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Show I love leans iji l.e is iiisii " g:il Spaulub "And kh- -? inquired Jean carwlesbly, aa he patted the head of a hound crouched by bin rhair. Pierre shrugged hla broad shoulders "Hhe Is a woman; who, therefore mi) say what she thinks, or will doBy MILUCENT E. MANN or not do?" ibt knocked Jean Isighed a be ui unyritsSk ism. ay lulas-linuolwin illustrations by oon c. wilson ashes from his cigar Thou hast s poor opinion of tb AO( Aai fair ones, my llerre " V nature rebounded at CHARTER V 1 1 - Continued. "Have I? If so, 1? was thyseh My elastic "MisM-CHAPTER XIX. Oil befaf wrapped la hla thoughts ouce. I Jumped up and hugged him. thee! Aye. .a every way, as taught me the leon. Before the wk bad faded the I ever do when we are apart. But You are a Jewel of the first water, The laughing face sobered at ot.ee, Dd his pipe, 1 bethought me of the "Black Mn-I- " filled her Mile for somehow It was a taste worse and a troubled look came Into the yes j"er gfy. by my father. I had Gil," I cried. "Where did you find it?" arlth Orelolre'a parting words this time, perhaps because thou wert Died upon Pierres half mocking ones. getting ready and occu-wit- Before he could answer I added : "But I, t4kjr of advice repeating tbemrelvea to away in France, where, as thou bast one thing end another that first before you begin let me took to Bay you, Pierre, that I taught joe ran: had said, I am growing homesick to go." any such lesson? read It. It had a great that cut. You are hurt. "Wind up your affairs in Ijoulsfana, "And, as I have also said, we will go "Not much. I left those behind hurt "Aye, that you have, with your scorn Merest fur me. I had placed It In an BMa ami, and do as the emperor detogether, and soon. We will return to of women and their ways. Seeing envelope, waled, and marked It with worse," he answered, dabbing hla " word Private." Then I had put wound with a napkin. "It will noon sires return to France, and assume langtiedoe, thou and I, llerre, and see through your eyes. I lung ago learned the old gardens, and roam In the park, to look uKin women as but snares, to . carfully away la an Inside pocket heal. Yen, I found the paper without your own name and rank' So bark to IxiuUiana be sailed, with and try to be boys once more." The love whom brings mischief and tha my coai much trouble following the clue I had. bin mind In a turmoil that gave unwords ended with a Joyous laugh. Some n.ia ruin of a man's heart. be You remember at the White Swan, Jie possibly mlgnt "And read of De Soto, and Pixarro. wonted austerity to his manner, and Pierre wondered at the gentleness of fi6a,1nhen he wrote those few words when Jock brought in your coat "A that awed his crew Into much speculation. and the tales of Louisiana?" added ( the tone that answered. If ever slip of paper committed as brushed and dried be laid it down on The fever of his first Impulse hav- Pierre Interrogatively, a curious sad- taught you surla thing, I taught, nn-- I crime as any in the category of a chair. In your eagerness to see the , ns. Shou.'d I ever run him ing now abated, be began to upbraid ness touching his voice. knowingly, sowetoing I never beliew-down, and ladles into their magenta colored himself for having left Pierre, and Nay, indeed not, replied Jenn, so- myself; for I think a true woman Uvlii. I would remember my coach you did not put it on until you wondered If anything evil mlgbt have bering at once. "We have lived too thing to reverence as (he saints, and Kther and my hand should not fall returned to the room after their deMs befallen hla Knt!y. j wondered If perchance there Day by many practical chapter of a like aort, that love in a man s life la like parture. I also went out, but I came old an ever to the "Mack Petrel" drew nearer my Pierre, day, again enjoy the slopped short, and his dark face took over-r,about the anyrhiug back paper again to nee 'pretty Alice Lyn-noto Raralaria, he kppl himself busy by book." a dreaming look as he gazed Into t'i! by which the Jump, rather too suspiciously, perpetrator might "And the emperor, said Pierre Ir- j Are. querying as to wbst. If any, changes discovered. I would take it out quick away from your coat when she would be found thure, and as to what relevantly; of his to think keeplug After a short silence he continued, Again and examine it more heard me, and color over her pretty closely the little box of papers for thee!" progress the war bad made. "The lack of love in a man's life is minutely. face. When you said that something "Yet It was like him to do such a like a world without sunshine, or a Louisiana, and especially New OrI put my baud Into which waa gone, I remembered the Incident; my pucket, wrlLh j vibrant leans, must. In his Judgment, be des- thing," asserted Jean, anip without oil without light. And wan a deep one; it was empty, void as and aa I had not forgotten the other tined to bear a share In the conflict tone and glowing fare. Ah, If but he to live always in darkuess would make Vlr- - gasped with astonishment maid nnd the other paper