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Show V NEWS SUMMARY IIS SERIOUS V PRINCE CHARLES ELECTED MAKESSERIOUSCHARGES IS TO THOSE AGAINST DICTATOR CASTRO lu Five person were killed huiI m jurotl ia a train rwk mar Wllkea-srr- , Pa fhur Jews, victim of the Mri re buried lu inasssnv:, m Revolutionary Spirit Bursts till' (lay l.ihl week. Forth After Departure Till' tlliiu t In p nf (nil:ii, h. of War Vessels. Ifsiti miles Iimiii S. It, tin.' Iiw-lji-ii'it of by fire. 0er mil li in I r I ti li rin n are re ported iilImsiiii; off tln jie!,.(iijre of People Become Excited by Inflammaa severe K.lgoilli,.i. tory Speeches and Many are Killed, slnnil recelilly look .I,( the Taking Refuge 'I lei in lti. jail hi. Klel.l f mi Kdt'rolay 1,1 ;;,.i by m li i ten of lliern ealltel ht qii.-Illie liinl iirbanee. One iier.soii v lr) bunc .1 to derti, were- f.il.illy burm-aiul one seriously burm! In a lire who li a romolm.' Iiuiim; In Kansas hnn-lrc-- l Kiim-.I.- i, T - Fore-gner- m-f- f lo ir - Hiy. It Is iuinimueetl Convention Uulted (oncliidi-il- , lias ami ; I.-- lint a i niy wriclti In on tIk vn of Ikmii; aiyiwd Mrs. Iaanie I. t'liiidwlck Inis lo tier last lmie for a new trial iinl-- fill t tin Vlllle-shall ronseiit. to allow a re of Hllil etlic Mates at Yladivosin:-:tinof affairs is ijuii v ns havi- - been Many have Inhi-killi;d and lie- on i hit Hliip-- i in lie harbor. and .Miiiiy pulilie buildings, him os have Ini n Jiillap-uini fed lire to by lln riml). i eniliin-shas reThu ceived from CullMil Greener I1 Vladiwhich vostok deiail-- of Mu initlirii.-ii linn edi'i'eiy S, unlay afii r I In- - ilepaiiiire of tin l(u sian d CrcmoiHd and Him-si- I hearing Mrol.tiers i train was Cample-wracked le .ir Temple, Tex , a ml nearly Mil the aliliiuils iI in tie- - woods. ttomothliiK ill. in to a pame irei:nlei In the rural ills' riel. The sleanier Newborn, which arrived at Kail Kranelseo from Aberdeen, L. J, Chrisisen reMirt(d that was awojii ov'eilHhird and ilrownei4 during (he voyage. s A battle between toughs and at Mum.-le-, lad., resulted In iwo rltueus being wounded, one probably The toughs ai tempted to fatally. shoot up the town. A moli of 300 men broke Into I ho jail at Henderson, Texas, look therefrom three negroes charged with the niurtlor of a farmer and hanged them on the public square. King Gdward celebrated his Ctlh Idrthilay at Kandrlnghum. on the Uth. The usual salutes were tired and there worn l ho customary celebrations in flreat Britain and In the colonics. Judge Uunjamln Hose, of Alton, Ills., has proclaimed that a wife lias the right to pick her husband's pockets whllo he sleeps, or any other time, it get money for household expenses. In a duel fought on the streis ol Norris City. Ills., between lYwi master Henry Wakcfortl and Marshal Jesse nuttrey, both men were wounded and phyalelnns state they cannot recover. Twenty young women of (lays. Ills.. have orgaulzed a corn husking club In order to pay off tho church debt Ko far they hive earned $300, husking tsirn at the rate of 4 cents a bushel. A freight train on the Wnrsaw-Brcs- t line, munsgod by soldiers of the railroad battalion, was derailed by strikers near Novoiuinsk. The conductor was killed and several soldiers vwo Injured. Mr. Morrey, the American nilnlsi cite Honduras and Costa Rlcs, cabled the stale department from San Jose that bis Investigation showed that the rumor of a revolution In Honduras was unfounded. Tho sun's rays concentrated by a couple of preserve bottles left standing near a window set fire to tbe residence of ferry W. Mark, of Redding, Cal., the house und Its contents Iwlng destroyed. Three Spanish aniirclilsts were arrested at Magdeburg, Germany, on suspicion of being Implicated In a plot to Kill King Alfonso when he should visit Magdeburg, to review the regimen of which he is an honorary colo net. The navy department lias been Informed that the wireless telegraph operator at San Junn, forto Rico, read signals which were being sent from a wireless station in the vicinity of New York. The distance Is spproxlinately 1,410 miles The biggest shipment of potatoes that ever went east from California left Friday over the Santa fe Route. It consisted of a solid (rain of thirty five cars, containing 9.450 sacks