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Show i r ' h THE ALTA INDEPENDENT Successor to Vol. X. aJuxti. in the win lie found, B uensimw. Agnes Cain llrown. William t Weed-h'i- . at Douglas Rutliwn. May Tt-- Hnieck. T. G. Leary, Genevieve Day. E. P. Alta, Salt Lake County, Utah. Parsons. Isabelle lVArmoud, Oilman O. C. Despain Local Editor H. P. i'iin. Lawrence. Cnever and one if die best looking and musi mullt-i-- . EulmM os choruses on lour. 11, ii3, at the lJoiul!ioe ui 4 . of Act the iiiuIit Alta, ('tali, Next week at the l,ric "The 1S79. of Murrh 3, Socieiv Girls." Lon-glas- s 11 HK lMI eBafpn JO,in CHEAP RATES TO EL PASO AND CITY OF MEXICO. On Nnv. th lime to visit beautiful and antique Midland Ry mill sell round trip tickets to El Paso for 3(5.05. Tickets good until Nov. 35th. with final extended limit of Dec. 25th if desired. At El Paso rou ml trip tickets to City of Mexico mill be on sale for I2S. Now fit Old Mexico ut greatly reduced rates. Start right by seeing that your . The Knobs o' Teuneshee at the tickets read over the Midland Route, Grand the last half ol the wwlt, with thus assuring you a pleasant and Interesting scenic trip. Excellent conSaturday matinee. nections. Further particulars and OUR NEIGHBORS AND OURSELVES literature at Ticket Office, 77 West Second South. Salt take City, Utah. Work at the Kennebec mine is proo WHERE IS E. PLUMT gressing rapidly. .u William Maltlelil, manager of the AlE. Plum, editor and publisher of bion mine, was in camp the last day or the Boyd County Register, Butte, Neso. He left for Salt take again on braska. for seven years previous to Friday. July 1st, 1905, whh last seen and heard from at Portlund, Oregon, July During Ian week the ore and concen- 22nd, 1905. As Mr. Plum was In rather trates Horn the Columbus Con. amount' poor health nt that time, it is feared ed to 22(i tons, which netied the com- he may have become temporarily depany approximately SKimmi. ranged, as no possible cause cun be learned for his disappearance. .4 A. O. Jacobson, siipcrimetident ol Mr. Plum was 6 feet high, weighed the Columbus Con. minis, has gone to alHiut 170 pounds, dark brown hair Salt take for a few days' recreation slightly gray, deep bluo eyes; bad and a visit with his family. broad sliroulders and stood erect; had .4 .4 two small dark moles on left cheek; a Work to reopen the old tunnel of the small blue scar In forehead; quite Emma has been commenced and it is heavy brown, slightly sandy mustache feet of new when last seen, and would have heavy expected about sixty-liv- e tuunel will have to be driven. beard if let grow. Much dark hair on .4 Jt wrists, snug and body; age 36. The work on the plant of the Mr. Plnm was a practical mechanic Power company in Little in all lines of newspaper work. Cottonwood canyon Is being pushed, A suitable reward will be paid for and at the completion of the plant the any information which will locale bis camp ought to have more light and whereabouts. IKiwer, for which It is so much In ueed. FRANK MOTHEDSEAD, J We wish Hr. and Mrs. Otto Clark, 1913 Euclid ave., Lincoln, Nebraska. .... .. O' nee Blanche Hardcaslle, of Sandy, a long and prosperous Journey through Child Torture. life. Mr. Clark ia a Mt. Pleasant, Utah, The British National Society for boy, and his friends there as well as the lady's friends in Sandy, Join us the Prevention of Cruelty tp Children In onr wish. has a remarkable museum where, within a glass esse, Is a collection of Jt J Loiselles School for Dancing, No. implements of torture. Straps of 115 East First South street. Salt take every description are there, sticks, City. Ball room, fancy stage and bal- clubs and ropes, with the knots still let dancing. Open summer and win- In thrtn, that once held childish ter the year round.- Fall classes com- wrists fast. There are also twisted mence the week of September 18th, 1905. Correct methods. Thorough in- hooks, bamboo canes and a chain with a padlock by which an Imbecile child structions. was for years fastened to a post Jt Jt Manager W. M. Wantland of the Hanging by Itself la a straw basket Con. Mines company wa two feet long and a foot deep in up Inspecting operations at the mine which twins were found on s baby during the forq part of the week. The farm. grading of the new bunk bouse for the Con. Mines company was Cornstarch to Remove Grease. and the building le being constructed - Comststch 4fll remove gnJasf s TBfct &a possible. - 'most .4 , effectually. Rub a little fresh, dry Mr. Lynn Smith, the encornstarch Into the soiled place and It gineer, who has been with the Albion will begin at once the process of abcompany fur the last three years, was sorbing the grease. Brsh the first mrriPd to Miss Anna Christofason of used off carefully from the garment, Salt