well, womeven though this might not be until were bark In France, and free from fa mtie worth the living." no doubt heedlessly I had en are great Imitators, but poor stratethe eleventh hour; for the possession those cursed Kngllsh!" pierre had staring at him, and changed it to another packet. I began I ran them down about five of the Mississippi and Its valley had. wits awakgtup-his Aye," Pierre affirmed, a growl jlt, cenn h for it No use. It waa gone. gists. slumbering milea from the Inn. I told her In a for many years, been a dream of Great sounding In his voice. The Kngllsh I reined up my horse. few words,. but to the point, to give Britains ambition. there on Klba, their power behind the lu a groping but certain way, be 11 came riding back. up what she had stolen or be taken Night and day, thinking matters throne of France, and their ships to rightly suspect the possible What Is it?" he asked. back to the constable, who, no doubt, over, he resolved that his next step sneaking In here to snatch at Loulal-woul- muse of a hitherto puzzling change he My liud!' i exclaimed, I have lost was quite ready to resume operations lie to gather what he might or ! ana and the Mississippi. Cursed Kng-me- hud noticed in Ills foster brother, anil, my letter! where they had been cut off, and this and shipping and wealth, and, In lluh, say I." satisfied as to this, he nuw blurted out, he repeated, and looked time she could come In for her share the hope of wiping all stigma from hla ' From what Pierre told him that "Jean, my brother, tell me who is a "Letter? H he thuughi me daft. "Why thrash since she had winked at a prisoner's same, offer these to the Governor or night, Jean Iafltle knew, is clearly she you love?" over the same ground? If the girl escape. She cried she My God; Louisiana, for use In warring against as though bo had remained at Itara-tarlconand his brows who stole the paper is nut to be found, these women! they are born to cajole tha English. And the possibility of all that had transpired since his tracted into a frown. and you went the lady for a bride, poor men till they get what they want, this opportunity being afforded bln. departure. Thou art not angry with me, that I by wc'l! see wba: force can do." and then the devil may take you for a with Its reward a pardon for himself This had been shortly after Gen. asked?" Devil Creek defeated the and men, covering all past offenses Andrew Jackimn The word was repeated muttered take that piece of paper," I (bank you. "Angry!" in my distress; V 'Us of the Yes, yea, what then?" I asked imthe rehabilitation of himself before his Indiana at the battle called "Tuhope-kah,- " v Ith a soft laugh, aa if the supposition letter given uie by inv father I am patiently. a disaster that broke their pow- were trio absurd to call for refutation world, made hla blood tingle. speaking." The crying wouldn't down a bit This accomplished, he would return er, and compelled the Kngllsh to cease And she loves thee In return? " or Jail, said I, he continued. to France. assume hla father's name reckoning upon them as allies. And Pierre ventured, encouraged he his and said, paper guttural by the utterance vas Then she gave it up and I read her sad rank, and stand ready to serve the after this signal victory Gen. Jackson laugh. expressive of many a lesson on woman, and womans gratbad been given command of the Sevemperor. Jean shook his head, and a blttei thlnga. 'It Is of the gr uict Importance, itude. She told me this you must And the Island Rose, how had ahe enth military district, which included sadness touched the still smiling lips been faring all this time, and what, the Slate of Izmirians. "Not love thee! exclaimed Pierre, Oil," I said; in fact, on It bangs the take It for what It la worth; I believe reason Lord Waters sends me to Lon- - no woman. She had been bought hy amid the changed conditions ha was It was now very evident that New incredulously. "Then she must be blind, or a fool," he added, in auddec wrath. Neither the one nor the other, my Pierre," Jean answered, aa he rose I had never thought from his chair. to ask her love, nor knew that I loved her, when, hy accident, she discovered that I was the terrible pirate, I.afltte, and shrank from me as If I had been the plague, or death Itself. That was long ago; and 1 have not since laid eyes on her." There waa a world of suppressed passion sounding underneath the ring, of mockery In nix toWT MO Fieri' saw his hand tremble as he laid his arm against the stone support of the chlmpey and looked down Into the embers. Pierre now rose and tossed his cigar Into the fireplace, appearing to think there was nothing more to be said But he turned quickly to Jean as the latter, laying a hand upon his foster--- " brother's shoulder, added, "Yoe know my secret, Pierre; for the present let It rest where It Is, and give no heed as to who she is. I may yet win her; "Ah, I see, ahe said, sarcastically. and I may not If I do, then you snail He know her, and yon will love her; of don. Without It, why I might aa well the enemy. Sir Raoul Dwight I knew