of potatoes, the segregate weight being M,-it- niil-wn- iNiuuds. Two Indictments for murder were found by the Mcl.ean county grand jury against William la Hue, who hilled Mayor Charles Nickel and Hugh Jones In the bauk at Chenoa, Ilia., reIt Is generally believed that cently Is Hue la Insaue. Stale Senator James A. YVrlght and M. W. I.loyd. a timber estimator, were held Jointly by the coroner at Wausau, Win, for the doa'h of Col. James M.ukny at Mluoqtiay. Maekny was shot during a political quarrul bet wool IJoyd and Wright. found guilty of manslaughter because bis carelessness resulted In u railroad collision at Fltchburf Maas, July R, in which three mob were killed, George E. Powers, a rail way conductor, has been sentenced to eighteen months in prison. , uprising J.ipan find Him where en H.i'lsr.ieioi.ly - Ani'-iie-ii- j' n Tin- - great crowds who had in the Hli'ci-ts- in bei aun gailn-re. exeiieil by . i intlaminalory Many Mi.'diers and railnrs were nKu l Iii an angry iimnd. buving to go Inline with the Miuiiiimn. The mob began lo bleak windows und mol in l In- evening set lire lo lln llinairn, I lie (ioblen Horn In i !. In i era iiineks nr ('him e ImiMi.'-g-In tin noriliern part of the Hiy, and to i lo officers' reodenees and other buildings Iii the carieru quart nr. The Urns bitrin-all tilelit. Heveniy buildings were Consumed. Tumps m-to order mill siiiann Wrisl live volleys, killing many persons. pnei-bet- expi-cie-- pil-lu- - t m-- W-r- re-do- WILL NOT TEMPT FATE. Russian Monarch Will Not Visit 8L Petersburg This Winter. 8t. Petersburg. Emperor Nicholas and (he Russian court will not come tu St. IVtcrsburg this winter. A short time ago it was announced that the emperor was about to return to the winter palare. In an annex of which ('mini Witte lias installed himself, lull his ninjesty has now doeided fo pi fmm Peferhof bark to where he has been living for almost Iwo years, wllh the creep-lioof tin last months sp ut at or the Kxccpt on tbe reremony of hlenslug the waters last January, when the emperor narrowly ec iped Injury owing lo a mysteri. us charge or grape being tired in the direction of the Imperial parly by n saluting battery, the emperor has not stepped Inside tho winter palace for over eighteen months. Tssra-koo-Sol- n l'et-r-ho- on-nidi- Boycott Breaks Out Afresh. Washington. Advices from Singapore. Straits Settlement, bring tbe news (hat the boycott In that quarter, which was thought to be practically suppressed has, on the contrary, taken on a decidedly serious aspect. The stale department finds It very difficult to deal with this phase of the boycott for the reason It exists, not In China proper, but in a Hrllii-dependency which ran scarce ly be called to account as was the Chinese government Minister by Rocklilll. n Plebiscite Remits In an Ovamhelm-InMajority in Favor of a M9" dom for Norway. ( 'hmtiama way han tephalt Company Justifies Its Attempt g to Overthrow the Venezuelan The returns of tkt that the people of Norby a large ple-l.i-ei- They Will Have the Same Liberties as the Russian Citizen is Granted Prince Charles tf MVr.ark as Kin;? of Norway. For Good or for III the Ancient KingTl.e dom of Poland Hat Become an InuMirai.g expected to pdi 33 cr reel of the votes, but obtained tegral Part of tho Russian only 31 -r cent. Empire. n of tbe g peculiarity M the pb sirring MonzrrMcal In the RepjMican olita'iiod riurs St. Peterz burg. IVdand is not to b uij' b- - rdi-rcr nMHur-nnes- . It 1 !so no- permitted to' become a xeoend Finticeable bai the monarchists item to land. The Russian government In a mntnd the districts surroorniins strongly worded communication pubt'liri-nani- a and all the coast districts lished Sunday morning serves notice while Republican votes predotninvt on the PoILh nationalists that foi in tho tut. iior and In the nortbtra di good or 111 the ancient kingdom of Potrirts. land has now become an Integral pari of tho Russian empire, and that while WANT TO SEE HAMILTON- tho government Intends to fully obInvestigator! Request McCall to Or- serve the national rights of Poland, der Lawyer to Return From Europe. any attempt to wrest INilish autonomy New York. John A. McCall, p '"-- ! from the emperor would be considered dent of the New York Life