thurman of Ohio, a name which cornea too near that of the Provo Jurist to be a great one. Tbs man thought of doubt was Allen G. Thurman, one of tbe noblest Romans in tbe bunch. a: ' Alta, Utah, Wjignesday, June 20, J906. WIRELESS. No. 46. application for patent. CHEAP VISIT TO ENGLAND. M. A. No. 41IH1. This Is a new system of M graph-InMay 2. 19iNi. Nina Weeks of Travel Across the without a connection bcfwret th, Notic-- is When In want of help, call upg I that the hereby given Hava wires. Atlantic and Back for a stations by or write Strocko Employment harj Mining and Milling Company, I about It? Hava yon read bBt ki a Small Sum. Agency, 45 West Second So.J corporation, through its authorized Do you believe that this caa he toast Phones 464. C. 8. PVti adwhose Price, office post If not, it is to your Interest to tonefl. dress is Salt There Is only one unforgeieble laike Utah, has a trip to England, through gate it. Remember that there fcu made application for City, a United States been wonderful things done is the patent for the Kugland, and borne again, aaya Uoun-i- t No. Utah No. 2 Utah 1, past fey and Utah No. scientific world within thei Life in America. Nina weeks ot 4, Mineral Survey No. To Time Chess Players. years. A certain number ,of psopio 5408, hide ran be had for $125, and tbit navel have always said it cant be dene, and tituate In mining rlainig consolidated, A chess players to the includes sy the full price the Utile Cottonwood Minexpenaet with that assurance in thtlr Hindi, r both ocean voyages. Blryrle clothe novelty of Herr Veeulioff, of GroninDistrict. ing of Salt County State lake. have allowed great opportunity to of Utah, and described in the field aud flannel ahirta make up one prop- gen. It constate of two similar small pass by, and felt very toolfeh liter, note and The ordinary sack suit docks, behind which to a double lever plat on file In this office, er costume. that they did not lnvestlgato at the with variation at 17 degrees with long trouser la equally service- to arranged that B can touch a butmagnetic the In promas stocks bought time, as follows: able. The luggage for walking will ton to atari tbe clock of A aa the latter otion days of the great inventions, east, at 5 corner I No. Commencing d of carried in a the India rub-tic- v begins to move, aud A can touch anhave, almost without exceptkia made Utah No. i ksle claim, whence quarter knapsack. This is light, portable other button to atop hto own clock aud fortunes for the holders. Only a few section corner tart tbo other aa U'a play commences , of these cases are. Bell Telephone, th of section 32. on southern Ismudary end rainproof, ir the traveler make 2 south, range Ms At tbe end of the game the clocks show which township of success was he way by blcyrie, should nearly commercial 3 east. 8. L. 51., bears north 36 delimii. his luggage to the dlmenakine ot the total time taken for the morea ol laughed at by apparently wire people, grees 50 minutes east 6,028.8 feet, diamond frame rase. The slight each player. the Weatlnghouae Air Brahe, which thence south 29 degrees 8 minutes erflow will be made Into a thin bunwas ridiculed by the great Vande- oast Coo feet to corner No. 2 of said dle Maligned Insect. rbilt, the Morse system of telegraphy Utah No. to the handle bar:, or tc Tbe much maligned while ant ol lode, thence south 61 de- the strapped that bad a very hard time telling grees oi minutes frame behind A saddle. the west 294.2 foot to corSouth Africa to credited by a resident enough of Its stock to put up as ex- ner No. 1, Utah No. 4 whence 'stripped wheel la easentlai, guard of Swaziland with doing more good lode, Electric Light the and line, perimental and liell and brake being of the lightlhan'hurni if care to token of buildings. numerous other great and grand quarter section corner on south boun- est. The ocean section 2 32. trip la made in the It haa a wonderful dary township had south, which a of hard achievements, all fertilizing effect second cabin of one of the lines plying range 3 east. S. U M.. bears N. 33 deon the null, and maize and other crop struggle In getting