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Show j'1- - f 'hi' FITTING THE GOLF STICK matrh her walking ault, and aha wanted them high becauae her aklrt Fbn wax a very pretty girl, a trifle this perbai. but Jaunty aud dfctiA . the hind that a man lonke twtre at aa-- l then turn around surreptitiously to pit after. When aha entered the ahonhcp the clerk vied with one another to ait upon her. but alia picked SALTAIR wa of the very abort, faahlonabte length. When aha naked for No. 2's the fat old clerk atared wonderlngly but aald nothing. When he had brought the No. S'a and tried in vain to squeeze them over her patent leathers, ahe only bluahed painfully and begged him to try a pair Third Annual Exclusion of tbrrea. Threea went on, but the agony of buttoning them vaa too mueh even for feminine vanity, and with a falut "Ouch!" she waved them off and riled out fur No. 4.. Once more hla Koyal Fatness climb, LARGE LIST OF PRIZES e l to the dizzy heights of the topmost shelf aud brought down the gaiters. Each ticket purchased for that Hut this time he consulted hla own participates in the Grand thoughts and surreptitiously brought day Tickets( 25c down a pair of No. 6'a. They slipped Prize Drawing. on over the patent leather boots like now on sale at office of oil and the fat clerk, with a sigh of each, relief, started to fasten them up. Association, 15 Vest Second Alas! They fastened all right, but South Street, Salt Lake City. Ihera was so much apace bet ween the even that ankle her and gaiter lady'a the fat shoe clerk saw that It was useSpace; less to go beyond the third button. Tha Doctor Isnt lea getting to be "Why," exclaimed the fair customer, quits an item In your household "they don't lit er anywhere!" The old clerk looked disconcerted. Tha Professsor An Item? It's a The girl sighed. Then ahe bent over whole page, with a scare head Chiconfidentially and whispered In the cago Tribune. veteran aaleauian'a ear. "It'a terrible!" she declared sadly. Woman Diamond Agent. Ive been to nearly every ahocahop In Miss Grace M. Varcoe, of New town and I Just can't get fitted. When 21 timer Once More Hie Royal Fatness Climbed they are bid enough to go over my York, has crowed tha ocean as the agent of an Engllah diamond to the Dixay Height, feet they are miles too big around the merchant. On each trip ahe has had and fattest and oldest o.i; the er ankles. Say." and she leaned of the aniuna them and then retired to a over closer, "haven't you got anything from (150,0(11) to (300,0(10 worth dark turner to be fitted. It naa gaiters to fit a golf stick? I'm from Chicago." atones with her. aU- - win ted tan broadcloth New York Press. gaiters to DELINQUENT NOTICE. Copper Glance Consolidated Mining. Milling and Smelting Company, a corporation; location of principal place A returned traveler from Egypt of ua If there was anything he had of business. Salt take City, Utah. was a guest at dinner In the Ilepubll-ca- n overlooked. If we were In doubt Notice. There are delinquent upou club a few nlgbia ago, says a writ- about anything he would enlighten ua the following described stock on accent count of assessment of er In the New York I'n-aa- . One of his without extra charge. This, by the of on 24th the levied share day per friends naked him what waa the moat way, was generous on hla part, for we April, 1906, the several amount! set Interesting thing he saw In hla travela. hud tipped him uutll we were almost opposite the names of the respective "An American." he replied. He broke. After most of the party had share holders aa follows: lives down In Maine. He la a typical passed on the offer, the Yankee from No. Yankee and bad never been away Mulnn, who hnd not been inquisitive 1 John Halversoz from home before, Oue day we had' for a week, aald to the wise man: 233 T. W. Jones . . been out at the Sphinx and the Pyra"When and where do you fellows 184 C. B. Stewart. mids. We had a fellow In our com- hare your laundry done? I've been In 234 Mayme Parker pany who knew the story of both aa this part of the world for several 272 Cynthia W. Isaac. . 