her, no doubt, as 'pretty Alice HauL My God! that I feel assured. go back to "You know my aocret, Pierre; for the preaent let It rest." "Well you may, my Jean, If she It am afraid It will be the death of him." Lynnon. it wee for him ehe waa to Gil, get a paper you had hidden on your "Taken In again," muttered mapping out for himself, would ha her i Orleans was to be attacked as soon as dear to thee; for that she must now be could person. Such had been her object j the English concentrate me. sufto a petticoats. and by place? What do you mean?" I demanded when she left him yesterday, but on Tke remembrance of the last time ficient force for that purpose; and "Aye; and God bless thee for a true This is no time for Jok- the way to the inn ahe had fallen In he had lets her, with her girlish face Gov. Claiborne had railed a session of other self, said Jean, grasping the severely. with the constable, who had Just nr besides I the hand. such "That all other's could shrinking other legislature, and form manifesting taking know, ing. "Ride on and put up at the Golden rested her husband, Martin Toma. All terror of him, had Ita sorrow now measures In hla power toward raising without the telling. Still It la pleae-an- t to hear thee say It. I will clear Acorn. he retorted. "See that there thought of the paper was forgotten In lightened by the hope, so strong In hla means for defense, llut the legislators heart, that ha would ho able to redeem were slow to cooperato with him; and my name, Pierre thine and mine; la another horse awaiting for me. I the greater calamity, until we hapthe samp malcontents whose scheming that mnst be first. After that we will be bark In five hours. pened In nt the White Swan. She said himself la her estimation. Tha "Black Petrel," keeping a sharp had already wrought such harm to shall see." I had better go with you; two pairs that if she had known that we were (To be continued.) lockout for English vessels, stole Into lxulslana wero using all possible going to be ao kind to her she would of eyes are better then one. Anyway, tbfGnlf of Mexico, and sped across !L mesne to neutralize the governor's efwithout the paper I can accomplish not have taken the paper for all the Raoul Dwlghta In the world. Ton nn 0RE88 OF THE JUNGLE LADY. Thin, turning to the east and north, forts. nothing, I returned dolefully. If one Isnt enough, two will be derstand she said this, I but repeat lAfltta made for the western shore of As lafitte listened to all this, he "No, Graade Terre and the harbor of Bara-tailcongratulated himself anew that the Simple Costume Sufficient for Her no better." he replied. "I can attend her words. She added with more blubwhere. In due time, the brigtn-tla- o "Black Petrel" lay anchored safely Savage Life. to the business. If I am not success- bering that after she left the The low caste Siamese of the Jungle ful we can then both go hack home. inn. Instead of keeping to the before Grande Terre. He felt also that dropped anchor, lit waa tha evening of Iafltte'a to- no time could have been more aus- have few wants, and live like animals, Be sure the horses are In good condi- road she had branched off to Ha and Plerra wer rtlone Trefford, where the waa to meet picious for making the offer ho pro- eating rhlrfly wild fruits and rice, tion reedy to start upon my return. gether, and, being tumble to count posed to lay before the governor, nn which they raise In small cleared So sajinghe turned hlx horaee head Raoul Dwight's man. He was waiting privacy, they seated offer of service by himself end hie spots, wherever they happen to temand went back over the road that we for her. She gave him the paper. He selvae for a full talk and oompar-o- f followers. In consideration of pardon porarily settle. IJke the Karens, the had Just come. opened it. and then he damned her for notes. Jean to give Pierre the for all past misdeeds, whether actual Jungle people of Burma, they are alThere waa an old grandfather's n fool and threw It back at her. ways on the move, and In common clock standing In the corner of the tap "I see. Sir Raoul Dwight had la particulars of bis recent trip, and to or alleged. hear from him an account of (ba hapWhen he voiced these thoughts and with all low caste Siamese are petty room where I eat moodily waiting. some way learned that we were to go penings at Barataria and New Orleans. plans to Pierre, the latter agreed un- thieves of in Incurable propensity. When the clock should etrike eeven over this road to London, I said. "He Yet they are obedient servile to an "I wish I might have been with you reservedly; and both men were conthe five hours given Gil by hlmeelf for thought to gain the promise of marIn Toulon," Plerra said, with what fident of their ability to obtain the ac- unpleasant degree fur white blood. of hla purpose riage. Strange he didn't come after the accomplishing onadod Ilka a sigh. "I have a longing quiescence of their followers. They manufacture nothing save crudbe up. I assure you I had no It himself." would est domestic household necessities to sea Franca again before 1 die." Oil