OCR Text |
Show WINDS6A. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Balt Lake City. Located la the heart of the city. Ratea Reasonable, light, airy, cleaa rooms. Firat-clas- i Bk every respect. Steam heat, kiectrlo Lights. Tha Lond defence Record. SCOTTY'' SPECIAL. THE ? Bertelsen Bros. a I BLACKSMITHS, ; L269 Mllaa Over Mountain and Plalna In leaa than 45 houre, demon. Btratlng that Santa Fe track, equipment and employeea ara of the dependable kind. : Utah. Marys vale, 3s0d9le0sXa) a CYRUS Probably YOU wouldn't car to ride faat You prefer the luxury of 1 Regular Tralna from Utah and Colorado ts Everywhere East and GATRELL ao Attorney A Counselor. II r. Walker BulUlas, Balt Lake City. D. iseesn evjwmernmwrrrrm GEO. W. The Atchison, Topeka A Santa Railway Company, a new system of hlcgraiiliing witlumt a connection stations by wires. J lave yon heard ulxmt it ? IX) you the between lwlicve that this caii b done? If not, it is to your interest to investigate it Remember that there has lieen wonderful things done in the scientific world within the jiast few years. A certain number of people have always said it cant Ik. done, anil with that assurance in their minds, have allowed great opjiortunilics to jkiss foolish later, that they did not investigate at the by, and felt very time, as stocks bought jn the in motion days of the great inventions, have, almost witlmut exception made fortunes for the lioldcrs. Only a few of these caes are, Bell Telephone, the commercial success of which was laughed at by apparently wise people, the Westinghouse Air Brake, which was ridiculed by the great Vanderbilt, the Morse system of telegraphy that had a very hard time selling enough of its Mock to put up an ecrhncntal line, the Electric Light ami mum n ns other great and grand achievements, all of which had a hard struggle in getting started, yet have made fortunes for the ones who were wise enough to assist in the promotion, by Inning a little of their slock. Wireless telegraphy may lie very mysterious to the reader, but like all others it has its principle, which ii)oii investigation, is easily understood. Tin 1ost pmof, however, is that we arc doing it. Over land and sea. die Deforest WirclcSs Telegraph Company have their stations cMablishcd. and are daily transacting successful commercial business, of which we have abundant proof. If you will think what the telegraph business of the world means, and then carefully consider the results of saving ys per cent of the cost, you must admit that it is the greatest money earning power in the world. Let us send you by mail, testimonials and statements in proof of the success of wireless telegraph from the most reliable authority in the country. Let our agent when he calls at your town, interview vou. Get some of our stock in the original parent company and enjoy your share of the great profits to be derived from the future operation of wireless. For further information, call on or write to Salt Laka City, Utah 'Tills is JOHN HAWES, g ! 1, ysm D. REDFORD, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Marysvale, Utah. (S r? L. H. GRAY, i i Land Attorney. Attend to all business before United States lin l Office, I State Land Board, State Engineer. V U. S. s Surveyor-Genera- l, 300-30- pEDIWiWrPWFPPFMMMJ lutbitortiiWTlDy Mrs, A. M. Marthal, Proft' loath Main Street Salt Late OB furnished Bonn ly tte IhA Week or Month. Baton, SO eonta to 1.50 per lift pedal ratea by tte day, weak off Si R. H. Officer & Co., 1SI City. Assays rs and Chemists. W. Temple Bt, Balt a MATHEWS 4L F LEGAL. Psychologists and Phrenologists. Conault Prof. B. N. Matt ho wo. He gives you name and tells yoq what you need nm! whth to know. naka no queatlona and coniines hiu ' self to the truth. Prof. Matthew holds the secret ot power nnd pen aonal influence. He reveals your albilltlea nnd ennblea you to res'.! them. Everybody ha rends for la anred of success. Hla advice on love, marriage and bualneoa la sound and reliable. He settles all disputes and helpa you to net the money or pram orty conn juariy oeiocgY TO' yon. He tells you wben to maks Investments and what to Invest in. If It fs not convenient for you to see him, ft will pay you to write. This gentleman Iq truly gifted nnd the wonders bo hnn accomplished form the topic of coo. venation in every cltxhwTlJii foftod. The sceptics and the helpleaa nT.b1 peclally Invited. He locates frleafe nnd relatives and anything lost w atolen. Reading, 11.00, EENERAL AG3NT, 17 Late West Second South Street, SALT SAKE CITY. Write tor Mailing Seeki. f Through Service stTlolis NOTHING IS CONCEALED. scii-utiti- Land scrip bought and sold. 1 D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. h F 411 Dooly Block. mMrieiewaaMiaM4ttia3aMaie2 J. Lit- - C. F. WARREN. General Ageor. WIRELESS! PARKS, Land Attorney, Auerbach Building, Salt Lake City.J Maryavale, Utah. Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Ticket Ratea and Aok mo ratura. A 142 S. Main ffl III AND THE THIS EAST 1 1 St., Salt Lake City. Ml H4-HI4-H- BEAUTIFUL 0R6M VIA Missouri Pacific RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE We hove Jmt eempleted with the lnrgoet manufacturer ef Organa la the world, whereby wa ean new effer to oar many patrons here an Instrument delivered at your own station for what has ordinarily been known as FACT OUT COST. Thla ( an arrangoment that bould he inveetlgated thoroughly before you look elsewhere, aa we are sure It will appeal to you. REMEMBER we save you from IX to ITB.OO on on organ. Thto le certainly worth saving. EAST TERMS. Tou ean send ue !.M to 9S.00 per month, to null your convenience. WE PAT THE FREIGHT. Wo will deliver one of theee organs at any R. R. station In Utah or Idaho without any additional ehsrgo to you whatever. Do not Imagine that It la Impossible for uo to do aa wo say. Our ayatem of handling our outside business le so per foot that wa ean without any trouble whatever make de- livery to the smallest lews la this western Motion. WE Birr IN CARLOAD LOTS and are thus enabled te make the ridiculously low prices that we d TOU GET THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS. Write ue at onoe If Interested. If net, see that your friends hear of thla great money saving opportunity. REMEMBER we have bBen In buslnem here far FIFTY TEARS the oldest house In the State. OUR GUARANTEE on an Instrument le absolutely good. We fully warrant everything we oelL If you doubt our flnandal ratiWo rarer you to ng look ue up. any Banker or Commercial agenIn this State. cy 55 MISSOURI PULLMAN KANSAS SLEEPING CARS. OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric Lights, Electric Fans, iing Chair cans HffifiBM, mu).. par coach cs. weave tk . Fir lirlfts. TUMI, Fdfira, IN PBUHNO TOUR Tlur aasi Oregon Short Dnb lit, ifrra THE DOCTORS WHO CURE CATARRH RAILROAD H. C. TOWNSEND, S IMOHCr Bb B. BVRLEY, ar.tT.L SFENCEB. h S.A.8.P. AT. A. 8(gXSXsXiXIGiX3GQXSXXd)mCdS H. WHITLOCK, Dealer in AND HORSE NISHING8. f! FUR-- CCHNBCTVN vnMIM W fOWLAII WH1 TO U- - S, Maryavale 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE MAIN BALT IT. TTNION PACIFIC Jl I All OTT. TTAJL rogressfvb (THE OVERLAND ROUTi) ruMi UjronnMenllal. sent free, UlilMt annry tor HanniNUnX Co receive Patents token tbrouh Mann mariaiiMtiea wli boot cti.nra, In the l Scientific American. ffimmlwl weekly. Dirseat et cnlaUnn nf any ertenUBn Viarnal. Tern.. M a rear: fnnrnmntbs.il. Bom brail newadenlera. A taaixliinm- MUKN a- t Co."" tar Stanch USas. New Toil AU WMbinatuo. il c. ffiii-M-'wra- Wank Men Drunkenneaa Cured. A poeltlve and permanent core M drunkenness end the opium diseases. There la no publicity, no alckneai. I dies treated aa privately as at their own tomes. The Keeley Institute, IW w. Temple. Salt Lake City, Utah la Dr. F. J. Lyon, U pan anRa fram any ar dlaaaaaa couaad by lyroraara. VE1VY bon YOU ARB THU Vb want to talk to. anr bava prana Utah. - IM ad- - CAITT PUST.IBH OCR CCRYS IN DllKAIKI Jtanea rn tbta ato-- of toT3n nnr to In anal bar way. Tbla - Curnd Pay When and than aak n SEA- - 5ad i ima. ato.. Ooaiaatona Olaat, Btrletura Pataoo and all amm.aaaanaalg Ooaaultaiien and adrtoa fraa nntom bava, I a m. to a ml DBS. SHORES & SI10REq, ExpertpecUlist Please mention .- taflltad. STilll OfBaa nr x. BONABLS PEE whan yon ara wad. Tan can dafrand upon aur ward, thonaanda ad NOW WI patlaau bava ladoraad aa Iha dlatlnat WANT TO CURB YOU with m'darttandlB, Uiat wa will aat damand n PKl until wa earn yan. Tbla appllaa to Bamlital Wrakaaaa taat Manhoad. Varlraeala Dlaaaaaa of tha aa P- WJ nilfiTI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Maryavale, w of Uta waabnaaaw Blvtna namaa ptouuao and THt KEELEV CURL y mr tha adtrioa naati yso nothin,. dlaaaaaa by publlablr among rohmtary taatlmenla a ( Deskins Copyrights Ac. on 2S.22viihi' Br.bw."' Wa Tram Mmm HAXDHXm ar br lattw fraa to ill. Call or rlia. btft'JiF you H Al a dwiw r HOME CURES BY MAIL EShTim cuj. v ROlfN TRBATMKNT mabm It 5JlpJ'JftdliliVM Vh "h -- nab!-.' (ham M now armptam blank eovjra wwTcan W dona fnr rau, and bat aaa rour cbm a ad tall ym J.1' aymptam Hat and rtoiil tbalr -. " SAFETY Unexcelled 1"' pciroa ) bpbed COMFORT or ran mo 201 fyav Bra n: "' Ool'ra (ar blf aark), VarleoMla. TSm Manhoad. n. ni- -d and a;l Prlra'a DIMM fterofKIa. a anl CI1 rente Narrow of form ru.a Mur. (that ara auiabla.) orV. 1)0 par. I la daya habit liquor lh OCR MOTTO: A law fm, eol UK O. aura, mild and wlalaaa lraatm.n. THE OVEBLA1.D BOOT VMQI B Di.. Bf" Hhmmatlr Nn mala. Hyrtarla. UNION PACIFIC S ETjK Kidney aad Liver Tronbwa Boor OImum, fllL lb Stomach and tula and Racial Complaint!. Chronic Rlehoia... mm ana Chdmn, L Bkln Trouble!. ? Lar and Branchial Aatbma. tikis paper. "TZ Hat. : Clayton Music Co., Leading Muele Dealer. A Main Street. Salt Lake City. Utah. 1M-U-- 1I Mill Hi-- H H--H f . |