1750 well as a Ikiaton man knows hla Hunweeks and I awow you've worn the 23R tana Perkins . 25 H. F. Clark ... ker lllll or Concord. aatne clothes every day. I havent 10 Clark "When we returned to our hotel seen a wash out on a clothesline since 218 Margaret J. T. Phlnney . this savant accompanied ua and kept I've Iteen In Egypt. 219 H. E. Miller ....10000 The wise man made a respectful 259 Ellen Haynes telling things that happened when the bloom waa on the Lotus. We loitered alaain and passed out. Ills Egyp- 275 W. J. Gardner..., 1500 shout our hotel for several days. So tian dignity had received a Mont 220 T. M. Munford.... 10000 227 T. M. Munford.... 20000 did the Egyptian. He asked each one Poles shake-up.- " 48 J. B. Buzzt 80 D. W. Gamble.... 5000 IN 388 Auelhert Arden . 92 A. S. McCurtain . 90 A. S. McCurtain.. Dick Smith, a quick-witteand 112 A. 8. McCurtain... 10000 somewhat ecrentrlc farmer, lived In 117 A. 8. McCurtain... 20000 Brentwood, N. H., and waa known by 240 A. 8. McCurtain... 1230 every one In that vicinity for hla 398 E. E. Rich... quaint and original expressions, and 339 W. W. Taylor.... 4000 also for hla aversion to the church, 250 182 Kinsell McCurtain. which he waa never known to at20000 382 I A. Marks tend, although he did not object to hla 151 James Jensen wife and children doing so. The fol152 F. G. Palmer lowing atory concerning him wan re154 Gomer Thomas lated by Deacon Kimball of the Hap-lla- t 157 R. Roden .... 174 K. L. Johnson church In that quiet old farming SOiMi 225 K. U Johnson 5nu 181 F. A. Fafek A new minister had Just been set370 H. J. Stewart 2on tled over the parish, and, being very 1000 191 A. H. Oblad sealoua la his work, bad started out 2500 239 U It. Com to make aonie pastoral calls and get 500 348 K. A. lliirtonsteln 297 Frank Newton.... 5000 better acquainted. 1000 327 F. G. Morse Driving up to Mr. Smith's house, he 394 F. G. Morse 1000 found the fnrmer standing In hla yard, 1000 397 F. G. Morse and aald to him, by way of Introduc395 J. I). Grossman . . . 1000 waa new the tion, that he minister, 39J J. D. Grossman. . . 1000 and would like hla permission to have 378 Harlow Ferguson. . 6000 385 John Evans lono prayers with the family, and would be 389 Clara Arden .... 1000 "I'll Stay Haro and Watch." glad to have him Join them. And In accordance with law and orThe old fnrmer replied, with n pray. Now I'll tell ye what well do. twinkle lu bln eye: "Yew know, elder Yew go In the house and pray, and der of the Hoard of Directum made on the 24th day of April. 1906. bo the Bible a ays we must 'watch and 111 atay out here and watch." many shares of each parcel of such stock aa may be necessary will be sold at public auction at the office of J the Secretary. 301 D. F. Walker BuildAndover, N. H, once possessed a store. The boya, taking a short cut, ing. at Salt take City, Utah, on the day of June. 1906. at the hour of character In Jerry Bobbin, who arrived before him, and aald aa he en- 26th 12 M., to pay the delinquent assesstered: from oil claimed to have extracted an "What's the matter with your nose, ments thereon, together with the costa the "solid granite rock" that would of advertising and expense of sale. Jerry?" L. II. GRAY. Sec'y. cure every human ill and prolong life he "Well, "I boys, said, Flrat publication June 10, 1006. until yon were tired of it. He some- had a sort pf dlzxy turn a solemnly, while back, taal publication June 24. 19'Hi. times drunk freely, and "the academy an' went Into the barn to rest me. hoys," once finding him unconscious When I woke up there waa a black In hla barn, painted, with lunar cauo-ti- spot on tha aide of my nose aa big n spot on the aide of hla nose. aa tha head of a pin; It I'AUMIE KRISLYV kept a-rowin bigger an bigger till It got They tickled bis feet till he roused and then nought hiding plaees that the size of a dime. Thlnke I to myafforded a good view of hla action. self. It's ttma this thing stopped, so First be tried to brush the spots I took this hers bottle of oil of granoff. Then he went to the horse trough ite and drew a circle 'round that spot, DYE WORKS to wash It away, but this only served