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Show I TAYLOR. ROMNEY. ARMSTRONCJ.CO. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER V- - . iLi-ii- - I I tiini;r-l- f wli i ui in'I Ind. Tel. 755. ' DR. ALVAH LEWIS. SALT LAKE PRIVATF HOSPITAL. r I i Corner South Temple and 2d West St. - UTAH SALT LAKE CITY Dell Tel. :r.5 wan the rommandt-r- . among Shiloh. Kor brief time In the Mexican war hia command was attached to a brigade commanded hy Den. Krankllu and at another time a brigade commanded by Col. Jefferson Davis, from whirl, it will be seen that thlt man, still and apparently in the full vigor of lire, was a uniformed servant under the command of five othrers who iiiljKeijiu-utlserved Grant Tr:i Gn Who Tries. W. 1ml" vumwr f si f if . iLi murk; V'iin III lf:c :iX" htf SOlitfllt M IS J I. ilk II" I J'li'M, ll L.ie!r l Lt'iV ullf'ttJ46 hlBi Hi tin I fie- hi. nor Hit. DEALERS i Ah !.' W 'I. M.'ltllitt lii'ilL'il in m ( .I rx&a Hi ili .i I ! f r fin l.n ' Tli. I 'll ir.c I'ii-rc- irii il uml y Oc (tarllng. hy Uinu;in4 Krillid th 1(11(1 I. Ml r hi I Hf( fHlrrs't. ?l i1 heiii hWlMill lit laiiirl, f, tiii ll riiHliinl lilt liy ; r i tiiMiicl.l. ii v diiiling, ! ti-- .tn't l !( try. ii.ii-i- us presidon's-Tayl- or, coln and Grant, ' Told at Regimental Reunions. 'Iiumii ill H.e riiiJiini of oiir rrfi at New f'iiiliiili-liiliiafhin. :n tin- into." "l an-iii.iny t.f D:m McCook 'h n.w. iii Mime story of ill' a ;iikI i ;ii li Din. (iliiiii l. Il.-nrii j . tin-ti- t i , 1 ' t'oiil.i lion of Coiiipu' was ilu- Killy 111 Mi Ohio, r, with oni! y (!, wn-.-M- - li- - in th-- was nan who was the rtijni minii'il t.'onki-lioii- . niiin. however. mat i iiy.:iinsl ail the wretdlers in the liriguili-- , ami he was always tbc t when our own boys had winnrr ln-- l loo iiiurh money on the other Tin- - . Special Attention given SURGICAL ana uuoi L I ttiiAL CASES. T1IH ONLY STRICTLY IKIVATH HOSI'ITAI. IN THE STATE. No. 352 E. 1st Month. Salt Lake City. $45.05 Round Trip I Only lii-i- ! exi-i'ii- ii man. 'Col. McCook wuH greatly Interested in athleiies, iiml when the wrestling ' .I.'.... V DR. E. C. FAIR WEATHER, S matches oeeurred near his quart era l((Minis 5 and C Walker Hank Ibilld-J- " was always an interested speetatur S City. ') fug. Salt At the end he always invited the ijwith Dr. Hector Griawold for th ; wrestlers in to fuke a drink, and FROM OGDEN AND SALT LAKE CITY n 5 past three years. ?) TO congress. NATIONAL mining EL PASO, TEXAS. vvMvvrrrrervvrveeeerrw VIA A R. A. A a h 1 2 HASBROUCK. i Physician and Surgeon, a Offiri-- , tin ((imiii'-iclii- l Block, Suit laikc City, Utah. IMimic lllL' K mid 113-K- . A X a a The Quick Lina to tha Southwest. 2 saa4aa44aa4aaaa4444aa4444 . other Corresponding rates from points. Dales of sale November 10th and 11th. Final return limit December 25th, 1905. For information regarding train service and cheap rates, for side trips to Old Mexico and other territories, see or write, ; rvrri'rvrrvrrrrvrrrrrrrvrr GEO. W. PARKS, k a a 2 Land Attorney, Auerbach Building, a a J J Salt Lake City. 5 a General Agent, The AlchlMA Tepaha A Santa Fa Railway Company. Salt Lak 1:1-il- 'CYRUS a GATRELL Block. Attorney A Counselor. City, Utah. 419 D. E. Walker Building, Bolt lAkn City. fcXjXXOWi i v tAli fei(XA R. H. Officer & Co., S Aasayern and Chemists. 