Inurancu an act of revolt, and would lead ttia Poles Into the sorrowful paths trodcompany, was called before the board of investigation on .Mo- den by them In 1831 and 18G3. The communication reralls the fact nday and peremptorily called upon by the committee to order the rrurn that the Imperial ukase of December from Kiiropc to this country of An- 35th last esttiblLbcd a basis fur tbe drew Ilainilion, the lawyer who has gradual renovation of the civil life of bad eh map of legislative mst'rs of Russian subjects, nnd points out that tl e New York Life. Mr. Mct.a'.l wav the measures adopted In pursuance of further ordered to demand nn ao that ukase affected equally the Polish people. The ukase says: louutirig from Hamilton of the money in accordance with tho ukase the expended by him and of the halam-exceptional laws hindering the fre dewhich he owes lo tho New York Lib. velopment of the nation were abroMr. McCall denb-that It was the gated and the Poles were given the shuio rights as the Russians Educaof his policy company to havi Mr. tional, municipal and judicial, and reHamilton remain abroad until after forms were Introduced as stipulated this Investi- - itii'u had been concluib-d- , by the decisions arrived at by the mid said that, on the contrary, ): committee f ministers ou June IK, would very much like to nave Mr. and liy the ukase of April 30 regarding Hamilton return. religious liberty. Tho gpnerul measures adopted ly the government were KILLS TERROR OF CAMP. extended to IVdand, which also was given the right of participation in the Bad Man Runs Amuck and la Shot douma and freedom of meeting. Finally, on October 30, the Polos were fulDown by the Cook. ly recognized as free citizens, thereDetroit Sunday by obtalDirg full opportunity to prove Salem, Or. At evening. I 1). Hedges waa shot and tbeir capacity. By participating In a killed by William Edler, a cook at a great creative work they would conhave gradually attained the logging camp. Hedges waa a tough sequently ulterior progress of the Polish nation, character and had been the terror of with tbe end of the electoral Instituthe neighborhood for some time. He tions, which naturally would have waa drunk and raising a disturbance. sympathized with their fate. He shamefully beat several men and Roosevelt Asked to Interfere. two women, and when remonstrated Pittsburg. At the Jewish synawllh by the foreman Hedges jumped which was filled Sunday night, gogue, on the latter with spike boot and beat him up severely. He b4 also resolutions of protest were passed, and President Roosevelt was requestKnocked down Edlnrs wife. to find. If possible, some way to Ined went then to hla Hedges qiartera for a gun and returned, renewing the terfere on behalf of the Jewish raco disturbance and firing several shots, in the rzars domain. The subscripwhen Edler shot him dead. Edler tions for the benefit Infund amounted $9,500, and $3,500 cash was colsent word to th sheriff he was ready to lected. towns From smaller of the to answer for his deed. country $1,000 In cash waa reported. It is the Intention to swell the fund to JACK TARS CELEBRATE. $24,000 before December 1. TlV big audience pledged to go into mournAmerican 8ailors Give British Visitors ing for thirty dnyi and to forego all Dinner at Coney leland. luxuries and amusements and donate New York. The famous saying their savings to the relief of their blood Is thicker than water" brethren In Russia, that never found more Impressive expre Orphan Heiress Kidnapped. sion than It did Monday night at the Du Prairie Ghlen, Wis. Ague dinner on the Bowery at Coney Island 16 yean, an orphan and Pfeifer, aged which the enlisted men of the First heiress to a large amount of property, squadron of the Untied States Atlantic fleet gave to the enlisted men of has been kidnaped from a school here. the Second cruiser squadron cf hla During recess on Friday last a closed drove up to the playgrounds, Krttannlr majesty's navy, commanded carrage two person leaped from It, lelzed by Rear Admiral Prince I tula of Bab Miss Pfeifer, hurried her to the cartenherg. It waa the keynote cf the riage and drove away before any one cheering with whlrh 3,500 Britlvh and oouid come to her assistance. The poAmerican sailors made the