started, yet have grees 06 minutes K. 6,555.3 i ween U New York and the thence Glasgow reel, Utah has actually been cut out of made fortunes for the onua who were aa large near ant hills a S. 29 degrees 08 minutes E. 490.3 feet cost Is $.10 single and $CU for the round grow twice elsewhere. spring this year. From late winter wise enough to assist In 'the promo- to corner No. 2 said Utah No. 4 hide, trip. The food u not poor, and there to in about 24 hours la a tion, by buying a little of their stock. S. fil degrees 17 mluuies W. It abundance of deck mom. The time Unique Piece of Work. pretty big jump to be recorded even in Wireless telegraph may be very thence A famed scroll work, cumdaiing ot this erratic climate. From 25 degrees mysterious to the reader, hut like all 499.6 feet to corner No. 3 said Utah from dock to dock ta ten and one-hn- lf No. 4 lode, thence N. 29 degree's 08 above zero to about 90 in the shade Is others It haa its achienl-Aliny, so the total time on water la 21 buttons sewu on a silk ground, haa principle, no doubt a good thing- - for the doc- wliich upon investigating, Is cully minutes W. 481.6 feet to coiner No. 4 days, and on lund six weeks. been sold by auction in North Lonsaid Utah No. 4 lode, thence 8. Till detors. don. understood. The best proof, however, It was the work of the wife 52 miuutes W, Cl 4.4 feet to corNo Room for Smell. that we are doing It.. Over land and grees of a country parson, who thus utilized ner No. 3 No. 2 Utah N. thence lode, The whole newspaper fraternity gea, the DeForeat Wireless Telegraph People who live in flute should not buttons found In the offertory bagi 29 degrees 08 minutes W. 597 feet to sympathizes with the Tribune In Its Company have their stations estabboll cabbage. In her husband's church. great loss and hindrance through the lished, and are daily transacting auc-In-g corner No. 4 said Utah No. 2 lode, 38 thence Cl N minutes E. our degrees of fire big I.urklly, Saturday. successful commercial business, neighbor can stand it; but If this pa- of which we hare abundant proof, if 1306.7 feet to corner No. 1 said Utah per were subjected to a $40,000 losa It you will think what the telegraph No. 2 lode 1Identical with corner No. 4 Utah No. would cripple us very seriously. lode, whence quarter secbusineu of tbe world means, and then tion corner on o south boundary of seccarefully consider the results of sav- tion 32, township 2 south, range 3 east, A recent meeting of tbe Republican ing of 95 per cent of tbe cost, you A joy that's shared to a joy made L. M., bears N. 40 degrees 21 minauxiliary appointed a committee to must admit that It la the greatest deE. 7055.2 69 utes N. thence double. Is feet; I. M. the funds It fur raise Rep. money earning power In the world. 67 minutes E. 1101.7 feet to corTell your neighbors about Joseph-in- e msnifestly a case in which the doctor Let ns send you by mall, teatimonlala grees should lose no time In reaching the and statements In proof of the success ner No. 1 of said Utah No. 1 lode, the Clgara. of beginning, located on unsurpatient. of wireless telegraph from the most place Ask your dealers for them. 3 south, range of . township part o veyed reliable authority In the country. Let REIGER ft LINDLEY, east, S. L. B. ft M., containing an The I. M. Rep. reminds one some- our agent when he calk at your town. a "The Whiskey Merchants. what of a Western Congressman of Interview you. Get sous of our stock area of 44.431 acres, exclusive of confew years back, who was devotedly in the original parent company and flicts with Mineral Survey No. 6136, and always for "the old flag and an enjoy your share of ths great profits Native Copper No. 3 lode claim; adand conflicting claims as appropriation. to be derived from the future opera- joining shown by plat of survey are Survey o wireless. of tion No. 6136, being Native Copper No. 2 COCA-COLIN BOTTLES. For further Infonnatjm, call on or Lodq and Survey No. 6315, Ihe Mollle bobwrite to ' We have established a plant for Bird Lode. popular .drink, and. we a HMlEXf-ii- t in trorissaw-BU- i in the Alta Independent at Alfa. Utah. Rkandle