mused. Presently he said aprop"But think the and hope; I had carelessly lost the paper "Before you dial" repeated Jean, more cautiousyou. Jean," Inquired personal ornaments from bamboo. on the way and this time the rain and os of nothing, not la "there "Pretty Alice Lynson" Pierre, tone. In hla Clothes are of slight consequence. On u slight touch of testiness reason to doubt If Gov. Claiborne the mud had blotted It out of all re- by her indiscretion having started him would One thus? uncovered talk the do go they edge yon Why hie favorite theme women: It had been. our offer? I do not wish to damp- men Jungle at least In and women, above the waist, the semblance to the thingto send upon a oq"Woman think you were three-scorwe must I was a discreet person is like a sparkling glass of en remember but ardor; thy within four Inches of stead of a stalwart giant of half those the threats he made against the panung reaching serious mission. I was loading myself wine, you feel as though you could hat half in the playfully, and the ha but Jungle knee; laughel, they deep years;" Baratarlans." with contumely. The clock began to never get enough, but God! how heavy are practically naked. (although they both pall upon you next day. misnot will make "He the surely Their slnglo implement Is a long clang the hour. I etarted Thera was no answering smile on I had on nn average glanced at that Landlord, your bill. Come, let vs be In our services of such take refusing as used bladed. butcherlike knife, was tnrned path again Pierre's face, which entersince off." minutes dock an when at a time five every emergency every maker, as weapon (together with to tha tire. But after a momentary man able to bear a But you have not told me how you gun will he sorely wood spear) and Industrially In fash ing the tap room), and looked up from silence he said, abstractedly, as If baa received that scratch?" I asked him. eyes my where was New the in Jean's reeded Orleans," biasing log out a bamboo the of ubiquitous good Inning Inking aloud. "I cannot give A fierceness came over hie eye. Pierre raised no their ornaments, their buckets, their been fixed in thought white my ears a son for It. but there has of late confident reply; and eound of a "I fell In with the constable's wew more doubts the that it for rained night. houses their thekr and conviction a growlike rope, string, been something brick the on be replied to the point, end hot-fhorte'x Items clattering of Informs the other which not much the food the take Among receptacles ing upon me that I have coirtyart. they recognised me. They were comalho had tlon and and and he which, of (and given pans plates. live. pots to Ferhnpe" place longer 'he door opened and showed me GU ing from housing the constable. Nearly all of the Jungle folk on both raised his eyes to Jean's wondering though of alight Interest to hlmselt I wish I had been with you," I said. a I was were hi the hallway lighting hie to his otherwise line standing of tattoo sides the listener), Is nothing more than that "It was too three against PipeOil, In a slate little short of that Count de Caxrneau had. at a the thigh, sometimes from knee to am homesick." torn from one. half In clothes house closed hie Roche's the more from knee often here to affairs our Invitation, wind hip, will "Wo only np It was brief. If I trussed them In hln head from and go to France," declared Jean de- New Orleans, and goue with hta grand- six Inches above. The design may ba off him. md a wound I wan loo before, I finished my work by carbon flowed. a to for the visit the formers and blood or a wbh the Pierre, turtle, "Rouse daughter tiger thyself. cisively. he said, and to do anght but gaxe at him. adoring them now, apeak no more In such a , fashion. plantation. In Tete dea Kaux. near the done elaborately, but the one mnst trashed HU laughed. also of that In frequently seen, and the simplest. Is a condition certainly did not Bayon Blenvenu; What nonsense! thou, after all the head to- Roche had taken this occasion to persort of lace or fringe pattern in the its eee It was impossible that dangers we have met and overcome It CHAPTER IX. nor a lie I Lazalle. or his Sr suade the of could middle below the Just a such the ward, premonition! have found it. thigh, gether, to have He wnked over to where I eat and knee, like a garter. The women d think, my brother," and tha tone to Join hla house party. A World Worn Beauty. "He is now a general in the state not tattoo, believing in beauty an laid n r on the table at my right. brought a gratified sparkle lo the other with' one day's Journey from the I a ! with "and" Only missed Pierre knows heaven P,Per I added; militia," thou hist adorned; picked It np. they need man's eyes, "that A day I frit that for me would 'lit doubt, ratnue the envelope, perfectlaugh -- It N common talk In New Or- - adornment - timing. me" stretch Itself out unto twelve ly dry. a little cnimnled lAFtrm Mistress Rosemary Allyn BY gARY HEVEREUX Bar-start- h La-flfte-'a ba.-vl- y : I foster-brother- . ' n I . ! I bc-c- d i n a, Ji-ii- Ah-h-h!