an' that stopped it growln. Boys. drew he added. Impressively, "this uv'relgn to turn It blacker. Finally he LAKE CITY an unctuous circle around It with hla remedy la all that stood between me precious ointment and atnrted for the an' porfec nlggerhood. Salt Lake City Real Estate Association June 28a 1906 WHAT TVZJZLEV If this paragraph Is marked with a u red croai it indicates that your to ibis paper has been settled for three months from that date. If marked with a black croas it hae only twe weeks to run, but unless other!. notified we shall continue to for aid the paper. Very respectfully. THE PUBLISHERS. sub-seript- 4 4 nn E A S i TRAINS VIA maaTVPrtln E. 2nd 80. 114-11- iSmy'SSMJKKS: (Opposite Grand Theatre.) Cut flowers and floral work for 5 cor telegraph. j P 0. Box 443.1 tf T 3 . 4-- 1 WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturer of Iron fences, Bank, Office and Counter Railings, Flower Standi, Etc. AU CRAGER klnda of fancy win and Iron work. We do Electro Pitting la Nickel and Copper in all the Uteit Finishes. Write for Price. 1 State SL .... Balt take City Frank Y. Taylor. JOHN W. Taylor. 527-24- THE AFFAIR MAXFIELD VINE0AR SWREIGft REMEVy TRXLX A t CO, T T T X In Button, Mass., a generation ago lived a man named Marsh. He de mmm BRIDEGROOM cided, after due consideration, to marry a young lady In an adjolnlug town. The day was act. preparations were made for the wedding and the guest were assembled. The appointed hour arrived aud the bridegroom did not appear. Another hour of waiting, and still he tarried. The young lady's father became tin. patient. "I'm going to hunt him up," he said. A half hour's drive brought him to the Marsh home. "Where Is Frank?" he demanded. "He went down rcllar (o pick over some potatoes, aeeing it'a so rainy," was the response. "Wbat do you mean by not coming to the wedding." demanded the Irate of tha lardy prospective father bridegroom. "It rains so hard. I thought yon wouldn't have the wedding." Marsh replied; but I'll fix up and ride bank with jnt. seeing everybody's there," (1X1 OARXk Stations. Taailmi Ar. T. m ymAM.LT. Balt take City lali (1:11 1.00 ini Murray l.y lilnxhiun Junction I. a l:S I :ie Riverton m l.Z l ie 1:17 Labi la ! Westbound. au Salt take ing Real 4:17 111 to $1-2- 5 2.50. HOTEL HALLS. 1:11 1:88 I: RIDDLE, Manager. Third 8outh and State Street, it Lake City, Utah. ORDER Good delivered Salt Like prices. OF US. Grocertaa Everything, :PT Mi 1:17 Lead Mine 4:M Bln ah am ...Oea, "S ! , I" LA. RNTON Ml Paae. xi knife. without DR. JOHNSON, South Main street Salt LakeS City. aswuef North SX0KE IThiyVi 4 w 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Flrat West Street, LAPALOMA We like the change. 749 & 751 WORK itate Street, Salt Lake City. 9- W-- Good - Ion? uarantee Pho-,t0.Msl- -- Adarglng, V kind -Nyon, Padea Ride AM tSel Salt Lake, p o. Box 130L etc, r.V ,B oII. etc. .hoto; Finest Price. Every Con!il iNltely permanent Wj-HnSlt- h dees 1 fJ Service-Goo- d Company Good Meals. t That la tha happy trinity that makes happy travelers an Roak through trains Through Standard lal-an- d CO. PHOTO BUTTON N. Wlntr Manager. Cahlniv 3. Sold erownai grabber) 0.10 to 66.M. Odd filllnsn, U and up. Otlwr flmJSnTlSTn mT TWELVR YRARffi PROTROTIVS OUARARTB. Opwa 4U1 6 F-- m., Sunday 10 to 8. Pkonsn, Ind an; Boll, fim-Y- . EXAJmfATION FREE. 884 Xa n SL DR. mnranwiw ut First South, Salt Lake City. I" ete'hyonr m You Mom BMthods. You Yant WorkT FOR EVERYBODY. KnSSt We Can Ths Moat Rsllsbl. D.ntl.t In tba CKy. Tseth w trusted without pnlu kr nr --Htntti rtw with othrr work. OUR SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. a CIGARS! Wanted. Teanuteri, Laborers, Alwaya Wi Pwniah All Kinds or Help. DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. UTAH w Sherwood. ert Utah Dental Co., 234 Main SALT LAKE CITY. Do to ear own premises ea Stale Why Pay More? CO, High Grade and Unionj Made. M. MARCUS, Manufacturer. IN Eut Third South Street. 3 4 4 4 W S. Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake Gty. P-ob- ALT LAKE CITY. s 1 Our trade is growing very Our Lard Is nicely, ud we cm give you better service, guaranteed abiolu ely pure. Hardware BARNES GROCERY 1 Street at your home at Dry Goods, toBatt, A lit! Iill! removed Both Phones Try ow Mail Order Department and be satisfied Telepixtug 9674- - M0 gait Take City I M Bln ham Junction I: Revere u 251H has moved from Main Street Comer iiflai i-v THE KEELBV CUR!. DninkoRneea Cani A positive and parmaaaut and tha ogtam There to an publicity. M Him ad thete Man treated as privately own homes. The Keatey laatttaftm 334 W. Sm Temple. Balt Lake City, Utah. SHERWOODS MARKET Plan, 50c up. . M. MftTII Tnlltlf iimasiMMMl,1; L mn Leaves Provo taaves American Fork li m m tahl l(U t? a. m k-- Utah. TRIP EAST ASK HAVE YOUR TICKET READ VIA C in- . iasiWBi.'sffr.-ia- rs South Mala Balt Labs CHp tickets American Fork 'u H. . Provo and gprlngvllla 1" Czmpi .j Socirty. Adv.rtl.i"fl Vwrrka Phot Ruttona to At. Ti'vcr City kind of :ll W y Lv. Si 'atle copy from fnjured. Pho--un 13 same Mantl, Lv. 1:U Ptufs return Richfield toa oa Button". Cull a traveling Ar. vale. Mary Uchm W&. I I'kuUdU TRAIN. choice photos ........ 46 TWO TRAINS DAILY TO CHICAGO OGDEN TO CHICAGO OR DENVER TO ANOTHER GOOD CHICAGO. ROUTE TO THE KA8T IS VIA KANSAS CITY Jkira- - THB FAMOUS SOUTHWEST LIMITED. NO EXCSSS FARE. or aLl AGENTS. OR OF Bank Salt Estate the best P!an, European H4 IM t:tl 1:10 IM Elf 1: Beesley Muslo Co., Exchange. American I.-- I: Organs Aid AR Musical InstraAMRlm vent ment la Ike world. Utah Commercial and Mining Stocks the safest In the worid. Members Silt Lake Stock and Min- SALT R music; PLANO L--APA g OVER-EAGE- Arrives Ch icago, M i 1 wau kee & St. Pau Railway VINEGAR. Tel. 171, Utah National City, Utah. take b .1:11 ....1:31p.m. ....3:13p.m. ON TOUR NEXT T TAYLOR BROS. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. e, NOT Leaves. .....l:4lp.m Try This Route East Manufacturer! id PURE F)0D" Manning Fairfield Loaves Is specialty of shipping J a designs Write , telephone q Phones 106. Mercur mm..... piles Sail occasion. S We make a g funeral Stations. fm wbithar WeSiiljfK Scientific American. HUDDART FLORAL CO. d I: No. 3 a.Tickt . EaatbouaA Arrives. 11:11 a. m , our opinion 190. 104 K&l 10:05mm.... J'-n- MWHW.mrrrrjwwrrrrrrrjWt r December Westbound. 10:30 14 1906, rate I o dollara for round MemThis Includes the famous trip to CM'iajMi Minneapolis, OVERLAND LIMITED phis and vest thereof. Limit October ad the new Slat, stoicrera allowed, west Missouri CHICAGO LIMITED river. Fur further Information writs L2L.A.?Q!LE Twentieth Century, Vestl-- 4 L. H. Haidirg, General Agent, Bali metric Ughted-Ste- am Hwt- take. W'a wdl arrange all detail of Pullmn PHace your trip. Observation fif d Wning Cara the vara BIQ SHOW AT SALT LAKE. latest manufacture. For three weeks the New Grand H HOURS, BALT LAKE TO theatre has been cioarded to the CHICAGO. doors by the Ktbel Tucker Stock com01 Main SL I ake for three Salt SALT LAKE CITY, ttaw pany who exme to two months' engagement presenting new playa each week with special vaudeville feature! between each act. 60 YEARS The New Grand will be "Pen every experience Saturand night with a Wednesday day sourveolr matinee for (he entire on-330, 50c, presenting the best playa obbest the pleyn 55c, presenting tainable. ats will For out of town patron be reserved and held by Tram Mark the request to the New Grand thea-tre- , Salt Lake City. Utah. !") Effectiv 11:00a.m..... Summit DO MIDLAND RAILWAY. On Maf of one fa plu? LAKP A MERCUR RAIROAB CO. TIME TABLE. SALT DAILY 2 AST VIA COLORA- CHEAP BATE THE yAJVK.EE one-fourt- HIS PART SPECIAL NOTICE. and framing. gSemade np to order. Sloapor dally Salt Lako and Ogdan tel Chicago without ehango. Arrivao In Chicago In tha morning, Wa alaa run through tourist cars ts Chicago and SL Lou la, Stoamshlp tickets an aala to all points In ths Old Country. Lot ua know where you wont to go.! Wa will do tha root "Nothing flnor than tho Rock laland Dlnore" Both phonoo 24S N. L. DREW, General Agent E. DRAKE, Dial Psaa 09 17th Street Denver, Colo, A A. BIBLE, Trov. Pass.Agont Agt, 100 West Sooond South St-Salt taka City, Utah, rrmiiMiiWiiiinrtiiixRMRMMiRiit |