great par lice have been unable to find any cius vllion ring to the echo. to the kidnappers or of their motive. l'y, up-- i- in'i-rcx'- Arm-Hn.r- BLACKS TURN TABLES. Floating Dry Dock Will be Sent to Walling for Martyred Brethren. Philippines Via Sue. London. Pathetic scenes were witAlmost Lynch a White Man Charged Washington. The navy departnessed Sunday night at a gathering of With Aasault ment has been Informed that tho 10,000 Jews at the east end of London Atlanta, Ra. T. Z. Justice, a white charges of the Suet Canal company la the great assembly hall at Mila fur I he passage through the Sues man, was captured by a mob of neEnd, where a mammoth service was canal of tbe floating dry dock built groes here on Monday charged with held for the Jews recently killed In criminal assault of a negro girl. Jus- Russia. The hall waa for the Philippines will he about draped in black or $35,(100. Thla has caused the tice was threatened with violence and and the majority of those In the audience wore emblems of mourning. At department to give favorable consid- the mob Increased to more than eration to the Suez route and In fact thousand, demanding that he be the chanting of the fifth chapter of preparations are now being n.ade for lynched. A strong force cf police res- Lamentations almost all present burst towing the big dock around the world cued Justlre and took him to police Into tears and mournful walling. to the Asiatic station. headquarters. An Electrical Exposition. Kill Women and Children at Elections in Spain. Chicago. From the present outWedding FeaeL Madrid The municipal election! look the electrical exposition to be Salonira. Disturbances and en- throughout the country resulted favor- held here in January promises to surcounters between the llreeks and Bul- ably to the government, hut the Re- pass anything of the ktnd ever atfive Bulgarians publicans show Increased majorities tempted In thla country. The exposigarians rontiiiue. were killed by at many points. The result In Mad- tion will be held In the Coliseum, troops Monday in the village of Dengos. Creeks on rid was twenty-ongoveramcntala, where 28,000 square feet are available Tuesday night shot and killed six five Republicans and two socialists. for the display of the various exhibits. Bulgarians, who were members of a The police arrested sixty repeaters. Application has already been received The wedding party, near florins. Creeks then set tire to the building In Election affrays occurred at various calling for more room than the buildwhich the wntdlng was celebrated places. The university here was re- ing afford. Many of the leading school! and colleges throughout the and fifteen persons, mostly women opened Monday, owing to the country will make educational exand ehlldren. wort burned or fatally of the student disturbances. hibits along technics lines. (ujured. Kills Woman. Burglar Calls an Extra Session. Reform With a Big R. Oklahoma city, Okla At an early Fenny-packe- r Harrisburg. Pa. Governor Harrisburg, fa. Since Issuing his hour Monday morning a while robber, a issued proclamation Saturproclamation on Saturday last call- attempting to burglarize the postoffice day calling an extra aess'.on of the lega ing special session to consider re- at Dinger, a small railway station islature for January 15 to consider reform. Covernor fennypaeker has retwenty miles north of Anadarko. ahot form legislation. Bills to enable ceived assurances of support from a and kllbkl Mrs. Steadman, the wife ol cities In the earns counties great many of the 313 members of the the station agent. Mr. and Mrs. Stead- to be united Into one municipality; house of representatives and senate. man have rooms In tbe depot, and to increase the Interest paid by hanks, trust companies and similar InstituThe present prospect Is that when the Mrs. Steadman was awakened by the tions for the use of state money and legislature meets January 15. a lnrge robber, and when she called her hua-ban-d to protect deposits and to reapporof the will members he In the robber fired, killing her. tion the state into senatorial and majority repaccord with the governor and pass Mr. Steadman and the robber resentative districts, are to he several shots. the legislation he has