169 S. W. Temple BL. Balt Lakeff City. g Write for Mailing Backs. To be assured of a pleasant trip east, purchase your tlckots via tha Illinois Central Rail- I F. M. BISHOP. road 120 from Omaha to Chicago. service also between Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago and St. IjOuIb, as well as all points in the Mouth and admits that when he thirsted fur a drink be would Inveigle some other thirsty man into a wrcstl.ui! maleli. go down to Col. Dan's headquarters. and wrestle simply for the drinks that the Colonel was sure to glvo them, Although C'onkcllou handled himself well in any kind of a scrap out of controversies and eiKimuters. On one occasion, however, he eame upon a large, strong man who h.nl man Imllying a sm-ii- l not fully reeovered from a siege in the hospital. The large man inslsti'u t'onkelton interon fighting, when vened, explaining thai he was averse to fighting. Inn he would not see a Isiy or au old imin almsed. ami if Jack persisted he would have to lick hint Jack persisted and Conkellon proceedhim down and was finished to tln-sing the job fit great shaM when Col. McCook rode up. He was very angry ti The and ordered lsith arrested. fellow iu whoso lute rent Couil-fo- n had Intervened explained the matter and the Colonel snt for Conkel-toami told him lie did right. At Hie New Philadelphia reunion John Smith told of un adventure at lasikout Mountain. The sklrmishri's were being shelled by II- I- eiieni)' nnd wlunmr they wre artillery warned hy tlicli lookoul pos'el in would jump liehiml trees or laio holes which they had dug in the ground. Just ns the signal was given io take shelter. Smith made a dash for his tree, lint another man Jumpi d in jheml of him. Drunihliiig and swearing Smith jumped into a hole jiM In lime to escape the broadside of shot nnd sln-ll- . A lioavy cannon ball strut k Smith's tree near the roots and crushed it over on the man who had token shelter behind it Then Smith fell glad that the other mini had insisted on taking Ills place behind (he tree. As the regiment was ordered forward at once lie did nut know what of the man who stole his tree. Thereupon Martin Prcitynmn of Company F. present at the reunion, said he was the man who stole the tree and was lie esiaN-- i with crushed under it a few bruises and lived to meet Smith fori years later at a regimental reunion. Chicago Inter Orcmi. s C. K. WARREN, 411 Dooly Flrst-clas- a ASSAYER. W. Ind South, Salt IAka City.? Opposite Puto files. Mailing Sacka Furnished. THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent cure fO Irnukennese and the opium disease. There Is no publicity, no slckneee. treated ss privately as at that own hoxnra. Tin Kpcloy Institute. S34 W. Bo. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 For full lufurniatiou call nu or write J. A. FOLEY, La-die- s Commercial Agent. No. 75 West Second South Street. fierce, Lin- presidents of the Lulled Sta'es. and J. fferson Davis, president of the southern confederacy. What other living or dead soldier has such a record? Lieut. Col. J. A. Wutrous L. 8. A. -- r ; i . Florida One Fare Plus $2.( Round Tr let to April 30th Final Limit June let, 1906 Daily November Through Sleepers Every day after Nov. 14th from Colorado to Florida without change. Let ue figure on your trip." N. L. DREW, General Agent, E. DRAKE, Diet Pace. Agent! 800 17th street, Denver, Colo. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt.,2 100 West Second South SL, M or Salt Lake City, Utah. 4444444444444444444444i444 444444444444444a4t4S 4 4 , Hit Large Army of Ghocta. Hue of the leading Irish men of Dos-tohas ns a standard Joke his first picket duty in the civil war. ly. tin- - churchyard was the place designated for him to he on guard, itrdi coni I not overcome the icon, instilled In him from lufanry. ulsiiif ghosts inqiienting this place, so it was not lung before In- - saw them on all sides of him. From a brave soldier he instantly became the slave of fear. Drenched with cold perspiration, he called faintly to the corpora! of the guard, who was stationed within hear lug distance. The latter was friendly to Hob, so, oil hearing hi story, InAlthough the stantly relieved hint. corporal promised not to give Rob he away, on second consideration deemed llie