- s. in ar-rivi- ae-ce- e, fB(eit tlqiea tta original length before we shjuld reach our biding place, bat. God willing, we hoped to hear the belle of buw church ring, out their evening chime. We had been In the saddle all night, and I was galled from riding in spite of the many ways I bad of easing my self. I was now riding with my legs hanging over one side as I had seen market men do to balance the weight of their horses. It was yet early in the morning, the dew was on the goasamer. Gil beguiled those lest hours of the early morn with reminiscences of the times he had had in London, that "hotbed of iniquity." The road bad been for milea through a forest tract where the trees were so dense that, although the sun shone brightly, splashes of light were seen only in places. We came out abruptly into the open space. So clean cut was the division, it was as If a giants knife had separated the woods from the open country. We were upon an elevation and looking down (we could see aa soon as our eyes became accustomed to the glare) great leBgtbe of rolllnj; heath and hill, while the tapering road wound In and out like the delicate tracery on a piece of tapestry. The boastings were hardly from hla mouth, when he added: "Hasten, there is trouble ahead! and put spur to hla horse. I knew from hie exclamation that hla piercing eyea had caught eight of xn object my more obtuse ones bad not yet seen; what I waa not long in finding out going at the pace we were. We kept to the aides of the road so that the noise of the horses feet coming on the turf should not be heard. When we had ridden near enough, we stopped in the sheltering shade of a clump of trees. It hid us from view. To the side of the road a post coach was standing on the two wheels of one side. The other two were In the air looking woefully out of place. The six horses plunged and trembled. At their heads were masked men highwaymen bold fellows, too, to be about their business In so open a spot on the countrys face. Not the Magenta colored coach " . ejaculated GU. In the stillness of the atmosphere we heard the high dear thread of patrician voice. "Pray, good sir, go easy It said. 'Tls not so I have heard it laid that gentlemen who take to tha road are wont to treat the gentler sex. They use them courteously. I assure yon." Your pardon, Madame,' answered a deeply musical voice. It came from the rogue standing by the coach door. Allow me. Only one moment shall I Inconvenience you, for which I again crave pardon." With that the scamp helped the lady out of the coach and proceeded to search It Ah, I see," she said sarcastically, 1you are truly one of those gallant es who lighten the purses of wiy-arers. "By my faith, said he, "some need relieving. "That's as it may he, she retorted. "Men mnst take the chances of war. I care only where it affecta myself. d Now if you would Imitate that highwayman, Claude Duval, you would request the honor of a dance on the green, and in payShe gave a suggestive shrug ment and wavs of her hand. Then she lifted her dress in one hand to show her feet, and most wantonly took a few steps In the minuet Her manner waa bewitching. (To be continued.) world-renowne- THE ROLL IN THE ROLL. True Use of the Pompadour Disclosed in a Railroad Dining Car. "We live to learn," said the traveling man. For the past four or five years I hare admired the pompadour-stylof dressing woman's hair; but until recently it had never occurred to me that this mode of arranging the locks might possess practical utility as welL I was in the diner of a train about an hour out of Chicago when I perceived a particularly stylish brunette with a girl friend altting at the table just ahead of me. What especially caught my eye was the mass of beaux tlful hair piled up on that girl's head. While the arrangement of it was entirely becoming to the comely young woman, yet 111 venture to say that her pompadour rose to the height of some eight inches from the forehead. The two young women had about finished their dinner when I entered the car and were fumbling la their purses for the wherewithal to pay for the meal. Between them they managed to rake up soma 56 cents. " Well, observed the stunning brunette with the big pompadour, Tt looks like I shall have to go into my roll "And with that the glorious creature calmly removed her hat, ran her fingers through the mass of dusky hair and fished out a bundle of money. '"There she exclaimed when the operation had been completed, 'I have It. I always carry my money In my hair when I'm traveling. It's so much safer than any other way Slatn-Burm- one-side- d I-- much-dreade- be--pe- pa-e- lam-don- Gotham's Child Labor Evils. Robert Hunter, the wealthy head worker of the university settlement in New York city, declares that despite the child labor law, snd undetected by the labor inspectors, there Is one factory In which are at work 300 children under 14 years of age. In another factory, he adds, one my 9 years of ace was employed; bis sister, at the age of 7, and a younger brother, 4 year old. earning 19 cents a day. In a pirl of 3 wav at work. another pl-ro |