suggested. $'.,liI-00- 0 i e eub-ilden- ed Government. New York. Allegation that high officials In tho Venezuelan government. Including PreMilcut Castro, deliberately attempted to extort from tbe company the sum of $100,000 are made in a statement given out Sunday by the New Y'urk A Bermudez Asphalt company In reference to tbe euit brought by the Venezuelan government for $11,000,000 damages fur Aiding In the Matos rebellion. The means used by these officials, according to the allegation. Included blackmail, confiscation of the company's property, the manufacture of false testimony and the making of decrees without regard to law. The allegations made in tbe statement are based upon the matters which, it U declared, were received from A. P. Garner, now receiver, bolding the companys property for the Venezuelan government, but who in 1900 waa the companys agent at Caracas, and the representative of Colonel Victor M. Backus, who waa sent to Venezuela in 1900 aa an Independent agent by the asphalt company. The statement concludes wllh an exhaustive review of what It describes aa tbe asphalt company's actual relations to the revolution." In this connection It la explained that $100,000 was given to General Matos by the officials of tbe National Asphalt company on tbe general's request. Further sums, aggregating $30,000, were paid, the statement says, to guarantee protection of the company's property at a time when the territory In which the companys property la located was in the control of The statement the revolutionists. maintains that tbe company at all times observed absolute neutrality, even going to the extent of paying customs duties to both the government and revolutionists when the custom houses were controlled by the in- Ont of the Most Hated Men in All Russia Has Lost His Powerful Position. Witte Heeds the Outcry of the Peopla and Popular Government Seeire Assured. Jack Tare at Cron-staRevolt, But Disturbance is Quickly Quelled. St. Petersburg. That for whlet many Russians have prayed and hoped for has happened. Both Count Witte and the emperor have made aa other surrender. General Trepoff hat ;been removed from the powerful posi tlon whlrh he occupied, that of gov ernor general of St. Petersburg and assistant minister of the interior, and to laime Russia's premier has agr.-edlate universal auffrngo. Count Witte ban been fully awara 'of the Intense hatred (iineral retention In office was causing, ibut he never questioned the sincerity uf the governor generals In the Introduction of the new r he recognized Nevertheless glme. the necessity of Trepolf s removal and the governor general and himself agreed that only hla retirement would appease the popular wrath. The final obstacle waa the emperor,- who had came to believe that Trepoff alone waa able to safeguard the life of himself and family, but his majesty at last yielded. The emperor, In agreeing to Tre-pollretirement, conferred on him the order of Alexander Nevskl in dl mends. Tbe Russ and other radical papers which have been campaigning against Trepoff hall his removal with delight surgents. as being the first victory for the free Russian press. THINK CASE QF REVENGE. General Trcnoff claims to have been greatly misunderstood, and says thaj must eventually acquit him o Cheyenne Friende of Tisdale Have historyIn any way the Instigator of ths being Assassination Theory. ahedding of Mood and all the othei Cheyenne, Wyo. Friends In this horrors which Russia has experienced city of John N. Tisdale, the wealthy during the last fortnight. mining man who mysteriously disapRUSSIAN SAILORS REVOLT. peared recently In New York, express the opinion that he probably has been Plunder Liquor 8hops and Inaugurate assassinated on account of the part a Reign of Terror. he took In the cattlemen's war which Cronstadt. There waa a revolt was waged in Wyoming fifteen years Russian sailors at this place on ago. Wednesday, which resulted In fighting Tisdale, then a prosperous stock- Jn the streets and a number ot man of this city, was one of the party deaths. of cattlemen who chartered a special The outbreak started In the alien train in this city and, accompanied by noon, when the sailors-o- f the Seventh a gang of fifty hired Texas fort equipage revolted, and