story too good to keep, and told it next day to the boys la camp. It reached the captain of Hob's einniwny. who. looking upon It In a light, rcjHirteil it to the colonel. The colonel sent for Holi, and accosted him thus: Weil. Hob. Is it true that die enemy could have easily taken llie post where you were sta t toned of your last evening cowardice?" A divil a hit could they have taken (lie hikI. colonel.'' replied Hob, for 1 hud Imi.iii'O ghosts on my right and ii ft flank am! "un.'inii fit the ceutci to t them. Why, colonel, with me ciiiiuuunuiug the ghostly torcca I could have inarched to ltirhiuoiid and taken the city.1' Hob was acquitted of cowardice by (lie smiling colonel. THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTB PAST FLYEItS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENY Ell - CHOICE OF ROUTES. THROUGH FROM Through Service Mr. A. M. Marshal, Prop. South Main Street. Salt Lake Clti Neatly furnished Rooms by the Day, Week or Month. Rates, DO rents to 11.50 per day. Special rates by the day, week or month. 119 ST. BDUSS EAST AND THE w. VIA S RAILWAY 1 i Light. COLORADO a To onr Fine Selection of 1 OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric Lights, Electric Fans, reclining chair .cars (sotsDavnull, CoacHte. . ildnii i J 2 2 a J PIANOS. a we have added the Chase a 1 A : Bakery Plano Player, Victor Talking 2 Machines, with a choice selec2 tion of the Latee and Beat Rolls and Records. Beesley Music Co. 2 The Popular Music House, 46 So. 2 2 Main St., Salt lAke Clt. 00 DEN OR SLEEPERS BALT LAKE . Frea Reclining Chair Cat. Dining Car Service a In carta on nil through trains. For Folders, IUnatmted Booklet, eta., L JL BENTON, O.AP.D. . BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TO CALIFORNIA AND IT8 FAMOUS 4 WINTER RESORTS. 44 44 CATALINA. LOS ANGELES. OCEAN BEACHE3. 44 44 44 ORANGE GROVES. PASADENA. SAN PEDRO. 44 Oldest Civil War Veteran. 44 Denver eHn boast of having among RIVERSIDE. SAN BERNARDINO. 44 its residents the oldest survivor of 44 the civil war, the youngest soldier to 44 FINEST DINING CAR SERVICE IN THE WEST. 4- enlist in the union army when that 44 com-pgreat struggle was on, and, to Palatial Vestlbuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:30 p. m. dally. Ob-4- 4 te the two. the youngest soldier tc aervatlon. Drawing Room nnd Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and 44 rcctlve u medal of honor. Car. The oldest soldier is Incle Hilly' 74 Dining FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. Taylor, till yea is of age. and still 7 44 icady to tight for the flag, if needed. Ask nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or 44 .1. A. Howland, the youngest to en 4 write to J. L. Moore, Dlst Pas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles ft 8alt list, was only a little past 12 years ohl when lie was nrrcpled for service, 7 4 Lake R. R., Salt Lake City, and Harry J. I'.irks was the youngest soldier (o receive a medal of honor, bc'ng awarded It for distinguished gallantry at Hie age of IK. 'Tilde Hilly" Taylor was born In REMEMBER, IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAI THE Srmlund ami has always been a military man. He joined the Hritlsh army at the age of 18. Served in the lilack Hawk Indian war of 1831-32and In the Mexican war of 1K43. and In the RAILROAD civil war. He Is a noted character In Wisconsin, as he lived there 55 years. Two years ago he came to Denver. B THH DOtBCT CONNECTION WITH TO D. E. BVRLEY, The youngest soldier, Mr. Howland, G.P. feT. A. was a prisoner In Libby prison and haa the honor of being the first charR S. SPENCER. ter member of a G. A. It. post in InA.G.P.41T.A. dianapolis. THE OVERLAND ROUTS Mr. Parks was a member of Co. A. Y. 9th N. cavalry; captain of battery VHRH B TO