it. Good profits. Write ns ke City. FRANK D. HOBBS, once for prices, etc. Register. Coca-Col- a Co. Salt Lake Bottling Arnold-Dlckao- n sBroa.ilthe noted C. S. Price, Salt Lake City, Utah, Salt Lake City. P. O. Box 3. Spiritualists of Salt Lake City, are Claimant's Attorney. IpniMitniMi; First publication. May 16: last puberecting new oflots to commodate NOTICE. patffina. In the lication, July 11, 1906. their Anyone receiving this paper with no of SplrituUsm Probably this paragraph marked with a red history ever obtained tbe sucmediums have NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. croBs will understand that they are cess and prominence thft these genNo. 5764. entitled to a subscript Ion to the paper tlemen The for three months from date, and they residenceenjoy. the aew and offices 269 at Department of the Interior, l.and can retain this aa a receipt. 267 East Third South street are Office at Salt Itoke City, Utah, March at THE PUBLISHERS. valued at A man to a fool to buy new Watchea when he can get an unro-- 8 nearly $15,600. Messrs. Ar- 29. 1906. hold Spiritualist to hereby given that the folloDickson and nold Notice deemed 17, 19, 21, 23 Jeweled Elgin, Waltham or Hamilton movomont STOCKTON NOTES. settler haa filed notice meetings every Sunday night and give wing-named aa new, for Juet one-hatho amount dealer charge for now good J ones. Borne Elgin and Waltham Watchea good ao now for $U0 each private consultations on all affairs of of hla Intention to make final proof in I (From the Stockton Sentinel.) THE CUT RATE PAWNBROKER, 30 East lot upitort of hto claim, and that said J at UNCLE 8AM8, The home of Mrs. Annie Hollow la life dally. o will be made before the RegisSouth Street, Balt Lake City. proof free from quarantine for diphtheria, g ter and Receiver U. S. Land Office at her son John and daughter Mabel havREMEMBER. All Jewelry, Guns, Mueleal Instruments, etc., ate at 8 half tha Salt Lake City, on June 6, 1906, vlx: disdread from recovered that ing 3 price charged by regulsr dealers. If your local merchant does not Charles E. Ellin, H. E. 13735, for the ease. Sec. 7 and in stock Temple Brand Gar- 8ft SEK nd NE SE 8 The appearance on our quiet streets carry Sec. 8 Tp. 4 S. R. 1 hi. NWU 8W 8ego con- ments, Rama Head Sweaters, created automobile of an Monday aend your orders di- 8. L. M. Underwear, Lily siderable excitement among the rect to the sole manufacturers Salt He names the following witnesses kids." younger generation Lake Knitting Works. to prove hto continuous residence upMrs. W. N. Gun3ry was a passenger on ad cultivation of said land, vlx: on the outgoing train to Salt Lake We will loan the moat money at tho lowoot rate of Into root mi Ota DAVID L. PRICE. DUE TO PRINTERS' PI." W. City last Thursday. BROWN, GEORGE monda, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Mueleal Instruments, Clothing, Teeto ANDREW ORGILL. What might have resulted in a seoil kinds, etc. You don't lose your gooda If you Pawn thorn with ao of Libel unit Arising tnm Acei-deJAMES P. JENSON, or Drarious conflagration, had it not been wo hold them as long aa you wish. Corner Commercial 8L and Flret in English Mewipg. discovered In time, occurred last per, Utah. South. Big Electrle Sign. A. of shed coal HOBBS. when D. the OUloa, FRANK Thursday, per consumed almost was G. Frazer by Register. London. Libel laws in England aiw fire. The origin of the same la unknown. enforced with great severity, mg PELICANS IN KANSAS. Mrs. W. H. Booth and Infant daugh- dents of the kind that will happen jn ter Emma are afflicted with smallpox. the beat regulated newapapen, Largo Flock of the Ungainly Bird Mrs. H. Thomas Is slowly convaletonally have to be paid for just as Hover Over a Town for scent though they were the product! of vilHours. Mr. Ed Macklnson has gone to Ely, lainy and malice aforethought An Instance of this occurred tha other Nevada. Pittsburg.1 The other day a largo Friday, June 15th, the Tooele and day which has caused a Surrey news, flock of pelicans flew over the town Stockton baseball teams contested on paper to be mulcted in $150 damages. of Hspler. One of the