killed made a raid into Johnson some of their officers. They marched county, the stronghold of the small out of the barracks and Immediately cattlemen, who were then In control plundered four spirit shops. Crazed The with liquor, they returned and seized of tbe county government. wealthy cattlemen said these small their arms and then went on the ramstockratsers were "rustlers." The lat- page, firing promiscuously upon the ter said the big fellows were endeav- troops and the loyal sailors. Later oring to control the range and were they were joined hy many of their willing to countenance murder in or (comrades, and fighting continued front der to get the land. midnight until Thursday morning, Inhabitants During this raid two prominent when the terror-strickemembers of the small stockratsers, began to flee. The lowest estimates Ray and Champion, were shot down place the number of dead at fifty. by the Invaders. Later, friends ol MUTINY IN BRAZIL. them swore vengeance on the big men and Informed them that they proposed to make them answer with their Officers Rose lives for the death of the men. Against Their Superiors. Nabuco Washington. Ambassador Russia Dreads War In Poland. SL Petersburg. The declaration ol of Brazil has received dispatches from martial law throughout Poland la evi- the Brazilian foreign office regarding in the Santa Crux fortress dence of the determination of the gov- the mutiny at and announcing that the afRio, In tha to bud the ernment to try nip in the killing of Major resulted fair movement to regain tbe autonomy and the wounding of t Freire Dlgno which the kingdom of Poland pos The ambassador's second lieutenant sessed under the constitution which advices say that the mutiny waa one of revolution was suppressed after the officers against of 1863. The ease with which the Finns, their superior officers, and that aftei striking at the opportune moment, a short bombardment from the op compelled the government to make a poslte fort of Sao Jao In the harboi complete surrender, encouraged tbe and an attack by a brigade of InfanPoles to attempt a similar stroke and try from the Inland the mutineers tha government has received advices surrendered. The mutiny is said to which leave no doubt that a broad have grown out of punishment foi conspiracy was organized to attain some breach of discipline. this end. MR8. HUBBARD HEARD FROM. Killed His Wife. Detroit James T. Thorburn, pres- Woman Reports Her Labrador Expedition Successful. ident of tbe William H. Elliott comNew York. Mrs. Leonidas Hubpany of thla city, on Sunday accidentally shot and killed his wife at bard. Jr., who has been exploring Iq The Thorburn Labrador, and for whose safety fears their home here. home was robbed recently, and at his were entertained, has reported hei wifes request Mr. Thorburn bought a successful completion of the expedl revolver for her protection. Sunday, tlon. The following telegram, signet! while Mr. Thorburn was explaining to by her and dated at Chateau bay, Qu his wife the workings of the weapon, bee. was received Thursday by Her it was discharged, the bullet striking bert L. Brldgeman of Brooklyn: SucMrs. Thorburn in the temple and kill- cessful. Will return home by ths steamer King Edward." ing her Instantly. Tre-poff'- a 's gun-fighter- s, n Will Cut Off Coal Supplies. Found Dead In Bridal Chamber. Warsaw, Russian roland. The govNorfolk, Vs. Helen Hope, who ernor general has ordered the militia Wednesday night was married to Ran. to take possession of all the stores of .dolph C. Johnson at Peragulms, N. C., coal, with the object of depriving tha was fonnd dead In her brldsi chamber population of fuel and compelling tha there Thursday morning with a pistol strikers to resume work. The delega- In her hand and a bullet wound tion of lawyers of Warsaw which through her head. Johnson was lying went to SL Petersburg to obtain an In- across the bed dead with three bulterview with Count Witte, report that lets In Ms head and body. Johnson the premier Informed them that the had loved Miss Hope since her early government would not abolish mar- childhood. He waa 28 years of age tial law until the disturbance! cease and she but 17. No motive for the tragedy can be learned. In Russian Poland. |