Lake, Thursday, the 9th of No- and in the same way with proceed vember. Mr. Smith has returned to Alta with his bride, and we all wish more until the dfsflgurement has entirely disappeared. him much happiness. iS 4 Manager Jacobson of the Columbus No Money in Apples. Con. la now making arrangements for ia This the way a North Norway the addition of another unit to the power plant located In the canyon be- correspondent figures: Most of the low the mine. A generator, water farmers have sold tlieir apples for wheel and the necessary equipment to one dollar, which really means exfurnish an additional 450 horsepower changing one dollar for another: Thirty-ewill be installed and with this working ight rents for barrels, 12 cents for leverage there is no doubt that the de- picking. 12 cents for packing, 13 rents velopment work will be hastened and tor hauling to market and board of the the output Increased. help. Lewiston (Me.) Journal. Sl'BSCRIITIONB. One year, 75 cents. Six Months, 40 cents. Three months, 35 cents. These rates hold good until January hut du not apply to back 1, 1906, Advertising rates on application our local or Salt take office. to Salt take Office 257 Onnnlcrcial Club llld. and Poatoflice Box 17. OFFICE. The office of publication is at the Postoffire. whore the local represenwill ever tative, Mr. 1). K. tie ready to receive moneys or attend to the business of this puner. LOCAL THE MANAGER. This paper is kept on firs by THE AMERICAN. MINING. CONGRESS, Chamber of Commerce Building, Denver, Colo., where our readers will be 'welcome, to the use. of. the. leading papers from the various mining sections of the west, a scientific library and mineral exhibit. a NOTICE. . to subscribers the Pioneer" who receive this paper with this article marked with a red cross will understand that their subscription lias been paid for six mouths from that date. If marked with a black cross, their subscriptions will expire in one month. THE PUBLISHERS. READ THIS. 'v All new subscribers paying 75 cents 40 cents for six for one year, or the American Farmer will be months, sent free for one year. This offer holds good until January 1. Until. THE PUBLISHERS. METAL MARKET. , Front gi ; dandy to till Mountain City, i' Kmti D.i.v Front Study. 5' Eate j.5o to Alta 3i.uu from& Aba lo Sandy. . S'Hiiein.).i.,. .. . . .1 , .1 , v, . ,? copper. 1-- 7-- copper. 7-- ..Thursday. IS U Fr M v , 1 0 . coppc& SI I ver . 62 copper, lead, 13.50. copper. Saturday, 11 Silver. 62 15 lead, 33.50. copper. Monday, 13 Silver, G2 15 lead. 33.50 in ore; In New York, 55.15. 7-- : 15 7-- 3-- 7-- 3-- 7-- 8T0CKS LOCAL IN THE MARKET. Columbus Con. at Home. 8. 300 shares sold at 12.14; 50. 32.15; 50, 53.17: 100. 52.18; 2.2U; 100. 52.23. 200, $2.19; 40(1. Wednesday, Thursday. 52.151-- 2 52.21 2; 52.25. Friday, 100. 52.20; 300, 100, 32.22; 100, 52.23 ; 200. 10100 shares 52.121-- 2 600 at Monday, at a share; 100, 52.15; Saturday, sold shares 100 9 400, 11200 a share; sold 2.17 13100 at 32.12 2 100. 2.1. shares sold 200, 52.16 32.19. shares DEALER IN. ...General Merchandise... ,iy A. W. i THOR80N Mill Carry The best place in Alta to get supplies for the Home or the Mine. .WtAVv Miners' and Prospectors' Supplies jj Vnir IAiri or Yourself to or from ALTA. Asd lki K on Time Every Day. . ,7 . fyaia . i 5 To those who contemplate building Homes and Business Houses in Altai bisj the royal bakery. -- 3 I Now Open. Just west of the Grand Central Ho-'EVERETT ' ' Bingham Junction, Utah. Props. Go The Jensen Lumber Company SANDY. UTAH to Can supply your every want in BUILDING MATERIAL Wm. T. Vincent 1 JOSEPH BURKINSHAW'S for Inter-mountai- n 3-- sold at and for a share; 100, 2.18; 500, 52.171-- 2 52.20; a total of 250 shares, selling for 5545.50. LOCAL ORES AT THE SAMPLES. t $ LIVERY STABLE FINE WINES AND LIQUORS. PURI BEERS --AND I.y . Good Opposite San Pedro Depot CIGARS. 0 Treatment Assured. Alaqhom Junction ........ Sandy. Utah Any kind of rig or saddle horse st eny hour oi the dy or night, end res soluble rates and courteous treatment guaranteed. X Burkinshsw's teams ara well known ia Alta, Watoteh and other Cottonwood resorts - Utah. The oldest reliable Shipper and Outfitter for Alta FINE TAILORING. - THE BIG SANDY MBRCHANTXXX Alta-Flagata- Silver, 63 15 . lead. 3.50. Wednesday. 