TOnJLAK I0UT8 TO AU loom gaST A. Colorado volunteer artillery in the G0UUKNG K1 ft 44444444444444444 44444444444444444 444444444444444444 444444444444444444 Oregon Short Line . UNION PACIFIC Spanish-- war. New York World. Army of Tennessee. At the final business meeting of the Soldier's Marveloua Kecord. Society of the Army of Tennessee at In the Denver The nhh-s- t limn lira ml Army parade, on ih. occasion Cincinnati Gen. G. M. Dodge presided. Gen, O. O. Howard, the last commandol tin- ivreiu national cncumpmcui was William ll. Taylor, tidier known er of the Army of Tennessee, was more than lif'y year wui a ns Men: present. Gen. Fred I). Grant and Ms son. Lieut. U. S. Grant III. were also of I a t'lnsse. Wis Mr. Taylor was born May In, iSOh present. The following officers wen the ensuing year: Presi lie is in lull possession nt Uts lacu' elected for . Granville M. 1 lodge; vice dent. presidents. Gen Fred D. Grant, Col. V. I. Harnum. Capraln George H. Hichnioiid. Major A. Sabine. Capt. J. C. Hanks. Mrs. James A. Sexton, Major 1.40 Hassieitr. (apt. W. K Cadle. Capt. It. M. Campbell. Gen. Janies G. Wilson. Capt. T. Capt. E. B. Soper; corresponding secretary. Major W. H. Ch;mberlin: treasurer. Major All of Hits for a man inq t ., r rroni Augustus Vandyke; recording score Col. Cornelius Cadle. Council jeats of aue w ms quiti u:.,rvel tary. oils. He h.t the prniuii of a good Bluffs. Iowa, was selected a the place his for the next meeting. many more cat. judging f:.-appear, nice and the condition f bb lical'h. which he says was unit bet Profanity of Commandera. ter. Speaking of swearing In the army. Mr. Tay'or engaged In figh si,- - In- Stonewall Jackson of the Confederate dians in llie Northwest prevfnqa to Artny and Gen. Howard of the Union the Hlaek Hawk war. In which he forces were praying Christians, and served as a volunteer. V ot;.- time never swore, though Kllratrlrk. lllen-kc- r and Custer made the air blue In during that war he sctvid br.etlv under ('apt. Abraham Lincoln. the heat of battle. While in the regular army he servBlenker was In Howard's Eleventh ed at Fort Crawford l;m tht post Corps. The boys called It the Y. M. ' TiY ,u-was commanded hy C. A. Corps. At the battle of Chancel-lorsville- . lor. He also served in th, M. Alcan when the Eleventh was being war under Hen Taylor. driven back, Blenker rharged his bn Very soon nfier the civil w.ir popan cade of Germans right hy Howard, he enlisted In the Fourteenth, Wisconusing sueh unprintable words as Glv sin. serving four years, and w;tx with 'em blank. lioys! his regimen) in all or the ha''!. In That's right, hoys!" shouted How which H was engaged. Dnr-rthe ard. Give It to 'em as Blenker says!" war he fought in battles Ren The Sunday Maenxlne. SPEED COMFORT on naturae! SAFETY 201 MAIN TTNION PACIFIC Unexcelled JL IT. rogressivb laib errr. salt VTML (THB OVERLAND ROUTE) (b-n- , rrrrrrrrrrrFPrrPPPPPPP KANSAS MISSOURI PULLM AN SLEEPING CARS, Fitters, etc., . . s THROUGH SCENIC Ifrffii.Tkktlt, . WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt Lake City. Located In the heart of the city. Rates Reasonable, light, airy, clean rooms. First-clasIn every respecL Steam heat, Uleotrlo Missouri Pacific F- -r HOTEL. AND TOURIST TO ST. LQUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS - QLADSTONK PULLMAN - t;-n- . wi-,-r- Name Y our j Route East j your next trip East toll your local ticket agent that your ticket to Chicago must read via the On Chicago, Milwaukee&St.PauI;t Railway You will do yourself a kindness, securing the maxi- mum amount of comfort at the minimum cost Don- - $4.75. Folder nnd complete Information free. Any ticket agent can ticket you Eaat via this line. Ask him to do so. C. S- - Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. 4444444A 4 ft ft ' |