birds was shot The score stood Going to press in a hurry, two atorlea the Stockton field. nd it fell Into the large railroad 7 to 5 in favor of Stockton. This la got mixed up, one relating to a wom- pond. After it had been ahot tbe the first time this year the latter team ans suit for divorce and the other to flock hovered over the pond for three has been victorious when pitted a police court case. or four hours, circling higher and against opponents from Tooele. The transition from one to tha other higher till they were out of gunshot Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Little and son must have baffled a good many readroach. were Salt Lake visitors Saturday. It had been held in a very old er!. It was after night before the flock W. C. Alexander, manager of the cane," ran the report, that when abandoned the worn vied bird and conthe Black Diamond properties here, spent donor remained in possession, a deed tinued their joum i northward. Tha Sunday inspecting same. of gift that the persistent annoyance bird that waa .hot waa not killed, but The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J and blackmail wou'd not be allowed waa disabled In oni of Its wings. It Shelton was brightened by tbe arrival to go on. Witness had her under obwaa a fine lar bird, standing about Sunday of a bouncing baby boy. All servation." But newspaper readers four feet hlgt and measuring eight concerned doing well. are hurried people in these days, tQj feet from tip to tip of Its wings. Mrs. James Brown returned to her probably many gave up tha sentence It waa aa white as snow with tha home here Sunday, after a pleasant an and saw nothing im. exception that it has one or two black unintelligible, week's visit with relatives in Salt Lake probable in the eventual fact that feathers In the tip of the wings. Its City. waa bound beak to about one foot in length, with the wrong "she "he" Mrs. H. Macklnson and daughters, over in $50 to the peace for ax A pouch underneath large enough to keep Only direct line Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Misses Lizzie and Dollle, spent Saturfailed to get g hold about one gallon of water. The months. But Most Modern Palatial Trains equipped with having day at the metropolis. divorce she aaw here a brilliant chanro Bock had probably been disturbed and and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Diners Standard Dr. George W. Clarke haa moved bis to obtain financial solace for her driven out of their course to tha dis: ;s I Free Reclining Chair Cars. family here from Salt Lake City and Accordingly aha brought northern lakes. A. I trains via Salt Lake City and Nevada's they are now domiciled in one of the appointment. for damages, and in vain the uit M Belt. literal Reynolds cottages. editor and the foreman of the Vigor of Our Students. nearest Ask George W. Denton, son of Mr. and agent about California ExcurA well known English educator say room endeavored to make g Mrs. Charles Denton, graduated from to write sions or world that In the understand of. all atudenta atolld British Jury how the Collegiate Institute last week. American atudenta show the greatest might happ Mrs. D. R. Williams la still confined easily such a blunder waa under modoorgy and enthusiasm. This he bein St. Marks hospital at Salt Lake and how Impossible It conditions to take inch lieved to be due to the fact that Amerern newspaper City. ican universities have no courses Mrs. Jamea Collins waa a Salt Lake precautions aa would prevent It R. to the exhauatlng "tripos" at visitor last week. Cambridge. As a result the American Mrs. Elisabeth Bracken and two The Home Queen. Preserves hla freshness and enthusiasm to children came over from Bingham on be Woman'! rultng passion while the Englishmen to intellectually Friday. a passion for rulii-g- . tired. g e Alta-Peruvla- n va-atk- time-keep- . rloth-covero- d 1 VA'l A MMUimt I ever-increud- ul Avaold-Dickao- sUncle Sam Say i! n W 1 lf If Youre Broke nt Uncle Sam! 4) The New Road The Best Line f to Southern California eoni-peei- com-Parab- J. H. BURTNER, D. P. A. S.P.LA.&S.LR. Salt Lake City, Utah. - |