8. Silver, 63; ' IB lead. 7. Tuesday, JOHN G. STILLWELL Chris Hanson. ALTA HACK LINE. I loth and lltli the Colorado Wasli-iiiKto- former No. 16. Alta. Salt Lake County. Utah, Wednesday. November 15, 1905. The Alta independent Published Every Wednesday All Utah Pioneer. tlyd Miners and Prospectors, Don't Forget the Place G. G. CRAPO Alta-Flagata- - SANDY. UTAH XXXXXX well-know- n Jt Jt While working assessments on the Alta Peruvian Mining companys prope coperty at Alta, a vein of per ore was encountered in the raise a1 the lower tunnel. The vein of ore is fully sixteen Inches wide and contains some silver, while in the face of the drift and dipping downward is a fine streak of lead ore, which is from seven to ten Inches wide, and the farther the tunnel is driven the wider the vein gets. While on the dump of the tunnel is a pile of high-grad- e copper ore waiting to be shipped to the valley smelters. This prospect looks very far vorable and promises to become one of the mines of this YOUNG MAN our taste for good ckithlng leads to be critical of Style, Fit anti Flrlsh of your garments, you will sav s yourself no end of trouble by loo Ing Into our store and examining the class of workmanship ter tls we turn out. and ma- iOOD BUSINESS SUITS FROM $18 CLUB SALOON Geo. Helberi, Proprietor Bingham Junction. Vtah Corner Main and Railroad Streets For the Coolest Glass of Beer in Town UP. I M Sorenson & Larson, 4 9V K t SALT LAKE CnT.OpomBs law wealth-producin- g 5-- 7-- 8 ! ij t ! 85 s Saloon Men! f ELIAS NORRIS SSL SONS CO. high-grad- Wednesday, Nov. 1. Two from Alta and one from Stockton. Tuesday, 7. Three cars from Alta and one from Stockton. Wednesday, 8. Three cars from Alta, one car from Stockton. Thursday, 9 Two cars from Alta, one car from Milford. Friday, 10 Two cars from Alta and district one from Stockton. .4 .4 Mr. Street, manager of the Lulu and Saturday, 11 Three cars from Alta. Monday, 13 Two cars from Alta and Star groups In Big Cottonwood can one from Big Cottonwood. yon, stated the other day that another twenty-fiv- e feet of work In the tunnel would carry the face to a point beneath THE DRAMA. a shaft that was started by the old Last Week, This Week, and What la owners andwhich showed a strong fissure. carrying fine values in copper, Coming. silver, lead and gold. This ore, Mr. Street says, carries 10 to 15 per cent A novelty In every respect and one of the most fascinating copper, 35 to 60 per cent lead, 40 to 60 of all modern comic operas, The Sho ounces silver and 52 In gold per ton. Gun has proven Itself, and when It The worst of It has an estimated marIs offered here at the Salt Lake thea- ket vklue of $75 per ton, and when the ter Saturday night and matinee, under shoot Is reached by the tunnel, seventy the direction of Henry W. Savage. It feet below the bottom of the shaft. It will unquestionably live up to its repu- Is expected that both quantity and tation earned last season in a most triwill show up better. umphal tour through the principal quality upon following of the country, cities a six months engagement at Wal lacks HAMER A BUCKLE. theater. New York, and lengthy engagements In Boston, Philadelphia and Attorneys and Counselors. The Sho Gun" Is an opera Chicago. an with enterprising Korean life, of Booth Block ....Bingham Junction American as the central figure, and it marks the first Joint work or the prin- 504 McCornlck Block Salt Lake City. cipal author and composer of Amerb These Luders. Gustav and Ade, George men have evolved something so vastly FREDERICK A. KIEHLE, M. D. different from all other musical works as It hailed season that the critics last 0 a. m.; 4 p. Office Hours: a true return to the original plane or comic operas and placed It In a class m. m.; p. cosof its own. Beautifully staged and Both Phones tumed and Interpreted by one of the best balanced companies ever organ Utah. Bingham Junction Ixed for a coffilc opera production, it seemed to merit well the success Bottled Goods of All Kinds. I s We WanLYour Business! RIEGER & L1NDLEY, The Whiskey Merchants, Salt Lake JDity. Id MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, MANTELS, GRATES, TILES. a Cigar Men! T.mol C i FIRE-PRO- OF CHIMNEYS, CEMENT. - y ETC S3 CsiMItllDy BIssIriM CslilsgBS ScM Ris. Wrtbb. 1 sj K 4 A LOCAL ENTERPRISE! THE HIGHEST PLACE for a cigar anywhere in the country, where quality counts, Is given the Bide Point by anyone who knows what good tobacco and clever cigar rolling combined will do for tbe cigar lover. Sold everywhere. - WHITTAKER A DALLAS. MAKERS. liSaltW. TakeSouth 8 BL, Uk4'4'aaiii444444444444ak SSMsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" m aa d'atiM'aadaaa mmmmm4mMjuuut V Si as We carry the largest stock, of Mens $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes and PROSPECTORS and MINERS BOOTS as jj ki as as as as as as as as ki ii as as Salt Lake City. ,and Mercantile Company...... Manufacturers and Dealers In Fine Grades of Flour, Bran and Shorts, City. 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 West Jordan Manufacturing II9 Cereals, General Mill Produce, Coal, Etc. Try Our White Lily High Patent Flour Protrpt and Efficient Service. Your Patronage Solicited. WEST JORDAN, UTAH PUBLIC TELEPHONE tlVVAV1VYlVYiVVV(VlVllllllllVl1a,i f'S- - |